ill1H -...

Post on 14-Feb-2019

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Transcript of ill1H -...

ill1H III If.laaaaaaaaaaaaa. .aaaa

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THE THREE PARTIES. END THEIR CAMPAIGN""""Trr?: asp investments.o-J- uu Bid.;

Arror.NETfl.ji IIN N tW. C. AoM and

C.V -- ('!. No. 10 Weet the crowds which line the street curbs some little speech appropriate to theT.I k4 to a high pitch of enthusiasm. Mi


Republicans occasion. Prince David and those othDemocrats Wilcox Menera of the Democrats who had been atPARKER A COWBOY.The central figure of the procession

" . fi'K'T -- K:r. and Ilethol 8 to.Sir r. o. 6t the meeting at Waianae did not ar

rive until about the middle of the meetwas Candidate Samuel Parker. DressedTu1-- WtNoUry Pub-- ing. Those who addressed Jhe people

last night were S. K. Kaloa. Clinton J.fter the manner known to the nativesHappy. Noisv.Frisky.of Mana and the cattle ranches of Hav N4!i ;vT -.i' rn.-r- . Notary Hutching, Frank Harvey, Abraham

Fernandez, E. B. McClanahan, John H.waii the candidate indeed looked whatTheodore Roosevelt called him. "The

. ,. .,,. ...i., r fur TornWise, J. O. Carter and Prince Davidowboy of Hawaii." He wore a dark' "If sweater, broad-brimme- d hat. cor- - Kaloa spoke first, delivering a rapiduroy rldtngc trousers, and top boots.J"f psTKIi.)N.-- il Kaahumanti and somewhat Impassioned speech andAbout Wo ample waist was wound a HE Independents met at Kauma-iapi- li

church last night and talkTHK Itrpubilcan

night.campalyn ended

It win livt In the history of Ha-waii, iht flnt CAmnattrn r. V. - n.

HE large crowd that attended thelast Democratic meeting beforethe elections last night at the Or- -

scarlet Mexican sash. A red carnationbeing frequently Interrupted by cheersand other demonstrations of appreciarnnnAss. el encircled his neck. tion. Kaloa spoke in the native lanAt his back was a band of three pheum was about evenly composed ofitii J At'OVR. l!or! Prao- -

. aaaaa.aa a guage, repeating 'himself rather often.score young men. rough riders In everyva. 1 1 in "

rltory. It haa b?en marked by an cn-r- jy

and determination that haa atar- -hades and Hawaiians. Great enthuene of the word, who formed a fittingijjj, raw.- - offl' "A rmidw,

Lull t., narly opp.. Mothodlot- k tit a a. aa. ak

lt particularly dwelling on the Ideathat the natives should remember thatthe Democratic party had always been

slasm prevailed and many were thebody guard for their chief. They caraa--4 !'' "im, W Ma .. W a

. . . m . . - M - K M ataa. various calls and crys Indulged In beri?d revolvers and the atmosphere wastld the people. There haa been no lackof work.

it night the Hnal gun was flred. Ita. i

the friend" of the Hawaiians and thatthe only way good times would be asfore the opening of the meeting. Musipunctured by discharges of blank cartIlk a..

ridges along the entire route of the clans with stringed instruments furI aaaa tFf a r fl aaa) j

ed till midnight. About 400 na-

tives armed with torches and placards,marched from Kaumakaplll churchalong Beretania, down Alakea, alongHotel, up Nuuanu, along Beretania to-war- ds

Ewa, around King and back toKaumakaplll church. J. K. Kaulla andR. N. Boyd headed the procession with --

a ..rummer. On some of the placardswere inscribed the following: "FreeHomesteads for Home Builders," "ASingle Tax on Land," "Equal Wages,""Independent Home Rule Party." "Wil-cox for Washington." As the proces- - '

sured to these Islands was by sendingKawananakoa to Washington.parade.JJ, I lad k. a V.-V- Uiv,

Irf ft: wrt, I to U a m. I to nlshed delightful music both outside onwaa a oig one.In a parade and a trio of meeting THE STEAMSHIP MEN. the street to draw the crowd and In-

side after the meeting had opened.One of the newest turnouts waa theTHE WRITING ON THE WALL

Kaloa was followed by Clinton J.the party of pronperlty rounded out ai f 1 OALTRAITH.-Of- flf andbuttle, the reaults of which are to b

delegation of 140 hien of the Wildersteamship Company commanded by Hutchins, who spoke in English and waxA huge Hawaiian flag hung gracefulm tor Prun! and Ate 81.

fr, vwrt, I to 10. I to 4 and 1 to & ed eloquent on the sins of the RemihH- -ct.n party and the good things that theJoseph Fern, shipping superintendent

of the company, George Fern and Louisly at the back of the stage In the theatre and many other flags were tasteful

mad. known thia evening.TUB OI. EAT PARADE.

Hitting like a centaur unnn a raut4 w. jonic.-o- mo km ron it; Self. The Fern boys renounced their

Democrats would do for Hawaii and Ha-waiians should Prince David be sent toWashington as the representative of thiscountry. He spoke In a loud voice so that

ly draped about the hall. The theatreMtHlli m., mo i ana t 10 p. allegiance to the Wilcox party withinblack ateed, Hon. Samuel Parker thfniir, I to lo.x a. nv; ti. w. was packed to overflowing and thethe last few days and declared for everybody in the theater heard his words.Itepubllcan cowboy of Mana. rode In Samuel Parker. The magnificent show Several times he was interrupted by thespeeches were frequently Interruptedby tumultuous and long continued apU m wnt 1M; P. O. box Ml; raaW

me van or the troop of Hough Illdersa amllo of victory on hla Hdi.

Mowing or horns and wild cheers froming made by the boys last night was In

sion passed the Republican headquar-ters on Hotel street cheers were ren-dered for the Independent Home Ruleparty.

At Kaumakaplll the meeting, presid- - .

ed over, by D. Kalauokalani, was open-ed by Mrs. Kulhelanl, who urged theHawaiians strongly to vote for the

the audience, which was in a perpetualdicative of the waterfront sentiment. plause.lit m. I to I and I to I p. m. The Ilepubllcan torchlight procession state of excitement.The procession marched from the Democratic hatbands, badges and Hutchins related a little Incident. Itwaa an mat the Central Committee de Drill Shd. down Hotel street, up Nuu buttons were as thick as fire crackersIred It ahould b. From one end to the

other a blase of light Illuminated theanu street, Kukul street to Fort street. on the Fourth of July. The ladles were

happened in England during the Bo?rwar. He had a particular friend, mana-ger of a large firm. "And he said to me,"

t C. WATERJ.0UftX.--O.n- co andwt IurtanU tvj MUlr Pta; of..r I to U a, m. ; 1 to I and T tot. t). Mt un.

to thence to the Drill Shed. as numerous as the men and relievedlong column of voter) marchinir fou the otherwise monotonous look of the said the speaker, " 'Amerlqa la bound tobecome a colonial power. I nee the writ

Following Is the order of parade andthe organizations which appeared Inabreaat through the principal streets of audience by their bright and varl-c- olme city. There were stalwarts In line ing on the wall.' I answered that when

that time came a million lives would belaid down to wipe the handwriting from


TTIPINART iCKOCONi.Iapitam. Vtrlnorf, oSlco Klnf Ht. BtabW;

Danker, capitalists, merchants, stevedores. sailors and laborers allite march

ored costumes. Every lady in the househad a white ribbon around her hatbearing the name ?f the Democratic the wall.

Home Rule ticket. She called for thewomen to be a committee of one andsee that their husbands voted the HomeRule ticket. The meeting was oftenInterrupted by cheers and was enthu-siastic all the way. Fanny Kepo fol-

lowed Mrs. Kulhelanl in the same vein.She said in part: "You have the rightto vote and with that right we canbuild up our kingdom again." Shemade attacks on some Aloha Aina wo- -

4 m:U or or nifM promptly Deputy Sheriff Chllllngworth. Capt. FoxeI behind their leader, enthusiastic and 'A certain gntieman In this city hasand Platoon ef Mounted roltce.H, pMlaltlM, obatoirtca and confident that their votes will send tonominee for delegate to Congress anda large number of Bryan symbols were said that the Democratic party Is In faOrand Marshal Major ZeU'.er and Aldos,C ongress the best man, and put In the also In evidence.Legislature all good men.

vor of slavery. If Mr. Stewart will re-member, the Democrats were always Infavor of freedom and the full rights ofc:tlznshlp for the Southern negroes.

lATUNl'MA.-r)t"r- a, Huh ta--THOSE WHO SPOKE.The music of Ilerger'a band, the ratw I a m. to 4 p. m.; Tat. 477.

Major White. Capt. Johnson. CaptKenake. Cipt. Kr. IJut. Foster,

Capt. Anhley and Al. Moore.

(Continued on Page 1)a-- 1 A an or th nmm fnrtu u n.l th Colonel McCarthy presided and Intro

DSNT18TH. c beers of the long line of men, roused duced t. various speakers, each with (Continued on Page J.) (Contlnued oa Pago 9.)waT Mott.amlth bl.l , eor. Fortik ma; nfflo boura t to 4.

MUritimv MtuHinlo Toaialtk Ilo HAWAIIAN DEMOCRACY'S IDEAL OF GOVERNOR'SM. 50" bsura, I d, m. to 4 p. n.t? I MiaI . FMtaaUlnht. nlktal

MMoato Ttmpi; Tot til.i t !iaUiX-oif- l,. Alk. BL. COUNCIL UNDER THE RULE OF DEMOCRATSit. An Uron; otflr houra, I 30

C WALL l it. it. e. WALL.'lr I a. m. to 4 p BVJ -Mlt ; Tl. 44 A,trwciA.Ns.

T fcJRT.-VlO- Llv aTrrnTo T

ft 1

yi vsppk.INSUUANCB.

rrriaiTT vrrt'if t tartf tm- -. . ra a Baa r ra a -

'I. t. man P..n...l A aanl I

Jii l l ni,.(.

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TitTlAt, tint INSURANCE COI. Pay Off II'or nsw "fORK.

HOSE, Afant, Honolulu.


ZL"Lk fni5, Arrfcitort andtVvnanai A A.Ia", fllltUW

ktch andJ Hmolulu, . I.;1 O. r. O. bos TX

short do

4 bvL7Vi?a miN. ArchltoctA-iu- lto

Biorit, fort It.1 1 IKNQtNTCrr- t-

Xr.Lt. a COf LTD.RngViZ"' "' DollorroaJioro

'uJ ' r K andV' " nw M.oon Md..

-- t'M'1 if"rrhnt "to.; p. or"r- tn fc- -r typawrltrng

1 1't Nt :s SIL W,, ' l.UWYi u lv iyV ii fi- 4-.-.-J AiW W .M&Vr-lul'M- ,

:i,mJN J"HK.4.-irnrin- aar and 1W.. 'i'UMt an.i mmm a i a.7Nipwi pw.r ptanta. of.w "Pikola Mora: TL 14.

Tl'-- " r"'1' Oa.

'Ik "r1ru1"' rnglnaaf: ttHourly,. Twi M. I.'K. "IIACTOR8

m!I "c"n'ror and RutMot L 1 VKr... "nir. '. wood or

"'"P. TaUra Walk: eaal.. naaf KowaJo. n t . cr i f t i a.f it s--

O B11rwitha aM - ,,CtTTfM 1 V at

Si-KC- TOUH HTM.. yovS.f. Ixin' l --aaa Mh.

.71 tafia'l aai'T M ffOf


jf .: H'C. "n f'' r," r"ir itmVi trCA- -. OPTICIAM. Love

p.i rWHrtt!ITttaT'n aftlatot.rlM)i ilatOM BI

' to.. ACjrvTahL".--4 "TO H L WITH THOMAS JEFFERSON; MONARCHY'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR US."w? f,,! ' Ull apknowlodf- -

J Ar offlo. Kl4t t. EXTRACTS FROM DEMOCRATIC SPEECHESK C MAC FA R LA N E "You should vote for David. He Is a representative of the Monkrchical idea. His election will mean that the Hawaiians resent the outrage placed upon them by

United throuch annexation." Annexation waa a Hellish Crime."th-- State, . .aa a. a . a. . . i .. . . . . . . . . . 4 a aa va A UAnnhllia n-

w "t f ..r''""n Wl.t Kaa J. O. CARTER v ny am 1 a jfmocrw iwauw n iwms o me me party nas, since 1892, D;en more disposed to do wnat is ngni ior me -- .

PIKTtTK. I. M'CLANAHAN "Every Hawaiian should vote for David. A man who has royal blood In his veins, a scion of royalty, and In the line of succession to the throne otHawaii."

.i"y bgin t, como


2 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: UOKOLULU, xV lJ.v.Min. cicar when It lets in otfter is-- n


xrvinirv. What care those cap- -

talists in the unnea b


'NOT TO WITHDRAWlittle Hawaii? There is very i.iucIn Hawaii except what we get from San

what care tney for us? Theyr ralltiavu. out 01 ie ""- - -will run our sugar,,..,, or waitine to send their enor- -cai V" ti, ThlMrnlnPft to



Democrats Alarmed by

The Number.

B. O. Hall & Son, Ltd.Sole Agents for the Territory of Hawaii for

Clevelandtji. nit 1 1 ro

Whenj i ,a onirftr Industry there.""V " -- r- . ti rf. .,111 nnt

Report That Kaulia Had Quit tkYou men wearing tne

JenowPhaands. I warn you that.If you

vote for the McKinley party It will turtout this way and It will serve you right. acareq me independent.


He Will Make the Bound Trip on theBicycles ILCOX HAS NOT LOST KAULIA OR ROBERT BOYD as o.wChina.collector of Customs William Hay

yesterday. The pair are still adherents of theproclaim their allegiance to Wilcox.AH APPEAL AGMHST THEM

wood leaves this morning on the Chinafor San Francisco. He goes In connec heard them.AMERICAN BICYCLE COMPANY,

Cleveland 31e Department, per II. C.Lennle.Honolulu. October 27, 1900. tion with his appointment as agent for Wlfen a Republican- - who was told positively that Kaulia had made

favor of Sam Farker. went to Wilcox on the street and sni.i ...Prince McClanahan. David and the Hawaiian Planters' Association-

. iv Dim -- t.sceaktng for Parker, the.Garibaiaian grew pale and his sardnns . ..that he may be In touch with tne

Trpasurv Department and other offiOthers Talk at Brewer'sWharf. "Wkmt" l. oTcblmpil witf a convulsive rlasn rfcials at Washington until his resigna . . i t . . .. . . , wit j i u yrma n '

The Republican couldn't say where and left Wilcox gasping lit. 1 V"1tion has been received and accepted.. Shipments of Gents' and Ladies' C Iceland Bicycles, with an assortment

Ot extra parts, were received by us per Zealand! a and Queen.THE CLEVELAND IS A GOOD BICYCLE.

All 1900 Chain Kodels S50 00water. "50 mHe expects to- - return on the China

when she comes back on her next tripDemocrats spoke to a large audienceThe Independents don't trust one another out of sight.Wilcox said that he was glad George Markham had left the Iti(Wr,i

cculdn't say Jurt v hy. but hinted that Markham was insane. viiso he will be absent only about threeat Brewer's wharf at noon yesterday.The speakers were Prince David, E. B. weeks. During his, absence cniei dep much electioneering yesterday save at the meeting at mght He was on V01

a good part of the time but seemed more a spectator than a parttoimMcClanahan. E. K. Lilikalani and J. uty Hasson will be in charge of the' political discussions that made lively tne corners. ' a

H. Wise. ..." 7" 7.1 U1le plumbiiithLid E. K. Lilikalani opened the meeting said last night that he was conndent nis party would win. it u unrE. 0. Hall k Son, ' UllUHrSlAoJand was followed by J. H. "Wise. Prince Emmeluth was forced to dig up quite a wad of money to pay hU'.,5censes and that today he is to be further taxedDavid was third on the program and

Wilcox said that he had never made the statement that rvin-- .spoke earnestly, as follows:BETTING WAS

QUITE LIVELY"My brothers: It is the first time we withdrawn in his favor though those whe heard him, Ray he didhad hunted up Prince David yesterday and told him such reports wer L k

"I said to David that it I were he I would not withdraw for anyone" SVo-- "and that the people would honor him more if he Htaiii In tv, . ' Wl4v

AGENTS. have met here to talk about our situatlon. As I have been away most of the

without any show of winning than If he got out now."p

time' I was not able to meet you hereBut now I have the honor to speak toyou. We are drawing to the close ofthe fight and will tell lifeor death for us. Remember, you have

Arthur Wilder Makes a

Wager AgainstParker.

the rights In your own hands and youare at liberty to do as you please. Butlet us stand united and that Is the onlyway for us to win. You all know what

The ParisExposition



the Republicans did. Look back as far5$?as 1S93 and you can easily solve It. Andlikewise also you know what the Dem-

ocrats are. You can tell as clearly 5



what these parties are as you can tellAWARDED TO THE a tree by its fruits."When I arrived last night I was told

that a statement had been made publicly I had withdrawn from the fightWhv was not such a statement made

Campaign bets were numerous onthe streets yesterday. Groups ofmen of every political faith occa- - .

slonally blocked the sidewalkswhile they argued the merits oftheir respective . candidates, andbets were the result.

Arthur Wilder had all kinds ofwagers to offer, but there were fewtakers. Wilder usually took thebig end of a bet. Wilder offered tobet on the order" of the candidates'poll of votes, giving his opponentstheir choice of the order. The crowdsmiled, but Wilder became moreand more persistent and arguedthat he was giving an even deal.Andrew Brown finally took a $o0

bet. Brown bet that Parker wouldwin, and Wilder fixed his end of itIn a carefully worded phrase that"Parker will be defeated," thus get-

ting odds of 2 to 1.



before? They waited until the lastmoment so perhaps I would be unableto answer it. I will say now that Iwill not withdraw from my candidacyin favor of anybody. WILCOX CAMETO ME THIS MORNING AND TOLDME THAT HE ONLY MADE THESTATEMENT FOR A JOKE. This isno time for a Joke while we are closingthe hottest part of. the fight.

Remington TypewriterA DIPLOMA OP "GRAND PRIX."

A "GRAND TRIX" Is the highest grade of award offeredby the Tans Exposltin, higher than Gold or Silver Medal,

and Is a fitting recognition of the supreme excellence of theREMINGTON.

H. HACKFELD & COMPANY, Ltd.Dealers for the Hawaiian Territory.

"If you think the Democratic partywill benefit you then vote for that par-ty. Hitherto there have been only twoparties the Republican party and theAloha Aina party. The Republicanshad all the say. But now some of the

Vote the Straight Republican Ticket

TESTS PATllKCE.Aloha Ainas have Joined with the Democratic party and others have Joinedthe Independent xarty. You know thatthe Democrats did not do anything totake away your rights. Why do younot ally yourselves with that party?


STREET. think the Democrats and the Independents are alike.

The Independents say they have a

The Most Patient People MustShow Annoyance at Times.

Nothing spoils a good dispositionquicker.

Nothing taxes a man's patienceLike an itchiness of the skin.Itching piles most drive you crazy.All day it makes you miserable.All night it keeps you awake.Itch! Itchl Itch! with no relief.

friend in Congress. I tell you that is am (toiaxfeaBten i

not true. Wilcox will not sV recognizedIf McKinley is elected, for McKinleywill only look out for the interests ofJust Received those In his own party. Likewise alsoIf Bryan is elected. Neither would lookout for the Independent. He would beleft stranded. We have come out pub W. C. Peacock & Co., LIJust the same with eczema.

Can hardly keep from scratching itYou would do so but you know it

licly before you In speaking for our In makes it worse.AGENTS FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDSterests and not as the Republicans do.

behind your backs. Do not be strangled


by their devices. I warn you to keep

Such miseries are dally decreasing.People are learning" they can be

cured.Learning the merit of Doan's Oint-meu- t.

Plenty of proof that Doan's Oint

away from pleasures With WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LK

OFthese remarks I leave you to considerwhat is best and having made up yourmind, let us all work in unity. Ourmain fight is against those who ruinedus. If we do not carry the day w,

"we will not have any more show.We may have to retire to the moun

ment will cure eczema or any itchinessof the skin.

Read the testimony of a St. Albana, Electroliers - BracketU. S., citizen.SALTER St WftlTY, t

Mr. DeForrest D. Judd. of GeorgiaSt, says: "You can put down my

Grocers. Fort StreetOrheum Block. name as one who is a firm believer inDoan's Ointment in cases of itchinghemorrhoids. I have suffered from



Bells, and General Electrical Supplies


that for twenty years and during thisyr'"a"i"i"A" time I doctored and used nearly all thesalves and ointments I ever heard ofbut could not get any permanent re-lief. In the winter of 1896 I was sobad that I could hardly do my work,and lost many hours sleep on account ODD


tains. "It means that the Republicanswill not make us Buffer, not only forseven years more, but forever." '

Orator McClanahan said: "I want tosay something to these men with the yel-

low hat-band- s. I am told that you arewearing these bands, some of you, be-

cause the Republicans are telling youthat they stand for prosperity. ("You betwe are!" shouted a Republican.) Then Iam not wrong when I speak to you onthe question of prosperity offered you bythe Republican party.

"Hut do the Republicans who talk somuch about their bringing prosperity tothe Hawaiian Islands under Republicanrule tell you what the Republicans froKoing to do in the Philippine Islands. ("Oh,rats! Give us a rest, Mac!") Do theytell you that the principal product of thePhilippine Island.) is sugar and thatthere are hundreds of thousands of acresof land waiting for American capital todevelop them? Do they tell you furtherthat If the Philippines become attachedto the United States, Hawaii must beconsidered a competitor with them. Thesugar of the Philippines will be as mucha part of the sugar of the United States

of it It was at this time that I sawDoan's Ointment advertised and got abox. The application relieved me. Itnever entered my mind that I could get

Special Bargainsiu


AND SHADES.piiiiii" and Shad


a sacrificured entirely, but I did not then knowthe virtues of Doan's Ointment. It Isthe best thing I have ever used and Iwill speak well of Doan's Ointment"

Doan's Ointment for Bale by all deal- -ers. Price w jcents. jviawea dj vue

The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.Hollister Drug Co., Ltd., agents for theHawaiian Islands.

Remember the name Doan's and take n crotion: cuOffice: 'Phone 390, P. O. Box 14. 1 uwn " -

no substitute.

Vote the Republican Ticket Straight IT D A CVKAW AI AHAO CHURCH.

The best in the world. Manufactured by theWniTE Sewing Maciiise Co., Cleveland, Ohio,LT. S. A. Without reference to any particularfeature, but alone upon the broad claim ofgeneral superiority as a Family SewingMachine, adapted to all classes of work weplace the "WHITE" before a critical publicwith entire confidence that it will meet everyrequirenent of the most exacting purchaser.

H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd.Sole Agents, Hawaiian Territory.

Old-Fashion- ed Services Held iu it Mineral Water, But to

r nitmAroi Water'TO GETon Sunday.An old-tim- e congregation In Kawal- - Ulli rtn oc Much COO"

ww UVahao Church Sunday evening filled thecapacious audience room and overflowed Into the galleries. Chairs were

at, that of the Hawaiian Islands. ("WeM,we'll move to the Philippines.") Well, asfar as I am concerned. I Intend to remainhere the rest of my days.

"I believe you have some sense. ("Suree have.") Now, you gentkmen with the

yellow hat-hand- s, it is a plain proposi-tion. Just think it over. I went to ar.;anager of a sugar plantation the otherday and asked him If he believed In ad-mitting other sugar-produci- ng islands in-to the Union and have sugar Interestshere run out of business. He said, 'Why,that won't happen here for four or fiveyears! and that answer Is Just about assensible as one would expect to hftar froma Republican. Are we living here expect-ing to close out our business In four crfive years? Vote for the prosperity whichIs to be lasting which is honest. If theHawaiian Islands have got to competewith the sugar of the Philippines thatprosperity cannot last because with theirsugar they will run us out of business.

"I am speaking In the Interests of thesugar barons here. (Laughter.) I, as aDemocrat, am In favor of the protectionpolicy for sugar because It is my bread

brought from the prayer meeting room.The occasion was a special song ser S WATE1OHANNIvice prepared' by Mr. Theodore Richards with two short addresses by theological students.

