Ideas and inspirations for digi pack

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ideas and inspirations for digi pack

For Digi Pack

This was our original hand drawn image for our front cover, we have an image of a female throughout our 3 products. We then later changed our image to the one below however we kept the black and white theme and female figure.


Our digi pack took inspiration from this album cover. It features Rihanna covering half her face and in black and white. We decided that in our music video we would go for a scary looking female model that therefore took us to our first drawing. After seeing this image of Rihanna covering her face, it inspired us to do something similar with our work. The artist of this album doesn’t correspond to the genre of music we are dealing with.

This album cover has a small use of colour on it. The genre of The Strokes is indie/rock, this is the same genre that our chosen band is. This genre of music have a very simplistic taste and many bands have plain but effective digi packs. This digi pack draws people in.

This was their first album cover they had they are an indie rock band and were new out at the time, therefore they have made it clear what the band are called to advertise them. The band we are using haven't had an album therefore we have made their name ‘THE NOTICE’ clear on our digi pack design. Still, this album cover has a lack of colour which looks good, however the unique yellow theme throughout adds a good effect.

We took inspiration from numerous albums to have a hand drawn front cover. The first album we found was Revolver from The Beatles. We liked the idea of having faces drawn but them looking realistic.

We also wanted writing that looked like graffiti on our front cover. The album cover below shows this and we took inspiration from this. Both these bands link to our genre.