I · / L.aGATION OF' THE UNJTU) STATU OF' AMDUCA BY J.IR lUlL Ban gkok, Decembe r 17, 1937. The...

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Transcript of I · / L.aGATION OF' THE UNJTU) STATU OF' AMDUCA BY J.IR lUlL Ban gkok, Decembe r 17, 1937. The...


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... wlt.IM .. ~ Ia ·- .... , t • ,_ fw ,_ ttetn•• Ia ,,. ..... Wu llw n•tdnsl .....,...

.. - .... 1 ... , ••• 1 -N PIT~ 12420

ftiS •• I ··~ r •• L. llsdlle, -><27"~

? ,_llbl .... , I I' Do

liT dear Mr. ldointyre:


January 6. 1938

In aooordanoe with the President's memorandum ot

laau&ry 4, 1938, I send you herewith a suggested reply

to the American .LUD1ster at BaJ18kok, thanki~J6 him tor

the information contained in his letter ot December 17,

1937, in regard to lapanese activities and influence in

Siam. I believe that a simple acknowledgment and ex­

pression ot appreciation are sufficient in the circum-


I am return11J6 the letter under reference from

the American Minister at Bangkok.

Sincerely yours,

Jl-y(JW/~ :Knolosures:

1. Letter to American Minister at BaJ18kok (dratt) .

2. Letter trom American Minis­ter at BaJ18kok.

Tbe HoDOrable MarTin B. Kointyre

Secretary to {he Preaident, The Wb.1 te House.


I&DIIIU'Y '• 1818,



L11tter !'rcn Edwin L. !Iaville , Le~ftticn ot the USA , Deng£olt, 12/17/37 to t.bD Pree1oent . Sut:aits 1n!oraation 1n re Japongae aetlvitlea 1n Siaa.



BY J.IR lUlL Bangkok, December 17, 1937.

The Honor able

Franklin D. RoosaYelt,

Pre sident or the United s tates,


~'r. President:

When you told aa you ware sanding me to Siam,

you said that you wished i ntormation 1n regard to

Japanese aotiYities in tbeaa regi ons . I reaohad Bana­

kok at the end or Sept ember, treaty negotiations took

up aost or October and lioYecber, and it ia only now

that I reel autticiently f amiliar with conditione here

t o jus tify an aetimate.

The Japanese trade with Siam amounted to OYer

•16, 000 , 000 last year, or wbioh oyer $1,,000,000 r epr e­

sented Siamese purchases of Japane ee products , mostly

textiles--cotton, silk or fabri c--but also a wide range

ot cheap manufactures. The Japanese heYe two l inea or

ships running direot t o Bangkok rrom Ja~an (Mitsui & Co. ,

and Osaka Shosen Kaisba), and t here is a branoh or the

Tokohaaa specie Banlc 1n Banakok. TWo ot the larse

Japanese mercantile houses, lli t sui and )ti taub1sb1, haYs

ot t ices

- 2 -

otfioes hore and engage in a wide r ange or i mport,

export end insurance bueineaa. There are a number or

ameller Japanese business concerns bu~ ~hey do not

amount t o much, eo tar as I know. I have been unable

to find evidence or Japanese est abliahments or any

importance at all outside t he ci t y or Bangkok. The

Japanese in Siam number about s ix hundred .

The SiQ.Ciese have considerable admirat i on end sym­

pathy t or Japan, pri ncipally tor two reasons: (1) the

successful manner in whi ch Japan dealt wi th the problem

or extr aterritoriality and t hat country's political and

economi c achievements since , and (2) because J apan is

t he only independent nation other than Si am in which the

Buddhist r eligion i s a potent r ector i n t he lite or the

people. The Japanese are well aware or these consider a­

tions and make what capital t hey can of t hem. I have

been unable t o discover, however, tha t t he Japanese have

anything in view here other than commercial objectives

a t the preeent time .

So t ar ea the Sino- Japanese contliot is concerned,

I beli eve t hat the Siamese are determined to pursue a

complet el y neutr al course . They are afraid ot bot h the

J a panese and the Chi nese: ot the r ormer because t hey


- 3 -

rear exploitation, either economic or political; and

or the latter beca use they fear Chinese i mmigration and

t he aommeroia l and socia l abaorptive powers of the

Chinese race . 7hey are determi ned to preserve their

independence and will do so to the ext ent of their

ability; they will not willingly come into any Power's

sphere of influence.

I am reporting somewhat more in detail to the

Department or State and shall continue to do so; I venture

to write thus briefly to you to assure you that I have not

forgotten your oral instructions.

The Legation staff join me in thanking you far the

Christmas message, which we heartily reciprocate , wishing

you every success in t he coming year, with health and

strength to meet the heavy responsibilities that devolve

upon you.

Very respectfUl ly yours,

_..('"6:= • ~ • ~" ~ .... --~...., ...... <. ~

-·. , . ~ . . . - _ _.

• '

J'ebl"ull"7 9, 19~.

Dear Johns

I b&Ye {';1T811 a eood deal of tl\ourl;ht to :rour letter of JrJ.JtUO.rt 22nd an4 hAn hUed 1t onr w1 th the su ... t~ or Stattf Who hu aleo bad the baokgrouad of :rour exoe ent deii.P&tahee deeoJ'l'blng :rour talk a w1 th De Ya].ePa. r qul te MJ'ee 111 tii rou that a t1nRl aollatlon or ~lo­Ir11h relat one1 and of the Inlh 1nternal pl'Obl•t woul.d oe an 1nmea.urabl.e gun tl'OII ff're't'7 po1nt or rt n , but I aa ncn oonTlnoed that a:rrr l ntern."lt1on1 - no ~~atter how 1nd1reot1 - Oil our p&l't wow.d be 111ee or f or tl\l.t 11at1:er ao­COIIJ'l11h the effect n b&4 1n ainA. In tne lona run oone1derat1one of nat1onal detenae 0&1 well lead England YOluntar1l:r to t ake the action you now Ul'(;e ue to &ltfooate 8be 11 not bllnd to euoh oonnderaUona, but I feel 1t muld be a heal thler aoluUOil, eTe 1t a alonr one, 1t hv deole1on nre reached T01untar1l~and on the br1• ot her om 1elt-1ntereet · u a reaul or repreeentat1ona fl'OIII a tM polflr.

I hO'Oe :rou will oont1nue to write ae tull:r tor tho el tuaUon h one 1n whloh I m "1'1 IIUoh 1ntereeted.

The Honorable

Jolm eu~.

llllbl1n •

. •

11noerol:r :roure,

·, I

Uy dear Ur. President:


Febru~ry 10 . 1938

I return herewith t he letter you sent me from

John Cudahy suggesting t hat you i ntervene in the present Anglo-Irish negotiations, and in compliance with your request tor suggestions as to a reply submit a draft letter tor your consideration ,

Faithfully yours,

Enclosure :

1 . Letter from Ur. Cudahy, January 22, 1938 .

2. Letter to Mr. Cudahy,

The President,

The White House.

_ /

.. • • • !. . A • . . ... . .. .

. '

J-~ ~~ · If,/" .

~,4 ?~·J...J.. ­/44--k ...




Jlrcl• Puk, •. t. J. f'•bn&UJ 31, lw:W •

• _,:re,.,• tu &d•bal L.U, a

l .appGH 7CN Jaaye b .. D 1A tOIIaM

wlt.ll \Ue •ttu. lt ao,, 1 wlll hll

JCN abcN' 1' nea I aft baot.



Copy of letter (confidential) from Ernest ~ "'_g

Gruening, Dir~ctor , Division of Territori&s and Island iossesuions , Dept. of tho Interior, 2/16/38 addressed to ~r . Richnrd B, Black1 x

Fleltl Represt:lntt.tiv~;~ , Dept . o1 the InttJ!'ior , Honolulu , libwaii. Penci led notation: 11 FDR -for your info. Grut;ning left it" . In ru instructions to Mr · Black to Suttle Lanton and ~doroory 1slfl1ldS projvcts . ~ ..v<!.

X vJ, ~.


i ,


' 2/15/38


The President ~· he hae got to Me

tcmorrow morning for 20 m1nutee, Judge lloor.

of the State Department and llr. G!-u.en1Dg and

~boey that lloore wantl to briDg w1 t h him.

(Re Ielande in the Pacific)

G. G. T.

r f l f ! i . • •

I •

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... -­.... -'t -~ ... ...X.

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l•1~·r! ;;fl ~ cl· : ~ f ; ~ . ~.i-li~iJ:;i ;,f~ i • ; J ~

i. -· ~.e ••1l• • ! f ! -~~~~-~,.i, ;5iii i I~ ! ! = ~~-l~l}rl,i ii·~ I - I r r ~ '9E.,! lsi' ~J· J ( - • .i ~~-~~i Sl~ I :•! I : J : ~

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t '




n 1a 1M11e .. « 11hat tile ,.,.u .. uoa of a a a-r of ,.., tel..,... to PHal«eat Qae ... aa« Iilla replJ ... u lila•• a. etfeet of elarltrlal 11M as.nauoa 11M tea« to expe«lto •• •ululoa of tile a..lttoo•a wen. I •• 11hanf ... , eulealq 11M «n1't of a pre a a nl_.• to 1M laeu« "' tile ,.,... .... , ef Ito to lt 1 t Meta •1 th ,.., ....... al ..... , ef ......... , ..... lt ,.. .,, ....

tlala «Nft 11M 11M ...,.. of pnuhre lM1•to«, .., I aak ,.. to la1Ual _. ........ to • a. •'ctul ef tlala let'- u., _._.laaUoa to aeet .... u.at Qllaeaoa'a .,,. .. al a« to lane tile ,..aa nl ... o ldaea ftoll &ppi'OYal .... ,.._ .,.,.., ....