Rev. W. D.WesterVelt was In chargeof the servlbes. Mm. Otl3 sang herbeautiful solo, "The Home Land."Some of the Kamehameha studentsassisted In the special songs.

Mr. Poepoe, assistant pastor of Kau- -makapili Church, made an address takSouvenir Spoons ing a text from the book of Revelation,an-- I butter and your bread and butter. I

The New Song." The points made

In keeping the Sytem in a perfect state

is hard to find. JohannisWater is a

GERMAN PRODUC1,And we therefore place a great deal of

confidence in it and claim it the

King of Table Waters.

say to the sugar barons, for they aremy clients hete, to vote for the Demo-- were: (1) The largest choir the sing-

ers of Heaven. (2) The thought exen tic ticket, and that If they vote for thea:cK.imey pou-.- y and bring in other su-gar Islands Into the Union, they will re-in t It. I want to tell you further thatthe Republican party of the States Is notIn favor of protecting the sugar Interestsof Hawaii, for McKinley was the manwno put sugar on the free list.

ine Democratic party of the South isfor the sugar Interests. We should alignourselves with that section of th T7nit4

pressedRedemption through Christ.(3) The open Invitation to all to come.

Rev. David Ai made a very earnestaddress as (1) Earth's discords. (2) Thepower of Christ to produce harmony.(3) The need of man's willingness to en-

ter into Christ's work.Ltlluokalani was present sitting In

the royal pew, accompanied by Mrs. J.O. Carter. '

The Kaumakapill church choir andits pastor. Rev. Timoteo, were presentand took part in the services.


Hawaiian Scens and GreetingsEngravedFrom $L73:to $6.00

Just the thing to take home with you.

Remember wo 'are always ready and willing to show onigoods. v



W.-- C PeacockStates, as those Democrats believe In plac-ing a protecting tariff on sugar. Underthe, McKinley protection it costs $2.50 fora pair of shoes, whereas under Democratic protection tney can be bouaht for ti.BnSugar Is the only thing we ought to pr.--tect-


Our Interests here all lie in suenr.LIMITED.

SOLE AGENTS.Let us stand by the party that sticks tosugar. The Republican party Is not up-- Vote the Republican Ticket Straight


JULTIIE PAClFin-- jjit,uuiAii .u tuaxiocu: iivnuLiUtiU. NOVEMBER 6 1900.


(Continued from Pag C)o,.r!y I'l' t.. j n : Th OOlloa fnr... .

S. !' i,m..r. ua onI ..till LIMITED

,iM. hihet,l, 4.f'Pfl''rt-- lt I"...1 ..r III

it la not Fort Street.II I' ress Block.f f

AT lluMI-:-

-- ..mirk fi. t ie 'hut if1'

ft. ihlniton he

" v wvote the .tratght Republican

nonomiu willA "sa among

Sf or:'1 not ECen":Th- - poiic.MP th r.c, today If th- - JI..

alV. r ana sW,,n orJ '"Half th .ntlr numhfrwill b on duty until tod.Tn?iu:; Th Mloona

win b. .nss;rlo-- H .ht and order wmX p'rlwryd Urunken mn win tkn to th piio- - .t.tlon.

t'.?m ,u Club-Thlrty- -two Strong,mirormed Company under Capt. T. P.

Murray forty Strong.Bergera Band.

Republican Drum Corps,loung Men's Republican Club Fifty-tw- o

Strong.Alona Alna Members.

Tranaparency-"Alo- ha Alna la Solid lorParker."

Rrubllcan Automobiles.Kepublican Legislature Candidates Car-ryln- g

"Full Dinner Palla."J8a,nu, Tarker In Cowboy Costume

Reading Van of the "Rough Riders."larker Rough Riders," 65 Strong underCommand of Capt. Walter Dilllng-ha- m

nnd Ueut. Wright.Organlxatlon Thirty Men.

J r 8t""nlp Company Employes. 150

Why. I'. ..I l).

i '"- -' it...l I l"ft. arn.d' ln.t.v thi-- hy ITInc.

.rl '

J... th.n hcm theta

I h"' He- m,n ln.ull.-- l. -f, i .nl.t'.vi' lUHaiitni

anil wniT'ifri i

Birong under Shipping Supt. JosephFem. Geo. Krtn an,4 T .iil. f SaleI W hvAn or Clearingn if. "

...n! Vffl.'T '1' mlled him a



Transparency "Wilder 8. 8. Co.; Vote irrli" mualcuna played .n IvZSSJiS-a-air. A a Iflnc. David entered the the- -

, hi It . am Parker Wela ka Hao! Parkerto Wiihlnrtnn " ST.'.i

him a m.t niesaeiiiiMyrtle Roat Club Wagonette. LabelledX ..I h,tv

Kotrertaon and the Rest."Flambeau Rub Twnt Men IN

Transparency "Defeat for all but Repu- -r.-.- ntatlv- - fit- -1 " a hn will l creilltni.n f i.... .til I... ri'l"e and Ma


Ilcana."Uniformed Company under Sergt. Knr--

rattl-Twenty- -flve Men.Lnlformed Company under Lieut. Naqui- -

V' n, "! .' 7 h- - SHIRT WAISTSlov.iand

Hitfl it !l"Mif, fii'iy n. na Twenty-fiv- e Men. vParker Quarda Thlrtv

-,4;fM ' Uniformed Company under Nahora Hi pa

Thlrt Men.

l r l i ..rtKT w in.HI 'i'l lr"l".-- d fheefB

,r1.. ,.f prtvi.!' Iavl.i:- -. f . I a i. Honolulu Iron Works, under Marshal Roe,,H (iii !'1HTT I wrw li in

140 Strong.Steam Calliope, from Iron Works

' Miry f- -r ni t. mentionr U".nr,.; h m m I fiave reference- th l" ithT.

1 IMTnipted Withv ,l.,n.--

Uniformed Company under Ueut. Costa


Twenty-fiv- e Men.Uniformed Company carrying Hawal.on

Our entire stock in Shirt .Waists haa been reduced tomake a cleat sweep. -

All our Shirt Waists as 75c reduced to 50cAll our Shirt Waiits from $1 to $1.50 reduced to 95cAll our $2 Waists reduced to $1,25 f'r whom tou

-.-- r .. mouniM the platform the audl- -

Ita throat and rheered axatn. It wai f veitaelf and McCUnahan wti enabled to

--The. American Comcrena anneied 'heIn, did m U believed that Itwaa th- - wlai, of the people. I don't me.nthe Hole factional mean the people them.-- Hvea Now Conareea waa led to believerat the Hawaiian want-- d annexation,through the of th;-.- ewho applied foe annexation.If you vote for Parker and Tarker laelected, you ate ehowln the Congrerathat you were wlllina; to be annexed; bulit. on th- - t.thr hand, you all vote forI rlnce Invl I and he la aent to Vahl tK.ton J your Il. ate. you are admlnl--terln- it

a alap In th- - face to the Ropnbllcanu.lmlnl.tratlon which annexed you. Iiu-- e you all. aa you love your country, tort your vote tomorrow for Prince D-v- lL

wisk ia uniaiiT."I met a friend of mine In a red ahirt

today." aald John II. Wlae, who followedMcClanahan with a aiwech In Hawaiiannnd on- - alao In Kngllah. "und I axkrdhim why h wore hie red KepuMlcnnhlrt. becauae I know be la Kotna: to vote

for Prince tavld. 'I wear It for the aikoof the children,' he aald, 'there are nonrny thing that they need, and I havcr'lvery much money, ao I afn earning a lit

" '

l. f i '. '

--v ' 't

": i i' i

and American Flags, under Jim KuDlhea Twentr Men.

Fourth Precinct. Fourth Dlatrict. Repub"W h lV" T illtlnl n l fn- - In at. nut lea!n licans In, Rlue Rlouses Fifty


r o( fi.r I rmre I'HYi'i f..r yi'ir.elvm the mint

'.ni, hi t anninartor.I, fr.r' The scene within the Drilfshed wasone of animated enthusiasm from thrr.w !U i. HTKr.

.it.,i.r Frank llnrirey,irmiM lnirilui-e- l a man

moment Hamuel Parker first enteredhe hall behind the band. To the

strains of "Marching Through GeorM f.' l"W- - "'"riirvmen rr.lfit.. . i. .Kla. Mr. Parker marched down thev ir",ii llrt'T pi..e inn i'i

lmt t n i h rrmni-K- t.r.i'iaht f.rth central aisle to the stage. The audience, i i i'l..n.e on the part rose to Ita feet and chered him until.i,ll'n' Al iri ronriunion or nia long after he had taken hla seat be.

hind the chairman's stand.h fti'i- I' l in.. no turninnedReductSon


On all our Fine Waists. Special Low Prices in all ourWhite Waists; ize 38, 40 and 42.

-- ,i'Tnt liitwren tne (eernea. The audience was one of the largestI p i nly fi iil.a. IMrvpy hud atop. 'aVeen In the armory. Every at

was tK'cupled. and Mantling mora waa, ,. i innh of r from a pitchtle money by wearing thta red ehlrt whd1 1 '.i.lf tfi.r taklna hl aeitt on at a premium. Among th- - distinguishmy wlfetonight la going to the Democratic ed guests who were seen In the audi

X,,',mi Wfn-- h heard the en

I iu.r of the huln, however, he. torlum were Governor and Mrs. Dolemeeting at the Orpheum. When heoomea home ahe will tell m- - terythHrrL M ee'n-i- from erntlna; a few The stage was attractively decoratedthut waa an Id by th-- Democrat. Fhe'a. ... .. (in the platform, to the with Hawaiian and American flag and

ml I mhIIv iIpIIkIiI rrkln over there while I'm working draping of small banners coveredoutalde with a red ahlrt on to make a litif the rnthunlitlr aii'llenre. th chairman's tabletfi hula mnek' raaed. Abram James 11. Hoyd was chairman of thetle money. Now there are hundred of

men carrylrg torrhea and wearing redr!i i annmmred. Fernan.!ij great meeting. Among those seatediMiWiiun an i L a led eloquent ehlrta for the Repuhllcann who are joins upon the stage with him were HonSamuel Parker. Hon. Paul NeumannIn vote for Irlnce Invld tomorrow.nthr preaent cat thlr

t'MVl.l. He ref.-rre- 10 one of the reaaona 1 am m la We Carry tine Derby Wa5tJudge Kaulukou. Henry Watet house-- .

H .a iii nf the h at frlenda Ha- - hrrauae I waa a Itoyallat. I did not be- - Lortln Andrews. Color Sergeant Albertrm- - an American cltlien tnecauae I wrt- -V'l l"'e of the Iteput II- - P. Wright, formerly with the Rooseveltj t" " aT t' ili.franrhlae the H- - ed to; I waa taken by the Beat of T.y Hough Riders; Wlll'am Hooks. J. Ay f..liwe. hy t. Ve panta and thmat Into American cMUen- - Kennedy. W. C. Achl. Clarence Crabbil Mi ii.nafntn hlmlfi an t'. 'Ke and ilHlvered a

ehlp. I will not vote for Parker becausetliat wotild t- - showing that I waa In fa George A. Davis, Enoch Johnson. A. F

Gllflllan. D. L. Naone. William Aylettvor of annexation. I will vote for Princehurt nf omfory In a loud and I . Cooke. Col. J. II. Fisher. KeikiIavld and ahow that though I waa again. t James II. Hoyd opened the meetingannexation I am in favor of the party that-- TAI.K III MAN IMOHT9. u.ll do the moat good for Hawaii.. 1 NO BETTERWAISTS MADLZ'i'l.l f'.r ua Iiemorrata towith th- - following remarks: "I havebeen entrusted with the honor of pre-siding over this large and intelligentmass meeting cf Republicans. I am

to aee Ilryan the next President ofthe Unit! 9Utea. and a rew Governor1 Vrnl'ili una ta tli.ruaa with uai"'o( Imi.eriali.m or of proa- - of Hawaii, new Judcea and no ItcpubllI'tim or Independenta In offlce." proud of the honor that has been beI "In l"' we fouaht for

stowed uion me to preside at this,n te t.,'e. that wna the J. . CARTFU TALKS. meeting a meeting held on the eve ofJ. O. C.irtr follcwed John H. Wlae. Heiii.n N 'w to.iy there ,re

,u- .t of Importunce whli--iei v iii"l ili.ruaa- -

the nrt election In Hawaii under thltd In part: "I'm h re tonUtif U" au ' laws of the United States and under

I'm a I'.morrat and I'm a lmocrat" t the rr inirnlrg ifieatlon of citizens, HE WILL BE OUSTEDFROM CONGRESS the same as Robthe Stars and Stripes. Reing a Ha good. There Is another question that world bo enticing as to stand up be-the- se

people are agitating. Tim la'fore an assemblage and talk t them'uae Me found that alnce 1V2 It la the waiian iMirn In these Islands, I assure erts. (Applause.) Now what is the usecalled lmnerialism. Take this Island w hen you know they cannot talK back.I emo ratio jiarty which hia tried to doi f" . i.. in, f a nutio.i

ti.'h. irn.'a n ri'l other" "i i t a P.epuMlcan

i with von in thiauton whicn we stand. There are 50,000 It Is encouraging. Anybody ought toyou It Is art honor which I new

thought would come to m. This largJuatlce to Hawaii. (Jreat cheering.) Trea be able to speak under these circuml ent levlan.t d'd ell In hln jMjwer forof our wasting any time. It meansthis. If Wilcox is elected we will haveanother election. ('Sure!' said an au-ditor.) Yes, sure. McKlnley will be

audience is to me n prophecy that ItHawaii. tlMid and eonln'iel rheerlr.a ),,r s '"v. I won't talk to you on will be a grand victory for the IipubI'm very tired, ao I will not talk to youn '.lit that of money. let'a

' h ivt M.nry Money)Means and for Samuel Parker. Thereia no doubt that by tomorrow eveningvrry long. I hitve Jjet come from Wala- -

people here. What have you to repre-sent it from the army? Two hundredand forty soldiers. What good canthey do'.' Are yuu afraid of 240 sol-

diers. It Is the same with 80,000.000 ofpeople in the United States.


the next President and Roosevelt thenext Vice President. I think the peo


"Our Democratic friends don't knowexactly what we wish and what weneed. They are perfectly willing tomaintain in the Hawaiian Islands an

ne. where. undr the eaorphlp ori' I !'t nil vnu ran get out of w will sing for the Democratic and ple on the Mainland ' have got justPrince txvld. I have been working torI T r 'A! h . ye rhil.e.l the lie. Home Rule pnrtlr. "Farewell McOinhe cauae. We had a aplt-ndi- meeting about as much sense as we have in the

Territory of Hawaii. We don't havety." (Laughter.)nnd when we went away we tock IMe

., m t,e fi.rum In th- - en- -with th.'in the.e vl'al' t if i. n.e, they pay we

I). L Naone was Introduced as the organization which is absolutely useincreased to Itsn.eetlng away with ua. when we l:t 11 ine.aiinj wan . ... , .. .v,flrrt speaker. He delivered a spiritedMrfsndlcaa and two or three nutlvea we'e" r' i im Wltn vim; we id. Ires In the Hawaiian language full proportions it would have only . " T.. ?. T .i,100.000 men enlisted. Are the people u"l1i"d JDKI St'h 'tiiii.'rl..liam l.iii m :t . Mrelng a crowd of atKxit fifteen Po-- which thrse who understood th tonguple. am aorry for the I(epiit)lcana; I be afraid of that number?,""'" k- - "J" "aj " rC v 1going toapplauded vigorously. rlil7..nii onnueh to oast eer oil in oiiKrens. - wa.niWhy there are v . . . v . - -, - Ivrould rather hav aeen them have a fw

r :ore to talk to fiften la nich a very ROUGH RIDKR TALKS. Is the support of th United States.We want all the money that UncleSam can give us to make this countryAlbert P. Wright. Roosevelt's colomall number.

i'n" f e i ney aief ' I i,h riuhf r.f the fnlf.'" mak.. f,, agalnrt' 'i tuiki. ftu m citjaen wn.n" M t, Lrrofti- - cltUeua." At' " ' hi .on i. rheered and con' IT'"' '"r 1 "r three mln- -

Now I want to tell you a little atory sergeant during the CuTan campaign greater. Are we going to get it

to give luaus to get the crowd. TheDemocratic party uses ukuleles. Thatattracts attention because later they-wil- l

have hula hula.MEETING CLOSES.

"Republicans, work tomorrow. I ex-pect to be around the polls by 3 or 4o'clock tomorrow morning. As I saidbefore, the Republican party believesin work. The Democratic party Inpromises and words. Vote the straightRepublican ticket. (Applause.)

The Tuxedo Quartet then made Itslast appearance as a campaign musicalorganization. They sang with a vimand rendered the song of Wilcox and

them Into the sea. A man said to mctoday. 'See the difference between ourplatforms. To illustrate my reply-w-hen

Admiral Sampson fought theSpanish fleet off Santiago they wereequal In point of ships and armament.Hut It- was the difference In the men

and th-- man who planted the firsI huv told It before but there may e

rr.m- - here who hive r.ever heard It. Toj through Wilcox? I say, no!American standard at San Juan, wasall know th- - old Hit.l- - atory of Jacob id Introduced and came forward amid tu" f'tM'" they rrled. "Il'l "I don't know whether Wilcox has

engaged the natives to support himhonestly. I say he is not fit to go fromF..iu nnd hefw Jacoo wanted the blr'h" "V -- w v.. i re talking"1 -- Hit multuous applause.

rtBht of hla brother Knau. hen I waa'"I'lth'-- itlmilar expreaaln-.- i behind the guns that gave the victoryto Sampson. Platforms are sometimesn little boy I waa Mther a goo.1 boy I'! !n r..tli,,.ln. MrCtun.l

had to b-- then and I went to Sundayr r..' an la always onthis country as a delegate. I believehe organized the party for the purposeof selling out. I cannot say that ofDavid Kawananakoa. I believe he

l.ool and heard the torv mnny tlm.a' W.",r w. .peak of ImPut row the atory haa a new meaning toty i.r what elae. he was induced to go into the campaign the gas-tan- k in a manner which gaven.e: (t la thla:",in rUihta, he wll

mere platitudes, but I will tell you lwill give the people of the UnitedStates or here the privilege of writingall the platforms, if they will onlV letme select the men to stand behindthem; if you will give me such a manas 'Teddy' Roosevelt to put behind the

The l(epuMi'an party In theae lalan.laI repreaented by Jacob; Jaron waa atv ..r .,..... M.twmian llan.1a

against his own desires. This campaign the audience much amusement,is not play. It is to bring every-- 1 George A. Davis followed Mr. Parkerthing that Is good and profitable and in a vigorous speech upon the princl-honorab- le.

and to bring to it every- - pies of the Republican party and itsceltful and trle.1 to ateal Kwu blrthrlgnt1 i' ' a fur ..impMon thatind thought that the way to hla fath ra" ' " ' ''.i'a haa had proa....

issues on the Mainland and at home.tiart waa thrmigh hla atomach. The Rr' i' mi. I rn.n ted and- r ,r y

.. tmbllcan Party here la trying to ateal ine' rrf i war that The meeting1 closed with his final..1 n 'i-i- i tfi.i iht n..i. i. Il 'rthrieht of the Hawaiian people; and

He began his address by praising;Hawaii, and Honolulu In particular.He said he was not a public speaker.He knew nothing of the local lues ofthe Islands, and would not attempt totr u h uiion them. Were It not thatthe mailed hand nf militarism had ahold upon him In the nature of a con-tract to go to the Philippines he wouldremain In Honolulu and grow up withthe politics of th-- country. He wouldconfine his remarks to national Issues.

"You are sovereign citizens of theUnited States, citizens of the expand-ed nation." he said. "You are to settleamong yourselves your lix-a- l questions.I know you all admire the man who Isoutspoken, frank, courageous, venture-some, lover of Justice, honest. Imagina-tive man. hater of shams, yet shtrklngno duty. I am going to direct yourattention to one man that somewhatfits my description, and that man willon the fourth day of next March, andfor four years thereafter, preside over

' rt'i lve!tv thlnha that the way to ine nawanane T'".if ration. otea la througn tneir nomarna; e inrjare doing their beat to .... them up with If You KnowM l""" la the proaperltV

n p.irfy nffera in.

f II' f. r ,., ,." It ,. .in

"' I

" " a.

"Jacob wanted Mi fathers Mesingtin la'anda? I willM Klnl v Le eterte.J.

Republican platform. He is net thechief gunner this time, but he will bethe gunner's mate, and he will bosighting the guns and finding therange for the administration. Roose-velt has proven and made good every-thing he has promised. You are goingto send a delegate to Congress. Thisadministration Is going to be Republi-can. What good will It dp you to senda man to Congress who does not he-lo- ng

to any party. And don't send adelegate who is not In sympathy withthe administration In power. We usedto do that In Arizona, and that I.r thereason we are still a Territory. I leftCuba last February and the flag wasfloating there.' I came to New York

and the iternhtlcwn party wanta the vot"sf th- - Hawaiian. Jacot, ratner aaui' in pary prove an'

' II Rle,.n II..I k when Jacob was deceiving his blind p--r

ent with the a akin on hla neck an" "-i- i; i, brought In. Th

thing that tends to odr greatness.(Applause.) How are we to get allthis? By the election of Wilcox? Bythe election of David? No! It will beby electing a man who will be able towork for our interests hand in handwith the administration at Washing-ton. As to Mr. Parker I have nothingto say of him. He Is my . friend. Irespect him. He is the man we oughtto send to Washington if we want toaccomplish anything for the good ofthe Territory. If, the people elect Mr.Parker he will accomplish as much aswe want, and what we need. There-fore I Implore you all to go to the pol'stomorrow and cast your vote, and notonly go to the polls, but stay theraand help. Let us send a 'Republicanto Congress." (Applause.)

SAM PARKER GREETED.The audience rose as the band played

"Hawaii Ponoi," and Samuel Parker

The value of good Bread, It willbe to your interest to get yourBread from us, as the Bread we

' bake is pure, sweet and

' V I himli that th band, were the han-l- a or







;W'' ''

mI ' f





L ;


that hundred nfKeaii. bit that the voire waa the voice or"" "f la n. l upon which

I w,; ym brought Jacob. Ho la It with tie Kepuuiican partyh.r. tnale kunilt are the hands Of in' the upper branch of the Congress of'i w It M the f-- w

' ' n ir l..n t In



- ,


l: publican but their votces are inthe United States and will sign wttnvoire 'of the P. H.'a."mat tie prosper. greete.l tria r- - his own ha,nd legislation that will l.Kkto th-- welfare or the Hawaiian Islands.

- .K .r l the chief prod- - Wedding andrument. "The Itepullicnns are weaTina" " to the Interest of (Applause.) I state this with assurmiaka; snatch the masks from ineirit all competition

and across the American continentand went up to Alaska, where I foundthe Stars and Stripes floating. I havecome down to Hawaii where the flagis floating: I am going to the Philip-pines where, thank heaven, the flag Isstill being pushed forward, and I

ance, for I reel certain mat tne greatTh.s prougni. '..i .in. iinf to if it were faces and you ee P. O'a." Party Cokes.American peeple are going to honi-- rThat ''own the house and Carter took his scat.' "M if DAVID SPEAKS. this man w ith the ice Presidency. I

com from the United Stntes to youbringing this mesaage. was then Introduced. His picturesqueTh of r.--- i.t tnnli. a few words at lh- - ORNAMENTING OF ALL DESCRIPw ould like to see it floating at every attlre and easy presence- - in his favoritevt .,,r,heP n keep-- . . ,tlrig. He was enthusUs- -

TIONS.port along the Suez Canal.') of other l.ltmU UK KNEW TEDDY WELL."I am speaking of the Hon. Theodoretlcally received and the meeting prone up

mid terrific cheering for KawjananakoM.jrancn garD Drougnt out a ttorm or ap-plause. .

