IFB Template

Post on 13-Apr-2018

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Transcript of IFB Template

  • 7/26/2019 IFB Template



    Dear Colleague:

    You have downloaded one of four newly-revised templates used to procure services. These templates, the Requestfor roposals !R"#, the $nvitation for %ids !$"%#, the &ulti-'tep $nvitation for %ids !&'-$"%#, and the 'ole'ource()mergency Contract !''() template have *een developed *y the Department of %udget and &anagement!D% in con+unction with the Department of ealth and &ental ygiene !D ffice of rocurement and'upport 'ervices !''# and are *ased on a D%& procurement model. They are formatted in &' /ord usingffice rofessional 0112. There are some things you need to 3now when using the templates:

    "irst, this is +ust a template, and not all possi*le procurement circumstances may *e covered *y this template.owever, this template is designed to include language for the ma+ority of solicitations for services within therespective procurement type !e4. Competitive 'ealed %idding 5 C'%6 Competitive 'ealed roposals - C'#. nly

    some, not all, of the language used in the template is required *y &aryland7s procurement regulations, C&RTitle 08. /hile some language may *e changed, it is 'TR9;Y R)C&&)9D)D that you utili

  • 7/26/2019 IFB Template


    Changes from original 12(0F(0182 version:

    1E(1(0182-'ection 8.0: Definition for =9otice to roceed6> capitali and added reference to 'ection 8.E.8.-'ection 8.: Removed statement that attendance is not mandatory from first paragraph.

    1E(0F(0182-'ection E.E.G: Revised wording regarding the %idder7s Certificate of $nsurance requirements.

    1(18(0182-dded *olded note at *ottom of instructions page.-dded optional language on solicitation Title page for 'mall %usiness Reserve rocurements.-'ection 8.0 Definitions: added definition for =Contract Commencement> and minor revisions to definitions of =%usiness Day!s#,> =o-;iveDate,> and =/or3ing Day!s#.>-'ection 8.0H Contract ffidavit: added statement that a Contract ffidavit will *e required for renewal options and mods that e4tend theContract.-'ection 8.22 &inority %usiness )nterprise oal and 'u*goals: revised wording and added language for &%) liquidated damages !8.22.#.-'ection 8.2E ;iving /age Requirements: revised wording regarding determination of wage tier.-dded 'ection 2.: 'C 0 Type $$ udit Report.-Apdated Contract !ttachment #: added 'ection E.H regarding &%) liquidated damages.-Apdated %id(roposal ffidavit !ttachment %#: added Certification Regarding $nvestments in $ran and Conflict &inerals clauses.-Apdated DR iring greement !ttachment #: added field for gency Control 9um*er.

    1(81(0182-'ection 8.22 &inority %usiness )nterprise oal and 'u*goals: revised wording for &%) liquidated damages !8.22.#.-Apdated Contract !ttachment #: moved &%) liquidated damages language from 'ection E.H to 'ection 2 and made revisions.

    1G(18(0182-$nstructions age: added language regarding removing instructions page and footer date.-'ections 8.8.0, 8.0, 8.E, and Contract !ttachment # 'ection 2.8 and 2.0: revised language regarding duration of Contract, ContractCommencement, o-;ive Date, and 9otice to roceed.-'ection 8.E1: added language that price preference is not to e4ceed FI and C&R reference.-'ection 2.E: revised language regarding when certificate of insurance is to *e provided.-ttachment J $ %usiness ssociate greement: updated greement to comply with new $ rules.-Corrected several spelling and typographical errors and made minor revisions to language throughout document.

    88(18(0182-'ection 8.E.2: removed =, or a later date as.>-'ection 8.: added optional language regarding site visits.-'ection 8.22.8 and ttachment D-8: added language regarding &%) su*goals.

    -Removed 'ections 8.E0 - Conflict &inerals and 8.E2 - $nvestment ctivities in $ran !*oth now incorporated in %id(roposal ffidavit#6 following'ections and references to sections updated.-'ection 2.E.H: removed =named.>-ttachment D-2: added fields for su*contractor7s address and ")$9.-ttachment &-0: added fields for su*contractor7s address and ")$9.-Removed ttachment 9 5 $nvestment ctivities in $ran !now incorporated in %id(roposal ffidavit#.

    1(8(018E-$"% Jey $nformation 'ummary 'heet: removed address(contact information for Contract &onitor.-'ection 8.8: moved =non-'tate of &aryland usage> instructions and language from 8.2 to 8.8.F-'ection 8.0: revised definition of =rocurement fficer6> consolidated the terms =%usiness Day!s#> and =/or3ing Day!s#> to simply =%usinessDay!s#> throughout solicitation, and removed definition of =/or3ing Day!s#.>-'ection 8.E: added anticipated start date language to 8.E.2.-'ection 8.28: updated rompt ayment we*lin3.-'ection 8.22: updated &%) Requirements language, revised &%) ttachments =D,> and references to &%) ttachments =D.>-'ection 8.2E: revised ;iving /age Requirements language and added =;iving /age> clause to Contract !ttachment #.

    -'ection 8.EE: 'mall %usiness Reserve optional language added.-'ection 2.81 !)nd of Contract Transition# added.-ttachment !Contract#: revised wording and order of some sections.-ttachment : removed references to D& and A' D' and added instruction to chec3 for any additional requirements(restrictions relativeto the applica*le "ederal funding source.-Corrected spelling and typographical errors and made minor revisions to language throughout document.

    *FB Template +ersio, -./01/2-03ii

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    $9@$TT$9 "R %$D' !$"%#';$C$TT$9 9. !solicitation num*er#

    *ss#e Date, (date o" iss#ace)

    (4O5*6*TAT*ON T*T5E)

    !$f your procurement is designated as a 'mall %usiness Reserve rocurement, include the following

    notice in *lac3 font:# NOT*6E TO B*DDER4/OFFEROR44MA55 BU4*NE44 RE4ER+E PRO6UREMENT

    This is a 'mall %usiness Reserve rocurement for which award will *e limited to certified small *usinessvendors. nly *usinesses that meet the statutory requirements set forth in 'tate "inance and rocurementrticle, KK8E-F18 L8E-F1F, nnotated Code of &aryland, and that are certified *ythe Department ofeneral 'ervices 'mall %usiness Reserve rogram are eligi*le for award of a contract. 'ee R" 'ection8.EE for additional information.


    rospective %idder that has received this document from the !Department7s#we*site or

    https:((emaryland.*uyspeed.com(*so(,or that has received this document from a source other than therocurement fficer, and that wishes to assure receipt of any changes or additional materials related tothis $"%, should immediately contact the rocurement fficer and provide the rospective %idder7s nameand mailing address so that addenda to the $"% or other communications can *e sent to the rospective%idder.

    Miorit$ B#siess Eterprises Are Eco#raed to Respod to this 4olicitatio

    *FB Template +ersio, -./01/2-03iii

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    $n order to help us improve the quality of 'tate solicitations, and to ma3e our procurement process moreresponsive and *usiness friendly, we as3 that you ta3e a few minutes and provide comments andsuggestions regarding this solicitation. lease return your comments with your response. $f you have

    chosen not to respond to this Contract, please email or fa4 this completed form to the attention of therocurement fficer !see the Jey $nformation 'heet *elow for contact information#.

    Title, (4O5*6*TAT*ON T*T5E)

    4olicitatio No, (solicitatio #m!er)

    8. $f you have chosen not to respond to this solicitation, please indicate the reason!s# *elow:

    ! # ther commitments preclude our participation at this time.! # The su*+ect of the solicitation is not something we ordinarily provide.! # /e are ine4perienced in the wor3(commodities required.! # 'pecifications are unclear, too restrictive, etc. !)4plain in R)&RJ' section.#! # The scope of wor3 is *eyond our present capacity.

    ! # Doing *usiness with the 'tate of &aryland is simply too complicated. !)4plain inR)&RJ' section.#

    ! # /e cannot *e competitive. !)4plain in R)&RJ' section.#! # Time allotted for completion of the %id(roposal is insufficient.! # 'tart-up time is insufficient.! # %onding($nsurance requirements are restrictive. !)4plain in R)&RJ' section.#! # %id(roposal requirements !other than specifications# are unreasona*le or too ris3y.

    !)4plain in R)&RJ' section.#! # &%) or @'%) requirements. !)4plain in R)&RJ' section.#! # rior 'tate of &aryland contract e4perience was unprofita*le or otherwise unsatisfactory.

    !)4plain in R)&RJ' section.#! # ayment schedule too slow.


    0. $f you have su*mitted a response to this solicitation, *ut wish to offer suggestions or e4pressconcerns, please use the R)&RJ' section *elow. !ttach additional pages as needed.#.







    *FB Template +ersio, -./01/2-03iv

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    *%itatio "or Bids, (4O5*6*TAT*ON T*T5E)

    4olicitatio N#m!er, (solicitatio #m!er)

    *FB *ss#e Date, (date o" iss#ace)

    *FB *ss#i O""ice, (DEPARTMENT)

    Proc#remet O""icer, (ame o" Proc#remet O""icer)

    (cotact i"ormatio o" Proc#remet O""icer)(address)

    Phoe, Fa:,


  • 7/26/2019 IFB Template


    Ta!le o" 6otets


    8.8 'ummary 'tatement..........................................................................................................

