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Spatial Query Integrity with Voronoi NeighborsLing Hu, Student Member, IEEE, Wei-Shinn Ku, Senior Member, IEEE,

Spiridon Bakiras, and Cyrus Shahabi, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—With the popularity of location-based services and the abundant usage of smart phones and GPS-enabled devices, the

necessity of outsourcing spatial data has grown rapidly over the past few years. Meanwhile, the fast arising trend of cloud storage and

cloud computing services has provided a flexible and cost-effective platform for hosting data from businesses and individuals, further

enabling many location-based applications. Nevertheless, in this database outsourcing paradigm, the authentication of the query

results at the client remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we focus on the Outsourced Spatial Database (OSDB) model and

propose an efficient scheme, called VN-Auth, which allows a client to verify the correctness and completeness of the result set. Our

approach is based on neighborhood information derived from the Voronoi diagram of the underlying spatial data set and can handle

fundamental spatial query types, such as k nearest neighbor and range queries, as well as more advanced query types like reverse k

nearest neighbor, aggregate nearest neighbor, and spatial skyline. We evaluated VN-Auth based on real-world data sets using mobile

devices (Google Droid smart phones with Android OS) as query clients. Compared to the current state-of-the-art approaches (i.e.,

methods based on Merkle Hash Trees), our experiments show that VN-Auth produces significantly smaller verification objects and is

more computationally efficient, especially for queries with low selectivity.

Index Terms—Spatial database outsourcing, location-based services, query authentication, spatial queries



THE amount of digital spatial information available forday-to-day use has grown at an exceptional pace over

the past decade. This large amount of information, as wellas the complexity of the data, demand sophisticated datamanagement systems that are beyond the capabilities ofmany small businesses or individuals. Additionally, thecost of running a state-of-the-art database managementsystem may be significant, far exceeding the initial dataacquisition cost. On the other hand, cloud computingprovides flexible resources that can easily scale up or down(based on user demand), effectively reducing the opera-tional and maintenance expenses for data owners (DOs).Consequently, the database outsourcing paradigm is becom-ing increasingly popular and has received a lot of attentionin the research community. In this paradigm, the dataowner delegates the management and maintenance of itsdatabase to a third-party cloud storage service provider(SP), and the SP is responsible for indexing the data andanswering client queries.

In this work, we focus on the Outsourced SpatialDatabase (OSDB) model, as shown in Fig. 1. We assumethat the clients are mobile users who issue location-based

queries (e.g., k nearest neighbor (kNN) or range queries), inorder to discover points of interest (POIs) in theirneighborhood. However, there exist two major concernswith this model. First, as the SP is not the real owner of thedata, it might return dishonest results out of its owninterests. Second, query results might be tampered with bymalicious attackers who could substitute one or morerecords with fake ones. Consequently, query integrityassurance is an important (and challenging) problem thathas to be carefully addressed. To differentiate fromtraditional queries, we term spatial queries with integrityassurance as verifiable queries. In particular, for a verifiablequery, the client must be able to prove that 1) all datareturned from the SP originated at the DO and 2) the resultset is correct and complete.

The general framework commonly used in the literaturefor query integrity assurance is based on digital signaturesand utilizes a public-key cryptosystem, such as RSA [6].Initially, the DO obtains a private and a public key through atrusted key distribution center. The private key is keptsecret at the DO, whereas the public key is accessible by allclients. Using its private key, the DO digitally signs the databy generating a number of signatures. Then, it sends thesignatures and the data to the SP which constructs thenecessary data structures for efficient query processing.When the SP receives a query from a client, it generates averification object (VO) that contains the result set along withthe corresponding authentication information. Finally, theSP sends the VO to the client which can verify the resultsusing the public key of the DO.

The current state-of-the-art solution for authenticatingspatial queries is the Merkle R-tree (MR-tree) [34]. The MR-tree is essentially an R-tree that is augmented withauthentication information, i.e., hash digests. In particular,every leaf node of the tree stores a digest that is computedon the concatenation of the binary representation of all


. L. Hu and C. Shahabi are with the Computer Science Department,University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781.E-mail: {lingh, shahabi}

. W.-S. Ku is with the Department of Computer Science and SoftwareEngineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849.E-mail:

. S. Bakiras is with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York(CUNY), 524 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019.E-mail:

Manuscript received 4 Aug. 2011; revised 3 Dec. 2011; accepted 7 Dec. 2011;published online 16 Dec. 2011.Recommended for acceptance by E. Ferrari.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail, and reference IEEECS Log Number TKDE-2011-08-0471.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TKDE.2011.267.

1041-4347/13/$31.00 � 2013 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society

objects in the node. Internal nodes are assigned a digest thatsummarizes the child nodes’ minimum bounding rectan-gles (MBRs) and digests. Digests are computed in a bottom-up fashion, and the single digest at the root is signed by theDO. Range queries on the MR-tree are handled by a depth-first traversal of the tree. The resulting VO contains 1) all theobjects in every leaf node visited and 2) the MBRs anddigests of all the pruned nodes. Having this information,the client can reconstruct the root digest and compare itagainst the one that was signed by the owner. In addition,the client also examines the spatial relations between thequery and each object/MBR included in the VO, in order toverify the correctness of the result.

We argue that the structure of the MR-tree, as well as theverification process, suffer from several drawbacks. First,the authentication information (hash digests) embedded inthe MR-tree reduces the node fan out, leading to more I/Oaccesses during query processing. Second, in the presenceof updates from the DO, all digests on the path from anaffected leaf node to the root have to be recomputed.Consequently, when updates are frequent, query perfor-mance is degraded, as discussed in [23]. Finally, theoverhead of the VO can be significant, especially for queriesthat return only a few objects. This is due to the fact that theSP has to return all objects lying inside the leaf nodes thatare visited during query processing. As an example,consider the range query q in Fig. 2. Even though the resultset includes only two objects (p2; p4), the corresponding VOhas to return all 12 objects in the database. An extension ofthe MR-tree, called MR�-tree [35], mitigates this lastdrawback by ordering the entries of each node andconstructing hierarchical relationships of the digests there-in. Nevertheless, it does not eliminate the VO overheadentirely, and it increases the verification cost at the client.

Motivated by the above observations, we propose VN-Auth, a novel approach that authenticates arbitrary spatialqueries based on neighborhood information derived fromthe Voronoi diagram of the underlying spatial data set. Inparticular, before delegating its database to the SP, theowner transforms each data object by creating a signature ofthe object itself along with information about its Voronoineighbors. A key aspect of our method is that it separatesthe authentication information from the spatial index. As aresult, the efficiency of the spatial index is not compro-mised, and updates affect only the neighborhoods of theupdated objects. Furthermore, for kNN and range queriesthe VO is extremely compact, since it only includes thetransformed objects that belong to the result set. Weimplemented our verification algorithms on Androidmobile devices and run experiments using real-world datasets. Our experiments and results show that, compared tothe MR-tree variants, VN-Auth produces significantly

smaller verification objects and is more computationallyefficient, especially for queries with low selectivity.

