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Weekly Edition

I nternational Press Service P.O. Box 1972, G.P.O.

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VOL II No. 17 April 8, 1975


POLITICAL ECONOMY by Dave Goldman --To Save the World Economy: Get Rid of

Rockefeller! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ............. '" .. 1 --CIA Declares ICLC Real Enemy ....•............•..•...•.•.• 3

SPECIAL FEATURES � --Larouche Letter to U.S. Congress:

USLP Presj.dential Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . S --Stop Rockefeller's Endgame Scenario • . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . • 8

THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES --Rockefeller's Nuclear Brinksmanship . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Second International Attempts to Break up World Communist Movement and Response . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . 16 Iberia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Mideast Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Indochina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Mexico Destabilization and LALC Kidnapping . . . . . . . . . . • . • . 34 Continental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

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To Save the World Economy: Get Rid of Rockefeller

by Dave Goldman

April 5 (IPS) - Throughout the key sectors of the world economy, chaos is breaking loose in response to the psychotic breakdown of the Rockefeller financier faction. For the first time in 30 years, no directives are en route to the economic center� Europe and Japan from David Rockefeller's bunker at One, Chase Manhattan Plaza. In response, the capitalist leader­ship on both shores of .the Atlantic, confronted by a life-and­death crisis, is turning into a pack of uncaptained, unpaid mercenaries.

David Rockefeller now bears the same relation to his closest factional allies that Da Nang's ARVN marines bore last week to President Thieu. There is one .quick and sure-fire way to prevent these uncontrolled ele­ments from devastating the in­dustries and farms of the ad­vanced sector: get rid of Rocke­feller! We can then proceed to the emergency measures required to prevent the bewildered capital­ists from doing harm to us and themselves: an orderly process of debt moratoria in the United States, and the creation of a ruble-based trading area for Western Europe and Japan.

No Money In the U.S. sector, the crisis in

the financial markets has swamped plans for labor-inten­sive energy projects, the modern equivalent of military production and road-building in the Nazi economy. Last week, Chase Man­hattan demanded that $1.2 trillion pour into these pyramids during the next ten years, without com­menting on where the money would come from. This week, the oil multinational Texaco had to withdraw a $300 million bond issue from the gasping credit markets, because funds were not available for "priority" ven­tures.

Offshore oil drilling on the Atlantic shelf, praised by State Department energy under­secretary Enders as his only "source of encouragement" in recent weeks, is dead, as com­panies let drilling leases expire without once piercing the ocean floor. Enders told IPS that "we may have to" finance the fascist pyramids directly through the state, but admitted that this would close off credit to the private sector, aggravating the economic collapse. Citing the central element of Nazi financial p o l icy , E n d e r s p r o p o s e d "measures to increase the over­all amount of savings in the economy," i.e., depleting wages on behalf of a state investment fund. But the Undersecretary admitted that no Congressman had yet dared put this forward . "Many of the Europeans and Japanese have less problem understanding this than some Congressmen," Enders com­plained.

Wall Street has written Project Independence off. No huffing and puffing from David's Chase Man­hattan or Nelson's Domestic Council will mitigate the collapse of the bond market and project financing, or the worldwide glut of oil that threatens to break the cartel oil price.

The Rockefeller faction, how­ever, still hallucinates the hyper­inflation of Germany, 1933; the credit markets, on the other hand, experiences the hyperin­flation of 1923, when the Weimar government ran four printing plants twenty·four hours a day to meet its currency needs. Treasury Secretary William Simon, as reported last week, is aghast at this development. Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur Burns. a Nixon appointee, has had a stomach full: last week, the Fed refused to pump money into the credit markets, which have been overpowered

during the last two weeks by the Treasury's massive borrowing needs. The result was the virtual' shutdown of the bond market, corporations' last source of funds for the repayment of short-term debt. Terrified of hyperinflation, both Simon and Burns recom­mended that President Ford junk the tax cut.

Finding themselves headless, American capitalists are now debating the need to throw out the Rockefeller clique.

Dogfights But Western European capital­

ists, accustomed to marching orrl",rs from New York and Washington, are on the verge of a psychotic holocaust. Review the activities of the men now responsible for the European economy:

The Financial Times of Lon­don, the Trilateral-Commission­controlled "authoritative" voice of British finance, attacked President Ford for inflating the U.S. economy too rapidly in its April 4 editorial, and attacked French President Giscard in its editorial Friday for not reflating fast enough! France is a critical market for British exports, and British companies are panicked at the thought of losing it.

Britain's economy is now in such hopeless shape - it has exhausted its last available foreign loan - that even the fascists cannot agree on what do do with it. "Fascism with a human face" specialist Tony Benn, the British Minister for Industry, is blindly piling to­gether a huge state industrial sector with crisp pound notes from the presses of the Royal Mint. Yet the Paris-based Organ­ization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which the State Department claims is the one operative body for inter­national economic planning, has screamed at Britain to stop government spending before the -

British currency is worth less than the pulp it's made of.

In France, meanwhile, Finance Minister Fourcade is caught between the small and medium­sized industries, which account for the great majority of Fran­ce's production, for easier credit, and the diehard Rockefeller supporters of the Banque de Paysbas in Paris, who denounced, Fourcade's piddling moves towards easier credit as infla­tionary. But the Trilateral scum at the Paris banks disagree with the Trilateral scum of the London Financial Times. France's third

, largest bank, the Credit Lyon­nais, dragged an unwelcome piece of reality into this dis­cussion with its annual report for 1974: the bank took massive losses during the year due to loan defaults by bankrupt French firms.

Where France's own corpora­tist projects are concerned, the giant Fos-sur-Mer development project on the Southern coast is idle due to the 40 per cent drop in worldwide steel orders, and the largest producer of nuclear reac­tors, Creusot-Loire, is staying in business by selling steel to the Soviet Union.

Reality, meanwhile, has struck the West German capitalists, in the form of a cut in exports in two figures for the second month running. They are hysterical. In

IPS Weekly 2

th�ir discussions, East-West' trade. development projects in the Mideast. the export prospects of their Leopard tank, and,' whatnot are tossed about -anything to reverse the 60 per cent loss in German steel orders! Echoing Simon and Burns, Bundesbank president Karl Klasen has carefully considered the threat of hyperinflation looming from across the Atlantic, closed his eyes. and said, "No!" Pushed nut of policy-making by the Rockefeller agents in the Schmidt government, the central bank is taking a quiet revenge by sitting on monetary expansion. In response. the Finance Minster, Schmidt protege Hans Apel, has publicly threatened to can the legally-independent central bank if it wants "confrontation rather than cooperation" with the finance ministry. This political swill is put before the German public. althoug h Apel under­stands that an economy like West Germany's, dependent on ex­for 25 per cent of its output cannot alter the course of economic events without settling the trade question.

C h r i stia n D e m o c r a t i c economic spokesman Otto von Menges expressed the fears of the German capitalists in an interview wit h IPS. He admitted freely that the Rockefeller fac­tion was in a panic. and that the implication!. included the econ-

omic destruction of Europe and possible nuclear war. But he demurred, "We have a very keen interest here in Europe that America should stay calm in this situation, and we should not at this moment raise a question of mistrust ... 1 trust they will find their own interest beyond all this psychological panic."

While the West Germans, and other members of the crumbling Rockefeller periphery in Europe, desperately hope for a stateside miracle, the U.S. State Depart­ment is relying solely on its political leverage through direct puppets like Schmidt. Said a high official. "The Germans have had a handful of firms dependent on business with the Soviet Union, but this does not determine over­all policy. Handlesblatt says that (U.S. policy is out of control) because they're right next door to these firms."

By themselves, the European bourgeoisie will continue to waver until the last European assembly line grinds to a stop. The American capitalists will indulge in idiotic dogfights until the 1930s depression looks like a spring picnic. Destroy the Rockefellers, institute the' emergency measures required on both sides of the Atlantic to restart productive investment. and economic policy can again proceed on the basis of sanity.


NEW YORK. April 6 (IPS) - In a press statement issued today by the Mexican Federal Security Po­lice. and broadcast this evening on Mexico City television. kid­napped leaders of the Latin American Labor Committees (LALC). Carlos de Hoyos Perez. Carlos Mendez Trujillo and Hector Apolinar Iribe were charged with being "self-confess­ed members of the International Caucus of Labor Committees." The press statement identified the ICLC's programmatic goals of international development and human renaissance and stressed that the ICLC is not Maoist or T r o t s k y i s t b u t M a r x i s t ­Luxemburgist. The release stressed the international scope of ICLC operations. The police­issued release also announced that the ICLC has 80 members in its Mexico City local. and that the Federal Security Police know where they all are.

This public statement repre­sents a victory for the working class. Rockefeller and his intelli­gence agencies have been forced to repudiate their policy of "containment" of explosive Labor Committee international

. influence, a policy connoted by circulating slanders to the effect that the ICLC is CIA and CIA financed, thereby admiting to the world that the Labor Committees cannot be contained without r e c o u r s e to p o l i c e s t a t e m e a s u r e s. T h e k i d n a p p e d leaders are simply charged with being what they are - members of the ICLC. Rockefeller and his mercenary forces have identified the International Caucus of Labor Committees and the Inter­n a t i o n a l W o r k i n g m a n's Association because those organizations embody a pro­grammatically unified force for policies of human development -and have therefore signalled their intent to move openly in police state forms of repression against Communist Parties and left-Social Democrats throughout the world.

We warn, however, that the


gloves are now off. Rockefeller is now prepared to unleash his occupying mercenary forces in witch-hunt-style activities in every corner of his unholy em­pire. Current developments in Mexico were unleashed by Rockefeller's West German Social Democrat Willy Brandt who paraded his anti-Communist in a speech in Mexico, March 22nd. Mexico now stands on the verge of bloody developments towards military dictatorship.

Brandt has returned to Europe to implement similar atrocities there. Already Labor Committee organizers in Brussels, Frank­furt, Rome, Milan, and Turin have been subjected to coordi­nated. unprecedented open police attack. The statement by Mexi­can Federal Security Police is a signal to the likes of Willy Brandt to implement his bloody commit­ment to the policies of the earlier leaders of the Second Internation­al: Noske, Ebert, and Scheide­mann, who preceded him down the path of atrocity and witch­hunt.

Rockefeller and his allies now stand poised in desperation to repress those who provide a focus for developing opposition to the implementation of their genoci­dal Schactian "new world econo­mic order" through a return to nuclear brinksmanship provoca­tions against the Soviet Union.

The CIA's Press Statement

What follows is a transcript, prepared from notes taken by Mexico City LALC members who heard the TV broadcast. of the police-prepared press statement on de Hoyos, Mendez, and Apoli­nar broadcast tonight over Mexico City television:

The Federal Security Division has put Carlos Arturo de Hoyos. Carlos Mendez Trujillo, and Hector Apolinar Iribe, at the disposal of the Federal Justice At t o r n e y - t h e l a s t o n e representative of International Press Service and in charge of gathering information for the organization. Carlos Mendez Tru-

. jillo is in charge of collecting all information and Carlos Arturo de Hoyos is the main leader of the organization.

This organization (LALC) consists of 80 members who have already been located precisely. Among their files were found annotations on Political Econo­my, Agriculture, Military Zones, Guerrilla groups, Student move­ments. Labor organizations in which they have detailed the economic situation of the country (Mexico) , the localization of industries, production, etc; on the military, their regional loca­tion, their commanders and the activities carried out by the army throughout the country.

The detained confess them­selves to be members of the National Caucus of Labor Committees, with headquarters in New York, and declare that their financing comes from that city and from the sale of the newspaper Nueva Solidaridad and their theoretical magazine Boletin Internacional. Nueva Solidaridad is published in nine languages and they are located in Japan. Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Mexico and several U.S. cities and are now forming a local in Bogota. Colombia.

They declare they are aiming for worldwide revolution, taking power on a world scale. For this they sustain that what they search for is a unified un­derstanding of the laws of the uni­verse integrating the understand­ing of the political. economic and social phenomena to the under­standing of the physical laws of the universe. For this they state that their principal conception is founded on the knowledge of negentropy and of the ecology as a human science for understand­ing social and physical reality as a whole. They declare them­selves contrary to all the ideolo­g i e s - T r o t s k y i s t . M a o i s t . Castroite. Sandinist, Communist. Socialist - and they declare returning to the theses of classi­cal Marxism following only Marx and Rosa Luxemburg.

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The original group that now forms the LALC began as the MPPT (Political Movement of Theoretical Production) (here follows a list of all the names of members of that group(. In Janu­ary 1974 Marivilla Carasco. member of the MPPT. travelled to New York where. at Columbia University. she put herself in contact with the leaders of the LALC and they began to ex­change their opinions and ideolo­gies with the purpose of creating

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in -Mexico a local of the LALC. Subse quently in May 1974 Marivilla Carrasco. Victor Gar­cia Mota. and Cecilia Soto Gonza­lez travelled to New York to con­tinue exchanging their doctrines. This group. the MPPT. was dedi­cated to an intensive study of Leninist-Marxist theses. Later all the memhers of the ex-MPPT travelled and they returned to establish in Mexico a local of the LALC. The indoctrinators of this organization. Patricio Estevez

Nenninger and Cecilia Soto Gonzalez, are now in Colombia. erecting another local of the LALC.

The secretary general of this international organization is Lyn Marcus. whose real name is Lyn­don H. LaRouche. and the leader of the LALC in New York is Fernando Quijano. a North American. born in Bogota, Colombia. who now lives in New York.



. USLP Presidential Statement LaRouche Letter to U.S. Congres�

Beirut, Lebanon April 5, 1975

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Rarely in modern history has a body of legislators been challenged by problems and responsibilities of the devastating quality and global scope of those now confronting the United States Congress. Unless Congress lives up to the magnitude of this rare historic conjuncture and acts immediately to remove from public office Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and his accomplices, Congress will be forever obliterated within weeks of its return from the 1975 Easter recess.

The State of the Union at present is as follows: Under the Rockefeller Family's grip over key posts in the present Admin­istration, the United States of America finds itself in the midst of modern history's gravest economic depression with ab­solutely no domestic and no foreign policy.