    8.0 **reviations and Definitions..........................................................................................8.2 Contract Type..................................................................................................................888.E Contract Duration...........................................................................................................888.F rocurement fficer.......................................................................................................888.H Contract &onitor............................................................................................................808. re-%id Conference........................................................................................................808.G e&aryland&ar3etplace...................................................................................................828. ?uestions........................................................................................................................828.81 rocurement &ethod......................................................................................................828.88 %ids Due !Closing# Date and Time................................................................................828.80 &ultiple or lternate %ids..............................................................................................8E

    8.82 Receipt, pening and Recording of %ids.......................................................................8E8.8E Confidentiality of %ids...................................................................................................8E8.8F ward %asis....................................................................................................................8E8.8H Tie %ids...........................................................................................................................8E8.8 Duration of %id...............................................................................................................8F8.8G Revisions to the $"%.......................................................................................................8F8.8 Cancellations..................................................................................................................8F8.01 $ncurred )4penses..........................................................................................................8F8.08 rotest(Disputes..............................................................................................................8F8.00 %idder Responsi*ilities...................................................................................................8F8.02 'u*stitution of ersonnel................................................................................................8H8.0E &andatory Contractual Terms........................................................................................8H8.0F %id(roposal ffidavit....................................................................................................8H8.0H Contract ffidavit...........................................................................................................8H8.0 Compliance with ;aws(rrearages................................................................................8H8.0G @erification of Registration and Ta4 ayment................................................................8H8.0 "alse 'tatements.............................................................................................................88.21 ayments *y )lectronic "unds Transfer.........................................................................88.28 rompt ayment olicy..................................................................................................88.20 )lectronic rocurements uthori

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    8.EE 'mall %usiness Reserve !'%R# rocurement.................................................................0G

    4E6T*ON 2 ? M*N*MUM @UA5*F*6AT*ON4-

    0.8 %idder &inimum ?ualifications.....................................................................................21

    4E6T*ON ? 46OPE OF OR80

    2.8 %ac3ground and urpose................................................................................................282.0 'cope of /or3 - Requirements.......................................................................................282.2 'ecurity Requirements....................................................................................................202.E $nsurance Requirements.................................................................................................222.F ro*lem )scalation rocedure........................................................................................2E2.H $nvoicing.........................................................................................................................2E2. &%) Reports..................................................................................................................2F2.G @'%) Reports................................................................................................................2F2. 'C 0 Type $$ udit Report...........................................................................................2H2.81 )nd of Contract Transition.............................................................................................2

    4E6T*ON 3 ? B*D FORMATCE.8 ne art 'u*mission......................................................................................................2GE.0 ;a*eling..........................................................................................................................2GE.2 %id rice "orm...............................................................................................................2GE.E dditional Required %id 'u*missions...........................................................................2GE.F Reciprocal reference.....................................................................................................E1E.H Delivery..........................................................................................................................E8E. Documents Required upon 9otice of Recommendation for Contract ward................E8

    *FB ATTA69MENT432

    TTC&)9T 5 C9TRCT...........................................................................................EE

    TTC&)9T % 5 %$D(R'; ""$D@$T...............................................................FTTC&)9T C 5 C9TRCT ""$D@$T......................................................................HFTTC&)9T' D 5 &$9R$TY %A'$9)'' )9T)RR$') "R&'...............................HGTTC&)9T ) 5 R)-%$D C9")R)9C) R)'9') "R&.....................................0TTC&)9T " 5 %$D R$C$9 $9'TRACT$9'...........................................................2TTC&)9T " 5 %$D "R&..............................................................................................ETTC&)9T 5 ;$@$9 /) R)?A$R)&)9T' "R ')R@$C) C9TRCT'. . .FTTC&)9T - ")D)R; "A9D' TTC&)9T......................................................TTC&)9T $ 5 C9";$CT " $9T)R)'T ""$D@$T 9D D$'C;'AR)....... ...81HTTC&)9T N 5 99-D$'C;'AR) R))&)9T....................................................81TTC&)9T J 5 $ %A'$9)'' ''C$T) R))&)9T...............................880

    TTC&)9T ; 5 &)RCARY ""$D@$T......................................................................808TTC&)9T' & 5 @)T)R9-/9)D '&;; %A'$9)'' )9T)RR$')..............800TTC&)9T 9 5 ;CT$9 " T) )R"R&9C) " ')R@$C)' D$'C;'AR)

    80TTC&)9T 5 DR $R$9 R))&)9T..............................................................80

    *FB Template +ersio, -./01/2-03vii

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    1.1 Summary Statement

    1.1.1 The !Department#!Department acronym or the Department# is issuing this $nvitation for %ids !$"%# to

    provide!enter a *rief description of the servicesto *e performed 5 i.e., a *rief summary of 'ection 2.8 of the'cope of /or3#.

    1.1.2 $t is the 'tate7s intention to o*tain services, as specified in this $"%, from a Contract *etween the selected

    %idder and the 'tate. The anticipated duration of services to *e provided under this Contract is !enter num*erof years, and option years if any#. 'ee 'ection 8.E for more information.

    1.1.3 The Department intends to ma3e!enter one of the following 5 =a single award> or =up to O awards> if there is

    the possi*ility for multiple awards, with =O> *eing the ma4imum num*er of awards>#as a result of this $"%.

    1.1.4 %idder, either directly or through its su*contractor!s#, must *e a*le to provide all services and meet all of

    the requirements requested in this solicitation and the successful %idder !the Contractor# shall remain

    responsi*le for Contract performance regardless of su*contractor participation in the wor3. !$f there is thepossi*ility for multiple awards, state how multiple Contractors will provide the required services. )4. ="ormultiple contract awards, the Contractor with the lowest Total %id rice will *e given the right of first refusalto provide the requested services. $f that Contractor is unwilling or una*le to perform the requested services,the Contractor with the ne4t lowest Total %id rice will *e as3ed to provide the requested services, and soforth. )ach Contractor will have EG hours to respond to a service request *efore a request is made to the ne4tsu*sequent Contractor.>#

    !9T): $f you choose to allow non-'tate of &aryland government entities or organi

  • 7/26/2019 IFB Template


    a. Bid ? statement of price offered *y a %idder in response to an $"%.

    *. Bidder5 n entity that su*mits a %id in response to this $"%.

    c. B#siess Da$(s)5 The official wor3ing days of the wee3 to include &onday through "riday. fficialwor3ing days e4clude 'tate olidays !see definition of =9ormal 'tate %usiness ours> *elow).

    d. 6OMAR5 Code of &aryland Regulations availa*le on-line at www.dsd.state.md.us .

    e. 6otract5 The Contract awarded to the successful %idder pursuant to this $"%. The Contract will *e in theform of Attachmet A.

    f. 6otract 6ommecemet- The date the Contract is signed *y the Department following any requiredapprovals of the Contract, including approval *y the %oard of u*lic /or3s, if such approval is required. 'ee'ection 8.E.

    g. 6otract Moitor (6M)5 The 'tate representative for this Contract who is primarily responsi*le forContract administration functions, including issuing written direction, invoice approval, monitoring thisContract to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, monitoring &%) and @'%)

    compliance, and achieving completion of the Contract on *udget, on time, and within scope.

    h. 6otractor5 The selected %idder that is awarded a Contract *y the 'tate.

    i. Departmetor (Departmet acro$m)5 !Department#.

    +. eMM5 e&aryland &ar3etplace !see $"% 'ection 8.G#.

    3. Go;5i%e Date5 The date, as specified in the 9otice to roceed, when the Contractor must *egin providing allservices required *y this solicitation. 'ee 'ection 8.E.

    l. *%itatio "or Bids (*FB)5 This $nvitation for %ids solicitation issued *y the!Department#, 'olicitation

    9um*er !solicitation num*er#dated !date of issuance#, including any addenda.

    m. 5ocal Time5 Time in the )astern Time Pone as o*served *y the 'tate of &aryland. Anless otherwisespecified, all stated times shall *e ;ocal Time, even if not e4pressly designated as such.

    n. Miorit$ B#siess Eterprise (MBE)5 ny legal entity certified as defined at C&R!FE#which is certified *y the &aryland Department of Transportation under C&R 08.88.12.

    o. Normal 4tate B#siess 9o#rs- 9ormal 'tate *usiness hours are G:11 a.m. 5 F:11 p.m. &onday through"riday e4cept 'tate olidays, which can *e found at: www.d*m.maryland.gov 5 3eyword: 'tate olidays.

    p. Notice to Proceed (NTP)5 written notice from the rocurement fficer that, su*+ect to the conditions ofthe Contract, wor3 under the Contract is to *egin as of a specified date. The start date listed in the 9T is theo ;ive Date, and is the official start date of the Contract for the actual delivery of services as descri*ed inthis solicitation. fter Contract Commencement, additional 9Ts may *e issued *y either the rocurementfficer or the Department Contract &onitor regarding the start date for any service included within thissolicitation with a delayed or non-specified implementation date.

    q. Proc#remet O""icer5 rior to the award of any Contract, the sole point of contact in the 'tate for purposesof this solicitation. fter Contract award, the rocurement fficer has responsi*ilities as detailed in theContract !ttachment #, including *eing the only 'tate representative who can authori

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    Contract. The Department may change the rocurement fficer at any time *y written notice to theContractor.

    r. 4tate5 The 'tate of &aryland.

    s. Total Bid Price- The %idder7s total price for services in response to this solicitation, included in the %id inttachment " 5 %id "orm, and used in determining the recommended awardee !see $"% 'ection 8.8F#.

    t. +etera;owed 4mall B#siess Eterprise (+4BE) ?a *usiness that is verified *y the Center for @eterans)nterprise of the Anited 'tates Department of @eterans ffairs as a veteran-owned small *usiness. 'ee Codeof &aryland Regulations !C&R# 08.88.82.