Paltlahllr ,_.,

Oor4ell Sull

1 ..... Pnel«eat, 5

.. 11, u. . • • ........ .. 1 .....



J'OR !HE PU88 (DA!E)

( OoatllnUal Jlleleaao tor p'blleaUoa la habl.,toa 1D 1M ...wac paper• of aal 1a ... lla 1a tllao attonooa papepa of • lo11 to 'be JII'•-Yloulr pllllahel, ..,,.a fi'iil or uol 1a .., .., • )

tho Pl'oa14oa11 of Ule UaUo4 811&1111 aal tho Pl' .. lloa11

of Ulo Ooaoawoal Ul of tho l'lllllpplaoa l:laYo llppi'O\'ol 1lbo

pa'blloa111oa of the tollowlaa • •w.r of a .,...., ••ebaaco of talocr•• 'botwooa thn 1a roprl to tho worll: ot the

lo11111 Propuatow.r Oo..tnoo • l'lllllpp1Do Attalra, tdlloh

la oftCDIOI la aa ettor11 to fbi a •ftallr aauataotow.r

aolu111oD of tho pro'blou of tllao ,.._.,, oooaoato rela111oa­

lllllpa 'boWOOD Ulo Ulll tel Statoa aal Uao l'lllllpplllll .

OD .... 12, '"•14n11 JIHawoU 11olqrapho4 to

Pl'oallea11 Qaeaoa ... .,.,.,,, .. of kla taollq tha11 tho

worll: of tho Gnat noo a!so•ll be proaool to aa eulr alii

•11aallr eauetaotow,r woaoluloa. tho '"•lloa11 reealle4

111:1a11 ho a... a1Poa4J ..a. p~~llllolr ll:llon h1a on roallll•••·

w1 th a •tow to attoPilq tllao 1'111llpp1DII aaplo opportu1 11r

to o4Ju11 tholr IIIDIIIF to the DOII-JII'OfePOa111al 111an1 of

poll Uoal Ullopoo4•••• to ..,...... of a paOPOl plaa 'br

tdlllll tllao ollala&Uoa of tro4o pi'Oforoaoo• wnl4 prooool

"' alton &IUIUl ..... uoa1 of I porooa11, tPOa 21 porooat



at lbe tato of t,e«op•lonoo a 'lllllt he la41Mto4 that, uoopt

for MI'Uill alleYlatlOII atoll ho D4orotool tho Go..t.Uoo

W1114 M prop•o4 to ••••••ltl, tho ..... , tu prnlllou

of tho la4opoa4oaoo Aet llunl14 •• stn ••••taatlallF illtaot

•• ... oUhUIIC a HOOIHI7 ,.., of tho pi'OII'• of fta11-

1ppt.ao ooon•t.o ltiiM._.t. llao PNolllont ,_ ... , .....

........ that PNoUeat .... ,Jeill with la1a ill Mkllll

.. ~1• tbolr 11 n 41ol.l'o to ~• •• o..unoo proooo&

nl ........ llaoo wt.a a •tn to Naolllq aa -11 ..,..,_

... , wpoa "••••n'•tlono at..a. -..14 ~· •• wbelo­

U..tol •••••• of Mth ollloo.

Ia a tolopu tatol ••.a. •· PNI14oat Quaon ropllo4

tllat he -· IH4lq to tho Pllipi.M noaMrl of tho .Jolat

.......... ., O...Utoo a ft41oii'U to tho lftMt lbat ho

w, .,... .... , .... llll all .............. u--. ...... .

.... to lbe 41flalto ... olulon .. , tho Mot t.atorooto of

lbe l'llU1JIIIillOo Willi M p1'1n1W"' thou oonnnlq wUh

a. -..1.- ••1111•• of tbo Go..t.ttoo ill ao plan o•Uuo4

1n ao PNoi4ont1o tolo ......

DDAJl!UII! or I!Aft


- 41&1' ... .... 1 ... ,,

...... 11, 1111.

........... .,, Glaalnu of a. lolat ,...,..,. .. ., ao.u ..... ftllllpplae Atfall'l, ... 1 .. 1 - tb&t la -·-1 ....... of tbo Cnltto u4 epe0111&Uoa1 IU'ft0o4-, ..... , paltllo 4li .. 011o&l of tbo •••otloa of a po11lltl1 ••eoa-114oratloa of tbl '-'-::.1:1ltloal 1ta ... of lb~ ftlll-lpplaoo, a. rlllpl.M 1'1 of lbo o.-ltto1 appear hoouaat -'eat ..,,,,o&lq ....,... lbo f..-loUoa of 4oflalto Nll_l .. •tlou u4 w .. IIOPO lbu w .. awlUlaf .. tuo .... --llYol tbo reepoul•llnr of aooopta, ,..,.oal, tHa .. Allorl_. 11&o, u to llallll ,..,l&oa Qu .. a rer.101 .. la&loato to tboo 1Ubor ....UYOoal appNYal W &11101t,

It, u 11 11114oretoo&, 11• •leh tbat tile ool'k of lbo Go•Utoo ehftl& pi'OOOo&, 1 ...u ..... ~, tb&t la tbo11 111'-..... 1 U -.14 M .,...,11 faollUato& aa4 upo-41to4 .!!.r': wore to ••• flt to aoa4 to Pl'oo14••' Qaaaoa

:.::1o .. ~.~~=-;~ t!'!.':t:l;=:~:.=-r' :!uoa .. tllll .... u... l ......... ,, .......... --1 .. followlRC teat et a talo..,.. IIlla ro• ali!Jlt wleh to aatllorl&l Ill' lla"•• la ,_._to Proai4eat Qanoa, ....... tbl _._., •·aa9111-

~ ..... aal u4 1t1'11'1J ooatl4aa,lal tor Prol14oat Quaoa.

1 la •ln of ,.. ... , pa'ltlll 41o ... doaa of ~~ ... otloa of a pooolltle I'Oooao14ora,loa of lha ,...,.. poll Uoal , ..... of a. ftllllpplaoo, aa4 of lbo ._...., 111 ... 411..,...,.. .. latel'pi'Ot tblo u l'la'•U. _ .. ,...,a ... ua ... of Ula oork of tlao lolat Prepare .. ., O..Utoa - lJl ao .. loa 111oro, 1 ....... to .ue a•• to ,.. ., ... toeu .. tlaat tbo won of tlaat O..Utoa ....,011ato a ..,...., ef ew Jalat offert to tla& a oaUofuto., oolauoa If .. ,...ltl• of .. t.tiii'O ... aoa11 I'Ol&UODI 1tl­....... V.lto& ......... lhl ftllllppllll oblob


the Pl'ool&oat, .. aito .....

- 2-

Uo11l.A anere.l111 'M JII'IIIIA IO aa Hl'lJ uA •tullJ 1aU1faeterr •••luloa. I U.e alre.C, ,.-uelJ _., Juaon ., on ..... 1•••• " appro•• ot a pMral plu ~ llbleb 1be 1llalaaUoa of tre•• prof1rea111 wwlA proM .. (,._ II pereeat at tbe .. ._ of lMepllllftM) ~ ulto .. auul aeereuoa• ef I pereeat, *11• 11 .. 1ac n~etaeUallJ lateet, u a MIIIIU'J puot of 1be Jllalllpplae .. J••aeat pro:r.: 1be • .,.., tiS pro•lllOal If 1be IMI-

r ea11 All exeepl tor 11rta1a allnlaUoae nllb .a& .. lti&A 1b1 0o•lU11 11 pt'ep&J' .. to riiiMt ...

ftl1 ,... ..... ••pr•••••• 1be rx1- of 10a11ulou tbat I fell nrrutl& la ••"'•• o. ...... , te .. ..,,, I • la lileplt tbal ,.. •111 ..... wl1b • llaal a11 plu, 1a Yln of all •• ••ttleUac lalereelr uA elr ... laelll l .. llY .. , wnlA 'M ll'Mral la atfii'Alaa t1a1 Jllalllpplaet eapll o,..'-1 1J to .. ~, tlielJ' lll'aD., to 1be ---prlfll'lllllal llalu If PllUleal lMepe .... lll ... thai JM .. .u 'M wUUac t1 Jlla •111l 11 la rlrlaa ,...u. ev ear~• A1111'1 te baYe tlal O...lltee ,... .... el ... 1bo11 11a11 •u• a •1 .. 11 ae Ml'lJ ........ , ..-• reu• atalllloal *llll ... u haYI JIV wlaolelalarl .. np­,...1 a1 .. u u _, eq,, lbMlA JO• 10aev, l •ILt 'M laappJ te ..... ,., •11b JR u l o the ,.._ ll•lloa of ov tlllll"nt ea 11ll1 tOJHI. •

1t 1ft apprne lble ..... tUoa, _, I ulr 70• to

lal Ual uA retva tl M 1be erliUal of 1bl1 liner u

_, •lborlaaUoa tl ....... u UU•IIA tlaerela.

hl at1111J ,. •• '


.a.pr11 u, usa

.,_. Jzoellenq, Fr&zlklill D. Roo .. .,.lt Preeid.,.t ot the muted St&t11 ll&abiiiCton, o. c.