Since the psychotic collapse of the United States' puppet regime in South Vietnam. whose reverberations have been felt throughout the glohe. this country has been left without a foreign policy of any sort whatever.

Throughout Latin America. Africa. and Asia, a wave of "destabilizations" is

sweeping out various client states and puppet regimes. All evidence indicates that these operations are coordinated by the Central Intelligence Agency and similar agencies whose policies are known to be determined by the Rockefeller Family.

In Western Europe. large faction� of industrial and financial interests are in a

state of shock at the profound in­competence of the United States Admin­istration to deal with the present world economic and political crisis.

In domestic' fiscal policy and inter­national monetary policy, the political faction under Nelson and David Rocke­feller, with the collaboration of criminal accomplices Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Senator Hubert Humphrey, Senate Minority leader Hugh Scott et al. have embarked on a reckless course of domestic and international economic destabilization. The fundamental feature of this policy is the maintenance of debt service payment on debt held by the Rockefeller Family and their factional allies. For the economy of the United States this has resulted in an uncontrol­lable growth of both the Federal debt and the nation's money supply while every municipal, state, and corporate entity in the country is verging on bankruptcy.

The Rockefeller Family hopes to pass part of the burden of these vast inflation­ary rates and deficits on to Western Europe and Japan. It is presently applying intense political pressure to the govern­ment of West Germany to commit itself to an annual inflation rate of 400 per cent in order to support the parity of the dollar!

Simultaneously, the value-content of this dollar is rapidly approaching near-zero levels. Currently reported rates of real production collapse in this country are now equaling and exceeding the rates recorded during the 1933-37 collapse of U.S. produc­tion. The U.S. Labor Party's economic speCialists, whose competence and author­ity has been repeatedly demonstrated to you on a number of occasions, have deter­mined that this catastrophic course is bound to drastically accelerate in the spring and summer months ahead. By this fall and the winter of 1975-76, this course will lead to the most devastating world­wide bust, if the country is allowed to blindly follow the policies implied in Presi­dent Ford's April 3 public utterances!

The present Administration under Rocke­feller's grip has neither a domestic policy, nor a foreign policy. nor an inkling of overall economic policy. The citizens of this country know this to be the case. Practically every government in the world knows this to be the case - and is ad­justing its policy accordingly. The more the implications of this knowledge spread, the more untenable the position of the Rockefeller faction in government becomes. This is the kernel of the events of the past two weeks, a process which has been considerably accelerated by the collapse of the puppet regime in South Vietnam.

The Labor Party's Executive, delib­erating upon information received con­cerning a March 31 meeting of David Rockefeller. Henry Kissinger, Dean Rusk, W.W. Rostow, Averil Harriman, Cyrus Vance, McGeorge Bundy and other well­identified members of the Rockefeller cabal, determined that the Rockefeller familv had embarked on a reckless course of th�rmonuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union. The Rockefeller cabal chose this policy as the only way of shoring up its crumbling political po s ition s inter­nationally.

On April 3. we made public our findings of this "Endgame" brinksmanship to Congressional offices and government officials both in this country and to govern­ments t.hroughout the world.

On April 4. we received evidence which proved conclusively that the Rockefeller faction was already moving quickly to

create the political conditions for an im­mediate thermonuclear "chicken game" with the Soviets. We also received circum­stantial evidence which shows that the leadership of the Soviet Union feels obligated, for reasons of its own political survival, to absolutely refuse to back down in the event of forced thermonuclear confrontation.

As we have repeatedly warned the country and Congress itself over the past 18 months, the Rockefeller family, having reached a politically untenable position, is now ruthlessly driving toward the thermo­nuclear destruction of the human species for the sole purpose of maintaining itself in power.

This is the precise extent of the world­historical crisis that now confronts the United States Congress. Unless men and women in Congress marshall the political courage and moral quality to immediately begin proceeding for the impeachment of Nelson Rockefeller, of Senators Hubert Humphrey and James Schlesinger. this country and the human race will rapidly be faced with thermonuclear destruction.

In claiming that the Rockefeller Family presently acts on the clinically insane motivation of its lust for personal power, the Labor Party stands on an unblemished record of solidly vindicated political predictions since January 1974. The Labor Party claimed then that the whole sordid Watergate episode was a destabilization operation carried out by the Central In­telligence Agency, the terminal objective of this operation was the establishment of direct Rockefeller control over the Ad­ministration. The blatantly unconstitu­tional fashion in which CIA Director William Colby is currently refusing to collaborate with Senator Baker is ad­ditional evidence corroborating our own independent findings on this matter.

The fact that Richard Nixon's political demise resulted in Nelson Rockefeller's ascent to the Vice Presidency - and his present near complete command of the Presidential Cabinet - constitutes the most powerful ex post facto vindication of our earlier predictions. My own testimony before the Sentate and the House of Representatives during the Rockefeller confirmation hearings is now vindicated both with respect to Rockefeller's in­competence in matters of actual policy and with respect to the profound im­morality of his personal character.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the country now is in the unmitigated mess which we had warned you would come about as a result of Rockefeller's ascent to office. The citizens of this country know that we had warned you.

Now we are obliged to warn you once again, and to warn the citizens of this country also: Unless a rigorous campaign is undertaken to banish Rockefeller and his accomplices from public life, Rocke­feller will publicly crush Congress within weeks. This collapse the electorate will not

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fail to see. You possess all the facts to know how

ruthlessly Rockefeller is commited to this policy. You have all watched Rockefeller's best identified underlings Senator Hum­p h r e y a n d S e n a t o r S c o t t m o v e against the Senate and against Congress during the last fiscal debate. You all know that the "blame" for the loss of Vietnam is coming down on Congress and that Viet­nam is intended to be used as a Mc­Carthyite "China" scare to beat you to comply with Rockefeller's nuclear brinks­manship.

Unless Congress moves'now to dismantle Rockefeller's grip over the Administration and over Congress, the first disaster to follow will be the pulverization of Congress and the end of Constitutional Democracy as the country has understood this term in the last two hundred years.

Rockefeller must pulverize you now in order to make his thermonuclear madness seem as though it were the national policy of the United States rather than as the private commitment of the Rockefeller Family. Unless this political precondition is established he, as he well knows, will not be able to command the loyalty of those top military officers whose collaboration is indispensable for his thermonuclear "chicken game." Therefore, at this juncture of history, a

political struggle to avert a worldwide thermonuclear tragedy coincides with the political struggle to avert the destruction of Congress.

My advice to you is that there is only one way of conducting this struggle and this is unqualified and tenacious counter­offensive for the purpose of impeaching Rockefeller and his principal accomplices named above. While I am presently engaged on a fact-finding tour in the Middle East, I have instructed my associates in the leadership of the U.S. Labor Party to be available to you for collaboration and assistance in this matter should you so desire.

Beyond the immediate issue of Rocke­feller's impeachment, the Labor Party is also prepared to assist you in establishing the broad outlines of a rational policy for confronting the major economic, domestic, and foreign .political problems flowing out of the present world economic depression. To merely recapitulate here the general thrust of the immediate programmatic commitments required to remedy the present chaos, I will remind you of the Emergency Agricultural Production Act that we have submitted.

In short, the optimal path for cutting through the present crisis in the shortest possible time is as follows: a precise "surgical" operation to immediately "freeze" all public and private debt for an interim emergency period of 12 to 18 months; the replacement, in the money markets, of this frozen debt by credit in­struments directly based on activities and exchanges aimed at the restoration of



industrial production to full capacity; the expansion of agricultural production to its full, technologically feasible limit in this country and abroad; and the further ex­pansion of capital equipment production capaCities.

With regard to foreign policy, the only rational basis for the United States to re­e s t a b lish f r u i t f u l a n d m u t u a l l y beneficial relations with the rest of humanity is again indicated by EAPA. Once we commit the industrial potential of this country to the rapid development of such regions as the Middle East's Fertile Crescent, the Ganges-Brahmaputra riparian system of Bangladesh and India, the potentially fertile African Sahel and the Amazon and Rio de la Plata regions in Latin America, we will immediately solve our present tragic unemployment problem. At the same time we shall have provided a powerful stimulus for the most rapid rates for sophisticated technological and industrial expansion in this country.

Preliminary feasibility studies and ap­propriate bills corresponding to this programmatic perspective have already been made available to many of you by the U.S. Labor Party. My associates and I will continue to be at your disposal for the further clarification and elaboration of these objectives.

These objectives have the unqualified support of growing masses of working people wherever the U.S. Labor Party organizes. It is these people who are now the prime victims of this economic and political collapse. It is these people who have been your political constituents. They are watching your political conduct in the present crisis and they are considering in growing numbers the necessity that they

themselves must take direct responsibility for the destiny of this country. They are educating themselves in both the dangers and the wonderful opportunities of the present world conjuncture. They know that ultimately it is their humanity and their creative endeavors that are at stake on all key world policy issues.

They know, because we have told them, that this is a moment of great peril and of great opportunity for humanity, and there­fore for the United States Congress as well. This country has the potential to immed­iately move into a period of intense productive collaboration with the world which will absolutely dwarf such petty undertakings as the Marshall Plan. A mere preliminary indication of how ready the world is for such a collaboration is the recent Iraqi and Algerian government proposals in which they indicated a willingness not only to lower oil prices in return for much needed industrial and agricultural development but also to establish a preliminary $35 billion development fund with which to purchase needed industrial goods for the develop­ment of the Fertile Crescent, Bangladesh and the Sahel.

The opportunity for such a brilliant future for humanity is as readily available before us at this moment as the thermonuclear destruction the Rockefeller family is desperately instigating. The United States Congress is standing smack in the middle between these two courses and it has received advice on the necessary course of action: Impeach Rockefeller!

Lyndon H. LaRouche. Jr. USLP Presidential Candidate for 1976

IPS Weekly 7

Stop Rockefelier's Endgame Scenario! April 5 - Encroachments and provocations by the increasingly desperate Rockefeller forces could in the immediate period ahead force the Soviet Union into a fight-or-die situation; from a military standpoint. Two possible developments, both coherent with present Rockefeller political developments and high on the list of Rockefeller policy options, are as follows:

1. A provocation in the Middle East endangering the existence of Iraq as a pro-Socialist, pro­Soviet Mideast power;

2. A form of direct U.S. or U.S.­guided interference in Eastern Europe.

In both types of confrontation, the very existence of the Soviet Union would be threatened and a military counter would have to be considered. Strategic consider­ations indicate that a limited Soviet nuclear first strike against N A T O m i s s i l e an d· c o m­munications installations in Western Europe, followed by an immediate tank-led attack and

'occupation of �ey areas of Western Europe, Turkey and Cran would be the most advan­tageous Soviet option.

Under no circumstances can the Soviet Union afford to absorb a Schlesinger-type limited U.S.­NATO "tactical"nuclear first strike against its medium and long-range missile installations. Such a U.S.-NATO "limited" strike would either be aimed at immediate Soviet-Warsaw Pact capitulation or else be a prelude to large-scale U.S. Inter­Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) attack in Phase Two. On the other hand, a pre-emptive strike of the type outlined above would undercut any limited NATO response.

There may be some NATO strategists �ho believe they can c oun ter a combined c o n­ventional, limited nuclear attack on Western Europe with the same type of weaponry - but we need not concern ouselves here with the more stupid of our enemies. It is generally conceded- that through the Fulda Gap, Soviet and Warsaw Pact tanks would reach the Rhine in a matter of hours and force NATO troops into defensive positions in the Low Countries and the Brenner­Trieste area.

There is little douht that th�

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strategic necessity of a pre­emptive Soviet move in response to Rockefeller provocations in Western Europe and the Middle East is understood bv at least some NATO-Pentagon strategists as the optimal Soviet move, putting NATO and U.S. forces in the area into indefensible positions.

These same strategists well know that confronted with the imminent possibility of a Soviet pre-emptive strike. their only strategic choice would be a counterforce ICBM first strike of the kind indicated by Schlesinger et al. Ina series of press briefings and speeches between January­May 1974: a massive strike against the bulk of immovable Soviet ICBM installations mixed with scattered strikes against Soviet population and industrial centers.

Faced with a "counterforce" nuclear first strike by the U.S. against their missile silos vulnerable to such an attack, the Soviet Union would be forced into a "d o oms d a y m a c h i n e" response; that is, as soon as a significant number of ICBMs show up on their early warning radar screens, they would care­fully aim and fire their ICBMs at North American industrial and populations centers. Both the Soviet Union and North America would be eliminated, and significant parts of Eastern and Western Europe would be des­troyed. Only Latin America, Asia, and Africa would have sur­vivors.

The ICLC presents this inter­locking scenario of nuclear moves and countermoves (or "endgame" strategy) to make indisputably clear to everyone where the poliCies presently em­barked on by the Rockefeller clique must lead. It is no longer a matter of Rockefeller policies preCipitating a nuclear holocaust in the long-run; cabal poliCies, if allowed to continue, must con­verge on such holocaust in the immediate period ahead.

This is indicated in particular by Rockefeller's recent call to service of such veteran Cold Warriors as Walt Rostow, insane McGeorge Bundy, and others res­ponsible for the Southeast Asia developments in the past decade. Hundreds of thousands of lives were iost and some of the richest

agricultural countries in the world were destroyed. Rostow, at this point - no matter how per­verse his sense of achievement -would have to regard his life a failure if he had to give up exactly as Vietnam is lost to the U.S. empire. Driven by des­peration, Rockefeller appears to be determined to give him another shot at "victory" - on a world scale .. '

In the not-too-distant future, Rockefeller policies will force the hand of conservative and reac­tionary forces, which will favor conventional war rather than nuclear holocaust. A co n­

servative, right-w ing U . S. General might react to a Rocke­feller nuclear first strike order by simply pulling the gun on the honorable Vice President. Whether or not this occurs, Rockefeller's endgame policies can only force a right-wing isolationist military dictatorship in the United States immediately.

This insanity must be stopped. We must confront Congress and the American people with the following choices:

1. Be part of playing out the above scenario to the end and follow Rockefeller-Rostow down the path of nuclear destruction for the human race;

2. Sit back and hope that right­wing layers in the military will take a stand, thus preparing the way for a military dicatatorship .