I "Ladies and fellow citizens," "he be'" ; "'"'ra lying loose

1 , J''," r'"',v '" Inveated" l'"1'' -- land cnpalile. i

Roosevelt. I Applause.) I knew him gan. "This is Just my luck to be called upon to speak after such a man as"1 n . " ' " be A SOCIAL TIME


Mr. Wright was followed by theTuxtdo quartet which was applaudedand made to respond to encore afterencore. The best campaign dittieswhich the quartet haa composed weresung. Their latest song. "Vote for

German Bakery.... "I'i wnrld.l.n. -

as you ieople can never know him. I

knew him as even the people of hlaown Stat- - could not. I knew him un-

der circumstances where only a sol-

dier could know him. I knew him un

Mr. Neumann. It was the same waywhen I went East, when I was asked' ' :i'T. I HftlAIl.

r .1-- PHONE 677 UPPER FOIT STNEXT SATURDAY"' ' ,r v fillf.. . prote tto speak after Senator Fairbanks hadmade an address. Here is somethingwhich I hold in my hand which theThe pro- - der those circumstances In which. If

there had been avthlng small In his Sam Parker It Is Gd for that Tired" nr tne great In- -alea en. I S Democratic party has published in Haa,,

1 .. make-u- p. It would hare developed. Wealways found him the same Impertur

Feeling." caught the fancy of the au-dience and made a big hit. wan. it came out this evening. ITIt Will bo Ladlca Night at the


HorsesClipped .

acteristic speech. He said: 'I was in''' ... Hon of th- - fnlt T. M. C. A. Medals tobe Presented.

bable "Teddy Roosevelt tnat an orthe people of the United States havefound him In every public trust plaordIn his hands.

nth)'I'ntlcaltf it1MK LKADERS OF THE HOMERULE PARTY. That is, Markham and""m i

''Pn'-iica- parryothers.Now there Is a question spoken

V.,.. .w I have to nee mnee very largely of by a great many people "I want to state right here that theRepublican party BELIEVES IN'Vf..'" "f "f than .o,. .ft,.M AT THEof th-- United StaU-- s expansion. There

troduced with a handle to my name. Iam perfectly willing to have It so, butI would rather be as well known herewithout It. as to be a big man else-where where I am not known at all.(Laughter.)

"That young Indiana Republican,Senator Beveridge, says there aretrusts which are bad and trusts which

uusa.n POLITICS, and I know it. Ithas always been a certain element InIs the DEMOCRATIC party that bei t,.,. ' " reason of the the country which was opposed to ex-

tending the limits of the country. They Club StablesTh meetlns; of the Hoard of Direc-

tors of the Touna; Men's Christian As-

sociation, which waa to have been heldyesterday, was postponed until nextMonday.

A blar social will b held next Hatur- -

'" "'wall spending neves in dirty work. I was in theUnited States when Senator Clark ofMontana was put out of Congress.

""y. It knowsVr"!"ur "f rn'"1 t J it , n Win roth ln are good. It Is a very courageous"'111 . m both by the Republican Scnatcrg andTh. r "1''"'"rlng to thing for a man at this time to stand.'i..ih,, by some of the Democratic Senators"i party es. ,tiv -- venlng. It will b Leauies nicnt"itn up and even say a word in favor ofS. .. . ' l' to el..; Vfici...

opposed the'acquisltlon or LeouRiana.of California, of Alaska. It Is Impor-tant to the "United States that theciuntry should expand naturally withthe development of Its r-o- ple and Itagreat civilization.

GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYONE."I am only a humble citizen, but I

I was in the United States when Robhail teen planmI trusts, but I have made up my mindNew Machines with modern appliances

usad. .Telephone 477.CHARLES BELLINA, Manager.that I would say a word in favor ofrecent athletic erta of Utah was put out of the House

of Representatives. That goes toPROVE that the DEMOCRATICtrusts because I know one good trust.

ft, rr't hrP. ""- - gn.i A rouslnc timeIn th

tit T. "' to Congreaa contests will le presented''iniK. Hn.TS. "f Indoor baseball wl

and a rameand I propose to discos It. That ibe ilayed-b- - PARTY IS GUILTY. , PACIFIC .eve that the system of Governmenti ..n th-- F:ening ciassea mni - nine ONLY TWO PARTIES..7' .

' and buying of the United States, if good enoughfor me. Is good, enough for the Filifrom OahU College. "There are two parties in the field

here I say. That Is what I claim. IIIHieThe apltu', tnr rfW Pame calledulley ball has Juat been received and pinos, and good enough for any people

on earth. (Applause.) Now, if there.J f" "r,' 'verythlngv,. ,

the trust that I have that by .tomor-row night McKlnley will b electedPresident of the United States,(laughter and applause.) This is thetrust I have that by tomorrow nightMr. Parker will be elected as your del-egate to Washington. . (Applause.)That is what I call a good trust.(Laughter.) Thank heaven I. am nota candidate In the campaign, end I

' ""ey now. hutI., i k Is any snm rrrfitf. any true AmericanThat is thf Republican party and Wil-cox. (Laugher.) The Democraticpary ,s out sight. Now if thereare only two parties ,forwhIch you are

N.. ' I .,, ' M if of those who b-ll- that we are doing an In- -the game will b-- Immediately introduc-ed. i : r n

-Hwrerfar afwe--H. af 4 li;kf T ... W11 ''"ot. the plneury to Uj. flW f iV? iWVpv -alanda of Vtl.i I tf WW tW HI y going to vote, can you' vote for Wll- -

. sxrA n ...mi erv- -,;;M.'i

; i. - OF SA5T FRANCISCO.P. McGRAJH,. Agerrt. 1

Southwest corner of Punchbowl andBeretania streets, Honolulu. .

Orders for Monuments, Hecdstones, .

etc., solicited. -

pub--em of giAf tH4lA4fl.upnT Hek, . ,. Mr. A, f'.. Cory the Army "'r of.." ''"UmnV ...iK the AssocUtl.ftia who has Jus arrtve.1 Jthe Repwlfcan .ticket. - Applause.) Ifcan say that while I pity those whoit an Linstililfr4 etlha better igl re

W. ".i , relate? his are candidates. I trust they will pu'.l. Wilcox by some unfortunate chancedro,,, - Tw- -.Wit7 ?ffnm r trio to Manila, will n his crmensnin. -- i areii ... . j through. There is nothing1 In the should get. elected I tell you, fellowdoing them the greatest , amount of'It' "nee. "Here experiences.



f'Necessity vTUB PACIFIC,- - :

toiMeixtil "Advertiser

wuKnows No Law."But & law ofNature hows WO,


Go to the polls early. . ; .

Don't wait until later in the day. K :

Go at eight o'clock.Stay there until you have voted.

txAitTd ' o. surra" ' EDITOR.- I . -

to the necessity of keepingTUESDAY : ' : : : : NOVEMBER Seasonable Goodsthe Blood pure so that theThen stay there the rest of the day and influence every one

that you can to vote the straight Republican ticKetentire system shall be strong,healthy and vigorous, - ' y

To take Hood's SarsaparHU, the great

blood purifier, is therefore A lav) ofhealth

and it is x necessity in nearly every house

hold. never disappoints. ,


We are showing this week a line of

Ladies' Golf Capes,Ladies' Eton Jackets,Ladies' Fancy Silk Capes,

Besides these we have just received a new 0

Eaern Tailor Made Suits

Blood Disorders " My stepdaughter and I have both been trou





bled greatly tvith blood disorders andstomach troubles, and several bottles

of Hood's SarsapariSa have been ofgreat benefit' James F. Thompson.Wilmington, Ohio. .

A Co.IV1, IEPHONE 157.

Hood' Fill rar Urer ill ; tbe g an4A. F. GILFILLAN. oul J cthrtU to tk with Uocxj't RriaprUI.


Everything has been said that can be said In favor of the various tick-

ets. The objects and aims of the various partlesf the character of the candi-

dates; the charges, Counter-charge- s, 'accusations and replies of each 'againstthe other, have all been presented to the people. To-da- y is the time to act.

Let each citizen feel that a personal responsibility rests upon him to-da- y.

It Is not enough that at some time during the day he go to the polls and vote.

He should go early, cast his vote, and then stay at or near the polls'throughout'the day," using his voice and his effort in every possible way to

Induce others with -- whom he may have an acquaintance or over whom bemay have some Inlluence, to vote the ticket which he thinks will best serve

the .nterests of Hawaii.Articles In the newspapers, circulars and dodgers, are all well enough as

far as they go; the merchants' circular addressed yesterday to their em-

ployees and business associates is strong of its kind; but an arm's lengthappeal of this kind is not all, or the best that can be done by these gentlemen.

A face to .face, heart to heart 'personal talk with the man whose vote you

wish to reach, will do more good than a ream of paper and a month of news-

paper 'articles.Most men are not used to electioneering and have a diffidence in urging

others to adopt their political views. This diffidence should be overcome, andthe paramount thought be that there is danger Hawaii may be forever dis-

graced by sending a disreputable, unscrupulous and worthless character toCongress. .. ... .


If Wilcox should go to Congress, it Is not only that our pride will be In-

jured, but our commercial and financial credit as well; for Wilcox Is of thekind that cannot be hid under a bushel; his light will shine before all meh,and he and his character will be known from end to end of the UnitedStates as the kind of man whom the majority of the electors of Hawaii de-

light "to honor. ". , . .

The logical and inevitable conclusion which will be reached there will bethat a people and a country that are capable of selecting such a miserable


We advise a celluloid truss because

it wears longer than the other kind andspecimen of manhood as this to be their mouthpiece in the great Congress ofthe United States are unfit and unsafe to be trusted. This conclusion will

is more comfortable to wear than abe so logical that It will be. almost impossible to explain it away.



'"'To-da- y marks the close of the moithotly Contested election ever taeli In

Hawaii A battle la never lost nor won

until It U nnlaheu, neither can we knowwhether an election Is won or lost untiltlM( UV ballot Is cast. .


The' mired conditions and ' national-

ities' tn Hawalljnake It difficult to fore-

cast the result of to-da- y's election. In'V general way, the three different parr

ties hare each a strong following.

.Close observation indicates a alight- preponderance In favor of the "Repub-

lican on the other Islands, with thev Independents a close second and the1 Democrats a bad third.

On Oahu Is the Independent strong-

hold, in that here the great mass of themore Ignorant Hawaiians reside andhere the old Royalist bitterness tookdeepest root. On the other hand, theFourth District possesses probably astrong majority of Republicans.

From the days of Gibson to those of' Wilcox, the race Issue has been a fa-

vorite trump card with their kind, andonly too frequently a successful one. ItIs the one Issue which Wilcox haspressed to the front, with constant andIndecent denunciation of all whites as"cockroaches" and "snakes."

It Wllcpx Is defeated. It will be be-

cause of hard work and organizationon the part of both the Democrats andthe Republicans, but more than all elsebecause of the sound sense of the na

leather covered one. It may seem oddinese racts render the election to-d- ay not only one of sentiment andmorals,' but one which has a direct hold and effect upon the pocket-boo- k of that we advise you to buy a long wear


Exquisite Trimmed


Hair Goods and Nlovf Hies





ing truss, thinking we like to sell asmany as possible. We do. The only

trouble is that people have an uncom- -

every property owner in Hawaii.If it affects the property owner, doubly does it affect the laboring" man,

whose day to day Income depends upon the prosperity of the country. Thisfact can be brought home to the laboring voters, pf whom three-fourt- hs ofthe electorate of Honolulu consists, if it is presented to them by those havingpersonal acquaintance with them, better than in any other way.

Our parting word to every citizen, then. Is:GO TO THE POLLS EARLY; STAY THERE UNTIL YOUR VOTK IS


fortable habit of blaming a Druggisti

for the short comings of a leather cov

ered truss. Then they buy the next


celluloid truss of us it will give you

such good service that you'll come to

us when you need another.LEAST NOT TO VOTE THE WILCOX TICKET.

uCUKUC ynAKKJIAM. pendent, have decided nearly all of theThe statements circulated by the I Republicans to vote the straight tlck- - THIS WEEK ONLYuemocrais ana independents yester- - "i

day that the Republicans had bought ' Republican workers today will have,off George Markham are idle tales, therefore, this to encourage them 1

tive Hawaiian and will be truly aReceived By the Zeaiandia:that the full Republican strength is

back of them, and there are neithertriumph, In' that It will demonstratethat not all Hawaiians can be led as-

tray by demagogic adventurers.sulkers nor skulkers In the camp.

The Independents are badly demor



CompleteIf Wilcox Is not defeated, we will stillhave the satisfaction of knowing that

alized by the successive desertions ofsome of their strongest men, and donot know "where they are at," nor SEVENTY-FIV- E DOZEN GENTS' FRENCH BALBRIGGAN ESIalmost every one of the more Intelligent

and .well-to-d- o Hawaiians and half- - whom to trust. SHIRTS, worth J1.25 each, will sell for 50c each.Assortment FIFTY DOZEN MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, worth $1.25 each, irilicastes have arrayed themselves under i ne uemocrats at nest are nut aminority. Their only hope is to break for 50c each.

..Also, a fine assortment of SHEETUKJ. PTI.I,nws fOTTON. SIInto the Independent, ranks the Republicans are lined up so solidly that and PILLOW CASES at cost prices.

There is no truth in them. Of whatbenefit could he possibly be to the Re-publicans? He certainly does not be-come their candidate, and he is of noavail as a speaker; the campaign isover.

The fact Is, that there is no cohesionand no principle in the Independent'sorganization. They are a gang ofmercenaries, out for what there Is In Itfor each, morbidly Jealous of one an-other, and as with pirates and bandittigenerally, a personal miff or pique willcause a disruption which no amount ofbribery could accomplish.

Tbe Republicans knew nothing ofMarkham's defection until he spoke atthe Achl meeting, and are "In no wayresponsible for it.


There will be but little Republicanscratching today. The developments ofthe last few days; the appeals to thevoters' sense of fair play, and thedemonstration that a scratch In favor


either the Republican or Democraticbanners and are openly and stronglyopposing the piratical attacks of Wil-

cox and his gang of supporters.We need not despair of Hawaii's fu

they cannot be broken.REMEMBER THAT THIS SALE IS ONLY FOR ONE WEEK.Let the Republican workers be of

ture If Wilcox Is elected, but Hawaiiangood cheer then. Cecil Brown report?after a personal canvas of the countrydistricts of Oahu, that the .Republicanmajority up to the city limits will be

prestige and credit will receive a severeblow if such a reckless and unprinci

about two to one. A Republican ma THE BARGAIN ST0Rpled man can. against almost the entire Perfect Fit Guranteedjority on the other Islands is certain.Intelligence and wealth of the country. The Fourth District will go Republican. All that will have to be done toecurt a majority of the suffrages of Fort and Beretania StmXOpposite the Fire Station.

, the Hawaiian people. secure victory will be to hold the Inde-pendents down in the Kalihi and Lill- - ALBERT BLOOM, Proprietor.It Is the duty of every citizen to do ha street districts.

Hard work will do this; nothing elseevery thing In his power to-da- y, to pre- - or a democrat might elect an Inde- - wm.


Sam Parker, the Republican, .will go to - rnrjrp TJTVil T TIT TT rrnTiAnnn 'H T.Tf).v ashington11 s a morat, us a lead pipe, it's a FORT STREET.

HONOLULU.cinch;Vote for him and don't forget it and you'll I leave to inform their friends and the 'public 'generally tU

nna you won t regret It.

. vent such a blot being placed on Ha-

waii's fair name.Although the outlook Is that the elec-

tion will be close, strict attention, hafdwork, and working together will pullthe Republican ticket through.

Again we beg of those conscientiouscitizens who have thought of pickingthe best men, not to do it. but to votethe entire ticket. Thus and thus alonecan- - victory be won.



The utterly hypocritical nature ofWilcox's professed fealty to the mon- -

For the land will never feel depression's

When the votes are counted and the strifeIs done and o'er,

Sam Parker's name will be the first 'nline,

And the people, they will shriek and theywill shout and they will roar:

"Sam Tarker Is a hundred carats fine!"Ills form's compact, his step's exact, he

has no equal hereHe's a winner and from Wlnnersvllle he

corneatils noble stride which others tried would

stamp him anywhereAs a model hark! the singing and 'he


pinch:You hastened' to select him, now hasten

to elect him

they have moved into their new store corner of Hotel m

Fort Streets where they will be pleased to receive a conus-

ance ofjormer patronage. None but high grade goods hfOf all candidates he la the very best;

Ana tonight you'll be andand

And celebrating victory with the rest.? in stock. Box goods a specialty.You'll cheer loud and long .for Sam Par--They re cheering loud and long for Sam Ker jarcny ana me wueen In the past Is I 'Twill be "tiger" and three times three;

e.very cneer in the crowd will be for ParParker-I- t's

"tiger-- and three times three:Kverjr cheer In the crowd Is for ParkeiThe Cowboy that cam from Hawaii.

kerThe Cowboy that came from Hawaii

snown by his letter to Blount datedApril eth, a few days after Blount ar-rived here. In which he explains to Mr.Blount that the motives which actuat-ed him In his conspiracy with V. V. A ?a Ioovab nn the tree ofWHY UNCLE SAM BELIEVES TELEPHONE MAIN 199. You may pluck them orAsnrord of May, 1892. were:

, "To establish a Republic, with a view it tt ... t vnw haveCustomers li J j..- - Tru. riirht kindultimate annexation to the United MESSENGERS ALWAYS JtBADT TOtales of America." IN THE EXPANSION POLICY chandlse will attract customer!ANSWER ALL CALLS."The of monarchv. surely as a prunlns-hoo- k will cut away a leaf.

By the Alden BesseIn my humble opinion, ooght not to beconsidered for a moment.". The fact also that he was the veryfirst Hawaiian to Join the Annexation OURS IS THE RIGHT KIND.9Peterson

Office Desks n-r- n nr-- r Tern XT tTDLESS.

Furnishings are the latest patterns, the most stylish ana Desu. . . . . h lowe

AND is wiaeiy Known ior its mane, ui ana wear, uur prices wc

for the high-cla- ss goods we carry. .We pay KASH and sell for f vd1 why we can afford to sell the best goods at prices you wouia

others for the poorest. - -CHAIRS!

Club, and Inscribed hi nam upon thefirst page of the first list Issued, showsbow ready he Is to Join any movementwhich he thinks may be for his per-sonal benefit, he then seeking to beconsul to San Francisco.

A few days after this letter was writ-ten, he. In common with a large num-ber of others of his stripe in Honolulu,found out which way the wind wasblowing with Blount, and thereupon

. hastened to write other letters and af-ford Blount other Interviews, takingthe exactly opposite stand.

The Republican Central Committeeyesterday sent out circulars giving thisletter and the annexation pledge whichwas signed by Wilcox In full. The cir-cular la reproduced In this paper. It is

pity that It could not have been sentout earlier In the campaign. In orderthat the dupes of Wilcox might knowwhat an Inveterate hypocrite and fraudthe man Is.


The election returns will be given outIn front of. the Advertiser office thisevening as soon as they begin to come

91IN ALL STYLES. BkashTHECall and see the latest styles

Just Opened.MyPPA!f5

Z. 640.449 Jf' 4


9 fcnd 11 Hotel Street, and Corner o y"rt ftnd Hotel StTj




PALI.On. raasenger. each way.TWO MlMf... .13.00yvV. MACK AND - - , (ICQ W-- y

AND Three ra.senjters. each wV;" IZEi; vi:hici.ks

OF THIS ISLANDr i-- rM'bate."

.,,;,,,rity in vest- -

commenced by their chlldien. who arenothing else but v. recks. If you do whatla right At the polls tomorrow their na.ujwill be mud. On last Saturday night theIi. dependents haI a meeting oppositeAchl's. There wa a tent in his yard tint.In It was gin and the paraphernalia or aluau. One of the candidates of the Ho.cRule party wad Induced to go to that lr-frr-

tent, and Imbibed their liquor torthe first time In four years. As far asthese professional Christians are conce-n-- i.

hell i tr th-- "

Is the most damnable thing tney are do-ing In this campaign when they thinkthey can steal your votes with gin, drluand luau."

As the Republican procession passed ryat that moent, Kmmeluth shouted, "Ther.go the sons of hell. They will do any-thing to defeat you tomorrow. Down wi '.


j ,n4 ,lK '"I' ,fth- - nal Law. of

I ..... ri4 i.r me inn- -l" n.r

Ml 1 ' . i . ,..k- - and dvtiar

- ".iiuwl DIIIVE

Two "rengeni. rouml trip., mThree passeniters, round trip",


.LIMN DETENTIONS.One rassenuer.' jr hour.....'. $1 00Two passengers, per hour 150Three Pseenrers. per hour. ... iOOFour passengers, per hour.... 2.50tor each additional hour ea

This List Shows You Exactly WhereThe Polls in Your Precinct Are.

T V'; v- - ,.n.l tor-'r- ' :''t Carriers Of


vther PaS- -II ., k nl


t!! M-T- Itt of Ho- -the wreckers! If we are elected we make I WILL SHORTLY HAVE AN AUCit our duty to see that only American

, i r r : . i n TION SALE OFvoters are permitted to come here as ImI . dray orand this,,y II. til"

s.. turn ech er, when more thin oneCONTINUOUS DltlVtvn r.v

migrants to work on plantations.WILCOX'S LAST SPEECH.

Robert Wilcox's last speech of the cam' consplcu- -

, i.l.i. -- I

paign was 'n rart as follows: "We are

and a line drawn ln extension thereoffrom the Nuuanu Pali to Mokapu Point.

FIRST PRECINCT-A- 11 that portion ofthe Judicial and taxation district of Koo-laupo- ko

lying west and north of a linedrawn from the Nuuanu Pali to MokapuPoint. Polling place Kaneohe courthouse.

Inspectors It. Cobb-Adam- s. James Olds,K. P. Aikue.


on the ground where many have suffered.This desolated church and the charred

, The following la a complete list ofthe voting places on this Island:

FOURTH DISTRICT.All that portion of the Inland of Oahu

lying east and south' of Nuuanu street,and line drawn In extennlon tht-reo- f fromle Nuuanu fall to Mokapu I'olnt .

riitST PrtKCIN'CT-A- U that portion ofoid district comprised in Honolulu orXona nfi.l lying taat of.i'unahou tre-t- ,

od R line drawn In extension therrof.

. i miHKit t ii lights,

4 lf,t'noun.One iassesger. per hour $1 5oTwo passengers, jr hcur 2 00Three passengers, per hour 2.;Four passengeri. per hour 3.00Licensed drivers onl.r.,1 .

. . ., ,.l ground is the work of the Republioinp" "' I....- - ..lain.,it.i ar.d the Democrats. Thev have do:n

these, things, and with bloody hands tin-- ;, .v r.

,.f . a. h Unteru.t,,,,, i, ... tli.iti n and come to us today and beg for our vote ;.

SKOOXD PP.KCIXCT The Judicial and 1 hey burned this church which KinK K:;lakaua built. When these whites w--- ::, .. in

r4 f '

' h i. u ';


' .V;

ml? 'U".

- r. v

ANDbejond the Co-ce- nt limit, may charge u' 1. ....... vrhtrlrA..... ..f i


iiauka and makal. I'ollincr r.lar Nearenriched they turned their backs on fhfKing. They grew sore with ' him becp.'.sr

itrxallon dlstri.t c,f Koclauloa. Polling' place Koolauloa rourl house.I Inspectors V. A. Baldwin, J. H. Ke-'an- u,

C. Andrews'. ,,f th folic. "'"- - re ror returning. tn additionin The regular charirea for uh....... th ni l' i foot of funahou street.' . - ... it..4 he tried to put the natives on a level winservice. . . Inspectors John Kfllnirer ' J t. Tte.I"' I ' -5l.H-.-I-- r

,,,,, tii- - l.- i : must be the whites. The Queen was dethroneH. McCullotn. tue buboni? plague was Introduced, and,


MM. Iletween th hour, of elevenHi o clock. I M. and five s ...i.w,1 (,. t'i- - tr" . ni cios this church was burned out of pure spite.THIRD PRECINCT The Judicial and

taxation district of Waialua. Pollingplace Waialua court house.