~ d ... r )fr. Pr111dento

DltltO Do C:OWLC:'I'

........ , .... ,. to•ov ........

OCO itOC Qlo.AI'tl(lt


I d11pl)' appreoiate 70ill' letter ot .lpril 11th w1 th reter­tiiiOI to the llexioan lit~atl.on. It -• r;ood ot ;rou to write ,.. eo ..... ill detail •en ;rou haw eo lliUiy other ,reat reepon~1b1Utiee &Dd OODCerDI •

Tour letter eTidenou U.at ;rou are unueually well intormod, ot oour11, on the llerlcan lit..ation. I telt eure you had the tacte ill hand, but I think in the final analyeie ~ id ... ot writins you ._. to better acquaint you, it pouible, with tho nature ot the .. people. .lltbo"''b I b&'t'O enjoyed their o~rd proteuione ot triend­ehip , I do not put &II)' etook by their prollioee or aeeuranoee. In tile tillll &nal)'lil I think perb&pe the bigut diffle>ulty 1e that they are tl')'iiiC to put a eooi&Uetio tora ot , ..... ..-nt into opera­tiOD -~~~ a people •o are illoapable ewn <4 de.ooracy.

I haw juet receind a ftl')' illterelti~JS letter troa a ehter ot COIICJ'I!f!l!!!? Maurz llawriok be&rin& on the ,eneral dtuation &lid th~ nature or thue people. xI u takin& the liberty ot pall ill& a oopy ot thie lotter on to you in the hope 1 t -'II pron ot value to you.

It I oc .. ...,. ;rou further a t &D)' tiiiiO, oall on • ·

WiU. hipet perecaal reprde, I •

Ooni'DOr J&Ma V. AllNd

lly 4at.r 8ira

I • ad4reu~ 10u upon the oubjeot ot occti1oation ot oil

woll1, lll1D1ne propertiu and ranab lande in .lloxioo. Ha~~ lind in

thh <>ountry tor a D\lllbor ot )'l&ro , I tool that I llD pri~leged t o oay

'114\at I lmow h true aD4 Wlat I b&ve board bore. We, ot Texae, ohould

lc>ow what h goinr; on aorou tbe border un4or our Yol')' •Y"•· We do not.

But it ... .,.. we han beooae ao indittoront , ... are un&blo to atand up and

tiS)\t tor 0\11' rigbt1.

Foreir;nore are oollline into our State, whor e tbey reooiTo ooJD­

ploto protection, aa tboy brine their C011111unl.1lD alo~ with tboa to apread

throuS)\ Toxae and 1 nto tbo Un1 ted Statu. fum a bout uaed to be ta1r pl&)',

but it hao au rely oeaeed whore the two "noir;hborly" nationo aro oonoerned.

We are asked to got to reign trade. Wo do at a rhk to lite, health and

happinou (at t1Mt) and then we aro forced tn undoratand we have not a plaoo

un4or tho aun. lion protecti on ot nationala it a -t terrible thine to

endlll'o and we who fool it , Jmow,

Tho radio tell• 118 loloxioo ia oonaidorine payine tho oont'iaoation

of United Sta t ea etolen propertiu witb the etnlon product i t aolf, Wo hear

trca .lloxioo 0...-t. Radio and Prou KopreeontatiTos tbat bonde, not boarine

interoot, for ton )"'arl, 11111 be eold to pay our oountr)'. 'llho will bu)' thoae

bond1T Tho poor han no money and tbe wealth)' aloo ban braiN mo]jt;b to

know tbo bond1 will be like t.ll tho others that haYO gone boforo , 'IIOrthlou

and unrodoa.,.ble. 1'ho1o oratore oan • out uart• o~>r oountey eYel')' tiM and

it 1e too bad that wo weakly "tt.ll for i t.• We are lincoro and honoet and

expect onl'7"ne oloe to be tbe 1..,.., but after loarnine a prollli1o horo 1a

not binding, "" ohould proti t by it.

Thie 11 tuation hat draued on 10 IOIUIY )'lt.rl, a lwa;ye get tine a

little woroo. Moaxioana of tbo bettor olau bl.n wanted 1ntorYont1on, but

it •wld not be needed if •• could only be lien in retaliation juat once.

A littine ot the embargo on al'lllol and .... unl.t ion, a defini ta retu1al to b~

1ilver, or a deolarine of a oorroopondinr; one hundred kilometer border 10no

prohibit~ 01Jilor 1h1p ot property by toroignera , would bo reciprocal roMdio1.

Our oountey baa been •de tbe lau9>ing 1 toG!< of .lloxioo and ot otbor

lllltiona. lba nat1n1 ottm 1ay tbl.t tbe;y a re r;oine to take baG!< texaa. thia

1a a laugh -- but one that ay eventually roault in eomethiJJt; moro than tbia.

l.'!l7 ahould thil oontiaoation bo tolorated unleu eney oent of tbe inde011it)' 1e

pranteed with aa:>otbing beaidea intentional deceit and oontinue4 dieeriAin&tion

ar;ai111t American. of all tbo toreip>oraT "by ahould ,. DOt be afforded the

I&J:II treatment and protection eJttended to tbe lllillion1 ot llexioana in tho u . S, t


• •

You M)" be 1ur1, our toretathero are turninr; in their r;rano at pre1ont and what io r;oinr; on in our tair State. Between tho doinr;• of tho Labor A&itatoro and A&re• ••r• and our wa1te of time on •o-oalled retormaro, Wto laur;h up their aleene at Ul they bt.n IYery reaeon to han their I*'Oitul lloep dioturbed. 11txa1 11 looked up to. We are oonaidered t1&btere and the nation telcee u intereet in uo. Boor they are •tohinr; a State of nt.Jab)' p&llby opiritleu people. 1!>ank Ben.,, we he&r oYer the radio in thil lit t le out- ot- the '"¥ town or •&i•tral , ,.,.,. r;ood men who belle,.. in Stato•a right• and Nation•• right..

'l'bere 11 notbin& poroonal in ay exprouiana. !!&Yin& been told Mil)' time• tbt.t letter• are a help to men in h19l pooi tiona, I want to oend mine to you, tho Supreme Authority 1n 'fexa•, 'ftrl.a il meant in tbe ldndoot •Y poui ble u from one loyal 'fllWl to another.

p, s.

Sinoorely youro,

Virsinia M. Croneftte SS! £, Summit ATe · S&n Antonio, Tex.t.e

I am a oiotor ot Bon. Maury Maverick.


~,if:' AJ. / .

. f-1;J_, .

PERIOIAL AlP ITRIC'I'JJ oo•nJ)!UI.U, A,rU u, 1931

IIJ' 4eu OoYe:noiP AllJPe4as

I • lllBDenl:r ladeltW to roa foiP ,_. latter of IIUell 11, 1838. ...s for J4NIP tlD411eae 1D rnaa - , .. ..._.ftt of,_. 'line • ,..lou. p!Yieoa o ov HlatlODa ritla llalee. l appi'Otll&U tbd JIN are 1D & pea1Uoa to a. laU.telJ tM atuo of the pnbl-. tllat piPH•t ~·1- lMW.n Qe two OOWlWleo, u4 I Mft IPM4 fOIU lotte• wl tla apoolal 1Dte:reat aD4 attats.oa.

WUil •u of wll&t J0\1 sar I f1lld IIJBOlf in &gi'oe aODtt I IPOallao tllat la _. lDOtuooe tbe dletrlbu.tlon of lUll a&loJP \be apariala pnpa. baa Houl to4 1D tbe 1tz lr!:l.up of luge! ofttoteatlr op~W Ulllto , 11114 tll&t oocl pi'Odl1ot1011 baa -o4; I IPOallae tll&t perbapa the prograa bu been puehecl too fut for tM -~.-1 ocoDCia)' llhioh baa acoord1ngl:r beea put to a laea'Yf oua111; I nallae &lao that IUilJ 0011plez alii! 41fflouU ooo1al pl'Obl•o of reacljuetmnt haYO anaea. r1D8llr, I aa 1A ODUre ~ent with JOU llhea 10l\ llrplr, wl tll respoot to the att1 tude whioh tble OoTen­aent o1MN14 adopt. tb&t 1 t I'Oqulree a oooporaUng 1"19 of •sooct ae1fl:bl:lon• to oreate and. 1'111.1ntatn a good aolghborboclcl.

I 'bel1••• tll&t atwleate of ••:doiUl Jlleto:r:r aH an••'-. la tbe 'lin tbat the eettl. .. ent of llm:loan tanen OD uable laude of the a.pubUo h a nrr aqat Mocl, tu .OOCIIIpl.lalllent of 11hloh - prom1ae4 'IIIJ' roveelya_ a:oouu.,.. oftr alace the dare of h1Pf61rta D1&a - bu been too loag 4ela:ro4. ••xloo 1e ,..._1DIIIltl:r an agrloul. tual OOUD\:r:r &DIS proltably rill be for -r :reuo to •-· Ullloea tho people oon f1a4 pl ... • for \Muel.,oe oa t:be ooll, w1 th tholl' own fle14a to tUl ad with tu powlag eenao of roeponalb1ll tr ftleJI .-. tfte lll4hl4ual. IID4 fall:r oppllee.tlon to tlroo dallJ probl .. of tho f&l'll, 1 a oondnoo4 that PJ'OIH•• wlll. 1M fllrt:bor pUtpoaed. .u a o1aoore

file ao.uable ~-· T. Alln4,

0oYel'DOIP of ftli:U 0 .Aile tin.




hleDII of Muleo I llan thuoforo a profouacl q~~pa'l!J with ~• bu1o objooUno of the agrarian prolftll.

