I want stress-free IT. i want control. i want an i. IBM System i Session: BRMS:...

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Transcript of I want stress-free IT. i want control. i want an i. IBM System i Session: BRMS:...

i want stress-free IT.

i want control.

i want an i.

IBM System i™

8 Copyright IBM Corporation, 2006. All Rights Reserved.This publication may refer to products that are not currently available in your country. IBM makes no commitment to make available any products referred to herein.


BRMS: Introduction/Overview

BRMS 101!


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Session AgendaWhat is BRMS and How can it help me?

Installing BRMS

Base Functions of BRMS

–Media Management


–RecoveryRestore optionsReports



Cartridge System TapeIBM Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System Tape

Cartridge System TapeIBM Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System TapeCartridge System Tape

IBM Enhanced CapacityCartridge System Tape

Cartridge System TapeIBM Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System Tape

Cartridge System TapeIBM Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System Tape

Cartridge System TapeIBM Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System Tape

Cartridge System TapeIBM Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System Tape

Cartridge System TapeIBM Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System Tape

Cartridge System TapeIBM Enhanced Capacity

Cartridge System Tape

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

What is BRMS????

BACKUP/RECOVERY/MEDIA ServicesIBM's Strategic Backup Management Product.

How can it help ME????

Manage your media!Automate your Backups!Simplify your Recoveries!Provide Detailed Reporting!Tape Library Support! .....the list goes on!


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Installing BRMS - 57xxBR1

Ensure no other tape management software exits.

Install Media Storage Extensions 57xx-SS1 Option #18

Install BRMS 57xx-BR1

Apply latest CUM and Backup Recovery Solutions Group PTF

–SF99078 for V5R1

–SF99085 for V5R2

–SF99185 for V5R3

–SF99186 for V5R4Apply BRMS PTF's and Network PTF's on all iSeries in a BRMS network

Installation provides three (3) libraries:

–QBRM BRMS Product Library

–QUSRBRM BRMS User Library

–QMSE MSE Product Library

Tape Library Support

3494 3590

LTO 3570/3575

ƒ What is on Tape XYZ?ƒ What tapes should be in location DEF?ƒ What tapes are old or have a lot of errors?

ƒ What tapes should move offsite today?ƒ What tape has the latest copy of Object ABC?

Media Management

RecoveryRecovery Volume Summary


Vol123 Offsite 3/01/99Vol456 Comproom 3/01/99Vol789 MLD01 3/01/99

Recovery Analysis Report

Step 5: Recover your BRMS database by mounting VOL123 and typing RSTLIB QUSRBRM.Step 6: Recover your user profiles by mounting VOL456 and typing STRRCYBRM *SYSTEM *RESTORE.Step 7: Recover your special OS/400 libraries by mounting VOL789 and typing STR ...

Libs Completed: 6Libs to go: 114% Complete: 3%

Paylib1 Vol123Paylib2 Vol 456Paylib3 Vol 789

ƒ List of Tapes requiredƒ List of Steps to Recoverƒ On-Line Progress Reportƒ Location-specific Recovery Steps


Non-Critical Application

Critical Application


Backup Planning

ƒ What Objects should be backed up?ƒ What media? Tape, savefile, or TSM?ƒ Full, Incremental, or Cumulative Backups?

ƒ Save-while-active, Parallel savesƒ Spoolfile and Object Level savesƒ Duplicate Backup Tapesƒ Did last night's backup run OK?

*BASE Function

ƒ Migrate libraries, root folders, and spoolfiles among disk ASPs based on age, size, and last use criteria

ƒ Archive objects to tape based on age, size, frequency of use, and ASP storage criteria

ƒ Dynamically recall database files, DLO's and streamfiles when needed

IBM Cartridge System Tape

Enhanced Capacity

Hierarchical Storage


Option #2: HSM

Option #1: Network






iSeriesB iSeriesC


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media ManagementHow does BRMS manage media?

Media ClassesTape specific info, ex. Density

Move PoliciesRoad map for media movement

LocationsWhere media and devices reside.

Media PoliciesSpecifies media retention, SAVF usage, and decides

what media class, location and move policy to use for the backup.


*Note: Other items are set in the media policy as well.


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media Management - Media Policy


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media Management - Media Class


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media Management - Move Policy


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media Management - LocationWRKLOCBRM

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media Management - CommandsWRKMEDBRM

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media Management - CommandsWRKMLMBRM

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media Management - Commands


Ability to add media into the BRMS inventory.


Ability to add media from a media library into the BRMS inventory.


BRMS command that duplicates BRMS media that has been marked for duplication, or volumes that are specified on the command.


BRMS command that applies the Move Policy's rules , and “MOVES” the media.

