IBM System Storage N Series Best Storage Self Exam

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  • 8/8/2019 IBM System Storage N Series Best Storage Self Exam



    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008. All rights reserved. 1

    IBM System Storage N series Best

    Practices for Secure Configuration

    This IBM Redpaper provides guidelines for the secure configuration of IBMSystem Storage N series running Network Appliance Data ONTAP. It is

    intended for storage and security administrators that wish to improve the overallsecurity posture of their storage networks. For each configuration area, we

    provide only the most secure settings.

    The second part of this IBM Redpaper provides a high-level discussion of Data

    ONTAP security concepts in the context of a documentation map. Securityadministrators should be able to use this map to develop a good working

    knowledge of Data ONTAP security even if they have no previous storagemanagement experience.

    Note: As with any other information technology, an improvement in the overalllevel of security can result in a reduction in functionality or usability and

    administrators should be cautious when applying these configurations to avoidan interruption of required services.

    Alex Osuna

    Jesse Acosta
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    2 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Security configuration best practices

    This section provides specific settings and option values that you can use to

    configure an N series storage system so that it is as secure as possible. Many of

    these settings do not need to be modified in a new system because they arealready set to the most secure value by default; however, this complete list canassist with the audit of already-deployed systems.

    Administrative access

    This section describes Data ONTAP settings for administrative access.

    Root passwordRoot password(Example 1) is used to set and modify user passwords. Werecommend implementing strong password options for root and user accounts.

    Example 1 Root password

    isotuc1> passwdLogin: rootNew password:*******Retype new password: *******

    Trusted host accessTrusted host access (Example 2) enables or disables access to N series storagesystems by certain hosts without authentication. We recommend disabling this


    Example 2 Trusted host access

    isotuc1> options trusted.hosts - (Disables telnet for all hosts)isotuc1> options trusted.hosts + (Enables telnet for up to 5 hosts)isotuc1> options trusted.hosts * (Allows telnet access all hosts)

    Telnet accessTelnet access enables and disables telnet access to the N series storage system.We recommend disabling telnet access (Example 3).

    Example 3 Telnet access off

    isotuc1> options telnet.enable off

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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 3

    RSH accessRSH access enables and disables RSH access to the N series storage system.We recommend disabling RSH access (Example 4).

    Example 4 RSH off

    isotuc1> options rsh.enable off

    HTTP accessHTTP accessenables and disables HTTP (Web) access to the N series storagesystem. We recommend that you disable HTTP access (Example 5).

    Example 5 Disabling HTTP access

    isotuc1> options httpd.admin.access host=none


    Secureadmin enables SecureAdmin for SSH and SSL security features. Werecommend installing SecureAdmin (Example 6).

    Example 6 Installing SecureAdmin

    isotuc1> secureadmin setup f sshisotuc1> secureadmin enable sshisotuc1> secureadmin setup sslisotuc1> secureadmin enable ssl

    Restrict SSH loginsRestrict SSH logins filters access to SSH to only authorized SSH clients. Werecommend limiting access to authorized SSH clients only (Example 7).

    Example 7 Restricting SSH logins

    isotuc1> options ssh.access host=[ipaddress],[ipaddress],[hostname]

    Non-root usersNon-root users (Example 8 on page 4) creates additional accounts for the Nseries storage system. We recommend creating non-root user accounts for eachadministrator.

    Note: Disabling both telnet and rsh access can provide tighter security.

    Note: Setting this access to hosts=none denies access to FilerView.

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    4 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Example 8 Creating non-root user accounts

    isotuc1> useradmin useradd [username]

    Automatic logoutAutomatic logoutenables (Example 9) and sets an automatic logout from the Nseries storage system for console and network sessions. We recommend

    enabling it. The specific number of minutes you configure should be based onyour local security policy.

    Example 9 Enabling automatic logout and setting timeouts

    isotuc1> options autologout.console.enable onisotuc1> options autologout.telnet.enable on

    isotuc1> options autologout.console.timeout 30isotuc1> options autologout.telnet.timeout 15

    Logging administrative accessLogging administrative access enables and configures logging for administrativesessions. We recommend enabling this logging (Example 10). The log file sizeyou specify depends on your local security policy, but it should be large enough

    to record at least several days of administrative usage. You may set this to a largevalue (several megabytes) and then adjust it after you see how quickly it fills up inyour environment.

