IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version...

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IBM OpenPages GRC PlatformVersion 6.2.1

Modules Installation Guide


NoteBefore using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 11.

Product Information

This document applies to IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1 and may also apply to subsequent releases.

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM Corporation.

© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2003, 2013.

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contractwith IBM Corp.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Preparing the system for installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Installing on application servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Installing on reporting servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Testing the IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Updating the reporting schema and reporting framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Configuring the temporary folder for reports and notifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Appendix. Troubleshooting problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Troubleshooting resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Support Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Service requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8OpenPages Customer Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Fix Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Knowledge bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Troubleshooting the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9ObjectManager loader failed message during the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Importing the modules deployment package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


iv IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide

Document Release and Update Information

This topic lists information about this document and where updates to thisdocument can be found.

Document Release Information

Software Version: 6.2.1

Document Published: April, 2013

Document Updates

Supplemental documentation is available on the web. Go to the IBM® OpenPages®

Platform documentation library IBM OpenPages GRC Platform documentationlibrary on the IBM support website (


vi IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide


This document is intended for use with IBM OpenPages GRC Modules. It includesinformation about preparing for and completing modules installations, configuringafter installation, and troubleshooting tips and techniques.


This document is intended for use by OpenPages administrators. Theadministrators must have a background in operating systems administration,application server management, relational database management, systems securitymanagement, and other aspects of systems management.

Related documentation

Supplemental documentation is available on the web. Go to the IBM OpenPagesPlatform documentation library IBM OpenPages GRC Platform documentationlibrary on the IBM support website (

To find IBM OpenPages product documentation on the web, access the IBMOpenPages Information Center (

For information about OpenPages phrases and terminology, see the IBM OpenPagesGRC Platform Administrator's Guide.

For a more detailed explanation of the features and enhancements contained in thisrelease of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform, see the IBM OpenPages GRC PlatformRelease Notes.

For a more detailed explanation of the features and enhancements contained in thisrelease of IBM OpenPages GRC Modules, see the IBM OpenPages GRC ModulesRelease Notes.


viii IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide

IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installations

The IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installer can only be used with newinstallations of IBM OpenPages GRC Platform. The installer updates theapplication servers and the reporting servers with the metadata, reports, reportpackages, and profiles.

Preparing the system for installationBefore you install the IBM OpenPages GRC Modules, some preinstallation tasks arerequired.

Procedure1. Drop the reporting schema if you created it.

a. In a web browser, open the OpenPages application:http://openpages_server:port/openpages

b. Click Enabled for the System Admin Mode.c. From the menu bar, click Administration and select Reporting Schema.d. Click Drop

e. Click Disabled for the System Admin Mode.2. Ensure that the OpenPages GRC Platform and IBM Cognos® Business

Intelligence services are running.3. Ensure that you have the following information available:

v OpenPages Installation Folderv Cognos Installation Folderv CommandCenter Dispatcher URIv OpenPages Application Userv OpenPages Application Passwordv OpenPages Application Server Port Number

4. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set.v For Windows installations, type the following command:

echo %JAVA_HOME%

v For AIX® and Linux installations, type the following command:echo $JAVA_HOME

5. To verify the Java™ version, ensure that Java is in the PATH variable and typethe following command:java –version

If Java is in the PATH variable, a message similar to the following is displayed:java version "1.6.0_23"Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_23-b05)Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)

6. Back up your existing installation, including the OpenPages database.For information about backing up your application and database, see the“OpenPages Backup and Restore Utilities” section of the IBM OpenPages GRCPlatform Administrator’s Guide. There is a separate section for each of DB2® andOracle databases.


Installing on application serversYou must install IBM OpenPages GRC Modules on all application servers.

Before you begin

You must know the following information prior to installing on the applicationserver:v The OpenPages Application Server Port Number, which is the port that is used

by the OpenPages application server. The default port on Windows is 7009. Thedefault port for AIX and Linux is 10108.

v The OpenPages Application User, which is the user name for the OpenPagesapplication Super Administrator.

v The OpenPages Application Password, which is the password for the SuperAdministrator.

Procedure1. On the application server that you want to configure, log on as a user who

has administrative rights.To run the installer on AIX and Linux computers, you must use an applicationsuch as X Window System that provides remote GUI logins.

2. Access the IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installation media and copy theInstaller directory to the application server.

3. Access the IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installation media and copy theInstaller directory to the reporting server.