3. Stand up in the House and Senate right now (or demand that your elected representatives do so) and demand the immediate recall or the impeachment of those politiCians whose policies -through a mixture of stupidity and criminal intent - are bringing the world ever closer to nuclear disaster.

We name specifically Nelson A. Rockefeller, Vice President of the U.S.; Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State; James Rodney Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense; Senator Hugh Scott. top Rockefeller enforcer in the Republican Senate Minority; and Senator Hubert Horatio Hum­phrey, chief Rockefeller stooge in the Senate Democratic Majority.

These individuals must im­mediately be removed from o f f i c e a n d t h eir policies repudiated before disaster en­sues as the outcome of their criminal pursuits.






March 31 (IPS)--Secretary of Cefense James R. Sclesinger said today that the United St"l.te.-:: ·;"·ould not "ex"'lcct to readily tole­rate" another l·lideast oil er.1P2rnn, and that if ;:mother embargo s hould occur the u.s. reClctir_;n "miGht 1:>13 far More severe" than in October 1973. Sclcsin�er aimed all his threats �t the USSR.

Sclesing�r characteri:�e� the r::urr�nt ··,1orld situation as "the most difficult period since the post-war period of 1948-49," and accused the Soviet �nion of viewing �ith "delight" the pre­sent "unsettlew:mt of th0 f r.q171(,�1f)rk·' o·� I:. S. forcign policy.


l-1arch 31 (IPS)--U.S. Senator ?·�ikc �:dnsfield, deplo:red by Nel son Rockefeller to �1exico thi<:> ,,,,reek, hac; called for the United Nations to police the �hddlc East, 0<".cJ;:ed by nucle ar weapons. In a "ping ponry" tY2C mO'le tn re£oc'..ls tC!1sions in the Hiddle East while the Iberian peninsul� is arparcntl:' calm, Mansfield's sabre rattling ech';C2. a si:�,i �:tr anr.!)UnC2ncmt by Representative Findlay (D. -Ill. ) , aut'.h··w 0+ ·.:;',(! \tlrmtic ::nion Bill for a s upra­natio!1al Nato government. �inalay's �iddle East "peace plan" , which calls for t�e ret-_IJr n of Israel j. o�:curied tn.rri tory, the guarantee of borders, a ;:-,crr-anen';: U. N. police force under the U. N.'s Security Council, and West 3ank Palestinian self-determi­nation, also calls for u.s. �uclear weaponry to enforce it all.

SOURCES CONFIR'l ROCKY -:"F�P:T� I�::?.c'\r:.. T O v.!A?-

April 1 (IPS) ---Highl:'-::--l ;'l':::·:d. S011r':::cs, �li th direct kno,,-'ledge of the discussion which t00k pla�e �hcn to� Rockefeller cabalists met in Washington, D.C. �'esto.rrla�: �.,.,it� Henry Kissinc:er to "re'­assess" U. S. foreign polic�.7 in the !Hdeast, confirmed today that Rockefeller is takinq a hard anti-I3racl stance in order to force Israel into declarin� war on its A�ab neighbors. The sources di­vulgcd that the mectin0 " agreed that Israel made a grave mistake in not acce?tina Sadat' s nifer" and that, "vhile a?reeing that "Israel has a right to live, she " .. 'QuId no longer be allowed to dictate U.S. pclicy."

One sourc0. added that "t!--u:;re '.'(iC ?rcncrdl agreenent at yester­day's meat.in(! L,at Isriv:l , .. T":".l!.rl j-rv tC1 re·,:) over the heads of

IPS Weekly 9


the U.S. admini strat ion and the American peopl e and try to pre s sure Congre s s " into maintaining a pro-I s r ael i posture . Comment ing further , a sourc e added that I srae l i " inflexibility " would " l ead to war " in the Midea s t , " but we won ' t let Israe l get away with thi s . "


Apr il 1 (IPS ) --De fen s e S ecretary Jame s Sc l e�inger yes terday c a l l ed the Mid e a s t a " t inderbox " and threatened u.s. mi l i ta ry intervention a s a major u.s. po licy optio n . In a t e l evi s ion i nterview for the Publ ic Broadc asting S ervic e , Sc l e s inger s aid the u.s. would be " reluctant " to agr ee to new mi l itary aid to Israel whi l e the Admini stration " re-eva luation " wa s in proc e s s .

S c le s inger a l so admitted that massive u.s. arms shipment s have been del ivered to I sra el through April 1 , and that arms under the s e pr eviou s a greements ,.,i l l be d e l ivered as schedul ed , thus confirming that the announc ement was intended purely for the purpos e o f increa s ing tension and war hysteria in the Mideast .


WASHINGTON , D . C . , Apr i l 1 ( IPS ) --Based on intell i gence reports from high- l evel sourc e s , the United S tates Labor Pa rty today wa rned that the Rockefel l er forc e s are planning a " Cuban mi s s i le c r i s i s " - styl e con frontation with the Soviet Un ion in the Mideast in the very near future--po ssibly measured in days--and released an emergency peac e plan to c ounter the Ro cke fell er e s c alation .

A strategy to i so late Israe l and to for c e that country to suic ida l ly prec ipitate a new Mideast war , a new Arab oil embargo , and a potent i a l nuc lear confrontation with the Soviet Union was dec ided upon yesterday at an extra-governmenta l meet ing convened here at 3 p . m . by S ecretary o f State Henry Kiss inger and attended by David Rocke f e l l er , .Tohn J . HcC l oy , George Bal l , Cyru s Vanc e , W . Averel l Ha rriman , �1cGeo rge Bundy , Dean Ru sk , Robert McNamara , C . Dougl a s D i l lon and other s - - a l l wel l - known architec t s o f the Ber l in c r i s i s , the Cuban mi s s i l e c r i s i s and the Indochina war .

Sourc e s c l o s e to thos e i n attendanc e i n the meeting confirmed that the partic ipants ��focused on the Midea s t " and unanimous ly agreed that " I srae l i inflex ib i l ity wi l l lead to war , " and that " I srael has to learn that it c annot d ictate pol icy to the United S tates . " Later that eveni ng , De fen s e S ecretary Sc l e s inger c ited the Midea s t a s the potent i a l f l are-p�int for a U . S . - Soviet con­frontation and threatened that the U . s . could not be expec ted to " to lerate another �Hdeast oil embargo . "


Apr i l 2 ( IPS ) --I CLC intelligenc e ha s determined that there exi s ts

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remarkably l i tt l e s entiment i n s upport for the Rockefeller­provoked Midd le East war sc are , in s harp c ontr a s t to the c r i s i s monger ing CIA-contro l led c ommerc i a l pre ss .

The repeated denial s of any b e l l igerent intentions by both I srae l i and Arab emba ssy o f f i c i a l s interv i ewed by the ICLC under­scores the fac t that the current outbreak o f " r i s ing tens ion " in the Midd l e Ea st is entire ly a po litic a l f ic t io n engineered by Roc ke f e l ler , Ki s s inger , and a sma l l c lique of U�S . " elder s tates­men " in conc ert with key ind ividua l traito r s within the govern­ment s o f I srael , Syr i a , Egypt and the Ar a f at-I ed PLO .


Apri l 3 ( IPS ) --Withi n hour s a f ter the U . S . Labor Party blanketed the United S tate s Congr e s s wi th i t s ana ly s i s and expo sure o f the Monday Rocke feller c abal meet ing wh ich p lanned a " Cuban mi s s i l e " styl e c r i s i s for the Mid eas t , Congres smen and Congres s ional a ide s began to qui etly cons ider the pos sib ility o f r emoving the c r iminal incompetant s in the government l ike Nel son Roc k e f e ller and Henry Ki s s inger who �ere re spon s ib l e fo r such conspir ator ial plottings .


Apr i l 4 ( IPS ) --In an excl u s ive intervi ew with th i s pre s s s ervice today , Eugene Ro s tow--former Kennedy Admini s tra t io n Nat iona l S ecur ity Advisor and c urrent Rockefel ler c abal confidante--ins i s­ted that the only way to rega in foreign conf id ence in the Uni ted States wa s to force a confrontation with the Soviet Unio n . When asked i f he thought that such a strategy might fo rc e the S oviets into a nuc lear reta liation , RostO�I: demanded , nNo, I d i s agree wi th that . The Soviet s wi l l take anyth ing which i s lying around cheap . But they only move when they know the U . S . i s weak . "

IPS reporter s a sked Mr . Ro s tow i f that meant that the stake s had to be made h i gher . He responded , " That ' s r ight . It i s only when they perce ive gre a.u ri sks that they s top . "

IPS asked Mr . Ro s tow i f that meant that the s take s had to be made higher . He responded , " That ' s r i ght . It i s only when they perc eive great r i s k s that they s top . "

The r eporter then a sked , " But what i f the S oviets don ' t s top? " Mr. Rostow·was obviously inc apab le o f hand l ing thi s que s tion and launched into a long , hi s tor i c a l rend i t ion which " proved " that " the Soviets a lway s stop , they a lway s s top • • • "


Apr i l 4 ( IPS ) --Fo l lowing is the text o f an artic l e to appear in the Apr i l 5 i s sue o f the Frank fur ter Al lqemeine Z e i tung which wil l inc lude excerpts o f a statement by We s t German Defens e Min i s ter Georg Leber :

IPS Weekly 11

" • • • The real c ond i tions und er which we l ive are unfortunately not determined by people who primarily o r i ent themse lves to the l aws of ethic s and mor a l s , even if the s e ethic al and moral idea s are their own . For them , the cour s e o f the world i s determined by the course of a rms and weapons , wherever and whenever they do d e s ire .

liThe so -cal led coex i s tenc e between communi sm and the free way o f l i fe ex i s t s for c ommun i sm ' s expans ioni s t ideo logy only as long as the plural i ty o f ways o f l i fe , Le . particularly the exir-;tence o f the o ther ideo logy , cannot be conquered .

" • . • Thi s con frontat ion wi l l continue , and the We s t wil l only survive it if the populat ion ;i s aware of the dange� and threat under which they l ive , and i f they are ready to do whatever i s nec e s sary t o remain c apable o f d efend ing themse lves against i t • • •

Th i s a l so inc ludes the read ine s s to acc ept s ac r i fices in order to ensur e freedom and independenc e . Even Amer i c a is not able to pro tec t i t s peopl e from the los s o f freedom if the peopl e them­s elve s are not ready to make a re asonable c ontr ibut ion . Thi s a l so inc lud e s the uninterrupted e f fort t o conso l idate the commu­n i ty o f the free peop l e s o f the we s t . "


Apr i l 5 ( I PS ) --In a s peech c e l ebrating the 30th Annivers ary o f Hungary ' s l ib eration from fasc i sm , Ea s t German Communi s t Party Po l i tburo member Kurt Hager yes terday acc u s ed " influent ial for ­c e s " in the we s t o f s tr iving to keep the "German ques tion " open . Hager ' s speec h , r eported today in the Ea s t German daily Neue s Deutschland , noted that " forces in the world , espe c ia l ly in Eur­o pe , are at work to inc i te dangerous tens ions and confl icts . We meet the s e forc e s with ac t ive pur suit of our po l i c i e s of secur i ty and peace , • • • with increased vigi lanc e and de fense read ine s s . "


Apr ilS ( IPS ) --A UPI d i spatch c arried in today ' s Washington Po s t s a y s " Pentagon o f f i c i a l s appeared taken aback yesterday by Pre s i ­d ent Ford ' s Thur sday pre s s c pn ferenc e announc ement to deploy u . S . navy ships o ff the coa s t o f South Vi etnam becau se " there wa s c lear explanat ion of what the ships were suppo s ed to do . "


Apr i l 5 (IP S ) --Wa sh ington Po s t c o l umn i s t C l ayton F r i tchey wr ites today that " it is t ime to put the detente o f the superpower s to a real test . . . • ( i f ) there is another outbreak of war in the Midd le Ea st , it wi l l surely be the end of detente . " Fritchey , a longti:me conduit for po l icy s tatements o f S ec retary o f State Ki s s inger , i s publ ic i z ing the dec i s ion made at a meeting o f top-l evel Rockefel ler c abal membe r s , i nc lud ing David Rock e fe l ler , McGeor ge Bundy , Robert McNamara, George Bal l and Cyru s Vanc e , l a s t Monday to push for a nucl ear " br i nk smanship " c on frontat ion in the Mideast wi th the So-

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viet Union .


Apr il S ( IP S ) --In an in formal pre s s conferenc e today at the Univer s ity of North C arol ina , former Secretary of S tate Dean Ru sk showed s ign s o f complete psycho logical c o l lap s e . Rusk , who i s pre s ently s erving a s a member o f the Rock e fe l le r brain tru s t i n carrying out the insane po l i cy o f nuc lear br i nk sman ship a ­ga inst the Soviet Union , demons trated that he pos s e s s e s neither the interna l mora l author i�y nor the psycho logieal s tamina to handle a cr i s i s i n which the ex i s tenc e of the human race is at stake .

Rusk spoke in North Caro l ina fresh from a speak ing engage­ment at Lehigh Univer s i ty in Pennsylvan ia where he had announced that Uni ted States po l icy is to convince the Soviets that the U . S . wi l l go to any l engths to s top the " doctrine o f worl d revo lution . " Today the pres ence o f the U . S . Labor P arty a t the North Caro l ina pre s s conference triggered a breakdown in Ru s k ; he wa s unabl e to articulate h i s po s i t ion c l early , much l e s s d e fend it .


