I want crazy analysis

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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Transcript of I want crazy analysis

The video starts with a monologue from the artist telling the story about everything that happens before the video begins. The lighting is low key to highlight that this is a sad scene. The use of voiceover without any music is very effective as it makes the performance feel more real so the audience can relate to it more.

I Want Crazy AnalysisName Andrew Kerry Candidate Number 8338

I Want Crazy Analysis Centre Name Southend High School for Girls Centre Number 16607

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The video starts with a monologue from the artist telling the story about everything that happens before the video begins. The lighting is low key to highlight that this is a sad scene. The use of voiceover without any music is very effective as it makes the performance feel more real so the audience can relate to it more.

When the song kicks in, we see the artist playing along on his guitar lit by the sun from outside. This scene takes place in a domestic location because it allows people who want to make it in the music industry to aspire to be like him as he is shown just playing in his room like the audience will. This supports Al-thusser’s theory of interpellation.

The video cuts to the girlfriend looking out of the window as if she is waiting for Hunter. The camera pulls focus to give the illusion that this is her dream that he will turn up.

I Want Crazy AnalysisName Andrew Kerry Candidate Number 8338

I Want Crazy Analysis Centre Name Southend High School for Girls Centre Number 16607

Page 2

Props are used in this video. The camera sig-nifies that this is an indie/country video as it is an old fashioned camera. We later see that this camera was used to photograph their memories.

This close up shot of the pictures lets the audience see the detail in the photos and see that the photos are of the couple in their years since they started to know each other.

This close up shot of the pictures lets the audience see the detail in the photos and see that the photos are of the couple in their years since they started to know each other.

I Want Crazy AnalysisName Andrew Kerry Candidate Number 8338

I Want Crazy Analysis Centre Name Southend High School for Girls Centre Number 16607

Page 3

This medium shot fits shows the whole bed and her waking up with an empty spot beside her to reinforce the fact that she is still waiting for him.

The shots of the photos cut to flashbacks of their time together. These are used to show what is going through Hunter’s head. This makes the audience feel like they are connected to Hunter and so connected to the video. It is something that the audience can relate to because everyone has memories of being with a friend of a loved one that they with to keep hold of.

This long shot shows Hunter running to his private plane. This supports Andrew Good-win’s theory of stardom as not everyone jumps in a plane to get around! It also sup-ports Althusser’s theory of interpellation as the audience will look up the Hunter and aspire to be like him and have what he has.

I Want Crazy AnalysisName Andrew Kerry Candidate Number 8338

I Want Crazy Analysis Centre Name Southend High School for Girls Centre Number 16607

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This long shot shows that plane leaving the dark warehouse and entering the light of the outside to show that he is leaving the sad times when they were apart and is heading into the bright future when they are together.

This shot shows the couple being ‘crazy’ as they break into a public pool. This supports Andrew Goodwin’s theory of music videos as the visuals match the lyrics as they both ex-plain how he wants to be constantly crazy.

This is a very interesting shot as they are both holding up a flare to symbolize light and how bright their past was when they were together. Hunter’s flare is green and the girl’s is pink so even without seeing the people, the audience can see that this shot focuses around the man and the woman featured in this video.

I Want Crazy AnalysisName Andrew Kerry Candidate Number 8338

I Want Crazy Analysis Centre Name Southend High School for Girls Centre Number 16607

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This over the shoulder shot shows Hunter meeting up with his girlfriend. The audience can relate to this as they feel like they have been on a journey with him to see this girl so they will share his happy emotions. The video fades out to show that this isn’t the end of the story and their time together has only just be-gun.