SECOND PRECINCT AH that oortloii ETC., ETC.This is the work of these stinking haoleilk., A. M the above rat of fare may be of said district comprised in Honolulu or Tou have beard that steamers have" beenre and rarrlagit properaattend- - Kona, and Iylnr between the westerly Inspectors-- W. S. Wond. C. P. Lan, V",J1",

r'ho- - nM . to. 4. . .1 go to Maul and Molok-a- i to1 .. . .2th. If any licenced vehicle ahaii i unitary or ine rirst Precinct and ai " He to the natives there and tell trcsnline drawn aa follows, viz: From the foct,1 ...rrl.m Will b - found standing In any place but on theappointed stand, the driver .ho 11

FOURTH PRECINCT The Judicial and. v. I,-

that Wilcox has withdrawn from th.;fight for J25.000. Wilcox will not :;"k-thel-

stinking money. When I return-- ?

Parties Laving any for sale shouldof South stret along South. King andAlapal streets and from the head of Ala- - taxation district of Waianae. Polllm:

tri be Uft ..n th street over liable to arrest by any police officer, urv-- place Waianae court house. list them at my office Immediately. ,.from Italy they refused to allow rut: tariver shall be under - : - . ..: .teach military tactics because the feare.lInspectors Oliver Stlllman, J. Hul, O.W. Nawaakoa. -forMKT APART

pal street the flagpole on the old batteryon Punchbowl; thence to and along therlda;e on the eaWrty side of I'auoa val-ley to the summit of the mountain. F-ol-

, TANt my people.,.! would not sell myself f.2Sth. Any licensed driver who. when all the missionary money. The mission- -

In charge of a licensed carriage dmv FIFTH PRECINCT All that portion cf jaries are not worthy to brush my shoea.llr.g place Reretanla street School house.Inapectors-- C. M. White. S. P. Kaal. V. II would not let them brush my. shoos t-. . . n .t 1 MtVAAf the Judicial and taxation district of Ewar vlcle. shall be Intoxicated, or who Will E. FisherC. W ilder. Jr. comprised In the lands of Hoaeae and H- - all the money there Is in Bishop s har.f:

The Republicans nre afraid of mo ..mershall use Insulting or abusive language.,,t,,, 4,1 AJrrini4

Ira will only recognize th-- voice of tin Corner Merchant and Alakea Street.wn snail demand more than the au-thorial fare, who shall neglect. uiKn people. No other candidate would bs r -

lonized, even If he were Christ.' If Mo- -I phi" ir UTriuni demand to show a card of rates of fare,or who. not being engaged, shall re IN THE CIRJCUIT COURT OF THEKlnley Is elected they will ask. me "'io

1 want ror uovemor ne-- t. I will nav?

pouliuli. Polling place Railroad stat'jr..Ewa plantation.

Inspectors Geo. E. Lake, C. S. Richard-se- n,

J. P. Kuoha.

SIXTH PREClNCT-A- ll the remainingH rtlon of the Judicial and taxation dis-trict of Ewa. Polling place Ewa courthouse.

Inspectors H. D. Johnson, J. M. Ezra,Kauka Williams. jr

fuse a fare, or who shall rontrawen.p i M.k4l KUH'il iirrei. First Judicial Circuit, Territory ofHawaii. Before Humphreys, Judge,at Chambers. . ,. r

THIRD PRECINCT All that portion ofsaid district comprised In Honolulu orKona and lylns; between the westerlyboundary of the Second Precinct and Nu-uanu street and mauka of School streetand a line drawn from the Junction ofSchool and Punchtowl streets to the flag-pole on the old lattery on Punchbowl.Polling place Building at entrance tolower reservoir rounds. Nuuanu avenue.

Inspectors F. Mclntyre, A. Borba. J.P. Kahahawal.

any of the within ru'.es. shall, uponI 4 Saimnu trt. that long-whtsker- ed nan and his monkeysput out of office. These ofrico-uolde- rs w.lib beggars. This is the last nigh; and tocomplalr.t to any of the police, be ar Lillian Lee Newton, an infant, by Alj:,it il "i r.mmu nrfti,

J It .t .nl t illHlil morrow we go on tne battlefield. I predict that I will be elected. Tomorrow

retted and. upon conviction, be IlaMto the penalty set forth In Section "95.Chapter of th fenal Laws of 197.

i M "I'l" "" Kln trwt. Wilcox will be a Napoleon and the.e other parties will be the Russians and the

bert F. Judd, her next friend, plain-tiff, vs. George H. Newton and SarahW. Newton,, his wife; Flora A. Ste-vens, a widow; Caroline N. Clark, awidow, and Juliette Z. Forbes ' andGeorge W. Forbes, he husband,fendants. Bill for Partition.

v, ;, MiK,ii 'f King street. Kvery licensed carriage, dray SEVENTH PRECINCT-A- 11 that por Austrlans who failed In their attempt t:or Vehicle, must observe the "Rules of overwhelm hm Take r.o druirgt I l'.q'.'f.:

tomorrow. Have all disturbers arrested.the Iload" by keeping on the right oftion of Honolulu or Kona lying makal ofthe King street road from the Ewa lineto the King street bridge and all maukaof said road from the Ewa line to thomain road up Kallhi valley. Polling place

Take your husbands home with y5u an

FOURTH PRKCINCT-A- 1I that portionof said district comprised In Honolulu orKona and boun.Ii .1 by the Second andThird Prectnr's, Beretania and Nuu.imistreets. Polling place Royal School.

n E. i H 'l A !) n' store.t, p"l'l" "f Km street.

hnrl tr5t..rii-- r f KlM si'l of Kln street.

.( Li.h-- nTf"-!- .

keep'tnem close to you. uo Mown 0:1 yoi!the middle of the traveled part of .tnybridge, road or other highway, and thedriver of any such carriage, dray or

NOTICE . OF COMMISSIONER'Sknees and pray, and at 7 o'clock rush furthe polls." ' SALE OF REAL ESTATE.O. King, T. C. Polikap;, ocnooi premises.

I Inspectors Juliui Asche. S. K. Kaloa,Inspectors XV

F. H. Prachy.t, :j M.ikl ni l" of Kin street. vehic le violating this rule, shall be ln- -K. R. O. Wallace.

4 n Tun. hlM.wl tre-- t By order and decree of the Hon. A.ble to arrest by any polk- - officer andupon conviction be- liable to the penalty

Aa to Paul Egry.The following is clipped from4 ;!. Mi nk. i Hi. I" of Merchant

"Or- -rf .wt ."rnr of fort strot. provided for In Pectlon "35 of Chapter

S. Humphreys, First Judge of the FirstCircuit Court of the Territory of Ha-waii, sitting at chambers in the above ,entitled cause, and as commissioner

ganlzed Labor" of October 13th:li of the fenal Laws.i U. Mauk.i sl.lx of lUlekAulU A letter has been received from Paul27th. There shall be at all times a:r- m .it i irn-- r of fort street Egry (the only) from ' Honolulu. In appointed by said court, I will offerfor sale and sell at public auction, at. M,iuk4 of Allen street. which he says he gave a successf alCard of IUtes placed In a leather pock-e- t.

firmly attached to the center of theback of the front seat of every licensed

FIFTH PRECINCT-A- I1 that ofsaid district comprised In Honolulu or EIGHTH PRECINCT All that portionKona and bounded by the Second Pre- - of Honolulu or Kona lying mauka of theclnct. Berrfama Mreet, Richards str-- :t King struct road from the main road upan.l the harbor. Polling place Kapualwa Kallhi valley to Llliha street and a linebuilding. diawn from th head thereof In extension

tnnnctor Jno. Short. W. Kapela, John of the line of Jucd fctreet to and alongK. Wilder. ,the rld;?e forming the westerly border of

Nuuanu valle. Polling place W. C.SIXTH PRECINCT All that portion cf Achl's wareho.-se- , near north corner, of

said district comprised in Honolulu or I.lllha and King etreets.Kona and d by Richards street. Inspector?" C. R. Dement, Asa Kaulla.

street, Nuuanu street and the W. W. Bristol,hartwr. Polling place Honolulu Hale. I

tfvtimi' nn.l wurvnouso., i kI.- I- of Kin street. concert and his picture was ln the pa-

per. He says: "I expect to visit thenoon on Wednesday, the 28th day orNovember, A. D. 1900, at the front en.trance of the Judiciary building in- tr rn-- l nf t u ! 1 i n k st corner of vehicle and the worda "Rates of Fare"

Impressed on the front of said leather Coast next summer fof a short vaca Honolulu in the Island of Oahu, thea u-r- t, n, ntrul.titr towarilseveral parcels of land situate in saidpockett In letters not less than one-ha- lf

Honolulu and hereunder described:tion, when I will pay my fine ofto the Musicians' Union, sf--s I want tobe a member again. Give my regardsInch in alse.,i tin h rm sil of ileihel Section 1 Commencing at the east

:th. No .licensed driver shall leavet.f Kins; tret. to the boys I mean the boys I am ac eorner of Queen and Kekaulike streetsand running: -- .r ..In pec tors J. T. O Connor. T. K. Wall. NINTH PRECINCT All that portion ofhie vehl le at any public or private ball.I l.le of ll,.tp street. John Mahuka. i Honolulu . or Kona lying between ilie 1. North 67" 10' east, true, 19 feetquainted with and I hape I shall soon

be among the 'Frisco union musicians."K mlu itn, I Miuniikna struts. or entertainment, place of amusement

of public assemblage, or liquor saloora along Kekaulike street;j Eighth iTpclnct end Nuuanu street andSEVENTH PRECINCT All that per- - mauka of a line drawn along School street..'. Cw mdi" of iUunuk-- a street. No licensed vehicle will be perfii.ihl id-- I ll tl streets. Hon of said district comprised In the J11- - the Nuuanu stream and Beretania street.tliclal and taxation district of Koolaupo- - Polling iIaco Hull.llng northwest corner Vote the Straight Republican Ticket:t V4ikim iil.l of Maunakako. and lying est and south of a line ..ivuaklnl Rji,dV. fnuuanu streets.

mitted to stand on any steamer wharfon the day of arrival or departure f

steamers.liotl ami Klac streets. Irawn from the Nuuanu Pall to Mokaju Inspectors A. W. Neely. 8. H. Met k- - The Walaleale left for Moiokal yes-- .

2. South 2" 00' east, true. 12.7 feet,along land sold by M. Kekuanaoa toPulunui; . . .. .

3. South H 00' west, true, 13.6 feetalong land sold by M. Kekuanaoa toOpialu; .

4. South 1 15' east, true, 63.5 feetalong same to mauka line of Queonstreet;

I Edit kI.I of Kfk.ullke street. Point. Polling place School house, W.ll- - pu. r. W. Weed. terday afternoon with one of the native30th. Any licensed vehicle, horse or-- ii .( Kin street. manalo. Democratic candidates who, on accountI N,i m.r than t"--n rurrlaxa will Inspectors G. U. Chalmers, Johnharness, found In service at any timeIn an unsuitable or unsafe condition

'Ke- - TENTH PRECINCT All that portion of

Honolulu or Kona bounded by King, ha

and 'School streets, the Nuuanuof bad weather, could not be landed onkuku. A, Irvine-- .l t ny one staml at any one that island on Sunday- - Papa Nikl . isfor performing the duties of commcn true, 2.6 feet5. North 28" 35r west,'stream. Beretania and Nuuanu stree's the man. he was helping Prince TAviA.nw0nmmt' tnemand the . hrhor Poitinir nbpB-i- aU

1 Un.t rsrrluaoa atan.llnr In ; .1carriers, will render the owner or driv-

er, or both, liable to arrest and In his Maui campaign.FIFTH DISTRICT."All that portion of the Island of Oahu

6. North 3 00' west, true. . 65 . lUwalUn opera House varehouse.NUn n th mtiuk slJe of King AblMInspectors M Keohokalole.

Kaleihuia. Vote the Republican Ticket Straightlying wet anil north of Nuuanu street ham Bolster, W. K.These rules shall have full force andv U."fi.-- . currl.if- - standlna;

along Queen street to initial point.Containing an area of 8.1000 acre.Section 2 --Commencing at the aorthj.

corner of Queen and Kekaulike streetsand running:,1. North 3" OO' .west, true, 178.6 feet

along Queen street to the south cornerof section 3: '

Nakookoo proceeded to explain how to! RnoUnM'li". near the Malleffect on and after November 1st.and all former ruls and fpgulatlonsfor the government of licensed vehiclesconflicting herewith are abolished.'

vote. ,mf n. hrtl alln up.n the ma- - ice imu Cottiion C ,Office, 9-- 10 Progress Block.

LI l' ! ,.r th nirt to the comer of

itwt. an, mauka along; the 2. South 10 65', east, true, 130 feet


Continued From Page L)

J. A. McCANDLESS.Superintendent of I'ublic Works.

C93'T KILiuea street. along L. C. Award, 170 to Kekuanaoa;

L"niM-- , rurrl.igp at the Court 3. South 2" 30 east, true, 40 feet- im,..i,nic hll enter on the along land sold by Kekuanaoa to Pu-lunui to Kekaulike street, thencer'n "f the drive, and align on

Quarry and Rock Crushing Plant,


CONCRETE ENGINEERS and CON4. South C7 10 west, true, 19.6 feetCnrporatlun Notice."r fi-- i or the circle awaltlnr along Kekaulike street to Initial point,

containing an area of 44.1000 acre.ur"nr j carrlRe n wattlns;

' .: ; it

f.i I

M .

-- 1 v .

" sf

n;- - ;



1 ;ii


1 m

TRACTORS. Estimates furnished andcontract taken for foundations, mono Section 3 Commencing at an angle

HONOKaaSUGaR CO. in the line of Queen street on themauka side, which point bears souths

"I want each and every woman to bea committee of one. Let each womantake her, husband or brothers to thepolls and not let any Re-publicans have anything to say tothem. Whatever will happen wrong

will not fall on the Repub-licans, but on ourselves. I understand,that some devices have been arrangedto strangle us. Do not go to eat theRepublican puaa and drink their gin.Stay at the polls until the outcome, to-

morrow is decided," .

J. K. Paele spoke briefly as follows:"To-da- y some of these people camedown to Koolau and told us that Wil-cox was bought and that J. C. Lanewas put on the Independent ticket bythe Executive Committee in place ofGeo. Markham. The natives would notbelieve and we received later news thatIt was false. Let us be patient andstand firm and send our delegate R. W.

f ' "h southerly imn plat, from THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL 54 40' west, true. 264.6 feet, from anIron pin at the south corner of Klngr --

and Queen streets, - near the Hoollli- - -

lithic concrete structures of all kinds;fire-proofi- pavements, bridges, andany work Involving the use of Portlandcement concrete. Crushed rock androck sand for sale. Agents and licenseesfor Ransome steei-concre- te system con-struction, Monler constructions, Palmer

"f"t to the makal sidewalk"M the l.walk to the cornr nanu bridge, and running: ,Mil

meeting of the shareholders of the Ho-nok- aa

Sugar Company will b? held atthe omce of Y. A. SchaefeT A n.Monday, Novemtr 12. VMn. at 1 a. m.

M'JB W. LANZ."0 Hullding. 1. South 3 00' east. true. 167 feet .


rn-- n who have Joined the Republicanpatty. - ; i '


Just here the Republicans passed by.Mossman then rontemptably said:"There goes those snakes."t' l. Kalauokalar.l," Jr.. made the samespeech as he did at Emma Squarewiththis exception. He said that there false ballots and that the HomeRu party would offer $'0 to catch aman that would Introduce such a bal-


"i"n the m.ik.4l side of the cen- - along mauka side of Queen. , street tc -patent hollow concrete building blocks.Stevens' litholite stone. - - north corner of section 2; . .vr. r.n true Kwa.l.l Al.,n .1. . . . i 2. North 47 00' east. true. 99.2 feet- . w- ,- normweeteriy urasn NO'llCE. along L. C. Award 170 to Kekuanaoa;NOTICE 3. North 46" 35' east, true. 124 feet -

m R,n "r-e- f. rarlnir mukal.un or fauk.Ti nr fr-.- any point In or be

along same;4. North 17 30' west. true. 113.7 feeb:

along part of L. C. Award 11225 to W. -.

r"-ni- utre- -t and the Harbor,

THE ADJOURNED , ANNUALmeeting t.f the shareholders of the Pa-

cific Sut-a- r Mill will b held" at theofflc, of F. A. Schaefer & Co. on Mon-

day. November 12. l!oo. at 2 p. m.W. LANZ. Secretary.

L. Lee, sold to Armstrong to Queen --

atreet; thencew,H,n M.i.nkM ana runch,,.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe Pearl City Cemotery will be openfor Interments on and after Monday,November 5th. 1900. A special funeraltrain wHl leave the railroad station at2:15 p. m., dally, remaining at thecemetery until after all interments.

The rates for transportation are one

6. South C4" 40' west. true. 166 feetR. N. Boyd" said: "If you look backseven years and review .what has teen

W llcox . to Congress ana vote thestraight Independent ticket."

KAULIA IN A FRENZY.along Queen street to initial point.i , nt.

iiii . . containing on area of 53.1000 acre.pMencr, 10 done ln the past, why do these peopletome here to bg for your votes. WilNOTICE . Which pieces or parcels of land wereJ. K. Kaulia leaped Into the air and originally part of Land Commissioners.cried, "Kill the snake! Kill th- - aonar ror tne corpse, ana nity centscox and I went t school together in

N L V."'1 fr',rn ,ny P""t between Award No. 11225. Royal Patent 187914.snake! Kill the nake! Hurrah! rr the round trip ror mourners.KONA SUGAR COMPANY STOCK Italy. Vp would have been lieutenants fiats are r.ow on sate at tne omce orthe company, ranging ln price from $10


Notice I hereby given that a special

Also:Section 4 half of the

following- piece or parcel of land alt-ua- te

at the south corner of Nuuanu

riurran: iiurran: For seven yearsKaulia has been chasing afterthe snakes to kill them. When willthey be killed? Tomorrow from 8

up, according to location and size. Noto-d- ay If we hod stayed In Italy. HereIs Wileox. He did 'not pass himself offns a prlti e In Paly as they say, but asthe same Wilcox. The Italian princess

meeting ff the Kona Sugar Co., Ltd.,

I'M., NUUlinu Avenue,'n- on I.lllha streef

--4. rl I ' "Pl1 t"t" the He- -,

f h.M.i. ,m tnw Kwm foll(,f'; "f street, on the

not; one mile,.,UrM p.lnt. for eavh

and Merchant streets ln said Honolulu,o'clock to 5 o'clock, kill the snakes!Ill be heM at th office or i. w.other charges of any nature. .



fell In love with him and that Is howMcChesney A Hons. Queen street. Honolulu, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on tne in he won her. However, be left his wife

and child lecaue he preferred to comeday of November. 1900. for the purposeof considering the advisability of bor back and work f i r your Interests here.k, rie limit. not ex- - rowing money for th purpose or tnebusiness of th corporation on th se 'I rpeak of Wilcox as an honorable

Over and over again Kaulia said."Kill the snake!" stamping on theplatform with all his might.

When a yellow ribbon was given tohim he held It before him and kickedit. saying. "Kill the snake!" "Accord-ing to the Constitution of the UnitedStates the voice of the people, is likethe voice of God. and we will be heard.

from the starting'I ;..f ... w . curity of coupon bonds of the companynon, in cents; beyond man and an a brother, for we lived to-

gether In Italy as brothers. Now theseto an amount not exceeaing --ow.uw idkf "ot prP mile, or fraction he inured by a deed or trust or tne

franchise, ard all the property of themWsi'T.arle ar..t to put Wilcox out.: l te'l you It Is the man's own hqnorthat won for him the love of the peo They have said today that I had withcompany, present ana ruture. . Office with H. F. Bertleroann, cor

tractor, King street, opposit.Wall. Nichols A Co.ple," -WILLIAM vv. iiau

Vic President Kona Sugar Co.Honolulu. October 30. 19o0. MOO

drawn rrom the Independent party,and likewise R. N. Boyd and R. W.Wilcox. They will get left."

After Kaulla's speech three cheers Concrete Side Walks aVSr"n ,hr" yr. old. or un- -,

t,haT.f thr ,far" ,,,,, year, 0nt half

and a tiger were rendered for the "Kill SoPCillltV.the snake!"DIVIDEND NOTICE.


ueing a portion or Land commission-ers' Award 626, apana 1, to S. Rey-nolds, bounded and described aa fol-lows:

Commencing at the north corner ofthis lot at the south angle of Nuuanuand Merchant streets on qew streetline and runnning:

1. South 28 10' east, true, 17.1 feetalong new fine of Merchant street;2. South 71 6' west, true, 27.25 feetalong L. C. Award 626. apana 3, to S.

Reynolds, along police station lot;3. North 22 10' west, true. 75.5 feetalong Segelken lot to Nuuanu street;4. North 67 40' east, true, 19.17 feetalong Nuuanu street to Initial point,

containing an area of 1.800 square feet.The land and premises situate at the

south angle of Nuuanu and Merchantstreets, of which an undivided halfwill be sold, as above, has for theowners of the other undivided half theheirs of the estate of the late Hon.James W. Austin of Boston.

Further information concerning thesaid parcels of land may be obtainedby application at my office, room 206, 1

Judd building, in Honolulu.Yhe titles of the land to be sold as

above mentioned have been adjudicat-ed by the court. Sales will be subjectto ' confirmation by the court. Deedsat expense of purchasers.

ROYAL D. MEAD.Commissioner.

Dated Honolulu. October 30, 1900.6689 October 30; Nov. 6. 13. 20.

HacKman Quinn said: "You see tnat all kinds of 8TONB and CON- -'. .1, bl to th stockholders or tne inter- -procession 7 E .eTy nKtn In It Is paid $2. 1 CRETE WORK at California price.Island Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.. at

their office. Queen street, at 10 o'clockr-- 7 anoi nrta i rum inose pistols Is ashot for the heart of the Hawaiian. The,

f ".nmenres With th a. m., on nuay, .oTesnoer , w.t l . .. """. tfervtr. In m.Tb atorkbookfl of th company will

be closed to trannfer from NovemberTRIBUNE!

is the POPULAR WHEhi

Whitman & Co.,

"'"l"' tnay be

1.oTh."', ,h" w-"- " nlt in--

D. Kalauokalab! said: "There arebeing provided .for. your, feasting anddrinks: Beware of these things. "Wo-

men, embrace your husbanda and donot let them go." .

After this announcement Jesse Ma-kaln- al

waa Introduced by the chair-man. He said: "For the last sevenyears jr havef w malned . true to theAIpJia'Alna 'society. To-nig- ht you seemto eel that same. Flv o'clock to-

morrow evening will prove If you re-

main so true to us that we will wearthe laurel of victory. Rememberwiien w lost - our Independence we

wrf cast ot In tho deep ocean and wewere not given our franchise. Weswam for shore but these people stoodon the shore and stopped us with theirbayonets. Finally whave been land-ed on the Territory of Hawaii and youhave the power the ballot. If you areroln to" neglect this we will always

iwpuDiicans cant get crowds. If wewant to beat these people let us vote tnestraight Home R'jle cket. There are ru-mors in the. air. There have been raveI'es circulated In town today than tlierehave been irops. of rain. They tell jouWilcox has resigned; they tell you Kaoifciand Boyd have withdrawn. Thev tell v.m.

to the 5th. Inclusive., C. H. CLAPP.

Secretary.Honolulu. tVtober 31. 1900. S9lJr "l,,f" h"l made lies. Yu all know that you are Chris- - AGENTS. " FORT STREET

ASSESSMENT NOTICE.Tf. f'.r ordinary hand

i. ' Inv .... . ... ,hn rdlnry

, -i- i trunk or box. 2S

uans. iou nave cne Judas; It la GeorgeMarkham. Judas' betrayed his MasterAll of th twerve apostle did not standup for Christ. Pay no attention to Ma.k-ha- m.

We laveTaele to fill his pla.ote. for Paele Instead of Markham letus show the missionaries that with ndtheir millions they cannot corn-ne- A wil'n


? L. AHLOGeneral Merchandise.

WAIPILOPILO, KAPALAMA.- aivvr sa rxxa ii

J imu. . ,'"'! ""'J bad-g-.

THE NINTH. AND FINAL AsWith iu w,,en God Almighty Is with us."sessment of 10 Per cent- - 110.00 per squeezed by these . people fNear Tramcar Stables).