Apr i l S ( IPS ) --Kurt Mat tick , Second I nt ernationa l for e i gn po l i cy exper t from the Germa n Soc i a l Democratic P arty ( SP D ) today r e s ­ponded wi th shock and d i sbel i e f a s an IPS s poke sman brie fed him on the l atest Rocke fel ler caba l e s cal ation toward nuc lear confron­tation between Nato and the Soviet Unio n . When I P S c i ted Wes t German De fense Mini s ter Leber ' s porovocatory s peech two day s ago cal l ing detente a c ommuni s t plot and c a l l i ng upo n the we stern populations to de fend the ir " fr ee way of l i fe " as evidenc e of that e s calatio n , Mattick shr ieked , " What woul d be the purpo se o f such madne s s ? • . • The Soviet Union need s detente • . . • I mus t s ay , if I read Leber correctly , ( h i s spe ec h ) i s a provo c ation which I would rather spare mys e l f . I am not a man , a s you probably know , o f any great love fo r the Soviet Union . But i f I cons ider the po­l ic i e s o f the Soviet Union in the pa s t , I would not wi sh to put them in a po s i t ion o f having to make a pre-empt ive s tr ike . "


Apr il S ( IPS ) --Wr i ting in today ' s Le F i garo , A l fred F abre- Luc � , brother- in-law o f F rench Pres ident Val ery G i s c ard d - E s ta ing , attacked French Communi s t Party ( PCF ) c r i t ic i sm o f G i s c ard ' s nu­

c l ear d e fense po l icy , by dec laring that the greate s t threat to French s ecur i ty , the Soviet Union , has not changed s inc e the S econd World War . He warns that a Sovi et " inva s ion wes twards-­into a country l ike Yugo s l avia- - i s not l e s s a danger than i t wa s 2 0 year s ago . "

" The Uni ted State s i s i n no way prepared o r c apab l e o f inter­vening o n beha l f of its European a l l i e s in the event of Sovie t nuc l ear attack or invas ion , " Fabre-Luc e s tated .

IPS Weekly 13


Apr il S ( IPS ) - -within twelve hour s a fter the Labor Committees publ ic i z ed i t s analy s i s o f Rocke fel ler ' s nuc l e ar confrontation po licy , worker s in the US respond ed to Labor Party br ie fings with fighting rage at Rockefel ler ' s insanity . In Chic ago , worker s who had fought in World War I I a ga i n s t fasc i sm said that " impeach­ment is too s o f t " for Rockefel ler and h i s fas c i st cohort s . One worker best expres s ed h i s outrage. - and inc r ea s ed commi tment to organ i z e with the Labor Party by explaining Rockefel ler ' s " cr i ­t i c a l cho ic e " : " ••• . I f you have a choice o f being k i l led in a nuc l ear war or being k i l led under Rock e f e l ler fasc� sm , the ch01ce is c l ear . We have to bui ld the Labor Party . "


Apr il 6 ( IPS ) - - In tod ay ' s Wa shington Po s t , Henry Ki s s inger , chief architect of the Par i s Peac e Acc ord s , acknowledged the psycho­l ogical c o l l apse o f Rockefeller pol icy , s tat ing : " It is not so much a ques t ion of what we would have done ••• it is a ques tion o f what the other s ide knew we c ould not pos s ibly do . " The Ki s ­s inger statement fo l lowed the " gloom and doom " pres idential brief­ing by Genera l Weyland on his return from Sonth Vi etnam . Accord ing to the Wa sh ington Po s t , Pres ident F ord is " cons idering the de­c l ining options ava i l able to him . "


Apr i l 6 ( IPS ) - - I n the mos t hy s teri c a l piece to date by a s ervant of the Roc k e fe l ler cabal , New York column i s t C . L . Sul zberger take s the re�der back to the war o f 1 8 1 2 to try to make a case for the treachery o f Congr e s s in the c o l lap s e o f foreign pol icy .


Apr i l 6 ( IPS ) --Acc ording to today ' s New York Times , Senate Maj or ity leader Mike Man s f i e ld wi l l c a l I on Congr e s s tomorrow " to organi z e , to regroup , to r ethink and to put into e f fect .the rea s s e s sment •••• " o f foreign po l i cy which Rocky and h i s co ld war caba l i s t s are trying to impl ement wor ldwide .

. Man s f ield i s propo s ing that the rea s s e s sment o f Middle Ea s t - po l icy a l ready begun b e extend ed to a l l Southe a s t A s i a , the

Med i terranean , and Lat i n Amer ic a . Attempting to provoke widespread hy steria over the threat o f U . S . pul lback s , Man field said : "We are s pread too

·far , too wide , too th in . . •• "

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Apr i l 7 ( IP S ) - - The Sovi et Communi s t Party paper Pravda today cr it ic i z ed the anti -detente force s in the United State s , who are " c onfus ing No rth American pub l ic opinion with predictio n s o f world catas trophe , " according t o UP! . Ea s t German radio St imme Der DDR add s to thi s that Pravda pra i s ed tho s e mor e sens ible commentator s in the U . S . who " cons ider t h e cour s e o f mil i tary dictatorship and the global support o f reac t ion a s in­advisab l e . "


Apr il 7 ( IPS ) - -The o f f ic e o f Joseph S i sco , Under secretary o f State for Po l i t i c a l Affairs , told I P S today that last\ T:-!on8ay ' s top level meeting o f key Rockefel ler c aba l i s t s , inc lud ing David Rockefel ler , McGeorge Bundy , Doug l a s D i l lon , and George Bal l , w i l l reconvene sometime within the week , a fter the return o f Secretary of State Henry K i s s inger from C a l i forni a . Tlief-'meet ing wil l firm up the c aba l ' s plans for a "brink smanship " confrontation with the Soviet Union in the Mideas t .

IPS Weekly 15



March 3 1 ( IPS ) - -An Agenc e France Pre s s d i s patch yes terday re­ported that Ruman i an l eader Nicolae Ceau s e scu gave a speech attack ing " tho s e who denounce nat iona l i sm as ant i-communi sm and deny the h i s torical ro l e of the na tion in soc ial devel opment . " " Marx i sm-Leni n i sm , " s a id Ceau s e sc u , i s not an h i s torical doctrine , but " a theory which i s further d eveloped by a s tate . " Ceau s e scu ' s s tatement ) made i n an addre s s to the Rumanian Communi s t Party Po l i tical Academy , c omes a s a d i rect factional response to rec ent po lemic s from the pro- Soviet C z echo s l ovak and Hungarian Communi st Part ies , i n part icular , attac k i ng nationa l i sm a s an ideological weapon o f the internat ional bourgeo i s ie , against communi sm and the Soviet Un ion .


March 3 1 ( IP S ) - -Wr i t ing i n the Marc h 2 9 i s sue o f the Sovi e t government paper I z ve s t i a , Hungari a n wr i ter Imre Patko said that imper iali sm , ac t ing through pre s s and radio outlets , i s trying to s ubvert the a l l i ance between the Soviet Union and Eas tern European countr i e s .


Apr i l 1 ( I P S ) - - Nato S ecr etary G ener a l Luns i s ups et at the trouble the Por tugu e s e Commun i s t Party ( PC P ) has been caus ing for the Itai ian Communi s t Party ( PC I ) , acc ord ing to the Chr i s t i an S c i ence Mon i tor ' s correspondent in the Na to headquarter s of Bru s s el s . The Moni tor ' s corr e s pond ent autho r i ta t ively reports today that " Mr . Lun s and other d iplomats obviously feel that the Portuguese communi sts , by the i r pr es sure tac t ic s , have " comprom i s ed the h i s torical c ompromi s e " in I taly , under which Ita l i an communi s t s have been trying t o persuade t h e Chr i s t i an Democratic Party t o a l low them t o enter a new c oa l ition government . "


Apr il 1 ( IPS ) - - Rad io Prague today s aid that West German Foreign Mini ster Genscher , by h i s r emarks on Ber l in and European borders , mad e in an i ntervi ew wi th Wes t German pr e s s , repr e s ent s " revanclhist forc e s , which are c reating ob s tac l e s to detente and r eviving the

. imper ial i s t war c ry : ' Pu s h to the Eas t ' ! " Rad io Prague compar ed thi s revanchi s t campa i gn to Na z i c r ime s b e fore and dur ing World War I I . The c ommentary emphas i s ed that thi s attitud e doe s not repre s ent the opinion of the population of We s t Germany .

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Apr il 2 ( IPS ) --Today ' s daily Le Monde reports tha t a delegation of Ital i an Communi s t Party ( PC I ) member s o rgani z ed by the party daily L ' Unita have been in Portuga l and were "warmly rec e ived " by the Second Interna t iona l ' s Portugu e s e Soc ial i st P arty ( P S P ) .


BONN , Apr il 3 ( IP S ) - - S econd I nternationa l agent Wi l ly Brandt broke down yes terday under the tremendou s psychological and political pre s sure exerted by the ICLC c ampai gn to expo s e h i s del iberate complic i ty with Rockefel ler triage and h i s ro l e a s co-conspirator aga i n s t t h e Portugue s e Communi s t Party and the Latin American Labor Committees .

Just returned to the We s t German capita l from Vene zuela , Brandt was asked at a pre s s con ference by I P S to comment on h i s ant i ­communi st ravings aga i n s t the " Ru s s ian bac i l lu s " i n Mexico C i ty . Brandt turned beet red and raged : " I have to interrupt your que s­tion . I d idn ' t s ay that . Wi th �he permi s s ion o f the chairman , I must say that I am not ready to answer to such mind-boggl ing thing s . Why don ' t you day here wha t your fri end s in the USA say about me ? That I ' m i nvo lved in a k idnapping in Mexico? That I l ead the Rockefel ler-c ontro l led S econd I nternational ? I wil l never an swer to the s e m ind-bogg l ing ques tions , even i f thi s i s the nationa l pre s s conference . "


April 3 ( IPS ) - -Rad io Buchare s t yes terday r eported a propo s a l from the Po l i t i c a l Committee o f the C entral Committee o f the Rumanian Communi s t Party , which c al l s for the d i s so lution o f both NATO and the Warsaw pac t , and "wi thdrawing for e i gn armie s from nat iona l areas . "


BONN , Apr i l 3 ( IP S ) - -Helga Z eppl Just ina , a member of the European Executive Commi ttee of the European Labor Committees announc ed the re- formation of Karl Marx ' s Internationa l Working­man s As soc iation at a pre s s conferenc e held here today .

S imi l a r pre s s conferenc e s were held i n Rome , Par i s , S tockholm , Copenhagen and Frankfurt and ma in today and yes terday .


ROME , Apr i l 4 ( IPS ) - -Avant i , daily newspaper o f the Ital ian Soc ia l i st Party ( PS I ) , today a id ed in the manufac turing of hot spots sl ated for Nato intervent ion by r eport ing that the Greek mil i tary wa s maneuver i l1g around Turkey . This attempt to heighten the tens ions between the Greeks and the Turk s wa s emphas i z ed by

report s that the Greek government had ordered i t s air forc e to

IPS Weekly 17

sho ot Turk i sh plane s wh ich pas s over Greec e .


April 4 ( IP S ) - -Unita , the o rgan o f the Ital ian Communi s t Party ( PC I ) , reports today that the Pres id ent of Yugos l avia ' s Marshal l

T i to made a polemica l s peech on the contr ibution o f the Parti san forc e s to the war agains t the fa sc i s ts (World War I I ) , c r itic i z ing tho se who " under e s t imate " the Yugo r; l av Parti san Army which . " l iberated the c ountry a l l a l one . " T i to ' s remarks fo l low a recent artic le by the Yugo s l av government pre s s agency Tanj ug attack ing Soviet Mar shal l and War s aw Pac t Command er Jakubovsky for giving a l l cred it for l iberating Europ� to the Red Army , note s Unita .


Apr i l 4 ( I PS ) --Today ' s L ' Humani te , newspaper o f the Communi s t Party o f France , r epor t s that Br i t i sh auto workers have s ent a tel egram o f s upport to s tr i king F rench Renault worker s , currently under government attack .

Ac cord ing to L ' Humanite , the s e Br itish worker s , members o f the Commun i s t Party o f Great Br i ta i n have dec 1aredf-' tha t they are ready to organ i z e the broadest suppo rt and respond to any c a l l for European sol idar i ty .

The telegram was s i gned by the c ommuni s t s ec tions o f Luton and Duns tab1e autop1ant s .


Apr il 4 ( I PS ) - -The regional f ederat ions o f the I ta l ian Communi s t Part i e s ( PC I ) and the Soc ial i s t Par ty ( PS I ) forma l ly j oined hand s in Genoa yes terday a s the local admi n i s tration voted in support of a PC I - P S I c oa l i t ion that wi l l head the c ity admi n i � tering to mana ge the c o lo s s a l mun ic ipal debt o f thi s d epr e s s ed area .


WIESBADEN , Apr i l 4 ( I PS ) - - D i e Welt , the r i ght w i n g We s t. German da ily , today tri ed to de fend S PD Cha irma n Wi l ly Brandt from Euro­pean Labor Commi t.tee denu n c i a tions of him as a Nur emberg crimina l . D i e Wel t , which b lacked out a l l r e feren c e s tc e i t her Brandt ' s ro le in the Mexico kidnapp ing of IALC lead er s o r Brand t ' s ro le in the C IA. d e s tab i l i z ation o f Mexico and Port.uga 1 , s tated , " Brandt spoke of insolent i n s i nuations and spun a s s ertions , bec ause he wa s connec ted by' the group ( ELC ) t.o the f asc i s t gar.g that works with

.. the C IA against the inte rnat iona l worker s ' movement . "


Apr i l 4 ( I P S ) - -The March 24 i s s ue of the Patr io t , the m a j or l e f t wing daily that c i rcul a t e s n a t io na l ly thro ughout India , i s su ed an. ed i torial sta tement , F inpoi nt i ng the c o l lap s e o f U . s . foreign po l ic y worldwide and the I. E- su 1 ting C IA. wor ldwide strategy o f d e s t a b i l i z at ion .