    Example 10 Enabling logging for administrative sessions

    isotuc1> options auditlog.enable onisotuc1> options auditlog.max_file_size [logfilesize]

    HOSTS.EQUIV accessThis file contains trusted remote hosts for access without authentication. We

    recommend disabling this access (Example 11).

    Example 11 Disabling hosts.equiv access

    isotuc1> options httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off

    Note: The default parameters for these are on with 60 minute timeouts.

    Note: The data is logged into /etc/log/auditlog.

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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 5

    Password checksPassword checks controls whether a check for minimum-length and passwordcomposition is performed when you specify new passwords. We recommendenabling them (Example 12). The default for this is on. It does not apply to root or


    Example 12 Enabling password checks

    isotuc1> options security.passwd.rules.enable on

    Role-based access controlRole-based access controlis a method for managing the set of actions that a useror administrator can perform in an N series storage system. Using role-based

    access controls, you can define sets of capabilities (roles) that are not assignedto any particular user. Users are assigned to groups based on their job functions,

    and each group is granted the set of roles for performing them.

    NFS settings

    This section describes Data ONTAP configuration settings for NFS.

    Kerberos authenticationKerberos authenticationenables Kerberos authentication for NFS and requiresNFS clients to support Kerberos. We recommend enabling it with this command:

    isotuc1> nfs setup

    Then, edit /etc/exports for the N series storage system to set sec=krb5,

    sec=krb5i, or sec=krb5p in the options field of the exported file systems.

    LDAP authorizationLDAP authorization enables LDAP directory lookup service for userauthorization. SSL is also supported for secure connection. We recommend

    enabling it and either LDAP over SSL (Example 13) or SASL .

    Example 13 Enabling LDAP over SSL

    isotuc1> options ldap.ssl.enable onisotuc1> options ldap.enable on

    IPSecIPSec enables IPSec between NFS clients and the N series storage system. Werecommend enabling AH authentication and ESP payload encryption.

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    6 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Exports fileThe exports file provides lists of file systems in the N series storage system that

    are exported (Example 14). We recommend ensuring that only data file systemsare exports and not administrative file systems, such as /etc. Additionally, ensure

    that all world readable exports are read-only.

    Example 14 Exports file list



    You should also examine the /etc/exports file. See The /etc/exports file onpage 6 for more information.

    NFS over TCPNFS over TCP(Example 15) enables NFS sessions using TCP packets instead

    of UDP. We recommend enabling it. TCP is generally more secure than UDP andcan facilitate the use of NFS over firewall boundaries. However, it also opens up

    so many ports in both directions that usually it is better to deploy the NFS clientsand servers in the same security zone rather than pass the traffic over a firewall.

    Example 15 Enabling NFS over TCP

    isotuc1> options nfs.tcp.enable onisotuc1> options nfs.udp.enable off

    NFS mount requestNFS mount request(Example 16) enables and disables the NFS mount requestover ports with high numbers. We recommend using ports with low numbers only.

    Example 16 Enabling mount request

    isotuc1> options nfs.mount_rootonly on

    The /etc/exports fileThe man na_exports command provides a description of all the available

    options for NFS export. This section describes the options related to security.

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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 7

    Access rules

    You must make sure that the appropriate security options are used in the NFS

    export files to prevent unsolicited clients from mounting or gaining elevatedaccess rights to the desired volumes in the N series storage system. For

    example, suppose that you want to grant read-write permission on volume/vol/volx to host1, read-only permission to host2, and no other hosts can mount

    the volume. To do this with Data ONTAP 7.x and higher, enter:

    /vol/volx -rw=host1,ro=host2

    Security-related export options

    The following NFS export options are related to security; you must use theseoptions appropriately to secure the data in an NFS environment:

    anonThis option specifies the effective user ID (or name) of all anonymous or rootNFS client users that access the file system path. An anonymous NFS client

    user does not provide valid NFS credentials; a root NFS client user has a userID of 0. Data ONTAP determines a users file access permissions by checkingthe effective user ID against the /etc/passwd file of the NFS server. By default,

    the effective user ID of all anonymous and root NFS client users is 65534. Todisable root access by anonymous and root NFS client users, set the anon

    option to 65535. To grant root user access to all anonymous and root NFS

    client users, set the anon option to 0. This is equivalent to the no_root_squashoption in some other NFS servers.