This paper subsumes our earlier work in [10] byextending the VN-Auth approach to handle more advancedspatial queries, such as reverse kNNs, k aggregate NNs, andspatial skylines because these spatial query types areexpected to be employed in advanced location-basedservices in the future [15], [28]. Specifically, we proposethe corresponding query verification algorithms and in-vestigate their performance through extensive experimenta-tion with real-world data sets. To the best of ourknowledge, this is the first paper that tackles the queryverification problem for these types of queries.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:Section 2 reviews related work, while Section 3 discussesVoronoi diagrams and signature aggregation techniques.Section 4 describes the data transformation process, andSection 5 introduces the verification algorithms for differentspatial query types. Experimental results are reported inSection 6. Section 7 introduces some additional features ofVN-Auth and, finally, Section 8 concludes the paper.


The idea of outsourcing databases to a third-party serviceprovider was first introduced by Hacigumus et al. [9]. Sincethen, numerous query authentication solutions have beenproposed for auditing query results in outsourced relationaldatabases [8], [14], [17], [21], [22], [29], [32], [33]. The firstmechanism for verifying query results in multidimensionaldatabases was proposed in [3]. The idea is to addauthentication information into a spatial data structure byconstructing certified chains [21] on the data points withineach partition as well as on all the partitions in the dataspace. For a given range query, this approach generates aproof that every data point (within the intervals of thecertified chains that overlap the query window) is eitherreturned as a result or falls outside the query range. Basedon [3], Cheng and Tan designed a mechanism forauthenticating kNN queries on multidimensional databases,ensuring that the result set is complete, authentic, andminimal [4], [5]. Nevertheless, both solutions incur sig-nificant authentication overhead, and the required verifica-tion information consumes considerable client-servercommunication bandwidth.


Fig. 2. Range query on the MR-tree.

Fig. 1. System architecture.

Yang et al. [34], [35] introduced the MR- and MR�-trees,which are space-efficient authenticated data structuressupporting fast query processing and verification. TheMR-tree augments the standard R-tree [7], by computinghash digests on the concatenation of the binary representa-tion of all the entries in a tree node. To verify the correctnessand completeness of range query results, the generated VOincludes 1) all visited objects and 2) MBRs and digests of allthe pruned nodes. In addition to static queries, in [36] theMR-tree is utilized for authenticating moving kNN queries.The MR�-tree improves the MR-tree by ordering the entriesof each node and constructing hierarchical relationships ofthe digests therein. Entries are sorted according to an in-order traversal of a KD-tree. As a result, when a queryintersects an MBR, not all entries are required for queryverification, and some of them can be pruned. The idea issimilar to building a small Merkle tree on each node of theMR-tree. The MR�-tree significantly reduces the VO size butincurs some CPU overhead due to the embedded informa-tion. Nevertheless, neither the MR-tree nor the MR�-tree areable to handle data updates efficiently.

Efficient verification in the presence of frequent updateshas been studied in the context of relational data. ThePartially Materialized Digest scheme (PMD) [16] verifies1D queries and applies to both static and dynamic databases.Similar to our proposed approach, PMD employs separateindexes for the data and their associated verificationinformation in order to avoid unnecessary costs whenprocessing queries that do not request verification. Moreover,the authors designed two verification methods for spatialqueries namely the Merkle R-tree and the Partially Materi-alized KD-tree (PMKD). The first is an extension of the MB-tree method [14] to R-tree indexes, and the second anadaptation of the PMD methodology for spatial data.Furthermore, Pang et al. [23] introduced a protocol, basedon signature aggregation, that verifies the authenticity,completeness, and freshness of the query result. Animportant property of the protocol is that it allows new datato be disseminated immediately, while ensuring that out-dated values (beyond a preset age) can be detected. Inaddition, the authors also implemented an efficient verifica-tion technique for ad-hoc equi-joins. Papadopoulos et al. [26]designed a solution for the authentication of continuousspatial queries, i.e., queries that are constantly evaluated on ahighly dynamic database (consisting of moving objects). Theproposed mechanism achieves both correctness and temporalcompleteness and aims at reducing the transmission overheadbetween the service provider and the clients.

All the aforementioned solutions require changes to theDBMS software (modifying the spatial indices or queryalgorithms) in order to support the embedded authenticationinformation. This may not be realistic in many applications.On the other hand, Ku et al. [13] proposed a query integrityassurance technique that does not require any modificationsin the DBMS software. The solution first employs a spatialtransformation method that encrypts the spatial data beforeoutsourcing it to the SP. Then, by probabilistically replicatinga portion of the data and encrypting it with a differentencryption key, clients are able to audit the trustworthinessof the query results. However, since [13] is not a deterministic

solution, attacks may escape the auditing process. The VN-Auth method introduced in this paper is both efficient anddeterministic, and does not require any modifications in theDBMS software.


3.1 Voronoi Diagrams

Given a set of distinct objects P ¼ fp1; p2; . . . ; png in IRm, theVoronoi diagram of P , denoted as VVIDðP Þ, partitions thespace of IRm into n disjoint regions, such that each object pi inP belongs to only one region and every point in that region iscloser to pi than to any other object of P in the euclideanspace. The region around pi is called the Voronoi cell of pi,denoted as V CðpiÞ, and pi is the generator of the Voronoi cell.Therefore, the Voronoi diagram of P is the union of allVoronoi cells VVIDðP Þ ¼ fV Cðp1Þ; V Cðp2Þ; . . . ; V CðpnÞg. Iftwo generators share a common edge, they are Voronoineighbors. If we connect all the Voronoi neighbors, we getthe Delaunay triangulation IDGGðP Þ, which is the dual graphof VVIDðP Þ. Note that, in this paper, we utilize euclideandistance functions in IR2.

Property 1. Given a set of distinct points P ¼ fp1; p2; . . . ;png � IR2, the Voronoi diagram VVIDðP Þ and the correspond-ing Delaunay triangulation IDGGðP Þ of P are unique.

Property 2. The average number of Voronoi edges per Voronoipolygon does not exceed six. That is, the average number ofVoronoi neighbors per generator does not exceed six.

Property 3. Given the Voronoi diagram of P , the nearestneighbor of a query point q is p, if and only if q 2 V CðpÞ.

Property 4. Let p1; . . . ; pk be the kðk > 1Þ nearest neighbors in Pto a query point q. Then, pk is a Voronoi neighbor of at leastone point pi 2 fp1; . . . ; pk�1g.

Please refer to [20] (Properties 1-3) and [12] (Property 4)for proofs of the above properties.

3.2 Signature Aggregation

In our approach, the DO generates one signature for everyobject in the database, which is computed on the hash digestof the concatenation of the binary representation of the objectand its Voronoi neighbors. In this way, the client can verifythe authenticity of each individual object and its neighbor-hood. Note that, in this work, we utilize RSA signatures [6]that are typically 128 bytes in size. Alternatively, signaturesbased on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) [2] can besignificantly shorter, thus reducing the overall communica-tion and storage cost. However, ECC algorithms arecomputationally intensive and would perform poorly onmobile devices with limited computational capabilities.

The drawback of having one signature per databaseobject is that it may increase considerably the communica-tion cost between the SP and the client. Specifically, the SPhas to transmit one 128-byte signature for every object in theresult set, so the overhead can be significant for querieswith high selectivity (especially for mobile clients). To avoidthis cost, we employ a technique called signature aggregation.In particular, given k digests and their correspondingsignatures (generated by the same signer), the SP can


replace them with a single Condensed-RSA signature.Condensed-RSA has the same size as the original signatures(128 bytes), and it is computed as the modular multi-plication of the k signatures. Aggregate signatures areprovably secure [1], [18], [19] and can be computed by anyparty that possesses the individual signatures.