4. Go to the installer directory run the installation program.v For Windows installations, go to OP_version_Modules\Installer\Disk1\

InstData\WIN64\NoVM\ directory, right click OpenPagesModulesSetup.exe andclick Run as administrator.

v For AIX installations, go to the OP_version_Modules/Installer/Disk1/InstData/AIX64/NoVM directory, and type ./OpenPagesModulesSetup.bin

v For Linux installations, go to the OP_version_Modules/Installer/Disk1/InstData/Linux/NoVM directory, and type ./OpenPagesModulesSetup.bin

5. On the Welcome page, click Next.6. On the Software License Agreement page, select I accept the terms in the

license agreement and click Next to continue.7. On the Install Type page, select Application and select whether to install the

schema.To install the OpenPages Modules schema, select Default Schema on one ofthe admin servers. Select No Schema for the other non-admin servers.If the reporting server is installed on the same computer as the application,you can also select Application and Reporting. For information aboutinstalling the modules on reporting servers, see “Installing on reportingservers” on page 3.

8. On the OpenPages Application Information page, for the OpenPagesInstallation Folder setting, enter the installation location for the IBMOpenPages GRC Platform application.

9. On the OpenPages Application User Information page, enter the portnumber for the OpenPages application server and the user name andpassword for the OpenPages application Super Administrator.

2 IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide

10. On the Confirm Installation Data page, review your installation choices andclick Install.


The installation might take several hours to complete.

To confirm that the installation is successful, review the following log files in theOPModules_Home\logs directory:v OpenPages_Solutions_InstallerStatus.log

v OpenPages_Modules_Installer_Debug.log

Installing on reporting serversYou must install IBM OpenPages GRC Modules on all reporting servers.

Procedure1. On the reporting server that you want to configure, log on as a user who has

administrative rights.To run the installer on AIX and Linux computers, you must use an applicationsuch as X Window System that provides remote GUI logins.

2. Access the IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installation media and copy theInstaller directory to the reporting server.

3. Go to the installer directory and run the installation program.v For Windows installations, go to OP_version_Modules\Installer\Disk1\

InstData\WIN64\NoVM\ directory, right click OpenPagesModulesSetup.exe andclick Run as administrator.

v For AIX installations, go to the OP_version_Modules/Installer/Disk1/InstData/AIX64/NoVM directory, and type ./OpenPagesModulesSetup.bin

v For Linux installations, go to the OP_version_Modules/Installer/Disk1/InstData/Linux/NoVM directory, and type ./OpenPagesModulesSetup.bin

4. On the Welcome page, click Next.5. On the Software License Agreement page, select I accept the terms in the

license agreement and click Next to continue.6. On the Install Type page, select Reporting and select whether to install the

schema.To install the OpenPages Modules schema, select Default Schema on one of theadmin servers. Select No Schema for the other non-admin servers.

7. On the OpenPages Reporting Information page, enter the requiredinformation.

Table 1. Reporting information page property names and descriptions

Property name Description

Cognos Installation Directory Installation location of Cognos BusinessIntelligence: path\ibm\cognos\c10_64

OpenPages CommandCenter InstallationDirectory

The installation location of theCommandCenter.

CommandCenter Dispatcher URL In Cognos Configuration, the Externaldispatcher URL setting.


IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installations 3

8. On the OpenPages Application User Information page, enter the followinginformation:

Table 2. OpenPages application user property names and descriptions

Property name Description

OpenPages Application Server PortNumber

The port that is used by the OpenPagesadmin server.

OpenPages Application User The name for the OpenPages applicationSuper Administrator.

OpenPages Application Password The password for the Super Administrator.

9. On the Confirm Installation Data page, review your installation choices andclick Install.


The installation might take several hours to complete.

To confirm that the installation is successful, review the following log files in theOPModules_HOME\logs directory:v OpenPages_Solutions_InstallerStatus.log

v OpenPages_Modules_Installer_Debug.log

Testing the IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installationAfter you install IBM OpenPages GRC Modules, verify that the installation issuccessful.

Procedure1. Restart all the services.2. Review the following log files in the OPModules_HOME\logs directory:

v OpenPages_Solutions_InstallerStatus.log

v OpenPages_Modules_Installer_Debug.log

3. Log on to the OpenPages application.On the home page, more menus are displayed. Each menu contains a list ofobject types.

Updating the reporting schema and reporting frameworkTo install the OpenPages Modules default schema you must create the reportingschema and update the reporting framework.