Tefarphos 1M. P. O. Bos !I a . - na Ki . I I M.-.- a hire), ha been called on th aaseasa- - PLUMBER EMMELUTH.I 1. rm ki,... . theje ,rmarkj X orge 701119 support

the II. K. party."tie atock of thla company, to'n and pytbl t the pfTic of Caatle""r ssiinn ... wrn oa.

."Nr...,. " "l-o- the left K,...tjonn-i.mciut- h raid: "It is a pleasure j

to find that your mind are fixed againithe Republican patty. It augurs well forHAKOOKOO EXHORTS.laTH at ik:':.nrr tr!- - w, A Cooke. I.til.. on i winner o, isf, mjcI.1NQUENT NOVEMBER 30. 110. .

W. A. noWEN.uon House: atn resuu or tomorrow. I have, found theJ. K. Nakookoo was next on the pro- - j Hawaiian people to be earnest, steady and

rrarfi." II said: "We will lo all tbse .loyal. The Home Rule cartv simitvTr. .Waialua Agricultural Co.,

EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPERemployed during the day In office, de-sires to get evening work. Will under-take the regular keeping of books or doany special work, such as opening,writing up, or balancing of books.

Best references can be furnished.Address.


. W75 . .. Advertiser Oface,



.APu ,?n SPECIAL- -l,A V I rARK.

hie jpavementa.' tbse beautiful build- - mns victory tomorrow. You were borutrigs tf you do. hot d what you osrht. ,vLC!i.V,an 'f9 a2d Sh1"'31111 fP,r'T- -

. will with . i 1 people no doubt were sincereOur children cry tears If and tried to nniift the watin MnnDAILY iDVfitTlCm to Uhwmn4

m aaavt Off IBM) MV 11n "r' 'c, way iM you neglect out rights.' Just here Mr. Ibut this degeneracy of thla Uf has been


"in ir



And Now On Sale !TERRITORY 33 Queen Street.P. 0. Box 694. Tclphn 72.

7k V Panura In Informing their many friends and the public generallythey have been fortunate enough to ecure a large portion of thetack of L. C. THOMPSON & CO.. 890 and 900 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.Tnta firm MADE AN ASSIGNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THEIR

CREDITORS ON SEPTEMBER 16th. and Mr. Kerr happened to be on thepot and Mcured. AT HIS OWN PRICE, the portion of this stock he consid-ered suitable for the Inland trade, comprising

Tramways Want to PutIn Loops.

Our first consignment of this year's pack of


Also, a general replenishing of our Cereal and Fancy Cracker

OFFER OF A CEMETERY426 CASE5 Stock.War Department Refuses to PartWith a Piece of Land

Near Moanalua.

At yesterday's meeting of the Governor's council Mr. Dole notified themembers that he had authorized the

H. MRY & ., LTD.2-B-


Thcatcrliousc Store, The Mclntyrc Store

inspectors of election to increase the.

number of voting compartments insome of the districts; the number of

-- 7voters was too great to allow everyman cast his ballot within the specifiedtime. He stated that he had taken thisaction as a preventive against disturbances.

Mr. McCandless, Superintendent of-


Public Works, read a communicationfrom the Hawaiian Cemetery Associa-tion whose burial grounds are locatednear Pearl City, in which they statedcertain conditions under which theywould agree to bury paupers who Honolulu Stock Yards Co.would have to be buried by the Government. They stipulated to r.erform this work at so much for each bodv, W. H. RICE, PEKSIDKNT.The proposition was discussed and re W.S. WITHERS, MASAoajected.

Manager Pain of the Hawaiian Tramways Company gave notice throughMr. McCandless that his company de

Two consignments

comprising 51 headsired to proceed with the constructionof switch loops on King and Beretaniastreets in order to run more cars. Theswitches would be located half way be

draft and stylish

Drivingtween the present ones. Mr. McCandless read a draft of his reply whichwas to the effect tht the TramwaysCompany should furnish a map and

Never before have the ladles of Honolulu had an opportunity like this topurchase new goods direct from the East at the prices we are now offeringthis stock.Quoting prices Is often misleading, but we respectfully ask the ladles toexamine our goods before making their purchases.We Just mention a few leaders. Any lines you don't see advertised,please call, and our assistants will be pleased to show you the goods.

If you don't buyYou can tellYour Friends....

specifications showing Just what theyintended to do. It is thought this action is a new move on the TramwaysCompany s part to gain control of Kingstreet where the Rapid Transit 'Com

HorsesSeveral nice teams,

two fancy teams, se-

veral elegant single

- drivers and gentle

pany has already laid Its rails.A letter from the Department of

State. Washington, enclosing one fromthe War Department, was read bvGovernor Dole. The contents dealtwith a piece of land near Moanalua v family animals. T)which the Government desired to useas a cemetery site. The answer fromthe War Department was to the effectthat the piece of land in question was I Honolulu Stock Yards Co. ;the only section available here whichcould be Used for military purposes andDressDepartmeet LIMITED.Auction Salemat otner lands would be so expensivethat it preferred to retain possession 4, W. H. RICE. PBtosiDEirr. W S. WITHERS. MANAQKB.oi tne property.

Treasurer Lansing was authorized to ON .WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, K-HfHHH-f- H4-f

transfer from the current to the loan - - w

'100 Pieces CottonChalley

fund, the sum of $24,000.240 Pieces GinghamsNew Styles AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

At the iremlses formerlv nrnmlerlVote the Republican Ticket Straight by HART & CO.. LTD ' 81 Hotel KtreMChecks and stripes, fourteen i wni sen at pudhc Auction:Guaranteed fast colors, 5c a

yard. A Fine AssortmentThe election rpturna will Krkyards for J1.00. - - i li KJVAK

in front of the Advertiser office thisevening as soon as they begin to comein.



CORNWELL TO528 Pieces Liberty Silks500 Pieces AmericanQhirtings

Superior quality, two yards for$1.00.

JAPANESE SILKS,(Black Grounds) VOTE FOR SAMWhite spots and floral designs,fifteen yards for $1.00. KIMONOS, GRASS CLOTH,Latest Somersault ofWt have secured a beautiful lot of FRENCH ORGANDIES. We could

lnese SOOds' UUT QUICK TURNOVER IS WHAT HAWAIIAN SILK FLAGSthe HawaiianCampaign.W. will offer them at 10c. 15c and 20c. These goods . would be grand

William H.

Just the thing to decorate your room with.We also call your attention to the 'Fine assortment of ....Cornwell will vote for

Sam Parker.Such Is the rather surprising newsgiven the Advertiser late last night by

mm uvu MIC 111? yriCC,


- Wthe,flne9t "tock we vcr handled, and our customers know! wear, headquarters for White Dresses. One hundred pieces painwhite, narrow-stripe- d Dimities, 10c a yard.


Made of Silk and Grass Cloth direct from Japan.

WAVERLY BLOCK. HOTEL STREEllBomcstic Department.

W. II. CORNWELL.'X TURKISH TOWELS, any price you SHIRTWAISTSV ... ' I one of the best known men in Hono- - roofWaterpIUIU.Among this stock Is a lovely

I ?,6 K!" W.aA8t8L sPlendUo . like, and from the smallest tothe bath robe size.

' ;I . J i . : -


been all through the" campaign"! Ti.8,,ie- - ine quan-tity Is larco -- - . .f r ' " ""ia nave an enthusiastirDemocrat:

7'L?rLwass 'a night as- oeiiu, i snailtS, nIsd " Cornwell votesfor Z. Lap Robes"LWIJK 1 know of othersV" vuie "r me who are sud- -

BEDSPREADS. ,.WE are.' always'

: pT?.P,)e .'.Vr, tustomets ' first-- eall n;for. these roods, i, The'

, pucfc ase of ttys 'assigned 'stock' ' t aables'aa to show you lines

that Vfe cannot possibly, again' ; ' wTetyou. ii- - : ;. A

t:;' r . . , 1 .,

Lpendents." 1 or inae- -

ruy worth doublethe money. ,"

MILLINERYRIGHT UP TO DATE- - anvsalior Hats; perfect remvnavy, white or blaik. at Efto 7oC'' 11.00 and 11.25 FOR0AHU ICE &


Ladies don't be fooled ELECTRIC money gained RAINY


8AVB TOUR VIOET AND BUT FRO M US. To any part of the City.."I

Hoffman & Rfarlrhimeynone iiue 315. p. n r,- - eM oo--"nee: Kewalo. ,n JAS. F. MORGAN cBEAVEB t UKCH ROftftis.

Port ?;,J,.NOvLTE' ProprietorOpposite Wilder KTa.

firsi Class' LuhfUBCOELIN5i i illnn

VTlth Tea, Coffee.: Soda Water. GingerQueen Street P. O.'BOX SUJ.33 Queen Street--- IV

Leading Harness; Manufacturer.

Established 1891.

..uhi 4 . m. to 10 p. m.Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. - P-- 0. Box 594. - Teltpih? 't



keim Hardware CompanyLIMITED.



nr.- -Mir,



t t,JMott Iron Works, New York. IN TRANSIT 150 Marble Lavatories,

225 Bath Tubs,

450 Water Closets, etc., etc.

The Wolff Manufacturing Company, Chicago.

The Standard Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg.

A Lorg Sweet Smafee

Invid Lawrence & Co,Soil Pipe in Carloads.AGENTS.

532 Port Street.


A flodest Request! " PROPOSA LSTo suit the purchaser.

aerea unaer ire post Deuum program, mefit st being the Shiklshlma. Her tonnageIs 15.443. and she Is thus 400 tons biggerthan her sister ship, the Shiklshlma.There remain to arrive the Hatsuse andthe Mikasa. which will be sister ships,each 15,243 tons displacement. Japan willthen have six first-cla- ss battleships. TheAsahl's horse-tow- er Is 15,207. and herspeed Is 18 knots. She has four ch



The Independents AttackTheir Former


OF Aguns, fourteen la-ce- quick-firer- s.

twelve 47-- m. quick-firer- s, and five

jll,; A MAN WIjMIKS TO RPEND VERY LITTLE MONEY,j,T T' I''. TAt.KKD OF AH REINO ORAVE OR FUNNY,is: him i so at iiw own hlioht request,


r ii M.i!'r tr Five Cents.

torpedo tubes. Her bunker capacity is1,4"0 tons.Only an Apology and an

Patent Washout Closets.Enameled Lavatories. .

Enameled Sinks, assorted sizes.Enameled Urinals, assorted sizes.Galvanized Steel Sinks, assorted

sizes.Lead Pipes, assorted sizes.Lead Traps, assorted sizes.Galvanized Iron Pipes, assorted


A HERO'S SUICIDE.Sergeant Fujil Fusaklchl, who distin

Indemnity. guished himself s? greatly at the captureof Tlen-Tsl- n, committed suicide In Hiro-shima on the morning of the 20th Instant.

i o

J. J. Plonsky, ine following is a literal trans- - vlatlon of a circular In Hawaiiandistributed yesterday by the Inde- -pendents:

The outer gate of Tlen-Tsi- n was blownup by a party of sappTs under the com-mand of Sub-Lieuten- Inouye, who fir-ed the fuse with his own hand under cirOF NEGOTIATIONSTERRITORY OF JIAWAII.cumstances of preat danger. The gatewas found cloned, and as no provisionhad been made for blowing It up, therewas a moment's check. Sergeant FUJiIthen scVl the wall, and with the assist-ance of two privates who followed him,

Insurrection in Korea is Gain

Pipe Fittings, assorted sizes.Pig Lead, Calking Lead; Solder, In

large quantities.Navy and Plumbers' Oakum.Hose Bibbs, assorted sizes.Check, Gate and Globe Valves.Stop and Service Cocks.

ing Strength and is AimedAgainst Foreigners.

succeeded in opening the gate. On thelUh instant he returned with his battal-ion to Hiroshima and received an enthu-siastic welcome. But apparently someStrawberry Seasonthing preyed on his mind, for at 6 a. m I.on the 3th he pla'ced the muzzle of aYOKOHAMA. Oct 23,-- The Chinese Tinned Rivets, assorted sizes.

plenipotentiaries have put forward the5o not now. Butwervatheradailv'at otir Fountain,t 1 - following proposals as a basis of peace ur adP UM0I14 irn rpam HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COnegotiations:

Murata riflV to his throat and destroyedThe Tckyo newspapers allude

to the event in terms of great regret.OF KOBE.

The Japanese troons have made an at- - .

tack upon Formw-a- n band'ts at Hyorinin the neighborhood cf Taipeh. and killelover sixty of them. No particulars arc .

yet to hand I 1.

1. That as the attack on the ForeignLegations was a manifest violation of the

Kill the Snake!Independent Home Rule Party.Arise ye, O People of I, Mahl, Pa-le- na

and Lt ahlne.Listen to the truth. The Repub-

licans are saying false things, aswould a snake, that It. W. Wilcoxhas resigned from his candidacy asDelegate to Congress and that theIndependent Home Rule party willsupport Samuel Parker.

Here is the truth: R. W. Wilcoxhas not given up his candidacy, butGeorge Markham, the Snake of theIndependent Home Rule party, isthe only man that is bought by theRepublican party; and we declareto the public that he told a lie whenhe said that he Is the secretary anda leader of the Independent HomeRule party We did not appointhim at all to any position of trustin the Ind?pendent party. Mark-ha- m

had an old trouble that is In-

sanitythat same disease is af- -'

fecting bin. again. Therefore wehave fired him and the Insane manhas become sweet and favorable tothe Republican party. Let all theinsane people join the Republicanparty.

Stand firm, O ye Nation, for thecandidates of the Independent


law of nations, there can be no questionabout China's obligation to apologize.

HONOLULU DRUG SO. 2. That China Is bound to pay a properIt ended fatally on the 19LhIndemnity. from Kobe.

Instant. awaiian3. That the amount of the Indemnity toVun Uolt Clock, Kbit 8L .be paid to the Powers collectively shallbe nxed nrst. and subsequently, the in- - Yote the Republican Ticket S'raig'it

to each Power separately, and )4 It. Otis. Otto A Dlcrbach

Trade Amenities in Japan. ithat so soon as an arrangement Is arrlv- -

ei at on these points, the allied forces 'YOKOHAMA. Oct. 23. Tokyo news- - BooksIthall be withdrawn. . - - . . 1 a 1papers staie iriai u lurfigii linn 111 xu- -


Imhama. flnrllnrr ltarIf face to face with :4. That If any levision or supplement

mmmi" :l )miX



1?;--- .


1vt V







a heavy loss resulting from transac- - it Home uJe party!ng of existing treaties or Any concludingWe are.Hons in silk, endeavored to evade its

bargains by various pretexts, which itsof new conventions be contemplated, thepresent opportunity should be taken.ft Great Variety of JAS. K. KAULIA.


Leaders of the Independent HomeRule party.

That as the allied forces were put In Japanese creditors declined to enter-ta- n.

The dispute is still going on. Thename of the firm given by our contem

ANNUAL,THRUM'S HAWAIIANmotion solHy for the avowed purpose ofsuccoring the legations, an armisticeshould commence simultaneously with the

' Informationrecoenlzed book ofTheporaries is Messrs. Nabholz & Co., andoix-nln-

g of peace negotiations. it is said that Mr. Abegg is endeavoroves These proposal amount simply to an ing to act as mediator.apology and an Indemnity. It Is farther Vote the Straight Republican Ticket.rlaln that the Chinese plenipotentiariesdlre to utilise the occasion for revising

Yote the Republican Ticket Straight.the larlrT, so that they shall be able tocarry out the old project of converting

about Hawaii."Hawaii: Our New Possessions" Mu-

stek."Six Months In the Sandwich Islands"

Bird."The Making of Hawaii," Blackman."Islands cf the Pacific" Alexander."Vacation Days in Hawaii and Japan"

Taylor."America in Hawaii" Carpenter."Hawaii and a Revolution" KrouU"Our Island Empire" Morris.

the i:kln Into eu.tomes dares. Such aAND change would Rive an additional revenueof alout 2." 0"Vi taels, which would go Afur toward paying the contemplated Indvmnltle.' . v at''-lVt.-.i- -

Of course the proposals advanced bythe Chinese plenipotentiaries do not by

Death of a Peking Survivor.YOKOHAMA. Oct. 23. The death of

Mr. R. II. de Courcy, of the ImperialCustoms, announced in the N. C. DailyNews, Is one of several which typhoidfever has produced among the menwho stood th Legation siege of Pekingthis summer. Mr. de Courcy, the sonof an Irish clergyman and a distin-guished graduate of Trinity College,only came to China about a year, agowhen he commenced duty at Peking.He was employed almost immediatelyas Assistant 'Professor of English inthe T'ung Wen Kuan, a position forwhich his scholarly habits and hispromising knowledge of Chinese ren

Aloha" Chaney.any means represent what they are prepared to yield. Their omlssloA of any reftnges "Early Northen Pacific Voyages"ereneff to the outrages In the Interior Is

frost unsatisfactory. A telegram from Corney.Flora of Hawaii" Hillebrand.


London, published by the JIJI Shlmpo, al"Indigenous Flora of Hawaii" (forty- - -that they have rejected the

st forth by the Foreign RepresentaFiraerj Boflers icd fxtn Castlflgs for til Stove two colored plates) Sinclair.tives for the replacement of the Tsung-I-l "Hawaii and Its People" Twombly.Yamen by a Ministry of Foreign Affairsaccording to Western models, the dlsmantling of the Taku forts and the es

'History of the Latter Days of the Ha- - --

waiian Monarchy" Alexander."The Island," a Journal devoted to sci-

entific researches.dered him specially suitable. His genialtablishment of direct Intercourse between

We make a buisness of taking picKrT.Iephone Wo ' i ."Andrews' Hawaiian Dictionary.

humor and ready wit made him alwaysa pleasant companion and a popularman. Mr. de Courcy was one of theCustoms' Volunteers during the siege

tures make a feature of art photo"Andrews' Hawaiian Grammar." 'graphs. We study the arrangement of

groups and the posing of individuals,and our work is the sort that insures

Alexander's Hawaiian Grammar."Headquarters for Hawaiian informa

and did his duty manfully, though attimes In Indifferent health.Wiian tfB and tlsfaction all around.

Call and be convinced. tion, ...SALOONS ALL

the Emperor and the representatives oftreaty I'owers.

Hut It may be confidently affirmed thatthis Is Incorrect. No proposals can havebeen formally submitted .as yet by theForeign Ministers. There has not been

ny news as to definite concord betweenthe Powers with regard to a basis, andsince the fierman and Russian Ministershad not leTt Tlen-Tsl- n at the date of lat-est advices. It Is plain that no program ofnegotiation can have been formulated onth part of the Powers collectively.

The. submarine cable from Chefoo - toTslng-ta- o In Klao-cho- w Bay has beencompleted.

INSURRECTION IN KOREA.News from Korea Is to the effect that

an Insurrection of the Pedlars and theTonghaks has taken place In the neigh-borhood of WUu: that Is to say. !n Phy- -

r ART; Fugarees nil 1 1 iJ. ,1.Thos. fi. Thrum

STATIONER,625 Fort Street, near HoteL


Fort Street, Upstairs.Hawaiian Views on Silk FansMAD I J AT An. New Books


High Sheriff IssuesNotice To The

: Owners.God Souvenir to Take Home With You

Rock .

For BallastWhite and Black Sand




onyang-do- . In the north of Korea. TheirUader Is said to be c man named Chang

ho enjoys much popularityand wields great Influence. The rebelshave gained possession of three towns,Kusong. Yongchhon and Chholsan. andthey are believed to be acting In collusionwith a number of fellow-thinke- rs In theneighboring southerly province, Hwang- -


High Sheriff Brown will close allthe saloons In the City today from Oi a. m. until 11:30 p. m. After con- - Q

Dump Carts furnished by tie lay mmTerrlng with Attorney General Dole Oyesterday lie tent out written no- - Q

haldo. their plan being to unite inQ,umarch against Fhyong-yan- g and Seoul ,Cscon as the Tadong nvee becomes frozen. OElev of these men were recently a"-i- O

rested at WIJu. but It appVars that tho(0Korean troops In that region are not ''--C

nrniv numerous to deal with the emer-;- 0

an hour's notice. "

tlces to the saloons apprising them Qof his decision. Q

The Sledge," by RIsley.Bob, Son of Battle," by OlUvant.The Black Terror, a Romance of Rus-

sia." by Leys,Boy," by CorellLMen with the Bark On," by Reming-

ton. .Found in the Philippines," by Captain

Charles King.The Waters of Edera," by Oulda,Red Blood and Blue," by Harrison

Robertson.The Touchstone," by Edith Wharton."Unto the Heights of Simplicity," by

Relmers.'Our P8ldents. and How We Make

Them by McClure.ln Circling Camps," by Altsheler.Japan in Transition," by Ransome.The Road to Parts."The Banker and the Bear." by Web- -

aii a

unaer tne provisions of the II- - OWE & CO.. San Francisco. H. R, HITCHCOCK,Merchant Street, In Office oecupU4 ft

M. D. Monsarrat.Jowith ta nawstla. UUd. will deUvar si oA.' nMt

gency, only 2"0 of them properly fO cense granted the saloons to sellequipped. The citizens of Fhyong-yan- g ,C liquors, the High Sheriff has theare forming a corps f volunteers . and O right to take such action. Therepreparing to resist the Insurants, whose C l nothing in the penal or civil lawsobject Is said to be the overthrow of the O which states that the saloons shallpresent dynasty and the expulsion of O be closed upon election days. Theforeigners. They have already destrryed O clause In 'he license which givesa Christian chunh. and murdered some O the High Sheriff authority to closenative converts. Rumor represents them O the saloon doors reads:

OMrd af 1 am. FRBB OT ALL CFIAKUK3 runi irn..ii. ta laa rraaelsc. Ctood



'Resurrection," y Tolstoi, and many


JM acting In collusion with the Boxers, O "Holders of letail liquor licenses,but probably it would be more correct to O when requested by the Sheriff, shallm hi 0 sum kmk say that the Boxers example has lnspir- - U close tneir places of business on

McCHESriEY & son

Wholesale Grocers aad Dealers laIttttor ud Shoe Ftodlnga.

Agents KoaatBan Boap Worka ftpaay, ZfanoIaMy and TacnUy,

ed them. election aay.IPIVTOT Tl 1TTT.F9H TT

other books of like character,AT THE

Golden Rule Bazaar.til FORT STREET.

';::'.:." ooocxxxxxxxxxxxxxdooow-- M kV X. . Y rx M 1S1 tVW f h hftrlAf f ftfill I

mc the finest battleship m the world. Th Yote the Straight Republican Ticket.

nr ir


I (fork ftciA XT S

rr. i a ;



KeepCoolv rfjft J EMME-LUT- M


to wis a OP




hP.17TI TKin





Mettlach FANMfA In nil A l- -1Steins direct and alternating Cubetter Ventilator maamine them at


Just received from Germany,Bine different styles, with metalcoverr. mottos and emblems, at

Oil B I 175c Each.Sixty-on- e other varieties In ail

color, up towill)

Phone Main 350. MAGQQK blJ

Souvenir$18 Each.Call nd see this display. Also,

novelties In glasa and china fortable decorating. See the NEW AlbuKTRUMPET VASES in GREENCLAS3. 42 Inches In height.

FO- R-


I T TTT TT A T mTn .

Visitors always welcome. CnFe7 GoodsEvery Day. . . see our collection.




Importers of Crockery, Glassand H'jusefurnlshing Goods. Corner Fort and Hotel Strettu

Eecord floor for Stoves and Re-fiige- ra

ors. Granite Iron Ware,Kitchen Utensils, etc. Anti-Tru- st Emmcluth. Plumbing Trust Emmcluth.




Cut Glass Hilts...t Hie eIi innTHE GAR1BALD1AN

Record of Wilcox's Past Shows HeWas an Annexationist.

