i(iimi|i|i|H»i mil iiiiiiiwBu.|iiijj^ tt...

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Transcript of i(iimi|i|i|H»i mil iiiiiiiwBu.|iiijj^ tt...

«s? ALLRN. twwaav A. w * * » )

WBiTS0Ai»L, N, V. % » -* ^ '"i'l «J pa"*awppwpBf ^

, _ pApavfbew avaajtd teapaetfoUy la ­t a * * t h * T««ean1leg PwWie that e *

>•#•«*••*» a»aa*a, * f tariff aueenow MM « N M M « C « « f h i t

^oppwirpa ™pepi PafSP^PtpjepjeEpr *piwwejBj

^ k a ^ k i J W ^ k dawaiaaaai A M aaLatai JaljaaMkaaa*: . ..Ll ___,_•._ -~^.-t U P m P a W W W H 4 # M I f t p pwep w * * W » w »

I f l a t o l i i M M a * k a t t fcSM tpaapftprftaai1 tama. la tHaW Tepp» .PI1*'p*w#w> wet»aa waejewataj ^wwapvenpeipwp ejaepp i n v *

hea* * » M beavawd km* ate**, , I V T I M M I M

J f i r l a * eVaBaaljeagL' a t t p i P F ^ p iee P M P P *

• » W .aptlitri exit* fa* a^^WeWW*

a* ew~aatwfttvr

•waataW'pjai he i a a t *

amatBeat yaejaaaaMBeeae .aaad Aks^wa^M M I WS^



P P l l a P P p l i .

,JBBBB\ A | a B ^ M ^ b |

- - — „-,---m.,-»iMPjr ptW-wapSaPP*

- * ^ T P !*WRWawppJ5fW^ ^PJP*

aja^Maa>*g«Jalfc^^vTvT^,: , _

ttA f jaet rwtaraed from New Yatk with, a targe aedvlegaat aatertmeat

IrptaWjF a* PPa^ptP avfPy P^Bpptt. Caai{ir«*t«i<a part T

BUck,BUr,Br-w«i. Adelaide,Drabaed Mixr4 B R O A D C L O T H S . BUck, Blue Urab AColVd Kiat tT-• text tad S a m a m i Deptetic, Pell**"* pilot CLOTHS; summer Vt»t. iegt, IVeacb ft English ftferiaoa, Blwe, Black It Celo*'dSilke, ftiifc & Teh Velvet* Plata ana Figured, Maa. l ie , Jarenetsead Capfcrict, Calicoes efBll«eatit»et,Fer«ttere,cet. I t l ie, aea Diaper ; red, black and white Marias*, l fat bet wool, blauketaod Prntetan Shawl*, foottagt aad Edg. lege, Ribbaat of all fciuda ; linueit H»«t«rjr, lediet aad geot- Glevct, MtUt tad Mil lees, faTk iod br t |

iag,ftr. • ,, . , , Alargeaetortatcat efLadiet t»HQES,

Oeat'a Pempa; levdie Jta* i * r over a * 8 * * * ' • • *»»*»

A cbotre aeteitiaa of TEAJ.efal leBdtlktsMele*.

«t*a t Loaf. ' " • M A *<- Croi* , Havaaaa « N#a» 0#laa«taiV«AA« ; M—ftp. per, Pt—aia, iatafatao, Qtafar, W>u i » f * k t faad ka>X lUbaiao, |i4ot «ad p«p«r Ta%aeca,«Vc. Ac. '-* l-.;-:» --•

* f e ^ a V u h l a t ' • *•« tbej»a*w«rMclei ckrap «Ul

Oraia, Sait*r f aaa Wa«4 rfctif#d lapanata i far

. J , » . — „ . - - , f

• A j ^ p ^ aft afaaaafi aaaW* "a-Clm" lawataWitaaal laaaaaltaW t P a FP pajp Ba appv p^1 vjppp ^PXP#a^ vpaav p^vpap1

tgfk_k4^p^^^^ ija^pa^p^^afaf^^B

JfetJMfr »>f«y aM4a%aBKaV4k BNBBBBi

• H^s.*-^ ^ a p ^ p p ^ j aT^tppp i i, f


• ^ ^ ..^, X a a f e i , tbaii tbe eeta-M » t t f MEfcS ot Or. BCM.