Consider a DO that has compiled a large collection ofn POIs (e.g., restaurants) within a geographic region. EachPOI i is represented as a unique object pi in the database,which has the form hpi:location; pi:taili. The locationattribute stores the spatial coordinates of the object, whilethe tail attribute stores some additional information aboutthe object, such as name, address, phone number, web site,etc. Before transmitting the database to the SP, the DOtransforms each object by attaching neighborhood andauthentication information.

In particular, the DO initially computes the Voronoidiagram of the spatial data set (as shown in Fig. 3) andretrieves the Voronoi neighbors of each POI. Then, itappends a neighbors attribute to every object in the databasethat stores the locations of all its Voronoi neighbors. Forexample, the neighbors attribute of p5 from Fig. 3 is equal to:

p5:neighbors ¼ f3; p1:location; p4:location; p8:locationg:

Note that, as the number of Voronoi neighbors for a POI isnot fixed, the first value of the attribute specifies the exactnumber of neighbors. Furthermore, we assume that the DOstores the Voronoi neighbors in a clockwise or counter-clockwise order to facilitate the on-the-fly reconstruction ofVoronoi cells at the client (as explained in Section 5.3.1). Thefinal step is for the DO to sign each individual object, so thatthe client can verify the authenticity of the informationstored therein. Specifically, for an object pi, its signature SS iscomputed as

SS ¼ signðhðpi:locationjpi:tailjpi:neighborsÞÞ;

where h is a one-way, collision-resistant hash function and“j” denotes the concatenation of two binary strings. Tosummarize, each transformed object pi at the DO’s site hasthe form hpi:location; pi:tail; pi:neigbors; pi:SSi.

After the database transformation process completes, theDO transfers all objects to the SP. Upon receiving thedatabase objects, the SP builds an appropriate spatial indexand is then ready for query processing. Note that the leaf

level of the index only stores pointers to the locations of thetransformed objects on the disk. There are several advan-tages in our approach compared to the MR-tree variants.First, the DO is oblivious to the query processing mechan-isms at the SP. Consequently, the SP may utilize any spatialindex (and query processing algorithm) without informingthe DO. Second, the spatial index does not store anyauthentication information, and thus remains compact andefficient. Third, database updates affect only their localregions, and they do not need to propagate to the root of theindex. The only drawback of VN-Auth is the storageoverhead of the transformed objects. However, accordingto Property 2 (Section 3.1), the number of neighbors for eachgenerator in the Voronoi diagram does not exceed six, onaverage. Therefore, the expected overhead per object is 2þ6� 16þ 128 ¼ 226 bytes (one 2-byte short integer, 16 bytes/point object, and one 128-byte signature), which is typicallyless than the size of the original object.

As mentioned earlier, one of the drawbacks of the MR-tree-based verification techniques is that all updatespropagate hash digest recomputations from the leaf nodesto the root. Consequently, frequent updates degrade theperformance of the R-tree index and create a performancebottleneck at the root node. Our approach overcomes thisproblem by separating the authentication information fromthe spatial indexes. Verification information is attached onlyto the data objects, and updates affect only a specificneighborhood in the data set. In addition, as neighboringobjects are close to each other, they are often stored on thesame or nearby pages on the disk. Therefore, updates in theVN-Auth framework are expected to be more efficient thanMR-tree updates.


In this section, we introduce the verification algorithms fortypical location-based queries. Section 5.1 describes thequery processing mechanism at the SP. Section 5.2introduces the signature verification algorithm, which iscommon for all spatial queries, followed by the geometricverification algorithms for different types of spatial queriesin Section 5.3.

5.1 Query Processing at the SP

Service providers process queries on the outsourceddatabase (the database stored in the cloud) on behalf ofthe data owner. For verifiable queries, returning the queryresult to the clients is no longer sufficient. Instead, the SP isrequired to return a verification object that contains 1) acondensed signature AASS that verifies the authenticity of allobjects in the VO and 2) the result set of the query withsome additional objects that are necessary for the geometricverification process.

Depending on the spatial query type, the SP employsdifferent query processing algorithms to retrieve the result.For kNN queries and queries that can be converted into kNNqueries (e.g., range queries), query processing can follow anystate-of-the-art algorithm that exists in the literature. Theresulting VO contains the objects in the result set and theirVoronoi neighbor information, which are sufficient for theverification process. For more sophisticated spatial queries,


Fig. 3. Spatial data set example.

existing query processing algorithms still apply. However,the server needs to return some additional objects so that theclient can perform the geometric verification. For example, ina reverse k nearest neighbor (RkNN) query, a few candidateobjects (which might not be reverse kNNs of the query point)are returned in the VO to prove there are no objects missingfrom the result set (see details in Section 5.3.2).

5.2 Signature Verification

Two sequential steps are generally taken in a spatial queryverification process. First, the aggregate signature of the VOis examined by the client to ensure that all returned objectsoriginated at the DO. Next, all objects in the result set areevaluated to ensure that the geometric properties aresatisfied and no legitimate objects are eliminated. Sincesignature verification is common in all query types, it isbriefly discussed here and is omitted from the geometricverification process (Section 5.3).

When a client receives the VO from the SP, it verifies theaggregate signature using the public key of the DO.Specifically, the client simply performs a modular multi-plication of the hash digests of all objects included in the VO,and verifies that the result matches the plaintext that isderived by decrypting the aggregate signature with the DO’spublic key (see details in [19]). Note that, forging or altering asignature is computationally intractable for a polynomial-time adversary. If the VO fails the signature verificationprocess, the client considers the result as corrupted and theverification process terminates. Otherwise, it continues withthe geometric verification.

5.3 Geometric Verification

Geometric verification algorithms are specific to the geo-metric properties of the spatial query. Since different spatialqueries exhibit different geometric characteristics, wediscuss next how to proceed with the verification processfor each individual query type.

5.3.1 kNN and Range Query Verification

Nearest neighbor (NN) queries are the fundamentalbuilding blocks in location-based services. In particular,kNN queries allow mobile users to retrieve the k closestPOIs from the database, i.e., they may issue queries such as“find the 10 nearest restaurants to my location.” For thegeometric verification, VN-Auth employs an incrementalverification process that is based on Properties 3 and 4.Specifically, according to Property 3, pi is the first NN of thequery point q, if and only if q lies inside the Voronoi cell ofpi. Once this geometric test is verified, Property 4 states thatthe second NN of q must be one of the Voronoi neighbors ofthe first NN (pi). In the general case, the kth NN of a querypoint q exists in the union of the Voronoi neighbors of thefirst ðk� 1Þ NNs of q.

