IDF News from the Front: December 2013

Post on 09-May-2015

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A summary of the threats the IDF faced in December 2013.

Transcript of IDF News from the Front: December 2013

News from the Front December 2013

12/2 : Soldiers in the Golan were the victims of gunfire from Syria. Our forces retaliated and confirmed a direct hit 12/7 : An explosion took place on the border with Syria. We confirmed that the blast was intended to harm IDF soldiers. 12/15 : A sniper from the Lebanese Armed Forces killed an IDF soldier driving near the border with Lebanon 12/19 : A Palestinian opened fire on soldiers during an arrest attempt in Judea and Samaria , but our forces neutralized the threat

12/20 : A rocket fired from Gaza exploded in southern Israel. More than 30 rockets were fired in 2013 12/21 : Soldiers prevented an attack along the security fence in Gaza 12/23 : A police officer was stabbed in Judea and Samaria 12/23 : Another rocket fired from Gaza exploded in southern Israel.

12/24 : Following a sniper’s murder of an Israeli citizen working along the Gaza border, the IDF targeted terrorist sites in the Gaza Strip 12/26 : We arrested a Palestinian terrorist who had entered Israel for medical treatment while planning an attack on Israeli civilians 12/26 : Following the firing of rockets into Israel, the IDF struck two terrorist targets in Gaza 12/29 : After 5 rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israel, our artillery retaliated by targeting the source of fire

• When a massive snowstorm struck Israel, our forces helped hundreds of stranded residents • In Judea and Samaria, we helped civilians by clearing roads and by working together with Palestinian emergency services • In Gaza, the IDF facilitated the transfer of about 1.2 million liters of gas and other emergency goods to Palestinians

Assisting Israelis and Palestinians during the snowstorm

Training in the field

Nearly 90 Christian soldiers came together in the city of Nazareth for Christmas. The meeting was organized by a special forum to recognize their contribution to the State of Israel. Read more here about the event, and why we recognize their dedication and service.

Honoring minorities who serve Israel