. r J l l kooara tbat 0>« bomati frame i* aaa|e> t I s oaaaoroai coaptaiota, whitb. too' • t i fb i i f l ti»4Mflwaiaf, aaay preva fatal ia t i a aaai, i f not a n t M a d by a jarfictoaa taaiafl^aaaioaatily^daihiiaiofod. For thai raaaaa, aa»*y l t a a % tbroo«fi«at tbr coaa-t ry avaabf k«op tboavtelviHi «Hppliad <»hb Ibeaa piUa, be coat ©I wbn& ia to ftiflinft a t to »<"rt #be iweoon <W e»#r? one, aae wKicb a»#a-t>ev»r fatted of f i v i n g relief arhao timo)? aklniiiiiKrf^d. • T b e H t j i t T H P i t l.a are otrld to their np-ocatioo. never f f ip i f ig or f i r i ng (he U-n-I aaia, aad yet aa efteacioa*, ia coo»eq»euce mftkm baapf roaibi nation of medicinal a f f nta loat ia«y * r * asabted to carry off all <iie vitiated de imtattnaT*ecretioaa fron tar *'.'u aaaatary taaal, and teaorr aay iaflanxiia-tioa ot orirao<c riuogea wbicb may l">»e baaa induced; equal>t« ibaciicolaiioo ; ie-alo^a a baa ib» action to alt the esc«H'.ry <wg»e*. and pioOMMe u mora vigoioaa per* feroMtw* ot the orgautc fane* ion*.

T o n-tteve a at<Me of to much tuffer'tig aad diet>««, (ig ahtd i miad and body »!<kf pa<iie,pate.) by indaciaf healthy action ol tUe aifMoncli, liver and tx.w»•'(«.

Di.KuaH't HEALTH PILLS era eaftfciajly tf-cuanneadH ; having ie-vetttC Hie fiatienrtg approval ot many dia. i tittguolisd uxftnbe'a o! tlie ati<dical pri>fra>l aio»i, « i weii a* having eiuod the teatol i»ub j lie «#f»intfiO lor o»er b*!f a cent my. Tiiey j *«re a vave-eiga rctardy (or d)>rH>i«>ia,orin«, d:;«e«»oo, aod *ll biUif>o» and hvc com-p!aio!», er*lip»-l*«, e'Upiidti* or duraws of Use »kn», pik-a. bautfa., dannew, |>lt-u<i>y,! a»<t tlieotn, icatd hrad,»nfl«mm«Mon of the' bowd*. nrer k idoev . &c. ' Ihry may U a<i(rm.>*ered » n h ihe moat pnfecl wf i iy to fmah ct-.idren. briup utterli liet irom aoyj o e i e i f i .in tnbst«ni<-. (

THL <jiil.JiT HLhl'QTlOX IS < f It I C £

baa beea awda by ii»e proprietor io'oose-qwraceof au Kr>proteiceo( in the mac nir

tH E aobaeribet bat joaltaattaad a l raat •appry of tiocd* W i t a d ao tba tea-

• a a , whfch M'bmlf^m^>M**iwa*t* tad tbe pabiic W R E A D Y P A Y - c o n -swl tngaf ' •> Broadclotba, Ker»efin«ret,9i i t ioanaiVa»t-iiiga, .mol>-aUB,titapera, jiaddiDg.canvaa*

Inab iitieo, cotton theeting & ahiniog, • i lk ft cottda handkerchieff, india-

rubber at oebb*orp8tidera,butNiiM eoUoo I t ailk boar, Freaofi apd

EogliahCalieoet,aioa«aiBdaiaia% ! Engli»b and Ktancii Mar inot , »e- . ,

rino 4t plaid i l i aw l l , PruaiAn bandker*Vfe &c . * c . kc & -

I ron, wheat, ive , corn, oa!s, peas, back* wheat, fat reed, clover I t giaa» *ead atfil be teceived in exebaoee for gaeda, at f i l r prices. F . L . C S A 1 L L Y .

Plattsaurgh, D e c 1 . 1842.

Chair»l fhmlrn t

POR SALE, oa comraiaaioD, a large aeoortment oi Burlington CHAIKl*.

which mil bo told at Burlmgioc pritea.— Tbey are a jjood article, aud will ba die* po»rd of at cheap aa at any eMabliabmeot to tba county.

