Image Fusion for Multi Source Image

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2010 2nd International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics

978-1-4244-5194-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE CAR 2010

The Study on the Image Fusion for MultisourceImage

Baosen Song, Yongqing Fu

College of Information and Communication EngineeringHarbin Engineering University

Harbin, China, 150001

 Abstract  —Considering evaluation of multisource image fusion

performance, various methods of subjective & quantitative and

objective & qualitative assessments of multisource image fusion

are discussed in this paper. Based on the relationship and

individual characteristics of these measures, the syntheticevaluation system and criterions of multisource image fusion are

formed. Using these evaluation criteria, the fusion performance

of multisource image fusion based on the features and

interrelations of these methods is analyzed. The experimental and

calculation results show that the fusion evaluation criteria are

effective. Conclusions made may provide guidance to choose

appropriate fusion methods in practice.

  Index Term s — Image Fusion,Multisource Image,Fusion



Information fusion is a multi-level and multi-aspect process.

During this process, multi-source information is detected,integrated, correlated, evaluated, and combined to get a precisestatus and identity evaluation as well as a complete and timelysituation assessment and threat evaluation.

Multi-source image fusion is a branch of the multi-sensor information fusion-fusion of visual information [1]. As a sensor has various restrictions in its physical features, imagingmechanism, and viewing angle, a single image sensor usuallycannot extract enough information from a scene, and thus hasdifficulties or even cannot give an all-round description for ascene independently. Multi-source image fusion, however, provides an effective solution to this problem and has becomean important branch of information fusion.


With taking the image as research object, image fusiontechnology is intended to extract the information of corresponding channel and finally form a composite image insystem output based on certain image processing of multibandinformation, which is caught by the single sensor or manyimages under same scene acquiring from image sensor of manydifferent models in an effort to observe or integrate differentimage information for further processing. Image fusion method,is closely relating to the type of processing object and  processing grade, which is mainly determined in compliancewith the actual situation by virtue of the different analyzing

degree and presentations of each image.In the last two decades, a great deal of model and algorithm

researches are made on image fusions at different levels and

various fusion systems are given around the world[2]. However,there is yet no generally-accepted complete theory in theresearch field of multi-source image fusion so far.

 A. Basic Theory of the Image Fusion Technology

Categorized in information fusion, image fusion is atechnology synthesizing the multisource image and imagesequence in multi-measurable space, which reasonablydominates and utilize the information acquired in the course of   pre-processing the image of same scene caught by manysensors or by single sensor at different moment based onmaking the best use of multi-images in efforts to fuse an image  by virtue of the complementary information in space or timeaccording to certain standard, as well as improve the quality of fused image better than any related image to acquire theconsistent explanation or description of the scene and thusreflect the fact accurately.

  Figure1. Information structure of multi-source images

Image fusion integrates the information of many multisourceimages for below main purposes:

(1) Denosing. Because the image caught by the sensor isgenerally with the noise and the subsequent processing requiresfor a limitation of the noise, image fusion thus can be for reduction of the noise and improvement of the SNR.

(2) Resolution improvement, another important purpose of image fusion. Because the infrared image transmitted from thesatellite is sometimes with low resolution, image fusion can beadopted to improve the resolution by fusing the image caught  by other sensors (including optical image, synthetic aperture


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(3) Information improvement content. The informationcontent shall be improved in the course of image transmissionand image feature extraction, image fusion is an importantmeans for the improvement of information content.

(4) Definition improvement. In the course of image  processing, it always requires to improve the image quality,highlight the details and texture feature, as well as preserve theedge details and energy of the image on the basis of reservingthe original information, image fusion can get these effectdespite it is difficult for some general image enhancement.

(5) To compensate the loss/failure messages in a sensor image with the images from other sensors. Obviously, theimage fusion technology is not the image enhancement in thegeneral sense, but a new technology in the computer vision andimage understanding field.