    1.# Contra$t Ty%e

    The Contract resulting from this solicitation shall *e a !enter type of contract or com*ination of more than one type,e.g., firm fi4ed price, fi4ed price with cost ad+ustment, la*or hour, indefinite quantity with fi4ed unit price, etc.#asdefined in C&R 08.1H.12.!enter C&R citation num*er for the contract type for com*inations of contracttypes, state which contract section!s# fall under each contract type#.

    1.& Contra$t !uration

    8.E.8 The Contract that results from this solicitation shall commence as of the date the Contract is signed *y theDepartment following any required approvals of the Contract, including approval *y the %oard of u*lic/or3s, if such approval is required !=Contract Commencement>#.

    8.E.0 The period of time from the date of Contract Commencement through the o-;ive Date !see 'ection 8.0definition and 'ection 8.E.2# will *e the Contract ='tart-up eriod.> During the 'tart-up eriod theContractor shall perform start-up activities such as are necessary to ena*le the Contractor to *egin thesuccessful performance of Contract activities as of the o ;ive Date. 9o compensation will *e paid to theContractor for any activities it performs during the 'tart-up eriod. !amend this section if there will *e

    payment for start-up activities.#

    8.E.2 s of the o-;ive Date contained in a 9otice to roceed !see 'ection 8.0 definition#, anticipated to *e on ora*out !enter anticipated start date of services#, the Contractor shall perform all activities required *y theContract, including the requirements of this solicitation, for the compensation descri*ed in its %id.

    8.E.E The duration of the Contract will *e for the period of time from Contract Commencement to the o-;ive Date!the 'tart-Ap eriod as descri*ed in 'ection 8.E.0# plus !=4> num*er of =years>(>months>(etc. of services to*e provided under the Contract# from the o-;ive Date for the provision of all services required *y theContract and the requirements of this solicitation. !$f the Contract contains the possi*ility for ption years,detail here. )4. =This Contract may *e e4tended for QO7 periods of one year each at the sole discretion of theDepartment and at the prices quoted in the %id "orm for ption Years.>#.

    8.E.F The Contractor7s o*ligations to pay invoices to su*contractors that provided services during the Contractterm, as well as the audit, confidentiality, document retention, and indemnification o*ligations of the Contract!see ttachment # shall survive e4piration or termination of the Contract and continue in effect until all sucho*ligations are satisfied.

    1.' (ro$urement O)$er

    *FB Template +ersio, -./01/2-0381

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    The sole point of contact in the 'tate for purposes of this solicitation prior to the award of any Contract is therocurement fficer at the address listed *elow:

    !name of rocurement fficer#rocurement fficer!Department#!street address and room num*er#

    !city, state and

  • 7/26/2019 IFB Template


    site visit is suggested for prospective %idders to assist in responding to this $"%. site visit has *een pre-scheduledfor!date of site visit#, *eginning at !start time of site visit# ;ocal Time, at !full address of site with *uilding name androom num*er#. ll prospective %idders are encouraged to attend in order to facilitate *etter preparation of their %ids.

    1. eMary/anMar0et%/a$e

    )ach %idder is requested to indicate its e&aryland &ar3etplace !e& vendor num*er in the Transmittal ;etter!cover letter# su*mitted at the time of its %id su*mission to this $"%.

    e&& is an electronic commerce system administered *y the &aryland Department of eneral 'ervices. $n additionto using the !Department acronym#we*site !Department rocurement we*site lin3# and possi*ly other means fortransmitting the $"% and associated materials, the solicitation and summary of the re-%id Conference, %idderquestions and the rocurement fficer7s responses, addenda, and other solicitation-related information will *eprovided via e&&.

    $n order to receive a contract award, a vendor must *e registered on e&&. Registration is free. o tohttps:((emaryland.*uyspeed.com(*so(login.+sp, clic3 on =Register> to *egin the process, and then follow the prompts.

    1. uestions

    /ritten questions from prospective %idders will *e accepted *y the rocurement fficer prior to the Conference. $fpossi*le and appropriate, such questions will *e answered at the Conference. !9o su*stantive question will *eanswered prior to the Conference.# ?uestions to the rocurement fficer shall *e su*mitted via e-mail to thefollowing e-mail address: !enter email address for vendors to su*mit questions#. lease identify in the su*+ect line the'olicitation 9um*er and Title. ?uestions, *oth oral and written, will also *e accepted from prospective %iddersattending the Conference. $f possi*le and appropriate, these questions will *e answered at the Conference.

    ?uestions will also *e accepted su*sequent to the Conference and should *e su*mitted to the rocurement fficer!see a!o%e email address# in a timely manner prior to the %id due date. ?uestions are requested to *e su*mitted atleast five !F# days prior to the %id due date. The rocurement fficer, *ased on the availa*ility of time to research

    and communicate an answer, shall decide whether an answer can *e given *efore the %id due date. Time permitting,answers to all su*stantive questions that have not previously *een answered, and are not clearly specific only to therequestor, will *e distri*uted to all vendors that are 3nown to have received a copy of the $"% in sufficient time for theanswer to *e ta3en into consideration in the %id.

    1.13 (ro$urement Met4o

    This Contract will *e awarded in accordance with the Competitive 'ealed %idding method under C&R 08.1F.10.

    1.11 ,is !ue 5C/osin67 !ate an Time

    %ids, in the num*er and form set forth in 'ection E.E =Required %id 'u*missions,> must *e received *y therocurement fficer at the address listed on the Jey $nformation 'ummary 'heet, no later than !%id due time#;ocalTime on !%id due date#in order to *e considered.

    Requests for e4tension of this time or date will not *e granted. %idders mailing %ids should allow sufficient maildelivery time to ensure timely receipt *y the rocurement fficer. )4cept as provided in C&R 08.1F.10.81, %idsreceived after the due date and time listed in this section will not *e considered.

    *FB Template +ersio, -./01/2-0380

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    %ids may *e modified or withdrawn *y written notice received *y the rocurement fficer *efore the time and dateset for the opening.

    Bids ma$ ot !e s#!mitted !$ e;mail or "acsimile

    @endors not responding to this solicitation are requested to su*mit the =9otice to @endors> form, which includescompany information and the reason for not responding!e.g., too *usy, cannot meet mandatory requirements, etc.#.

    This form is located in the $"% immediately following the Title age !page ii#.

    1.12 Mu/ti%/e or A/ternate ,is

    &ultiple and(or alternate %ids will not *e accepted. !$f you wish to consider accepting &ultiple or lternate %ids,discuss with your procurement supervisor and D%& analyst#.

    1.1# Re$ei%t8 O%enin6 an Re$orin6 o ,is

    8.82.8 Receipt. Apon receipt, each %id and any timely modification!s# to a %id shall *e stored in a secure place untilthe time and date set for *id opening. %efore %id opening, the 'tate may not disclose the identity of any


    8.82.0 pening and Recording. %ids and timely modifications to %ids shall *e opened pu*licly, at the time, date andplace designated in the $"%. The name of each %idder, the total %id price, and such other information as isdeemed appropriate shall *e read aloud or otherwise made availa*le.

    8.82.2 The %id pening shall *e !%id opening date and time# at !%id opening location#.

    1.1& Con"entia/ity o ,is

    The %ids shall *e ta*ulated or a %id a*stract made. The opened %ids shall *e availa*le for pu*lic inspection at a

    reasona*le time after %id opening, *ut in any case *efore contract award, e4cept to the e4tent the %idder designatestrade secrets or other proprietary data to *e confidential as set forth in this solicitation. &aterial so designated asconfidential shall accompany the %id and shall *e readily separa*le from the %id in order to facilitate pu*licinspection of the non-confidential portion of the %id, including the Total %id rice.

    "or requests for information made under the u*lic $nformation ct !$#, the rocurement fficer shall e4amine the%ids to determine the validity of any requests for nondisclosure of trade secrets and other proprietary data identified inwriting. 9ondisclosure is permissi*le only if approved *y the ffice of the ttorney eneral.

    1.1' A9ar ,asis

    The Contract shall *e awarded to the responsi*le %idder !=%idder!s#> if more than multiple awards possi*le#su*mitting a responsive %id with the most favora*le Total %id rice !as referenced in C&R 08.1F.10.82# forproviding the goods and services as specified in this $"%. The most favora*le Total %id rice will *e the lowest pricetotal on Attachmet F- %id "orm. !if multiple awards are possi*le, descri*e how su*sequent awards will *e made.)4: =Ap to QO7 additional awards will *e made to the ne4t lowest %idders in order of lowest Total %id rice> or: =neaward will *e made per 'ervice Category(Region,> etc.#

    1.1* Tie ,is

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    Tie %ids will *e decided pursuant to C&R 08.1F.10.8E.