Blwonr, I • tallJ aware of ao oa1ouo clltfloul Uoo whloh t!lo a4ftBo .. nt of tu :rus- prop• dlllrhl tho paot tn JMI'O llao ontallo fall a lu .. ••"-r of Aaolrloaa olUoeno wbo wnt to Mo.lll" 1a goo4 tatn, lawote4 tullr oa'f'lap la ap1ouUunl 1&&4, and 4o"tOte4 tholll oaolraloo aid thollr lrOOOill'ooo 1a t!lo ouoooootul 4oftlopMat of ~•111 ho14lap. fto oUuUoa of IIUlf of tMoo people no llaw bon 41opooooooe4 ao a lreiUU of apulu aplfOPr1aUoao 1o lUUo ohort of tlr&e1o, aa4 I nuo JOQ oplaloa Qat la the ll&jUltJ of laotaaooo our aaUoaal.o appear to ban ro .. 1Ye4 tllllo fu 11 ttlo 1D lrOtlll'a for tho Uk1Dg of aob proporUoo by tho .. X10U OOftJ'IIIIOAt.

fto pollUOB whlOh thlo OO'NlrDIIOIIt baa •1Dta1no4 w1 th nopeot to tho agnl'1U p:rogr• bao bon not to oo11toot tho right of tbl Mox1oaa OO'N~IIt to oxpro­prlato pr1Y&to proportJ, o1noo that rlght lo lnhero11t 111 aaUoll&l OOYOI'01gDtJ. ftlo 00ft1'11Milt baa 11&1nta1no4 aD4 4ooo 11&intai11 howonlr that 1a oxolluco tor plroporty oo talto11 tile oWIIOr ohov.lcl rooo1,.. a fair, ao01ll'e4 allll offoot1n ooapoaoation. •• baYe aooor41ngly pointed o1at to t!lo Muiou OOYOl'DIIont on ropntecl ooouiono &114 1n the -.oot friendly •nner that wo ••t uUolpate that tho acrars.u propam will not be oarrled out othonloo tlan oa a baoio of equitable oa.penoaUoa to thooo of our naUoll&lo whoeo lan4o ban boon taken puouant to tbat progrua.

tho oUuaUoa Olre&to4 b7 tho nHnt deoroo aftooUDI tho oil oo.panloo tbuo raiooo no n .. QQOotion of polloy &D4 wo llan already 1Dfono4 tho llexlou ~n~o11t tllat ou:r r.•Uioa with roopoot to the agrarian oxproprlationo appl eo with equal ftl14lty wUh reopeot to tho Mo.xiou OOni'DNont•o aotlon 1n taking Oftr ... rioan potroloaa 1ntoreoto. .U tho ••• tillo wo 1nqu1ro4 wbat opeo1t1o aoUon wUh roopoot to paJIInt wao oontoaplate4 bJ tho MU1HD 00ftn-t::d wbat &00\ll'aJIOOO Wcalld be g1YOD tllat p.,.ent wlll bo o, and when U aight n oxpooted.

All JOU t:now, Plroo14ont Oarclnu hao ropUo4 to ou roproeontaUono with a .-uaoat oonnJocl to AaliUII&dolr Dan1olo 1n for•l tor. tully rooogn111111



~ obllgatlon to eo.penoate end ~o1te~tlnl p~Ylouo ulllll'eneeo that ~ment would be tarth00111q, ou Goft~nt lo now 1n aoU ft p~Ualna:ry d1oou .. ion with oftle1alo of the lle:doan Oon~nt e.ua1D1q wz1ouo p~opoealo wbloh ban beon put fonud to tblo ell4.

I nee4 not aom~e JOU tU.t I ohal.l eonUne to follow the o1tu&tlon wlth the • oot oazetul attention and tllat I • o111Dualy hopeful that a blon41y an4 equitable ooluUon , Hoponehe alike to the juat 1Dto~eeto of tho oitiaeno of both oountrieo can be found at ut eazl)' date,

ratthfUll)' youro,


April 11, 1938.

I aa eDDloeiD£, 1D aooord&Doe with rour

requaet, a draft letter whioh r ou •r care to

eell4 to Oo•emor !llred of Tesae, ill repl)' to


J'l'oa OoYerDOr .Ulre4, ll&roh 31 11138; Draft leher to

Oo•emor .Ulre4.

The Pre elden •

The Wh1 te Roue.




- -- .., •••• (# ftdS , ... 6

r. •· a.

Letter 1"rom Bon. ( """" V. Ulred, Governor ot Texas , Austl.n , J/31738 ~o tbo Presi<!~nt

at llarm Springs . In re lloxic'-l! situo tion .

R.fcrs to change in our allvCl' buy~ polie¥

in connecUon with abovu.

-\lAMES v. -'LLRE:O




Uarch ~l , l9:l8

Ria Exoollaocy, Franklin o. Rooandt Proaidont of tho United St&toa Wann Spl'11161 , Ooorgia

1-'Y dot.r Jlr, Proaidont:

oao~~toc C tJ,_IfflE


..... l.tA~t IC.OitCT.O. .. t C•

I trw.t 1 will not appot.r proawopl:lloua in writint; to you witn refor<>noo to the Llexloen 11 tut.tion; but , boi~ c;o .. ornor of this gr eat border State, with ita noro than 700, 000 J:exioen citi­zens and with our aatural intoroat in tilllt country and Ja.owledgo of the nature of ita psoplo, I fool porhapa I oan offer a bit of inror­..,tion not othond.ao avt>J.lablo .

1 ..,do tv,, visito to Ltoxioo laot yse.r: ono , a two wooko vioit t o lloxioo City and t ho capi tale or V1lricuo sto.toa ; tho othor, tsn d&yo 1n tho St&te of Tamaulipoo, whioh ilmnediately adjoina roxas on tho soutn. I had tho opportunity , thoro foro, to moot IUXI know pr&ot ioally all of tile govorncont ottioiala with tho oxooption of tho President, 'flho •• in Yucatan, tho aouthor~CC>st a tate, a t tho time . I was ontortainocl by ths va~ioua cabinot otfi.oors, and :nturally !:*do inquiry on nory h&n4 to r;ot sucb intorcation no I oould with roto~-ence to tho gonoral situatior. . Sinoo thon I bavo 1.-ept 1n touch 111th tho situation throu!11 numoroue oontaota in loloxioo . I have onjo:;-ad the triomship of thooo various !.!oxioan ofticiala, and have boon portioularly popular with their corusu.lar i'oroo in thio Stato in view of mMI'J prompt favors I have aooordod thom.

Ur. Proeidont, after oboorving tho mmo1· in whioh those IJexioo.n otrioiall have tailed to roepond to your many aotiona in their behalt o.nd to your "good neigllbo r" polioy, and ht.vinr; bad a aoriea of eimlar unaathtactory cxpo r ionooe with the, I am ot the tira opinion that it 11 not in their !lllturo to approci.o.te oonaiderato action.

It ia a kno1m n.ct that tho preaent govormoont 111 Llexioo has been euatainod up until the proaent tilolt largely throu!11 t'WO taotore, tint , your eilvor buying pol1oy1 am, aeoon4ly, tho touriet trade . Doapito our big b r other and pr otoot i vo a t titu.do toward then, dcapito your a~iniotration • s eil vor buying polioy, despite a !air tariff, deep i n their hoarte thoy do not liko uo. In ll1Y ju~ont they

El<.E:CUTIV!: D !:PAAT 'MI!:N T -- ¥':51/:58 Hia Excellency, PrtLnkl1n D. Roosevelt PI>&• z .

h&vo dono little, if anythi~, to reciprocate. Witnoae tho recent anti -morican d,....netratioruo in I"'IIIY of thoil' cities. l!Yiquootion­ably thh will joopardiu tho tow1.a t trade .

~ oxporionoo as Governor of Tona during tho pt.at throe years has boon that of my prodoooaeors o Uoxican public ofticialo bavo boon len& on daolare.tiona of triondahip and chert on delivery . For inetanoo, whilo I have oomnutad covoral death penal tioe on Hoxi-can subjects tor thom and have pronptly turnod over to thor.> all fUgitives from juatioo, they have oonaietantly retueod to deliver fUgitives from juetioo back to ue . 'l'bo meet recent 1netanoa .,., tbot ot a Te:xaa negro Who cocoittod a brutal murder hero, creased tho lino am waa arrootad and hold in Piodrao l!ograo , j1J6t across tho bordor. I have in t:J:I tiloe tolop-ace fro::>. tho l!oxican otticiab etatinc that ho 'IIOUld bo tiiMlOid over to ua and that everything ""uld bo handled ac­cording to our wiaboa. At tho very time theee tolo&ral:a wore baing sent, tho negro wae released from custody by the !.!oxican autho ritioe; and althou&> thoy have promised ue to at;t.in apprehend and return him to us , they have not dono ao . i'his 1a juet ono of sever al similar instances of ourdorors oaoapinr; over tho international boundary .

