If only I could create the perfect travel website (2008)

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Travel Technology Show seminar presentation given by Jason Till - a leading digital strategist and user experience expert on 6/2/2008, while he was Head of Digital at travel industry specialist, Designate.

Transcript of If only I could create the perfect travel website (2008)


20 secs

Hi. I’m from Designate. Designate’s a communications agency which delivers strategy, creative, marketing, and technology services to clients in travel, leisure and finance sectors. One of the things we do is make Websites. We won the Travoluton “Best Website Design” award last year for Wales in Style.


1 min

Here’s my list - from user perspective - of what I’d like to see in a travel Website. I won’t talk through this slide in detail as there’s lots to cover in this presentation.


20 secs

Sorry to let you all down, but there’s no silver bullet at the current time. Things are really quite exciting at the moment. Technologies opening up new opportunities, but at the same time technology can hinder.


30 secs

OTAs who are aggregating a lot of content have the toughest job. Although they are catching up, with new functionality being added to travel systems inventory. The closer you are to your inventory in the value chain, the more control, of course you can exercise, so I don’t envy the big companies’ challenges.


30 secs

Here’s a running order of what I want to cover. I’m going to make clear that this isn’t going to be a thorough exposition of how to optimise a booking process on a Website. To do that we need more time and you’d have to cross my palm with silver.

Today I’m mainly interested with how a Website sells and performs.



1 min

Here’s an example of the conventions which most online travel agent sites employ – and I appreciate that the travel sector isn’t restricted just to OTA’s. Most of the conventions should be pretty clear and most people here will be familiar with them. They also tend to live in similar places on most Websites, although the search tool does jump around.

The main issue here is that the search function is often the thing that lets sites down. I have couple of examples of this later. The “Hero shot” / deal panel at the top (like the other photography) is suitably dynamic and stylised, suggesting the company understands the audience – sporty, younger.

Overall this Website’s pretty good and does it’s job well, with the proposition clear: price and choice. Although it could with do some clear anchoring text at the head of page. I’ll come back to more examples which don’t perform as well later.


40 secs

I’ll provide limited apologies for the lack of usability in this slide as behind the scenes it can be more complicated than on the surface.

Content is what sells your holidays and it’s challenging to merge other types of content (guides, reviews, multimedia, weather) together with inventory in a meaningful way – a way which makes people want to use the holidays. Good information design can help, but you still need to get over the hurdle of integrating data from different sources – often with different data structures and formats.

That’s enough of this complicated slide.


1 min

These are the main issues a generic traveller and an e-commerce director will want to cover.

But there’s one thing missing we’ve commissioned independent research which shows that TRUST is the overriding factor when making a travel booking online.



1.30 mins

For all people, travel is a considered purchase, from discretionary income and people have different considerations. Career motivated or business travellers value efficiency, control, the ability to compare/contrast results and details. Slow-to-load Web sites, sites that have elaborate Flash-based intro screens, and sites that don't provide detailed information are almost guaranteed to lose this critical segment of travelers. Entertainment Motivated travellers value Social computing tools, audio, video, color, etc. all matter. This group is also highly impulsive, and excellent target for last-minute offers and cross-selling. Holidays are about personal identity, People collect “experiences” – and can very much be “vanity purchases” The good experience should start during the planning or they’ll switch off. These people really are brand fickle For Family motivated travellers Personal online safety is very important to this group; your privacy policy and tools to ensure secure online transaction will resonate. They’re also more discretionary with their disposable income. When designing a WEBSITE YOU NEED A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF WHO YOU’RE DESIGNING FOR – AND SHOULD IDEALLY FACTOR THIS INTO USABILITY PLANNING BY developing PEN Portrtaits or PERSONAS of the people you want to communicate with.




20 secs And what do people like doing most when they’re not travelling? Researching it online. In term of online purchase intent, travel is secondary only to book purchasing.


40 secs

Lookers and bookers are those people who research and book their travel online, as defined in the previous slide They’re YOUNGER; They’re BETTER EDUCATION (so you need to sell in a sophisticated way) And they have a HIGHER INCOME – so there’s more opportunity to differentiate on more than price alone


30 secs



2 mins

When they’re in planning mode, they’re looking for inspiration, but the customer journey is fragmented and nebulous; with numerous research “tools” available and people can tap into the “wisdom of crowds”. Thinking and planning time is being stretched and fragmenting BUT impulse purchases are available immediately.