The kNN query verification process is shown inAlgorithm 1. The inputs to the algorithm are the querypoint q, the verification object VO, and the parameter k. ThekNN result returned by the server is retrieved by callingVO.result() on line 2. H is a min-heap which sorts pointsaccording to their distances to query q, and Visited is a setthat retains already accessed objects. First (lines 3-8), thealgorithm constructs the Voronoi cell of the first object p1

and checks whether q falls inside V Cðp1Þ. If not, p1 is notthe first NN and the verification process fails. Otherwise, p1

is verified as the first NN, and is added to the Visited set.Recall that each object is augmented with its Voronoineighbors in a clockwise (or counterclockwise) order.Therefore, the Voronoi cell can be computed on-the-fly byfinding the circumcenters of the surrounding Delaunaytriangles of p1. This is not an expensive computation andcan be performed efficiently on a mobile device.

Algorithm 1. VerifykNN(q,VO,k)

1: H ;; Visited ;;2: L VO .result(); p1 ¼ L½1�;3: VCP computeVC(p1);

4: if (q 62 VCP) then

5: return false;{the 1st NN fails}

6: else

7: Visited.add(p1);

8: end if

9: for i ¼ 1 to k� 1 do

10: for all (n 2 L½i�:neighbors) do

11: if (n 62 Visited) then

12: Visited.add(n);13: H n;

14: end if

15: end for

16: if (L½iþ 1�:location6¼ H.pop()) then

17: return false; {the ðiþ 1Þth NN fails}

18: end if

19: end for

20: return true;

The subsequent for loop (lines 9-19) iterates through allobjects in L (kNNs from the VO) and performs the followingoperations: 1) if the Voronoi neighbor of the last verifiedobject (L½i�) has not been visited yet, it is inserted into themin-heap H and the Visited set (lines 10-15), and 2) itcompares the next object in the result set (L½iþ 1�) with thetop of H (lines 16-18). If they are identical, L½iþ 1� isverified as the next NN. Otherwise, verification fails and theprogram returns false. Note that the capacity of the min-heap is initially set to ðk� 1Þ, i.e., it will only hold the firstðk� 1Þ objects that are closest to q (we are not interested inobjects further away). Furthermore, the capacity can bedecreased by one after each iteration in order to minimizethe computational and storage cost of the client.

To illustrate the kNN verification algorithm, consider the3NN query q in Fig. 4a. First, suppose that the SP returnsthe correct result fp1; p4; p2g. Once the aggregate signature isverified, the client computes the Voronoi cell of p1 andchecks whether q lies inside V Cðp1Þ. Since this is true, p1 isproven to be the first NN of q. Consequently, the algorithmgoes through the Voronoi neighbors of p1 (p2; p3; p4; p5; p8)and inserts the two closest objects to q into the min-heap.Therefore, the min-heap is now equal to fp4; p2g. Next, thesecond object in the result set (p4) is compared with the topof the heap and, as they are identical, p4 is verified as thesecond NN of q. In the next iteration, every neighbor of p4 isexamined, but nothing is inserted into the heap, because p2

is still the closest point to q (note that the min-heap onlycontains p2 now). Finally, p2 is compared against the third


NN reported in VO, and the 3NNs are verified successfullyat the client. Suppose now that the SP returns the incorrectresult fp1; p4; p3g to the client. The aggregate signature isstill valid, but the client will discover the error on line 18, asthe third NN derived from the first two neighbors shouldbe p2 rather than p3.

Lemma 1. Algorithm VerifykNN can verify that the kNN resultset returned to the client is correct and complete.

Proof. The proof follows directly from Properties 3 and 4 ofthe Voronoi diagrams (Section 3.1). tu

VN-Auth also handles range query verification withoutdifficulty. Specifically, any arbitrary range query can betransformed into one or more kNN queries, and the kNNquery verification technique discussed above can be applieddirectly. Fig. 4b shows an example of a range queryverification. The discussion on verifying arbitrary rangequeries is omitted here due to space limitations andinterested readers can refer to [10] for more details.

5.3.2 RkNN Query Verification

Given a query point q and a set of objects P , the reverse kNN(RkNN) query of q is to find all objects in P such that q is oneof the k nearest neighbors of p (p2 P ) [30]. Let RkNN(q) bethe result set of q. A verifiable reverse kNN query requests averification object that contains not only RkNN(q), but alsothe proof that the RkNN(q) set is correct and complete.Reverse kNN query verification is a challenging problem,especially for verifying that there are no false negatives.This is due to the fact that the cardinality of the result set fora RkNN query is not predetermined by the query.

Fig. 5 shows an example of a reverse k nearest neighborquery where q is the query point and k is 2. The objects arenumbered in ascending order of their distance to the querypoint. The reverse two nearest neighbors of q are p1; p2; p3,and p4 (shown as black dots), i.e., R2NN(q)¼ fp1; p2; p3; p4g.RkNN(q) is called a correct and complete result if and onlyif it satisfies the following two conditions: 1) q is one of thek nearest neighbors of every object p in RkNN(q) (no falsepositives) and 2) all qualified reverse k nearest neighborsfrom P are in RkNN(q). In other words, no legitimate resultobject is eliminated by the server or a malicious attacker(no false negatives).

No false positives: To prove that object p 2 RkNN(q) isone of the reverse k nearest neighbors, the server needs toreturn up to k nearest neighbors of p. For example, in Fig. 5,

p4 is the R2NN of query q. Therefore, the server must returnthe 2NNs of p4 (2NN(p4Þ ¼ fp6; p7g) for a client to verifythe 2NNs and prove that q is closer to p4 than p7 is to p4. If theserver had returned p12 in RkNN(q), it should also havereturned its first and second nearest neighbors p13 and p15

(2NN(p12Þ ¼ fp13; p15g). Incorrect or incomplete 2NNs of p12

will fail the kNN verification algorithm and therefore berejected by the client. Next, the client can prove p12 wrong bycomparing the distance from p12 to q with the distance fromp12 to p15. kNN query verification is discussed in Section 5.3.1;we can use the VerifykNN algorithm (Algorithm 1) as acomponent for the RkNN verification. Note that the serverdoes not always need to return k objects for each object inRkNN(q). In general, i additional objects are returned for theith reverse nearest neighbor of q. As shown in Fig. 5, there isa large overlap between the kNN sets of neighboring objects,and only one copy of each object is returned.

Lemma 2. If every object p in the RkNN result set satisfiesDðp; qÞ � Dðp; pkÞ and pk is the verified kth nearest neighborof p, then there are no false positives in RkNN(q).

Proof. The proof of the lemma is straightforward. Bydefinition, if p is a reverse kNN of q, p is closer to q than toits kth nearest neighbor pk in P . The kth nearest neighborpk 2 P of p is provable using Lemma 1. Therefore,comparing the distances Dðp; qÞ and Dðp; pkÞ proveswhether p is a true reverse k nearest neighbor of q. tu

No false negatives: To prove that there are no falsenegatives or false misses, the server should return averifiable superset of the result which guarantees that thereare no more objects in RkNN(q) that are not returned by theserver. There are two tasks to solve here. First, we shouldfind the proper superset of RkNN(q) and, second, thesuperset should be verifiable in the VO.