    1.1+ !uration o ,i

    %ids su*mitted in response to this $"% are irrevoca*le for 801 days following the closing date of the %ids. This period

    may *e e4tended at the rocurement fficer7s request only with the %idder7s written agreement.

    1.1 Revisions to t4e IF,

    $f it *ecomes necessary to revise this $"% *efore the due date for %ids, the Department shall endeavor to provideaddenda to all prospective %idders that were sent this $"% or which are otherwise 3nown *y the rocurement fficerto have o*tained this $"%. $n addition, addenda to the $"% will *e posted on the Department7s procurement we* pageand through e&&. $t remains the responsi*ility of all prospective %idders to chec3 all applica*le we*sites for anyaddenda issued prior to the su*mission of %ids.

    c3nowledgment of the receipt of all addenda to this $"% issued *efore the %id due date shall *e included in theTransmittal ;etter accompanying the %idder7s %id. "ailure to ac3nowledge receipt of an addendum does not relievethe %idder from complying with the terms, additions, deletions, or corrections set forth in the addendum, and maycause the %id to *e re+ected as *eing non-responsive to the requirements of the $"%.

    1.1 Can$e//ations

    The 'tate reserves the right to cancel this $"%, or accept or re+ect any and all %ids, in whole or in part, received inresponse to this $"%.

    1.23 In$urre E:%enses

    The 'tate will not *e responsi*le for any costs incurred *y any %idder in preparing and su*mitting a %id or inperforming any other activities related to su*mitting a %id in response to this solicitation.

    1.21 (rotest;!is%utes

    ny protest or dispute related, respectively, to this solicitation or the resulting Contract shall *e su*+ect to theprovisions of C&R 08.81 !dministrative and Civil Remedies#.

    1.22 ,ier Res%onsibi/ities

    The selected %idder shall *e responsi*le for rendering services for which it has *een selected as required *y this $"%.ll su*contractors shall *e identified and a complete description of their role relative to the %id shall *e included inthe %idder7s %id. $f applica*le, su*contractors utili and 'ection 8.E8 =@eteran-wned 'mall %usiness )nterprise oals.>#.

    $f a %idder that see3s to perform or provide the services required *y this $"% is the su*sidiary of another entity, allinformation su*mitted *y the %idder, such as *ut not limited to, references, financial reports, or e4perience anddocumentation !e.g. insurance policies, *onds, letters of credit# used to meet minimum qualifications, if any, shall

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    pertain e4clusively to the %idder, unless the parent organi

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    $t is strongly recommended that any potential %idder complete registration prior to the due date for receipt of %ids. %idder7s failure to complete registration with 'DT may disqualify an otherwise successful %idder from finalconsideration and recommendation for Contract award.

    1.2 Fa/se Statements

    %idders are advised that &d. Code nn., 'tate "inance and rocurement rticle, K88-01F.8 provides as follows:

    8.0.8 $n connection with a procurement contract a person may not willfully:

    !a# "alsify, conceal, or suppress a material fact *y any scheme or device6!*# &a3e a false or fraudulent statement or representation of a material fact6 or!c# Ase a false writing or document that contains a false or fraudulent statement or entry of a material


    8.0.0 person may not aid or conspire with another person to commit an act under su*section !8# of this section.

    8.0.2 person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a felony and on conviction is su*+ect to a finenot e4ceeding 01,111 or imprisonment not e4ceeding five years or *oth.

    1.#3 (ayments by E/e$troni$ Funs Transer

    %y su*mitting a response to this solicitation, the %idder(fferor agrees to accept payments *y electronic fundstransfer !)"T# unless the 'tate Comptroller7s ffice grants an e4emption. ayment *y )"T is mandatory for contractse4ceeding 811,111. The selected %idder(fferor shall register using the CT(D O-81 @endor )lectronic "unds!)"T# Registration Request "orm. ny request for e4emption must *e su*mitted to the 'tate Comptroller7s ffice forapproval at the address specified on the CT(D O-81 form, must include the *usiness identification information asstated on the form, and must include the reason for the e4emption. The CT(D O-81 form may *e downloadedfrom the Comptroller7s we*site at:http:((comptroller.marylandta4es.com(overnmentM'ervices('tateMccountingM$nformation('taticM"iles(&(gad4-


    1.#1 (rom%t (ayment (o/i$y

    This procurement and the Contract!s# to *e awarded pursuant to this solicitation are su*+ect to the romptayment olicy Directive issued *y the overnor7s ffice of &inority ffairs ! and dated ugust 8,011G. romulgated pursuant to &d. Code nn., 'tate "inance and rocurement rticle, KK 88-018, 82-01F!a#,and Title 8E, 'u*title 2, and C&R and, the Directive see3s to ensure the promptpayment of all su*contractors on non-construction procurement contracts. The Contractor must comply with theprompt payment requirements outlined in the Contract, 'ection 28 =rompt ayment> !see Attachmet A#.dditional information is availa*le on &7s we*site at: http:((goma.maryland.gov(;egislation


    1.#2 E/e$troni$ (ro$urements Aut4ori=e

    . Ander C&R 08.12.1F, unless otherwise prohi*ited *y law, the Department may conduct procurementtransactions *y electronic means, including the solicitation, *idding, award, e4ecution, and administration of acontract, as provided in &d. Code nn., &aryland Aniform )lectronic Transactions ct, Commercial ;awrticle, Title 08.

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    %. articipation in the solicitation process on a procurement contract for which electronic means has *eenauthori

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    1.## Minority ,usiness Enter%rise Goa/ an Sub6oa/s

    !$f there is o&%) goal for this solicitation, enter only the following sentence for this section and delete theremainder of this section:#

    There is no &%) su*contractor participation goal for this procurement.

    !$f there isan &%) goal for this solicitation, enter and complete the following language for this section:#

    8.22.8 Esta!lishmet o" Goal ad 4#!oals.

    n overall &%) su*contractor participation goal of !&%) goal percentage#I of the total contract dollar amount has*een esta*lished for this procurement.

    $n addition, the following su*goals have *een esta*lished for this procurement:

    !frican-merican su*goal percentage#Ifor frican-merican &%)s,

    !sian-merican su*goal percentage#Ifor sian-merican &%)s, !ispanic-merican su*goal percentage#I for ispanic-merican &%)s,and

    !/oman-wned su*goal percentage#Ifor /oman-wned &%)s.

    9otwithstanding any su*goals esta*lished a*ove, the Contractor is encouraged to use a diverse group ofsu*contractors and suppliers from any(all of the various &%) classifications to meet the remainder of the overall&%) participation goal.

    !fter completing the &%) 'u*goal /or3sheet pursuant to the &%) 'u*goal uidance, !i# insert the su*goalamounts for the applica*le su*goals a*ove, and !ii# delete any of the a*ove su*goals that do not apply to thissolicitation. $f after the completion of the &%) 'u*goal /or3sheet no su*goals are esta*lished, then the followingsentence should *e included instead, in *lac3 font:#

    There are no &%) su*contractor participation su*goals for this procurement.

    8.22.0 Attachmets D;0 to D;5 The following &inority %usiness )nterprise participation instructions, and formsare provided to assist %idders(fferors:

    Attachmet D;0A &%) Atili

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    !a# The %idder(fferor ac3nowledges the certified &%) participation goal and commits to ma3e a goodfaith effort to achieve the goal and any applica*le su*goals, or requests a waiver, and affirms that &%)su*contractors were treated fairly in the solicitation process6 and

    !*# The %idder(fferor responds to the e4pected degree of &%) participation, as stated in the solicitation,

    *y identifying the specific commitment of certified &%)s at the time of %id(roposal su*mission. The%idder(fferor shall specify the percentage of total contract value associated with each &%)

    su*contractor identified on the &%) participation schedule, including any wor3 performed *y the &%)rime !including a rime participating as a +oint venture# to *e counted towards meeting the &%)participation goals.

    !c# %idder(fferor requesting a waiver should review ttachment D-8% !/aiver uidance# and D-8C!ood "aith )fforts Documentation to 'upport /aiver Request# prior to su*mitting its request.

    If a Bidder/Offeror fails to submit a completed Attachment D-1A with the Bid/Proposal as required, the

    Procurement Officer shall determine that the Bid is non-responsive or the Proposal is not reasonabl susceptible

    of bein! selected for award"

    8.22.E %idders(fferors are responsi*le for verifying that each &%) !including any &%) rime and(or &%) rime

    participating in a +oint venture# selected to meet the goal and any su*goals and su*sequently identified inAttachmet D;0Ais appropriately certified and has the correct 9$C' codes allowing it to perform thecommitted wor3.

    8.22.F /ithin ten !81# %usiness Days from notification that it is the recommended awardee or from the date of theactual award, whichever is earlier, the %idder(fferor must provide the following documentation to therocurement fficer.

    !a# utreach )fforts Compliance 'tatement !Attachmet D;2#.

    !*# &%) 'u*contractor(rime ro+ect articipation Certification !Attachmet D;A/B#.

    !c# $f the recommended awardee *elieves a waiver !in whole or in part# of the overall &%) goal or of anyapplica*le su*goal is necessary, the recommended awardee must su*mit a fully-documented waiverrequest that complies with C&R

    !d# ny other documentation required *y the rocurement fficer to ascertain %idder(fferorresponsi*ility in connection with the certified &%) su*contractor participation goal or any applica*lesu*goals.