Tho pro a ont U.rl can government ia founded on fUndamentally unsound principles . Firat, thoro it a oo:nploto lack of r ol1gioue toler6DCO· Sooondly, tho expropriation or lando and proportioa , while it r:,a,y be le&al, 1a not juatitiable and hao raoul ted, and will continue to result, in r;roator hom than &<>od to tho k.orloan pooplo .

Conced111f> tho legality ot expropriation of at;rlcu ltural lands and only a protonoo of payment has been made by tho i81ut.noe of ""rthloss bond• -- th11 io tho sit uation which hao roeultod:

All tilla ble le.ndo have boon oontiocatod aDd turnod ovor to tho peo..., tor Y«>rkiqo; . Thio might be all riY,t if tho peone would worlc tho lallda . The oxaot roveroo baa boon true , however . '!'hoy havo not been wor~ tho lo.nda , the;r "1'1111 not '110rk thoc w1 thout oor.JOono to diroot or drive them. Corn is tho principal food coc:oodity 1n llerloo , and tho Jo:exican peoph have not produood corn. The;r are in aorloue naod.

or oourao tho old hacienda &)'ate had ita abueoo , but under it tho peone did worlc tho land and t;ot onoudt to cat . Thia 1a not dono ulldor tho prount oyatoc. I t 'WOuld have boon ~:~uch bettor it the l.!oxican government had oaid to tho luoi<l•d• own•r• that , "l7o aro goint to oupor­vico your oontrllota and r oquiro tham t o bo .fair. You muet eetabliah e. a chool on oaoh haoionda and keep a roaidont doctor thoro , and provide for \tcoination and othor health moaeurea . "

IO<I!:C l JTIV O: D I!:,.ARTMI!:NT • • ~/31/38 Uia Excolloncy, rr.nklin o. Rooaevelt I'll&• Three

I vio itod ono ho.oiondr> l ast fall •:hioh .,., rapidly tel ling

into doony. Pr acticall y r>ll tho t illable lando hlld boon aboolutoly

oontb ca ted aDd turned ovor to the worko ra; BUT 'rilE LA1m WAS llal BEilll

1\"CJUtED AS IT SHOUU> BE. All Ar.lorican had built up thb oatato and nan

built his own irrication aystOJil. !;ow that tho l&Dda bavo boon oon­

tia oated hia widow cannot eoouro enougb • tor to oare for the plants

and trooo in a small y..rd a r ound tho houao .

lJy point about it all 1s that tho oystom is predicated upcn

a f&loe baae, eapoc1ally w1 th people Who to a large oxtot:t oocupy tho

oa:oo atatua aa liborated alawa i=odiatoly attor tho Civil War.

Yow· chango i n governmental policy with roforonoo to pur­

chaaing oilvor haa, in ey opinion , o.lroady dono lliOro to cnko tho J.!exican

gonrlltlllnt roaliu their depondonoo on our good will th•n •eything that

oould have boon dono . Ar1;y oooooss1ma to thclll aro not only not a ppro­

c!.atod , but to tho1r minda aholra a woaknoaa on our p&rt . It 1a t:J/1

judo:>ent that thio sovert>mont ohoul d to own farther with pcaoot\11

moasuroc arteoting the eoonomio cit uotion . Thereby wronfiS would bo

righted aoonor, in t:J/J opinion, than otherTrioo .

For illetll.llOo , during t:J1J viai t to loloxi co I -• 1<&1 tad upon by

a oottlitteo of !Jontorrey buoinoas men Who objected to a high tax placed

upon !.lonter roy boor illlportcd into To>".as. I ca.llod their attention to

t ho f~ot that OW' bw:ineu men vrore 00r.1plaining booauao Amoric>Ane can

oroa • tho lina into J!oxioo and roturn ''Oith a hundrod do l ll>ro 110rth of

gooda oaoh trip duty froo , while purohaaoe in Texaa carried aorcu tho

lino into !Jorloo ha vo a prchibi ti vo, hisb tariff. If our sovornztODt

110uld adopt tho • ..,. position u tho lloxioan govo.....,.nt, I think it would

roault 111 their chang!~~& their policy in thio rot;ard .

According to information I hno oocw-od from Lloxioo, tho au­

thor! tiea thoro wore highly jubilant over tho rocont aoburoa or oil

propertioa. It 1o tho praotioally unanimow: opinion there that tho

l!orlcan r;o,.rnmnt auot have had foroig~ oormltmnta o r plodsoa or auppcrt,

elao they ""'uld not havo takon this dro.otio action. They havo oooe

brilliant non in tho Ullxioan cabinet •• !'or inotanoo , Lfr. Suaro• , the min­

i& tor of finanoo ; Gon. Eduardo Ray, minister of forOif?l r elations;

J.!r , Villalobos , tho Attorney Oenaral 1 aDd othora . These con muot havo

known that thio clraotio action on thoir pert would precipitate oomplica­

tiona and ill'ipair thoi r orodit 1 yet tho action -• takon notwi thatandi~~& .

on tho quest ion of w•goo, which arc probably indofena1blo ao

f&r aa ou r Ant>rican atandardo aro oonoornod: I know of ono oonoorn in

llonterrey oporati~ a arall taxtilo manufaoturins ootablioluoont thoro .

OI!:CUT1VI!: DEPART M E N T •• S/:H/ll8 Ria !xoellenoy, F~lin D. Roosevelt

1'*11• Four

The WOI'kero str uok for hi&Jlor wages . Tho ompl oyoro 1ns1etod thoy oould

not p&y mora, tho oourts nora roaortod to t.nd ttlo wrkera wore uphold .

The er:~ployoro ttlon turnod tho oatoblia!u:lont over to tho ""rl<cra -- juet

gave it to thotl. Af'tor 11 fe'tl wool:a or tJ.ttonptod operation, tho ,..,rkero

aakod tho owners to to.lcl1 1 t baok ar;a!n on tho old baeio .

Among othore I como to know in L!oxioo "''" Goner al s. Cedillo,

'llho waa at thAt ti.ce ciniater or •&r1culture. Be roaignod a few daya

after I was thoro and r oturnod w hia nativo state of San Luis Potosi ,

Where ho ia , I undoratnnd, supreme. He hna not permitted poroooution

of the church . He h.aa not pond ttod expropriation or landa . Bo is not

1n sympathy with those pol1oioa; yot he haa tho most prosporoYS atate in

tho Uoxiean union.

Fron •thnt I aaw o.nd from what I lea mod ( amonr; others, from

our own consular nnd embassy oorpa in lJo:<ioo) , I e.n ot' t ho opinion that

Gonoral Cedillo !o tho J:>O&t honest, sinooro and practical minded ran

ther e •• probably the etrongoot ch.aractor in !.!ox1oo. n>ero e.re I1:AJly

intereetinr; thinga with rofor onoo to his poos1blo futuro o011roo in J.:oxioo

'11hlch I am aure l'IOuld bo of troundouo 1ntarcat to ;,oou, but I wuld pro­

for w g1vo thom to you in poraon if you ahould bo intor ostod.

S=r1t1Ilg, I want you w know that I ato or tho opinion that

this t;ovcrnmont haa purouod exactly t ho r i11ht oouroo in r coont days ,

oopcc1ally with roforcoco to the ohAnge in our ailvor buying pol 1oy.

I think our protoota should bo atro"f; and vigorou:> and that porhapo coro

otri ngont polioioo should bo !l:>llowod in ~rany roapocte . I boliovo it

will aoouro bot tor and quicker rosulto. 'l'ho !.!oxioan pooplo undorotand

and reepoot fin:mooa more tnan ldndnaoa .

If I can serve you further , or if thoro 1a any point <lbich I

can a.saht in clearing up in your mind, I place IIY"Olf at your dhpoaal .

liith hi&>oet personal ro,arda , I an

S1noorely youra,

1.~ .. ~


-~~~~~-- J'CII Ill --1 ... ,. ---~ I .._ ~ .... NIPK•e ••••l .. llll .. r•

.. lett , .... .. , •lr 1' 1 s usu 1 a a -,-....-. &• 1111,.~ .............

,_, •• _..lrls•~e

...... •• •

Te1egrem lfo . 319 - J.:pril 16, 5 P•'~~ •• London - trantm1tted by the Sec. of St at e 4/16/38.



- -Publ1oho4 in

Porelcn ~elatlone or th~ Un1t~4 Statea

19}4 Vol . v

JUU 919l!

lr ..... $ I I

I ..... ._. ,_ le ,_ lette ef .., a, lftl, ... "-............ ,_ ··= .... ..., __ - .... p:c]l • .. $ .................. . .. _._ ... _ .... -.... ..,..,., .... "' tM ._._ •• '• I x -.&1 _..liLt ... ef ... ~---- ....................... . .......... ,,, .. JI ..................... ..

~· ....... lette .. ,.. .. - '· lla, .. .._,_,..,_.lellehlan,lr . .. -·· .... ·--·· ··---· .... ·---.... ._.._,.,, ... _...._.._ I .,.&ate&,

I ...... , ........ ,.. .... I' .... :AlGI-

""•• ... - pcc;cxl ..t ,_. Ia .. --........ -·--?· lxllll- .u ll ...... ,_. I .. _,u._

....... -,...._ .... au. ...... __ ......... .