To identify the superset of RkNN(q), we adopt thefiltering technique of [27], [30]. In particular, if p is one ofthe reverse k nearest neighbors of query q, p satisfies thefollowing two conditions: 1) the Delaunay distance betweenp and q in DGðP [ fqgÞ is no more than k and 2) p is one ofthe k nearest neighbors of q in a partition Si (1 � i � 6),where Si is one of the six equal sectors partitioned by threelines that meet at the query point q, as shown in Fig. 5.Every object in P that qualifies for both conditions is acandidate and should be returned to ensure that there are nofalse negatives in RkNN(q). The filtering step prunes the


Fig. 4. Query verification examples.Fig. 5. Reverse kNN query verification.

number of candidates down to no more than 6k objects,which reside in the Voronoi cells local to q. For example, inFig. 5, all objects in the gray area are candidates of R2NN(q).p16 is not a candidate because the Delaunay distanceDLðq; p16Þ is 3, and p10 is not a candidate because it is thethird nearest neighbor of q in partition S5.

Lemma 3. If all candidates that satisfy the two aforementionedconditions are returned, then there are no false negatives inRkNN(q).

Proof. The proof can be found in [27], [30]. tu

Although the partitioning method does not change theRkNN result, it does affect the candidate set. A client shoulduse the same partitions as the server in order to verify thecandidates. Note that the six partitions cover the sectorsaround the query point q. If the angle � of one of the threelines is fixed, the partitions are also fixed because the othertwo lines pass through the same point q and form 60 and120 degrees angles with the first line, respectively. There-fore, we can either set � to 0 (a horizontal line parallel to thex-axis), or let � be one of the query parameters submittedalong with the RkNN query.

The verification algorithm first checks whether allcandidates in P for the RkNN query are returned in theVO. Candidate objects are verified in ascending order oftheir distance to q. Recall that each object is augmented withits Voronoi neighbors in a clockwise (or counterclockwise)order. To compute the Delaunay distance from q to eachp 2 P , we need to verify the first NN p1 of q by checkingwhether q 2 V Cðp1Þ (Property 3). Next, the neighbors of q inDGðP [ fqgÞ are computed based on p1 and its neighbors,and the result contains all objects with DLðq; pÞ ¼ 1 inDGðP [ fqgÞ. In the example of Fig. 5, p1-p4 are identified asthe Voronoi neighbors of q and are pushed into a min-heapH where points are sorted according to their distance to q.Meanwhile, a list is used to keep track of the verifiedcandidate objects in each partition. Let Li be the candidatelist for partition Si. Li contains no more than k objects whichare also sorted by their distance to q. Next, we iterate overthe top entry p of H (lines 11-30). If partition Si to which pbelongs already contains k objects, p is dropped. Otherwise,p is one of the kNNs in partition Si, and we will checkwhether p is returned in the VO. If p 2 VO, it is inserted intoLi (p 2 Si) and all the “not visited” neighbors of p arepushed into H if DLðp; qÞ < k (lines 21-29). This ensures thatevery object in H has a DL distance of no more than k. Theloop stops when H is empty. If all objects inserted into Liare included in the VO, all candidates for the RkNN queryare verified. Finally, for each object p in the candidate set,the VerifykNN algorithm is called to check whether p is areverse k nearest neighbor of q (lines 31-37).

Algorithm 2. VerifyRkNN(q,VO,k)

1: H ;;Visited ;; R VO.result();

2: if (!Verify1NN(p1, q)) then

3: return false;

4: end if

5: VNQ computeVN(q, p1, p1:neighbors);

6: for all (p 2 VNQ) do

7: p:dl ¼ 1;

8: Visited.add(p);

9: H p;

10: end for

11: while (!H.isEmpty()) do

12: p H.pop();

13: i getPartition(p);

14: if (L½i�.size() ¼¼ k) then

15: continue;

16: end if

17: if (p 62 VO) then

18: return false;19: end if

20: L½i�.add(p);

21: if (p:dl < k) then

22: for all (n 2 p:neighbors) do

23: if (n 62 Visited) then

24: n:dl ¼ p:dlþ 1;

25: H n;

26: Visited.add(n);27: end if

28: end for

29: end if

30: end while

31: for all (p 2 L) do

32: if (VerifykNN(p, q, VO)) then

33: if (p 62 R) then

34: return false;35: end if

36: end if

37: end for

The number of candidates returned for a RkNN query isno more than 6k (six partitions with at most k objects in eachpartition). For each candidate p, up to k objects are returnedto prove whether p is one of the RkNNs of q (i objects returnedfor the ith RNN of q). Therefore, the size of the VO is O


However, observe that the neighbors overlap heavily aroundq, and only one copy of each object is returned. Therefore, theactual size of the VO is in general smaller than 6k2. The VOsize is experimentally studied in Section 6.3.

5.3.3 kANN Query Verification

Given a set of query pointsQ ¼ fq1; q2; . . . ; qmg, a k aggregatenearest neighbor (kANN) query finds k objects in P whichhave a smaller aggregate distance to all points in Q than anyother object in P [25]. The aggregate distance is defined by amonotonically increasing function f . An example of thekANN query is to find a meeting point p for a group ofpeople (Q) with the smallest overall travel distance(f ¼ sum). The first ANN p in P has the minimum sumdistance to Q. Let kANN(Q) be the result set of the kANNquery. A verifiable kANN query requires a verification objectwhich can prove that kANN(Q) is correct and complete.

Suppose we have a kANN query Q with the aggregatefunction f ¼ sum, where the server returns p as the 1ANNof Q. To verify whether p is the 1ANN of Q, it is sufficient toshow that there are no objects in P that have a smaller sumdistance to Q than p. To this end, one can construct an areasatisfying the equation fsumðo;QÞ � fsumðp;QÞ. This equa-tion defines a safe region (SR) such that the distance fromevery point inside (or on the boundary of) SR to Q is smallerthan (or equal to) fsumðp;QÞ. In other words, if there existsan object o in P with a smaller sum distance to Q, o must lie


in SR. Therefore, a kANN verification algorithm can prove pto be the 1ANN by showing that p is the only object in SR.The SR of the 1ANN of query Q ¼ fq1; q2; q3g in Fig. 6 isshown as the light gray region. In general, the kANN queryverification algorithm can prove kANN(Q) correct andcomplete by showing that the SR corresponding to the kthANN (pk) in kANN(Q) contains only the objects in kANN(Q).An example of a 3ANN query is shown in Fig. 6 as the grayarea inside the contour passing through p3. To prove thatthere are no false negatives, the server returns all objectswhose Voronoi cells intersect with SR. The same safe regionholds for weighted sum aggregate functions as well.

The verification algorithm first constructs the safe regionSR from the kANN result and verifies that all result objectslie inside SR. A heap H is maintained and the first ANNobject p1 is pushed into H. Next, the algorithm iteratesthrough the first entry ofH to visit all objects whose Voronoicells intersect with SR. The top entry p1 is removed from H

and the neighbors pi of p1 are pushed into H if and only ifthe corresponding Voronoi edge intersects SR and pi has notbeen visited so far. The algorithm stops when H is empty.The kANN verification algorithm is shown in Algorithm 3.