J. D. WARREN. Plaittburgb, Sept, 10, 1842.

J n l l n a C. H o b b c l l , ATTORNEY ox COUNSELLOR

AT L A W , Chazy,Clinlon Co., New-York.

™i. 'PjRBi'a'^^ w epjP avaF UNI

BtMtUk fftk$ B-afg^-ZaWtaiargA.A'. 1'

MmX N I C H O M woald ia«>r« ait PJP aaaatraat patfatu aad the UaatUit^ aualte, tbat lacp.^., • * • a vpjp pfr ^P^pjp pjp^j

tedMlatoaaat 'J

bu Ca< *» - , « taate'tal

Tba large and convenfaat Bar-room, ataadiat>'ra*ia, tod Pariortr>tna »laapi«| roooM and oUtar aeoo-M»odatiooa ooaoaato ad wftb ihit aaraWitbtnent, will aaabie dtp to do wucb batter juatiot to bittriaada ihta beratolara. Aad V «o»fidaui»y baliatat tbat hit long e«i»erieafa in tba buaioatt, aad fait (ceilitiaa for randeriag bit gtietta pott eoiwTortabi*, will iaaura Up aa in-eraata of iba batafofora libarai palronaga of a ftaaroot aublia.

JOlift NICHOfiS It SON. April«», 1848.

#f' ' ' '" "

i(iimi|i|i|H»i mil iiiiiiiwBu.|iiijj^

TO THE PU f g * X £ tabaerfoer bat takaa tba " V o u a s * HoTtu,''faraatrlyoeeuaaadbj'JobaNieb>

o h , k tba viilac* af Plattaburgh, wbtra ba ™aww ^^R'^* w^a^wttppawpp pj%afMv IPPJIIPPP P P pja^VaPa* PaV a>pap

waau of tboaa who aatt apan aim. U* ta> apaeefblff latitat • aoaOaaaaaa ef tba patraaag* btratofora aataaded to that old eeiabhabtd booaa, with tba aparaaaa tbat oo paint will ba •pared oa Ml part to aire eatlafaeiioa. Tboae wba bava pattonltadhiaiai hb) former location, will at oaat aw tba tuperior advaatagat ha now poataatet to atiaiatar to tbair wanta. Mt con-Adaatty traata that bit aaparionca in the butt-neat, aad the aeVantagaa of a good looatiom will aatara ban a fair aftart of paafie aopport.

. . ... ^ * • ©• BtAlSDELL. May IS, IMS,

w W a « > P l l i Hwaf I tw lVW «m *i«,t»»^a

W)*-.i*>I ,'*ti

far Caterer 'rapjpf.' ,

€mwmA> r ^ v . ^ ladi If , .

\i^jaaitll tWtnli - <» ni

fi*il-c:-«nt6r>-• it ii 11

n. B Mcjvmn, AvrommmvMMn oev»taz,x«B

A T L A W , of the Supreme Court, and in the Diatriel

Court of the U. S.. for the fiortbera UiKttici of New York. Plattaburgh, N. Y.

(\VFICE three doom south of the 'Phoenix ^ Hotel.' Margiret-atreat.

I . W. M. Bromfra, ATTOaPXIY AT U W ,

And S u i t c i t o r and C o u n a e i l o r i n C H A N C E R Y ,

Plait•tbirgh, JV. Y. r'r by wo.cb ibey a<e m*riul*ciurfcd, «od io d V ' n C E ove r R . C o l i n l f i Store, inthe pfaoe ihr-m withto the r«»cb of ah. T l i i i , 'n'1"1, u— *

'Brick Roi

tbou/h u mi ) dim nibU the p'o/ju to die popr.e or, wil l largely mcio^ae hit an ana ] ol !B>p«rling bleatiogf to tbe pobbc—hi» ih»el object, Irom il iefirat, ioofiwjng tbr»e |ni i , iw »aie. Two or tbieo do»e» wnl cou-, vif.ee i»e nfS,' u-4 ol tUnr aaiuta>> elTecu).'

I ry iht.i. i,a. t and jou will u»e ou oiber ttoineink«r, Utnt P i l l * a>e only T w t L r c

aod t H i t r C t>7» | * r Box ' Cy.Sol i i it lue pnocipMl oScr, SO Aim ,

» i>eei ,N*w Vo»k, aboieaak- and re'ail , b\ ! i ; G . DA&«Le.i, geueral age til far tb t t'.?S.

