IEEE Projects 2016-2017 Updated Top list of Cloud Computing for ME/MTech,BE/BTech Final Year student

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of IEEE Projects 2016-2017 Updated Top list of Cloud Computing for ME/MTech,BE/BTech Final Year student

2016-17 IEEE Project Cloud Computing Titles

ID Titles Domain

Name ETPL CLD-001 A Modified Hierarchical Attribute-based Encryption Access Control Method for Mobile

Cloud Computing


Computing ETPL CLD-002 Using Crowdsourcing to Provide QoS for Mobile Cloud Computing Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-003 Towards Achieving Data Security with the Cloud Computing Adoption Framework Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-004 A Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Multiple Resource Procurement in Cloud



Computing ETPL CLD-005 Online Resource Scheduling Under Concave Pricing for Cloud Computing Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-006 A Survey of Proxy Re-Encryption for Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-007 Attribute-based Access Control with Constant-size Ciphertext in Cloud Computing Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-008 A Context-Aware Architecture Supporting Service Availability in Mobile Cloud Computing Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-009 Circuit Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Hybrid Encryption with Verifiable Delegation in

Cloud Computing


Computing ETPL CLD-010 Flexible and Fine-Grained Attribute-Based Data Storage in Cloud Computing Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-011 Fair Resource Allocation for Data-Intensive Computing in the Cloud Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-012 Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Using Revocable-Storage Identity-Based



Computing ETPL CLD-013 Knowledge-Based Resource Allocation for Collaborative Simulation Development in a

Multi-tenant Cloud Computing Environment


Computing ETPL CLD-014 KSF-OABE: Outsourced Attribute-Based Encryption with Keyword Search Function for

Cloud Storage


Computing ETPL CLD-015 A Trust Label System for Communicating Trust in Cloud Services Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-016 Towards Trustworthy Multi-Cloud Services Communities: A Trust-based Hedonic

Coalitional Game


Computing ETPL CLD-017 Cost Effective, Reliable and Secure Workflow Deployment over Federated Clouds Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-018 Protecting Your Right: Verifiable Attribute-Based Keyword Search with Fine-Grained

Owner-Enforced Search Authorization in the Cloud


Computing ETPL CLD-019 Cloud workflow scheduling with deadlines and time slot availability Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-020 SecRBAC: Secure data in the Clouds Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-021 Joint Energy Minimization and Resource Allocation in C-RAN with Mobile Cloud Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-022 A Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-023 Probabilistic Optimization of Resource Distribution and Encryption for Data Storage in the




ID Titles Domain

Name ETPL CLD-024 Middleware-oriented Deployment Automation for Cloud Applications Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-025 Trust-but-Verify: Verifying Result Correctness of Outsourced Frequent Itemset Mining in

Data-Mining-As-a-Service Paradigm


Computing ETPL CLD-026 Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-027 Energy-efficient Adaptive Resource Management for Real-time Vehicular Cloud Services Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-028 Cloud Service Reliability Enhancement via Virtual Machine Placement Optimization Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-029 A Novel Statistical Cost Model and an Algorithm for Efficient Application Offloading to



Computing ETPL CLD-030 PacketCloud: A Cloudlet-Based Open Platform for In-Network Services Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-031 Feedback Autonomic Provisioning for Guaranteeing Performance in MapReduce Systems Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-032 Effective Modeling Approach for IaaS Data Center Performance Analysis under

Heterogeneous Workload


Computing ETPL CLD-033 An Energy-Efficient VM Prediction and Migration Framework for Overcommitted Clouds Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-034 Identity-Based Encryption with Cloud Revocation Authority and Its Applications Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-035 A Cloud Gaming System Based on User-Level Virtualization and Its Resource Scheduling Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-036 Optimal Joint Scheduling and Cloud Offloading for Mobile Applications Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-037 An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ranked Keyword Search Method Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-038 A Taxonomy of Job Scheduling on Distributed Computing Systems Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-039 LazyCtrl: A Scalable Hybrid Network Control Plane Design for Cloud Data Centers Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-040 RepCloud: Attesting to Cloud Service Dependency Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-041 AutoElastic: Automatic Resource Elasticity for High Performance Applications in the Cloud Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-042 Supporting Multi Data Stores Applications in Cloud Environments Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-043 Ensemble: A Tool for Performance Modeling of Applications in Cloud Data Centers Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-044 Coral: A Cloud-Backed Frugal File System Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-045 Dynamic and Public Auditing with Fair Arbitration for Cloud Data Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-046 EPAS: A Sampling Based Similarity Identification Algorithm for the Cloud Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-047 TMACS: A Robust and Verifiable Threshold Multi-Authority Access Control System in

Public Cloud Storage


Computing ETPL CLD-048 Risk Assessment in a Sensor Cloud Framework Using Attack Graphs Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-049 Poris: A Scheduler for Parallel Soft Real-Time Applications in Virtualized Environments Cloud


ID Titles Domain

Name ETPL CLD-050 Cost Minimization Algorithms for Data Center Management Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-051 Collective Energy-Efficiency Approach to Data Center Networks Planning Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-052 Multiagent-Based Resource Allocation for Energy Minimization in Cloud Computing



Computing ETPL CLD-053 An Efficient File Hierarchy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme in Cloud Computing Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-054 Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing with Verifiable Outsourcing of Key Updates Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-055 Optimal Cloud Computing Resource Allocation for Demand Side Management Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-056 A Modified Hierarchical Attribute-based Encryption Access Control Method for Mobile

Cloud Computing


Computing ETPL CLD-057 Trust is Good, Control is Better: Creating Secure Clouds by Continuous Auditing Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-058 A Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud

Computing ETPL CLD-059 A Dynamical and Load-Balanced Flow Scheduling Approach for Big Data Centers in