Additional media related commands…..

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Media Management - Reports

Media Exp. Report

–Provides scratch tape listing.

–Ability to customize parameters.Media Movement Report

–Shows all tapes that are to move locations each day.

–Different formats, via MOVMEDBRM or PRTMOVBRMMedia Threshold Information

–Lists media, and their Read/Write errors.

–Shows when media has exceeded certain thresholds

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.


Planning - Control Groups

–Backup Entries

–Backup Attributes

–Backup ControlsRunning - STRBKUBRM


–Override Capabilities

–Restart Capabilities

–Restricted State in Batch V5R3Review



Where do I start?




Critical Application



ƒ What Objects should be backed up?

ƒ What media? Tape, Virtual Tape, savefile, or TSM?

ƒ Full, Incremental, or Cumulative Backups?

ƒ Save-while-active, Parallel savesƒ Spoolfile and Object Level savesƒ Duplicate Backup Tapesƒ Did last night's backup run OK?

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup - PlanningWhat is a Control Group?

BRMS Backup Control Groups describe the backup to be performed.

Default Control Groups




Domino Control Groups

BRMS provides and creates....


What? Where? How?

Pre/Post Processing?

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup - Control GroupsHow do I work with Control Groups?


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup EntriesEntries

–Special values (*ALLUSR, *IBM, *SAVSYS etc..)

–Library Names


–EXITS, CL command exit points

–Backup ListsList type (*OBJ, *SPL, *FLR, *LNK)

ASP Device (2-32, *ALLAVL, *SYSBAS, *CURASPGRP, ASP device name)

Weekly Activity (SMTWTFS), Full, Incr or no activity.

Retain Object Detail (*ERR, *OBJ, *MBR, *YES, *NO)

Save While Active (*YES, *NO, *LIB, *SYNCLIB, *SYSDFN)

Save While Active Message Queue

Backup - Control Groups

BackupEntriesOpt. 2

What? How?

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Edit Backup Control Group EntriesBackup - Control Groups

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup AttributesBackup - Control Groups

BackupEntriesOpt. 8

Where?Media Polices



Access Paths (*yes or *no)

Compression and Compaction

Append or write to seq. 1

End of tape option, *UNLOAD, *REWIND, *LEAVE

Save Media Information

And much more………..

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Change Backup Control Group Attributes- Screen 1Backup - Control Groups

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Change Backup Control Group Attributes – Screen 2Backup - Control Groups

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup Attributes - PARALLELBackup - Control Groups

Object spreading parallelSpreads each object across multiple drives.Best used for large amounts of data.

Large libraries, with big objects. Not ideal for large libraries with

a lot of small objects.IFS, Libraries and objects are supported using this method.

**IFS is only in V5R4!

Library spreading parallelSpreads each library across multiple drives.Always done for:


IFS is not supported using this method.

What's parallel all about?

•Shortens backup window!

•Doesn’t require same amount of drives at recovery time.

•Keeps resources busy and utilized.

•BRMS creates the media definition for you.

•Supports two different methods to save.

•Object spreading

•Library spreading

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup - Control Groups

*LIB, Saves media information at the library level.

*OBJ, Saves media information at the object level.

*NONE, no media information saved.

SAVMEDIBRM command does the same function.

Backup Attributes – Saving Media Information

Use this value if doing Lotus Online saves.

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Pre/Post Processing CapabilitiesBackup - Control Groups


Opt. 9, 10F10

Pre/Post processing?Ending/Starting subsystems

Holding/Releasing Jobq’s

Omit capability

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup - Control GroupsJobqs to process - Opt. 10

Subsystems to process - Opt. 9

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup - Control GroupsOmit List - F10

Be aware that this applies to all control groups and all BRMS saves, ex. SAVLIBBRM.

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

How do I run a control group?Backup - Running



Override capability

Restart option


What? Where? How?

Pre/Post Processing?



IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup - RunningSTRBKUBRM

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Backup - Review



Recovery Report


How do I know it worked?


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.


How do I recover/restore my data?




BRMS GUI's Restore WizardRecoveryRecovery Volume Summary


Vol123 Offsite 3/01/99Vol456 Comproom 3/01/99Vol789 MLD01 3/01/99

Recovery Analysis Report

Step 5: Recover your BRMS database by mounting VOL123 and typing RSTLIB QUSRBRM.Step 6: Recover your user profiles by mounting VOL456 and typing STRRCYBRM *SYSTEM *RESTORE.Step 7: Recover your special OS/400 libraries by mounting VOL789 and typing STR ...