According to Research conducted by Google. Consumers Take nearly a month to go from first search to purchase of a travel product”; They make make 12 searches and visit 23 websites, and they visit their chosen site 3.9 times before making a final booking. And it’s not straightforward - people go through a process of iterative ideation, which means they’re on “receive mode” for new ideas until they’ve pressed the submit button. People are becoming much more “brand fickle”

When they’re on location Their not just collecting memories and sending postcards; they’re capturing multimedia; they’re emailing; they can blog; they can login to their interactive travel itinerary, which someone like Trip-IT provides (in the US)

When they return home They can be on Facebook updating their “where I’ve been” map; uploading to YouTube or Flickr; responding to “leave some feedback” email from Expedia, for example. All of these activities feed the iterative ideation process at the front of the customer journey.

Some travel companies are trying to replicate and copy functionality across the customer journey, and even integrate social searches and content from third party providers into their inventory.

The perfect Website isn’t one which provides all of this functionality (you’ll never be better than Flickr or Facebook at social media ), but one which understands people’s needs enough to know where it’s proposition fits in with the customer journey.

More information can be found about the Google statistics on the Travolution Website. http://www.travolution.co.uk/Articles/2007/12/11/1186/Google+study+highlights+travel+buyer+behaviour.html



30 secs

CONSIDER REMOVING SLIDE Note: Travel suppliers should not take their customers for granted; they are constantly checking to see who has the best option for them. 53% of the Bookers who research on a travel supplier's site also research on sites belonging to high-street agencies, and 57% research on OTA sites like Lastminute.com. All it takes is for someone else to do a better job of engaging the customer and you've lost them.


30 secs

So how do you make yourself perfect, and create a Website that people want to purchase holidays from? Well you have to think about people’s emotional and rational practical needs, but what does this mean?


1 min

Because the Internet makes price-shopping easier, travel firms must appeal to travelers' emotions to more fully engage them.

Note: Despite travelers' keen focus on budget, Bookers are more willing to be persuaded to bend the budget and go to their first-choice destination


2 mins A brand needs to think about it’s position and image in relation to how a user thinks emotionally about travel and their own personal goals. People need to be sold to effectively and the good experience should start when a customer’s researching a holiday – they need inspiration. But many sites are still not categorising holidays in any other way than beach; cruise; city break; or ski. This is a combination of the constraints in legacy systems, lack of understanding of user needs and ineffective selling and categorisation. People think in different ways about holidays than the way travel companies sell to them: they want experience. There’s a list of key issues on the bottom left of the screen which should act as key guidance in assessing how effective your site is positioning itself. Everyone’s got a practical side, and people will have a key set of questions they need to cover before they can get there. This is about fulfilment of the service starts on the Website, the moment someone’s using it, not when the sale’s been made. Keep the things on the bottom (and top) right in It’s worth noting that emotional and rational are NOT mutually exclusive. Peoples’ rational expectations of a Website may well be not satisfied by a negative experience with usability or accessibility. For example some sites search tools won’t work or are frustrating to use – especially if you’re not using IE on the PC. This is hardly inspirational for anyone buying a holiday online. AND DIFFERENT AUDIENCES NEED TO BE SOLD TO IN DIFFERENT WAYS – AS SHOWN BY PIE CHART ABOUT TRAVELLERS MOTIVATIONS.


30 secs

To keep it simple, let’s focus on the proposition and think about the emotional side of the selling job your site has to do. Remove all the constraints of legacy systems and usability. It can start as simply as answering these eight questions. We’ve built successful Websites by starting with these questions.


A quick case study here, designed to show how thinking about appealing to people’s interests can get around the challenges of marketing destinations alone.


20 secs

South West Wales Tourism Partnership came to us with a destination marketing challenge – how to repackage something which most people in Britain equated with industrial decline – this is a typical picture of South West Wales, which sums up it’s image in the public consciousness.


30 secs

We created three distinct brands with clear differentiation as shown here. Each of which acts as a gateway to accommodation and attraction providers. These are optimised for search around specific keywords which are experience-driven, NOT around specific destinations.

The sites have been incredibly effective at promoting and bringing in trade to South West Wales.

We believe this is a “long tail” success story - destination marketing has been turned on its head


30 secs

For those of you in the audience who might have seen the latest transformation of a British Television institution, this is a very similar leap in format that some travel Webites really need to start thinking about.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with it or haven’t seen it - it’s as simple as mentioned before: THINK MORE LIKE A MEDIA OWNER IF YOU WANT TO ENGAGE PEOPLE.