Procedure1. In a web browser, open the OpenPages application:


2. Log on to the OpenPages application as a user with administrative privileges.3. For System Admin Mode, switch from Disabled to Enabled.4. From the menu bar, click Administration and select Reporting Schema.5. Click Create.

4 IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide

6. After the create operation finishes, click System Admin Mode to switch fromEnabled to Disabled.

7. From the menu bar, click Administration > Reporting Framework >Generation.

8. On the Reporting Framework Operations page, click Update.9. In the Reporting Framework Generation window, under Framework

Generation, select the Framework Model and Labels and other options youwant for the relational data model.

10. Click Submit.11. To view the progress of the update, click Refresh.

The Percent Complete column on the Reporting Framework Operations tableupdates the percentage of completion.

Configuring the temporary folder for reports and notificationsIBM OpenPages reports and notifications use a temporary folder that is configuredby the property in the file. Ensurethat the folder is created in the location specified by the property.

Procedure1. On the application server, go to the \OpenPages\aurora\conf directory.2. Open the file in a text editor.3. If required, update the setting.4. Save your changes and close the file.5. If you changed the property, restart the OpenPages


IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installations 5

6 IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide

Appendix. Troubleshooting problems

Troubleshooting is a systematic approach to solving a problem. The goal oftroubleshooting is to determine why something does not work as expected andhow to resolve the problem.

Review the following table to help you or customer support resolve a problem.

Table 3. Troubleshooting actions to prevent problems

Action Description

Apply all known fix packs, service levels,or program temporary fixes (PTF).

A product fix might be available to fix theproblem.

Ensure that the configuration issupported.

Review the software and hardwarerequirements.

Look up error message codes by selectingthe product from the IBM Support Portal( and then typing the error messagecode into the Search support box.

Error messages give important information tohelp you identify the component that iscausing the problem.

Reproduce the problem to ensure that itis not just a simple error.

If samples are available with the product, youmight try to reproduce the problem by usingthe sample data.

Check the installation directory structureand file permissions.

The installation location must contain theappropriate file structure and the filepermissions.

For example, if the product requires writeaccess to log files, ensure that the directory hasthe correct permission.

Review relevant documentation, such asrelease notes, technotes, and provenpractices documentation.

Search the IBM knowledge bases to determinewhether your problem is known, has aworkaround, or if it is already resolved anddocumented.

Review recent changes in your computingenvironment.

Sometimes installing new software might causecompatibility issues.

If you still need to resolve problems, you must collect diagnostic data. This data isnecessary for an IBM technical-support representative to effectively troubleshootand assist you in resolving the problem. You can also collect diagnostic data andanalyze it yourself.

Troubleshooting resourcesTroubleshooting resources are sources of information that can help you resolve aproblem that you have with a product. Many of the resource links provided canalso be viewed in a short video demonstration.

To view the video version, search for "troubleshooting" through either Googlesearch engine or YouTube video community.


Support PortalThe IBM Support Portal is a unified, centralized view of all technical support toolsand information for all IBM systems, software, and services.

Use IBM Support Portal to access all the IBM support resources from one place.You can adjust the pages to focus on the information and resources that you needfor problem prevention and faster problem resolution. Familiarize yourself with theIBM Support Portal by viewing the demo videos (

Find the OpenPages GRC Platform content that you need by selecting yourproducts from the IBM Support Portal (

Service requestsService requests are also known as Problem Management Records (PMRs). Severalmethods exist to submit diagnostic information to IBM Software Technical Support.

To open a service request, or to exchange information with technical support, viewthe IBM Software Support Exchanging information with Technical Support page( Service requests canalso be submitted directly by using the Service requests (PMRs) tool( or one of theother supported methods that are detailed on the exchanging information page.

OpenPages Customer CenterThe IBM OpenPages Customer Center provides specific information, updates, andtroubleshooting resources for IBM OpenPages GRC Platform.

To view OpenPages troubleshooting information, access the OpenPages CustomerCenter (

Fix CentralFix Central provides fixes and updates for your system software, hardware, andoperating system.

Use the pull-down menu to go to your product fixes on Fix Central( You might also want to view Gettingstarted with Fix Central (

Knowledge basesYou can often find solutions to problems by searching IBM knowledge bases. Youcan optimize your results by using available resources, support tools, and searchmethods

You can find useful information by searching the information center for IBMCognos, but sometimes you must look beyond the information center to resolveproblems.