" De s t abi l i z at io n i s the key word in the U . E . strategy today

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part icularly fo r th i s part o f t.he world . wi th the u . S . puppet.s los ing ground every day in V i etnam and Cambod ia , wi th the Third World unequivoca-ly c ondemnir.g U . s . pol icy in Havana , there i s I i ttle scope for t.h e in.tru s i on o f Wa shington ' s agents in a country l ike our s exc ept through d e s tabi l i z ation . The C IA , even with i t s pants down , ha s not tr i ed t o hi de the f a c t o f having indu lged in such exerc i s e s - - even to the po int o f po l it i c a l a s s a s s ina t ions in other count r ie s . The pat tern emerging in Ind i a today provides the contour s for such a d e s tab i l i z a tion e f fort . "


Apr i l 5 ( IP S ) --The r enega6e S oviet b loc coun try o f Rumania i s ra pidly e f fect.ing i t s c omplete w i thdra.wa l from th e world communi s t movement . Rumani. a. h a s j u s t been granted " mo s t favo red natio n " trade s t.atus with the Gn i t ed s ta t e s , in exchang-e for certa in unspec i f ied conc e s s ions o n J ewi sh emi qrat ie n , ehe We s t German Frank furter A.l l gemei n e Z e i tung r eported yest erday . Rumanian Pre s ident Nic o l a e C e au s e scu , d ur i n g his current v i s i t to Ja pan , wa s reported by y e s terday ' s Rad io Bu char e s t to have re- i s sued hi s c a l l for t.he creation of a " new wor ld econom ic order . "


WIESB1WEN , WES T GERMA�'Y , Apr i l 6 ( I PS ) -· - In an ind ication o f grow­ing Roc kefel ler d e s t ab i l i z at ion cpe.ra.t io ns in We s t e rn Europe , D i e We l t cha rged t oday th at the S ec ond I n terna t io nal Chancel lor of Au s tria Bru no Kre i sky , had pr i o r knowl edg e o f the scheduled outbreak of ho s ti l i t i e s i n the 1 9 7 3 Arab- I sra el i war , but d id not inform the I srael i government . D i e We l t reports that Kre i sky admitted to Golda He ir at the Seco�d Internat ienal meeting in March 1 9 7 4 , that h i s " o ld fri end " E9YFt ian Fore ign Min i s ter Fahmi , told him that the " war wa s irrminer.t " e n F'r ic..ay ; the 'Yrar broke out the fo l lowing d ay . The c h ancel lor r e fu. s ed t.o expl a i n why r.e had not i n formed t he I srael i govermr.ent , al though , D i e Wel t. note s , both K:r e i sky and Meir are Jewi �h and members o f the S econd Internationa l .


Apr i l 6 ( I PS ) -· -Yugo s l av Pre s i d ent T i to has s trongly at tacked em art ic le wr itten by th e Sovi et Comma nder- in-ch i e f o f the Warsaw Pact Ivan Yakubove sky , according to s ever a l We s tern European newspape r s . with a s hr i l lne s s der iving from the inter­na l weakne s s of Yugo s l avia and the Yugo s l av l eader ship ' s para­no ia about soviet dominat ion , T i to c harged Yakubovs ky wi th mini­m i z ing the contr ibut ion of the Yugo s lav Part i s an movement in d e feating fasc i sm .

It i s T i to ' s fear ful retreat from f i ght ing for an internat ional per spect ive in the c ommun i s t movement which may l e ad to h i s a l l iance wi th c l a s s traitors and C IA agent s in the c ommuni s t and soc ial i st part i e s to sabotage the upc oming Ber l in Conferenc e o f Europ�an Communi st and Workers parti e s . T i to has been under intens e pre s­sure from Second Internat iona l agent s of the ex- I ta l i an Communi s t Par ty ( PC I ) t o help form an ant i - Sov i et fact ion to spl it t h e Ea st 4/8/7 5 I P S Weekly 1 9


b lo c .


WIESBAD EN , WE ST GERMANY , Apr i l 6 ( I P S ) - -Att empting to de fend Rock e f e l l e r inter e s t s aga i n s t the enc ro achments o f expanded Ea s t-we s t trade , Voerwaer t s , weekly o rgan of the C IA- S e c ond Interna t io na l ' s We s t German Soc i a l Demo c r a t i c Party , l aunched ­a s l anderou s a t t ac k aga in s t the S ov i e t b loc in a l e ad art i c l e in ye st erday ' s i s sue .


Apr il 7 ( I P S ) - -Memb e r s o f th e Uni t ed S t a t e s Labor Party (USLP ) and I nternat iona l Pr e s s S ervi c e ( I P S ) wer e barred from the German In forma t ion C enter here today . O f f ic i al s i n formed them that the fac il i t i e s wer e no l onger open to I P S corr e s pond ents and USLP membe r s .

C ontacted in Wa s h i ngton , D . C . , we s t German pr e s s attache Johanne s Haa sheye c o n f i rmed to I P S that the dec i s ion to exc lude repres enta ­t ives from t h i s organ i z at io n c ame d i rec t ly from ex-Chanc el lor Wi l ly Brandt hims el f .

S inc e Br and t i s not pre s ently a member o f the German government , the fact that h i s order s are c a r r i ed out in the Uni ted S ta te s by emba s sy and i n format ion s ervi c e o f f i c i a l s conf irm that Brand t i s acting s tr ic tly a s an agent o f the Ame r i c an Occupa tion troops in the German Federal Repub l i c , the real government i n we s t Germany tod ay .


Apr i l 7 ( I PS ) - -The F i nn i sh pa r l iament rec ent ly pa s s ed a b i l l which c an b e expected t o i nc r ea s e impo r t s from the E a s t bloc C omec on c ountr i e s , wh i l e impo s ing a 3 0 per c ent d epo s i t on a l l other impo r t s ent e r i ng F i n l and .

Unnerved by the F inn s ' pr e f erenc e for s ani ty in economic matter s , Swed i sh P r em i er and Sec ond Interna t ional hatc het man O l a f Palme has arranged a meeting with P remi er Sorsa in the d e so late northern�outpo s t of Ki runa to " d i scu s s the que s t ion s that have c reated irritations between F inland and Sweden and the Soc i a l Demo c r a t i c part i e s in the two count r ie s . " Pa lme wi l l be a s s i s ted at the me et ing by Swed i sh command ing General Synne rgr en , we l l known a s the sourc e o f a barra ge o f wi ld r eports conc erning the " Sovi e t �enac e " in January .


Apr i l 7 ( I PS ) - -Ve teran c o ld wa rr io r Hubert Humphrey , now tour ing

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Europe on a Nato excurs ion for Rocke feller , got an unexpec ted recept ion her e Apr i l 4 . As the S enator ·�eIRerged from the univer'­s i ty fo l lowing a speec h , c learly expecting a b i g crowd to b e wa iting for him , t h e only people awa iting him wer e three orga­ni z er s from the European Labor Commi ttee s . As Humphrey r a i s ed h i s hand to wave , a n ELC organi z er a nnounc ed : "Mr . Humphrey , the German working c l a s s knows about your C IA mi s s ion . We wi l l not a l low you to c arry through your plans . " Humphrey ' s hand dropped to c lo s e around a copy o f the Engl i sh l an guage New Solidar ity .


Apr il 7 ( IP S ) - - Santiago Carr il l o , head o f the ant i - Soviet C IA fact ion o f the Spani sh Communi s t Party (PCE) , a f f i rmed that " i f I were in power and a s oc i al i st country i nvaded me , I would imme­d i ately mob i l i z e the army . " Whi le condemning the 1 9 6 8 Soviet inva s ion o f C z ec ho s l ovakia , Carr i l lo thus conf i rmed that he support s Nato and i s agains t the S oviet bloc . "Commun i s t " Carr i l lo then stated : "We want a soc iety . • • where Marxi sm-Lenini sm do e s not constitute the philosophy o f the s tate . "


April 7 ( IPS ) --The Frank furter Al lgemeine Z e i tung today reports strong attacks l aunched on the G andhi government by India ' s larges t industrial i s t J . D . Tata . Tata , who l a s t November met with David Rockefel ler o n the l a tter ' s s ec r et " fac t f i nd i ng " trip to Ind i a , ha s demanded that the Gandhi government " dec ide o n whether they want a democratic system o f combi ned economy or communi sm . "

Tata ' s dec l aration c ome s prec i s ely at the po int that the Gandhi government i s s trengthening t i e s with the S ovi et Union and playing a key role in the consolidation o f the Eur a s i an bloc for regio n­wide economic development .

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March 3 1 ( I PS ) - -Henry G iniger , wr iting in today ' s New York Time s , attempt s in a contradic to ry artic l e to smear the Portu­gue s e Commun i s t Party ( PC P ) by fal s e ly implying that it " fooled " other coa l it ion members in the government by giving a moderate impr e s s ion when i t put down s trikes which were not in the ec onomy ' s intere st .

Giniger wr ites that the Supr eme Revo lutionary Counc i l , the highe st authoritat ive power of Nato ' s rul ing Armed Forc e s Movement , i s " s trongly weighted to the commun i s t view . " A few s entenc e s later , h e contrad i c t s h ims el f , saying that " there are cons iderable number of o f ficer s who are oppos ed to communi s t influenc e . " Even the New York Times ' own March 2 9 edi tor ial s tated that o f ficials in the counc i l hardly had any communi s t sympathi z ers .


March 3 1 ( I PS ) - - The French da i ly Le F i garo reported March 2 9 that the government o f Portuguese Ango l a i s pres suring the MFA regime in Portugal to d i spatch tropp s to the colony to avert " po s s ible c ivil war . "

Early thi s week " the C IA-contro l led faction o f the Angolan rebel movement , backed by Z a ir e merc enar i e s on order s from Second Internationa l Congo l e s e Pres ident Mobutu , s e i z ed and s laughtered 5 1 young revo lutiona r� recruits o f the Popular Liberation Movement of Ango la (MPLA ) , the pro - S oviet al l i e s of the Portuguese Communi s t Party . Any MFA troop deployments t o the co lony now would b e aimed a t continuing the ma s sacres o f MPLA c adreR .


March 31 ( IPS ) - -Acc ord ing to the Li sbon daily , 0 Seculo , March 2 9 , the counting o f votes in Portuga l ' s elections for a Cons t i ­tuent As s emb ly Apr i l 2 5 wi l l be hand l ed by a computer l ocated at the headquarte r s o f the Ca10uste Gulbenkian Foundation in Li sbon , a C IA fund ing condui t and think- tank . The Royal Dutch Shel l connected Gulbenkian Foundat ion , b e s ides having been used to f inanc e Vietnam- styl e pac i f icatio n pro j ect s in Por­tugal ' s Afr ican co loni e s , i s al so known to have channel ed fund s to the Tav i s tock Institute i n Lo ndon and the ultra-reactionary Opus Dei group in Spa in .


March 3 1 ( IP S ) - -The Li sbon daily 0 S eculo March 2 9 , c i t ing the French maoi s t paper Liberation , reports that one of the "brains " beh ind the r i ghtwing Portugu e s e Liberation Army ( ELP ) might be

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the notor ious ex -Na z i Otto Sko r z eny . The Portuguese ultra-left group Revo lut ionary Union and Act io n League ( LUAR) meanwh i l e a l so denounced Skorzeny a s b e i n g one o f the m a i n f i gure s behind the ELP .

Skorz eny , rec ruited from the S S to the C IA by Allen Dul l e s a f­ter Wo rld War I I , ha s l ong been a key operative for the agency in Europe .


Marc h 3 1 ( IPS ) - -Cont inuing to und ermine Portuguese S oc ia l i s t Party ( PS P ) and C IA a gent Har io Soare s , today ' s·· Le Monde reported that Soares ha s openly advocated h i s party ' s ex i t from the govern­ment c o a l i tion i n order to provoke a " foc ible c on frontat ion " and internat iona l consc iousne s s . " One can f i nd it s trange that a format ion ( the PSP-Ed . ) , having f i na l ly acc epted to remain in the government coa l i t ion , nm,,;r appear s to call back thi s acc ep­tance . " Le Monde ' s c overag e o f Soare s , over the pa s t week , in­c lude s a statement from Rio de J aneiro correspondent , Vanhecke , l inking Soares to Spino l a ' s " love for d emocratic social i sm . "


Apri l 1 ( I PS ) - -The u . s . i s attempt ing to enl i s t the s upport o f Peking for a Nato bloodbath i n Por tuga l . Acc ord ing to the New York T imes , Amer i c an o f f ic i a l s have revea led that Chine s e d iplo­mats in Wa shington and o ther capita l s of Nato c ountr i e s have been warn ing against a Sov iet per i l i n Portuga l . Some o f the Chine s e o f f ic ia l s , they s a id , haVE urged action b y the wes tern powers t o pr event Portuga l from c oming under the c ontro l o f the pro-Moscow Por tugu e s e Communi s t Party .


Apr il 1 ( I P S ) --Accord ing to a report in the Br i t i s h Communi st Party newspaper Morning Star o f Harch 2 9 , the C PGB i s add ing an ant i - Nato c ampa i gn to the i r current ant i - EEC thru s t . A head l ine art i c l e und er the t i t l e : " Br i t a i n Hu s t Re j ect Na to , " cal l s for bu i ld ing a movement a ga i n s t Nato , a ga in s t U . S . ba s e s and fo r nuc lear d i sarmament .

The Star a l so carr i e s an ant i - Nato arti c l e o n Portuga l , im­pl ic itly support ing the ac t ions o f the Portugu e s e Commun i s t Party .


Apr il 2 ( IP S ) - -Acc ording to the March 2 8 i s sue o f Panorama , Sp�in and Por tuga l s i gned an ant i - c ommun i s t pact in 1 9 3 9 , whereby at the request o f e i ther country , the m i l i tary forc e s o f the other could enter to put down an inva s io n or a communi s t take­over . Panorama a l so ment ion s that a Po rtugu e s e Armed Force s

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Movement (MFA ) del egat ion went to Spain to d i scu s s " rumors " o f inva s ion .


Apr il 2 ( IPS ) - -Ac cord ing to today ' s German pr es s , Han s -Deitr ic h Genscher , Germany ' s Foreign Mini s ter i s pr e s ent ly meeting u . S . S enator Hubert Humphr ey , and he wi l l be going to Spa i n fo r a two-day , high l eve l v i s i t . He wi l l meet wi th Eranco and (unspe­c i f i ed ) Spani s h oppo s itioni s t s , wh i l e paying minima l attention to the hei r to the throne , Juan Carlos . The talks wi l l conc en­trate on the future of Spa in , as we l l as the s i tuation in the Midea s t , the Med iterr anean , Nato and Portugal .


