Ignite boulder negotiations

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Slides from my third Ignite Boulder presentation at Ignite Boulder 10. All about how to negotiate. The corresponding video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LhcqrBLtIY

Transcript of Ignite boulder negotiations

Prepared for Negotiations

Seek Common Ground

Reach an Agreement

Go with BATNA

Put on Hold

Name the Game

Expand Your Responses


Creative Solutions

Expand the


Time, Players & Location

Solve Their Problem





Start Small

Use Bundeling

Objective Measures

Order My Priorities

Research the Market

Research the Players

See Their Perspective

Develop my BATNA

Go Beyond Initial



Change Players?

*thanks JD

Critical Step: Go to Your Happy Place

Tactic: Alter Their Perception

“I’m sorry I was going too fast officer.

Thank you for pulling me over.

I needed a reminder to slow down.”

Tactic: The Stupid American

“I’m am so stupid. I should have known there was no parking on the streets in Beaver Creek. I’ve never been here before. I must have missed the signs.”

Tactic: Balance Interests

“I don’t think it’s fair for me to pay late fees becasue there was a

mistake, but I’m willing to pay the outstanding

balance today.”

Tactic: Change the Criteria

“Match the highest salary you have

offered a person of the same caliber for

this position”


Do NOT include a number

What about Bullies?

Tactic: Name the Game

“I just want Lucas to be happy. So, if that means you

tearing me apart and making me look like the most horrible person on Earth, then go ahead and

do it....”


*thanks JH

