Iggy's Adventure

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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The tale of Iggy and Liona, and an unlikely friendship

Transcript of Iggy's Adventure

Iggy’s Adventure

Written by Chú PatrickIllustrated by Cô Lanie

Dedicated to

Hayden Manning Malloy

Happy First Birthday!

...may you never stop exploring.

Dedicated to

Hayden Manning Malloy

Happy First Birthday!

...may you never stop exploring.

...This is the tale of Iggy and Liona

and unlikely friendship.

Iggy grew up in the Amazon…well

sort of. One day he was picked to

go on an adventure. Iggy brought

his backpack and his trusted

flashlight, and set off for this land

called “ENGLAND”.

The adventure wasn’t what Iggy had

hoped for. When he arrived, he was cold

and lonely. Every night he went to sleep

dreaming of going to this place

called “AFRICA” where he could lay on hot

rocks surrounded by friends.

Then one day he had an idea….


All aboard!!!

He would find AFRICA for himself.

He took all his belongings and the poster of

AFRICA off the wall and set out on his trip.

Iggy jumped on the first ship he saw,

And away he went.


All aboard!!!


On board Iggy looked all over

for come clues. Just then he saw a

box labeled “AFRICA”…just like his

poster. He was so excited.

He climbed right in and hid.


HMS International Sterling

Yes! I finally made it!

HMS International Sterling

Yes! I finally made it!

The ship soon came to a stop. He felt

his box rustling and then THUD!! his box landed

on the soft grass. Iggy popped his head out, he

felt the warm sun and heard voices all over...


Pardon me, I’m Iggy.

I’m looking for...

Pardon me, I’m Iggy.

I’m looking for...

Iggy was on a quest to find the warm rock

from his poster. He came upon a nice looking

pride of lion cubs. Maybe they knew where

his rock was? Iggy showed them his poster

and asked where he could find that rock.

Don’t talk to him. He’s di�erent.

Don’t talk to him. He’s di�erent.

Liona was the youngest cub. She thought Iggy

was cute and friendly, but the other cubs were

quite rude to him because he was different.

They had never seen an iguana before and

thought that he was a funny shape and color.

Iggy didn’t know what he did wrong.

I don’t understandwhat’s wrong with being di�erent...?

I don’t understandwhat’s wrong with being di�erent...?

Once again Iggy was alone.

The sun was setting quickly and he was in a

strange land where no one would even talk to

him. He didn’t know what was so

wrong about being different.



Oh dear!The cubs are

in trouble!



Oh dear!The cubs are

in trouble!

Just then Iggy heard screams for help.

It was Liona’s voice. She and the other cubs

were in trouble. A pack of mean hyenas

had cornered them in a cave.

Brave Iggy had to save them, but how...?


He pulled his flashlight out of his pack and

cast his shadow on the cave wall. Then he

took a huge breath and let out a mighty



The hyenas were frightened and quickly ran

away. Liona and the cubs looked up to the

branch and saw little Iggy. They were safe,

the iguana has saved them.

Brave Iggy went to bed a hero.

Iggy, we were wrong...

The next morning Iggy saw the cubs play-

ing. This time, they ran right up to him. They

thanked him for his bravery. “We were wrong

to think that being different was bad, from

now on we’ll never be mean just because

someone is different.”

Iggy, we were wrong...

“Come with us we’ll show you

that rock you’re looking for”

Tell me aboutthe “Amazon!”

Tell me aboutthe “Amazon!”

Iggy had save the day, he showed the

cubs that it’s character that counts and that

being different is a good thing.

He and Liona played all day in the sun and

talked about his travels.

Finally Iggy was home...