Apr i l 2 ( IP S ) - - In the C IA ' s attempt to create a bl oody riot l a s t Sunday in Guernica , where only 2 0 people showed up for the Nationa l i s t Basque Organi z at ion ' s ( ETA ) ral ly , two Belgium parl iamentarians and an Amer ican freelanc e j ournal i s t were among tho s e arr e s ted . Wel l - in formed sourc e s , the Ita l i an ANI and Reuter s , say that the two Belgium deput ies were waving Ba sque flags around j u s t as hundred s o f fai thful were leaving a church service !


Apr i l 2 ( IP S ) - - Today in a ma j or art icle in it s daily L - Humanite , the F rench Commun i s t Party ( PCF ) gave a ma j or impetu s to the Portugue s e Communi s t Party ' s ( PC P ) drive for indus tr ial and agricultura l expans ion . The PCF placed the task o f rebui lding the Portuguese economy a s the numer one agenda item , s tre s s ing it is a task which wi l l require not only nationa l i z at ion o f key indu strial s ector s , and l and re form , but expanded trade with the worker s ' s tate s and Third World c ountr i e s .


April 3 ( I PS ) - - Bett ino Craxi , undercover Nato agent who i s Vice- Sec retary o f the Ital ian Soc ia l i s t Party ( P S I ) , has con­f irmed that " corrective actio n " by the mi l i tary aga i n s t the Po rtugue s e communi s t s is a favored option of Nato . Upon h i s return from an " in formation vi s i t " to Portugal where he engaged in a " l ong and fraternal exchange o f idea s " with Portuguese Soc i a l i s t head Mario Soares - - a C IA ' agent- - Crax i condemned " pene­tration " and " tr ickery " by the hero ic Portugue se Communi s t Party against other po l i tical force s .


PARIS , Apr i l 3 ( IP S ) - -Ye s terday ' s L ' Humanite , newspaper o f the French Communi st Party ( PCF ) , c arried an art i c l e from Mundo

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Obrero , organ o f the Span i sh Communi s t Party , which s tron-gly supports the banning o f the Chr i s tian Democrat i c Party of Por­tuga l for its partic ipation in the Harch 1 1 putsch agains t the Portuguese government .


Apr i l 4 ( IPS ) - -U . S . Amba s sador to Portugal F rank Carlucc i , ha s found that h i s " image has been tarred with allegations that he is a top operative as s igned to d e s tab i l i z e Portuga l , " the Wa shing­ton Po s t ' s Li sbon corre spondent report s today .


Apr i l 4 ( I PS ) -- In an unprecedented hard l ine l e ad ed itoria l , yes­terday ' s i s sue of the Portuguese Communi s t Party paper Avante states that whi l e being "attacked by agents of reaction from the ul trar ight , the communi s t s . wi l l never take the d e fen s ive " and that "we wi l l a l so be very firm in the defen s e o f our principles and our pol icy . "

In an extremely s trong attack , the Avante l ead ed itor ial goe s o n to attack the C IA and the S econd Internat iona l by saying that " between Wa shington and Bonn , there i s a whirlpool of famous pol i ­tic ians interested i n s tarting u p the c o ld war c l imate again , " spec i fic a l ly f inger ing U . S . S ec retary o f S tate Ki s s inger and Craxi o f the I ta l ian Soc ial i s t Party .


ROME , Apr il 4 ( IPS ) - -Avanti , daily newspaper o f the Ita l i an Soc ia l i s t Party ( P S I ) blatant ly l i ed today that Portugue s e Communi s t Party head " Cunha l ha s s tarted h i s electora l c ampa ign in more moderate tone s than ' at any other t ime . "


Apr il 5 ( I PS ) - -Coverage o f Portugal in the Sovi et pre s s ha s shi fted toward firmer backi ng of the revo l ut ionary l i ne o f the Portuguese Communi s t Party ( PCP ) . Breaking through the common pattern o f the pa st s everal week s o f b land genera l i t i e s about the " unity o f the Armed Forces Movement and the peopl e , " Pravda Apr i l 2 des ­cribed a speech by PCP leader Cunha l i n which he denounc ed the il lus ion of we stern - s tyle democracy s tating that it s erve s only the interests of the capita l i s ts . Pravda .al so reported Cunhal ' s cr itic i sm o f the Portugues e Soc i a l i s t Party .


Apr il 5 ( IP S ) - -The rul ing j unta in Portugal , the Armed Forc e s Movement (MFA ) and i t s �upr�!e Revo lutionary Counc i l , have openly d i s carded any pretext to democ racy , pub l i c ly r idicul ing the forthcoming elections for the Constituent As s embly and the New Con stitution . Commander Jo s e Jesuino , the Information Mini s ter dec lared that : " The e lections are impor tan.t pr imarily as a peda­gogic exerc i s e , " according to yesterday ' s Daily Telegraph .

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Apr il 4 ( IP S ) - -Today ' s Neues Deut schland , newspaper o f the East German Commun i s t Party , blas ted We s t German Foreign Mini s ter Gen3cher for h i s meeting with the Spanish " fa s c i s t regime , to d i scuss matter s o f j oint inter e s t . " Genscher , says Neues Deut s ­chland i s hoping to achieve c lo s er military cooperation with Spa i n , which the article describ e s a s yet anb�her inter ference by the We s t German government in the interna l a ffairs of Portugal .


Apr il 6 ( IPS ) - -Accord ing to r e l i able sourc e s the Portugues e Democratic Movement (MDP ) i s pr es suring the Portuguese Commu­n i s t Party ( PCP ) to relax i t s t i e s with o ther communi s t parties , espec i a l ly with . the Commun i s t Party o f the Soviet Union . For the last s everal week s the MDP has been fal s ely descr ibed iB the capita l i s t pre s s a s the PCP ' s s i s ter party or a PCP front group . In the late s t i s sue o f Spanish Magaz ine Cambio , Alvaro Cunhal , l eader o f the PCP , d e l i neate · the s eparatenes s o f the two groups : " The MDP i s autonomous and independent wi th its own line , completely d i f ferent from that o f the PCP . "


Apr il 6 ( IPS ) - -The Li sbon d a i ly 0 S eculo r eported Apr i l 3 that a one -day general strike c a l l in the Ba sque country by the fake C IA wing o f the Span i s h Communi s t Party ( the ant i- Soviet Carr il lo fact ion ) and other suppos ed l e f t i s t s rec eived only minimal work­ing c la s s respons e .

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March 3 1 ( I PS ) --The Nat ional Cauc us o f Labor Committees today announc ed that i t s chairman , u . S . Labor Party 1 9 7 6 Pres idential c and idate , Lyndon H . Larouche , Jr . , wi l l leave for I r aq Apr il 7 , to partic ipate in the c e l ebrat ion o f the found ing of the Ar ab Ba ' ath Soc i a l i s t Party . In the opinion of the Labor Committee and the c and idate , ther e is no foo l i s h r i sk inve lved . Larouche stated , " Under Rocke fel ler z ero -growth " tr iage " po l i c i e s , tens of mi l l ions of people in the As ian subcont inent and the African Sahel are doomed to die o f hunger and d i s ea s e s dur ing the next months . The Arab nat ions have taken a dec i s ive f i r s t tentat ive step toward stopping that Rocke fel ler genoc ide • • • • Every s igni fi­cant ac� , o f so l idar ity with I raq ' s contr ibution to th i s c au s e i s a matter o f the highest prior i ty for the human rac e as a who le under tho s e c ircumstanc e s . "


March 3 1 ( IPS ) - -Ac cord ing to a report f i r s t a ired by CBS News , yes terday ' s :. ed i tions o f Pravda , the o f f i c i a l Soviet newspaper , c arried an artic le that c harged that the C IA conspired in the a s s a s s inat ion of S aud i Ar ab i ' s King Fai s a l " to d e s tabi l i z e the Mideast ' s large s t o i l produc er . "


Apr i l 1 ( I PS ) - -The March 2 7 Tareeq El Sha ' Ab , o f f ic ial organ of the Iraqi Communi s t Party , noting that imperi al i s t forc e s are fear ful o f los ing contro l over the Midd le Ea s t s ituation if there is a qu ick return to the Geneva Conferenc e , c l a imed that " they are deploying a l l their forc e s and energy in order to prevent its being held and to po s tpone it as much as po s s ible . "


Apr il 1 ( IPS ) - -The New Yo rk Time s and the Wa shington Po s t reported March 2 8 that 6 5 0 Pesh Merga i nsurgents o f the C IA-contro l l ed Kurd i s h movement committed suic ide rather than surrender to the Iraqi government which ha s o f fered the Kurd s amne s ty . The Kurd s , who have rece ived extens ive support from the I srael i government in i t s dr ive to topple the Iraqi �aath i s t r eg ime , have l earned to emulate the suic idal , I srae l i mas ada trad i tion .


Apr il 2 ( I PS ) --Hour s after the i s sue o f an I P S release d i s c los ing

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a top level meet ing o f Rockefel ler caba l f i gures with ,S ecre­tary of State Henry Ki s s i nger to l ay out plans for a new Midea st war , the 4 8 -hour C IA pre s s b l ackout on the meeting wa s broken by the Ba l t imore Sun and the New York Time s .


Apri l 2 ( IP S ) - - I n an interview on I s rael i telev i s ion l a s t night reported in today ' s New York Dei-ill}!" News , I s rael i Premier Yi tzhak Rab in a s s erted that " I srael expe c t s that c ertain e l ements in the Uni ted State s " wi l l try to p r e s sure I srael into making new con­c e s s ions to Egypt as part of the new po l i cy " reas s e s sment " worked out in Wa shington meetings early thi s week .


Apr i l 2 ( I PS ) - - I nternational pro - Roc kefel ler pre s s continues to s lander and denounce the pro - Soviet government o f Iraq out o f s imple f ear of the impac t of the Ba ' ath i s t government ' s regiOn­a l d evelopment propos a l s on the ent ire Third Wor ld .

An artic le in today ' s Wa shington P o s t pr ed i c t s " fi erc e Iraqi pre s s ur e " aga i n s t ne ighbo r i ng Kuwa it and Syr i a , quo t i ng C IA- insta l led �rEs ident As s ad of Syr i a who antic ipates an " inten s i f ication o f Iraqi e f forts t o overthrow h im . "


Apri l 4 ( IPS ) - -C IA-contro l led leader of the Pa l e s tine Liberation Organi z at ion Yas s er Ara fat ' s b l u s ter about the coming nuc lear war wa s featured in the New York T imes today a s part of the build ing threat o f nuc lear con frontation b etween the U . S . a nd the USSR .


Apr i l 5 ( IPS ) - -The Indian government last week s et up a contractor consortium to provid e skil led engineer s and technic ians for the d evel opment work underway in the Mideas t , according to the March 24 i s sue of l e ft i s t Patr iot , one of the l argest c irculation da i l ies in I nd i a .


Apr i l 5 ( IP S ) - - In l i ne with the continued C IA- Second I nternat iona l c ampaign agains t the pro - Soviet Iraqi government , Avant i , the

. I talian Soc i a l i s t Party newspaper , pub l i s hed today an appea l o f the C IA ' s so-c a l led Kurd Democratic Party to the Sec ond In:t:ernat iona l in which the C IA a sks a l l " the d emocratic govern­ments and the wor ld pub l ic opinion to intervene and s top the cr ime perpetrated by the Iraqi government aga inst the Kurds ' nat-ion . "


Apr il 6 ( IP S ) - -Rocke fe l ler ' s hy s teria over the continued orga-

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n i z ing thrust o f the pro - Sovi et Iraq i s was exemp l i f i ed today in a d i spatch by the New York T imes ' Juan de Oni s . Trave l l ing C IA conduit Oni s , r epeat ing a " b i g l i e " a i r ed ear l i er by the T ime s ' Sul zberger , c l a ims that now , bec au s e the Iraq i s have sett led a border agreement with Iran ( a nd ended the C IA-Kurdi sh insurgency ) the Soviets no longer have i n fluence in Iraq :


Apr il 6 ( IPS ) - - The Rockefel ler U . S . pre s s today fl irted with the idea of l imi ted b i lateral agreement between I srael and Egypt through the Ki s s inger s tep by s tep approach (mo s t r ec ently u s ed to attempt to heat up a new Mide a s t war scheduled by Ro cke­fel ler for thi s month ) . Rever s ion to s huttle d i pl omacy i nd icate s Rocke fel ler ' s pol i c y bankruptcy and h i s i nab i l ity to pul l o f f the war he badly need s .


Apr i l 7 ( IPS ) --At a s pe aking engagement in North Caro l ina ' s For e s t Univer s ity yesterday , former I srae l i Defen s e Min i s ter Mo she Dayan dec lared ominou s ly that the U . S . and I srael "mu s t stand a s a deterrent t o the Soviet Union . " Stating that the Soviets were a rming and supplying p i l o t s to the Arab s and that the Soviet Army would intervene in a new confl i c t , Dayan warned hys ter i c a l ly , " I t ' s a qu e s t io n of U . S . surviva l as much a s our survival . "


Apr il 7 ( IPS ) --New York T imes "mi l i tary a f fa i r s expert " Drew Middleton today confirmed to IPS that l e ading j ourna l i s t s at that paper , inc luding h imsel f , get their " unimpeachabl e in forma­tion " from the U . S . Centr al Intel l igenc e Agency . I n an artic l e head l i neQ. , " Soviets Reported Stockpi l ing Mi s s il e s At Afr ican Ba s e for Ind ian Oc ean Ships , " !-1idd leton propagand i z eEi for K i s ­s inger ' s and Rockefeller ' s hoped- for Midd l e Ea s t war , u s i ng C IA- supp l i ed l ine s : "Mi l i tary planners s ay they are a l so c oncerned over the future polcy ' o f Iraq toward her ne ighbor s on the Gul f . They a s s ert that , with Soviet encouragement , Iraq might take advantage of any new c r i s i s to move South a ga i n s t Kuwa i t and Saud i Arabia . "


Apr i l 7 ( IPS ) - - C IA l abor agent G eorge Heany wi l l s peak tomorrow at 2 pm at the Wa shington , D . C . Statler Hil ton b e fo r e an emer ­gency meeting o f the AFL-CIO Mar i t ime Trad e s Dept . -- to be attended by o f f i c ia l s o f a l l AFL-CIO-a f f i l iated unions - - to announc e that in the event of a showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union in the Midea s t , he demand s AMerican mar itime unions to boycott Sovi et-produc ed good s .