IBM Support Portal

The portal provides tools and information for all IBM systems, software,and services. The IBM Support Portal provides you with access to the IBM

8 IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide

electronic support portfolio from one place. You can customize the pages tofocus on the information and resources that you need for problemprevention and faster problem resolution.

Find the OpenPages GRC Platform content that you need by selecting yourproducts from the IBM Support Portal (

From the IBM Support Portal, you can search technotes and APARs(problem reports).

IBM masthead search

Use the IBM masthead search by typing your search string into the Searchfield at the top of any page.

External search engines

Search for content by using any external search engine, such as Google,Yahoo, or Bing. If you use an external search engine, your results are morelikely to include information that is outside the® domain.However, sometimes you can find useful problem-solving informationabout IBM products in newsgroups, forums, and blogs that are not

Tip: Include “IBM” and the name of the product in your search if you arelooking for information about an IBM product.

Troubleshooting the installationSolve common problems that might occur when you install or remove the product.

ObjectManager loader failed message during the installationIf you created the reporting schema, you must drop it before you install the IBMOpenPages GRC Modules.

If you do not drop the schema, an error similar to the following message isdisplayed during the IBM OpenPages GRC Modules installation:ObjectManager loader failed. Please review the logs for moreinformation and load the schema files manually.

Procedure1. In a web browser, open the OpenPages application:


2. Click Enabled for the System Admin Mode.3. From the menu bar, click Administration and select Reporting Schema.4. Click Drop.5. Click Disabled for the System Admin Mode.

Importing the modules deployment packageAfter you install IBM OpenPages GRC Modules, if you do not see the reports andpackages in IBM Cognos Connection, you can import them manually.

For more information about importing content, see the IBM Cognos BusinessIntelligence Administration and Security Guide.

Appendix. Troubleshooting problems 9

Procedure1. On the reporting server, access IBM Cognos Business Intelligence by typing

the following URL:cognos_server:port/ibmcognos

2. Click Administer IBM Cognos content.3. In IBM Cognos Administration, click the Configuration tab and click Content


Tip: To access this area in IBM Cognos Administration, you must have therequired permissions for the Administration secured feature.

4. On the toolbar, click New Import.5. From the Deployment archive list, select OpenPages_Solutions_v6 and click

Next.6. Type a unique name, an optional description, and a screen tip for the

deployment archive, select the folder where you want to save it, and thenclick Next.

7. In the Public folders content box, select the OpenPages_Reports_v6 folderand click Next.

8. On the Specify the general options page, accept the default options and clickNext.

9. On the Review the summary page, review the settings and click Next.10. On the Select an action page, click Finish.11. On the Run with options page, click Run and then, on the IBM Cognos

software page, click OK.12. To view the imported packages and reports, click the Home icon, and select

the folder where you imported them.13. To import each deployment file for the modules that you plan to use, click

Launch > IBM Cognos Administration, and repeat steps 3-11.

Table 4. Description of deployment files

Module name Description

Financial ControlManagement (FCM)


Internal Audit Management(IAM)


Operational RiskManagement (ORM)


IT Governance Management(ITG)


Policy and ComplianceManagement (PCM)



You can now use the OpenPages package to create and run the OpenPages reports.

10 IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide


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12 IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide


Licensed Materials - Property of IBM Corporation.

© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2003, 2013.

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restrictedby GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

This information contains sample application programs in source language, whichillustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy,modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment toIBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing applicationprograms conforming to the application programming interface for the operatingplatform for which the sample programs are written.

These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM,therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of theseprograms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in anyform without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, ordistributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programminginterfaces.


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Notices 13

14 IBM OpenPages GRC Platform Version 6.2.1: Modules Installation Guide


Aaudience vii


related information vii

FFix Central

getting fixes 8


reports and packages 10installing modules

application servers 2reporting servers 3

Kknowledge bases

masthead search 8

Llocation for modules installation 4log files 4

OOpenPages Customer Center

troubleshooting resources 8


importing 10prerequisites

preparing the system 1

Problem Management Recordsservice requests

See Problem Management Records

Rreporting framework

updating after modules installation 4reporting schema

dropping 9updating after modules installation 4

reportsimporting 10

Sservice requests

opening Problem Management Records (PMR) 8software

prerequisites 1Support Portal

overview 8

Ttemporary folders

configuring for reports and notifications 5testing

modules installation 4troubleshooting

getting fixes 8installation problems 9OpenPages Customer Center 8resources 7Support Portal 8understanding symptoms of a problem 7video documentation resources 7

Vvideo documentation

YouTube 8