 B. Image fusions at different levels

Based on the phase at which the image is fused, there arethree levels of image fusions[3]: Pixel-level image fusion,feature-level image fusion, and decision-level image fusion .

1) Pixel-level image fusion:

However, provided that such method is adopted, the to-be-fused data should be caught by the sensor of same type, itcannot fuse the data caught by the sensor and data acquired inthe course of ground investigation. While the pixel-level fusionmethod focuses on fusing the data from all sensors and extractsthe feature vectors from the result according to therequirements, and makes further estimation and recognition.The superiority of data-level fusion consists in saving the mostoriginal data of the scene and the result is also accurate more,  but it can process little information in the course of pre-  processing, and resulting in high requirement of communication bandwidth because of excessive calculationand poor real-time[4].

2) Feature-level image fusion

Ranked as the fusion of intermediate level, feature fusionfocuses on extracting the feature of original data caught by thesensor and making a comprehensive analysis and processing of the information in an effort to achieve the classification,collection and fusion of such multi-sensor data. In the course of fusion and processing, the actual forms and content of the mainfeature information is closely relating to the application purpose and situation of the multi-sensor image fusion [5]. If the data caught by the sensor is the image data, the feature is

abstractly extracted by and from the image pixel informationwith the typical features of line type, edge, texture, spectrum,similar brightness region and field depth region, etc., and thento realize the feature fusion and classification of multi-sensor image. Image fusion based on these feature can not onlyincrease the possibility of extracting the feature from the image, but also acquire some useful complex feature, as well as findout relevant feature information, improve the reliability of thesefeature information, eliminate the false feature and establishnew complex feature, etc.. Feature fusion predominates inreaching considerable information compression and convenientfor real-time processing, and good for data processing andtransmission efficiency to promote the real-time processing of 

the data, moreover, because the feature acquired is directly

 pertinent to the decision analysis, the fusion result can show themost feature information requiring in decision analysis.

3) Decision-level image fusion

Decision image fusion, also called as symbol image fusion,is a type of high-level information fusion, namely makes afusion processing at the superior level of informationrepresentation, which is a course focusing on making logicreasoning or statistic reasoning of many images’ information, itwill provide a basis for various related control or decision[6].

Such method involves in processing the original data firstlyto respectively obtain the corresponding result of estimationand recognition, and the fusion center then coordinates thereliability of each data source decision in accordance withcertain rules to conclude the final result, and the result shall bethe supreme strategy of all fusions.

This method requires a high abstract and lower homogeneityof data source, the data thus keeps a strong openness and it can be applied to widely. Furthermore, because it requires to extract

the respective judgment result at the stage of pre-processing, itasks for the large information processing and the fusion center reserves little calculation and low requirement of communication bandwidth. Main advantages of the decisionfusion can be generalized as below:

(1)Low requirement of communication and transmissionand sound real time. Input data from decision fusion is variousfeature information and the result obtained shall be the decisiondescription, and leads to little data volume and strong anti-interference ability.

(2) High fault tolerance. It can eliminate the datainterference of single or many sensors by appropriate method.

(3) Low data requirement. Because it is abstracted highly,

the sensor can either be homogeneous or heterogeneous, thereliance and requirement for a sensor is reduced.(4) Strong analysis ability. It can reflect the overall

information about the object and environment of the object tosatisfy different application requirements.

The above three levels of image fusions are somewhatcorresponding to the three levels of multi-sensor informationfusions. In actual applications, you can choose and combine thefeatures of the image fusions at different levels for optimalfusion effect.

For a concrete image fusion system, the informationaccepted by it can be the information at a single level and canalso be the information at several levels. The basic strategy of 

fusion is first fusing the information at the same level to obtainthe fused information at a higher level, and then performing thefusion at corresponding level. Therefore, image fusion isessentially an information processing process of integrating andlevel-by-level abstracting the multi-source information from alow level to a high level. Figure 2 shows the complete processof image fusion.