    This option disables setuid and setgid executables and mknod commands in

    the file system path. Unless the file system is a root partition of a disklessNFS client, set nosuid to prevent NFS client users from creating setuid

    executables and device nodes that careless or cooperating NFS server userscould use to gain root access.


    Data ONTAP supports the specification of multiple security (sec) options foreach exported resource. The administrator can determine how secure NFS

    access is to the N series storage system. Basically, the following two securityservice types are supported:

    UNIX (AUTH_SYS) authentication (sys): This is the default securityservice used by Data ONTAP. It does not use strong cryptography and is

    the least secure of the security services. Basically, AUTH_SYS credentials

    are a user ID and up to 17 group IDs. A user that logs in as a superuser ona UNIX system could use su to become a user with authorization for fullaccess to a volume. One way to prevent this is to implement strong

    authentication mechanisms such as Kerberos.

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    8 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Kerberos version 5: This service provides the following three securitymethods:

    Authentication (krb5): This method uses strong cryptography to prove a

    users identity to a filer and to prove a filers identity to a user.

    Integrity (krb5i): This method provides a cryptographic checksum of thedata portion of each request and the response message to eachrequest. This defends against tampering with filer NFS traffic.

    Privacy (krb5p): This method encrypts the contents of packets

    bidirectionally, including procedure arguments and user data, using ashared session key established by the client from the filer.

    The following examples show how these security services are used:

    To specify one security type:

    /vol/volx sec=sys,rw=host1

    To specify multiple security types:

    /vol/volx sec=krb5:krb5i:krb5p,rw=host1

    CIFS settings

    This section describes Data ONTAP configuration settings for CIFS.

    Kerberos authenticationKerberos authentication for CIFS enables Microsoft Active Directoryauthentication, which uses Kerberos by default. To do this, select an ActiveDirectory domain during CIFS setup. We recommend using this authentication.

    LDAP authorizationLDAP authorization for CIFS enables Active Directory LDAP for userauthorization. We recommend that you enable LDAP signing and sealing withSASL and enable LDAP over SSL.

    SMB signingSMB signingensures the integrity of CIFS communications. We recommendenabling it for both the N series (Example 17) and Windows clients.

    Example 17 SMB signing for the N series storage system

    isotuc1> options cifs.disable_server_smbsign off

    For the Windows clients, set EnableSecuritySignature and

    RequireSecuritySignature in the registry.

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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 9

    Share level permissionsThis sets the share level permission for CIFS shares. We recommend changing

    the share level ACL to authorized users only (Example 18) and removingEveryone/Full Control.

    Example 18 Share level permissions

    isotuc1> cifs access [-g]

    Audit CIFS accessAudit CIFS access enables and disables CIFS access audits. We recommendenabling it (Example 19).

    Example 19 Enabling CIFS access auditsisotuc1> options cifs.audit.enable on

    Anonymous connections (restrict anonymous)You can use anonymous connections to give anonymous users access to a list ofCIFS shares in the N series storage system or to prevent this access. We

    recommend preventing this access (Example 20).

    Example 20 Disabling access to CIFS shares

    isotuc1> options cifs.restrict_anonymous.enable on

    Guest accessThis setting (Example 21) enables and disables CIFS guest access. Werecommend disabling it.

    Example 21 Guest access

    isotuc1> options cifs.guest_account

    Multiprotocol settings

    This section describes multiprotocol configuration settings for Data ONTAP.

    Ignore ACLs

    When ignore ACLs is on, ACLs do not affect root access from NFS. The optiondefaults to off. We recommend that you disable it (Example 22 on page 10).

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    10 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Example 22 Disabling ignore ACLs

    isotuc1> options cifs.nfs_root_ignore_acl off

    CIFS bypass traverse checkingWhen CIFS bypass traverse checkingis on (the default), directories in the path toa file do not require the X (traverse) permission. This option does not apply to

    UNIX qtrees. We recommend that you enable traverse checking by turning thisoption off (Example 23).