    If the recommended awardee fails to return each completed document within the required time, the Procurement

    Officer ma determine that the recommended awardee is not responsible and, therefore, not eli!ible for #ontract

    award" If the #ontract has alread been awarded, the award is voidable"

    8.22.H current directory of certified &%)s is availa*le through the &aryland 'tate Department of Transportation!&DT#, ffice of &inority %usiness )nterprise, 018 Corporate Center Drive, anover, &aryland 081H.

    The phone num*ers are !E81# GHF-80H, 8-G11-FEE-H1FH, or TTY !E81# GHF-82E0. The directory is alsoavaila*le on the &DT we*site at http:((m*e.mdot.state.md.us(directory(. The most current and up-to-dateinformation on &%)s is availa*le via this we*site. Ol$ MDOT;certi"ied MBEs ma$ !e #sed to meet theMBE s#!cotracti oals

    8.22. The Contractor, once awarded a Contract, will *e responsi*le for su*mitting or requiring its su*contractor!s#to su*mit the following forms to provide the 'tate with ongoing monitoring of &%) articipation:

    !a# Attachmet D;3A!rime Contractor aid(Anpaid &%) $nvoice Report#.

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    !*# Attachmet D; 3B !&%) rime Contractor Report, if applicable#!c# Attachmet D;!&%) 'u*contractor(Contractor Anpaid &%) $nvoice Report#.

    8.22.G %idder(fferor that requested a waiver of the goal or any of the applica*le su*goals will *e responsi*le forsu*mitting the ood "aith )fforts Documentation to 'upport /aiver Request !Attachmet D;06)and alldocumentation within ten !81# %usiness Days from notification that it is the recommended awardee or fromthe date of the actual award, whichever is earlier, as required in 6OMAR 2000-00

    8.22. ll documents, including the &%) Atili

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    These records must indicate the identity of certified minority and non-minority su*contractors employedon the Contract, the type of wor3 performed *y each, and the actual dollar value of wor3 performed.'u*contract agreements documenting the wor3 performed *y all &%) participants must *e retained *ythe Contractor and furnished to the rocurement fficer on request.

    !d# Consent to provide such documentation as reasona*ly requested and to provide right-of-entry atreasona*le times for purposes of the 'tate7s representatives verifying compliance with the &%)participation o*ligations. Contractor must retain all records concerning &%) participation and ma3e them

    availa*le for 'tate inspection for three years after final completion of the Contract.

    !e# Apon completion of the Contract and *efore final payment and(or release of retainage, su*mit a finalreport in affidavit form and under penalty of per+ury, of all payments made to, or withheld from &%)su*contractors.

    1.#& Livin6 >a6e Re?uirements

    &aryland law requires that Contractors meeting certain conditions pay a living wage to covered employees on 'tateservice contracts over 811,111. &aryland Code, 'tate "inance and rocurement, K 8G-818 et al. The Commissionerof ;a*or and $ndustry at the Department of ;a*or, ;icensing and Regulation requires that a Contractor su*+ect to the

    ;iving /age law su*mit payroll records for covered employees and a signed statement indicating that it paid a livingwage to covered employees6 or receive a waiver from ;iving /age reporting requirements. See C&R

    $f su*+ect to the ;iving /age law, Contractor agrees that it will a*ide *y all ;iving /age law requirements, including*ut not limited to reporting requirements in C&R Contractor understands that failure of Contractorto provide such documents is a material *reach of the terms and conditions and may result in Contract termination,disqualification *y the 'tate from participating in 'tate contracts, and other sanctions.

    dditional information regarding the 'tate7s living wage requirement is contained in Attachmet G.%idders(fferors must complete and su*mit the &aryland ;iving /age Requirements ffidavit of greement!Attachmet G;0# with their %id(roposal. $f a %idder(fferor fails to complete and su*mit the requireddocumentation, the 'tate may determine a %idder(fferor to *e not responsi*le under 'tate law.

    Contractors and su*contractors su*+ect to the ;iving /age ;aw shall pay each covered employee at least theminimum amount set *y law for the applica*le Tier area. The specific living wage rate is determined *y whether ama+ority of services ta3e place in a Tier 8 rea or Tier 0 rea of the 'tate. The Tier 8 rea includes &ontgomery,rince eorge7s, oward, nne rundel and %altimore Counties, and %altimore City. The Tier 0 rea includes anycounty in the 'tate not included in the Tier 8 rea. $n the event that the employees who perform the services are notlocated in the 'tate, the head of the unit responsi*le for a 'tate Contract pursuant to K8G-810!d# of the 'tate "inanceand rocurement rticle shall assign the tier *ased upon where the recipients of the services are located.

    The Contract resulting from this solicitation will *e determined to *e a Tier 8 Contract or a Tier 0 Contract dependingon the location!s# from which the Contractor provides F1I or more of the services. The %idder(fferor must identifyin its %id(roposal the location!s# from which services will *e provided, including the location!s# from which F1I or

    more of the Contract services will *e provided.

    $f the Contractor provides F1I or more of the services from a location!s# in a Tier 8 +urisdiction!s# the

    Contract will *e a Tier 8 Contract.

    $f the Contractor provides F1I or more of the services from a location!s# in a Tier 0 +urisdiction!s#,

    the Contract will *e a Tier 0 Contract.

    $f the Contractor provides more than F1I of the services from an out-of-'tate location, the 'tate

    agency determines the wage tier *ased on where the ma+ority of the service recipients are located. $n

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    this circumstance, this Contract will *e determined to *e a Tier !enter =8> or =0,> depending on wherethe ma+ority of the service recipients are located#Contract.

    $nformation pertaining to reporting o*ligations may *e found *y going to the &aryland Department of ;a*or,;icensing and Regulation !D;;R# we*site http:((www.dllr.state.md.us(la*or(prev(livingwage.shtml .

    NOTE, hereas the 5i%i ae ma$ chae a#all$ the 6otract price ma$ ot !e chaed !eca#se

    o" a 5i%i ae chae

    1.#' Feera/ Funin6 A$0no9/e6ement

    !$f the Contract to *e awarded under this procurement does otcontain "ederal funds, enter only the followingsentence for this section and delete the rest:#

    This Contract does not contain "ederal funds.

    !$f the Contract to *e awarded under this procurement does contain "ederal funds, enter and complete the followinglanguage for this section:#

    8.2F.8 There are programmatic conditions that apply to this Contract due to "ederal funding. !see Attachmet 9#.

    8.2F.0 The total amount of "ederal funds allocated for the !name of administration or facility#is !"ederal fundsamount#in &aryland 'tate fiscal year !current fiscal year#. This represents !divide "ederal funds amount *ythe total of the unit7s *udget#I of all funds *udgeted for the unit in that fiscal year. This does not necessarilyrepresent the amount of funding availa*le for any particular grant, contract, or solicitation.

    8.2F.2 This Contract contains federal funds. The source of these federal funds is: !name of "ederal program forfunds source i.e.,Medicaid, Ryan White, Title X, etc.#. The C"D num*er is: !Catalog of Federal Dometic!itancenum*er#. The conditions that apply to all federal funds awarded *y the Department are containedin "ederal "unds Attachmet 9. ny additional conditions that apply to this particular federally-funded

    contract are contained as supplements to "ederal "unds Attachmet 9 and %idders(fferors are to completeand su*mit these ttachments with their %id(roposal as instructed in the ttachments. cceptance of thisagreement indicates the %idder(fferor7s intent to comply with all conditions, which are part of this Contract.

    1.#* Con@i$t o Interest A)avit an !is$/osure

    !$f a Conflict of $nterest ffidavit is otrequired for this solicitation, enter only the following language for thissection and delete the rest:#

    Conflict of $nterest ffidavit is not required pursuant to C&R 08.1F.1G.1G!"# for this procurement. %idder isrequired to disclose to the rocurement fficer any actual or potential conflict of interest as it arises, *efore or afteraward, in accordance with C&R 08.1F.1G.1G.

    !$f a Conflict of $nterest ffidavit isrequired for this solicitation, enter the following language for this section:#

    %idders(fferors shall complete and sign the Conflict of $nterest ffidavit and Disclosure !Attachmet *# andsu*mit it with their %id(roposal. ll %idders(fferors are advised that if a Contract is awarded as a result of thissolicitation, the successful Contractor7s personnel who perform or control wor3 under this Contract and each ofthe participating su*contractor personnel who perform or control wor3 under this Contract shall *e required tocomplete agreements su*stantially similar to Attachmet *Conflict of $nterest ffidavit and Disclosure. "or

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    policies and procedures applying specifically to Conflict of $nterests, the Contract is governed *y C&R08.1F.1G.1G.

    1.#+ Non-!is$/osure A6reement

    !$f a 9on-Disclosure greement is otrequired for this solicitation, enter only the following sentence for this sectionand delete the rest:#

    9on-Disclosure greement is not required for this procurement.

    !$f a 9on-Disclosure greement isrequired for this solicitation, enter the following language for this section:#

    ll %idders(fferors are advised that this solicitation and any resultant Contract!s# are su*+ect to the terms of the9on-Disclosure greement !9D# contained in this solicitation as Attachmet . This greement must *eprovided within five !F# %usiness Days of notification of proposed Contract award6 however, to e4pediteprocessing, it is suggested that this document *e completed and su*mitted with the %id(roposal.