I ll .. _,., toUt ,._ ...__, Will& llaft IIIHPttte&

&a "• ., ...... , .. ,.&at ... at -.1& ,... •• , •

... ...... u. ., .. ·-~a ... __ .. , . ..,laltt, ,. ..

tleal ... .... lt\e ~., .. .a ,. _ .. _ .... _, ...

~ ....... , .... fdlr, ........ "'""" -- ..

tM AIMI'l._ tlth- -. .. tplll'lr pNpwtlta llaft

---.....,a ..... .,... ,w•••taU• ., ...a a P,.,. 1 -.1a ~awe

-- ~ ... ~ ... 1111•• .......... _, .. '­lhl• ,. a af t1 \Ill nU&ltr t1 tat pelltlf e1 tilt

..... •'4' au•, '*'• •• .-~ taa .. tat t1

Wt ... .,, ... _ .. , tla'M 1111. tllat ,.u_, liiPllM a

a •tr tl .. ,........, &a *lM aU •• an' tlllc

'h ~~. .... - • --· _ ... ., ..wal ..tl ....

-' fdlr U l'as. ., IISU at llM WI t&M te

..... ,~ " ... liM ., , .. , .-1'-J ......... ,

lta ...... tt ....... " ..... 1,. la ~ ,.

lllc uti.._ -.:re lt o-.1& • •· It lt ntltleel

te ..... , aa rotwa ... .,.... t• '" aUptleu ••

at w' r ~Unal 1•, *'.., ., .._,,, • el ... ~•.,.n IM .-lAcaUne ... ate auueu.

o-. ••= at.llawe r...Uae& tM lM••Ur ....

'''~'' ~ .... ., .._ .- ae•at•• .,aa.,. .-. .....


J\ue f.-..latM thelr pollOlH oe•rUIIftl)'. ftle O.Y­

e •at o r •d• bae tor a 1 ... per1 .. of u... 8tler

l t e a,rarl a n l awa, tat .. oYer lea~• of ~rloea ~·•~aale

Plld t bov.b proYleloa ... M de u the O.e r lll OlaU. Co~t­

YenU oa Oil 11"3 llM n'btle<t .. •t 61U t aeate, tor U\a a4-

Jwt ta• at or IC'I'Vlu olat.e 11p to Av. wet 30, 11"', ..

• • h adJutae~tt bae aot'Ual1Y \at• pl ~teo. n. •aluUoae

of tho "-art- proportlae I Jl'llroprla \ .. etaoe t lult dah,

n rlnol-&J.lJ' ttloee of .-11 hol 4ere, wlt "'o Ule UM';Itlone

J\t rolnaf\er aot.C, ..... , al r ead)' t o 810 , 132, 388. 39 i n

Yalwo aooorcll., to \tie •al- tloae of Maor l oaa - • ro, t ft4

no p ro•hlCMa ll th tl'l' t • a4Jllt t aut or t or ~t hu ' ''

be .. M4e. 'rho - u anne& en4 ual n r aal l7 ~,.tu4

l aw of aau-, trhlle reoophtnc the rl ht t o u p ro-;>rb t e ,

r e(t\ll r .. p.,_., 1ft ou!l or l h e<t11hal• 11 t a t the u ..

o f talll... 'nle rtp t to take h t hwe dependent upon the

wuu ... , .. 11114 \ be a bllU)' a t t hat tlao to paJ' the ..,­

proprlato oa.p .. eatton.

ftle '"'"'•-' 'bell••" u el).,roprle\ e elA to

oall at \ lfttlon t o t~ tftbareat reelprooal obaraoter ot

the s oo4 ae lcJibor ~u.,. In .Ul lll' h .-.. r .. uoa,

t hl e OoYern-•wt ~ell•••• \ba t lt ba e exbl bl \ "' patl .. oo

and fo~, aft4 bae ehown to th •utea Ooor-lftt


all ~-~1~11 l.a-1'-~Raeo aa well • • ~ praatl-.1

••l4 .. oee ot lt. eOfttbatftC Aedre te ~rete • tile

_,., trt tfM\17 bade, T•t U MRMt .. .,. a po1l17 ~

a~h .. lllf la th11 IJ(JII op1bUn 117 .... Q' o..r ..... ~ ... or properUee ot ._rt_ uUOMl.e ta ea.,_.IU'4 at tile

prholpll .__. expreprhtlM .. , eaUef .. tlOil at the

obllfaUOil te ~7 11 llu4 la baM. fa a4ept ...... a

~ovree 110144 ROt,,...,..._ tM 1114 11dcta...,. poUe,r, • Moh

h •lnreel la Ue eppllcau... C. ctae .. ,,..,.,, U

~· hlwltdlJ ••• ..., ,., polleJ, " ' ....,.,~ Ule

l11tecrl'J at the prtnelPl•• uroa ~~ lt reete. I

ollllftet help '-' ~lien Oat ~h• ~·vo~llo ot Jt..t• tulll'

ahar•• th••• .,,.,.., 11114 " ! "lru to OOOl'4'Ntl lit the

• dnt-· or the ceo' nelr.t ibor pollor .

theee 1-.JA .... tl ... led te tb& IOfiOlVelOil tllet

110 ,.,.,.tbiJ' nprept'l• tl•• ot A11"1"lo .. -o,.y,e4 prop•l"tJ' ..,

t •whllJ 111 .... *"' '''"""' ~utl• le palt

at tllll tlee If takl .. tiUI PNPII'1l'•

Utll ~"' '' "'- ·~ap.uu-. whleh ha.,. elret.4r ... pl ... , .......... " ...... , 10, lt!'P, ... . .,,.,

_,..r•twe, ..,. •' ..,,.,... 117 01 O..Hl C1.al• Coa•­tlOil, aa4 ....,1_..., acn .. .ne. I He M ..,.. the tol•

lowhlc llll•rnUOMI

-s-........ - .... ,_ ................ ,_. a .. w .. w •rt II 'sr .. • •*'1117 .. I lllaw ...

awn~& .. ,.. • •••-•• sasaJS .. -. ..., •"'-a&Na•'auaa h ** ..., -.n ... euh .. ft ..

-••• .. a ...tt ., • -.•sp.aatua ., tiiiiU

........ - .... 5 ... .... • .........

J''d • ., - ., ..... n 1 w .. e&tu .. ..wee ,_ .._. t.Uwe .. ""'" •• ., ... ,. s ,., .. ._ ... ..... ft •waMa lilae ..... te ... IE'III NT llr ..................... ., .,.. ....... . .... , , ..... tat a r lta .-... u ... , .-. ... ,..._ ....... llll-.a fll .,._ ClaYW at1e dJU 0 SM ..

........ •• - ,_ .......... fl'"l•ll TIIJFie-

1 ... ,_ -. •• , .. ,n.a ... n Fie• ,.....uw. Ia *• ... ., til' , ....... ft ... Mll.U. ,. --

11 ........ ,..1Jil .. I • tellll .. 11...., el 1.,...

l1l luf•• ,_ wftela ••satliM *• cp;s .. ts .,._ t• a. tF at •Ulaee et a Mill• lnl1 .e .... I ....a• ..... , ... .,..- ........ ,.,. .... ''· n,..., .u,-.--,. a•sae .......,._. u I JSPLif Ml~ w&• paz; .. efts .... _ ef all

._.. •• llaw .-.. a a ,, ... ta .... , •· 1..,. "'· ..., ...... ··- ................. .


--· " u ., ....._, •• ,., ...... ,. ......... ... , ... te u.&r ... tl_. &a anr p'2 1 •• ..

pN.U1 .. f/1 tile e-...1 a..iM ............. ·~ ..... MI ••

.. • .... u ., ... "-1 .... , .. .... , •• ...... Mea ... 1el rn 'Ut lMl .... I 11sl8 a.tel'o .u... ,..,, ,....,._. "' -· •aeoe·• .... .. ' ., .,.. ........... _ .. ,. " ll ..-................ . 1Jir .._.. lild ~ • a a,r&atel ., .. • Ius ..,._ a ••• M1 liMhU,. .. ,.,..,._ ...,..,u .. ~ 2 l*aln .... IAIIJ1l .. W_,... .... , 1:1.0 ,1!~,38'& . 39 fll '• ilasn a a• ..,., • ..,. lld.a ... ._ .. u e?llll•

aa" ., satan• *'-'- pNpai'1laa • a -u• •• 11 18 t &11111 ...a..... eta.-... -- ... • ... &s ~an1 fll a na•-. aa.lt tlli1u ~ ......... t.U .. ~ .... ., ... , .... I, l1 ••U 111e Mil a a~~r, fll ...... ta t.Ml .. n -. •at• fll -. •••• •• n•••• .. &a .,.. • •• ......_ -- ....... t.Ml .... , ........... -- fll ... 181111& le11 ... ljl.a&• -- ..... -,.. ...... nl1tll7 .._ .... t1L

tllsN u at' Os1 llaata en n Peel 1&111 fll ..