Without fail I’ll always recommend to clients that they take a user-centred design approach. We’re redesigning a financial client’s e-commerce Website right now using an approach that’s known as user-centred design, with iterative-prototyping and formal user lab testing. This attaches a £10-15K premium on the project and 3-4 weeks extra time, but the expected site efficiency gains we believe will pay back 10:1.


1 min

In my preparation for this presentation I looked at about 30 different Websites. Many of the sites have clearly been designed for Internet Explorer a don’t work as well in Firefox (I have a couple of examples later). Depending on who you choose to believe, Other browsers, including Firefox can make up anything from 23 – 40% of the Internet population. A statistic that no e-commerce director should ignore. If you don’t design optimally, you’re hindering the user experience and diminishing your chance of converting.

YOUR DESIGNERS MUST NOT ASSUME ALL BROWSERS ARE JAVASCRIPT ENABLED, EITHER. AROUND 5% of Web users switch off Javascript and so won’t be always able to see your pages as you designed them.


30 secs These examples examined along the lines of the basic anatomy lesson earlier, but also show where usability or selling features could be improved. I’m only at this stage looking at home pages so you can easily compare and contrast.

And I apologise to anyone in the audience if you manage these Websites. No Website is perfect and continuous improvement is always necessary. These aren’t designed to single anyone out, just to illustrate common issues.


1 min

All pieces of the anatomy represented in conventional areas as shown



1 min AGAIN, ALL NORMAL CONVENTIONS FEATURED POSITIVE RSS feeds of deals – becoming increasingly prevalent across all websites, but the problem is they tend to be basic feeds on the latest deals, not a customised alert based on user preferences. To be perfect, they would have to be based on a user profile. Some nice tools on the right hand side, BUT NEGATIVE the BENEFITS OF REGISTRATION AREN’T SOLD. WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME. “Register and get….” POSITIVE The achievement award on the right hand NEGATIVE – THIS website is built in HTML tables, which restricts its accessibility and the ability repurposing the design, across mobile devices, for example NEGATIVE – NO BRAND DIFFERENTIATION / NO ANCHORING STATEMENT – ASSUME PROPOSITION IS “CHEAP AND CHOICE”


30 secs POSITIVE – neatly laid out RSS deed NEGATIVE No differentiation No hero shot / promo No brand positioning No “contact me” I’M ASSUMING THE PROPOSITION IS “CHEAP AND CHOICE”


30 secs GOOD, CLEAR LAYOUT, but a shame about the chunk text which could be broken up. The search tool could be broken up a bit more. DOESN’T DIFFERENTIATE CLEAR ABOUT ITS PROPOSITION: CHOICE / PRICE IN THIS PRICE / CHOICE MARKETPLACE it’s all about the margin - many OTA’s are using similar inventory, so with search optimisation this site will perform well for it’s owners as it has good usability features.


30 secs

This is not an OTA – actually a direct selling company, so deals not so prevalent. Nice clear design. They should still consider “deals” to entice people. Proposition could be a little stronger.


20 secs

This is a beautiful website which covers all the conventions and sells really well.

They could make a little more use of the white space on the left though – that’s some valuable selling space not being used.


30 secs

Covers all the main conventions.

Very strong proposition.


20 secs

I thought I’d show you some higher-end Websites now. These tend to be better at selling emotively – usually on a higher ticket / margin but lower volume. They’re generally closer and more hands on with their inventory as well, using an approach which could be described as “carefully selected”.


1 min

I should declare an interest here. Wales in Style is run by Designate on behalf of visit Wales. We are about to redesign the Website to include user generated content functionality and some improved information architecture. I’ve got a full list of improvements back at the office, but I won’t share them today.

It’s worth noting that the “quality” end of the market tends not to publish its phone number of the home page. A “contact” or “feedback” link is the norm.


1 min

Excellent strapline Emotive use of language and imagery Award - trust Search by


30 secs •  Imagery – who can’t fail to be inspired by this imagery •  Good anchoring statement •  Emotive selling – Valentines’ gift •  Member benefits suggest premium services •  Helpful features below the search tool provide extra focus and inspiration

– “IDEAS” •  NEGATIVE OR POSSIBLY NOT – Email sign up below “the fold”




30 secs (one more example needed)

Shortlists are the type of functionality which are likely to aid return visits, increase traffic (especially if they can be shared) and reduce booking latency – much easier to return and book something if it’s already saved and I can return.

No perfect travel site should be without a shortlist


30 secs – two more examples needed.

Southwest Airline’s DING - $150M of incremental revenue – the next step on from RSS feeds.

If you’re running a website that’s got an RSS feed, think about how you could make your customer targeting and offer personalisation better with a gadget or widget. If you don’t currently have an RSS feed, then think about getting one of those.


