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Transcript of ICTPolicyNIS

  • 7/27/2019 ICTPolicyNIS


    Vision of Technology at NIS

    NIS uses technology to communicate, and to empower and inspire staff

    and students. We envision a school where learners are connected to the

    global community, enabling them to access and contribute to the ideas and

    perspectives of different people.

    We believe that everyone in our community should have adequate access

    to reliable technology tools and support to add value to their lives, their

    teaching and their learning.

    Students at NIS use technology for communication, collaboration and

    research, and develop technological literacy skills in an environment that

    values creativity.

    Staff at NIS use a variety of technological tools for innovative instruction,

    effective communication, efficient collaboration, and empowering professional



    for Technology at NIS (Elementary)

    The following agreements will help you stay safe and think sensibly at school when

    using technology

    such as computers, the Internet and mobile devices (for example an iPad or iPhone).

    If you bring

    your own technology to school you must also follow the agreements below. If you are

    ever unsure

    what to do, ask a trusted adult.


    Looking After Me

    1. I will only use technology when I have permission.

    2. I will be principled and only use my own account.

    3. I will keep my account and password information private.

    4. I will only go to websites that the teacher says are okay.

    5. I will be a thinker and not put personal information online.

    6. I will not post pictures of myself online without my parents approval.

    7. I will be smart (read and think) before I click.

    8. I will tell an adult, my teacher or parent if something goes wrong on my computer.

    Looking After Our Community

    1. I will use technology tools and the Internet only when I need them for learning.

    2. I will be a respectful, reflective and caring communicator when using technology.

    3. I will be aware of any pop-ups or ads. I will not click on them because they may

    be deceptive!

    4. I will use CC Search to find images, music, and sites that users have given

    permission for people to use.

    5. I will not post pictures of other people online unless I have their permission and


    permission of my parents or a teacher.

    6. I will only use the software that comes on the computer or has been legally

    installed by an administrator upon request.

    7. I will get permission from the IT Department before downloading files.

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    8. I will not download movies, games or music.

    Looking After Our Belongings

    1. I will be caring and respectful towards technology (for example, I will not press the

    keyboard too hard or hit the computer, nor hold netbooks and iPads incorrectly).

    2. I will be an inquirer and check that the information I get on the web is correct.

    Consequences for Violation: If you do not follow the above agreements, you may

    lose the right to

    use technology at NIS.

    Supervision and Monitoring: NIS staff, adults, and technology employees can

    monitor what we do

    when using technology at NIS, especially using the Internet. By following the

    agreements above, we

    are able to stay safe and secure when using technology

    Appendix III 106


    for Technology at NIS (Secondary)

    Electronic technology and Internet access have become integral to our lives and


    In addition to supporting learning, computers facilitate communication between the

    school community

    and home. As responsible citizens of the NIS Community, it is important for each and

    every one of

    us to adhere to an ethical and respectful way of utilizing technology.

    The following policy shall govern the use of all information technology resources at


    including, but not limited to computers, Internet access, cell phones, iPods, and any

    such mobile

    devices. Students who bring their own personal devices to school must adhere to

    this policy if they

    wish to use them at NIS.

    The overall aim of this policy is to ensure that students display responsible

    behavior, both

    offline and online. Students will be encouraged to be proactive in preventing

    problems on social media

    sites, and to make thoughtful decisions about their actions. As social media sites can

    be used for

    both educational and personal, recreational purposes, it is necessary that all

    students be reminded

    of the expectations for the use of technology at NIS.

    Publishing content on the Internet is analogous to printing out thousands of copies


    posting them on the lockers of people within the school and around the world.

    Malicious content

    against a specific individual or a group of people in published work is regarded as


    When a published piece of work involves a student, the schools name, or the name

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    of a teacher, it

    instantaneously becomes a school issue and will be addressed using school policies.

    Plagiarism and

    other practices that do not respect intellectual property rights violate the guidelines

    and policies of

    NIS, and are addressed using school policies about academic integrity.

    NIS has the right to address online behaviors which impact student or teacher

    safety or

    well-being on campus regardless as to whether or not that online behavior was

    created using NIS

    equipment or NIS networks including Internet connections.

    107 Appendix IV


    1. Respect and Protect Yourself

    a. I will choose online names that are suitable and respectful.

    b. I will guard my personal information against cybercriminal activity including

    impersonation, spam, cyber stalking and identity theft.

    c. I will not publish images, information, videos, and other media that portray


    my peers, or NIS in a negative light.

    d. I will be aware that an online identity may not tell me what a person is like in


    life and protect myself against grooming.

    e. I will be aware of and maintain my privacy settings in online environments.

    f. I will communicate in an authentic and respectful manner.

    g. I will keep and record any evidence of cyberbullying, and seek assistance from

    trusted adults if I need help.

    h. I will only visit sites that are appropriate and respect the terms of use of


    i. I will inform the author about my concerns about a picture/image/post that

    I believe is offensive or inappropriate.

    2. Respect and Protect Others

    a. I will consider my audience when posting.

    b. I will ask permission before publishing images or content that may contain private

    and personal information about other people.

    c. I will make sure that nothing I publish is offensive to a second or third party.

    d. I will not use electronic media to bully, including avoiding flaming, harassing or

    stalking online

    e. I will not forward inappropriate or private materials or communication.

    f. I will report incidents of cyber bullying, whether the act is directed towards me,

    or another individual.

    g. I will not abuse my rights of access and I will not enter other peoples private

    accounts or files.

    h. I will be trustworthy towards others by protecting their usernames, email, IM

    and Skype addresses and contact details.

    3. Respect and Protect Intellectual Property and Electronic Devices

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    a. I will be a principled user of technology and act with integrity.

    b. I will acknowledge research sources by footnoting, citing and quoting. All


    obtained from the web will be sourced and mentioned in my bibliography.

    c. I will use free and open source alternatives rather than pirating software.

    d. I will make sure that my computer and other technology is kept up to date with

    updates and is protected with updated antivirus and security protection.

    e. I will register my computer with the school.

    f. I will not use other students devices without their permission.

    4. Adhere to guidelines for Educational Use

    a. I will ensure that my use of technology resources including computers, mobile

    devices, networks and online tools at NIS are for educational purposes only,

    without taking advantage of the BYOT policy for off-task use during class time.