Ideas to work in excel The basics (multiplying, SUM function) Spinners Data validation Conditional...

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Transcript of Ideas to work in excel The basics (multiplying, SUM function) Spinners Data validation Conditional...

Ideas to work in excel

The basics (multiplying, SUM function)


Data validation

Conditional formatting

The basics - multiplication

If we have 100 tickets at £10 each then we have a revenue of £1000 - we simply multiply them together


Taking it a step further

Now at a nightclub there is more than 1 kind of ticket - you’ll have a guest list and student discounts as well.


The SUM function

Now we have worked out all the revenues from differenttickets then we can work out the total revenue

The icon that looks like a big letter “E” is called “autosum”

We’ll use this icon on the next slide

We have written the word “total” in cell C5

Now that we are in cell D5 - we just click the “E” button.

A flashing dotty line appears around the cells that are to be added up

and then clicked on cell D5

Our current position

So far we have managed to create a simple spreadsheet

Let’s try and make it look good now!!

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The spinner

We are going to create a little button that will control cell b3 - it will look like this:

By pressing the arrows up and down theprice will change in cell b3

To create spinners you’ll need to use a new toolbar

From the drop down menus select “view” then “toolbars”and finally “forms” – a new toolbar will appear.

Press the “spinner” button and then you can draw a spinner on the spreadsheet – your cursor will turn into “crosshairs”

Now draw a spinnerlike in this image

Formatting a spinner

Just because we have drawn a spinner doesn’t mean that it is working yet we have to tell it what to do!!

Put your cursor on top of the spinner

Now right click your mouse and select “format control”A new window will open like on the next slide

The format control window

For our spinner we’llset the min price at£3

and the max price at £15.

Incremental change means how much it goes up by when you click the spinnerarrows. Set it to 1



Finally – “cell linking”

So we have a spinner, we’ve set the values, now wejust need to tell it which cell it applies to.

In this case we want the spinnerto change the value of b3

So on the format control click on this button

Finishing off

You’ll now have a screen that looks like this

Just click on cell b3

You’ll notice what happens up here


Finally click this button

You now have a fully functional spinner – try it

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Data validation

We are going to set up the spreadsheet so only certain data can be entered in certain cells.

Let’s imagine ticket prices will always be between £5 and £15

We need to set cell B3so that we can’t enter impossible data

Setting it up

Click on cell B3

Then select “data” from the drop down menus and click on “validation”.

You’ll now see a window that looks like this

Changing the validation

At the moment we are allowing “any value”. Click on the arrow

and change this to “decimal”

Set the minimum to 5


Set the maximum to 15


Press “ok” then try enteringthat isn’t a number between 5 and 15

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Conditional formatting

Consider the spreadsheet below

We are going to set it up so that if the profit figure in cell C2

is negative then cell C2 will turn red

Making it happen

Click on cell C2 Then go to the drop down menu “format”

Then select “conditional formatting”, a window will appear

Doing the settings

First of all we need to change “between” to “less than”

Simply click this arrow and select “less than”

Then type in a zero


Changing the format

Simply select the format button

Then go to “patterns”

And finally set the colour as red,pressing “OK” to confirm

That’s it - simple, but makes agood GCSE project

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