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Accord ing to l ong-time'

C IA pre s s condu i t Victor Rei s el , Meany wil l t e l l the mar i time meeting that i f " a hair on an I srae l i ' s head is touched by the Arab s , " he wil l mob il i z e h i s right-wing appar atu s for a wor ldwide maritime unions boy­cott of Soviet-made good s .

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April 1 ( I PS ) - -A UP I d i spatch tod ay r epor t s that the panic among government troops (AVRN) ha s put the South V i etnam coastal c i t i e s o f Qui Nhon , TUy Hoa , and Nha Trang into c ommuni s t hand s . Nha Trang is 2 0 0 mi l e s nor theast of S a i go n . I n add ition , AVRN troops are panicking i n C am Ranh and Phan Thi e t whi l e Americans are being evac uated from the s e c oa s ta l c i t i e s . Phan Thi e t i s only 1 0 0 mi l e s ea st o f Saigon .


Apr il 3 ( IPS ) - -PRG Foreign Mini ster , Nguyen Thi Binh , ye s terday relea s ed a s even poi nt po l i cy dec l arat ion i n Par i s c a l l i ng on all South Vietnames e to j o in the c ommuni s t s for economic recon s ­truc tion in the newly l iberated ar e a s o f South Vietnam .


WASHINGTON , Apr i l 4 ( I PS ) - -A group o f former government o f f ic ia l s , C IA-a l l i ed academic s , foundation o f fi c i al s , and po l it i c a l backer s o f the Cold. War Humphrey-Jackson wing o f the Democratic Party , which ident i f i e s itsel f l oo s e ly a s the Coa l it ion for a Bemocratic Ma j ority (COM ) , revea l ed in an IPS intervi ew yesterday that it irt��nd s to lead the Rockefel ler a s sau l t on Congre s s , focus s i ng on the " lo s s o f Indochina . "


Apr il 4 ( IP S ) - - In a pre s s c onfer ence in San D i ego yesterday , Pre s i ­dent Ford mouthed the l ine that Congre s s wa s r e spo n s ible f o r the commun i s t victory in Indochina and the sub sequent lo s s o f U . S . c red ib i l i ty in the eye s o f i t s a l l ie s . Ford ' s a ttack on Congr e s s i s o n l y the f i r s t in what wi l l be an e sc a l at ing c ampa i gn t o coerce Congres s into approving ma s s ive incr ea s e s in U . S . de fense spending and potenti a l mi l i tary confrontation-- the l a tter s i gna l led by Ford ' s ins i s tenc e that the U . S . would " back up i t s a l l i e s . "


Apr il 5 ( IPS ) - -The ma j or Rockefel ler pres s today uni formly changed their red scare l ine on Southea s t A s i a , and inste ad c a l led for a pol icy o f " non- a l i gnment " for the area , obvious ly hoping to pre s sure the PRG and Khmer Rouge away from a pro - Soviet po s i t ion .

Ear l i er thi s weak f Roger H i l l sman , a State Depa r tment spec i a l i s t i n the " non- a l igned " po l i t ic s , con f irmed t o IPS that the " ti to i za ­tion " o f Southeast A s i a i s the only reaso nab l e opt ion for U . S . Southea st Asian po l icy .

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Apri l S ( IPS ) - -The Soviet pre s s ha s begun to d i scus s the s i tuat ion in South Vietnam with increas ing sharpne s s in the last several days . Pravda , the party daily , reported for the first time on Apr i l 2 the s tatements o f the Prov i s ional Revo lutionary Govern­ment ( PRG ) call ing for an end to the forced evacuation o f c ivi l i an s .

Other strong coverage in the Ea s t German pre s s inc ludes articles in ye sterday ' s Neues Deutschland , the party paper , reporting "de­portation · ships " . o f the S a i gon regime carrying refugee s to " i s land s o f death . "


Apr i l S ( I PS ) - -The Provis ional Revo lutionary Government announc ed l a s t night a ten-po i nt program for economic stab i l i z ation of the newly l iberated areas o f South Vietnam according to Radio Hanoi . S i gni ficant po int s o f the program inc lude : the institut ion o f democratic l iberties , the protection o f indu strial i s t s and shop­keeper s having no f inanc i a l connection with Saigon , and the rapid improvement of cultur e and hea l th s ervice in the country . Spe­c i fic provi s ions were made for the aid of o rphans and other handi­capped people . At - the same time , the PRG has denounc ed the U . S . airl i ft o f Vietname s e orphans into the Uni ted State s , ca l l ing it an act o f " sabotage , tr ickery and hypocri sy . "


Apr i l 6 ( IPS ) --Last week on the s ite o f Rockefel ler ' s b iggest foreign po l icy d i s a s ter , s tarving Lon Nol sold i er s who have not been pa id for months , began eating the dead communist soldiers . Today ' s Wa shington Po s t report s that the soldiers have begun to turn on their own ranks , c i ting the c a s e o f a government pay-master : " The infur i ated ( Lo n Nol ) troops • • • turned on the payma s ter and shot him in the head . Then they fel l on hi s body with knives , cutting open h i s che s t and abdomen and tore out h i s heart , l iver and lungs . • • • They cooked and d i s tr ibuted the flesh among themselves and a'be . "


Apri l 7 ( IPS ) - -The Chairman of the Joint Chi e f s of Staf f , General George Brown , told reporter s in Jakarta , Indone s ia today that u . S . mil i tary intervent ion into Vietnam is be ing " ac t ively di s ­cu s sed " i n Wa shington .


April 7 ( IP S ) - -The North Vi etname s e Communi st Party newspaper Nhan Dan ran an editor ial on the internat ional s ituation in wh ic h it charged Pres ident Ford ' s comments at hi s recent news conferenc e

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together with the mi s s�on o f U . S . Chi e f o f Sta f f Genera l Weyand to South Vietnam " to show that the U . S . i s s tubbornly ma intain-ing i t s c ommitment and its i nter ference i n South Vie tnam ' es a f fa i r s . "

The ed i torial characteri z ed Wa lt Ro s tow ' s propo s al to s end two Mar ine D ivi s ions to North Vietnam as " s tup;Ld i ty coming from the mouth o f a menta l ly abnormal per son . "


Apr i l 7 { IPS ) - - Oppo s i t ion pol it ic i an s i n South Vi etnam have re­vealed a l e tter from a top S a i gon o f f i c i a l to U . S . Amba s sador Graham Martin in which Mart i n is quo ted as cal l i ng the a i r l i ft of Vietname se orphans a propaganda s how for the .pene f i t o f U . S . pub l ic opinion .


�pr il 7 { IP S ) - -Reports from Reuter s ind i c ate that high-l evel negotiation e f fort s are und erway between Cambod ian Ac ting Pres ident Saukham Khoy and the Khmer Rouge c ommun i s t forc e s . Further reports from the New Yo rk P o s t ind icate that Khoy i s o f fer ing unc ond i t ional c ap i tul ation i n the d i scus s io n s wi th the communi s t s . Meanwh i l e Wa sh ington Pos t source s report that I ndo­ne s ian Fore ign Min i s ter Adam Hal i k ha s been approached by the Khmer Rouge to med i ate the nego t i at ion s .

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March 3 1 ( I PS ) - - S econd Interna t ional agent Wi l ly Brand t who ha s admitted respon s ib i l ity for the kidnappings o f two Lat in Amer ican Labor Committees ( LALC ) member s i n Mex ico , wi l l be named as co­conspirator i n the Interna t iona l Caucus of Labor Committees suit in federal court . aga inst the C IA . The C IA , itsel f ha s admi tted to s evera l past kidnapp ings which wi l l s erve to e stab l i sh a pre­c edent for the ICLC a l legat ion . Spec i f ic a l ly , the FBI ha s admitted to conduc t ing k idnappings in Mexico in the Ro s enberg- Sobel c a s e o f the 1 9 5 0 s .


March 31 ( I PS ) - - Sourc e s c lo s e to Wil ly Brandt revea led today that Brandt had break fa s t �n h i s Wa ldor f As tor i a suite l a s t Wedne sday mo rning wi th David Roc ke fel ler , at which t ime Brandt rece ived further orde r s for h i s internat ional depl oyment by the Rocke fel ler fami ly . A week earl ier , dur i ng his stay in Mexico C i ty , Brandt arranged fo r the C IA the pol ic e - k idnapping o f Labor Committee leader s in Mex ico C ity .


Apr i l 1 ( I PS ) - -Caught in the midd l e o f a C IA- covert operat ion to topple the government of Mexico by smear ing it with the s candal created by the k idnapping and potent ial murder of thre e Latin Amer ican Labor Committee ( LALC ) member s , the Uni ted States State Department has ordered its o f fic i a l s to try to s idetrack the growing internat iona l expo sure o f the operation by openly lying to ind ividua l s who c a l l about the k idnapp ing .

Today at 1 2 1 5 Hour s , Mr . Dreyfu s s , a d e s k o f f icer at the S tate Department ' s Mex ico desk , told · a c a l ler who wa s inquir ing about the kidnapp ings on the ba s i s o f a br i e fing rece ived on them from the U . S . Labor Party ( the U . S . a f f i l i ate o f LALC ) , " We think the ir people ( the USLP ' s Mex ican c omrad e s ) have been rel e a s ed . " As o f 1 3 0 0 Hour s o f the same day , ne ither the La tin American Labor Com­mitte e s nor the USLP had rece ived any informat ion ind icat ing that the ir k idnapped comrad e s had been r e l ea s ed .

A spoke sman for the U . S . Labor Party s a id today , in re�pons e to Mr . Drey fu s s ' s tatement : " I f the State Department want s to

. pit i t s credib i l i ty aga i n s t that of the U . S . Labor Party ' s cre­d ib i l i ty , l e t them do two thing s . F irst , l e t them respond to the Mex ican pre s s coverage o f the interna l Mex ican s ituation which c orroborates the USLP ' s a s s e s sment of the C IA-d irec ted operat ion

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to destab i l i z e the Mex ican government and the supervi s ed abduc tion o f our member s . Second , let them prove Mr . Dreyfu s s ' contention that our comrade s have been r e l ea s ed by produc ing them in person . O f cour s e , i f they can do that , they have proven our charges that the kidnapping is a C IA- State Department engineered operation . "


April I ( I PS ) - - Natio na l Committ ee member o f the Nat iona l CaUCRS o f Labor Committe e s , Khushro Ghand i , and reporter John Atk ins , o f the Chicago Da i l y Defender , l e ft from Chic ago today fo r Mexico C i ty to continue the inve s t i gation begun by American lawyer s Jay Carlyl e and Max Dean into the kidnapp ing o f three Lat in Amer i­c an Labor Committee members . Mr . Carlyle and Mr . Dean returned from Mex ico Sunday ni ght where they began the inve s t i gation into the abduc t ions o f Car l o s de Hoyo s Per e z and Carl o s Mend e z Tru j il lo . who wer e abducted by the po l i c e on March 2 4 and 2 5 re spec tively .

A third LALC member , Gu i l l ermo Moreno , has been abduc ted s ince Carlyl e and Dean ' s return . None o f the s e men ha s been heard from s inc e the i r abduc tion .

On Wedne sday , C ivil Liber t i e s Attorn?y , Ira S i lber o f Chicago , i s schedul ed to j o in Mr . Atk ins and Mr . Ghand i in Mex ico C i ty .


DETROIT , Apr i l 2 ( IPS ) - -Max Dean , prominent c iv i l l ibert i e s atto rney , today reported to a large meeting here o f worker s the f ind ings of his Mex ico C i ty inve s t i gat io ns into the recent k idnapping s o f Latin Amer ican Labor Commi tte e ( LALC ) leaders ther e .

Dean conc luded that a l l evidenc e po int s to an internat iona l po l ice a gency - - the C IA- - a s ins t i gat ing the kidnappings . AP , UP I , and the Detroi t News interviewed Dean , with U P I agree ing to cover the s tory and AP to in form the ir Mex ico o f f ic e s . The F l int­j ourna l c arried a short artic le reporting Dean ' s f ind ings .


Apr i l 2 ( I P S ) - - Latin American Labo r Committee ( LALC ) member Gu il lermo Moreno , k idnapped two day s ago , wa s r e l ea s ed toni ght unharmed by the D i recc ion General de Pol ic i a y Tran s i to , the Mex ico C Ity pol ic e .

In a related deve lopment , LALC member s were told today by Jul ian S l in , a high o f f i c i a l in the F edera l Secur i ty D ivi s ion in the Mex ican F ederal Secur ity Po l ic e , that he had rece ived a phoned death threat from someone c l a iming to be a LALC member .

No LALC members have ever threatened the l ive s o f Mex ican o f f ic i al s . The death threat is an obvious " d irty tricks " operation per formed by the FBI/C IA d e s i gned to create further chao s in the Mex ican government , and fo l lows a pattern of such operations per­formed op the sta f f of Mexican consulates in the Uni ted S tate s .

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Apri l 3 ( I PS ) - -Ful ly conf irming u . S . Labor Party charges that Second Internat iona l a gent Wi l ly Brandt act ivated a C IA " desta­b i l i z ation " operation again s t the government of Mex ico between March 2 0 - 2 4 , the We s t German news paper D i e Wel t yes terday carr i ed a feature artic le d epict ing Pres ident Lui s Echeverria a s a fail i ng " admin i s trator " oppos ed by a l l fo rc e s in the country . Describing Wi l ly Brand t ' s March 2 0 - 2 4 trip there a s a " god s end " and " foreign po l icy d iver s ion " for the Mex ican pres ident , D i e Wel t announce s that Mex i c an I nter ior Min i s ter Mar io Moya Pa l enc ia--with whom Brandt met s ec r'etly b e fore departing- - "wi l l probab ly be the next pre s ident . "


Apri l 3 ( IPS ) - -Another C IA k idnapping against the Lat in Amer ican Labor Committee ( LALC ) took place today . Hector Apo l l inar , a leading memb er o f LALC i n Mexico C i ty wa s kidnapped at gunpo int at 8 : 0 0 AM th i s morning by pla inc lothes po l i c emen . A wi tne s s in front o f Apo l inar ' s apartment bu i l d ing s aw three plainc lothes po licemen shove Apo l inar into a car which the witne s s ident i f i ed a s a " norma l undercover car o f the F ederal -;de Segur igad . " The po s s ibil i ty o f C IA or F B I u s e o f such a car is strong ; there fore the abduc tor s c annot be po s i tively ident i f i ed a s the Mex ican Federa l S ecur ity Pol i c e .

