I teach, therefore I blog “We're excited about how this technology might be used in all the...

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I teach, therefore I blog

“We're excited about how this technology might be used in all the activities of the university, for faculty, administration,

students, alumni, staff.”Weblogs at Harvard

“Weblogs are not special because of their technology but because of the practice and authorship they shape. And it

is a practice that will require a weblog author to be connected to processes, discourses and communities.”

Oliver Wrede


• Beginnings: Blogs for content delivery and for student reports

• Current: Blogs as social media

• Pointers on blogging

• Web 2.0, blogging and learning

Blogs in the classroomDept Education & Training Govt of WA: http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/cmis/eval/curriculum/ict/weblogs/

Belle: http://mywebspace.quinnipiac.edu/PHastings/classroom.html

• Blogs as student writing tools

• Blogs for content delivery

• Blogs for research

• Blogs as communities

• Blogs for special interests

• Blogs about blogging

It all started with a

website long ago

On Film Blog

Student blog 01

Presenting opinion in class using blog


presenting on


I BLOG, therefore I AM.

Conversation Blog 01


Blog 02

Student blog 02

What students liked…

• Project work• Problem solving• Group discussions• Learning a new IT skill• Developing powers of observation about

language• Having a place in the Internet• Receiving feedback from others• Filming the scripts they wrote

Criteria for a good dialogue blog

• Characters• Colors• Topic• Ideas• Humor• Links• Pictures• Story with Beginning and Ending

Better bloggingsee Deb Schinder: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10881_11-6120257.html

or Robin Good: http://www.masternewmedia.org/news/2005/04/26/how_to_write_a_successful.htm

• Define purpose of blog• Design in visual features• Post while seeing formatting• Add links, archives and indexing• Add keywords, also in title• Catchy title, no more than 10 words• Remain on one blogsite• ID yourself, real or pseudonym• Make a blogging schedule, if off the air notify• Avoid links to sites that require registration• Brevity, simple words, no long paragraphs• Fresh content and views• Proofread before publishing, cool off for an hour• Syndicate

Famous Bloggers by CountryWikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Bloggers

A few who do…

Joi Ito, Japan Alan Cox, U.K. Lynne Featherstone, U.K.

Perez Hilton, U.S. Rodney Hide, N.Z. Dave Barry, U.S.Arianna Huffington, U.S.

Measuring who are the most famous bloggers Adapted from Douglas: http://valleywag.com/tech/internet-famous/whos-really-the-most-famous-blogger-246134.php

• Technorati http://technorati.com/pop/blogs/ measures how many sites have linked to a blog, doesn’t measure how many people read a blog

• Blogpulse http://www.blogpulse.com/07_03_20/topWeblogGroup.html measures how many hits on a blog today, doesn’t measure long-term popularity

• Forbes 25 http://www.blogpulse.com/07_03_20/topWeblogGroup.html measures what blogs are read by Forbes writers, doesn’t measure stats

• Bloglines http://www.bloglines.com/topblogs measures number of subscribers on blogs, receiving by RSS feeds, thus regular readers, doesn’t measure no. of single visits

• Blogads http://web.blogads.com/adspotsfolder/ba_mininetworksfolder_view measures measures traffic clicking on links to ads, doesn’t measure anything else

• Blogebrity http://blogebrity.com/ measures a small sample of readers voting on popularity of bloggers, doesn’t measure actual traffic

What are the habits of a popular blogger? Adapted from John Chow: http://www.johnchow.com/the-seven-habits-of-highly-successful-bloggers/

• Blog consistently

• Passionate about topic

• Interact with readers

• Make many links with other good blogs

• Brand yourself, real ID

• Write well

Getting a blog noticed

• Writing a blog is now a child's play but getting it noticed is becoming tougher and in some cases devious too. Add the dimension of constantly engaging people in conversation (if one is astute enough to start one) and it appears to be a full-time job, out of reach of the common man (or the long tails as popularly known).

• Badrirag commenting on Tim O’Reilly’s “What is Web 2.0? Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software”

• http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

Driving traffic to a blog Adapted from Yaro Starak: http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/ Brian Clark: http://www.copyblogger.com/ Darren

Rowse http://www.problogger.net/

• Structure a title, especially “How to” titles work well• Encourage comments by asking readers a question• Syndicate using RSS feed, and prompts, “Did you like this article?”• Use ALL options like “Bookmark this site,” “Add to Favorites”, “Subscribe to

email” as well as “Subscribe to RSS feed.”• Write original, valuable articles, “pillar articles” (Yaro Starak) or “cornerstone

publishing” (Brian Clark)• Build a history following a story, catch breakthrough events because you

havea critical mass of googlelinks• Search engine optimization plugins, raising blog authority, Subscribe to

comment, Google Sitemap, • Links from other sites• Order is fill blog with content THEN promote it so queue content• Getting someone else to write for you: character blogs• Test the technology is working, like Trackbacks, Comments, • Use Instant Messenger• Use social media: podcasting, del.icio.us, Digg it, Furl, reddit, StumbleUpon

Community buildingGuy Kawasaki: http://blog.guykawasaki.com/2006/02/the_art_of_crea.html

• Blog must be worthwhile

• Identify and recruit supporters, interns

• Create an open system

• Welcome criticism

• Foster discourse and dialogue

• Publicize the community

How does blogging fit in with Web 2.0?Adapted from O’Reilly: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

Web 1.0 Web 2.0

Netscape Google

Britannica Online Wikipedia

Personal websites Blogs

Publishing Participation

mp3.com BitTorrent

Directories: Ofoto tags: Flickr

DoubleClick Banners AdSense

Amazon books Amazon reviews

Audiostreaming Podcasting

Videostreaming YouTube

PC PC, iPod, keitai

Blogging in a classroom context

• Blogs can be used to deliver content or may be sued as a student reporting device

• Students are a captive community

• Teachers can provide a model to begin with

• Students will teach each other

• Students may introduce new features to enhance the experience

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