Algorithm 3. VerifykANN(Q, VO, k)

1: H ;;Visited ;; R VO .result();

2: sortByAggregateDistance(R, Q);

3: SR safeRegion(R½k�, Q);4: for (i from 1 to k) do

5: p ¼ R½i�;6: if (p 62 SR) then

7: return false;

8: end if

9: end for

10: p1 ¼ R½1�;11: H p1; Visited.add(p1);12: while (!H .isEmpty()) do

13: p H .pop();

14: if ( (p 2 SR) && (p 62 R)) then

15: return false;

16: end if

17: VCP computeVC(p);

18: for all (n in p .neighbors) do

19: if ((n 62 Visited) && VE(p, n).intersects(SR)) then

20: H n;

21: Visited.add(n);

22: end if

23: end for

24: end while

For the aggregate functions f ¼ max and f ¼ min, wecan construct appropriate safe regions as well. Specifically,the safe region for f ¼ max is the intersection of the circularareas centered at each query point qi with radius Dðqi; pkÞ,where pk is the kth object in the kANN result. Similarly, inthe case of f ¼ min, the safe region is the union of allcircular areas centered at qi with radius Dðqi; pkÞ, where pkis the kth object returned by the server.

5.3.4 Spatial Skyline Query (SSQ) Verification

Given a set of data objects P ¼ fp1; . . . ; png and a set ofquery points Q ¼ fq1; . . . ; qmg, a Spatial Skyline Queryretrieves those objects in P that are not spatially dominatedby any other object in P [28]. A point px spatially dominatesanother point py, with respect to Q, if and only if Dðpx; qiÞ �Dðpy; qiÞ for all qi 2 Q and Dðpx; qjÞ < Dðpy; qjÞ for at leastone object qj 2 Q. Let SSQ(Q) be the result of the SSQ query.A verifiable spatial skyline query requests a verificationobject which can certify that the SSQ (Q) of a given set ofquery points Q is correct and complete.

When a client receives the VO from the SP, it uses theneighborhood information and the geometric properties ofSpatial Skylines to verify the results. In particular, it firstgenerates the Voronoi cells of all objects in R ¼ SSQ(Q) andcombines these Voronoi cells into a polygon Vp. According to[28, Theorems 4.2 and 4.4], the convex hull of query Q

(CHðQÞ) must be covered by Vp. Otherwise, there must be atleast one missing result object inR. If Vp containsCHðQÞ, theclient subsequently computes the dominance region (theintersection of the areas that lie outside of all circlesCðqi; pÞ, 8qi 2 Q) of each point p in R (see Fig. 7).Furthermore, for each Voronoi neighbor p0 of p, if p0 is nota spatial skyline point (i.e., p0 62 R), p0 is inserted into a set N .Then, the client conducts a dominance check to test whetherevery point in N is in the dominance region of a spatialskyline point reported in R. Meanwhile, the client alsochecks to verify that every point in R is not dominated byany other point in R.

If a spatial skyline object s is missing from R (falsenegative), it can be detected by the geometric coveragecheck (lines 7-9), because if s lies inside CHðQÞ or V CðsÞintersects with CHðQÞ, Vp cannot cover CHðQÞ. Thedominance check (lines 10-18) is capable of detecting anyfalse positives, if they exist, since s is not dominated by anyother point in R. Similarly, any fake results (false positives)


Fig. 6. Safe regions of 1ANN and 3ANN queries (f ¼ sum).

Fig. 7. The dominance region of p1 (shaded area outside the union ofthree circles).

can be discovered by the dominance check as well. The SSQverification algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 4.

Algorithm 4. VerifySSQ(Q, VO)

1: N ;; R VO .result();

2: for (i from 1 to jRj) do

3: pi ¼ R[i];

4: Vp[ computeVC(pi);5: end for

6: compute the convex hull CHðQÞ;7: if CHðQÞ 6� Vp then

8: return false;

9: end if

10: for (i from 1 to jRj) do

11: pi ¼ R[i];

12: compute the dominance region DR of pi;13: for all (p0 in pi .neighbors) do

14: if p0 62 R then

15: N p0;

16: end if

17: end for

18: end for

19: for (i from 1 to jN j) do

20: if N[i] 6� DR of any points in R then

21: return false;

22: end if

23: end for

24: for (i from 1 to jRj) do

25: if R[i] � DR of any points in R then

26: return false;

27: end if

28: end for


6.1 Experimental Settings

In this section, we evaluate the performance of VN-Authexperimentally and compare it against the MR-tree variants.Our implementation is in Java, with the client-side applica-tion running on a Google Android mobile device, and theserver-side (SP) service hosted on a Windows Server PCwith an Intel Core2 Duo 3 GHz CPU and 4 GB memory. TheDO also runs on a PC with the same configuration. Toimplement the cryptographic operations, we used the Javacryptography extension packages [11]. Our experimentswere performed on two real-world data sets obtained fromthe US Census Bureau [31]: 1) CA which contains 62k datapoints from California, and 2) NA which consists of556k POIs taken from North America. The RSA and SHAalgorithms used in our experiments are both adopted from[11]. Signature generation/aggregation is performed on aPC, and the verification is done on an Android phone.

The VN-Auth framework consists of an offline databasetransformation part and an online query evaluation part. Inthe offline phase, we executed a Delaunay triangulationalgorithm provided by Matlab to compute the Voronoineighbors, and then incorporated the verification informa-tion into each object and generate a signature for eachobject. Compared with MR- and MR�-trees, VN-Auth incurs

more storage overhead and more initialization cost.Specifically, VN-Auth data structure consumes about 3.5to four times more space than a MR- or MR�-tree. And forinitialization cost, it takes about 63 (70) seconds to build aMR-tree (MR�-tree) while it takes about 50 minutes togenerate all data structures for VN-Auth on the NA dataset. Therefore, VN-Auth is clearly more expensive withregard to the offline cost.

The SP provides online query evaluation to clients afterindexing the spatial attributes of the objects with an R�-tree.We implemented the MR- and MR�-trees, based onthe algorithms described in [35], with the R�-tree serving asthe basis of both index structures. The page size was set to4 KB for all trees. For both the MR- and MR�-trees, indexnodes and leaf nodes had a fan-out of 64 and 256,respectively.

6.2 VN-Auth versus MR- and MR�-Trees

We first evaluate the communication cost for all methodsunder kNN query processing. In particular, Fig. 8 shows thetotal size of the VO as a function of k. We assume that theoutsourced spatial database contains a set of POIs, eachwith size of 16 bytes (spatial coordinates). An MBR isrepresented by two data points, and thus, consumes32 bytes. Every point/MBR in the MR- and MR�-treescontains a 32-byte digest, which is computed on a leaf-levelobject or an MBR. Digests are computed using the SHA-256algorithm and signatures are generated according to theRSA-1,024 algorithm. Both algorithms are provided in [11].In the MR�-tree, all the entries of an internal or a leaf nodeform a KD-tree, and the digest of each entry is computed ina similar fashion. When a query intersects with a node, theMR-tree returns all nonoverlapping entries in the VO, whilethe MR�-tree only returns the entries that are necessary forconstructing the root digest of the KD-tree. Therefore, theMR�-tree is more communication-efficient than the MR-treebut at the same time more computationally expensiveduring query processing and database updates. Fig. 8shows that VN-Auth outperforms both MR-tree variants interms of communication cost, and is considerably better forqueries with low selectivity (i.e., for k � 32). As an example,for an 8NN query, the MR-tree returns a VO of 22 KB whilethe MR�-tree returns a VO of 14KB. In contrast, VN-Authonly returns a VO of 1.3 KB, including signatures. This isdue to the fact that the SP only returns the database objectsthat belong to the result set. In other words, the size of theVO in this approach is linear to k. Note that the values of kon the x-axis increase exponentially.