    Example 23 Turning off CIFS bypass traverse checking

    isotuc1> options cifs.bypass_traverse_checking off

    CIFS GID checksThis option affects security checking for Windows clients of files with UNIX

    security, where the requestor is not the file owner. In all cases, Windows clientrequests are checked against the share-level ACL. If the requestor is the owner,the user permissions are used to determine the access permissions.

    If the requester is not the owner and if cifs.perm_check_use_gid is on, it meansthat files with UNIX security are checked using normal UNIX rules (that is, if the

    requester is a member of the files owning group, then the group permissions areused; otherwise, the other permissions are used). If the requester is not theowner and if cifs.perm_check_use_gid is off, files with UNIX security style are

    checked in a way that works better for controlling access with share-level ACLs.In that case, the requesters desired access is checked against the files group

    permissions, and the other permissions are ignored. In effect, the grouppermissions are used as though the Windows client were always a member of

    the files owning group, and the other permissions are not used.

    We recommend enabling CIFS GID checks to require UNIX style security(Example 24).

    Example 24 Enabling CIFS GID checks

    isotuc1> options cifs.perm_check_use_gid on

    Default NT userDefault NT userspecifies the NT user account to use when a UNIX user

    accesses a file with NT security (has an ACL) and that UNIX user would nototherwise be mapped. We recommend setting the option to a null string, denying

    access (Example 25 on page 11).

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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 11

    Example 25 Setting default NT user to deny access

    isotuc1> options wafl.default_nt_user

    Default UNIX userDefault UNIX userspecifies the UNIX user account to use when an NT userattempts to log in and that NT user would not otherwise be mapped. Werecommend setting the option to a null string, denying access (Example 26).

    Example 26 Setting default UNIX to deny access

    isotuc1> options walf.default_unix_user

    Root to administrator mappingWhen root to administrator mappingis on (the default), an NT administrator ismapped to the UNIX root. We recommend disabling it by default (Example 27).

    Example 27 Disabling root to administrator mapping

    isotuc1> options walf.nt_admin_priv_map_to_root off

    Change permissions

    When change permissions is enabled, only the root user can change the owner ofa file. We recommend enabling it (Example 28).

    Example 28 Allowing only root access to change permissions to files

    isotuc1> options walf.root_only_chown on

    Cache credentialsCache credentials specifies the number of minutes a WAFL credential cache

    entry is valid. The value can range from 1 through 20160; we recommend 10(Example 29 on page 12).

    Note: Perform this step only in multiprotocol systems that have NFS/CIFS

    user mapping configured correctly; disabling it in an NFS-only N seriesstorage system results in access problems for legitimate users.

    Note: Perform this step only in multiprotocol systems that have NFS/CIFSuser mapping configured correctly; disabling this access in a CIFS-only N

    series storage system results in access problems for legitimate users.

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    12 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Example 29 Setting cache credential minutes to 10

    isotuc1> options walf.wcc_minutes_valid 10

    Network settingsThis section describes network settings for Data ONTAP.

    Incoming packetsThis setting (Example 30) enables and disables the checking of incomingpackets for correct addressing. We recommend enabling packet checking.

    Example 30 Incoming packets configuration

    isotuc1> options ip.match_any_ifaddr off

    MAC FastpathThe N series storage system uses MAC address and interface caching

    (Fastpath) to return responses to incoming network traffic using the sameinterface as the incoming traffic. In some cases, the destination MAC address isequal to the source MAC address of the incoming data. We recommend disabling

    this option (Example 31). When it is enabled, it increases the possibility of ARP

    spoofing and session hijacking attacks.

    Example 31 Disabling MAC Fastpath

    isotuc1> options ip.fastpath.enable off

    Logging ping floodLogging ping floodenables and disables ping flood attack logging. We

    recommend enabling it (Example 32).

    Example 32 Enabling ping flood attack logging

    isotuc1> options ip.ping_throttle.alarm_interval 5

    SnapMirror accessSnapMirror access sets the IP address and host name for nodes that can receiveSnapMirror/SnapVault backups. We recommend setting IP address and host

    names to authorized users for backup (Example 33 on page 13).

