Ico Oscar Ecce 1

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Ico Oscar Ecce 1

  • 8/13/2019 Ico Oscar Ecce 1


    International Council of Ophthalmologys Ophthalmology Surgical Competency Assessment Rubrics (ICO-


    The International Council of Ophthalmologys Ophthalmology Surgical Competency Assessment Rubrics (ICO-

    OSCAR) are designed to facilitate assessment and teaching of surgical sill!"#$Surgical procedures are broen do%n to

    indi&idual steps and each step is graded on a scale of no&ice# beginner# ad&anced beginner and competent! A

    description of the performance necessary to achie&e each grade in each step is gi&en! The assessor simply circles the

    obser&ed performance description at each step of the procedure! The ICO-OSCAR should be completed at the end of

    the case and immediately discussed %ith the student to pro&ide timely# structured# specific performance feedbac!

    These tools %ere de&eloped by panels of international e'perts and are &alid assessments of surgical sill! Thus far#

    ICO-OSCARs ha&e been produced for e'tracapsular cataract e'traction# small incision cataract surgery and

    phacoemulsification! Similar tools for strabismus surgery and lateral tarsal strip surgery are nearly complete! The plan

    is to produce a toolbo' of ICO-OSCARs for each ophthalmic subspecialty!

  • 8/13/2019 Ico Oscar Ecce 1


    8igure $

    ICO-Ophthalmology Surgical Competency Assessment Rubric Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ICO-OSCARECCE)9ate ::::::::::Resident ::::::::::::/&aluator :::::::::::


    (score < $)


    (score < =)

    Ad&anced *eginner

    (score < 5)


    (score < 7)


    applicable!9one by

    preceptor(score< 1)

    "9raping >nable to start draping %ithout

    help! 9rape needs to be redone!

    9rapes %ith minimal &erbal instruction!

    Incomplete lash co&erage!

    ashes mostly co&ered# drape is at most

    minimally obstructing &ie%!

    ashes completely co&ered and clear of

    incision site# drape not obstructing &ie%!

    $/ye position and stability >nable to stabili?e eye in good

    position!Achie&es acceptable eye position andstability %ith some difficulty!

    Achie&es good eye position and stability! 0recisely and consistently stabili?es eyein good position!


    Scleral access @


    >nable to successfully accesssclera! Cauteri?ation insufficient

    or e'cessi&e both in intensity andlocali?ation!

    Accesses sclera but %ith difficulty andhesitation! Cauteri?ation insufficient or

    e'cessi&e in location or intensity!

    Achie&es good scleral access %ith milddifficulty! Adeuate cauteri?ation!

    0recisely and deftly accesses sclera!Appropriate and precise cauteri?ation!

    5Scleral or Corneo-scleral


    Inappropriate incision depth#

    location# and si?e!

    Only one of the follo%ing is done

    correctly4 incision depth# location or si?e!

    Only t%o of the follo%ing are done

    correctly4 incision depth# location or si?e!

    ood incision depth# location and si?e!

    7 ,iscoelastic4 Appropriate>se and Safe Insertion

    >nsure of %hen# %hat type and

    ho% much &iscoelastic to use!

    +as difficulty or multipleunsuccessful attempts at

    accessing anterior chamber

    through paracentesis!

    Reuires minimal instruction! no%s

    %hen to use but administers incorrect

    amount or type!

    Reuires minimal instruction! >ses at

    appropriate time! Administers adeuate

    amount and type! Cannula tip in goodposition!

    ,iscoelastics are administered in

    appropriate amount and at the

    appropriate time %ith cannula tip clearof lens capsule and endothelium %ith no


    B Anterior Capsulotomy

    A%%ard or rough mo&ements

    of cystitome# digging too deep ortoo superficial# lens mo&ement

    endangers ?onules# poor controlriss radiali?ation!9ifficulty

    initiali?ing and eeping flape&erted!

    /ither a%%ard or rough mo&ements of

    cystitome but not both2 depth of attemptsadeuate but not optimal# some lens

    mo&ement# intermittent poor control ofcapsulotomy! .inor difficulty e&erting

    the flap!

    entle but imprecise mo&ements of

    cystitome2 depth of attempts adeuate butmay not be optimal OR some lens

    mo&ement OR intermittent poor control ofcapsulotomy!

    entle precise mo&ements of cystitome2

    depth and control correct forappropriately si?ed capsulotomy!