In our next experiment, we evaluate the query proces-sing cost at the SP in terms of I/O accesses. For VN-Auth,


Fig. 8. VO size over k.

we perform a slight optimization on the R�-tree index,based on the neighborhood information available at the SP.Specifically, we keep the internal nodes intact and modifythe leaf nodes by storing pointers to each Voronoi neighborof an object. The pointers facilitate easy navigation to theneighboring objects, and thus, achieve better I/O efficiencythan the standard BFS algorithm. Note that such improve-ment is only possible for VN-Auth, as this information isincorporated in all database objects. Fig. 9 depicts the I/Ocost at the SP as a function of k. VN-Auth results in fewer I/O accesses than both MR-tree variants in all cases. The pageaccess cost is the same for the MR- and MR�-trees, becausethe MR�-tree does not store any additional information inthe nodes. The idea of incorporating Voronoi diagrams intoR�-trees was originally proposed in [27], where each objectstored information about both its Voronoi neighbors andthe corresponding cells. However, in VN-Auth, we onlystore Voronoi neighbors, in order to increase the fan out ofthe leaf nodes.

Next, we investigate the feasibility of implementingcomplex verification algorithms on mobile devices. The costof cryptographic primitives has become less expensive ascomputer hardware gets more advanced and the corre-sponding algorithms become more efficient. Signing anindividual message (on a PC) with the RSA algorithm costs4:12 ms, while verifying it takes 0:32 ms. On mobile devices,verifying one signature costs 2:12 ms, while verifying acondensed-RSA signature with 20 individual signaturestakes additional 0:32 ms on modular multiplications.Clearly, state-of-the-art mobile devices are more thancapable of performing complex cryptographic operations,thus allowing the implementation of efficient spatial queryverification techniques. Note that compared with crypto-graphic operators, the cost of hash operations is much less.With the SHA-256 hashing algorithm, a PC can process63 MB per second while a mobile phone can process around8.72 MB per second, which is 7-8 times slower than a PC.Although the hashing operator is very efficient, the actuallyverification cost on large messages is not negligible due tothe cost of converting point (MBR) objects to byte arrays(the input that hash functions take) and the concatenation of

entries (index/leaf nodes) on the MR- and MR�-trees.Therefore, computing the root digest may become moreexpensive than verifying a 1,024-bit condensed-RSA signa-ture on the mobile device (which takes less than 3 ms).

The next set of experiments investigates the query cost atthe mobile clients. In particular, Fig. 10 depicts the totalamount of time required for receiving and verifying a kNNquery result as a function of k. Our experiments areconducted on Android phones that are connected to theInternet through their built-in Wi-Fi. The total query cost inFig. 10 consists of two parts: the data transfer cost (thetransmission time of the VO), and the computational cost atthe client, i.e., for result checking, digest computations, andsignature verification. In other words, the query cost ismeasured from the moment the mobile client receives thefirst byte of the VO from the SP until the verification processis finalized. Again, VN-Auth is superior to the MR-tree-based methods, and its verification cost is significantly lowerfor queries that return fewer results. Fig. 11 shows the datatransfer cost for the same set of experiments. Comparing itwith Fig. 10, we conclude that the data transfer cost is adominant factor in the overall query verification cost.Consequently, minimizing the VO size is an important factorin designing efficient query verification algorithms.

Our next set of experiments studies the cost of databaseupdates. Fig. 12 shows the response time to complete a setof updates as a function of the number of objects beingupdated. The update cost comprises of the time for locatingthe object, and the time for recomputing digests andsignatures as dictated by the corresponding authenticationmechanisms. For the MR-tree-based approaches, a databaseupdate affects all the nodes from the leaf to the root,because it triggers a series of hash digest recomputations ina bottom-up fashion. In VN-Auth, however, only neighbor-ing objects are modified by the DO during an update.Consequently, VN-Auth completes the update process twotimes faster than the MR-tree, and three times faster thanthe enhanced MR�-tree approach. The time cost includesboth CPU and I/O cost.


Fig. 9. Page accesses.

Fig. 10. Total query cost over k.

Fig. 11. Data transfer cost over k.

Fig. 12. Response time over database updates.

In the last set of experiments of this section, weinvestigate how the data set size affects the performanceof all three approaches. Our NA data set contains about halfa million data points. We select a subset of the NA data setas the quarter million data set. In addition, we generatedtwo synthetic data sets with 1 million and 2 million datapoints. Fig. 13 shows the VO size 1) and the number of pageaccess 2) over different data sets for kNN queries where k isset to 64. The experiments shows that, for MR- and MR�-tree, both the VO size and the number of page accessincrease as the size of data set increases. However, for VN-Auth, the size of VO and page access depend on the querysize k, therefore they remain about the same on differentdata sets.

6.3 Advanced Spatial Queries

Query verification for advanced spatial queries such asreverse k nearest neighbor, k aggregate nearest neighbor(kANN) and SSQ is very challenging, due to the algorithms’complexity. In this section, we investigate the efficiency ofthe VN-Auth verification algorithms on mobile clients forhandling these query types. To the best of our knowledge,there are no existing verification approaches that can handlesuch queries, and therefore, we cannot compare our resultsagainst other methods. Instead, we report experimentalresults on various performance metrics for all our algo-rithms. Additionally, we compared the query cost on the SPbased on the VN-Auth approach with the best algorithmsusing MR- and MR�-tree for all three query types. Since theperformance trends for each metric are very similar in bothdata sets (CA and NA), we only report the results obtainedfrom the NA data set.

In the first set of experiments, we investigate the size ofthe VO for RkNN, kANN, and SSQ queries. Particularly,

Fig. 14a shows the VO size as a function of k (for RkNN andkANN queries), while Fig. 14b demonstrates the VO size as afunction of the number of query points (for SSQ queries).For RkNN queries, the VO size grows more rapidly,compared to kANN and SSQ queries, as the number ofresult objects increases. This is due to two reasons. First, thecardinality of the result set for an RkNN query is notdetermined by the query parameter k, but depends on theactual data distribution. In general, an RkNN query returnsmore than k results and, as k increases, the number of resultsgrows significantly. Second, to enable client verification, theVO contains not only the query results but also the objectsnecessary for verifying those results (see Section 5.3.2). Forease of presentation, we term these objects auxiliary objects(AO). Consequently, as the value of k increases, the size ofthe AO increases as well, resulting in larger VO sizes.Figs. 15a and 15b show the corresponding AO and VO sizesfor all three query types.

The second set of experiments evaluates the queryprocessing cost at the SP in terms of I/O accesses. As VN-Auth maintains neighborhood information for each objecton the leaf nodes, processing RkNN, kANN, and SSQqueries is more efficient. Specifically, after the first nearestneighbor of the query point (or one of the query points) isdiscovered, the neighborhood pointers embedded on theleaf nodes navigate the query process within adjacent areasand retrieve objects that are most relevant to the query. As aresult, the I/O cost for the three query types is lower thantheir counterpart algorithms (TPL [30] for RkNN, MBM [25]for kANN and B2S2[24] for SSQ) when implemented on anMR- or MR�-tree. As shown in Figs. 16 and 18a, for all threequery types, the VN-Auth-based approaches achieve muchbetter I/O efficiency. Note that the I/O cost is identical forthe MR- and MR�-trees, as the MR�-tree does not maintainadditional information in the nodes. Our experimentalresults are also consistent with the results reported in [27].