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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 13

    Example 33 Setting IP address and host names to authorized users for backup.

    isotuc1> options snapmirror.access host=[ipaddress],[hostname]

    SnapMirror source accessSnapMirror source access enables and disables the IP address-basedverification of SnapMirror destination N series storage systems by source N

    series storage systems. We recommend that you enable source addressverification (Example 34).

    Example 34 Enable SnapMirror source address verification

    isotuc1> options snapmirror.checkip.enable on

    NDMPNDMPrestricts control and data connections to authorized hosts. Werecommend limiting backup using NDMP to authorized hosts only (Example 35).

    Example 35 Limiting backup using NDMP

    isotuc1> options ndmpd.access host=[ipaddress],[hostname]

    NDMP authenticationThis configuration sets the NDMP authentication type (Example 36).

    Example 36 Enabling NDMP authentication type

    isotuc1> options ndmpd.authtype md5

    DataFabric Manager (now Operations Manager)

    This configuration displays the version of DataFabric Manager (now OperationsManager). We recommend ensuring that version 3.0 or higher is used.

    System services

    This section describes Data ONTAP configuration settingsfor system services.

    FTPThis enables and disables FTP. We recommend disabling it (Example 37).

    Example 37 Disabling FTP

    isotuc1> options ftpd.enable off

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    14 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    PCNFSThis enables and disables PCNFS. We recommend disabling it (Example 38).

    Example 38 Disabling PCNFS

    isotuc1> options pcnfs.enable off

    SNMPThis enables and disables SNMP. We recommend disabling it (Example 39).

    Example 39 Disabling SNMP

    isotuc1> options snmp.enable off

    RSHThis enables and disables RSH. We recommend disabling it (Example 40).

    Example 40 Disabling RSH

    isotuc1> options rsh.enable off

    TelnetThis enables and disables telnet. We recommend disabling it (Example 41).

    Example 41 Disabling telnet

    isotuc1> options telnet.enable off

    TFTPThis enables and disables TFTP. We recommend disabling it (Example 42).

    Example 42 Disabling TFTP

    isotuc1> options tftpd.enable off

    Protocol access filterData ONTAP permits the installation of filters for rsh, telnet, ssh, httpd, httpd.admin, snmp, ndmpd, SnapMirror, and SnapVault. (For a detailed description of

    the usage, refer to the man page of the na_protocolaccess option.) The filters

    can specify host names, IP addresses, IP subnets, or interface names, which areeither allowed or disallowed for each protocol. Each application ( attaches thefilter to the listening socket. Table 1 on page 15 shows some examples.

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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 15

    Table 1 Protocol access control examples

    iSCSI settings

    This section describes iSCSI settings for Data ONTAP.

    Per-interface configurationThis enables and disables iSCSI drivers (Example 43) for each network interface.We recommend enabling iSCSI only where you intend to use it.

    Example 43 Disabling iSCSi interface

    isotuc1> iscsi interface disable [-f ] {-a | }

    Default security methodThis selects the security method to use for initiators that do not have a security

    method specified. We recommend setting the default iSCSI security method todeny (Example 44), disabling access.

    Example 44 Disabling access for initiators with no defined security method

    isotuc1> iscsi default s deny

    Command Description

    options ndmpd.access legacy Allow an NDMP server to accept a control connection request from

    any client.

    options rsh.access host =


    Allow remote shell access for only one host, named gnesha.zo.

    options telnet.access


    Allow access for Telnet subnet 10.42.69.

    options ssh.access host=abc,xyz

    AND if=e0

    Allow ssh access for hosts abc and xyz when on network interface


    options snmp.access if=e0,e1,e2 Allow access to SNMP for network interfaces e0, e1, and e2.

    options httpd.access if != e3 Do not allow access to HTTPD for network interface e3.

    options httpd.admin.access


    Allow access to administrative HTTPD for two hosts.

    options telnet.access host=- Disallow all access to Telnet.

    options snapmirror.access legacy Check access to sources from other N series storage systems.

    options snapvault.access all Allow a SnapVault server to accept any client requests.

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    16 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Initiator security methodInitiator security methodspecifies the security method to be used for eachspecific iSCSI initiator. We recommend using CHAP authentication (Example 45)for all iSCSI initiators. The next section shows you how to generate a random

    128-bit CHAP password.