Hector Apo l inar has been i n c harge o f contac t ing the interna ­tiona l pre s s corps s tat ioned in Mexico C i ty s inc e the C IA k id­napping 11 days ago of LALC l eader s Ca rlos de Hoyo s Perez and Car l o s Mend e z Truj i l lo , who are Mex ico C i ty corre spondents for New Sol idar i ty I nternationa l Pr e s s S ervic e . De Hoyos and Mendez rema in inc ommun icado , the i r wher eabout s and cond i t ions at the hand s o f the ir C IA c aptor s unknown .


Apr i l 4 ( I PS ) --The Lat i n American Labor Committe e s have l earned from info rmed sourc e s at the National Univer s i ty of Mex ico (UNAM ) that there are plans underway to charge k idnapped LALC lead er s , Car l o s de Hoyo s Perez and Car l o s Mendez Truj i l lo , with be ing res­pon s ible fo r the attacks on Pres ident Lui s Echeverria at the UNAM on March 1 4 . Ac cord i ng to the sourc e s , the charge s wi l l be f i l ed by the rector o f the UNAM , Gui l lermo Soberon . The sourc es also reported that a key c o l laborator in the pl anned ind i c tments wi l l be " le ft i s t " agent Ro lando C order a , ed itor o f Punto Cri tico ma ga z ine .

The - l;'e�l'Qrt s from the UNN� sourc e s a.l;'e con s i s tent with the 9me al;' , C �mt"if : dcm in the pre s s again s t LALC s ince the UNAM r iot and with rec ent statement s �n f Soberon that the f il ing o f charges i n the UNAM d i s turbance s wa s imminent . Soberon went on to say that the persons to be charged " appeared l ike s tud ent s but were not

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members o f the univer s i ty c ommunity . "


Apr il 4 ( IPS ) - - I n respon s e to repor t s from IPS repr e s entat ive and Nat iona l Commi ttee member Khu shro Ghand i that he is being fol lowed , the U . S . Consulate in Mex ico C i ty ha s r e fu � ed to take any protective or inve s t igat ive action . C a l l s from Gandh i to the consulate , a sking for the Amba s s ador or the po l i tical consul� are be ing routed to the consul fo r c i t i z en ' s wel fare , a Mr s . S ard ini a s , who i s never in . In l i ght o f the lack o f respo n s e t o Ghand i ' s c a l l s and previous ins inuat ions b y the emba s sy that IPS repres entatives do not mer i t the pro tec t ion o f the U . S . guvern­ment , the emba s sy appear s to be engaged in an opera t ion s imilar to that of the Mex i c an consmlate in New York C i ty , which has merely rerouted prot e s t c a l l s to a spe c i a l agent of the F B I .


Apr i l 5 ( IPS ) - - New So l idar i ty International Pre s s S ervice in Mex ico ha s j u s t put together in deta i l an integral aspect o f how the d e s tabil i z ation o f Mex ican Pres ident Lu i s Echeverr ia ' s regime has been carr i ed out by the U . S . State Department and the C entral Intel l igenc e Agency .

The aboveboard a spec t s o f thi s d e s tabi l i z at ion were begun at UNAM ( the Nat iona l Autonomous Univers ity of Mex ic o ) March 1 4 when Ec heverr ia wa s physica l ly a s saul ted by suppo sedly " l e ft i s t " student s . In fact the a s s aul t wa s carr i ed o ut by " l e ft " counter­gangs , the Frente Popular Independ iente ( FP I ) and the Grupo Comu­n i s ta In�ernac i ona l (CG I ) , both penetiated by " loca l " intel l igenc e agenc i e s and the C IA . The vio lenc e , however , wa s i n i t i ated by the GUIA ( Guard i a Uni ficadora de Ibero Amer ica ) , an openly r �ght wing fas c i s t group .


CHICAGO , Apr i l 6 ( IPS ) - -The Span i s h l angua ge pr e s s in the U . S . continues to break the pre s s b l ackout o f the C IA kidnapping o f two Lat in American Labo r Committee member s . Apri l 4 La Ra z a carr ied a n art i c l e ent itled , " Who Do es the UP I Repre s ent ? " The art ic le detai l ed the k idnapping and the sub s equent pre s s b lackout explaining that UP I apparently den i e s it happened and c onc luding , " I f the UP I i s not working for the C IA , let thei r ed i tor c ome forward and explain why they are tampering with Lat i n American po l it ic s . "

Yes terday ' s edi tion o f E l T i empo ran a n artic l e t it l ed , " Mex ico on the Verge of Fa s c i sm . " The artic le d e s c r ibes the C IA ' s kid­napping of De Hoyo s and Mende z a s the epi tome of fa sc i s t po l ice­stat e activitie s . Then it lays out the s equenc e o f event s around the retraining o f po l ice mercena r i e s for the C IA by repres enta t ive s o f the Second Internationa l : " What i s the purpo s e o f training so many o f f icers in fa sc i s t tac t ic s against an unarmed populac e ? "

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La s t night , EFE , the Spani sh language wire s ervic e for the U . S . , Latin Amer ica , and Europe j o i ned in breaking the AP-UP I ' s C IA blackout by s end ing out over i t s wire the o f f ic i a l s tatement by the Pre s ident i a l c and idate of the LALC - a f f i l i ated U . S . Labor Party , Lyndon Larouche , deta i l ing thi s b l atant attack on the wo rking c la s s by the C IA .


Apr i l 7 ( IPS ) - -Ac cord ing to an article today in Ultimas Notic i a s , the even ing edit ion o f the maj or Mex ican da ily Exc el s ior , Mex ican Attorney General Pedro Oj eda Paul lada announc ed that Mex ico C i ty Lat in Amer ican Labor Committee leader s Carlos de Hoyo s Per e z , Carlos Mend e z Truj i l lo , and Hector Apo l inar Ir ibe , k idnapped by the U . S . Centra l Inte l l igenc e Agency operat ing in Mex ico , wi l l b e c harged with " treason . "

Today ' s artic l e , byl ined Oscar Dominguez and entitled " They Sold S ecret s to the U . S . " s a i d , " The nat ion ' s Attorn�y GenerA l con f i rmed thi s mo rning that ( the LALC l eader s ) s e i z ed s ecret do­cument s and informat ion on our country , wh ich they l ater sold in the Uni ted States . " The " s ecret document s " to wh ich the C IA ' s c a s e re fers are f i l e s LALC ha s c ompi l ed from Mex ican pub l ic pre s s sourc e s o n Rockefel ler tr i age a ga in s t the Mex ican popul ation . The s e " s ecret " doc-ument s , pub l i shed in New Sol idarity newspaper , are in fact publ i c ev idenc e o f Rocke fel l er ' s po l i cy o f triage aga i n s t 3 0 m i l l ion Mex ican s .

The C IA treason frame-up procedures , a s deta i l ed i n U l t ima s No tic i a s , fo l low ab so lutely no Mex ican l egal prec edent s nor the actual prac t i c e of l aw in Mexi c o . Th i s aga i n und er l ine s the fact that the ent ire k idnapp ing and frame- up opeEation a ga i n s t the LALC wa s arranged and conducted from out s ide Mex ico by the C IA and U . S . State Department . Thi s mo s t rec ent escalation i n the operation , part o f the Rock e f e l ler-C IA d e s tab i l i z at ion o f the regime o f Mex ican Pre s ident Echeverr i a adn · s im i l a r' . Th ird World destab i l i z a t ions a imed at an internat iona l red scare against the Soviet Union and the internat iona l c ommun i s t movement , s ignal s a s t ep-up in red scare internat iona l ly hark ing back to the Ro s enberg- s tyle frame-ups of the 1 9 5 0 s Co ld War .


Apr i l 7 ( IPS ) - - Only hours a fter the Mex ican even ing paper Ultima s Not ic i a s hit the streets o f Mex ico , quoting Mex ic an Attorney Genera l O j eda P aul l ada in accu s ing LALC lead er s Carlo s de Hoyo s .P ere z , Carl o s Mendez Tru j i l lo and Hec tor Apo l inar I r ibe o f treason , and c i t ing the max imum po s s ib l e s entenc e o f 4 0 year s in pr i son , wel l informed source s reported to LALC in Mex ico that Paul lada wa s " furd.ou s , s aying that he had never made any such statement s to the pre s s . • • . that the i nves t i gation had not yet been completed . "

The s e reports were confirmed when a spoke sman for the Nat ional Cauc u s of l abor Committees c a l led Pau l l ada ' s o ffice i n Mex ico to ver i fy the a l leged interview i n Ul t ima s Not i c i a s and wa s told

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by Paul l ada ' s s ecretary : " No , he never held such an intervi ew . " You s ay he never s aid thi s ? " I t s e ems "not . . . let me con firm i t for you . • . look r i ght now they can ' t confirm anyth ing for you . . • .

Do you wi sh to leave a mes s age? There ' s nothing to tel l you right now . "

F ive minutes l a ter , ca l l er s were answered by a "Mr Candelario " who c la imed there had not been anyone in the office fo r a whil e , that he wa s only the " guardian " and a l l cal l s would have to be made in the morning .

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Apr i l 2 ( IPS ) - -U . S . Labor Party members were informed yesterday by Scott Hammer , a Ph i l adelphia Daily News r eporter , of the ex i s ­tence o f an. interna l memo c i rculated by the Ph i l ade lphia Po l i c e c la iming that the Nat ional C auc u s o f Labor C ommi ttees ( NCLC ) i s l aunching a national c ampai gn termed " operat ion c ounterpunch . " Thi s mythical operation i s descr ibed a s invo lving the imper sonation of pol i c e by NCLC members and the mak ing of thr eat ening ca l l s to c i ti z ens "with the intention o f s etting po l ic e and other law en forc ement a gent s up fo r c i ti z ens ' c ompla int s b a s ed on faked hara s sment s . "


Apr i l 4 { IPS ) - - The U . S . Labor Party gained documentary evidenc e o f an F B I attempt , wtih po s s ib l e U . S . Army c omp l ic i ty , to inf i l ­trate the U . S . Labor Party i n Newark , New Jer s ey for purpo sed o f electoral ha ras sment , i nte l l i genc e gather ing and provocat ion .

Anthony Bank s was d i scovered l a s t evening r i fl ing USLP f i l e s in the Newark o f f ic e . I n h i s po s s e s s ion wa s an envelope g iven to him by FBI agent De Marche on wh ich an F B I drop-box addre s s wa s typed . Banks agreed to cooperate wi th USLP orga ni z er s and provide a sworn a f f idavit admitting h i s act ivities a s a paid F B I : i informer s ince October 1 9 73 . Also , a conver sation between Bank s and h i s F B I c ontro l l er wa s taped .

The l ate s t inc ident fully c orroborate s USLP charge s , origina l ly made in January 1 9 7 4 , o f ma s s ive hara s sment c ampa i gn , i nc luding the use of paid i n fo rmers and brainwashing , being carried out aga inst working c la s s o rgan i z er s in the U . S . , Mex ico and We s tern Europe by the F B I - C IA under the direc t ion of the State Department . The USLP wil l u s e the evidenc e gained from Bank s ' debr ie f ing to prove FB I-C IA c oord inat ion o f rec ent k idnapping o f Lat i n American Labor Committee leaders in Mex i c o . The in formation wi l l a l so be u s ed to prove F B I - LEAA inst igation o f the po l ic e riot perpetrated against the USLP at the Newark C i ty counc i l in S eptember , 1 9 7 3 .


Apr i l 5 ( IPS ) - -U . S . Department o f Agr icul ture and the As soc iated Pre s s (AP ) are the key instigato r s o f a plow-under "movement " among Midwe s t wheat farmer s , accord ing to evidenc e a s s embl ed by thi s news s ervic e . I n del iberately inc i ting desperate farmers to des troy the winter wheat crop- -more than ha l f o f wh ich is ( norma l ly ) exported- ­the USDA and AP are c arrying out an e s s ential feature o f Rockefe l l er ' s murderou s s tra:!;egy to impos e ma s s starvat ion " tr i age " on the Third World .

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DETROIT , Apr i l S ( IPS ) - - P icket l ines were set up thi s morning at Detro it Free Pre s s d i s tr ibution point s i n the Labor Party ' s announc ed campa i gn to shut down thi s target ted C IA pre s s conduit . Ye s terday , over 1 5 worker s at the Mt . Cl emen s Unemployment Center s i gned up for deployment , inc lud ing picket duty . La s t ni ght the manag ing ed itor of the D etro i t F ree Pre s s wa s ind icted as a Nuremberg crimina l during a meet ing o f 5 0 bus ine s smen .


Apri l S ( IPS ) - -Po lice- labor a gent c o l l aborat ion e s c a l ated i t s attacks again s t the U . S . Labor Party and the European Labor Com­mittees today . In York , Pa . , U . S . Labor Party cand i date for C i ty Counc i l St eve Berg and liabor Party o rgani z er Dona ld Wirtanen remain in j ai l on $ 2 5 0 0 ba i l each on charges of d i s tr ibuting " l a s c ivious " l e a f l et s .

In Detro it th i s a fternoon , po l i ce-agents from the F B I - contro l l ed countergang Progr e s s ive Labor P arty a s saul ted two Labor Party organ i z er s at a s hopping c enter a s 9 i ty po l ic e watched .

In Europe , this coord inated attack i s be ing run d irectly by Second Internat iona l agenE s . European Labor Committee o rgani z e r s i n Frank furt were arrested for d i str ibuting lea fl et s expo s ing l ead ing Second Internat iona l agent and Nur emberg c r imina l Wil ly Brandt a s compl ic i t i n the kidnapping o f Labor Commi ttee leaders in Mex ico C i ty nearly two week s ago .

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