And when he is grown up, he alsoCOMPANY, LTD.ATknows the

I Wt have reduced our Cut GlasswareM per cent In order to make room forla new stock now on the way. Old Blend T. Murata'OLIVE DISHES, BOWLS, WATERBOTTLES; SUGAR AND CREAM,BUTTER DISHES, ICE CREAMDISHES, etc. THE HATTER.

iWILCOX EXPOSED! Whisky118 Nuuanu St. Tel Blue W


Signed the Original Annexation Club Roll on List Number 1.M COUNTER Of the WHITE HORSE CELLAR fromthe original recipe of 1746. CHOICE.MELLOW, . and TEN TEARS INWrote a Letter to Blount April 6, 189?, Stating That He Favored Republic,

and Annexation to the United States, and That "Theof Monarchy Ought Not To Be Considered for a Moment." WOOD, this excellent product of Scotch

soil does not need further recommen

SEVEN PER CENT PER ANNUM,kiayable semi-annuall- y; also, a smallamount of the common stock can b-- t. tuned.



SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTTACRES of suburban property. Bee-tlo- n

1 now selling on the market.SEVEN HUNDRED ACTiES ofmountain land, with a good wateruppir.

ALSO, a complete rock-crushi- ng

plant: the largest In the country.


Office: No. 8, Model Block.

Pacific TransferCompany.

m King St., rear of Bailey's Cyclery.


He Now Pretends That He Favored he Monarchy and Opposed Annexation. dation. ONE CASE of twelve bottles.Remember we are in the LOVEBLOCK. quarts,

J J . . . . . .4 . Only $15.00FOR SALE BY


e Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, April 6, 1893.HON. J. H. BLOUNT, United States Commissioner, etc.

e I beg to submit my scrap book for your inspection, which will shede some light on the motives which actuated me and my associates In the con- -

spiracy of May, 1S92.e Tou will please notice a letter from Fred. M. Somers to the San Fran- -e Cisco Examinei, under date of May 4, 1S92,. and also :n extract from thee Illustrated American of December 26, 1SP1, and some extracts from the P. C.e 'Advertiser of Honolulu of the month of May, 1&92. In the main these state--e ments are correct.e My chief object was to establish a Republic with the view to ultimatee annexation to the United States of America.e If annexation-shoul- d be rejected by your Congress, which I hope not. I


King and Bethel Streets, Honolulu. tt a xrc vnn r A r.DRUFF? Tbei

have a contagious disease, unplKA rvna that WlU WHCarved J. LftND,Always on Hand.

uuutrtiiLii jr, a.4114 v..- -f - f

baldness unless cured. Pacheco ' i'H

vmA- - rm Tvnei.tivplv cure lv i--runks, Furniture and Safes CarefullyHandled.

'a'a OUTFITTER AND FURNISHER, Invigorating, refreshing and of -

still believe that a Republic with the closest possible relations, commer-cial and otherwise, with the United States, would be the best for Hawaii.

The of Monarchy, In my humble opinion, ought not to'be considered for a moment. Most respectfully yours, i


Telephone Main 58.Fort Street, near King. ful odor. It Is absolutely n

contains no grease, sediment, fly

ter or dangerous ga. JHG WO CHAN & CO. PACHECO'S DANDHt"Rnl1 h? all Druggists ana I



"LIST NUMBER 1 For the purpose of supporting the ProvisionalGovernment, and to assist as far as Is In our power-.i- securing the annex-ation of these Islands with the United States of America, We, the under-signed, agree to unite In the formation of a political organization with that

Union Barber Shop, Telephone KM' ITHE BOSS OF THE ROAD OVER

e ALLS, JUMPERS, CARPENTERS,' in milobject in view." ROBERT W. WILCOX. HMO!COOKS' AND WAITERS' APRONS.1 ) X IMF Im i in ff in 1 1





A fine line of same,


BELTS,3 NEW LINE OFWILL BE VOTING HATS and CAPS (in straw and felt),

kumlture,--'r and Tobaccos,

Calnese and Japanese Teas,Crockery, Mattings,

Vases, Camphorwood Truta.Rates Chairs.

Silks kind Satins....Of AP Urn

VA-t- li Nuoa&u SKreet

Removal.HOP CHAN

The Merchant Tailor.


J. Waller : : skt

- 4


PURSES, etc tHas just been opened up Jby the a Call or Send By Mail


Has moved to 607 Hotel street, nextdoor to Asada's.ftl'rlllflll lirilio nrtt r Custom House Blant

' Of All Kln





Hill Wl lill.A

COlfl- . -- mrrrXfLTD.

tlcrchint Street. a1a iililnioocsliip'if.

INSPECTORS OF ELECTION met with Governor Dole yesterdayTHE at 4 o'clock to receive their final Instructions as to the manner ofconducting the voting in the various City precincts today.

Governor Dole after the meeting said:"All the seven precincts which have had the voting compartments Increased

were represented, and a good proportion of the entire list of Inspectors was onhand. A number of matters touching upon the election were considered.

-- "I think thty were all well pleased at the action of the Government In Increas-ing the number of compartments."We also talked over the matter of counting the votes and whether the In-

spectors had any right to do any challenging. The sentiment was pretty unani-mous that they had nothing to say about registration nor were they responsiblefor registration matters. Their only lookcut Is to see that the man offering toWas n,an reK'9tered as a voter.

lJhe, ue8ti0IVi of the Inspectors themtelves not finding time to vote on accountot tne jam was d.scussed. I suggested that as many of the Inspector? werelfn Drecnct. other than thoee at which they would be on duty, they have itunderstood that where an inspector offers to vote he ba given the precedence overevery one else so that he can vote and get back to his work. This I think will bethe general rule followed.

rr!Zb.qUrtl0nv..f th c?ntro1 which tne Inspectors could exercise In the votlrgout fully. It was acrotd that they have the responsibility ofKeeping order In their rooms and seeing that there Is straight and uninterruptedotlng. They have full authority In their rooms. The Government Is responsiblefor the rrecervatlon of order outside. Of course If a mo should come in theirrooms and proceed to smash the ballot boxes they would have a very good rlgbttc call In the police to keep order." -


of PhlladelDhta. la the hest all-arou- ndrrr rrr $r $r rrrr ir ir

Hawaiian CuriosA FINt COLLECTION!


Thc Woman's Exchange,HOTEL STREET.

The Royal cieaiJI?nqnd

. W rks.All kinds of LADIES' AND GENTS'

CLOTHING CLEANED and PRESSEDit reasonable prices. Monthly contracts

specialty. Goods called for and de-livered. Cleaning 75c per suit.


company in wnicn to insure.Office Opposite

CHARLES II. GILMAN.204 Judd Building, General Agent.FRESH FRUI :

Reeelred by the 8. S. Queen.FROZEN OYSTERS.

Tk InstrumsntJ TTs4 " .OHIA WOOD FOR SALE tup oil CUT PARRFh 0Rur

OLtni fMIn any quantity. Apply to

W. C. ACHI & CO.,r TlorouWy Dl"i

JOSEPH FKRNANDSSnTJWING LUNG CO.King Street, termer ef Alokea. 10 , West King Street. ISLINGTON AOTIUjuiy 20, raoo.. .


. HOP? & CO. 1. HOPP fi CO tenner. a granddaughter, the sum of THE FIRST THEeach, or a fifth part of 4,015Ji2NOVEMBER iramue oi me estate.rCI ACiTRALL I

3PLUM FOR JOSEPH. Arjic or HawaiiLevi L. Joseph, messenger In the Judiciary Department, has been aonolnt.

ea assistant clerk and messenger In the OF HAWAII,' LTD.Attorney Oeneral's-- department at aXozX0 Ut ls0le


rscTERM BEG saiary 01 $o a month. This leaves avacancy In the Judiciary, an office

which now pays $40 a month. The Justices are looking for a good, smartyoung man to fill the vacancy.

Capital, 1250.000.

President Cecil BrownVice President M. P. RobinsonCashier w. 6. Cooper

Principal Office: Fort, near MerchantStreet.

.Many Cases on Court


Incorporated under the Laws of ' tbTerritory of HawalLPAID UP CAPITAL - $600,000RESERVE - - - 50.000UNDIVDED PROFITS - 1 08,000

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Charles M. Cooke Presidentc. S. ,::"::::::::::7.fgsas-F. C. Atherton Assistant CaaMler

Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W.Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney, J. A. Me-Candl- ess.

Solicits the Accounts of Firms reo





GoodsVote ilia StraUht Repnb.lcaa Tlclet.

A GREAT MEDICINECalendar.2C"I have used Chamberlain's Colic.





Branch Office: Hllo, Hawaii.

CflnSncts a (Jfineral BantinE BasinessAT HONOLULU AND HILO.

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy andr- - find It to be a great medicine," says

Mr. E. S. Phlpps. of Poteau. Ark. "It.CRIMINAL DOCKET SHORTo cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speakUnder iho Old Tarill, perations, Trusts, Individuals, and willpromptly and carefully attend tn ntoo highly for It." This remedy always savings DEPOSITS .received andinterest allowed for yearly deposits atwins the good opinion. If not praise, ofthose who use It. The Quick cures business connected with banking en-trusted to it. Sell and Tn1 vklel tempr! M

Use ! "Ilirrors which It effects even In the most severeJudge Humphreys Goes Through Listme rate or per cent per annum.

Rules and regulations of savings department furnished upon application. elgn Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit.cases make It a favorite everywhere.- Fitted up to ny size. For sale by Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd.,wholesale agents'.

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.Ordinary and Term Dennsita mmImji

and Finds Nearly all CastsReady.

OnoftO and Interest allowedliiufehi. r

Bod Steads Vote the Republican Ticket Straight with rules and conditions printed inpassbooks, copies of which mav tw tiAC5o on application.With the courtriom crammed to thedoors with attorneys, witnesses andre Judd Building, Fort street, COMPANY, LTD.the kind that sell fast. 1!i

3 Jurymen, the November term of the I Urn &(iii CLAUS SPRECKELS. WM. G. IRWINCircuit Court began yesterday morn

Ing. Judge Humphreys was on theSido BoardsVery harvlsome, indeed.

0L l mum i CO Boh eroencti, and during the mo-nl-ng he was

TRANSACT A GENERAL TRUSTLIMITED,3 able to go over the entire civil calendar. In the afternoon he scanned th



criminal calendar and set several cases SAN FRANCISCO A RKNTa tttbifor trial, as well as mitigating the sentences In some of the others. TAKES ENTIRE CHARGE OF HEAL

-- Chenille andTapestry


ladies' Golf Gaoss

Cricketiner Flannels

Bagatele Boards

E.W. Jordan,10 Fort Street.

Island RealtyCompanyLimited.

' AND PERSONAL ESTATES. ' VThe civil calendar, which Includes Have in Stock andOffer for Sale a- -nearly 20i cases, proved to be in ex

cellent shape, nearly all the cases be DRAW EXCHANGE. ONCOLLECTS AND REMITS INCOME SAN FRANCISCO The Kot. Na--All new and Just unpacked, 2 Ing ready for trial, so that it will be AT REASONABLE RATES. tlonal Bank of San Francisco.other articles Inand manyour line.

a mere matter of time and hard workof the JudgM of the circuit to clear It. LONDON The Union Bank of London,It will be impossible for Judge Hum lta.and RENTS SAFES AND STORES VALU--&


phreys alone to finlh the work whichis outlined on the calendar, but it ii Fir NEW YORK American Exchange Na





tional Bank.hoped that a successor to Judge Ssilllman will be appointed before the conelusion of the term, and that he will be

CHICAGO Merchants' National Tt"VPARIS Credit Lyonnais.BERLIN Dresdener Bank.HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA

able to take some of the work off thehands of the Prst Judge. ACTS AS TRUSTEE. GUARDIAN,

ADMINISTRATOR.The criminal calendar Is short, andshould not take more than a few days

UpholsteringA SPECIALTY.



Hongkong and . Shanghai BankingCorporation. ,' v.':

to clear, as most of the cases are minorones, and many of them were nolle

NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIATRUST FUNDS 'AND TRUST INprossed atflhe instance of Deputy AtmnK os XMew Zealand.torney General Cathcart. Several were

O VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Banklikewise stricken from the calendar,VESTMENTS ARE KEPT SEP-ARATE AND APART FROM THEASSETS OF THE COMPANY.1 the defendants either having served

their terms for minor offenses, or deelded to withdraw their appeals.3

of BrlUsh North America. N

inct q General Bcmkino i iimw BiismraDeposits received, Loans made on Ad--In several cases Judge Humphreys

f, l LOWMT. Pwliwt.Cft CHABE. Vlee-Preslde- nt.

iflTHTR B WOOD. Trasr1 1 OILMAN, Mirstarr1 f DLO. Aodlfot


was merciful and mitigated the senJ. Hopp & Co tence imposed In the lower court. In proved Security, Commercial and Trav-elers' Credits Issued, Bills of Exchangea. 8--o the case of Joe J. Silva this was so,a. 409 Fort Street, Honolulu, H. T.

P. O. Box 447. cougni ana sola.IMlva was found guilty of assaulting3 COLLECTIONS PROMPTLYACCOUNTED FOR.



DEALERS.f H7 n1 tltr, act M lUU

Chinese vegetable man with the man'sown carrying pole. It appeared, how-ever, that SUva had a wife and sixsmall children ranging from elevenyears to eight months, and all of themwere entirely dependent upon him for

Hawaii Land Cor!r, trust. Irsrt aa


i'AINT OILS.Lucol and Linseed.

STEAM PIPE COVERING,Reed's Patent Elastic tlCovering.

INDURINE.Water-pro- of Cold Water Palvt. laaide and outside, In white andan.


3AVINQS BANKsupport.

"It seems to me," said Judge HumI D. Chase, . 4MDg ana tfeuiei sts.o3 Capital Stock $100,000.MANAGER a. --nCapital, paid up $55,000.

3. Ltta 111. U '7 o

phreys, "that this Is a case where thediscretion of the Judge Is called uponIf this man were sent-t- Jail for thirtyd.iys, as the Judge In the lower courthad sentenced him, It would work agreater hardship upon the man's fam-ily than upon himself.

"If you were sent to Jail." he wenton. turning to the prisoner, "whatwould become of your wife and chil-dren?"

The man hesitated a moment andthen he replied. In Portuguese: "I sup

OFFICERS.I I W. C Achl President & ManasjtiFILTER PRESS CLOTH,

Linen and Juts.Castle & Cooke. M. K. Nakulna Vice-Preside- nthop? co. J. hopp a CO

Office at bank building on MerchantStreeet.

Savings Deposits will be received andInterest allowed by this Bank at fourand one half per cent per annum.

Printed copies of the Rules and Reg-ulations may be obtained on

T VfaValn.1 Traajmr'LlMtTHO- -

LIFE amo FIRE rEMENT. UME.AND BRICRH Enoch Johnson : Secretarypose the Lord would have to providefor them." Geo. L. Desha AuditorShot



Honolulu, September 7. 1898.

'AGENTS FOR' ,J Makftinal,

J. W. Blpikane.

The above Company will buy, teasaSun CSTERN SUGAR REFINING C

Th Judg pondered a moment, andthen he said: ."I will fine this man 10and costs. Instead of sending him toJail.

F. I. Haskell had leen gambling andwa. sentenced by Judge Wilcox to paya fine of "0. Judge Humphreys re-duced this fine to So5 and costs.

The following cases were strickenfnm the calendar: Territory vs. AhU'al. larceny In the first degree; Ter-ritory vs. Wong Man. larceny In thesecond doree; Territory vs. CharlesKaeha. assault with a dangerousweapon; Territory vs. I?. Snead, lar-cn- y

In the second degree; Territory

agents ron 8an Francisco. CaL THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANKor sell lands In all parts tt the Haill'S Willi UK C( LIMITED.waiian Islands; and also has houses I

the City of Honolulu for rent.BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVsl WOKOPbUadelphla, Pa.BMteOF BOSTON.

U in insurance GownSubscribed Capital

Paid Up Capital .

u6serr&3 fond , .

Yen 24,000,000

Yes 18,000,000

Yen 8.130.0COor HArtTrono. vs. Lopez and Vvalola, larceny In tho

degree; Territory vs. Naihe, toil l in.LIM ITKD

"SWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CClarceny In the second degree; TerritoryCASTLE & COOKE, Ltd Manufacturers of National

Shredder, New fork.v. Kawika. larceny In second degree;Territory vs. Chee Kin, embezzlement;Territory vs. Henry Kla, malicious In-Ju- ry

and mischief; Territory v.. Na- - OFFICERS:HONOLULU.

Emission MerchantsHEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA.

INTEREST ALLOWED.PARAFFINE PAINT COMPAN1.holua, malicious Injury; Territory vs. III. P. Baldwin PresidentCandldo, asaault with a dangerous J. B. Castle First Vice President On Fixed Deposit for 12 months, 4 perweapon.MIA It FACTO lib.

Pan Francisco, CaL

HLANDT & CO..Ban Francisco, CaL

cent per annum.These cases were dismissed by nolleW. M. Alexander. Second Vice PresidentJ. P. Cooke TreasurerW. O. Smith .... Secretary and Auditor




.111 H

r It- -


On Fixed Deposit for 6 months, Z perprrequl: Territory vs. Mashlmoto,liiu4r selling without license; Terri






cent per rntory vs. George A. Davis, violating liJ rlaautlo Co. n Fixed Deposit for 3 months. 3 per

cent per annum.i:Ju AtrloultursJ C. sncense law.

Richard Fhepard. charged with cru-elty to animals, forfeited his bail

Sugar FactorsCommission MerchantsFrank Murphy, charged with assault

and battery upon Sam Floyd, waslow AirlciltureJ Ce.

All Kinds of

CAW BY The bank buys and receives for colfined $j and costs.Works, It The probate matters which were toAGENTS FOR lection Bills of Exchange, issues

Drafts and Letters of Credit and transhave come up, were postponed until Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co.Ml the Jurors, after be acts a general banking business.J on r. p;. it.M ry excused until Wcdnes- - Olaa Sugar Company,Haiku Sugar Company,Paia Plantation Company,Nahlku Sugar Company.lay Is not a legal holiJ w Kn!tnl Ulataal Ufs M day, the courts will be closed throughc of Bo.f oa. Branch of Yokohama Specie Bank.out the day. so as to give all ofTlceraFORT STREET.(arts f New Republic Building, HonoluluH. T.'n. rota.

Klhel Plantation Company,Hawaiian Sugar Company,Kahulul Railroad Company,


an opportunity to enst their ballots.SUPREME COURT REPORTS.

Always Freshand Pure!


aU- T- -C. BREWER &CO.UDV.ume 12. Hawaiian Reports, is now

out. It contains some 470 pages. The fb9 California & Oriental Steamship Co.volume had to end Hlth the Republic?l!T Tin rr "henee the smallness of the book. It

Queen Street, Honolulu, H. L .

AGENTS FORfront page contains names f the Jus

CoESolilated Hi Water Worts

Co.. LiaM.planade. corner Allen and Fort Bta

1IOLLI9TER it CO, AftnU.

Remember your friends, and yourkindness will not be forgotten. Our finetlces during the period covered by the

volume, also names of the circuitJudges, both under the Republic, and

1 1 i r r v Candles make an agreeable present for Hawaiian Agricultural Company, OnK


BISHOP & COBankers


yuit LIST! anyone.those now under the Territory. Thevolume was printed and tound by tlHawaiian Gazette Company, and is OUR CONFECTIONERY satisfies the

mea Sugar Company, Honomu SugarCompany, Walluku Sugar Company,American Sugar Company, Makee Su-gar Company, Ookala Sugar Planta-tion Company, Haleakala RanchCompany, Kapapala Ranch, MolokalRanch.

TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKINGgotten up In calf uniform appetite and strengthens the body.We also haveh the others of th seri It Is on AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS.1 tl't y.u im not Democratic Ticket!?dls nt me omoe oi nerry cier

Commercial and Travelers' Letters of"iPTlorlty of Qro-- th Judiciary Department.CLAIMS HE WAS EVICTED. Planters' Line, San Francisco Packets,Credit Issued, available in all the

Principal Cities of the World.r"pnoM tt delivery, or Charles Brewer & Co's Line of BostonPackets.""""m of pric,. INTEREST allowed after July 1, 1898,

Delicious Cakes, Piesand Bread

Which are made of the best flour andby experienced workmen.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Pr on fixed deposits: 7 days notice, 2 per Agents for Philadelphia Board of Uncent (this form will not bear Interest

Fred MyT has brought suit in theCircuit Court against D. K. Naone andJessie T. Naone for damages of $4,450,alUged to have accrued by his evictionfrom certain land at Kawalahao. Inhis complaint he states that on April1. 1809. he leased from the defendants

derwriters. -" 'Mt - ... CANDIDATESOF THE

DEHOCRATIC PAR Yunless it remains undisturbed for oner,ir dAlnt Standard Oil Company.month); 3 months, 3 per cent; 8 monthsAll your wants per 3vi per cent; 12 months, 4 per cent.


for eighteen years the property inouestlon. On October 25th he statesthat he was evicted from the land Inquestion, although he had performed

WM, O. IRWIN & CO., LTD Robertson, Manager; K. F. BishosvTreasurer and Secretary; CoL W. F.Allen. Auditor: P. C. Jones. H. Water--Wl ENGLAND WM

J. Oswald Lutted,Wm. G. Irwin ..President and Manager house, G. R. Carter, Directors.Claus Spreckels.. .First Vice PresidentW. M. Glffard.. Second Vice PresidentH. M. Whitney Jr. ..Treasurer and Sec. JUHE1 ISHIZUKA

AGENCY OFHotel St. near Bethel. Mgr.

all the covenants to bo perrormei onhis part. When he entered into pos-

session of the lands he assorts theproperty was barren, and he has ex-

pended large sums of money, amount-ing to .v in making It suitable for oresidence. The property could be rent-ed for $20 a month, and he has beenprevented from collecting this sum forthe term of the lease. Besides the de- -

George W. Ross Auditorit r .111 Stroot KB BIN .BAM; LTD.Vineyard .Streetfon,lints have taken of a


Commission Agent5AGENTS FOR THE

huiMtnir belonging to the plaintiff val

Alarm. Cabinet,Hall and Onyx

eLOSKS.S ILL m ne4 at f4.".0. Wherefore, he asks dam- -

.o-e- s of 4.4"..v 1 M. Strauss. A. G. Transact General Banking and Ex-change Business.

(TTnetplred Term, Mth Congress.)DAVID KAWANANAKOA.

Full Term. 17th Congress.)DAVID KAWANANAKOA.

JENATOPS:Island of Oshu.





iv.rreit im Char es Teignion are nis Oceanic Steamship CompanyTOKYO, J1PAIattorneys.


The final order for the distributionof thf estate of Joseph Lazarus was A iso, a v wy extensive assort-

ment of H W. FOSTER & CO.,signed by Judge Humphreys yesterday.Uv It the following sums were distrib


R. Lewers. F. J. Lowrey. C M. Cooke,

LEWERS & COOKE.Gold and SilversmithsHawaiian Souvenir Jewelryuted: For costs of the court. IIS; to

a ioort NaUea. ATKstner liosewarne a bequest of $23; toKaulmnkaole Izarus. wife of deceas-.- i

and to Alexander Lazarus and VXlV. WATCH REPAIRING, ! importers and Dealers In Lumber anO RAVING and DIAMOND-SETTIN-GBURT'SEleazar Lazarus, children of the do

refined, and Naomi Lazarus, a grandC4 KOK7 Ml

JEWELER.Building Materials, umee

414 Fort Street ,All Goods and Work Guarantee.

HOTEL STREET ,dAUirhter. and Adelaide Rawson


lemen TOR SALE,GentTHE FOLLOWINrt t.tDON'T COUGH machinery, sttpptrios- '


Stop it with Scott's emulsion c. brewer & co.. ltd.:of cod-liv- er oil.Drivers

We have now on display at our Repository

the very latest designs in .... .

A lifla niinhin if -- Vit"ir 1 T?TTT.T. TATTrTTT at. .

. .... . . I CAN BE HAD BY .,.WCSaCALUNqthe tickling, that makes you their OFFICE

cough once, is some dust; not street.the least harm. You scratch

ThisThe steamship China came Into the ONE BURLEY DRILL.riTH 40 H. P. BOILER atKMIA frVfAA) UtlV W aW" 1

harbor yesterday morning, and about roujrh is scratching an itch. pressor, etc.Racing Sulkies o'clock was lying within six feet of o othe Pacific Mail wharf. Quarantine Of But the cough, that hangs on (&VIIgS I5LLMA&8

Jficer Amesse made a thorough examin-ation before Bhe was allowed to enter and comes back, is the sign of spare parts.

