Ignite: Own What You've Accomplished

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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Slides from DevLearn 2012 Ignite session.

Transcript of Ignite: Own What You've Accomplished

People move on, often

Photo by Bits and Bunches

62% one year

78% two years

Changing jobs is how people get ahead

Photo by Matt Brown

Collections of papers

aren’t enough

One skill set for life is not enough

Reach is increasing Photo by

Ajan Chatterjee

This is a social era.

“The social era honors value creation starting with the single unit of a connected human”

-Nilofer Merchant

Steve is bored.

Photo by n0thing

There are missing pieces

Photo by lladnaar

It’s hard to go it alone

The only way through is together

When people have data to share about their path, helping

them is easier

It’s time to adapt

Together we can empower people to build better for
