Iceland / What do we teach about our neighbours?

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What do we teach about our neighbours?Brynja, Eiríkur, Guðbjörg and Jón

Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 2

History in the Icelandic curriculum

History in Icelandic secondary schools is a combined Icelandic and world history.

Icelandic history begins in the late 9th century (when Iceland was discovered).

Ancient, medieval history and early modern history until 1750.

Modern history from 1750 to the day. Cultural history. History of the 20th Century.

The Nordic countries in Icelandic history teaching

Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 4

The Nordic countriesThe Scandinavian countries


Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 5

Icelandic/Nordic history?

At secondary school level Icelandic history is (in compliance with the National curriculum) roughly 50% of the entire curriculum.

Since Icelandic history is closely connected to the history of Norway and Denmark, the teaching of „Nordic history“ is, to some extent, almost „automatic“.


Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 66

Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 7

Connection points:

Iceland was settled, at least partially, from Norway in the late 9th century; strong links to Norway from the beginning.

After a period of civil war in Iceland in the 13th century, Iceland became a part of the Norwegian state in 1262.

In the 14th century Iceland, together with Norway, passed under Danish rule.


Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 8

Copenhagen becomes the capital of Iceland for the next 547 years: Icelandic history is, to a large extent, also Danish history.1550: Refomation in Iceland: almost wholly by dictate from Denmark.Monopoly trade 1602.Absolutism in 1662.(Mostly Danish) Ideas of economic reform in the 18th century. Christian IV (1588 – 1648)


Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 9

1830 and onwards: Icelandic struggle for sovereignty.

1918: Iceland becomes a sovereign state. 1944: Iceland becomes independent

during the German occupation of Denmark in WWII.


Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 10

What we don't teach (but, perhaps, should...) The history of the rivalry between the

Danish-Norse state and Sweden in the early modern period.

The economic ascendancy of Sweden and especially Norway during the 19th century (a good comparison to the relative stagnancy in Iceland...).


Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 11

What we don't... (cont.)

The different lot of the Nordic states during and after the Napoleonic wars (Norway passes to Sweden).

The Nordic countries during WWII. The development of the Nordic Welfare

State in the 20th century (especially 1945 to the present).


Russia in Icelandic history teaching

Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 13

Connection points The history of Russia and Iceland is intertwined

in some very interesting and important ways: Icelandic mercenaries in Constantinopel in the

Viking era. In the second World War the great convoys headed

for the Soviet Union from Iceland with provisions. In the sixties, seventies and eighties, Iceland and

the Soviet Union had major trade agreements. The summit of 1986 in Höfði.

Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 14

Events taught The beginning of Russia in the viking era. Russia during the Muscovites (Ivan the terrible etc.). The tsars of the 17th and 18th century. Development in the 19th century Russia. WWI and the Russian Revolution. The era of Stalin. WWII and the Cold war. Gorbatschov era and the fall of the Soviet Union. Development in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Poland in Icelandic history teaching

Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 16

Connection points

Iceland and Poland got their sovereignty in 1918.

During the last 10 years a lot of Poles have immigrated to Iceland.

Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 17

Events of polish history taught in Icelandic Schools Famous persons:

Nikolaus Copernicus. Marie Curie.

Partition of Poland. Independence of Poland after WWI. Poland during the WWII. Poland during the revolutions in Eastern Europe 1989-

1990: Lech Walesa. Solidarnosc.

Riga seminar 2007: Icelandic delegation 18

The Baltic States in Icelandic history teaching Connection points:

Sovereignty in 1918. Small number of refugees emigrated to Iceland during and after

WWII. Iceland was among the first states to accept the independence

of the Baltic States in 1991. Events taught:

The Baltic States during and after WWI (independence etc.). The annexation of the Baltic States by the Soviet Union. The independence of the Baltic States in 1991. The Baltic States as a part of the EU.