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Figure 2. Basic flow of multi-source image fusion



In some cases, image fusion is performed for people. The purposes of image fusion can be: (1) Improve the performanceof images to improve the visual effect of people; (2) Increasethe content of information in the fused images or the precisionand reliability of the information to provide richer, more  precise, and more reliable image information for people tomake decisions. In this case, the performance of the fusedimages is usually observed and evaluated by people.

The understanding or comprehension of people for images

depends on not only the content of the images, but also themental state of the observer. As people’s visual system is verycomplicated and is affected by the environment condition,visual performance, mood, interest, and knowledge level,  people's evaluation for the image fusion performance issomewhat subjective and very complicated. Generally speaking,the observers making subjective evaluations fall into twocategories: observers without any training and observersexperienced in image technologies. As the information peopleuse for understanding images derives from not only theinformation received by the eyes, but also the imageunderstanding generated from the past experience andknowledge, the evaluations made by the above two categories

of observers are quite different. It is worthwhile pointing outthat the evaluation made by an observer who has experienceand is familiar with the image content is usually strict andeasily affected by such subjective factors as experience,knowledge, environment, and psychology, while the highevaluation made by an observer who receives no training and isunfamiliar with the image content does not always truly reflectthe performance of the image.

How to appraise the quality of fusion image shall be a key  procedure for the image fusion. As for the determination of appraisal index about image fusion effect, it mainly refers tothe selection of objective appraisal index, which is selectedaccording to the fusion purpose in efforts to compare the

quality of fusion image, on the other hand, to compare thestrongpoint and weakness of the fusion method by thecomparison of fusion image. Different appraisal indexes shall be adopted for the image with different fusion purposes.



Based on the previous analysis, we can select suitableobjective performance indicators to evaluate the image fusioneffect and the performance of the fusion algorithm based on therequirements and fusion purpose in the actual application. The

following are the general principles for selecting objective performance indicators based on the fusion purpose.1) Compare the fusion methods: by using different fusion

methods to fuse the same group of source images, you canobtain different fusion results. You can use such evaluationindicators as root mean square error, cross entropy, mutualinformation, and combination entropy.

2) Increase the spatial resolution: increasing the spatialresolution of the image is an important purpose of remotesensing image fusion. For such image fusion, you can use suchindicators as image average value, standard deviation, andspatial resolution to evaluate its effect.

3) Improve the resolution: image fusion usually requires

improving the image performance, enhancing the detailinformation and texture features of the image, remain the edgedetails and energy without losing the original main information.You can select such evaluation indicators as standard deviation,average gradient, spatial frequency, and contrast variation.

4) To evaluate whether the information content of a fusedimage is increased or not, you can use such indicators asentropy, cross entropy, mutual information, combinationentropy, and standard deviation.

5) Reduce the image noise: Usually, the multi-source imagesobtained from the sensor are images with noise. Thesubsequent image processing usually requires to control the

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Figure 3. Synthetic evaluation system of multi-source image fusion performance

noise within a certain range. Therefore, the fusion method isused to reduce the noise and improve the signal-to-noise ratio.

6) Fuse the spectral characteristic of the image: to evaluatewhether the spectral characteristic of the fused image ischanged compared to the source image, you can use suchindicators as deviation index, correlation coefficient, andspectral distortion.

Of course, we should not use only objective evaluationmethods without any subjective evaluation, but combinesubjective evaluation with objective quantitative evaluationcriterion for synthetically evaluation, that is, perform objectivequantitative evaluation of the image fusion performance basedon the subjective qualitative visual evaluation. Figure 3 showsthe synthetic evaluation system of multi-source image fusion performance.


At present, a great many researches on the multi-sourceimage fusion technology are going on, while little is done for the evaluation of the multi-source image fusion performance,which, however, is very important and meaningful for theobjective and quantitative evaluation of the multi-source imagefusion performance. This document, by focusing on theevaluation problems in the multi-source image fusion, gives anevaluation system for multi-source image fusion as well asevaluation criterion, which will promote the researches on themulti-source image fusion technology.


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