    Example 45 Specifying CHAP authentication for iSCSI initiators

    isotuc1> iscsi security add i initiator s CHAP p password n name

    Random CHAP passwordsThis method (Example 46) generates a 128-bit random password that can beused with iSCSI CHAP authentication. We recommend using this or another

    method of your choice to generate completely random passwords for use withiSCSI CHAP authentication.

    Example 46 Generating a random CHAP password

    isotuc1> iscsi security generate

    Security documentation map

    This section is an overview of the security-relevant documentation that isavailable for Data ONTAP. It is intended to help security administrators that arenot storage experts learn enough about Data ONTAP security quickly to make

    good deployment and configuration decisions. This is not an exhaustive list of allpossible security resources, but it is a very good starting point. This

    documentation map refers to the current Data ONTAP documentation; however,documentation for other versions of Data ONTAP is organized in a similar

    manner. Always refer to the documentation for the version of Data ONTAP that

    you are actually using.

    The first section describes the administrative functions and interfaces that are

    available to administrators and how to administer Data ONTAP securely. Thesecond section describes the limited set of security interfaces and functions that

    are available to the users, describes their use, and includes warnings aboutuser-accessible functions and privileges that should be controlled.

    Administrative guidanceThe first step to understanding the security-relevant administrative functions andinterfaces of Data ONTAP is to learn about the basic steps required to access

    and manage an N series storage system. The most important documentation on

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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 17

    this subject is chapters 2, 4, 6 and 7 of the IBM System Storage N series SystemAdministration Guide(GC26-7974-00). In particular, pay close attention to the

    following sections:

    Chapter 2: Interfacing with Data ONTAP

    How you administer a storage system

    Chapter 4: Accessing the Storage System Managing access from administration hosts. Controlling system access

    Chapter 6: Managing Administrator Access

    Managing users

    Managing roles

    Chapter 7: Performing General System Maintenance Synchronizing system time Configuring message logging

    Configuring audit logging Maintaining filer security through options

    It is important to note that the users described in chapter 6 are local and should

    only be created and used forsystem administrators and not for normal users.Basically, when the Data ONTAP documentation refers to users, local users, or

    local user accounts, they should be interpreted as local administrator useraccounts. It is possible, in some small workgroup environments, to use theselocal accounts for normal user access to files; however, there are many security

    problems with this approach and those who wish to use Data ONTAP in a securemanner should not consider it.

    Because the security of the administrative interfaces of the N series storagesystem depend on limiting access to authorized administrators, it is extremelyimportant that administrator passwords be selected and managed very carefully.

    Great caution should be exercised to ensure that administrator passwords aredifficult to guess; words found in any dictionary or wordlist (including names,

    dates, place-names, social security, or other identifying numbers) should beavoided. Passwords should contain a mix of upper and lower case letters,

    punctuation marks, symbols, and numbers. Data ONTAP provides an option tocheck for a minimum length and password composition when a new password ischosen; this option (security.passwd.rules.enable) is enabled by default but is

    not a substitute for a clear password selection policy and administrator trainingon correct password selection.

    The N series storage system may also be managed using the SSH remote loginprotocol or with an SSL-protected version of FilerView called Secure FilerView.These two methods are only available if the SecureAdmin product is installed

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    18 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    and configured in the N series storage system. SecureAdmin provides manysecurity advantages over administrative access by telnet, rsh, and http and

    should be strongly considered by anyone who wants to maximize security. Formore information, see chapter 9 of the System Administration Guide: administrative access has been configured, the next step for managing asecure N series storage system is to organize your data. The most importantdocumentation for this process is in chapters 6 and 8 of the IBM System Storage

    N series Storage Management Guide:

    In particular, pay attention to the following sections of chapter 8:

    Understanding qtrees Creating qtrees Understanding security styles Changing security styles

    Although the choices for volume and qtree security styles may seem confusing atfirst, the selection process is actually very simple for most customers:

    If a volume or qtree is to be accessed predominantly or exclusively by NFS

    clients, select unix.

    If a volume or qtree is to be accessed predominantly or exclusively by CIFS

    clients, select ntfs.