A k o , told by M O S S K. P L A T T , P l a u a * | burgfo { Q. b«»e<ai.ee. Chatty ; J. Ax H . D. Stvage, Cbamtiiaio 1'o.atj W i n . Brewpr . . Clift'.tfnviMe j L. (

Woudwnrih, fVto V i l tft*. Jui<f IT

A T T O B N E Y AT L A W , Pjftuhvrgh N. Y.

MADAME BOVINE NT1 SPASMODIC E M M E N A-fi O 6 r; E, ar Female Regglator

-a »eiv ce If bitted medicioa, Fortaleat SAILLY'8.

BlnrkMmUh* Skim !

AT KETCHUM dt HOBART'S cArap ready pay atort ia Platte-, . , paf

JC.U^bb, Hotiv*'; burgh, you ran buy alt • atort ia

ioda of ro/A$daod tlil ii o»—irt«» tow. Try it, if you plttte.

M»-fh 80, l«ts, amgf


tor a abort period Wttteurbtiog to par Jectly-tltfitd with tbair e n ^ u p o o b W

SAKA»iTAa,"[a,.aperpqblitbed1ryhit. wberc tbe diteaw. wbicb ih7y eoro a staled, lap tbair mode of optratrob it det-

calebrtted Lire PHIa and Photnix Bittera may be obtained, frbolevale and re­tail, at hit ofiice, 3f5 B.oadway. Tb«rt> tail price of tbe Lite Pills it 2flccoUperlxn, or in larger boxekat BOcentt and $1. The Phoenix Bitters are told in bottles at #1 and #2 each. Dr. Moffat conkidera it at hitdo?y topobli-h to tbe wbrlo any extra-ordiotr> cure "hut may be communicated; to hip. By adopting thia eourte, monjr iuvtlidt, who might otharwito live op th; despair, ate induced to profit by the expe­rience of otbert.

Tba public it respectfully informed that tbe above valuable and well known Medi­cines are for ettt by MOSS K. P I A T T , i ha tole agent for this town. A copy ol tba "Good Samaritan," containing full di-• action a and ceitificttet, may lid bad by ap plying to tba Agents.

Remember tbat the agenfa are MOSS K PLATT,

Platisborffh Village, and CLARK, L R W f S * Co.,

Mtlone, Frtnklia county. March S, 1843, l y

would inform hit -.,„• M Pob,?°»» f t u M i

he baa eommaBotd tba MaoaJacio re of Tin, Sheet-Iron and Comer Ware, in tba rtmm^m .feadila^^ooe defci; •orth<rfJ-Bailee> atort.) ia tat < Village of F L A T T S R B P O M . wbera be iatandTto keep an band tvery t l ^ „ in bit line of bu-siuaaa tbat may ba wmiti. M* tlao |e-trade te work the vary beat cjtwJity of ataaki tod aell at Ww aa tao ba adbrded, to

iioat kmda o/^ubirf Frailwee rectited in whole at ia a«irt pay peat.

With Ma lot»! expavitace in the abate

i n r#f M i r ;aoftba*


jt p i , r .w . . . .. _ .. ,w

Fertbe^lett aatea e T eight yeeraathat bad tae«d«ae«ete of tba ieat ahopt i t dit-

SfOvJI yjMatfitft4t»'.T^4J •« IFex«e*WeMts

dAfWte'OKfer. ariia detpeteb. •

R f t a aauea. ttaaalav F J » ! ! » 1 I I

MERE*** .. or 10 a, of wood building.. ^PMOT

m a id aotaJl - oicbard«f*all ttader eaHivation. « ««00.

