Ideal-Fitness-brochure 111016 2

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Ideal-Fitness-brochure 111016 2

'Many have gone further than they thought they

could, because they believe they could!'

© 2016 Ideal Fitness -






© 2016 Ideal Fitness -


Inside a story brews, information you must share! Unique, needed

information that will benefit you and the lives of many others just like


Where are you now with your fitness?

Discouraged you don’t know how?

It will take too long?

Be too much work?

Cost too much money?

Do you worry you won’t be good enough?

Whether you are already on a fitness plan or have been on a fitness

plan, this plan will be like no other as it will provide for you each step

of the way a breakthrough to achieve what you have always craved not

just for now but for the rest of your life.

We all have a go at the latest diet, but if you think about it if it was the

miracle cure you were after why are you not still doing it or have the results your desire? This programme has

evolved to give you an easy-to-use formula to get you away from diets and on the path to transform your body,

mind and your life.

Each step of the programme gives, no-nonsense “how-to” answers to your questions, “simple tips”,” and Internet

resources to help you take action, provide peace of mind and turn the tables.

I” constantly strive to be a perfect personal trainer and coach, in the perfect environment, with the perfect

personal training methodology. B as we know, getting anything close to perfection is always a challenge especially

on something as very complex and individualised as personal training”………

“In 2008 I thought it was game over. Emotionally I was crushed, physically I could not walk and my confidence

had hit rock bottom. I was 41 -years-old and had broken my lower back in a car accident and was told by doctors I

would never walk properly again.”…….

“I had lost all my self-confidence. I did not want people to see me and I had to learn to be functional again”……..

“Mentally I found this a real challenge but I refused to believe that I would never walk again” …”And so my two-

year battle to walk again began. A battle that would change my outlook on life forever”….

“It was a slow, painful process and I basically had to learn to walk and do the most basic of things all over again.

At first it took all my energy just to stand up and sit down again”….. “But, over time that got easier Now Stuart

believes he is the strongest he has ever been both emotionally and physically and this can be seen with the clients

he has helped

With your passion, intention, attention, and drive, you will accomplish your goals and more with the correct

mind set techniques, simple nutrition and exercise plans. You will be amazed how cutting your exercise in half

can give you more and without the use of fancy equipment and at a time that fits into your busy life. You’ll get

expert knowledge and a huge boost to your confidence your business will flourish, you’ll make lifetime changes,

and you’ll love the adventure. So turn the page and begin now!


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Diana Longworth You have achieved some amazing results since you have started with Ideal Fitness and I would really appreciate it if you would share your story with us.

1. What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a programme?

Myself and my husband are competition ball room

dancers. We were working with another trainer but we

didn’t feel we were getting the kind of training we

needed to help us with our dancing and for our age so then we found Stuart.

2. What results have you achieved since starting your programme ? I've worked with Stuart on a twice weekly basis and have lost almost 2 stone in weight and an incredible

amount of inches across my body. Stuart has taught me that losing inches are as just as important if not

more important as my shape and looking good in my clothes shows that the training is working and this

makes me happy.

3. What do you like best about your programme / having a trainer?

What I like about having Stuart as my trainer is that he focuses the training and what I need for my

competition dancing and for my age, he also looks after my mental wellbeing. He understands the pressures

of life and competition as he has done it himself, he works with me to reduce and release the stress of

competition and focus of all the positives before during and after competition and training. II love Stuart as

he is very diverse and always has something different to add. He makes exercising fun, motivating, and


4. What would you say to someone on the fence about joining an Ideal Fitness personal training programme? I’d say do it , it will be the best decision you have ever made. Stuart will take the time to understand you

and your needs so he can make each session personal to you. Stuart will encourage you to repeatedly

review your progress and your goals and gives you positive encouragement and support when it starts

to get tough. Stuart will tell you weight loss is a mix of ups and downs it’s not a straight line – just keep



© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Laura said “I am so proud of

what I have achieved and will

continue to achieve, I now

enjoy looking in the mirror

and seeing the new, fantastic

and toned person looking


Kate said “No one

told me I got that

big Thankfully!! I

figured it out

myself! After

reaching a size 14!

(Blame my love

of wine and

cheese!) Sorted

myself out

thanks to Stuart

Henderson xx”


Bridget 21 Day


Skin Fold –

20mm loss


– 6 inches loss

Body Weight –

6lb loss





© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Debb Grantham You have achieved some amazing results since you have started with Ideal Fitness and I would really appreciate it if you would share your story with us.

