II Gimnazija Test 3

Post on 03-Oct-2015

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II Gimnazija Test 3

Transcript of II Gimnazija Test 3


Phill and his wife/MET/when they .. /teach/ in Botswana.

We never./THINK/ the journey would take so long.

Their car ../BREAK/ down as they./DRIVE/home.

We /want/ to go to Peru because we./NOT BE/there before.

When she ../arrive/ her eyes were very red. I think she/CRY/.

When I /BE/ a student I../SPEND/my evenings studying in the library.

a) I/ walk/ down the street yesterday. I/ pass/ the supermarket and suddenly remembered I./forget/my keys

b) While I/watch/the film, there ../be/a power-cut

d) By the time we /run/ back to the flat to close the window, the bird../escape/

e) Who/drive/ the bus at the time of the accident?

f) She was so angry she missed the party. The only reason she ./not go/ because no-one/ tell/ her about it

h) My girlfriend./be/ to the restaurant before, so she /know/ exactly what to order.

i) I forgot to tell you, yesterday while I./walk/, I ./see/ that American man you like.

j) What on earth../you do / when I/ walk/ into your room yesterday?


I boughtpair of shoes.

I saw movie last night.

They are staying at.hotel.

I think..man over there is very unfriendly.

I do not like.basketball.

That isproblem I told you about.

night is quiet. Let's take a walk!

price of gas keeps rising.

John traveled to.Mexico.

Juan isSpanish.

I read ..amazing story yesterday.

My brother doesn't eat.chicken.

.love is such.beautiful thing.

I live in.apartment..apartment is new.

I would like .piece of cake.

I was in..Japanese restaurant. . restaurant served good food.

Sara can play.guitar.

1. Please choose whether theunderlinedverb formis suitable or unsuitable

a) While wehaddinner, the plumber knocked on the door.

b) Wedidn't goto this restaurant before.

c) Apart from the delays at the airport, theywere enjoyingtheir holiday last year.

d) I didn't know youhad boughta new house.

e) Whatdid you wearto the wedding last week.

f) When I woke up in the morning I remembered exactly whathappened.

g) 'What a disaster of a week!' the woman thought. Everythinghad gonewrong!

h) We all wanted to believe her but we suspected shewas lying.

i)Were you walkingto work everyday when you lived in Spain?

j) We tried to cook yorkshire puddings, but we didn't really know what wewere doing.