Tblrty-ave acrea oppotlte tba Brick , frame baru and hobte.

or haatqaatity. ... hate Farmt are offered for ttla at the

i ¥ • „ i ' tawif MifcirSiiii i i i i fa^^il l AMk-aeBaaiwysawjipappwpi war, _

oa which gyaartfoT paymoiitol

aa above, in tbe Hx yeart

alxyeart. I- w ft -

Plitttbdrtthi Drc. 31, Itftt. *• • •' ')


us it atttrid p'|Mit^p teaa'wt" tubject latawrafkt «f »ad

uTutnd if aot » * " or redeemed by that time, win bo pat op tt toctioo upoi thort notice. Clinton County Bank birkt, off Wmm&m W v l pp^jfPwpPpWK ^PaWwP^P 'PJBpPwPPj* PpiPW J*

Bank to tbaataount ol lwe.fbirda ef all ( purcbatat, will he reeettpi Ik jaayMeet, the bttraooo te ewtieat fuwdti PerKmlr* er paitkulMt, ipoohreof the aabaefibar

VtuLaei ©r PLArrt»u»wi(. Brick dwalliag bouae and lot, aorae* of

Margarat aod Watt atreet. . Brick ttorf E. ttda Marttret ttreet, t».

•uQ^ipoFag Bleddard p Htwtti Sixty aeraa of land watt tod m

ctnioutmeoiaewr tba village. Howe aad lot mt FeutjueH^, tip obj

l^r t i i l lwte. '• . ^ . . . J l Biadttiaitb thop, vttt aide c/Ca«rlottl

ttraat. Houto pad lot to t th e idaof

atraet, occapted by W . Holcomb. Houst «pl tot «e MUI Alley ever Bar-

"A&utmmM and Wast atraau <w»*u Ooe,iwawtiath i df lot Nat Ooe.balfa) Dwa-firUatb af lot Ooe-firt;eth «! One-haJf*oaa>«ftitth «• One«fillkth »«. One-half ft ene fiftieth " Oae^tlf ftf.86 of lot Hoi A, Wtthiag-• " - P t a l a p t , . - ! • . ! • • ' ' 1>4and 1^45 .; .• ;.••«».••..• j t p » ^ IM " • 47TatkJat t

1 »* J '»

•jtaataFLiaaall' awjppawpaww pjaw^pw/wo/a

tJ - ra iOs^AVt

if'' ' ~ « f M a t , I

, to «it ^wa^WjBW|wpr pawtitj a_ ^ _. _ w

-tit" ^ P W p ^ ^ w ' ™ ^^P^ffW^ppa^p^jBji IB | wepwpp^) ^aaqpjgfa^ppH jpm P P V W W l p P ^ J

ttreeotion of Bridge ttreat and f T^'e^'i^^P^P^i.P^pPI' p9P dp&9Ka ep '

Parti atretW

apaja\ tjai!||_ t a t p^tpVewlh ifMa,

tp^llKaVeVtV.f . ' ; . i*,;»t ^ M daflVlf.oflotNo. | 8 ^ I t l f

- l l i i i i t ^ ^ t ^ e i l S o t i ' M ^ Sarapma,'i * a * '1 L ; i«••* . *••> U l-v •£ ft»

SoOawlMo^lsa, ahatatraetr-io Lot No. 3 * ^ eta* tract, in Fletl

. --.4V.4 I f tofthdl la i-3a tpfa" treat, it>8era»ac(

...at :- .-^#n* MW-JH . ' f ; , kj*

ooith. baif of


* aa«mwtia, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,

and Bolicitora aod Counaellora in #Ulaaat«l ip ,dra

Office at the eaet eud of tbe Bridge. PLATTSBUaOH, tt. V ,


Solicitor and Counsellor in Chancery PhMtJburgk^Xjr^^ __

ft. at. atrpejct AT*pasra* AV Wbw.

PteWaiwrgA, iV. Y.

j . D p t j t J M i W«if»| |WA|| |S . Aovvaafiiar A»» • igsroaa.a®*

A f L A r t , aaotoLiciToa « N B cooxaXLLot i t

C H A N C E R Y. PUtuburgh, H. Y,



•^§BWLW&tt!ttf f i t . - * * *•'

8. W, TAYLOR. . ' lees, Stone Ax Hard

Were—a good a*tortmeot. for aatt F. L.C.SA1LLV:

f O R T G A C Er SALE.-^Wbartai, Gearge l)avia» of Peru, %-M., by

a ceitaia liaieatere oi Jtmung* bearing, date the eigblejath day. of jUanh, 1839, for lAeearing the^paypent ef thrta hetV dred doll art with iuterett tbeiaon* did mortgtg^tM|ia;Samaal *a>nr .of jtbe ume; place, 'tTha tqtal tad andittded half t f the wati fiity aorti of all that teruio, piaoa or parcel of land lymg and being aad tiUi-«od aa followt; being atrt of £< awfabar forty, lying ia tbe town er.Fafti. New York, bagtoniag at the nott* e»ttt eatotr of lot number forty, taid coreer iamafked on a white pine marked Z. IP. O, L. Said lot runt Pitt buad-td toda tomb, taenet ooe hundred and tixtyrpda lo;tbe,<entt, theece one hundred rodt to the north, thence one bandied and uxjir rodt to the wett,