1. What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a programme? After regularly training with other Personal Trainers for over two years I became de-motivated

and stopped training. I'm 53 and I've always had a weight problem. I had worked hard to lose it,

but slowly I started to gain the weight back and my blood pressure started to rise again. I

realised I needed to do something about it quickly before I was back where I started. I asked on

Facebook if anyone could recommend a good Personal trainer and was inundated with the name

“Stuart Henderson”. I made contact with him and we quickly met up.

2. What results have you achieved since starting your programme ? I've worked with Stuart on a weekly basis and have lost an incredible 19 inches across my body

and about 5 stone in weight. Stuart has taught me that inches are as important to me as weight

as it shows the impact the training is having on my shape. More importantly to me is that I have

dropped a dress size since October!

3. What do you like best about your programme / having a trainer? What I like about Stuart is that he looks after my mental wellbeing as much as my physical. He

understands the pressures of my job and he works with me to reduce and release the stress. II

have never had a personal trainer who has such a diversity of exercises and equipment. He makes

exercising fun, exciting, challenging and very sweaty! Thank you Stuart.

4. What would you say to someone on the fence about joining an Ideal Fitness personal training programme? I’d say “take the plunge”. Stuart will take the time to get to know you and will make your sessions

personal to you. He encourages you to constantly review your progress and gives you perspective

when it starts to get tough. As he always says “It's not a straight line losing weight, there's lots of

ups and downs. Just keep going”.


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Gayle Heaton

You have achieved some amazing results since you have started with Ideal Fitness

and I would really appreciate it if you would share your story with us.

1. What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a programme?

I had signed up to complete two Tough Mudders in 2016 and have an ambition of

climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, in order to do this I needed to get fit and lose weight

2. What results have you achieved since starting your programme?

I have lost inches and toned up loads,

become a lot fitter than I was 8 months

ago, I have also been taught about

good nutrition.

3. What do you like best about your programme / having a trainer?

I have always preferred to have a personal trainer rather than go to the

gym, my program is tailor made for me, Stuart gives you the confidence to

push yourself and believe in yourself to achieve and keep achieving.

4. What would you say to someone on the fence about joining an Ideal Fitness personal training programme?

I highly recommend having a personal trainer and I tell everyone about Stuart if they are looking to become more

active and want to get fit then Stuart is the best person to start them on their journey and get the results. He doesn’t

judge and wants the best for all his clients and goes all out to help them achieve what they want.



© 2016 Ideal Fitness -


You have achieved some amazing results since you have started with Ideal Fitness and I would

appreciate it if you would share your story with us.

3. What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program? I started a new job in Autumn 2010 and began working really long hours including most evenings

and at least one day at the weekend. I also have to stay away from

home in hotels a lot, and within a year put on almost a stone in

weight. When I had any free time I couldn’t find the motivation to

go to the gym or even out for a jog and exercise fell right to the

bottom of my list of priorities. Eventually I decided enough was

enough and that a personal trainer might just fit my hectic lifestyle

and provide me with the motivation I was struggling to generate


4. What results have you achieved since starting your program? I can do it with both legs in the

air! Can I put that Stuart? What

that means is in the beginning, I

was struggling to do even leg

raises with both legs at the same

time, and now (metaphorically

speaking of course) I could do it

standing on my head. It’s such an achievement, Stuart even wrote it in my birthday card this year!

On a more serious note, I have lost fat and inches and I am much more comfortable with my shape.

There is still some way to go, but I’m much fitter, toned, and tend to choose healthier food options -

not least because I know I’ll be challenged on it if I don’t! The workouts are much more intense and

focussed now than when I first started and I understand my body and what I am capable of

achieving a great deal more.

What do you like best about your program /

having a trainer? There is so much I love about having a Stuart, but

most of all, it takes the difficulty out of motivating

myself because I book a session and don’t allow

myself to cancel it. It means that regardless of

whether or not I feel like it, I’m going to be working out

when. There are many other things too - I can fit it

around my work with minimal disruption; I really enjoy

the variety of workouts that we do and I love the fact

that I have a say as to what we focus on and what

equipment we use. It is also great having someone to

account to after decadent holidays! It makes me think

twice about the extra cocktail I don’t really need.

What would you say to someone on the fence

about joining an Ideal Fitness personal training

program? I would say “what have you got to lose?” I wouldn’t be

where I am and with the body confidence I have now

without personal training. I’d probably be heavier, unfit

and wondering why I hadn't made the change sooner.