/. , ta. Aaerlou PJ'operUee \bat uo ..-1.- 1a tee ,_... -.. ......... flUe un pfte \M - ol * .... et U.. prepet)', \M ._., 11 .., , _. l"at1• et Ue proprtJ, u.. n-m et uet•" ..,,..,.law, .., tu •al .. u onba\M ta • .- ouo llr * .... .u~ u off-' IIU liMa _.. te bel .... 1a t-.te u .. all ot tM Merlela JiiOpuUoo ~opwlaW o1aM Allpet 10, lllf (111-. * N ep'S.. WOH 110\ot), ... atenn et eeto1a •• •tM \M u .. laJJ plote, .an .... .u,. tale ... u.~.,. ,.,ant unlaoltr .. u .... le MJon to ~. Pr• U• to the, U ,..._ .. ,. UJI I

aftl~e, ~ 1I1U 1MI lwaleut te U.o ue&l ... owe-t. It le nzeolto4 .a.at -. ... .... 'M Nertao« ftloC .

ttsollo4 IW IMU&OJ ...... lot_..o "r "- IPPJ'O pwlato ..-1M 116 \M -.~._ ••• at Ulll ...­~·•'-' aa nA aMltleul .... u "- luloaa OliiUW-t.., ONJd4W ... .....,. 1a Ol'r to mtlft at u _._....a .. ...-u.c tM __ , of ...-­Uoa 4 .. 1a ...,. ..... Ja u _.. u ,.._ ..,.,.._... 1o w..., t• -*••••• ta ...,ulac .... a1JnU111 to .._, ... ....-~. 1t IIMisl6 'M .-..s.ltlo to u­rlft 1a tM ..., ... ,.., •• at utma~-u .. e1

II QCNtiN .... M ,... .... fi'N ._ ....... u .. _, lewwa at 11leU .... tbt .._. t ... tM .. ••lat .,

f1t ,..u .. 1M •u •• flit ~· peat Mf'4 ot tlle .,.Jor­l'T ot the ~"• I t te ...,. .. u .. tb ' •a•• te\•r­alac>U-. be Me. 184 t paps '' be ,.....,.~ trltholft

tw1her te1q,

I t .............. . te« ..... I •• ,

II JS?atiS --~ tdtll aJI(f nlldtlaJT q-.tl OM,

..- • -. et.at flit tiM .,... aapro;"l'te .... be det r-

.... - IPS at bet US tw I hili rio - ~

,. .. , .. lit' .._ Oo9w t fit ••-. ~· •*• 'r ttM

Ou••---' ot tiM a.u .. ""'''• X. the~,_. ..,., f1t •• ..,.. ..... , betwan the 110 ~ .. s .. ra ~ the II •• of 0 I 1$ naatt• 4111 b fllll1 oa .. ,

... ot ~ otblr ~nun ...... aJT tor a &ttaNlutlell

Ot oral ... ., e..erM"ttt "£Pitl that thiM cn~QtlOIIi

be 4Ml«*~ "" a ool• a*,,..._. .. teet at - a. ''~'­••"•' o..&ul• at Paal\~ pro.t4eG tw " u. .... aue& OIMN h'M\1, ttl pect at "-'1 ... .., ~.

W'!J, .. wblib .. ~ eM' '"-"' ............ ~···· Jo n ew flit INI" oo 111 Aeelre to aon 1 a a eatu .... , ot

tbla •"n• It h "II"'" tt.t..,. • ••=..-. n..- at We t&.l tt\dr u apiiUft a-taet .. ,.., .-4

Nq!Mit the PiM?'MI\ ~IllS to- IDIIISJS~

t he aola u4ll tretor.


1 ~Mw aow ~• row O.•n s ' llu -... a flnt lt., ~~ prOYUtllc OOIIIQeDM\Ue a\ l .. t ia p~ fll' tM Mel'l&tR e•et l..U &a tiM T...a Yt.llWJe l~J Moi4iac te b J &IW. ..,.,, I ,, )lpa•IQI ....

.. --~ ol ,.. 111!18, tiM .. ., 110,000 peeoe. )

•=sn , &a u _. u our \we Oe••• •'- .. ..., .....- &a 177 _.., ,... w u rl" d ._. eat111fadOJ'J wl•tl• ot ._ pJ'O~-- t rill .. I~ tM -.n~l..­, ... ol all Allerlllea Pl"O;)W\1110 ., OI"'&IIRI eg.

~ ..., .. ""''tile T~ YtllWJ l.Ut ..Ul Mt M ftlllalhlJ -.atecl pend'RI t llt 011\00M Of , .. prtetat dboaus-..

I la&ft alto ante& tad dl& l'IIV4 W 1lal .,_.. OUWI of a;n"op2hUOD 411Uaot tre. Ulo .. lllldilr a.el,._ .aU• dta reiiPM\ w tiM Taq'lll Y.Uer. JWr oo••• _, h Ollatl•IDI to oo.pUI tlao data MMNUT to 4nvalae toM ...ante ot OOtiiP•••U• IR4 ... ..,...u, 1Jie IIM•ta \0 'M "' ulde t• 4NIIl pqa•h. hllOYl .. 1M Uaoe flit ov ... , . a&tloat, IIQ' oo.uuut .. .,.., tt~at Ule .. lat .. I I ... .W M ~-- \0 llfoot "C ---\Ue t• tU AllalOU pnpwUot ..,.,., , ... w... l tlf prl • to tiM e.plntt• II \M ._..., otla.. ot O•srlll

llnw teA


oowwa•t ....n aGJdt • \a. .,u ... u• fll .., 41eo•~

la•'-r pl'l•'-1• &a ta.lt • "•• -.& tlllel'tten le ... ttlu

te UU" .._ utl~laU. .... .-.. &a J0t,11r l Ut•

Wld.a _. Uk..a ....... 1.- &a tM ...oraac. .t APd l 11

-u-- rtl•nu te hrp P"OPtiU.t • et.., 4Uhuau ..

U. 11111e11 Ci ...... .,... ot Mll'tua ulua-. 1"'

•UifMtol7 .... , ... tllaa · nnw ...... 0- •MUM

• a llael.a ., tau OQMU" 1o nq.UOil '" au ~rl­•• Alln'MJa pr~.

Dial'~ tM (A'OIOM prft'lOUlJ odllu«, ...... 1 U

...,,._. ,_ ...,.. IIIIINl& ~ ...,.aw 1a ••=• ...,, •

.. • PUepcatabllo put Ill tU •••snu.- Ill -.p~toprld.._

aM ._. ... u., ., 00..__. • .,...,, \Mt TOV coca .. _. a.IIOul& en all .... w, ,., u. _. ~Y ••••·

•JMt u -.s .. .,... u M~ &.114&uate4, tbe ._ Ill

$337,746 . 27 .. " ........ la ..... l:o .... 'II'H4.,..

.. lltaf, t• at .-11&ft" ,.,po. Ul a&lll QC OMOCb­

U. fW IICP .. l'Wl .. M PIUP'W t1 M ... -- ..,1A1U .....,_

~~&a.atUal ., .. 1 • ..,. ...... .nw.a ., aa ......... -.ale u. ••= .• ,..._ t1 s e ==U• eboe • nctuoU•

..._ • -·- ... .ua..a, -. -~ ._,."'' .-1• -- .-~ .. - ...... ...,., . ., uott"-c .... , ........ , __ ._ lt -.lC M peoel\U to Mkl ... wMt I •'s otlll4 ..


to bo tlao ObJ•U•• ef Prod._, Ovfxu, a..ei.Je 1M

p.,...t et ompxaaU• to .wua ... oau .... t• .a.u

•l~P"'P~l~\el& haCS. P''- u \lle ....tul• fl6 Ill • ._.

011 .ru ... .rl til Ntplft U \ao TU.. J~WHMW bJ .,.. Ofte lt

la ooan•tt• wt\la u.. "'"1 .. pro,.•Uu, 1 • r ... ..

la edYUM flit ten.l I '••U•, \ad aM ,_al

et•Mer4e •-.uUaa 1142 xU• ••PI'•ss• suU• la

We loU• _. equllJ IIPPll..We la \llat • ••·

Utll up•4 u \ae ..-. .r AMrteaa chi • ~Dt• tllll

O..al Olal.an o•••tt•, , ... posttl• ef., Oner-t

u \aat u .. st prep•lJ uu, 1 l'lpte oed••M • tile

DldtM ltates OOnftUIMt, - bellalf of ate MUOAale, -

.._ P• .. aatau ., .._ o..~ cn.tae he'-1 o1 liM •

.. aeuer, sheo ro-r ooo..-• h Unposed \o 411N1tlss tbs

•"- flit \be seUl-t ef \lls olslae, tiUI Deputasat h

wl.Ubc u -.-,lus wl\ll ,.. \bs ~ .. l~U1 Use 011 s.u e.

•"l•nt, lt bol ac --.steo4 o6 eCIIU'M t !lat bJ sotsr­

bc late - ~ .... PlODS t ills Gnu•t~~~.t 40es Mt lD UJ

.., -.pnmse Us post tt• ., stU._.. wUil ,..,... \o

tte l'l .... s _... tills nnoeel ot l t M U4 that tile sols

.. ,. .. ot ...a u .... aa ... 110\ll4 .,. a. utonaas w~~..._

tile poPI' 1 l llsu of 0111' t.o ~., .... ,. us sut'Uol tatlJ



\ \ba ·-· u .. the woald l• ut. to •

lt n •••oary to tnelat ~" t or tur\,.,. r 41aoutl on of

t~ olat•~ r repar.torr to the ~ bloc ae\tl .. nt oont~lfttod

b1 1\e hootoool of lt34.