30 secs (one more example needed) Lastminute.com’s ADD TO MY Calendar functionality makes use of a technology called “HCalendar” my holiday planning really integrated into how I organise my life. I ordered my holiday on my company laptop, and then clicked on a link to mark the holiday out in my diary.

Microformats are part of the “Semantic Web”, which is part of the future of online technology in which more and more information will have relevance to people, dates, locations, and places and can be integrated more seamlessly into devices which we use and carry around with us. You can find out more by going to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microformats (although this is quite technical).


I must mention EXPEDIA’s excellent user-generated hotel rating system – it’s extremely effective and integrates really well with their CRM – a welcome back email dropped in my inbox at exactly the right time. Not quite perfect, as it doesn’t show me reviews from people like me, but it’s near perfect.

This shows an example of a hotel I researched and then fed back on, adding to the wisdom of crowds, Expedia, so excellently employs.


Mapping is becoming a richer tool now developers are starting to exploit the APIs from Google, Microsoft and other mapping providers. In this example my search results return further points of interest which I can click and explore which are sorted by categorisation and show the distances from my base location.



30 secs

Calendars are one of my pet hates, and one of the first things which act as a barrier to people using searches effectively.

The huge pop-up on the left shows a list of dates in August 2009, even though I’m on a winter sports homepage. I have snowboarded in June before, but this was in Argentina, not Europe. A piece of functionality known as calendar control is vital here, but it also needs to be intelligent.

The box on the right shows a flexible search, but it assumes when I’m choosing to be flexible about my dates, I can take 14 days either way and nothing else. That’s not very flexible to me – I want to be able to specify to the exact margin when I’ll be flexible – as it’ll usually be around weekends.


20 secs

I visited this Website on February the first to find a search tool which defaulted to January 08.


20 secs – red circle needed

Unsurprisingly it didn’t return any results.

When the search failed – it should have made some recommendations.


20 secs I visited this Website in Internet Explorer 7 to find that it only offered available dates within the next three weeks. So I shut down my browser and revisited in Firefox and it offered me none at all.



This is a bit more flexible, than the plus or minus 14 days search we saw before


20 secs

But it’s not quite as good as this, which is almost perfect. To make it perfect, in my opinion I should be able to a different lag at the beginning from the tail end of a holiday.



20 secs

Style error. Menu doesn’t render properly on Firefox due to a problem with the style sheet (CSS) - white text on cream background will diminish chances of any booking being made.


30 secs

Technical errror Errors happen, but all Webservers can be set up to handle errors and show a friendly page.

This is the equivalent of leaving the phone off the hook and locking the door, but not leaving any message.

Remember, a traveller will visit 23 Websites along their journey, so if this happens they might only remember your site as “the one which didn’t work” “We’re sorry, there seems to be a problem. Please come back in a little while.” (i.e. we would like your business and we don’t want to scare you off.)


30 secs

I don’t know if this is a problem with my PC or the website - many users will blame your site if it does this, in any case. But be careful where you rely on multimedia files. There are more robust ways to implement them than done here.


30 secs

No travel Website seems to be able to handle a search which does include doesn’t include the Airports north of London which I don’t want fly from without me performing two separate searches on Gatwick and Heathrow. This is a common issue amongst people like me, who live on the South Coast of England.


20 secs

Submit button hidden


10 secs

If you click on the register button without completing the form.


20 secs

All Web developers should understand error handling.



20 secs

Websites should be simple. BUT if the planning was kept as simple as shown above nobody would use our Websites.

To make them effective and efficient, we sometimes have to go on a complicated journey…


30 secs

…which requires us to look at how people move through on their “travel customer journey”, which I demonstrated earlier.

If we’re prepared to get to grips with the underlying complexity of the issues (which this slide shows), the end result will actually be more simple, and more effective.

Apologies for this slide by the way.


30 secs

A best practice approach to Website design considers a number of issues, which are shown here. The biggest challenge is making sure we cover all of the issues above in order, without bypassing and going straight into visual design. When this happens sites can fail.


30 secs

Getting to the end result requires a managed process, with clear stages which align business needs and user needs and test that these are being met. As I mentioned before, I always recommend usability testing. When the site is launched, keep getting feedback, keep testing and keep this fed back into an ongoing site improvement plan.


30 secs

Here’s a quick reminder of some of the key issues which needs to be thought about when designing a usable Website.


1 min

And here’s my final “recipe for creating the perfect travel Website”.

If only it could be this simple.