    1.# I(AA - ,usiness Asso$iate A6reement

    !$f a $ %usiness ssociate greement is otrequired for this solicitation, enter only the following sentence forthis section and delete the rest:#

    $ %usiness ssociate greement is not required for this procurement.

    !$f a $ %usiness ssociate greement isrequired for this solicitation, enter the following language for thissection, and select the appropriate Contract clause for 'ection 2H of the Contract 5 Attachmet A:#

    %ased on the determination *y the Department that the functions to *e performed in accordance with this solicitationconstitute %usiness ssociate functions as defined in $, the recommended awardee shall e4ecute a %usinessssociate greement as required *y $ regulations at EF C.".R. K8HE.F18 and set forth in Attachmet 8. This

    greement must *e provided within five !F# %usiness Days of notification of proposed Contract award6 however, toe4pedite processing, it is suggested that this document *e completed and su*mitted with the %id(roposal. 'hould the%usiness ssociate greement not *e su*mitted upon e4piration of the five !F# %usiness Day period as required *ythis solicitation, the rocurement fficer, upon review of the ffice of the ttorney eneral and approval of the'ecretary, may withdraw the recommendation for award and ma3e the award to the responsi*le %idder(fferor withthe ne4t lowest %id or ne4t highest overall-ran3ed roposal.

    1.# Nonvisua/ A$$ess

    !$f this solicitation does otcontain $nformation Technology !$T# provisions, enter only the following sentence forthis section and delete the rest:#

    This solicitation does not contain $nformation Technology !$T# provisions requiring 9onvisual ccess.

    !$f this solicitation does contain $nformation Technology !$T# provisions, enter the following language for thissection:#

    %y su*mitting a %id(roposal, the %idder(fferor warrants that the information technology offered under the%id(roposal: !8# provides equivalent access for effective use *y *oth visual and nonvisual means6 !0# will presentinformation, including prompts used for interactive communications, in formats intended for *oth visual and

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    nonvisual use6 !2# if intended for use in a networ3, can *e integrated into networ3s for o*taining, retrieving, anddisseminating information used *y individuals who are not *lind or visually impaired6 and !E# is availa*le, wheneverpossi*le, without modification for compati*ility with software and hardware for nonvisual access. The%idder(fferor further warrants that the cost, if any, of modifying the information technology for compati*ility withsoftware and hardware used for nonvisual access will not increase the cost of the information technology *y morethan five percent !FI#. "or purposes of this solicitation and resulting Contract, the phrase =equivalent access> meansthe a*ility to receive, use, and manipulate information and to operate controls necessary to access and use information

    technology *y nonvisual means. )4amples of equivalent access include 3ey*oard controls used for input andsynthesi

  • 7/26/2019 IFB Template


    ?uestions or concerns regarding the @eteran-wned 'mall %usiness )nterprise !@'%)# su*contractor participationgoal of this solicitation must *e raised *efore the due date for su*mission of %ids(roposals.

    8.E8.0 AR')

    The Contractor shall structure its procedures for the performance of the wor3 required in this Contract to attempt to

    achieve the @'%) su*contractor participation goal stated in this solicitation. @'%) performance must *e inaccordance with this section and Attachmet M, as authori

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    8.E8.F C9TRCT D&$9$'TRT$9 R)?A$R)&)9T'

    The Contractor, once awarded the Contract shall:

    (0) 'u*mit monthly to the Department a report listing any unpaid invoices, over EF days old, received from any@'%) su*contractor, the amount of each invoice, and the reason payment has not *een made. (AttachmetM;)

    (2) $nclude in its agreements with its @'%) su*contractors a requirement that those su*contractors su*mitmonthly to the Department a report that identifies the prime contract and lists all payments received fromContractor in the preceding 21 days, as well as any outstanding invoices, and the amount of those invoices.(Attachmet M;3)

    () &aintain such records as are necessary to confirm compliance with its @'%) participation o*ligations. Theserecords must indicate the identity of @'%) and non-@'%) su*contractors employed on the contract, the typeof wor3 performed *y each, and the actual dollar value of wor3 performed. The su*contract agreementdocumenting the wor3 performed *y all @'%) participants must *e retained *y the Contractor and furnishedto the rocurement fficer on request.

    (3) Consent to provide such documentation as reasona*ly requested and to provide right-of-entry at reasona*letimes for purposes of the 'tate7s representatives verifying compliance with the @'%) participationo*ligations. The Contractor must retain all records concerning @'%) participation and ma3e them availa*lefor 'tate inspection for three years after final completion of the Contract.

    () t the option of the procurement agency, upon completion of the Contract and *efore final payment and(orrelease of retainage, su*mit a final report in affidavit form and under penalty of per+ury, of all payments madeto, or withheld from @'%) su*contractors.

    1.&2 Lo$ation o t4e (erorman$e o Servi$es !is$/osure

    !$f this procurement is ot anticipated to have an estimated value of 0,111,111.11 or more, enter only the following

    sentence for this section and delete the rest:#

    This solicitation does not require a ;ocation of the erformance of 'ervices Disclosure.

    !$f this procurement is anticipated to have an estimated value of 0,111,111.11 or more, enter the following languagefor this section:#

    The %idder(fferor is required to complete the ;ocation of the erformance of 'ervices Disclosure. copy of thisDisclosure is included as Attachmet N. The Disclosure must *e provided with the %id(roposal.

    1. !e%artment o uman Resour$es 5!R7 irin6 A6reement

    !$f this solicitation does ot require a DR iring greement, enter only the following sentence for this section anddelete the rest:#

    This solicitation does not require a DR iring greement.

    !$f this solicitation does require a DR iring greement, enter the following language for this section:#

    ll %idders(fferors are advised that if a Contract is awarded as a result of this solicitation, the successful%idder(fferor will *e required to complete a DR iring greement. copy of this ffidavit is included as

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    Attachmet O. This ffidavit must *e provided within five !F# %usiness Days of notification of proposed Contractaward.

    1.&& Sma// ,usiness Reserve 5S,R7 (ro$urement

    !$f this solicitation is ot designated as a 'mall %usiness Reserve !'%)# rocurement, enter only the followingsentence for this section and delete the rest:#

    This solicitation is not designated as a 'mall %usiness Reserve !'%)# rocurement.

    !$f this solicitation is designated as a 'mall %usiness Reserve !'%)# rocurement, enter the following language forthis section:#

    This is a 'mall %usiness Reserve rocurement for which award will *e limited to certified small *usiness vendors.nly *usinesses that meet the statutory requirements set forth in 'tate "inance and rocurement rticle, KK8E-F18L8E-F1F, nnotated Code of &aryland, and that are certified *y the Department of eneral 'ervices 'mall %usinessReserve rogram are eligi*le for award of a contract.

    "or the purposes of a 'mall %usiness Reserve rocurement, a small *usiness is a for-profit *usiness, other than a*ro3er, that meets the following criteria:

    . $t is independently owned and operated6

    %. $t is not a su*sidiary of another *usiness6

    C. $t is not dominant in its field of operation6 and

    D. )ither:

    !8# /ith respect to employees:

    !a# $ts wholesale operations did not employ more than F1 persons in its most recently completed 2 fiscalyears6

    !*# $ts retail operations did not employ more than 0F persons in its most recently completed 2 fiscal years6

    !c# $ts manufacturing operations did not employ more than 811 persons in its most recently completed 2fiscal years6

    !d# $ts service operations did not employ more than 811 persons in its most recently completed 2 fiscalyears6

    !e# $ts construction operations did not employ more than F1 persons in its most recently completed 2fiscal years6 and

    !f# The architectural and engineering services of the *usiness did not employ more than 811 persons in itsmost recently completed 2 fiscal years6 or

    !0# /ith respect to gross sales:

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    !a# The gross sales of its wholesale operations did not e4ceed an average of E,111,111 in its mostrecently completed 2 fiscal years6

    !*# The gross sales of its retail operations did not e4ceed an average of 2,111,111 in its most recentlycompleted 2 fiscal years6

    !c# The gross sales of its manufacturing operations did not e4ceed an average of 0,111,111 in its most

    recently completed 2 fiscal years6

    !d# The gross sales of its service operations did not e4ceed an average of 81,111,111 in its most recentlycompleted 2 fiscal years6

    !e# The gross sales of its construction operations did not e4ceed an average of ,111,111 in its mostrecently completed 2 fiscal years6 and

    !f# The gross sales of its architectural and engineering operations did not e4ceed an average of E,F11,111in its most recently completed 2 fiscal years.

    9ote: $f a *usiness has not e4isted for 2 years, the employment and gross sales average or averages shall

    *e the average for each year or part of a year during which the *usiness has *een in e4istence.

    "urther information on the certification process is availa*le at e&aryland &ar3etplace.

    ". $neligi*le %ids or roposals. Ander a small *usiness reserve procurement, a *usiness that is not a certified small*usiness is ineligi*le for award of a contract.

    . %efore awarding a contract under a procurement designated as a small *usiness reserve procurement, therocurement fficer shall verify that the apparent awardee is certified *y the Department of eneral 'ervices as asmall *usiness. procurement contract award under a small *usiness reserve may not *e made to a *usiness thathas not *een certified.