    If a volume or qtree is to be accessed equally by both NFS and CIFS clientsand both types of clients require full control over file access security, select


    If a volume or qtree is to be used exclusively as a storage location for FCP or

    iSCSI LUNs, the security style has no effect.

    When you are creating volumes and qtrees for data management, we stronglyrecommend organizing data by security requirements. For example, if the plan for

    the N series storage system is to store data for two groups (maybe the Financeand Engineering departments of company) with different access controls, placingeach data set in a separate qtree or in separate volumes makes security

    configuration simpler.

    After creating and configuring volumes and qtrees to store user data, you must

    configure Data ONTAP to identify users so that it can control access to data.Documentation about this subject is available in the File Access and ProtocolsManagement Guide:
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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 19

    The users that are discussed in this chapter are notlocal administrative users.Instead, these are the non-administrator users who access data stored by the

    system using NFS or CIFS.

    For security information, the most important sections of this document are:

    Chapter 2: File Access Using NFS

    Read the entire chapter, especially the section on providing secure NFS


    Chapter 3: File Access Using CIFS

    How CIFS users obtain UNIX credentials

    Sharing directories Displaying and changing share properties

    Understanding authentication issues Understanding local user accounts How share-level access control lists work

    Specifying how group IDs work with share-level ACLs Changing and displaying a share-level ACL

    Changing and displaying file-level ACLs

    Chapter 7: File Sharing Between NFS and CIFS

    Using LDAP services

    Installing SecureShare Access Changing UNIX permissions and DOS attributes from Windows

    An important concept to remember is that there are really two different realms of

    security to manage when you use Data ONTAP for file access; one realm is thesecurity of the N series storage system running Data ONTAP, including securitycontrols on exported file systems (for NFS) and shared directories (for CIFS).

    The other is security of individual files and directories. This control is exercised

    from NFS clients using the chown and chmod UNIX commands or from CIFSclients using the procedures in the Changing and displaying file-level ACLs and

    Changing UNIX permissions and DOS attributes from Windows sections.

    The first kind of security is entirely controlled by authorized system

    administrators, but the second kind is under the control of each individualnon-administrative user. Therefore, users mustreceive training and guidanceabout what policies and procedures should be followed for setting accesscontrols and permissions on files and directories. Even if the N series storage

    system and the Data ONTAP operating system are managed securely, a userthat sets incorrect ACLs or permissions on a sensitive file may inadvertently

    compromise the security of the data within that file. Therefore, programs thatensure constant awareness and education of individual, non-administrative userson local security policy are very important.

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    20 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Although Data ONTAP provides support for the pc-nfs protocol, it is an inherentlyinsecure protocol and should be avoided.

    Because NFS, CIFS, iSCSI, and administrative clients use TCP/IP networking toaccess Data ONTAP, the networking for the N series storage system should be

    configured for maximum security. The most important documentation for thispurpose is the IBM System Storage N series Network Management Guide:

    The following sections are particularly important:

    Chapter 3: Network Routing Configuration

    About routing in Data ONTAP

    About fast path

    Chapter 4: Host Name Resolution

    Chapter 8: Internet Protocol Security Configuration

    In addition to the information supplied in chapter 3, one important configurationfor secure deployments of N series storage systems with multiple network

    interfaces is the ip.match_any_ifaddr option. By default this option is turned on,which increases performance of the system but also increases exposure to

    certain types of IP forgery attacks. Turn this option off using options

    ip.match_any_ifaddr off (Example 47) on the command line interface.

    Example 47 Turning off ip.match_any_ifaddr

    isotuc1> options ip.match_any_ifaddr off

    We strongly recommend that you configure and enable IPSec (see chapter 8 ofthe IBM System Storage N series Network Management Guide).

    For systems configured to provide LUN access through iSCSI, read the Block

    Access Management Guide for iSCSI and FCP. In particular, pay attention to thefollowing security-relevant sections:

    Chapter 6: Managing iSCSI igroups

    Chapter 12: Managing the iSCSI Network

    Managing security for iSCSI initiators

    Managing the iSCSI service on storage system interfaces

    Important: Enable CHAP authentication for all iSCSI LUNs and select strong

    CHAP passwords.
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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 21

    This manual also provides information about LUN access using FCP; chapter 7is particularly useful:

    You can also enhance FCP security by implementing zoning restrictions on theFibre Channel switch that might be deployed as part of the configuration; check

    the documentation for your switch for details. Many switch vendors provide twoforms of zoning, known as hardandsoft. Hard zoning is based on the physicalport that a cable is connected to and provides a better level of security than soft

    zoning in environments where the switch is in a physically secure location.