THREE 250 H. itch that hangs on and ers. STIRLING Bkport. The steerage passengers for HoSpringbank's cargo can be discharged

comes back. There is some-- 0Jts green s' fuel econ.the ship will be placed on the drydocknolulu were sent over to the Quaran-tine Station, there to remain for aperiod of seven days. thing that makes that itch. two worthington higw ,

Dr. Amesse has received word from Inflammation: a germ per- - JBSKfor repairs." ,

Vote the Straight Republican Tictet.


Dr. Eldrldge, United States Officer atYokohama, telling him of a case of haps; it's alive; like a seed in opfe81 a tot

moist warm ground; it willBOILER.

one 25 h. p. upright tubulabsickness suspected of being bubonicplague, the patient having been landedfrom the China at Yokohama. Everypossible precaution was taken with theChina on her arrival . here.

Pleasure grow if you let it, especiallyin children.

j JoggingK, CartsCarts As was told in yesterday's Adver

List of uncalled-fo- r letters remaining Inthe postofflce at Honolulu for the weekending November 4, 1900:

GENTLEMEN'S LIST.Abbey, Mas Albert Akers, Steve (2)Auld, James Jr Austin, C JAustin, Franklin H Austin, Hon Jona-Anderso- n,

H (2) than



We'll send you a little to try, if yon like.SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pear street, New Yorktiser, the China was delayed two days

at Yokohama on account of this sus-pected case of plague.

After leaving Yokohama for Kobe,GUAGE. ' "Wion her last voyage to the Orient, the

It occurred 2 CtThese Vehicles are direct from the manufacturer and China struck a typhoon. TWELVE FLATBaker, Chas

Bellantonio, Antonio CARS, lFOOT GUAGE.on September 27 and for several hours Black, T Bowman, J Wpossess all the latest improvements for speed and pleasure. ONE STUMP PULLER.those on board had a most excitingtime. Ventilators were banged about,rails smashed, and cabins, in somecases, drenched. But the gallant shipcame through it all right and suffered

Bradley, W H

Carlyon, Wm TClamp, FCunningham, Wm H

Dean, EdwardDowsettj-Alek- aErlccsonf C

Borhme, B GBrackenridge, EzraCapilos. Capt CCase, D H (2)Clancy, JohnCunningham, HDavey, EdwardDiamonds, D DEdsberg, Seaman

Carl (4)

Ferry, J T (2)

Gardner. Willie

no damage that amounted to anything.She underwent some slight repairs inPacific Vehicle & Supply Co.,


PerfectDiamond. ..

Hongkong. The China sails for San; C. Brewerffc Co,$ LIMITED.3 Queen Street.L.IIV1I

Gardiner, Ed

DAT BLOCK. BERETANIA STREET.Garthorne, Edward Gregoree, EugeneHastings, Asa Hawes, F CHarvest, Devid Haulon, JamesHall, Journeymen's Ilendrick, S E (2) ! Lands

iHolt, James L Honan, Thomas

Honolulu Bag CoHur, W HJohnson, Emmil L

Francisco at 6 o'clock this morning.The bark C. D. Bryant arrived from

San Francisco yesterday morning. Shesailed thence on October 23. CaptainColly is her master. She has a largecargo of general merchandise and is atpresent lying at the Oceanic wharf.

The bark Albert, Captain Griffiths,from San Francisco, arrived in portyesterday with a general cargo.

The British ship Yola, Captain Pen-nic-ul- k,

arrived from London with alarge general cargo.

As to-da- y Is election day, none of thesteamers of the Inter-Islan- d or Wild-er- 's

Steamship Companies will sail un-ti- ll

All freight landed from the China willbe fumigated.

The steamer Walaleale, with PrinceDavid and his party, encountered most

I ForHose, JohnnieHunter, JohnJohnson, EmiiKent, ThomasLane, R CMulvaney, C PMaley, A EMartin, Clarence

NMacy, ThomasNewsbill,Ordenstein, J Sale.

severe storms at sea while on the rePeters, C KPoole, F ThomasRecard, ARice, M BSefton House

cent trip to Maui ports.

Is destined to be a thing of thepast before many years haverolled away, as the mines aresurely giving out.

It has been generally supposedthat the enormous raise in theprice of diamonds was due to thewar in Africa, or to the manipu-lations of the combine there, butdevelopments have shown thatthis was an error. -

It is now positively knowrr thatperfect diamonds, and in factdiamonds of every quality, arefound only in very small quanti-ties. Perfect stones are almostentirely unknown.

It is therefore an absolute cer-tainty that diamonds will reachan enormous figure, and WILLNEVER GO BACK AGAIN, un-less new fields, the location ofwhich is now unknown, are dis-covered.

There can be no safer purchasetoday than diamonds rightlybought.

Through a fortunate liberalpurchase of diamonds more thana year ago, we are selling somesizes of diamonds in Honolulu attwenty per cent lower than deal-ers in New York are selling themat WHOLESALE, and in everycase are far below Coast prices.

You may think this is businessbrag, but the assertion is never

At Honoipu, during the recent severeweather, the schooner John G. North

ox -


from ILS50 to a let, fonnrb

known as Q. N. Wilcox's pramlm

was carried to sea by a gale, breakingfrom her anchorage.

Mortensen, HansMay, JosephMarkle, EMahoney, Col J JNicholson, W HOtto, Robert (2)

Peterson, David L

Richardson, J

Schmidt, MonsieurSehwemley, LewisShow. Geo NSimpson, Charles

KnightStephens, O L

Taruauml, M MTreest, JoeThomas, W WTurner, Master

t CampbellWatson, ArthurWhitney, FrankWilliams, Chas KWilliams, Geo KWynn, Spencer (2)

Yokum, James L

Is'a" refreshing and strengtheningfamily Tonic that purifies and;-Ma- kes

the system strong -- -

Schnock, IIShaw, James ESimon, FrankScane, BaldomeroSunlight, The

EditcrThe officers of the transport Port

Stephens are as follows: Captain Gray,First Officer Hewson, Second OfficerMcGlasshan, Third Officer Doyle, and

It has the unanimas endorsement! Chief Engineer Freeman.. Messrs.Graves, Nash ana Wright are quarter

Of thcMcdicol profession , Aslifoiiitj master's clerks. The ship's surgeon isDr. Nicholson. TWENTY LOTS IN MANOA Vilr

Tammet, E H ATravens, P LTr.ip, CaptainTucker, Capt D MTrueman, John HWagner, Jake (2)Weller, HerbertWhattle. WmWlsch, TonyWright, J WYokum, J MZak, Jcweph

The Port Stephens Is an English vesLEY, formerly Montano's Tract, Wsel and used to ply between England

and Australia. There are about 60For Sale by All Dealers"skinners" aboard to look after the a lothorses while the crew of the transportare Chinese, forty-fiv- e in number. Itwill be remembered that the Stephens PACKAGES.


tBeard, J TfOUR HUNDRED LOTS IN Klttwas at Hllo during the plague in Ho-

nolulu. The hurricane deck of theStephens, a temporary affair, is one of LADIES' LIST.

ANI TRACT, from $200 to VMthe best construed that have beenseen on any transport passing throughi

theless true, as we 'can fullyprove to you.

So long as present stock lastswe shall not raise the price, giv-ing you the benefit of our goodfortune. You will be surprisedat the size of the stock, includingsome very fine gems of large size.

Now, we don't expect you tocome rushing ln to lay in a sup-ply for the winter, but we wouldappreciate your making compari-sons and give us an opportunityto show how and why- - we areright, when it comes to

Andersen, Mrs Em- - Adams, Mrs Maryalie Allen, Mrs Lydia R

Bcwwian, Miss Jes- - Bowler, Mrs J Fsie Brown, Miss Sarahu

Boyd, Charlotte K Baldwin, Mts F Fhere. The horses will have severaldays' rest ashore before proceeding toManila, they were landed on Sunday. Brown, Miss Sarah Brundage, Mrs. N W flFTY LOTS IN KKKIO TWCtBamboo X The men, too, will have the opportunityof enjoying the delights of Honolulu. ipoaltc Make Island. 0C hit



Brickwood, Miss Boyd, Miss HattieEmma Boyd, Mrs Robert

Birch, Miss Nellie Blaisdell, Mrs E--F


SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 26. Twice on Crews. Carry Cogshoe. Miss LenaT



TRACT. ll)0x3K. $1,200 lot1'TTTT


the long voyage from Australia the big Conserva, Mrs C A Cameron, Mrs Ed- -'

British ship Sprlngbank was on the Craig, Miss Edna wardM,ss Mrs J Wverge of destruction, and Captain Durmbra' Doyle'

Boyd and the-cre- despaired of ever ".J Mrs Lreaching jfcrt in her. She arrived in Flt2slmmons Mr8 A Fteher Mrs jthe harbor late Wednesday night, 88 r Foster, Mrs W Fdays from Newcastle, New South Guillemain, Madame Gifford, Mrs G MWales, with a cargo of 3.860 tons of Lucycoal, and is lying in the stream off Harrut. Mrs Wm B Harrison, Mrs MaryMeiggs wharf. For twelve days in the Hart, Mrs Isaac Hannon, Mrs TSouth Seas the Sprlngbank was on her Horan, Mrs Carrie Halverson.Mrs Clarabeam ends, and for fifteen days, north Lesry Mrsof the equator, she lay on coral reefs, 'hut !, 011 h tH,i. .hi. o Murray. Mrs Annie Martinez, Mrs Mer- -



Wcm further particular! applT" v ua - V A tllV. Dallas AICIQ n"l cedesK1 3 at'hnJ nnrt onrl nI MISS Alicennr in fcavo harl orw nnncol ftiClane,


tNorton, Mrs B H

Osborn, Miss

rience. Northorn, Miss"We sailed from Newcastle on July Clara

28th." said Captain Boyd yesterday, Olesen. Mrs E"and had fair weather until August pPrk. Miss Sailv

In all Sizes. For Sale at W. C. AcHUSTACE & CO8th, when In latitude 32 degrees 13 min- - I Perry

--DKALERS INRobinson, Mrs E MRowland, Miss i--.

Sinclair. Miss 3erth

utes south, longitude 173 degrees 8 min- - Rjcnard Mrs R0sautea east, a terrific hurricane came on n0fewarne Missfrom the south, throwing the ship on Lenaher beam ends and shifting the cargo port. We had to cut away the Pf'on-- - MrT8..fv M

sheets and halvards to keen the vessel BurB,8 T UiyIWAKAMFS Wood and Coal. & CompanySharp, Miss Mary (2

before the wind, and It required twelve I Thompson, Miss Redavs to firet the vssl on nn vn kopi I uecca --ALSO-

V ilia, Miss Mary AV'entura, Miss Min Real Estatenieagain. ' The sea went clear over( theship, coming from every direction, andthe cook was washed out of the galley.St Warner, Mrs CynthaWinter. MrsAs a result we lived on canned meats Iwagener. Miss LyditWilllams, Miss C A Brokers.

WHITE AND BLACK SANDWatch we will sell at the lowest narkvt


lor over a weeK. it was a storm of the Wells, Mrs C B ,

PACKAGES.greatest severity.

"We crossed the equator on August24th, in longitude 169 degrees 45 minGET BEST IlMfi 0'Ogllvie, Miss Mae Honolulu Iron Works Co 10 west IV I 'utes west, and took the northeasttrades, but there was more trouble in In calling for these letters please ask

STEAM KNtiLNKS,J. M. OAT,for "advertised."store for us. On September 11th. in CHI YA &C0Postmaster.Ready Rock RoofingIT HAS STOOD TMb TEST FOR 25 YEARS

latitude 26 degrees 3 minutes north.longitude 173 degrees 45 minutes west,the Sprlngbank struck on a coral reefwhich encircles Llsiansky Island, nam- -


tnd Machinery of every Aaaerlptismad to order. Particular attaatiepaid to ship's blackamlthlBfj. !work executed oa tafe shortest aat)


Vote the Republican Ticket Straight


ea arter a Russian naval officer whodiscovered 1L The Island is about six

ALL KINDS urmiles in circumference, and forty feetabove the water. It was dark when

4yXok Roof Paint la V Uut for all klads of roof. imokMtMkwe struck, and the ship seemed to be Mr. H. H. Black, the well known vll EmbroidersSunshine Water nara and fast. For fifteen days we Mage blacksmith at Grahamsvllle, Sulll- -Were fast there, firettinsr the ahln off von xnnntv TsJow Vnrlf -- ava- "Our ut- -



Goods!Delivered FreeTELEPHONE 606.

only to have her get hard and fast on tie son, five years old, has always beenanother reef. By Jettisoning 415 tons subject to croup, and so bad have theor coal from the forward compartment attacks been that we have feared manywe finally succeeded In getting the ship times that he would die. We have hadinto deep water. Then by working the the doctor and used many medicines.


art 5. thi fiFor the holidays, and fln

m - w TonaneStejr and night without th on of fir. Can and m it worfcta

--na iner.e WM twenty-thre- e but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is your orders now. as later

. . . .v . f a111 oemri 01 waier in the forereak. whlh nA nn. .m. iiaiii Tt aoama Amtin.tteK tIfht and iwo fet ln tne solve the tough mucus and by giving wui do mo dubj

lake any." " " ""l5 Vl in eaJt. now-- 1 frequent doses when the croupy sympHawaii Shinuo 8ha

Alpine Cement. Canned Frnite.Uonterey Sand, Pet and Highland Creams,

Ilortar Stain, Standard Biscuit Co.

Paper and Paper Bags,Boltz Clymer & Co's Cigars.

';'" D,e resume our voy- - toms appear we have found that thetfitJi 2.- -, V"!'-- . Llsiansky dreaded croup Is cured before it gets Him ltnA of

The pioneer Japanese printing ZVn?a D,tant,. but settled." There is no danger ln givingSSon eLfoWl..and turt,e. this remedy for It contains no opium or

a? :,5LCW?k.K5' the other injurious drug and may given HOLIDAY G0jig

now enThe pabllsher of Hawaii Shinpo, theonly dally Japanese paper published la" lutre is a ia- - as confidently to a babe as to an adult.fT!i llJt!' "h'- - For sale by Benson, Smith & Co.. Ltd.. CALL ANDthe Territory ax Hawaii.

Y. SOOA. Editor.a 8HIOZAWA, PrpHsor.nn water wholesale agents,w 1

HAWAIIAN TRADING CO., Ltd.m w uuuuuni uj uigsing a, iew reetdeep on the island. For some days pre-vious to reaching this port 'we expe-rienced strong winds from the north

Vote the Republican Ticket Straight. Editorial aad Prlntln Offlaa Tel.Corner NuuanuHotel Streets.Klar street brtdaa. King street. P. O.

southwest. As soon as the Vote thm ZUtmbliean Ticket Straight Bn M7.




.Merchants Afiree to Registrar Wray Taylor have Just the kind of Shoes for rainy weather In'Shut Up' the W' Publish HEAVY SOLES

Shops. Them. $4.8 Tan Box Calf $4.2Black Box CalfW'" Tir; A fur ri ik. Ery one should have a pair of heavy Shoe for'

Angle ,(.yoVh' it nasty weather.r. rlec MMil ofill

w IN. Ji,, it- .m;'l'y,(iK'ir Iml- -If it i


. .t Theae lampa b,r.light la magnificently brilliant. nokeha! fi i Pfrfect, and for ttata reason Utasafelt being simp, impossible t? expire! drle"' The ,ampThe Angle La

it ii hv pume

w n r t II yll"

o securlno. lip-- , K.rj . r" w . ii.unimatlor.. It nreent- - ...i ty. with no"moYe "heat, at VffiS'H ""r1 'ZL0m8lJ tore8' 01. factories . haHar wiLf . ir or lvi

, . ,i .1 r. .r'.f lml- -

every wav.

l'n known rtr rvrli l h""thy w,ri n, out ,,Uy"' for

Th ii U oi.n i '

Th lliinril nf t..-- i.

vuurcnm rnet W lOca.I ha miKlt. I. - n.i. .A;0Anirr.T"! "?'te?.to". m-P- wt tnese lamoa; r"!"' A48en ment. The fiiaf iod oIi arbor Co.

...In a. .11, ... I'm:l,ni'" -nu-n-, of thy: ri !" -jD,

Taint Strait.

.JCILBHEVITIES.t. uu ;":",:. ,l,,,n-- . to - Theo. H. Davies & ffo ?Ud.ii - ' u u u U UUJ U V


-- H H B B B B--il.rt of thef r tlif Nl- - the

Any pr..,n who T lni

M i !.,I,r"y T"lor' ,h Kl-ct- T"

.V" ,0 r,,rHv' ,h "-tur-rrorn all prrlntt on thl Ni.n.l. for LH.te.. fUnMor. andin'hi: am Mr T-r- lor will

C0B0HAD0.. til llTlt I .I fr"Hi

I " ..... ,.Ti... f. la il II II' SpecialSale . . Slhower'

, i,,m.f' "f 111 (. upl-- ,t

T"i. v will H- -f n In allniu.n V where

v, ,i " rfturna ai,PC?g ,h nr,t- -- "! from


WATER",,n. l ,t '"'I whe--1.

OK;,.vernni.Tit !n e will Im'.it l'1 ' "-- " an.i aiiua.-- f in it,, n,.

- w ?"rth Phoul.l b flrt,p..f f'irtii.-h- 'i rnonii.'.'--

f.'i. ,ni. ooo, I f r n-

GOLFMRcpublitjn Tiiktt Straight

, i, l rmiiiiiif to wintermWW

IIOW TO TURAT A TUOUDLnsOME;,un M- ut ' '"tiir'ii.y w IIIin , t .i ty mi ut'ciuint of

Tfl P ft rvn ntA j a . . v i . SHOTS- iruunie-fiom-e corn orbunion: Klr.t P..ak the corn or bunionIn warm water in r.f.,. i. .iS.

onLull it I ''X'lt". C..ut tli- - tr'iiuy cur Ladies Raincoats .V, 'L?'" f c!f",1Jr P"Mlile without e

i...i V. . . ""J "Pviy CrmmtH-rlaln--Vf 1,1 ml (.In 'I W uh th,. :.. it $ 'I K. . H ill A

. ........ iv.,rr naiiy; rubbing vigoriily fnr five mlnut. at .a-- v. a 1th detachable capes,and contaii no rubberclimate.

They are light weightNothing better for this

. - - - - . . i ii --

iin. A corn n iKt.r aKi.i.i. , -- "v.i.. ic worn.... .. .w u.iyp. io protect It from thef.iur r"liMllli

in 1.4 i

1'iirty..... .f thr-

, y i t I. Kencrai liniment for soralns"im"n"" n' rheumatism.F aln Halm I unent,aie(l. por ae byllnaon. Pmlth A Co., Ltd., wholesale

1 ,.t '.U '.

. a'l I'l '' i v n. V i i ! N'v'inlwr

u! t,i th" i 'iiut.


t.TUmbrellas a

Is a natural spring water fromthe famous springs located atCoronado Beach, California.

Thousands of people who vl.itCalifornia's celebrated pleasureand health resort go their todrink of this purest of waters.Of course, not every one hastime or can afford the expenseof a trip of 2.500 miles for afew short weeks at th.jMTinsrs to drink of the health-Rlvln- g

water. We bring Coron-ado to your door that la, thePure, sparkling water, that hasbon bottled as It comes gush-ing from Its fountain head.

The Gre.k physicianshad frreat faith in the curativeProperties of mineral springwater, and from that period un-til the present time, they havebeen sought by Invalids. Wh?none realizes that two-thir- ds ofthe human body is composed ofwater they appreciate how im-portant a factor pure, whole-some water Is to the system.

We sell this king of table andmedicinal water delivered atyour home In case lots, as fol-lows:

Case of CO quart bottles, percane.

Case of 100 pint bottles, $9 percase.

May we send you a case? Our'phone Is 425.

.,!'. f.n N for ,rwilil i.i i., . ..iv 'ii- :.iv th, c'k ntw

Vota the Straight Republican Ticket4 For ladies and gentlemen, from 65c upwards.

h . I ' Ul'1" I t.'IH".rK"l r'in milt.ihl.. fur llaht

. if n' :nry. ran l hail..lit vk int in .1 I m n M

1" dozen Stan ey au'.i Wa.chusett Shirts The usual onefifty qualiti ; a prohisiou ofpatterns to el t from

Your choice

$1 Eucll$12 a Dozen

The Great, I K 'Uhi', f .r th. mnt thNt-,- t

ti....kK." ; r at th i:ntrri h,i r"inn.'. hi i"ltin. Sale...'M rtiirrm lll bw rlv.n mit

f 'h- - A Iv rtlo. r i.f.'c-- thlMj "im ii th'-- h Kin t. rirni

French Cretonnes andHurniture Coverings . . .orStraight Rrpublkan Ticktt.

-- ii ir r'h-nr- n of lh Arn' '" HI I1- '- hH.I thN " I

iy nvoriltm at th.- - txual timeI M A hall.

J h :,,r . f U. aistraf Ic.n w III goodsDry Fine Damask Towels" !" .. t' h'.ir frurtii f pi thm. In th i.ff.n. t.t MARSH

' r t th.. iiitil.25c; three for $1.00; 50c apiece.Hn .u !i)rfnr Cnmtiany t(M'k

I h... an Hiljmirnoil rnt M n.liy ut 2 irlm-- at th

' i mt you will And & n.w WILL CONTINUE FOR ONE WEEK Fine Organdiesi Ut m pua(M jru at iunon.'.. roi Kornr fountain. LONGER.f n ma n,)t itrtii. 5 19 Po t tree!


":! ''I'tt.iil. . i,n- - t.t wMrh l In - beautiful French designs, six yards for $1.00.r i,rf..r. f,,r t. On

I ' I n ll.'tt-- l lln.rt' f ir further rjnrtlcular". Teloprtontj 4..-- : 6

nntial m.-tln- c f th- - Upstairs DepartmentThis stock was bought by us for -" "f th uirnr .Mill

IV. . . . . ilJlatJ-tlJlllJiaijIjiatjiauij-- " npi Al.inn.iy Nt 2 "25c ON THE $1Ready-mad- ? Pillows. Pillowtops, Cortlcelli Em-broidery Silks, Capes."f Kinik.t an. I K- - riii.. . ...... ..I" .rail- -

"1 f hMtn w.r V111..1 K w And wt are giving our friends, the pub-

lic, the PULL BENEFIT of thhi WON







. t

tit t



'7' J"ry l'Mt.iHI-- .i Cr t4-'-uh, n Vl,ril, t ,f at.r




imillinery Departmentthe goods on at the merest shaving ofprofit.'t tun nf K.iii,ih,. i'H.....k

'""'i-e- i. n; utmi.-n- t will fur- -' "l il.1V f.i.l .u . . . ... Trimmed Hats, from $2.00, $3.00.




' ' ' III (YITTi'.'"l ,,f f,rl, .. llllHT 1(1

uii.,i h 1. 1. Si!r a i .. t . .. , " r- - irrrinit

i f I T "r" ailn..l LIMITED. tf.v """'"'" !,, limn I- -

l'll. A til. - . BASE BALL SUPPLIESTHE PEOPLES PKOYIDER S"ti 'r..t SilirH U-- m r1'iTnlhlr "'""tin ff th

.. "i .Mixtion will'I f . ...n rimn t hnrt h thl" , ..II I. , !, u M. t m

n-B- -n B-- B-B


r,r.' .-nuy rturnH -B-B B

,n, . , .Th" "I'N-gtl- v

i clin'K.Kiln nf 1 1... ..

n.i. ,, .

: A Side Lino ji 5

I Pianos IGood second-han- d riano taken 5 t'.r57i

i In exchange, must be disposed of ! 2 A"-Aaj- ;,

NOW IS YOUR CHANCE' "l irn Ri'i'lilint,A t..rn..y , hliilnirworth--A Ir 'IT If r.,., nn. when n.t X

1. . GyoTioasiooiiAPPARATUS.

ftMr,nt til .

S publican Tkk. Mka h ..., ...