Our final experiment studies the communication andverification cost on a mobile client for all three query types.Specifically, Figs. 17a and 17b depict the communicationand verification cost (for RkNN and kANN queries,respectively) as a function of k, while Fig. 18b shows thecorresponding cost (for SSQ queries) as a function of the


Fig. 13. Effects of database sizes.

Fig. 14. Size of VO.

Fig. 15. Size of VO and AO.

Fig. 16. Page accesses.

Fig. 17. Client query cost.

number of skyline points. The RkNN query cost isdominated by the verification process when the value of kgrows larger than 32. Conversely, the cost for kANN andSSQ queries is dominated by the transmission cost when kor the number of skyline points. This is due to the fact thatthe geometric verification process for RkNN queries is veryexpensive. In particular, for each candidate object returnedby the server, the mobile client runs a kNN verificationalgorithm to check whether the candidate belongs to theRkNN result. With increasing k, the number of kNNverification computations grow exponentially, resulting ina large overhead on the verification cost.


For wireless applications, due to limitations such asbandwidth constraints, unstable connections, and restrictedpower supply, the amount of data communicated betweenclient and server should be kept as small as possible.Therefore, the size of the VO plays an important role indesigning efficient query verification algorithms for mobileaccess to outsourced databases. kNN queries from mobileclients usually have low selectivity (i.e., the user isinterested in very few results) but require fast responsetime. VN-Auth is a novel approach that successfully meetsthese requirements in the location-based services model.However, we are aware of the fact that, when the queryselectivity is high, the Merkle Hash Tree (MHT)-basedapproaches are more efficient. In the extreme case where theclient retrieves the whole database, the MHT approachwould only return the root signature, while VN-Auth wouldneed to return 6 � n neighbors, where n is the databasecardinality. Consequently, it is important to first identify thequery types and user profiles in the system and then choosea solution that accommodates the most important require-ments of the application. For location-based services onmobile devices, VN-Auth is clearly a better solution.

Another important issue is providing the user with theability to verify the query results in a progressive fashion.This is very useful in cases where decision making is basedon the first few objects in the result. To ensure queryintegrity, the application program needs to verify theoverall result before showing any part of it to the end user.For MHT-based approaches, result reporting is blockeduntil the root digest is computed and the signature isverified. Therefore, it is not possible to prequalify any objectin the result set, due to the hierarchical structure of theauthenticated index. However, progressive result reportingis feasible under the VN-Auth framework. The result can bereturned in batches, each of which can be verifiedindependently, based on information that arrived before

and not on information that is expected to arrive later. Forexample, the SP can divide the result set of a 20NN queryinto four batches with five objects each. The first 5NNs inthe first batch contain the aggregate signature of the fiveobjects. After the first batch is verified, the five objects canbe reported to the end user before the verification of thesecond batch starts. The batches that arrive later depend onpreceding ones, but not vice versa. Therefore, queryverification can be performed in an incremental fashion,and results can be shown to the end user progressively. Inaddition, the application may allow the user to examineeach batch before receiving the next one. In this way, if theuser is satisfied with the current result set and does notwish to retrieve more objects, query processing may beterminated early.


In this paper, we introduced the VN-Auth query integrityassurance framework for outsourced spatial databases. Ourapproach separates the authentication information from thespatial index, thus allowing efficient query processing at theservice provider. Additionally, since the verification in-formation depends only on the object and its Voronoineighbors, database updates can be disseminated quickly totheir local regions and be performed independently of allother updates in the database. VN-Auth handles not onlykNN and range queries, but also more advanced querytypes, such as reverse kNNs, k aggregate NNs, and spatialskylines. More importantly, VN-Auth produces compactverification objects, which enables fast query verification onmobile devices with limited capabilities. Finally, we showedthat our approach facilitates progressive result verification,which allows a user to retrieve objects in an incrementalfashion until the results are deemed satisfactory. Ourexperiments with real-world data sets and on mobileplatforms confirm that, compared to the MR-tree variants,VN-Auth produces significantly smaller verification objects,and incurs lower query verification cost, especially forqueries with low selectivity.


This research has been funded in part by US NationalScience Foundation (NSF) grants CNS-0831505 (CT), CNS-0831502 (CT), IIS-1115153, the NSF Integrated MediaSystems Center (IMSC), and unrestricted cash and equip-ment gift from Google and Microsoft.


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Ling Hu received the MS degree in computerscience from Northeastern University, and isworking toward the PhD degree in the ComputerScience Department at the University of South-ern California. Her research interests includespatial and temporal data management, geo-graphical information systems, query integrityand query optimization, and data warehousing.She is a student member of the ACM and theIEEE.

Wei-Shinn Ku received the MS degree incomputer science, the MS degree in electricalengineering, and the PhD degree in computerscience from the University of Southern Califor-nia (USC) in 2003, 2006, and 2007, respectively.He is an associate professor in the Departmentof Computer Science and Software Engineeringat Auburn University. His research interestsinclude spatial and temporal data management,mobile data management, geographic informa-

tion systems, and security and privacy. He has published more than60 research papers in refereed international journals and conferenceproceedings. He is a member of the ACM and a senior member of theIEEE.


Spiridon Bakiras received the BS degree inelectrical and computer engineering from theNational Technical University of Athens in 1993,the MS degree in telematics from the Universityof Surrey in 1994, and the PhD degree inelectrical engineering from the University ofSouthern California in 2000. Currently, he is anassociate professor in the Department ofMathematics and Computer Science at JohnJay College, City University of New York.

Before that, he held teaching and research positions at the Universityof Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology. His current research interests include database securityand privacy, mobile computing, and spatiotemporal databases. He is amember of the ACM and a recipient of the US National ScienceFoundation (NSF) CAREER award.

Cyrus Shahabi received the BS degree incomputer engineering from Sharif University ofTechnology in 1989 and the MS and PhDdegrees in computer science from the Universityof Southern California in May 1993 and August1996, respectively. He is a professor and thedirector of the Information Laboratory (InfoLAB)at the Computer Science Department and alsothe director of the US NSF’s Integrated MediaSystems Center (IMSC) at the University of

Southern California. He authored two books and more than 200 researchpapers in the areas of databases, GIS, and multimedia. He was anassociate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystems (TPDS) from 2004 to 2009. He is currently on the editorialboard of the VLDB Journal, the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge andData Engineering (TKDE), ACM Computers in Entertainment, and theJournal of Spatial Information Science. He is the founding chair of IEEENetDB workshop and also the general cochair of ACM GIS 2007, 2008,and 2009. He chaired the nomination committee of ACM SIGSPATIALfor the 2011-2014 terms. He regularly serves on the programcommittees of major conferences such as VLDB, ACM SIGMOD, IEEEICDE, ACM SIGKDD, and ACM Multimedia. He is a recipient of the ACMDistinguished Scientist award in 2009, the 2003 US Presidential EarlyCareer Awards for Scientists, and Engineers (PECASE) and the USNSF CAREER award in 2002. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

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