    . Reporting. The designated procurement units shall su*mit a report on the 'mall %usiness Reserve rogramannually as required under C&R


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    2.1 ,ier Minimum ua/i"$ations

    !$f there are o %idder &inimum ?ualifications for this solicitation, enter only the following sentence for this sectionand delete the rest:#

    There are no %idder &inimum ?ualifications for this procurement.

    !$f there are %idder &inimum ?ualifications for this solicitation, enter the following language as applica*le for thissection and insert a num*ered list of all %idder &inimum ?ualifications. These &inimum ?ualifications arerequirements that must *e met *y a vendor in order to su*mit a %id, including any licensures or certifications, years ofe4perience, F18!c#!2# status, C%, other designations, etc. These are not to *e service requirements or delivera*lesunder the Contract !those are detailed in 'ection 2#. $nclude requirements of proof that must *e included with a%idder7s *id !e4. copies of licenses, certificates, etc.#. $t is not mandatory to have &inimum ?ualifications, andhaving them can sometimes inhi*it competition, *ut if a *ottom-line requirement must *e met, using &inimum?ualifications is a good way to set the *ar.#

    The %idder must provide proof with its %id that the following &inimum ?ualifications have *een met :

    0.8.8 The %idder shall have . . . !e4. three !2# years of e4perience providing . . .#. s proof of meeting thisrequirement, the %idder shall provide with its %id . . . !e4. three !2# references from the past five years a*le toattest to the %idder7s e4perience in providing . . .#.

    0.8.0 The %idder shall *e certified . . . !e4. *y the &aryland $nsurance dministration as a . . . #. s proof ofmeeting this requirement, the %idder shall provide with its %id . . . !e4. a current certificate issued *y the&aryland $nsurance dministration evidencing the %idder7s certification as a . . .>#



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    #.1 ,a$06roun an (ur%ose

    !rovide a description of the purpose of this solicitation, and any *ac3ground information that may *e helpful tovendors in preparing the responses. summary of this section should *e included in 'ection 8.8 of this solicitation#.

    The 'tate is issuing this solicitation for the purposes of . . .

    #.2 S$o%e o >or0 - Re?uirements

    The Contractor shall:

    !$nsert Contract 'pecifications into the 'olicitation here. This is the most important section of the solicitation, and the=meat> of the procurement. ny product or service delivera*les, milestones, or deadlines must *e identified here,including reports specific to the 'cope of /or3 requirements. The specifications must clearly articulate what the'tate7s requirements are and readers should understand e4actly what the 'tate intends to procure. The specificationsneed to *e clearly written so that payment can *e made appropriately, wor3 !un#performed can *e identified, and the

    contractual rights of the 'tate can *e enforced. Ase the term =Contractor,> not =%idder(fferor,> throughout this'ection as these are Contractual requirements. 'tate your requirements in an outline format that is organi

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    #.# Se$urity Re?uirements

    2.2.8 Emplo$ee *deti"icatio

    !a# )ach person who is an employee or agent of the Contractor or su*contractor shall display his or hercompany $D *adge at all times while on 'tate premises. Apon request of authori

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    #.& Insuran$e Re?uirements

    !The insurance requirements and minimums stated *elow are general e4amples, and may not reflect the necessaryrequirements and minimums for your 'cope of /or3. 'ome of the insurance requirements and minimums *elow mayplace an undue *urden on the Contractor and its su*contractors, or may not *e necessary for the types of services to *eprovided. Research sample insurance requirements for the relevant service industry in order to fine-tune theserequirements and minimums for your particular 'cope of /or3 requirements.#

    2.E.8 The Contractor shall maintain Commercial eneral ;ia*ility $nsurance with limits sufficient to cover lossesresulting from, or arising out of, Contractor action or inaction in the performance of the Contract *y theContractor, its agents, servants, employees, or su*contractors, *ut no less than a Com*ined 'ingle ;imit for%odily $n+ury, roperty Damage, and ersonal and dvertising $n+ury ;ia*ility of 8,111,111 per occurrenceand 2,111,111 aggregate.

    2.E.0 The Contractor shall maintain )rrors and missions(rofessional ;ia*ility insurance with minimum limits of8,111,111 per occurrence.

    2.E.2 The Contractor shall maintain utomo*ile and(or Commercial Truc3 $nsurance as appropriate with ;ia*ility,Collision, and $ limits no less than those required *y the 'tate where the vehicle!s# is registered, *ut in nocase less than those required *y the 'tate of &aryland.

    2.E.E The Contractor shall maintain )mployee Theft $nsurance with minimum limits of 8,111,111 per occurrence.

    2.E.F /ithin five !F# %usiness Days of recommendation for Contract award, the Contractor shall provide theContract &onitor with current certificates of insurance, and shall update such certificates from time to time*ut no less than annually in multi-year contracts, as directed *y the Contract &onitor. 'uch copy of theContractor7s current certificate of insurance shall contain at minimum the following:

    a. /or3ers7 Compensation 5 The Contractor shall maintain such insurance as necessary and(or as requiredunder /or3ers7 Compensation cts, the ;ongshore and ar*or /or3ers7 Compensation ct, and the"ederal )mployers7 ;ia*ility ct.

    *. Commercial eneral ;ia*ility as required in 'ection 2.E.8.

    c. )rrors and missions(rofessional ;ia*ility as required in 'ection 2.E.0.

    d. utomo*ile and(or Commercial Truc3 $nsurance as required in 'ection 2.E.2.

    e. )mployee Theft $nsurance as required in 'ection 2.E.E.

    2.E.H The 'tate shall *e listed as an additional insured on the policies with the e4ception of /or3er7s Compensation$nsurance and rofessional ;ia*ility $nsurance. ll insurance policies shall *e endorsed to include a clausethat requires that the insurance carrier provide the Contract &onitor, *y certified mail, not less than EF days7

    advance notice of any non-renewal, cancellation, or e4piration. $n the event the Contract &onitor receives anotice of non-renewal, the Contractor shall provide the Contract &onitor with an insurance policy fromanother carrier at least 21 days prior to the e4piration of the insurance policy then in effect. ll insurancepolicies shall *e with a company licensed *y the 'tate to do *usiness and to provide such policies.

    2.E. The Contractor shall require that any su*contractors providing services under this Contract o*tain andmaintain similar levels of insurance and shall provide the Contract &onitor with the same documentation as isrequired of the Contractor.

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    #.' (rob/em Es$a/ation (ro$eure

    2.F.8 The Contractor must provide and maintain a ro*lem )scalation rocedure !)# for *oth routine andemergency situations. The ) must state how the Contractor will address pro*lem situations as they occurduring the performance of the Contract, especially pro*lems that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the'tate within appropriate timeframes.

    The Contractor shall provide contact information to the Contract &onitor, as well as to other 'tatepersonnel, as directed should the Contract &onitor not *e availa*le.

    2.F.0 The Contractor must provide the ) no later than ten !81# %usiness Days after Contract Commencement.The ), including any revisions thereto, must also *e provided within ten !81# %usiness Days after thestart of each Contract year and within ten !81# %usiness Days after any change in circumstance whichchanges the ). The ) shall detail how pro*lems with wor3 under the Contract will *e escalated inorder to resolve any issues in a timely manner. The ) shall include:

    The process for esta*lishing the e4istence of a pro*lem6

    The ma4imum duration that a pro*lem may remain unresolved at each level in the

    Contractor7s organi

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    mount due.

    $nvoices su*mitted without the required information cannot *e processed for payment until theContractor provides the required information.

    !*# The Department reserves the right to reduce or withhold Contract payment in the event the Contractordoes not provide the Department with all required delivera*les within the time frame specified in the

    Contract or in the event that the Contractor otherwise materially *reaches the terms and conditions ofthe Contract until such time as the Contractor *rings itself into full compliance with the Contract. lsosee the =;iving /age> provision of the Contract, if applica*le, which allows for withholding ofpayment under certain circumstances. ny action on the part of the Department, or dispute of action *ythe Contractor, shall *e in accordance with the provisions of &d. Code nn., 'tate "inance androcurement rticle KK 8F-08F through 8F-002 and with C&R 08.81.10.

    2.H.0 *%oice 4#!missio 4ched#le

    The Contractor shall su*mit invoices in accordance with the following schedule:

    !)nter the Contractor7s invoice su*mission schedule here6 this can *e a ta*le with dates for required

    delivera*les, or a more simple statement such as =$nvoices are due *y the 8Fth

    of the month following themonth in which services were performed.> The invoice su*mission schedule will depend on the type ofcontract, e.g., fi4ed price, indefinite quantity, etc. and service delivery. $nvoices and resulting payment shouldgenerally *e *ased on performance for services(goods provided.#

    #.+ M,E Re%orts

    $f this solicitation includes a &%) oal !see 'ection 8.22#, the Contractor and its &%) su*contractors shall providethe following &%) &onthly Reports *ased upon the commitment to the goal:

    !a# Attachmet D;3A, the &%) articipation rime Contractor aid(Anpaid &%) $nvoice Report *y the81th of the month following the reporting period to the Contract &onitor and the &%) ;iaison fficer.

    !*# Attachmet D;3B (if applicable#, the &%) rime Contractor Report *y the 81th of the monthfollowing the reporting period to the Contract &onitor and the &%) ;iaison fficer.

    !c# Attachmet D;, the &%) articipation 'u*contractor aid(Anpaid &%) $nvoice Report *y the 81thof the month following the reporting period to the Contract &onitor and the &%) ;iaison fficer.