Libs Completed: 6Libs to go: 114% Complete: 3%

Paylib1 Vol123Paylib2 Vol 456Paylib3 Vol 789

ƒ List of Tapes requiredƒ List of Steps to Recoverƒ On-Line Progress Reportƒ Location-specific Recovery Steps

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Recovery - WRKMEDIBRMRestore Screen


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Recovery - WRKMEDIBRMRecovery Defaults Screen, F9


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Recovery - WRKMEDIBRMRestore Status

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Recovery – Recovery Report


Options (*SYSTEM, *CTLGRP, *LIB, *RESUME.....)

Report or Restore


From System

Omit capability

IASP option

Recovery report gives you a step by step guide to getting your system back in a disaster recovery situation.

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Recovery - STRRCYBRM

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Recovery - STRRCYBRMRecovery Analysis Report

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Recovery - STRRCYBRM

Recovery Volume Summary Report

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.


What exactly does it do?

Is it something I should run everyday?


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Maintenance - STRMNTBRM

It is important to run STRMNTBRM on a daily basis!!!

Remove outdated save history records

–library/object levelProduce Media Movement report

Expire media

Clean up old BRMS log entries

Produce the Media Expiration report (newly expired)

Produce the Media report of expired volumes

Produce the Media Information report

Produce the Recovery Analysis report

Produce the Recovery Volume Summary report

Produce the ASP Information report

Collect and apply media usage and error statistics

Produce the Location Analysis report

Run cleanup

Retrieve the volume statistics

Print a version control report

Print recovery reports by location

Reorganize BRM Databases

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.


What is your backup strategy?

Backup window?

Data to be saved, when, where, and how?


–Days of the week?

–Full or Incrementally?

–How often?Are you getting all your data?

Where do you want your media to reside?

....and many more that should be asked!

1. Full system save in two hours.

2. Incr's with SWA.3. IFS is backed up.4. Media in offsite


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.


Do you have all you need for Disaster Recovery?

Media Information (QUSRBRM) backed up?

Recovery Analysis Report printed and at the location of media?

Tested Recoveries?

Can you put Humpty Dumpty back together again?

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

ResourcesBRMS education

–Introduction to BRMS, Course #S6219 4.5 Days w/Hands-On Labs

BRMS Redbook

–"Practical Guide to Managing BRMS/400" SG24-4840

IBM Support Line @ 1-800-237-5511

BRMS Web Site


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Additional Functions

Additional functions made available in BRMS's Base product.BRMS GUI

Functional AuthorityBRMS TSM Client

Online Lotus Server Backups

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.



–V5R1 Stage 1, Basic Function

–V5R2 Stage 2, MLB support, some networking

–V5R3 Stage 3, All Function, but HSM and Containers

–V5R4 Stage 4, HSMNew function focused on GUI

–Object Omit lists (V5R3)

–Reclaim wizard (V5R3)Better interfaces for Restoring/Network Setup/TSM Setup.

Try it out!!!

Student Guide available via BRMS web page!

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Functional Authority

Ability to control usage of BRMS functions

Restrict access for a user from an area of BRMS function (backup, recovery, archive, movement....)

Allow usage, but restrict access to change specific BRMS objects (control groups, list, and policies)

Does not replace IBM i5/OS Security

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.


TSM/400 Client

TSM PC Client

Tape Backup

TSM Backup









The iSeries can be used as a TSM Client

The TSM Client will utilize BRMS

TSM Server (any platform) will be seen as BRMS media

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Online Lotus Server Backup

True Online Backup Capability!

Better than SWA - no sync points

Lotus Server Backup Control Groups created for you

Included in Disaster Recovery Reports

Restore made easy!

Point-in-time restore.

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Online Lotus Server - Backup

Sample of entries in a Lotus Server control group...

Display Backup Control Group Entries RCHBRM

Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : QLTSDOM00 Default activity . . . . . . . : *BKUPCY Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: LTSSVR01 Backup Seq Items Exit command 10 *EXIT 20 *EXIT QNOTES/SAVDOMBRM SERVER('LTSSVR01') CTLGRP(QLTSDOM00) 30 *EXIT

IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

Online Lotus Server - Initialize BRMS

**Note: Special values are only in releases V5R3 or greater.

More information about Lotus Server Backups available at URL:


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

What’s new and HOT in BRMS V5R4??

• IFS parallel support• New Virtual Tape support• Missed Object control group• Email notification (available

w/Network feature)• Customized recovery steps• Use of the new i5/OS spoolfile

support• Error recovery exits

For information on more new features in BRMS V5R4, check out URL:


IBM System i

© 2006 IBM Corporationi want an i.

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Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve throughput or performance improvements equivalent to the ratios stated here.

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