For some people, personal training can be about

focussed training for an event, or improving on an

already good fitness base. For me however, the great

thing about personal training is that regardless of

whether you have one session a week or three, it

signals a change in attitude and approach to fitness

and puts you on the right track if you’re having difficulty

doing that yourself like I was. Thanks Stuart!


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Press Release – Jo Beardsmore

A woman who suffered a debilitating knee injury while playing a harmless game of duck-duck-goose is now gearing up to take part in an endurance challenge in Ironbridge this weekend.

Jo Beardsmore, , was playing with her two-year-old nephew when her knee twisted in 2009.

Since then she has had a series of knee operations but will take part in the Kick Ass Endurance Buildwas Mud Challenge on Sunday (24) to raise money for a charity which helps her autistic brother.

“I was having hospital physio every other week but I wanted to do more, I wanted to push myself.

“I started seeing a personal trainer, Stuart Henderson at Ideal Fitness, in October last year to get me back to fitness and build up muscle. He has worked wonders with me.”

“I have spent so long being

held back by my injury, it

feels like if I can do this I

can do anything. “It is a

huge step for me and I am determined to complete it. “To think that

under a year ago I was still struggling with balance and walking with a

limp, I want to do this to say I have and to show others that it is


Stuart Henderson from Ideal Fitness, who himself suffered a broken

back in a car accident six years ago, is also taking part in the mud

challenge. He said: “I am so pleased Jo feels ready and willing to take on

this challenge. “She has come a long way since October and to push

herself to do this is great. “I know the pain you go through, both

physically and mentally, when something unexpected like this

happens, and I am pleased to be able to help. “We have worked on a

specific training programme which has focused on what is right for her,

what will be best for her body in light of her injuries.”


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Mike Ransom - Press Release 2015

A former Telford lecturer who underwent life saving

brain surgery almost two years ago to prevent him from

having severe epileptic fits is now preparing to have part

of his skull reconstructed. Mike Ransom will undergo an


at the end

of this


(April) where an inflated balloon will be fitted inside

his head.

The balloon will help stretch the skin so that a

titanium plate can be fitted inside during a second

operation in September to start rebuilding his skull.

The 53-year-old, who lives in Telford, has been

waiting several months for the operation but has only

recently been deemed well enough by doctors to

undergo further major surgery.

It follows substantial rehabilitation and the help of

Telford personal trainer and sports therapist Stuart

Henderson, of Idea Fitness.

Mr Ransom, who has suffered with epilepsy since the age of seven, had part of his skull and brain

removed in December 2013 in a life-saving operation.

His wife Tracey said: “It has been a long and difficult few years.

“Mike was always able to control his epilepsy with tablets and he had a full life but for some reason

in 2007 everything went wrong and Mike started having frequent epileptic seizures.

“He suffered bruises and on one occasion a broken arm as a result of the fits.

“They seem to get worse and worse over time and on some days he was having seizures every three

to five minutes.

“He was in and out of hospital but it came to a point where he was bed bound because that was the

safest place for him.

“At the time we thought it was just a glitch and that Mike would get better but that wasn’t to be

and he eventually got referred to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London

where he underwent a six hour operation to remove part of the brain that was causing the



© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Mr Ransom, who previously lectured in cooking at Telford College of Arts and Technology,

remained in hospital in London for three months following the operation before eventually being

transferred to Moseley Hall Hospital in Birmingham for rehabilitation.

“As a result of the operation Mike’s speech was affected and he lost the use of his right arm,”

explained Mrs Ransom.

“His core strength stability was also severely affected which meant he was unable to stand or walk.

“He had some initial physiotherapy which helped but after a few months I decided to look for a

personal trainer who could help Mike and I was so lucky to come across Stuart Henderson, of Ideal


“Stuart has been working with Mike now for the last 7 months and Mike is a completely different


“He is able to lift light weights, is walking and even had a pair of boxing gloves on the other week

for the first time.

“Stuart has been a lifesaver. He has been out every week to see Mike and worked really hard with

him. Whilst Mike would have eventually been fit enough for this next operation to repair his skull

without Stuart his recovery would have been very slow “We owe him a great deal and cannot thank

him enough.

“It’s been a frightening few years and we honestly thought Mike would never regain use of his arm

or be able to walk again so it just goes to show what hard work can achieve.

“Mike is now starting to gain control of his life and he hasn’t had a single seizure since the

operation which is just fantastic but we know we still have a long way to go.