powtainjag ^%mmfi *9&M'fyi'm-j Said lot may ba known ' ^ p t M i S r t of tot number forty, In the Orett L t ^ a j i l oi tbt town of Paru,rprmaj Zephen.-I. Pl.t?, sa.dlbcttioocoB.aidiog 7983 acrea of land." Which taid mort­gage with a power oftale .therein conlnio-ed, watduly recorded in the office of the Clerk of Clinton county, on the 28th day ot March, 1839, in Lrber N. af Morigk-get pagp 18ft; 188 iod 137. And where, at delaultbas beep madeio tbe payment of the whole amount aecared to be paid by taid mortgage, which hat atl become dae, and on which mot fgage there it o,ltjmed to be due at the time of the first pubiicaiioa of tbia notice, tbe torn oi ISSS 63, and no tuit or proceeding having been iqitifuted at law or in equity to recoyer the amount tecuml by taid mortgage or any part there* of—Now therefore, by virtue of the power ol atle contained in taid mortgage, and in pursuance of the ttatote ia teth oate nwde tod provided, notioe fa hereby given that the ebeve detcrfbad land aai pramiiet will be told at public yendue on the ibird lay o( laly urxt at tan O IWCR la Hie fort-noon pr that day, ft Ihe Court Bouta to Plattaburgh, in taid county, for oath only.

Dated, April 1,1843. ^ _ SAMUEL TERRY.

By J, D. Wownwaao, hit Atfy. _ r , t wfaswaaawaaaaiaMiiitiiii , i in niimawanw « 'T,t • iwa, waAa'uiiii,** •.a.ni1ii.nilMiti.taaiti'

goto old military


Valoo f?/t,iri!,....._


Sa"Kiy 'cpr •• " » i i W tor •• Off PlaltabatghptUat

Ipjuw I f Wtoori •» 103 ^Mdo* 2d dlfi 19a " N W c o t «* 7 LitUb Location. ThcfoUoMmg***** « a p v W . ^ the right

r^^jnw^.pp^^ejijTij p^$tw| ^Wv-'PPJ^ 4^j^^pppp^ap*ppp jPjpepaewp^ewjjt*

Mpr" ^ ' t W i d ' l r e c t ' 1 ' :

Undivided half of toa N W cor Of lot N o . IS of tba 888 l-8a lota, tnirie trtel* r •

Ooiitidadlndf of 181 a of lot No. IS of tbt aamt tract. _ - —

Atf MhdisIM haU of lflkJ^9i JL Flatt'a

after daduc'.ing 1 2 . # f W l m * * ) ^ •Bcwid^tlo^ot tlw^irerii of'PI. A J ' ^

fndWded haffofltbk of IbtNb. aWtoctatt l-S* tote. • > <

UndWioad half afofla of lot Ntv 81, towb-aa#Nfc8voManUiiar|'4raet. u •

Dated PJtuabergb,fil'&MAf±L'fai

f to

Atilfbi 1801 aral

rember, l^wWeWrievaraiablp,jo ih» con> * l^ ia ihetaWleam.W te^coj j iBln«i ( ( (

v J l |MJ> |b | v Cbaata l . &

•I'-iV^rAu *tWt**th


^__,nerti ..., thipNo.T.OIdMHHtry ofChateaugay. , ,

ot, Eaaex eoanty. '• i.t« ( i y The notet ef tbe OHaton Ooonry

Bank, or oiber valid rftWiaglintt tbe t i * , .. ta.J|en amount « r two tbirdt of ^

puicbatt money will M reet aed ia pay* ment, and tbt olher ooe tWr8 nwit f* ptk| in iptcle or carrant fbndt,

Dated Plat tftS

IQUOR», of all kindt tad of f ine. I rior qualititJ--(or J»wdtcioal |nf>: f*l>ra»%Jby»a J j J f l ^ W ,

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