ICAO-COPAC seminar agenda English

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Transcript of ICAO-COPAC seminar agenda English

Safety Information: The Cooperation between Aviation and Judicial Authorities


ICAO-COPAC International Safety Seminar

Safety Information: The Cooperation between Aviation and Judicial Authorities

State Safety Programme, Safety Management Systems and Accident Investigation

Madrid, 24 and 25 of March, 2011


08:30 – 9:15 Registration

09:15 – 10:05 Opening session

- Mrs. Teresa Cunillera i Mestres, 1st Vice-President of the Congress (House Speaker)

- Mr. José Blanco, Minister of Public Works and Transport of Spain

- Mr. Roberto Kobeh, President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO

- Mr. Patrick Goudou, Executive Director, European Aviation Safety Agency, EASA

- Capt. Luis Lacasa, President of Colegio Oficial de Pilotos de Aviacion Comercial, COPAC

Principal Moderator: Mr. Victor M. Aguado, Representative of Spain on the Council of ICAO

Panel 1: Safety management: regulatory requirements

10:05-10:25 Mrs. Nancy Graham, Director Air Navigation Bureau of ICAO

ICAO's Global Aviation Safety Plan, Why the protection of safety information is vital to its success 10:25-10:45 Mr. John Vincent, Deputy Director for Strategic Safety & Head of Safety Analysis Department, EASA. European Requirements: Safety First 10:45-11:05 Mr. Stephen Creamer, Director of FAA, Europe, Africa and Middle East Region

Safety Information: The Cooperation between Aviation and Judicial Authorities


Role of voluntary reporting systems in new ATM procedures 11:05–11:25 Mrs. Isabel Maestre, AESA Executive Director National Requirements: The Spanish Safety Programme

11:25–11:40 Q & A

11:40–12:10 Coffee break

Round Table: The Spanish aviation safety initiate: review and amendment of the Spanish Aviation Safety Act

12:10-12:20 Introduction by Mr. Manuel Ameijeiras, Director General of Civil Aviation of Spain

12:20-12:50 Round table with members of Parliament moderated by Mr. Salvador de la Encina, M.P. Chairman of the Parliament Transport Committee of Spain

Panel 2: The need for the protection of safety information

12:50-13:10 Mr. Kenneth Quinn, General Counsel and Secretary of Flight Safety Foundation Why do we need to protect the safety information? 13:10-13:30 Captain Daniel Mauriño, Adviser of the Spanish National Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) Why, but also what and how 13:30-13:50 Mr. Rod Van Dam, Head of Legal Services and Chairman of the Just Culture Task Force, EUROCONTROL. A model policy for incident and accident prosecution 13:50–14:10 Mr. Michael Gill, IATA Senior Attorney The challenges for operators and service providers to protect safety information

14:10–14:25 Q & A

14:25–15:45 Lunch

Panel 3: A case study, the LAPA Flight 3142

15:45-15:50 Introduction by Mr. Juan Manuel Gallego, Vice-President Spanish Aeronautical Society

15:50–16:10 Mr. Enrique Piñeyro, Airline Pilot, Filmmaker and Safety advocate.

Safety Information: The Cooperation between Aviation and Judicial Authorities


16:10-16:30 Mr. Carlos Rívolo and Guillermo Friele, Prosecutors for the State in the LAPA accident

16:30–16:40 Q & A

16:40–16:55 Coffee break

Round Table: The challenges of the judicial investigation in aviation accidents


Moderator: Mr. Luis Martí Mingarro, President of Iberoamerican Bar Association

Mr. Daniel Soulez Lariviere (tbc), Soulez Larivière & Associés

Mr. Antonio Hernández Gil, President of Madrid Bar Association

Mr. Miguel Nieto Menor, Legal Services, Ministry of Public Works and Transport

Mr. Jose Javier Diez, Judge at Malaga Main Court

Mr. José Luis Sánchez Jáuregui, Deputy Prosecutor in Canary Islands Court

Mr. Antonio Parrilla Martínez, Criminal Investigation, Civil Guard.

Mr. Juan Antonio Rodríguez San Román, Criminal Investigation, National Police

18:15–18:30 Q & A

Safety Information: The Cooperation between Aviation and Judicial Authorities



Panel 4: The challenges in the protection of safety information generated through SMS / SSP implementation

08:50-09:10 Mr. Pablo Hernández Coronado, Director of Safety Analysis and Quality Management, AESA The case of the Spanish Safety Reporting System 09:10-09:30 Captain Juan Carlos Lozano, Chairman of the IFALPA Accident Analysis and Prevention Committee IFALPA Safety Information Policy 09:30–09:50 Mr. Paul Fleming, member of the ICAO Air Navigation Commission and SSP/SMS instructor A practical point of view for protecting SMS / SSP safety information 09:50–10:10 Captain Gustavo Barba, Deputy President COPAC The evolution from Just to Accountability Culture

10:10–10:25 Q & A

Panel 5: Protection of information in accident investigation

10:25-10:45 Mr. Paul-Louis Arslanian, Former Director Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses 2010 (BEA) The experience on the field 10:45-11:05 Mr. David Mayer, Chief Operating Officer, National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB Openness and transparency in accident investigation: the U.S. experience. 11:05-11:25 Rosa Arnaldo, Chairperson of the Accident Investigation Board of Spain, CIAIAC, and María Jesús Guerrero, Member of the Board Management of safety information at accident investigation. Some difficulties in the application of the present legal framework 11:25-11:45 Mr. Ulf Kramer, Chairman of EU Network for Safety Investigation Authorities The coordination of investigation between the judicial authority and the safety investigation authority

11:45–12:00 Q & A

12:00–12:20 Coffee break

Safety Information: The Cooperation between Aviation and Judicial Authorities


Panel 6: Legislative Initiatives and Experiences

12:20-12:40 Mr. Denys Wibaux, Director of Legal Department ICAO ICAO legal guidance for the protection of safety information sources 12:40-13:00 Mr. Jonathan Aleck, Associate Director of Aviation Safety, CASA Stage of Initiatives in Australia 13:00-13:20 Mr. Daniel Soulez Lariviere, Soulez Larivière & Associés The protection of aviation safety sensitive information in French law since new European Regulation 13:20-13:40 Mr. Nils la Cour, Head of Office Danish Transport Authority The Danish experience to protect safety information by regulation

13:40–14:00 Q & A

Wrap up

14:00-14:10 Mr. Victor M. Aguado, Representative of Spain on the Council of ICAO


14:10-14:20 Capt. Luis Lacasa, President of COPAC

14:20-14.30 Mrs. Elvira Tejada, Chief Prosecutor, State Prosecutor Office

14:30-14:40 Mr. Miguel Collado Nuño, Vocal of General Council Judiciary Power

14:40-14:50 Mrs. Purificación Morandeira, Undersecretary of Ministry of Justice