Ui. '"'-nt-- ntT..iny, vlrrttoi.f put,lk ,n.1 , nt once, as we have no place for H

i Ihem In our salesroom. at Pearson .& Potter Company, Limited.JH Fort Street. Telephone 565.i..l ..' ' in- - ll.p.l.nlj la


ri. .... ,fu t.i j...-- - ..."'"". rhrr., with For $6 00


1KBTelephone 398P. 0. Box 441

."I 'h riu ...... . . .w- -... " II.. . T IH I II"

rti n k . . ."I'.l.. ..w I iiniiTPii,tn

off... . "in t. m rnuri ITS""mi.. .... -mm ut UPRIOIITS.


20 SIWe also have a fin assortment ofO f'.r -- 1nnPra will

XT" M 3:30 o'cU--- k

..'1 Km,..' '.!..! inurKNARE


.i.."' Intrmlur- - a HQUARES SIDEBOARDS AKD CHINA CLOSETS.'-- i : " n,i . 7' ,n" parunt a STF.INWAT $ 75

" aV. ' ""IT Ilttlav 25

DURING THIS WET 8 PELL you can spare your wheel for a few days tohave It overhauled and enameled. Take It to Bailey's, where you can get afirst-cla- ss Job at reasonable rates. ENAMELING GUARANTEED equal inappearance to factory work, and more durable.

We have a very large stock of repair parts, and can replacea bicycle. ESPECIALLY TIRES. We are factory agents for the MilwaukjTPoncture Proof Tires. Morgan & Wrlght'a Tires, etc. .

GAS LAMPS; redueed prices to clear:MAJESTIC $3.50 LAMPS. $2.50.M. & W. OAS. $3.50 LAMPS, $2.00, .

. week only.Out stock of Eldetearda wo are offering .very .cheap, for, this'

.bare room or new HOLIDAY GOODS bow on the way. .25HRURTHKOWNM

We kave ethers eouailynM .f . .k -- ' a. - "i iiir cnw aai 7ckeaa.III. A . ' P"P. " i".

R'publlur, Ticket.i i. . "ri

. nr ' "rn win v .--!',. Tin a.iv.,,.:: -- ,T,,n v Bin fie Co.

PORT tT TEL. 221"" Tr omr th a,f"y b-t- ln t come Co:FurnitureCoyne-jaehrte- n

Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery Co.,' LIMITED

227229 AND 231 KJNe -- rt?t7r.I in. - .a. .

vDucanTlkei Oorner aa4 Feet Iftiootav. FROCBZS3 BLOCS.

iiIaC,-- Li

VOTERS, ATTENTION! .Honolulu stock exchange. Oceanic Steamshiptill wllliirrr in-- r. t

1 ' ' 'Honolulu, November 5, 1900.

i.1 IM34CI Mi J CtValAll Republicans should mark their CapitalHAKE OF STOCK.

ballots on November 6 as below: The


Commercial Advertiseratvrvd at the Postofflce at Honolulu,

Second-clas- s Matter.Every Morning, ExoeptBanday. by the

IUN OAZETTE COMPANY,Holt Block, King Street.

A. W. PEARSON,Business Manager.

crosses are opposite the names of lae TIME TABLE:MkbcahtilbRepublican candidates and a bailotmarked as below votes the straight Re-

publican ticket:1001,000,0000. Brewer A Cv.. The fine Passenger Steamers of this line will arrivehereunder:Sreuu

28 From San Francisco. ,27XWe

WillmartJ? San Ffan

FOR DELEGATE TO CONGRESS.Unexpired Term, 56th Congress.

(Mark One.)

Ewa ,wro,uou

Hamoa I.)Ifaw. Agricultural Cc 1.000.000

daw. Com. A 8ur. Co I 2,312,WSIERRA .NOV.AUSTRALIA .... ......NOV. 17 AUSTRALIAM.w.iinn nrr Co. 2,ono,oon - 88 AUSTRALIA ..'19 111 I 11 CiSONOMA NOV. 27AUSTRALIA. ....... ... DEC. 8VENTURA ... ...DEC. 18

siUJKKA ....H5

240Honokaa , U.WO.OW)






AUSTRALIA .... DEC. 2922;Kahukn...... ow.uwir.m.lnnnir.Oo.I.t 'ii. ( 726,(K0FARKER, SAMUEL, 190LExchange SIERRA JAN. 8Paid up I 250-,)0-

Clhel Plan. Co.Lt. a J.0.0 ...8WILCOX, R. W. AUSTRALIA JAN 19rild nil I I i.swu.wju


From an &Utr Jan. 1. 1900.OUTWARD.

SONOMA .Vi.. JAN. 29

-- 4lfc

"-- Hi


?iPbulu. ieo


AUSTRALIA FEB. 9Home on a choice corneraoioa... I ."tons Sugar Co. I 500,000 Cottage

FOR DELEGATE TO CONGRESS.Full Term, 57th Congress.

(Mark One.) t IVENTURA , . . .. .FEB. 19AUSTRALIA MAR. 2SIERRA MAR. 12

HIGH UP,Dally Dally Dally Dally Dally MaunaleI8.Co., Ass foe.ooostation, ex. " Pal dip I iw,uwi with splendid ocean view, for one onMf.lnH H Cn I t A ( 832.S00lower level, near car line. This Is aBun.

a.m. p.m. p.m. raia up i i,u",wwKAWANANAKOA, DAVID Sahiku 8ugar Co. A I RARE OPPORTUNITYM rata up i11:01 tM IO0U:40 1:47 MfU.O0 4M f--



Bun.a. to. a.m

BeoolaltL. 700 1:11Peart aty 1:0s 1:48

we, MU1.. IJSX 10:08Walanae 10 JOWalalea.. 11 :HJ

Kakuku UJa

for you to get a home on higher anaOahu Sugar CaOnomet more healthful ground.





WILCOX, R. W. In connection with the sailing of the above steamers "th4:4f ..1:4 ..iAM ..

147 "iio'"is '"ih

4 514i..... 150


OokaUOlaa Bugar Co. LtAi l

Paid up tOlowalu

parea to Issue, to Intending passengers, Coupon Through" Tim, Ith Jroad, from San Francisco, to all points In the United States, T5 3M'CLELLAN POND & CO.,FOR SENATORS.

Third Senatorial District. Paauhau Bag. Plan. Co York by any steamship line to all European portsINWARD. faeino Main 69. Judd Building.







For the term beginning November 6, 1900.Dally DaUy Dally 210 2C6PaiaPepee keo(Mark Six.) 20!)


Bun. run runinnn rAni i LULAKH APPLY TO I100 ll7

Dally. vtatvma. ex.


Kakukv . ....rtoneerWntaina Agr. Co The Overlanda.m. p.m. p.m.A'aiana

IX O. IRWIN & dWailukuA CHI. W. C. (Kale Aki)100100100100

Waielua 110!..WnitnanaleWaimeaWauuuk 100. AULD, WILLIAM (Uilima Olo)

i:S6 .... J:081:10 .... 1:607:10 .... 1X57:45 1:01 4:23IM 130 4JU12$ 1 1:28 Limited.TX4H8HIP Cos. LIMITEDDI PI KANE, J. W. 500,000


wilder R. 8. Co'iiter-I-i Biiil 8. 8. Co..


wa MU1 VMPearl aty :llHonolulu t.Ka. P. DENISON.

Superta tendent.General Agents Oceanic S. S Col:OYI, R. N. (Papa Poe).F. C. SMITH,

O. P. 1. A. MlSCXLLAiriOCS

110UROWN, CECIL (Kikila Balaunu) IX Three Trains Dally from San Francisco.Hawaiian Elect. iC kio.Haw. Electric Assess.Hon. Rp. Tr. A Ld. Co Two Trains Dally from Portland viaTIDES, SUN AND MOON. CARTER, GEORGE R. (Keokl Kaaka)ix Hon. nuam lunary .




10Mutual Xelepnone Co






5 Si Mi is-- s


CARTER, JOSEPH O. (Keo Kaaka)-5? a V . Makaba CofCo.Pdnp0 v?

1 15u. K. a l..CRABBE CLARENCE I (rapal) XPeople's Ice A Ref . Co.

5 tJ, H i' "-- It' ci

e,Bond.FERNANDEZ. ABRAHAM (Abcralia- -

ma Fcrnandtz) ieo!a m. Ft. p.m. p.m .tn Occidental & Oriental S.S. JHaw. Govt. 6 per cent.Haw. Govt. 5 per rent.Haw. Govt. Postal 6a--JOHN D., JR. (Keoni Holo1 IOLT,

t 111 1 I a 25 B.lj; 1 ft 6 0j.22 4 47i K

7! I 30 3.0 It a 4s 0 1 rt Ort 5 22 33t tO 2.1 S to 't 24 II 050.006 21 & m

vintci 4K per cent.. .Oplo)



fa oi...i..Hllo R. R. Co. 6 per ct.

Ewa Plantation 6 p c.101102 and Toyo Kisen Kaisha.P. R. (raulo IsenbergISENBERG. D.2 1 4.3 i0 CO li 0i 4.07 VJT 7.1 O. R. UC0....1 in 102

t. i til i U i 24 10 Stf iU A. 07 5 4(! I Opto) 101Onhu Plant, 6 p. c ...Olaa Plant. p. CI

10 17: 1 9 27 ll 23, 1 Si 08 5 2M 16 KALAUOKALANI, D. -11. 7 US 1 .81 7.40 .n.Ma.

ea2 i2tt S 2lf in

I 4lVlJ 19 11 It) Clf Aa m A a a Kva srwi rn tiIam will nail a a . .KANUHA, DAVID No sales reported.Tuesday, election day, no session.12' 1 IV 1 25 0.17 a vj. wuu ewvc vvuiuitll ill VCkll CLL A1UI1U1U1 URnfl lAflOa Vi. ILEAVE SAN FRANCISCO, 8:00 a.m.. ion or about the datea below mntlnnrt!. cumi

10:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.KAULIA. JAMES K.LEAVE PORTLAND, :15 a.m., S:00 For Japan and China. For San Francisco.Classified Advertisements.LI LI KA LAN I, EDWARD K. p.m.Through without change. GAELIC NOV. 10

Full moon on November ( at 12:30 p. m.Tides from the United States Coast and

Oeedetlo Survey tables:Tn tldee at Kahelat and Hllo occur

bout one hour earlier than at Honolulu.Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hours M

minutes slower than Greenwich time, be-ing Uat of the meridian of 167 degrees Mmtaotee. The time whletle Mows at IM

PAH I A, FRANK SiCHINADORICHONGKONG MARU NOV. 20 viWANTED. - CHINA NOV. 27 mrrwi ULAttu vf.JPUA. SAMUEL K. on lie Days to Galcaao DORIC DEC. 5 UtU JAlNHilKO rA COTTAGE of three or four rooms is

IiOWE, E. C. (Lo) NIPPON MARU DEC. 13RIO DE JANEIRO DEC. 21wanted. Address "E. N. B" postof- - v.ui-ii- v; nr

AMERICA MARU "'' im whlcb Is the same as Greenwich, 0 fice box 186. 5695t mlavtee. Sua aad moon are for only Four tiew YorkWATERHOUSE. HENRY (Hanale zi?? nCOPTIC DEC. 29AMERICA MARU JAN. Steeal time for the whole grouy. ' Walakahaukl) FY A large dry goods store: a book HONGKONG MARU ji

CHINAkeeper, either lady or gentleman.SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Good salary. Applications received Pullman Palace Sleepers.FOR REPRESENTATIVES.

Fourth District. Island of Oahu. uumu J;at this office addressed "D." 5690 Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, ieeeeeee Piirrvn JviAitu mFor the term beginning November 6, 1900. with Barber Sheps and Pleasant ReadA YOUNG man desires position in of(Mark Six.) ing Rooms.

fice or wholesale house. Good references. Address "H. S.,7 this office.

DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STATION,Not. S, 10 p. m. Weather, cloudy; wind,fresh, N.

ARRIVED AT HONOLULU.Monday, November 5.

Dining Cars, meals a la Carte.Free Reclining Cbalr Cars.Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.AT LETT, R. W. (Blla Eleka) C687


J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent,Bk. C D. Bryant. Colly, from SanBUSH. JOHN E. (Alluene Buki) FURNITURE of a seven-roo- m cottage. 135 Third Street, Portland, Oregon.

Inquire Nuuanu street, second houseFrancisco, October 23.

Ilk. Albert, Griffiths, from San Franclvco, October 23.

Br. sp. Tola Penniculk, from London.CAMARA, J. M. (Keo Kamara) H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltabove Kukui. 5694 D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent,

A GENTLE bay mare, formerly the No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco.CLARK. JOSEPHKalaka) property of V. M. Glffard. For priceKANAHOA (Ko


Or E. 1 LOMAX, G. P. & T. A.aiLFILLAN, A. F. Omaha, Nebraska.and "particulars, call at this office.



SAILED FROM HONOLULU.Monday, November 5.

Schr. Molwahlnt, for Hawaii.Uas. schr. Surprise, for Kauai ports. HAIOLA, P.

TWO small cottages; one furnished forHOOGS, W. H. (Blla Huga) Fine PropertyIX Canadian-Australi- an Royallight housekeeping. 619 Hotel St. 5695TO SAIL TODAY.KAILIMAI. W. H.P. M. a S. China, Seabury, for San

NICELY furnished mosquito-proo- fFrancisco, at 6 a. m. For Sale or Leaseroom at 112 Keeaumoku street, beKALAUOKALANI, DAVID K.

KEIKI, J. W. KEO LAtween King and Beretanla. 5695TO SAIL TOMORROW. Steamship Company.

Stmr. Kinau, dark for Hllo and way FURNISHED room, light housekeep WAIKIKI Nine fine house lots beKUMALAE, JONAH (Iona Kumalae) tween the ueach Road and the sea;ing, if required in private house fiveminutes walk from postofHce. "L.,"

porta; 12 noon.Stmr. Maun Loa, Simerson, for La'

balna. Koni and Kau, 10 a. m. very convenient location on, the proMACFARLANE, E. C. (Makapolena) this office. 5695 jected rapid transit line; for rent or on8tmr. Maul, Paiker, for Kahulul and Steamers of the above line, running In connection with the CAMlong leases.MEHEULA SOLOMONway ports, S p. m. PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and SyaMANOA Splendid seven and one- -UNDER new management; nicely furStmr. W. O. Hall, Thompson, for Kauai half acre piece of land in excellent loNAKOOKOO, JNO. K. nished rooms at 619 Hotel street. 6684ports. S p. m.Stmr. Hawaii, Nicholson, for Paauhnu, cation; beautiful outlook on the moun-

tains and ocean; for sale as a whole

S. w., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu, and Brisbane, in

IDtjl sit Honcl-Lilu-.. On or about the dates below stated, viz.: '

IUINN, J. C. (Klmo Kuinl)Ookala. Kukaau, Laupahoehoe and I'a- - LOST, or In lots.paloa. I p. m.A BAY gelding; white spot on shoul Five-roo- m Swiss cottage In MANOA,A O. M. (Alika Robl--Stmr. Lehua, Bennett, for Molokal ports ROBERTSON,

kana) der, brand M, height about sixteen furnished; barn, servants' room, pad- - FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA B.C.and Lahalna, 5 p. m.hands. Finder call at police station dock; unsurpassed view of the sea and


For Victoria and Vancouver, iFor Brisbane, Q., and Sydney:and receive reward. 5694 valley; elevation 300 feet, mile and aPENCER, S. WILLIAM (Ullama)PASSENGERS. MIOWERA OCT. 27half from car line: to lease. AORANGI $WARRIMOOMIOWERA W

IAORANGT ...-Knsr.-WISE. JOHN H. (Keoni Waika)THE MELROSE. Kluf Slrfift Reform School; two minutes walk from WARRIMOO DEC. 22

O I (V,. avaaIIa. lAAn.lAM . MFOR REPRESENTATIVES.Fifth District, Island of Oahu. boarding house.

uoara ana rooms, all modern com Two excellent lots with cottages on eeaeeeee)For the term beginning November 6, 1900. forts; electrto lights; mosquito proof. Nuuanu street Just above Vineyard:(Mark Six.) a quiet, renned home. King SU cars aiso, store witn premises adjoining, op

pass the door. Price? moderate. Tele posite, for sale. Location very cenphone IfSl-blu- e. trai and terms reasonable.I--

Arrived.From China and Japan, per P. M. S. F.

China, November 5. Rev. A. E. Cory, P.Q. Maas Oeesteranuii and C. J. r.

Through Dr. Josephine M. Blxey,Mrs. C. L. llnnt W. A. Daland. MImsHunntlngton, Lt. N. E. Irwin, U. fi. N.;Kiss R. L. Kunn, J. Lenne, L. A. Levy,Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Noble, W. W. Rica,Mr. and Mrs. C. W. II. Von Redesky.Miss It. K. St. John. M. Thiol, Mr. andMrs. C. UoRdanovitch, Lt. O. R. Clark,U. 8. A MaJ. J. Van R. Hoff, U. S. A.,Rev. D. T. Hungtlngton. M. M. Kunn,Comdr. P. Dm LemachefTiky. O. Len-nln- n,

A. W. Macpherson, J. Porter, Dr.A. C. 11. Rusnell. U. S. N., Chuck Sat.I. Sorhagen, K. Tsu.1e.

The magnificent new service, the "I mperlal Limited," Is now runnlnf

BETWEEN VANCOUVER and MONTREAL.BROWN, FRANK (Palanlke Balaunu) Excellent homestead on the corner of

Beretanla and Victoria streets. GoodNOTICECOELHO, WILLIAM J. (W. J. Kuelo) cottage and very pretty grounds.Making the run In 100 hours without change. The finest railway iertierms reasonableDR. M. E. GROSSMAN'S OFFICEDAMON, SAMUEL M. (Kamu the world.

will be closed for a few weeks during Through Tickets Issued from Honol ulu to Canada, United Statei vtFor further Information apply toWILLIAM R. CASTLE JR..his absence from the Islands. 5695 rope. .

EMMELUTH, JOHN (Emaluka) Office of W. R. Castle, Merchant St For Freight and Passage and all general information, apply toMORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENHARVEY, FRANK R. (Palaklko Have) TION OF FORECLOSURE AND NOTICE.OF SALE.FORTY-TW-O NKW MEMBERS. HITCHCOCK, H. R. (Hlklkokl)

CONSIGNEES OF GOODS ARE RE- -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Theo. U. Davies $ Go , Ltd., Gen 1IOLT, R. WILLIAM (Ullama Holo) quested to call promptly upon the arpursuant to the power of sale contain- - rival of steamers. Any goods not call- -



Yeune Women's Christian Associa-tion is Flourishing.

The Board of Directors of the YoungWomen's Christian Association metyesterday and fleeted forty-tw- o newmembers.

The Holland Club will meet as usualnext Thursday evening. Miss Johnsonwho has charge of the art work atOahu College will deliver the first of a

IhA firm narna All.n .'. Tv,. , ""a,T" yl oieainsnip om- -... v va. "V ll js ikVUIUOVll va. I . v r r M .LANE, JOHN C. (Keonl Lene) lni,1 ITrmrJulii mnrKrA. anA I olu,8e iweniy- - eoi11. a. rl,.. ","."vw,r nve cents per day, or 1

Any goods heldMAHOE. S. K. J5L--fl S U week;'wiU brmaeover three months will be soli at auciss, tne said mortgagee intends to foreMAKAINAI, JESSE P. tion to cover storage charges.close the said mortgage for condition WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.broken, to wit, the non-payme- nt ofI MARKHAM, GEO. (Keokl Makamu)

principal and Interest when due.Direct Service Between New York,

Pacific Coast and Hawaiian Islands5C87 . ,

CHAS. BREWER & CO.'SMcCANDLESS, L. L. (Linikona Ellwal) Notice is likewise given that the

property conveyed by raid mortgageMIKALEMI, EDWARD B. will be sold at public auction at the

scries of talks on "Dutch Artists.""Rembrandt" will be the subject ofThursday's discussion.

A bible class for women will meet forthe first time on Wednesday evening at8 o'clock. Mrs. Coleman will conductthe class and the title of th course ofstudy will be "Faith and Conduct."

auction rooms of James F. Morgan,Queen street, Honolulu, on Saturday, New York Line S. AMERICAN leaves New York for San Francisco, TacoroiMOSSMAN. H. J. (Moklmana)

i route to Honolulu, on October 16th: Is due at San T!',MNovember 24, 1900,

AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. December 12th, at ti e Sound about December 21st. Will receive uMOSSMAN. WM., JR., (Moklmana Opl) Bark NUUANU will sail from NEWThe property covered by said mort YORK for HONOLULU, on or about aDove namea ports ior uonoiuiu at lowest rates. .,vh.c

S. S. HAWAIIAN will leave New York on or about DecemberP.AELE, JAMES K.-- I form the same voyage as above.POEPOE, J. MOKUOHAI tret'

Forty-secon- d

gage consists of: All of those premisessituate at Kalihi, Kona, Island ofOahu (being a portion of the premisesdescribed In Royal Patent No. 3546.

Freight received at the Company's wharf.December 10, 1900. Brooklyn.PRENDERGAST, JOHN K. (Kapanuwaho) Land Commission Award No. 10493 to For freight rates apply to

CHAS. BREWER & CONahinu). bounded and described as fol

Consular Officers Recognized.WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 21-- The

following foreign consul officers havebeen recognised:

,7 R. 8ummers, consul of Liberia aty Manila, Philippines Islands.- Franklin P. Austin, consul general of

.Liberia at Honolulu. H. I.W. E. Parke, consul of Liberia at Ho

cotulu, IL I.

lows: Beginning at a point on thewest side of Kamehameha IV Road, 27 Kllby St., Boston,

For further particulars, apply to

H HACKFELD & CO., LTD- -FOR SALE. 450 feet north from the Junction ofKing street and Kamehameha IV Road


C BREWER & CO., LTD.A VALUABLE PIECE OB" pnnwrw. (north side), and thence running:North 34" 30' east. 126 feet along said Honolulu.

ty situated on the corner of Punahouand King streets. 100 x 208; good local-ity; near both the King and Beretanla 4amenamena iv Koad, thenceworth 50" 30' west, 200 feet along ac- -

MEETING NOTICE.irei car lines. Many valuable fruit cnmmnH.Hnn i- .wUU.UBa a vi--u, .iatac ASK YOUR DEALER FORtrees In full bearing on the premises. South 36 05' west. 134 feel, thenceSouth 62 20' east. 202 feet to Kame- -tor lurcuer information apply to


meeting of the shareholders of C.namena IV Road, the place of beginnlng. containing .56 (fifty-si- x nun5671 Room 207. Judd Building. Brewer & Co., Ltd., will be held at theoffices of the Company in Honolulu onM' r an acre more or less.logetner with all Improvements Thursday, November S. 1900, at W a. m. Axle CreaseDAHCING SCHOOL. thereon and the privileges and appur GEORGE H. ROBERTSON,

.v....A..a uicreunio oeionging. 6692 Manager.

The Folic Court.Yesterday's business In the District

Court was of an exceedingly light na-ture for Monday.

Fourteen drunks paid the usual as-

sessment including Pedro, Pele, Doyle,.and other regulars.

Joe King, who borrowed Dr. Cooper'st buggy without previously having con-sulted the man of medicine, was com-mitted for trial on a charge of mall- -clous injury. This was all.I 'J ' The lection returns will be given outin front of the Advertiser office thlevening as soon as they begin to come

I In?

, S- - C. ALLEN.uubiiicm unaer tne nrm name4IKS. GUNN WILL OPEN HER Ul Alien sc KODlnson. mortgagee, POLITICAL NOTICE.

edancing school for children on Novem

jasn. united fitato.ber 6th at Progress Hall.m.. . 'u,vuaaci,

THE HEADQUARTERS OF THEYoung Men's Republican Club in theIrwin block on Nuuanu street, are openevery evening from 7 to 9 for the pur-pose of giving Instruction in balloting.

uiier particulars., apply . tonolmes & Stanley, attorneys for theWill be prepared to teach new

dances, having taken lessons in Eu-rope and New York. Classes will meetat 3:30, o'clock., , 6689 R&4 tM AdvertiseDated, Honolulu Ortober 25 1900 tsveryone Is welcome regardless of par

ty amuatlons. 5673