I’m Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge Juhong Zhan.

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Transcript of I’m Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge Juhong Zhan.

I’m Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge

Juhong Zhan

Tasks Today

Unit 6 Text A



Quiz 2

Background information


U.S degrees

Brooklyn Bridge



Wu Yi


Who are these superwomen?

1. A friend said that…, she had a bridge in Brooklyn she’d like to sell me.(L6)

2. Despite my friend’s…to buy that bridge she mentioned. (L66)

3. Then I’ll tell her …her own version of that bridge after all. (L86)

The Brooklyn Bridge

Parts Paras. Main Ideas

1 1-3

2 4-7

3 8-11

4 12-14

5 15

Despite her friend’s advice, she believes the superwoman stories again.Her encounter with a superwoman and its influence on her.What prevents her from becoming a superwoman.

Why she’s still fascinated by modern superwoman stories.

To her, admiring a heroine is something worth doing.

She is still fascinated by superwoman stories

Superwomen in the text

1. Kate L.(papas.1-2)

2. a politician’s daughter

3. a practicing pediatrician

4. a television anchorwoman

5. a woman executive of a national corporation (paras. 4-5)


Superwomen: no easy job (paras. 8-11)

1. She’s unable to get her act together.

2. She can almost expect something to go wrong as long as she gets to work.

3. Anything might happen that would take up much more of time she puts aside for a certain job.

4. She usually feels exhausted after a busy day.

Charm of Superwoman Stories

I suppose it has something to do with the appeal of an optimistic approach to life--and the fact that extraordinary deeds have been accomplished by determined individuals who refused to believe that “you can’t” was the final word on their dreams.

Repetition of key words

1. Superwoman


L20: superwoman

L22: supersisiters

L56: superwoman

L61: superheroines

L66: superwomen

L76: superwoman

L78: heroine

L79: superwomen

L80: heroine

2. In her spare time

L4: in her spare time

L6: in her spare time

L33: in her spare time

L36: in their spare time

L37: in your spare time

What is the purpose of repeating key words ?

Repetition of key words

1.Remind the readers of the topic

2. Indicating that many people believe in superwoman stories

What expressions are used to refer to ‘success’ of superwomen?

L10: incredible accomplishments

L63: modern fairy tales

L70: extraordinary deeds

L76: an impossible dream

L77: fantasy

Words related to food in the text

a piece of cake

strawberry jam

a whole box of cookies




a dieter

a diet without treats

the old low-dream diet

They reflect the traditional role of women as food-providers.

Why does the author use so many expressions related to ‘food’?

undoThe news of your illness undid him.

His buttons were undone.

In 5 minutes he undid my whole day’s work.




Key words

hit homeWhat he said hit home.


The superstar has an incredible car in addition to a big house.



Skeptical/ doubtful

I’m skeptical about/ of his behavior.

his doubtful behavior

care for

He cares for nobody.

My wife doesn’t really care for tea; she likes coffee better.

know better than

You should know better than to lend money to such kind of people.


She reproached her husband for having forgotten their wedding anniversary.

He reproached her for being lazy.

His reply sounded to me like a reproach.

by nature

She is by nature very clean.

A dog is faithful to its master by nature.

get one’s act together

You should get your act together and don’t idle away all day if you want to pass the exam.

give over to

The whole afternoon is given over to writing the essay.

He gives himself over to his work.

The village hall is given over to civic functions and meetings.村子的礼堂专作举行庆典和会议之用 .

at intervals of

at long intervals

at regular intervals

at short intervals

in the intervals

相隔 , 每隔

偶而 , 间或每隔一定时间常常

不一会儿 , 不久

at intervals

set aside

My brother set aside half an hour every morning to do sports.

bide one’s time

The bad woman bided her time, planning revenge.

The neighbor seems to be doing nothing, but actually he’s just biding his time.

The prisoner appealed the judge for mercy.

She appeals to me.

I will appeal against being found guilty.

If you do not obey me, I shall appeal to force.


Key Structures

1. I should have known better than to ask…(L32)

2. Other women,…, not only during office hours, but in their spare time as well. (L35)

3. I imagine how lovely life would be if only I possessed …(L60)

4. We working women are too sophisticated for that,…(L78)

5. When my faith in myself falters, it is they who urge me on…(L79)

1.复习所学单元2.背诵 paras 11 - 13

2. 《奠基篇》 Unit 6


Quiz 2 I. Translation

1. This problem ___________________________ (值得认真考虑)。

2. ______________________( 很有可能解雇你 )

3. She ________________________________( 避免碰到这种人 ) 。

4. He believed in ________________________( 广开言路 ) 。

5. What makes you think that you ____________________________( 有资格从事这份工作 ) ?

II. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases listed in the box. Change the form where necessary.

resolve reserve on occasion recurmere penetrate emerge end up devise reserve annual optimisticultimate apparent incline conductreinforce perspective habitat instinctivein due course tremendous startleprogressive routine vaininflate valid in retrospect involve

1. Although they suspected several other people were also _________ in the bomb explosion, the police decided to concentrate on Peter as the main suspect.

2. Eighty-five percent of international telephone conversations are ___________ in English, as are three-fourths of world mail and telexes.

3. Although Wilmut maintains that cloning animals has ______________ potential for helping people, many people are still worried about it.

4. Jack suggested that we _______________ the problem by having another lawyer look over the case and make a decision.

5. He was _______________ by the sound of the back door opening in the dead of night.

6. She’s one of those habitually _____________ people who keep glancing at themselves in the mirror when they think no one’s looking.

7. He had tried to put the unpleasant event out of his mind, but it kept on _____________ to him, especially in dreams.

8. There is nothing serious about the damage to the car; it is a ___________ scratch.

9. Janet is popular with her colleagues, because she is more ____________ than most people to help out when you ask her.

10. People stamped their feet as the cold from the frozen pavement _______________ their shoes.

11. You should never expect your English to be improved overnight. The development of foreign language skills is a _______________ process.

12. Very often recovery from a disease will be more rapid when the patient has a(n) _________________ outlook on life.

13. Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also, ________________, from the Polish.

14. __________________, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in this city.

15. All we were told before leaving the office was that the committee would consider our applications _________________.

16. When the moon _________________ from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance.

17. After working her way around the world, Helen _______________ teaching English as a foreign language in Africa.

18. Companies publish ______________ reports to inform the public about the previous year’s activities.

19. The general manager had some staff members _______________ a method for quicker communications between offices.

20. I believe Eugene Linden’s writings about animal intelligence will give you a new _______________ on the subject.