    Regardless of the types of data stored in the system or which methods you use

    to access that data, you must perform backups to protect the data if there is asystem failure or other disaster. Data ONTAP gives you the option of backing up

    data to local tape devices, in which case there are no security considerationsother than ensuring that only authorized administrators gain possession of thebackup tapes.

    Data ONTAP also provides several methods (SnapMirror, SnapVault, and NDMP)you can use to perform backups over a TCP/IP network. This kind of network

    backup has security considerations that must be addressed. You can findinformation about how to configure security for these kinds of backups, in The

    IBM System Storage N series Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery


    These sections are of particular importance:

    Chapter 4: Data Protection Using SnapMirror

    Specifying destination filers on the source filer

    Chapter 5: Data Protection using SnapVault

    Setting up SnapVault backup on Open Systems platforms Managing SnapVault backup of Open Systems platforms.

    Enabling SnapVault

    Chapter 10 of this documentation also contains information about how to providevirus scanning services for files accessed via CIFS. This functionality requires a

    third party AntiVirus Scanner system from McAfee, Computer Associates,

    Note: Open Systems SnapVault is a software product that protects data from

    a Windows, UNIX, or Linux system by backing it up to an N series storagesystem running Data ONTAP. Security procedures for the Windows, Unix or

    Linux backup client systems (other than SnapVault settings and NDMP) areoutside the scope of this document.
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    22 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

    Symantec, or Trend. We strongly recommend deploying an antivirus server if youuse CIFS.

    For more information about network-based NDMP tape backups, see:

    The following sections in Chapter 5 of this document focus on security relevantfeatures:

    Managing NDMP security features Specifying the NDMP versions

    User guidance

    For individual users that access data stored in an N series storage systemrunning Data ONTAP, the security configuration options are quite limited because

    most of the security features and options are controlled by systemadministrators. In fact, a user that accesses data in an iSCSI or FCP LUN cannotmodify or configure any security controls on the N series storage system.

    When accessing files by NFS, most users become owners of one or more files ordirectories. Users can only manage security with chmod and chown for files or

    directories that they own, and only if the NFS file system they are accessing is

    located in a volume or qtree with the unix or mixed security style. Users andadministrators should consult the documentation for their Unix operating system

    for details on how to use these commands or their equivalents, as the specificsyntax and operation can vary between platforms. Users may find that chown

    does not function (unless they are logged in as the "root" user) if the DataONTAP administrator has set the "wafl.root_only_chown" option; we strongly

    recommend that this be set.

    When accessing files by CIFS, most users become owners of one or more files

    or directories. Users may only manage security on files or directories that theyown, and only if the CIFS filesystem they are accessing is located in a volume orqtree with the "ntfs" or "mixed" security style.

    Regardless of the methods individual users use to access and manage filesstored in the N series storage system, an external server in the environment,

    such as a Kerberos, LDAP, or Microsoft Active Directory server, often performsthe user authentication or authorization. Administrators keep these servers

    secure, but users must manage their passwords in accordance with localpassword policies to prevent security incidents.
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    IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration 23

    The team that wrote this Redpaper

    This Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world

    working at the International Technical Support Organization, PoughkeepsieCenter.

    Alex Osuna is a Project Leader at the International Technical Support

    Organization (ITSO), Tucson Center. He writes extensively and teaches IBMclasses worldwide on all areas of storage. Before joining the ITSO two years ago,

    Alex worked as a IBM Tivoli Systems Engineer. Alex has over 29 years in the ITindustry, 20 of them specifically related to storage. He has more than 10

    certifications from IBM, Microsoft, and Redhat.

    Jesse Acosta is a Technical Support Engineer from AVNET Partner solutions.

    Thanks to Roger Sanders of the Network Appliance Corporation for his review.

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    24 IBM System Storage N series Best Practices for Secure Configuration

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