    6 ound /nlargement

    Inappropriate %ound architecture

    andDor si?e# iris is damaged

    during the maneu&er! Incomplete

    enlargement# loss of tissue plane#

    residual strands across incision!

    Iris prolapse# leaage %ith local pressure!

    0ro&ides poor surgical access to and

    &isibility of capsule and bag!

    .ay be mild leaage# allo%s adeuate

    e'traction of nucleus! Incision edges not


    *e&eled precise parallel incision edges#

    no iris prolapse# allo%s easy e'traction

    of nucleus!

    3;ucleus +ydrodissection

    Rough and incompletehydrodissection of lens-capsular

    adhesions pre&enting lens

    rotation or e'traction# not

    recogni?ed by surgeon!

    +ydrodissection is rough or incompletebut able to recogni?e and correct %ith

    multiple attempts!

    +ydrodissection and lens mobili?ation isimprecise but accomplished in one to se&eral

    attempts %ithout assistance!

    0recise and controlled hydrodissection!

    E ;ucleus /'traction

    Attempt causesradiali?ation of

    capsulorrhe'is or tear in posterior

    capsule2 unable to hold and

    e'tract lens nucleus!

    .o&ements coordinated but still unable to

    e'tract nucleus!

    >ncoordinated and imprecise mo&ements

    but %ith successful lens nucleus e'traction!

    ;ucleus remo&ed %ith de'terity# %ell

    controlled mo&ements and techniue!

    "1 Irrigation and AspirationTechniue

    reat difficulty introducing the

    aspiration tip under the anterior

    .oderate difficulty introducing aspiration

    tip under anterior capsule and maintaining

    .inimal difficulty introducing the aspiration

    tip under the anterior capsule# aspiration

    Aspiration tip is introduced under the

    free border of the anterior capsule in


  • 8/13/2019 Ico Oscar Ecce 1


    ith Adeuate Remo&alof Corte'

    capsule# aspiration hole position

    not controlled# cannot regulateaspiration flo% as needed# cannot

    peel cortical material adeuately#engages capsule or iris %ith

    aspiration port!

    hole up position# attempts to aspirate

    %ithout occluding tip# sho%s poorcomprehension of aspiration dynamics#

    cortical peeling is not %ell controlled#Fery and slo%# capsule potentially

    compromised! 0rolonged attempts resultin minimal residual cortical material!

    hole usually up# corte' %ill engaged for =B1

    degrees# cortical peeling slo%# fe% technicalerrors# minimal residual cortical material!

    Some difficulty in remo&ing sub-incisionalcorte'!

    irrigation mode %ith the aspiration hole

    up# Aspiration is acti&ated in Fust enoughflo% as to occlude the tip# efficiently

    remo&es all corte'# The cortical materialis peeled gently to%ards the center of the

    pupil# tangentially in cases of ?onular%eaness! ;o difficulty in remo&ing

    sub-incisional corte'!

    ""ens Insertion# Rotation#

    and 8inal 0osition ofIntraocular ens

    >nable to insert IO! Insertion and manipulation of IO is

    difficult# eye handled roughly# anterior

    chamber not stable# repeated attempts

    result in borderline incision for implanttype! Repeated hesitant attempts result in

    lo%er haptic in the capsular bag# upper

    haptic is rotated into place!

    Insertion and manipulation of IO is

    accomplished %ith minimal anterior

    chamber instability# incision Fust adeuate

    for implant type# the lo%er haptic is placedinside the capsular bag %ith some difficulty#

    upper haptic is rotated into place!

    Insertion and manipulation of IO is

    performed in a deep and stable anterior

    chamber and capsular bag# %ith incision

    appropriate for implant type! The lo%erhaptic is smoothly placed inside the

    capsular bag2 the upper haptic is rotated

    or gently bent and inserted into place!

    "$ound Closure4 Suture

    handling @ 0lacement

    Cannot reliably load suture!Instruction is reuired and

    stitches are placed in an

    a%%ard# slo%# non-radial

    fashion %ith much difficulty#

    consistently in the %rong tissue

    plane# has to repeat same stitch!

