IFF Kitbag Presented to Festival of Ideas for Mental Health Innovation

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Innovation Exchange hosts a Festival of Ideas looking for 'high-potential innovations that personalise mental health support'. See http://bit.ly/3v349k. This presentation takes the Festival template and populates it with information about IFF Kitbag in this context. For further information visit www.iffkitbag.com

Transcript of IFF Kitbag Presented to Festival of Ideas for Mental Health Innovation

  • 1. Kitbag Kitbag supports people to look after themselves and others, empowering both staff and clients to become agents rather than victims in times of overwhelming change

2. The big picture www.iffkitbag.com I dont know how I ever coped without the kit as now I know I never could as well again Lifer, HM Womens Prison, Cornton Vale 3. Features, benefits and needs

  • Needs
  • We are living in powerful times, eroding confidence and stability. The mental health impact is huge and can feel overwhelming for clients, staff and communities.
  • We need to develop the capacities to deal with 21st century life effectively and reduce reliance on professional help.
  • We need interventions that can start small and scale up to promote wider social and cultural change.
  • Features
  • Resources to develop individual and group psychological capacity.
  • Helps people discover meaning and purpose and build relationships based on mutuality and respect.
  • Design principles for services that nurture growth and transformation.
  • Benefits
  • Increased capacity to thrive in powerful times (proven in a variety of settings)
  • S ervices able to cope with higher demand at lower cost
  • Services built on mutuality and respect reducing risk of dependency

4. Measures of success

  • Using Kitbag as part of their approach:
  • Clients develop meaning and hope, preventing relapse and supporting recovery
  • People feel inspired, increasing staff morale and reducing staff absence
  • Services create a life-enhancing culture, reducing demand for professional help

5. Support

  • Start-up funding to launch the Kitbag range of resources as a viable social enterprise
  • Staff in agencies (eg NHS, prisons, schools, social care) ready to experiment with Kitbag as part of their offering, building on a range of existing successful trials
  • Partners interested in using Kitbags underlying design principles as a template for service transformation