Ice throw reloaded – studies at Guetsch and St. Brais

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Presentation by René Cattin, Meteotest at Winterwind 2012. "Ice throw reloaded – studies at Guetsch and St. Brais"

Transcript of Ice throw reloaded – studies at Guetsch and St. Brais

Ice throw studies

Gütsch and St. Brais February 8, 2012

René Cattin

Ice throw studies | Seite 2 | 2012-02-08

Icing in wind energy

Ice throw studies | Seite 3 | 2012-02-08

Icing in Switzerland

Wind map of Switzerland

Ice throw studies | Seite 4 | 2012-02-08

Icing in Switzerland

Icing map of Switzerland

Ice throw studies | Seite 5 | 2012-02-08


2‘300 m asl

Ice throw studies | Seite 6 | 2012-02-08


Enercon E-40

Enercon E-44

Enercon E-44

Does ice throw occur? - How often? - How far? - How heavy? - Where?

Ca. 7 days/year meteorological icing Ca. 30 days/year instrumental icing Ca. 150 days/year temperature below 0°C Wind turbines equipped with blade heating

Ice throw studies | Seite 7 | 2012-02-08

Alpine Test Site Gütsch COST Action 727: Atmospheric Icing on Structures 2005 to 2009

Ice throw studies | Seite 8 | 2012-02-08


After each icing event, the area around the wind turbine is inspected for ice throw. All found ice fragments are recorded -  Distance -  Angle -  Size -  Weight -  Type of ice (rime, glaze, wet snow) -  Photo of ice fragment

Ice throw studies | Seite 9 | 2012-02-08


Ice throw studies | Seite 10 | 2012-02-08


Ice throw studies | Seite 11 | 2012-02-08


•  Not all events could be captured

•  Inspection partly delayed

•  Exact time of ice throw unknown

•  No distinction between ice throw and ice fall

Inspections during 4 winters (2005 bis 2009) à 32 icing events recorded à 228 ice fragments documented à Also during summer

Ice throw studies | Seite 12 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw study Gütsch

Maximum distance: 92m (2.25 rotor diameter) Maximum weight: 1.8 kg

Ice throw studies | Seite 13 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw study Gütsch

Ice throw studies | Seite 14 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw study Gütsch

Ice throw studies | Seite 15 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw study Gütsch


à Risky areas seem to be dependant on wind statistics under icing consitions


Ice throw studies | Seite 16 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw study Gütsch

Types of ice

Rime Glaze Wet snow

Ice throw studies | Seite 17 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw study Gütsch

Distance to wind turbine


Rotor blade

Ice throw studies | Seite 18 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw study Gütsch

Angle relative to wind turbine

Ice throw studies | Seite 19 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw study Gütsch


Ice throw studies | Seite 20 | 2012-02-08


•  Ice throw occurs

•  Wind conditions during icing event define risk areas

•  Ice throw when blade is moving downwards?

•  50% of ice fragments found under rotor blade

•  Heavy ice fragments (> 600 g) under rotor blade

•  Ice throw also during summer time

à Übertragbarkeit der Resultate auf grössere WEA??

Ice throw studies | Seite 21 | 2012-02-08

Counter measures

•  Routing of winter walkway was changes

•  Warning signs were installed

Ice throw studies | Seite 22 | 2012-02-08


Further study during winter 2011/12

2 Enercon E-82 Hub height 78 m Enercon blade heating

St. Brais 1‘100 m asl

No real icing events so far

Ice throw studies | Seite 23 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw model SWIM

•  Simple Wind turbine Icethrow Model

Ice throw studies | Seite 24 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw model SWIM

•  Simple Wind turbine Icethrow Model

Ice throw studies | Seite 25 | 2012-02-08

Ice throw model SWIM

•  Simple Wind turbine Icethrow Model

Ice throw studies | Seite 26 | 2012-02-08

Thank you…

METEOTEST Fabrikstrasse 14 CH-3012 Bern

…for your attention