“Mike’s speech is still not good and on some days he has difficulty balancing to walk. The next

couple of operations will set Mike back a bit so we hope to be able to continue working with Stuart

for at least another 12 months or so.”

Mr Henderson, who was unable to walk himself for several months after breaking his lower back in

a car accident seven years ago, said Mike had been an inspiration over the past few months.

He said: “When I first met Mike he couldn’t even stand and whilst it has been slow progress Mike

has really improved. It’s still early days and he has a long way to go but he works very hard and I’m

extremely proud of him.

“he has been waiting for this operation for some time and will really help to improve his quality of

life further.”


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -


Our methodology is based on latest scientific research as well as our coaching experience. We guarantee 100% personalised programmes focussing on your objectives and personal goals in order to obtain real results. Our Calm body training will help you to reduce pain, prevent injury and to develop a well functioning, healthy, athletic and dynamic body. CONSULTATION We will start with the consultation which is usually (but not always) a day or two earlier than your first session. This will be a 15-20 minute chat a fifteen minute chat where we basically get the chance to understand each other. We will briefly cover where you are now and how you got to this point and where you want to get to looking at your exercise history, look to discover any other relevant factors, medical or otherwise, and understand precisely what you are looking for from your training. We will agree realistic goals and a strategy to your success.

First Session - pre training prep

• Initial Assessment, where we will look at your core values, link those values to why you are taking this journey and then visually look at your wants over the training period

Second Session -pre training prep

• Unless there are other factors we would usually go through a quick physical assessment including body composition measurements (skin fold measurements, circumference measurements, weight and blood pressure) we would also complete a nutritional questionnaire (but this can be completed at home and send via email)

Third session

• I will then start your body transformation training up to 1 hour per session with me working on a programme of total body and focussed body sessions, in the form of HIIT, body sculpting, cardio.

Resistance Work Functional Work – For beginners, principles of safe functional exercise, and core work. We aim to re-awaken large muscle groups, challenge your muscles and fire up your metabolism enormously. At this stage you will rarely much need more than small weights or your own body weight and you will be amazed at how much these exercises challenge you. Functional Exercises also have a strong cardio effect as movements are usually large, sometimes whole-body exercises with almost all major and minor muscle groups in play.

Later in your programme… Advanced Functional & Plyometrics – Once you are ready we can move onto the more advanced exercises without fear of injury and would usually cycle phases of about 4 weeks. Stretching Flexibility is a critical We will ensure this is a vital element of every session. your bodies’ potential.

Continuous Progress Session by session week by week you will progress and improve constantly looking at your goals and ensuring that they are being kept to. We will progress your exercises to keep you just at your “systems overload” point to maximise your bodies’ potential.


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

…Because Isn’t It Time To Take care Of You?

Give me just 21 days and I will melt up to 10 pounds (or more) of fat off your body and put you on the fastest track to tight, toned and terrific…..quickly, safely and naturally, without

diets and gimmicks! These clients did it and now its your turn….

Get fit and toned so you look great in your clothes, your bathing suit and your birthday suit. More confidence – nothing makes you feel better about YOU than being fit, toned, and looking terrific

Get FAST body transforming results – with this level of accountability, combined with our proven 21-Day Programme, the results come quickly.Discover simple ways to make the right

eating choices at home and when eating out (without dieting) Cut exercise time in half – you’ll be

shocked by how effective the right kind of exercise really is! Fire up your metabolism Have 3-4 times more energy (literally 300% to 400% increase

in energy). Imagine how that makes you feel and perform!!

Burn fat 24 hours a day

The entire 21-day programme is yours for just £250. If you don’t make the 21-new-client cut-off, we’ll let you know and give you the opportunity to go on a waiting list.

Jim - “I lost 7lbs in just 21 days and saw my blood pressure drop. I am now

off medication”


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Injury Prevention

Faster Recovery

Pain and Stress Relief

Freedom Of Movement

Improved performance

Combined Approach

If you have been injured, under a lot

of stress, are recovering from illness

or surgery or just in need of a

thorough holistic approach your body

will benefit from something special to

get back to its full potential

Combining massage and exercise will

rejuvenate your body allowing for the

natural healing process to occur while

at the same time strengthening and

transforming your body and mind.


Sometimes all that is needed is a great

sports massage to awaken and

rejuvenate tight or injured muscles

Others may need a much more gentle

approach with a massage to relax the

mind and calm the body

Because Stress, Injury Or Illness Should Not Rule

Your Life!

Whatever the approach this programme provides you with 5

bespoke sessions to get you back on top which can then lead to a

longer term solution bespoke to your needs.