    Some difficulty loading and placingsutures# often in %rong tissue plane#

    resuturing may be needed!

    Sutures not radial or appropriately spaced!

    Able to load sutures consistently! Stitchesare placed %ith minimal difficulty usually in

    correct tissue plane!

    Sutures mostly radial and of adeuate length

    and space bet%een sutures!

    ;o difficulty loading or placing suturesconsistently in correct tissue plane!

    All sutures radial and of adeuate length

    and space bet%een sutures!

    "= ound Closure4 Suturetying @ not rotation

    >nable to get tension correct#

    multiple corneal striae present#incorrect number of thro%s#

    nots often not buried!

    >ne&en suture tension# some corneal

    striae# number of thro%s usually correct#most nots buried!

    Sutures tied tight enough to maintain the

    %ound closed# may ha&e slight cornealdistortion# rare not not buried adeuately!

    ;o corneal striae!

    Sutures are tied tight enough to maintain

    the %ound closed# but not too tight as toinduce astigmatism! All nots buried!


    ound Closure4

    &iscoelastic remo&al#

    %ound hydration# %ound


    >nable to remo&e &iscoelastics

    thoroughly! >nable to mae

    incision %ater tight or does not

    chec %ound for seal! Improper

    final IO0!

    Guestionable %hether all &iscoelastics are

    thoroughly remo&ed# /'tra maneu&ers are

    reuired to mae the incision %ater tight

    at the end of the surgery! .ay ha&e

    improper IO0# but recogni?es possibility!

    Viscoelastics are adeuately remo&ed afterthis step %ith some difficulty! The incision

    is checed and is %ater tight or needs

    minimal adFustment at the end of the

    surgery! .ay ha&e improper IO0 but

    recogni?es and treats IO0!

    Viscoelastics are thoroughly remo&edafter this step# the incision is checed

    and is %ater tight at the end of the

    surgery! 0roper final IO0!

    !lobal In"ices


    ound ;eutrality and

    .inimi?ing /ye Rollingand Corneal 9istortion

    ;early constant eye mo&ementand corneal distortion!

    /ye often not in primary position#freuent distortion folds!

    /ye usually in primary position# mildcorneal distortion folds occur!

    The eye is ept in primary positionduring the surgery! ;o distortion folds

    are produced! The length and location ofincisions pre&ents distortion of the


    "B /ye 0ositioned Centrallyithin .icroscope ,ie%

    Constantly reuires


    Occasional repositioning reuired! .ild fluctuation in pupil position! The pupil is ept centered during the


    "6 ConFuncti&al and CornealTissue +andling

    Tissue handling is rough and

    damage occurs!

    Tissue handling borderline# minimal

    damage occurs!

    Tissue handling appropriate but potential for

    damage e'ists!

    Tissue is not damaged nor at ris by


    "3 Intraocular SpatialA%areness

    Instruments often in contact %ith

    capsule# iris or cornealendothelium!

    Occasional accidental contact %ith

    capsule# iris and corneal endothelium!

    Rare accidental contact %ith capsule# iris

    and corneal endothelium!

    ;o accidental contact %ith capsule# iris

    or corneal endothelium!

    "E Iris 0rotectionIris constantly at ris# handled


    Iris occasionally at ris! ;eeds help in

    deciding %hen and ho% to use hoos# ring

    or other methods of iris protection!

    Iris generally %ell protected! Slight

    difficulty %ith iris hoos# ring# or other

    methods of iris protection!

    Iris is uninFured! Iris hoos# ring# or

    other methods are used as needed to

    protect the iris!


  • 8/13/2019 Ico Oscar Ecce 1


    $1 O&erall Speed and8luidity of 0rocedure

    +esitant# freuent starts and

    stops# not at all fluid! Caseduration greater than B1 minutes!

    Occasional starts and stops# inefficient

    and unnecessary manipulations common#case duration about B1 minutes!

    Occasional inefficient andDor unnecessary

    manipulations occur# case duration about 57minutes!

    Inefficient andDor unnecessary

    manipulations are a&oided# case durationis appropriate for case difficulty! In

    general# =1 minutes should be adeuate!



