IA Gateway Introduction

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of IA Gateway Introduction

IA GatewayNoreen Whysel

What is an IA Gateway?

The Information Architecture Gateway will offer a set of Information Architecture library and research tools that we bring together from different disciplines within IA to serve other ecosystems and to help them learn and discover IA in their own ecosystems.

What is an IA Gateway?

Think of the IA Gateway as a portal that helps to connect, search, find, and use tools for IA, libraries, associations, universities, researchers, individuals, etc. from various sectors.

What is an IA Gateway?

Gateways are usually implemented using web technologies, but there are also mobile applications. A common interface integrates resources that may be geographically distributed. Some of the components of basic CI that a gateway might access include:• Sensors• Instruments• Data collections and resources• Campus clusters (includes the Open • Science Grid)• Supercomputers/High-Performance Computing

(includes the eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment)Source: Science Gateways Institute sciencegateways.org

• Visualization• Workflows• Codes (community-based or from a

commercial vendor)• Software• Collaboration tools• Educational resources

What Will the IA Gateway Host?

●History of IA●IA Research●IA Methodologies●IA Visualizations●IA Simulations●IA Trainings

●IA Ontologies●IA Taxonomies●IA Glossaries●IA Translations●IA Tools●Other IA Artifacts

Knowledge Domains

●IA of Communications●IA of Language●IA of Learning●IA of Knowledge●Social IA●Professional Associations

●IA of Security●IA of Privacy●IA of Accessibility●IA of Resilience●IA of Identity

Collaboration Model

Multidisciplinary and cross-sector users: • professional associations• universities• R&D organizations• large and small business organizations• individuals

Membership agreements will be modeled for type of entities, and negotiated based on value propositions, benefits, collaborations, and partner activities.


Information Architecture Gateway project will be hosted at the Science Gateways Institute.

A Science Gateway is a community-developed set of tools, applications, and data collections that are integrated through a portal or a suite of applications.

Gateways provide access to a variety of capabilities including workflows, visualization, resource discovery, and job execution services.


The Science Gateway Institute (SGI) offers an incubator service, including a complete development environment and hosting service, consulting, documentation, and software recommendations.

Through the Science Gateway Institute, we will have access a supercomputing consortium XSEDE: the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, allowing us develop an online learning and collaboration gateway that utilizes the power of one of the largest international and virtual supercomputer networks in the world.

Partners: EarthCube

Earth Cube is an NSF funded initiative to create a real time data and knowledge management system for the 21st Century.

Members of the geospatial science community are actively engaged in research that involves collecting and using real-time disaster resilience data, simulating processes, and visualizing complex interacting systems.

Partners: ID Ecosystem Working Group

The Identity Ecosystem Working Group (IDESG) is developing standards that will enable people to validate their identities securely, and with minimized disclosure of personal information when they are conducting transactions. Its User Experience, Communications, International and Security teams include members of IA Institute and IA Gateway founders, Bev Corwin, Shari Thurow and Noreen Whysel. Noreen Whysel is the Vice Chair of the UX Committee.

IDESG was originally a U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology initiative to implement President Obama’s National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace.

Partners: World Wide Web Consortium

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) engaged members of the IA Gateway and the IA Institute to participate in preliminary user experience research for its latest website redesign.The IA Gateway Steering Committee members also participate in the W3C MMI, EMMA, Accessibility, and eBook standards working groups.

Partners: NYSGISA and GISMO

The New York State GIS Association (NYSGISA) and its NYC regional affiliate GISMO consulted our founders on the development of content for the NYC GeoSymposium 2001-2011-2022 hosted by the NYC Technology Conference, which included a panel presentation on the future of GIS technology in emergency management and a poster/study by IA Gateway founder, Noreen Whysel, on evolution of technology, systems, taxonomies and IA used by the NYC Office of Emergency Management since 2001.

Noreen has developed trainings on geolocation, emergency management and disaster resilience for a number of IA/GIS events and conferences.

Partners: Journal of IA

The Journal of Information Architecture is a peer reviewed journal, originally incubated by the Information Architecture Institute and Copenhagen Business School.

The IA Gateway proposes to engage the Journal and similar resources, like Boxes and Arrows and UX Matters, to deposit resources.

Partners: Information Architecture Institute

The Information Architecture Institute (IAI) is currently developing a new platform for the IA Library. The IAI’s crowdsourced translations initiative secures translation rights to major Information Architecture works and delivers content to practitioners in their local language.

Partners: Biblionarrator

Biblionarrator is an open source catalog system that emphasizes relationships between records to help user understand the collection and find what they need. It includes a keyword searchable, faceted interface that integrates non-bibliographic information directly into the catalog.

Contextual information about authors, places, and concepts can be loaded directly into the catalog from authority files—such as those provided by the Library of Congress. Users explore the catalog either using traditional results pages or with network maps showing the relationships between their results and other records in the catalog.

Other Proposed Partnerships

• Small Business Administration

• Digital Public Library of America

• Europeana

Unique Qualifications: Infrastructure

Science Gateways Institute is an NSF funded organization that offers an incubator service, including:• complete development environment and hosting service• consulting• documentation• software recommendations• an extended support team

Unique Qualifications: Expertise

In partnership with the Information Architecture Institute, a professional association, we will have access to volunteers with expertise in:

• information architecture• user experience design• website development• knowledge management• library and information science• cognitive science

Unique Qualifications: Open Source

The IA Gateway champions Open Source technology wherever feasible.

Thank You

Noreen Whysel