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    !$f you determine that a Contractor 'C 0 Type $$ Report is otrequired for this Contract, enter only the followingsentence for this section and delete the rest:#

    'C 0 Type $$ Report is not a Contractor requirement for this Contract.

    $nclude the following 'C 0 Type $$ Report clause when the Contractor will collect, process, transmit, store, organi#.'uch audits shall *e performed in accordance with audit guidance:Reporting on Control at a Ser"ice #rganizationRele"ant to Security, !"ailability, $roceing %ntegrity, Confidentiality, or $ri"acy&S#C '(as pu*lished *y themerican $nstitute of Certified u*lic ccountants !$C# and as updated from time to time, or according to themost current audit guidance promulgated *y the $C or similarly-recogniW. The initial 'C 0 udit shall *e scheduled andcompleted within a timeframe to *e specified *y the 'tate of &aryland. ll su*sequent 'C 0 udits that arearranged after this initial audit must *e performed on an annual *asis.

    ii. The 'C 0 Report shall report on a description of the Contractor7s system and the suita*ility of the design andoperating effectiveness of controls of the $nformation "unctions and(or rocesses relevant to the following trustprinciples: Vrocessing $ntegrity, 'ecurity, vaila*ility, Confidentiality, and(or rivacy 5 Departmet to choosewhich appl$W as defined in the uidance. !'uggest consulting with your Chief $nformation fficer or a directorof internal audits to determine which trust principles are applica*le for your Contract#.

    iii. The 'C 0 Report shall include wor3 performed *y su*contractors that provide essential support to theContractor for the $nformation "unctions and(or rocesses for the services provided to the Department under theContract. The Contractor shall ensure the performance of the 'C 0 udits includes its su*contractor!s#.

    iv. ll 'C 0 udits, including the 'C 0 udits of Contractor7s su*contractors, shall *e performed at theContractor7s e4pense.

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    v. The Contractor shall promptly provide a complete copy of the final 'C 0 Report to the Department7s Contract&onitor upon completion of each 'C 0 udit engagement.

    vi. The Contractor shall provide to the Department7s Contract &onitor, within 21 calendar days of the issuance of thefinal 'C 0 Report, a documented corrective action plan which addresses each audit finding or e4ceptioncontained in the 'C 0 Report. The corrective action plan shall identify in detail the remedial action to *e ta3en*y the Contractor along with the date!s# when each remedial action is to *e implemented.

    vii. $f the Contractor currently has an annual information security assessment performed that includes the operations,systems, and repositories of the $nformation "unctions and(or rocesses services *eing provided *y the Contractorto the Department under the Contract, and if that assessment generally conforms to the content and o*+ective ofthe uidance, the Department will determine in consultation with appropriate 'tate government technology andaudit authorities whether the Contractor7s current audits are accepta*le in lieu of the 'C 0 Report!s#.

    viii.$f the Contractor fails during the Contract term to o*tain an annual 'C 0 Report *y VDepartment to enter date.)4. =&arch 8 for the preceding calendar year.>W, the Department shall have the right to retain an independent auditfirm to perform an audit engagement to issue a 'C 0 Report of the $nformation "unctions and(or rocesses*eing hosted *y the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to allow the independent audit firm to access its facility(iesfor purposes of conducting this audit engagement!s#, and provide reasona*le support to the independent audit firmin the performance of the engagement. The Department will invoice the Contractor for the e4pense of the 'C 0udit!s#, or deduct the cost from future payments to the Contractor.

    #.13 En o Contra$t Transition

    The Contractor shall cooperate in the orderly transition of services from it to a su*sequent contractor upon receipt of a9otice of Termination from the 'tate. Transition shall *e provided in a prompt and timely manner, shall proceed inaccordance with the schedule provided to the Contractor *y the 'tate in the 9otice of Transition, and shall *e for aperiod of at least ninety !1# days. dditional instructions regarding transition services may *e provided in the 9oticeof Termination issued *y the 'tate.


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    &.1 One (art Submission

    %idders shall su*mit with their %id all &inimum ?ualification documentation required !see 'ection 0#, and all

    Required %id 'u*missions !see 'ection E.E# in a single sealed pac3age(envelope.

    &.2 Labe/in6

    )ach %idder is required to la*el the sealed %id. The %id shall *ear the $"% title and num*er, name and address of the%idder, and closing date and time for receipt of the %ids.

    &.# ,i (ri$e Form

    The %id shall contain all price information in the format specified on the %id "orm !Attachmet F#. Complete the

    %id "orm only as provided in the %id ricing $nstructions. Do not amend, alter, or leave *lan3 any items on the %id"orm or include additional clarifying or contingent language on or attached to the %id "orm. $f option years areincluded, %idders must su*mit %ids for each option year. "ailure to adhere to any of these instructions may result inthe %id *eing determined to *e non-responsive and re+ected *y the Department.

    &.& Aitiona/ Re?uire ,i Submissions

    %idders shall include the following with their %id:

    E.E.8 Trasmittal 5etter,

    Transmittal ;etter shall accompany the %id. The purpose of this letter is to transmit the %id andac3nowledge the receipt of any addenda. The Transmittal ;etter should *e *rief and signed *y an individualwho is authori#.

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    $n addition, the Transmittal ;etter shall indicate whether the %idder is the su*sidiary of another entity, and ifso, whether all information su*mitted *y the %idder pertains e4clusively to the %idder. $f not, the su*sidiary%idder shall include a guarantee of performance from its parent organi

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    c. The dollar value of the contract6d. The term of the contract6e. The 'tate employee contact person !name, title, telephone num*er, and, if possi*le, e-mail address#6 andf. /hether the contract was terminated *efore the end of the term specified in the original contract,

    including whether any availa*le renewal option was not e4ercised.

    $nformation o*tained regarding the %idder7s level of performance on 'tate contracts will *e considered as part

    of the responsi*ility determination *y the rocurement fficer.

    E.E. Fiacial 6apa!ilities,

    The %idder shall include "inancial 'tatements, prefera*ly a rofit and ;oss !;# statement and a %alance'heet, for the last two !0# years !independently audited preferred#.

    E.E.G 6erti"icate o" *s#race,

    The %idder shall provide a copy of the %idder7s current certificate of insurance. The recommended awardeemust provide a certificate of insurance with the prescri*ed limits set forth in 'ection 2.E =$nsuranceRequirements,> naming the 'tate as an additional insured if required, within five !F# %usiness Days from

    notification *y the rocurement fficer that the %idder has *een determined to *e the apparent awardee.

    E.E. 4#!cotractors,

    The %idder shall provide a complete list of all su*contractors that will wor3 on the Contract if the %idderreceives an award, including those utili

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    The &aryland resident preference does not conflict with a federal law or grant affecting the procurement


    The preference given shall *e identical to the preference that the other state, through law, policy, or practice gives toits resident *usinesses.

    &.* !e/ivery

    %idders may either mail or hand-deliver %ids.

    E.H.8 "or A.'. ostal 'ervice deliveries, any *id that has *een received at the appropriate mail room, or typicalplace of mail receipt for the respective procuring unit *y the time and date listed in the $"% will *e deemed to*e timely. $f a %idder chooses to use the A.'. ostal 'ervice for delivery, the Department recommends that ituse )4press &ail, riority &ail, or Certified &ail only as these are the only forms for which *oth the date andtime of receipt can *e verified *y the Department. $t could ta3e several days for an item sent *y first classmail to ma3e its way *y normal internal mail to the procuring unit and a %idder using first class mail will not*e a*le to prove a timely delivery at the mailroom..

    E.H.0 and-delivery includes delivery *y commercial carrier acting as agent for the %idder. "or any type of direct!non-mail# delivery, a %idder is advised to secure a dated, signed, and time-stamped !or otherwise indicated#receipt of delivery.

    &.+ !o$uments Re?uire u%on Noti$e o Re$ommenation or Contra$tA9ar

    Apon receipt of a 9otification of Recommendation for Contract ward, the following documents shall *e completedand su*mitted *y the recommended awardee within five !F# %usiness Days, unless noted otherwise. 'u*mit three !2#copies of each with original signatures.

    a. signed Contract !Attachmet A#,*. completed Contract ffidavit !Attachmet 6#,c. completed &%) Attachmets D;2 ad D;A/B, within ten !81# %usiness Days, if applica*le6 Ksee

    4ectio 0,d. &%) /aiver Nustification within ten !81# %usiness Days, usually including Attachmet D;L, if a

    waiver has *een requested !if applica*le6 Ksee 4ectio 0),e. signed 9on-Disclosure greement !Attachmet #, if applica*le6 Ksee 4ectio 01,f. signed $ %usiness ssociate greement !Attachmet 8#, if applica*le6 Ksee 4ectio 0C, completed @'%) Attachmet M;2, if applica*le Ksee 4ectio 030,h completed DR iring greement, Attachmet O, if applica*le Ksee 4ectio 03, andi. copy of a current Certificate of $nsurance with the prescri*ed limits set forth in 'ection 2.E =$nsurance

    Requirements,> listing the 'tate as an additional insured, if applica*le6 Ksee 4ectio 3


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    ATTA69MENT A ? 6otract

    This is the sample contract used *y the Department. $t is provided with the $"% for informational purposes and is notrequired to *e su*mitted at %id su*mission