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

This is an easy to follow, step-by-step plan that will help you get into the best shape of your life. If you’re frustrated with diets and exercise programmes that over rated, here’s your chance to do something that really works. Whether you are looking to shed body fat, build lean muscle or get fit, then this is the package for you. From up to 2 sessions per week, this package is perfect for those with a busy lifestyle who want to get the best results whilst having the least impact on your daily life. Here I provide full nutrition, training, motivational support and mind set to ensure you achieve the results you want with a sustainable lifestyle.

Exercise + nutrition consultation Video workouts

Nutrition plan + weekly audit Online support

Detailed body composition analysis Results

Exclusive rewards for introductions

The Ideal Fitness FIT BODY 12 Week Body Transformation Programme has helped many people to get

into the best shape of their lives. I would like to share my programme with you now! Complete the 12 week programme, get the results and earn the right to wear the T shirt. The key to your success with this programme is to make healthy lifestyle changes in small steps to achieve the end result you want. Each week you’ll receive all the tools you need. Meal and Exercise Plans, complete with Shopping List and Exercise Plans with daily video workouts.

The 12 Week Body Transformation

Programme that Literally Forces Your

Body to Melt Away up to 10lbs or more of

Stubborn Body Fat WITHOUT Starving

Yourself or Suffering Long Boring Cardio


Welcome to the Ideal Fitness 12 Week Body Transformation Programme!


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

I will personally support all my 365 clients with a bespoke 3, 6 or 12 month thoughtfully designed programme to bring about the most radical body transformation, nutrition and lifestyle changes you deserve to receive.

I will work with you to re-wire bad habits and establish your new normal, producing astounding, life-changing results

Results are delivered with absolute discretion. You will be coached on a daily basis on all aspects of the Ideal Fitness 365 method.

The 365 Programme can be followed anywhere in the world as material will be provided for you to

follow when you are not able to attend a session.

Online support and meetings will be provided to ensure daily goals are

being met.

I will look at your entire lifestyle and deliver a programme that’s truly

bespoke to you.

Included in this programme is a weekly massage to help rejuvenate your muscles and keep you in top physical and mental condition,

attended shopping to ensure you understand what you are putting in

your basket

The 365 Body programme is

truly bespoke to your

needs, so there is no other

programme like it to ensure

you get the results 365 days

of the year.


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Biography In 2008, I broke my back in a serious accident which was undeniably traumatic which led me to a 2 year recovery period of many lows and highs. However, my fitness knowledge and specialist training – along with a fair helping of determination and dedication – allowed me to train my way back to the fittest and strongest I have ever been. I can truly say I am now fitter and stronger than I was before my accident, and more determined than ever to show others how exercise can radically improve your life. I am a Level 4 personal trainer a karate black belt, former gymnast, holistic masseur and sports massage therapist.

I gave up many years of office management working with some large companies, to follow the path I am truly passionate about. I have developed a winning approach to fitness, weight loss and body transformation that utilises a variety of techniques, including martial arts, weight training, pilates techniques, bosu and relaxation through remedial massage and sports massage in Telford. Over the last 16 or so years, I have dedicated myself to building a very extensive portfolio of personal training and fitness-related qualifications, learned from the best in the industry Premier, Body Transformation Academy (Lazo Freeman, Patrick Rea) along with building impressive experience across a huge range of disciplines.

It looks impressive on paper but, more importantly, it means I have a wealth of experience and techniques at my disposal to ensure you reach your goals.

Premier Diploma in Fitness Training and Sports Therapy

• Fitness instruction

Fitness Assessment and Health Appraisal

• Circuits

Optimum & Sports Nutrition

Exercise Management for Special Populations & Consultation Skills

Body Massage

Sports Massage

Sports Therapy and RehabilitationIIHHT Diploma Sports Therapy

IHBC certificate in body massage

BOSU Ballast Ball

Gliding Disc – beyond basics

BOSU Integrated Balance Training

Kettlebell Training

Karate and Tae Kwon Do Black Belt

Level 4 Obesity and Diabetes Management


© 2016 Ideal Fitness -

Remember, these programmes are all about your progress, not achieving perfection. The

goal is for you to make gradual lifestyle changes that will help you get into incredible physical

shape and health one step at a time and keep

you making fantastic progress for the rest of

your life.

Take action by starting your Ideal Fitness Body Transformation Programme today!

Good Luck!

Yours in health,

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions

regarding any training programme: 07944 626 241