1 .. pleue4 t lo:•t fo~ ..nellenoJ •f!'••• wltt\ • thrt

b7 &n equltablo aol•UGa or tba T'I"'bl .. o abo,. .. nu one4,

'.he "-'11<'~ 0 Of' fl'hnllthl;t bet .. .n 0111' bo OOIIJ\1'rl • I trlll be

••re~I\M, an•~ U u hopt4 N t nob. ohtlon1 aey t •

~oUA4 1A the t .. odt ato ru ure,

ell ••• ••• • 1 4ear wr, Aa~eaador, 1\h ·~· •xpr•~•l~n

ot • 1 oord.l al re erd.,

SuiiLDer Well08



--· . '




July 151 1938.

U.s.s . HOUSTON (AT SEA) Vi a N. R. r.: .. a

1 f

ThE Canadian ForEign OfficE has today informEd thE

AmErican LEgation at Ottawa that thE plans of thE

GovErnor GEnEral hav t bE tn changtd and that ht will not

rEpEat not rEturn to Canada until SEptembEr and that to

his VEry grEat r EgrEt hE will not b E ablE to takE part

in thE bordEr cEremoniEs schEdulEd for thE month of

August nor haVE thE opportunity of mEEting you.

ThE Prim£ MinistEr has statEd to thE prEss that hE

intEnds to rEplacE t hE GovErnor GEnEral at thE dEdica­

tion of thE Thousand Islands bridgE on August 18 and thE

Port Huron-Sarnia bridgE on August 19.

ThE authori t iEs of QuEEns UnivErsity at Kingston "ffi"r-'f¥-1

and thE authoritiEs of thE Canadian GovErnmEnt havE

alrEady bEEn informEd that you will acctpt th£ honorary

dEgrEE from Quttns and that this should takE placE

tithtr just btforE or just aftEr thE formal opEning

of thE Thousand Islands bridgE, which is schEdulEd for




2 -#1 , To ThE PrEsidEnt

August 18, at thrEE p , m,

ThE dEdication of thE Port Huron-Sarnia bridgE is

sEt for August 19 , no hour announcEd to th£ DEpartmEnt ' s

lmowlEdgE ,

In viEw of thE GovErnor GtnErcl 1 s changE in plans ,

I should likE to know whEthEr your own plans rEmain

unchangEd in ordEr to inform thE Canadian GovErnmEnt

accordingly, Your i nstructions arE also rEquEstEd on

that part of thE trip aft Er lEaving Port Huron whEthEr

you wish to procEEd to Winni pEg and from thErE south

to thE PEacE GatEway on thE North Dakota bordEr , As - .I(

you no doubt arE awarE this dEVElopmEnt is not com-

plEtEd and thE PEaCE Arch not yEt constructEd, although

I havE no doubt that thE local authoritiEs would bE

vEry glad to makE suitablE arrangEm Ents for your visit ,

I shall awai t your instructions bEforE taking

furthEr action.





In repl,y reter t tu 760F . 64/l78

1.!)' dear l'r. t.!cintyre:


l.lov ·rrbsr 18 1938

I~ I am enclosing a copy ot Ambassador Biddle's dee­

patoh no. 731 ot October 1~ , 1938 concerning eub­Carpath1an-Ruthen1a, together with a map, both or which are marked ror the President.

Si ncerely yours ,


l.Deepatoh no . 731 rrom Warsaw, October 15, 1938

2 . 1.!ap

'!'he Honorable

Varvin H. llci.ntyl'fl,

Secretary to the Pl'e&ident,

The Wh1 te Houee .

.,_o I


No. 751


Tho Honorable

war a ow , Oo .. ber 10, 19:111. "

/ Obaer ... u ono ou HUJI6ar1an o1a1• t or aub-Oarpath1aD- Rutben1e , and Poland • • 1ntoreat t h• o1n .

/ ,p

The Secre tar y ot St ate ,

Ueall1.naton , D.o.

Sir :

I bo.,. the honor to reter to rq ooblea lfo . 230 ,October

5 , 11 • · • · , end llo . 231, October 6 , 12 noon , IIJid to repor t

the tollowln a ob8 .. rYat1ona w1 th r ogord t o HUJlj!nry' a o1a11:18

upon aub- Oorpa t bl a.n- RutheDJ.a end l'olMd • e 1D tcr eat t here ln.

Br1a tl7, aooording to rq 1nton:oet1on tro• ccmpotant

e tlulo1ostato , topographer• end 1ntor•d J'olleh o tt1o1ela ,

Rut baDJ.a haa a 1Dtel popW.a t1on ot ob<.ut 7211 ,000, conehUna

ot the toll0'111nlt about 1211,000 l!unt;aria.na , ;a.oo , 000 z- • (apoaklna l!unpar1an) , 15 ,000 Ruaantana , 440 ,000 oub-

Carpo t b1an

- t -

Ce.rpeWan- Ru .. tana (or lllaa1n1""") , w14 a17 uattared

Conan er..upa ( oou1at1n& or abvut 10 ,o o 111 all) . In

o441tiun to the torego1ns , there 1a the Oseoh sroup ,

hi t herto OO<tpoaiq t ill a4lo1 ni etrat 1on, 'l'lla bulk at till

'Ulcra1111.an •ot1on ot the population apaalc a aor t ot

'Ulcra1nlan 41aleot and o onaider th-lna a "apeo1al"

and "local" oataacrr i n teru or tnaaloiana aa a .,ole;

othare olelll Ruaaian or1111n, w111le at1ll o t l• r• prote aa

bololl81t.R to &n 1..,.,1narr 11kra1n1an atete, The towna and

v1llaeoa t hrou£)1out Rut hanl a era 4~r1D1tel7 lawleh ln

preGomiiUlllOI, 11'hloh a •na tha t the bulJI: or tra de ie 1n their

hanu &4 that the towna and T1 U.. e e are a inlr Uungari an

l D ci:Jato oter.

Rut henia OO'Nra an area oe about U , llOO aquara Jdloaet~u.

1/ 'I'll• a tt aobe4 ""P 11'h1ob I han anrke4 1n4ioAtu ( a ) tbe

adla1Jl18trothe arao rroa tho aaot orn bound&rJ' up to Uahorod ,

11'h1la a ooor41na to athnologiate l•ra the athnnloaioa l

trootier iD t a.- or the ftuthaoJ.an r opula tion axtonda troa

a p oint J•t eouth ot llrazno northaaet to aloout lo:uasyna ,

l'ro• a atan4po1nt or lfwlllari&n olalaa thn terri tory IOU th

or the line llih1oh I hon • r bod ae the athnol0" 1oal 41-

IMroatlon , and rWllllDI between Ushoro4 and !ll aUna oon talna

t be bulk ot t he llu.nprtan population. 'l'he t erritory north

ot thh line 11 obarao~h.ad I>J' • aer1aa or vala ya ru .nina

aouth and north traTaral4 1>1 lila rivera 1ft41o ted, all or

Whioh r'IUI a utllward . ~at - weat o01auD1oa t iona in thla

area are IIP&rll to UJ' the l•e t. In toot tl.a onlJ' eut -

weat railroad 11 that Wl\1oh rune alone: tba Ruthonian-

Uune:ari an-

- 3 -

Hun£11ri1Ul- RU.nillll bor der Juat 1. dde tlla llutlleninn line ,

'l'ha s.an,. ... laa eO<>-.! eta .. a a\hnol.ori at• pol:>t out tbat 111

tbe neat of anhtao tlon or flwlprlu atllnolog1ooJ. oleiu

tllh railroo.4 woul.d t all into Hllnflo.rlo.n h..,4a . 'l'hay roreonr

ro1ot out tbat tbla W>lll4 reaul.t 1a eoonolllo 1oolat1on

tor t11.1t part or llutbenia nor~ ot l'!Wlr.IU'T ' a etlloo:toc loal

oleiBa, 'l'be Uunrorlo.na \her atc>H point out 1 t ., ul4 ba llD

eoonoaio o.dnotap tor \!Ia oor\hero part to be bel4 lotaot

ratller t han to be d1T1da4 tr"" tbo oou\harn plll't , 'JI!lloh

oontallla t he Z.at-lleat railroad ,

Polaod ' a 1atorMt 1a lluthellla ' a O&Mlon to l!w>garT, and

o. oon .. quant oo•on Pollah-Hunauhn tr.mt1.., •Y be ohareoter­ized by the toUowln a u1n pol n• •• (a) PoU&h 1nternd

oooa14arat1onal Rutllen1a ' a auton0117 ratbar tllao 1nclua1oo

lll a Ullnflarl an atate w.>ul.d undoubtedly !'e:!'leot 1taalt lll

u anoour"8'1ll.,t to the Pollah tlkralll1an n1nor1ty to IIAb

a ala\lar olala tor autoDOIIITI (b) a\J'ataglo obJeoth'ea:

l/ tlla rollah OoYIIl'lllllllnt taale that blllll'er lan aoqula1t1on

ot Ruthenla lllll)lt aarYa to atreftl'1,hen tlle praaoot liuo or1an

OoYar ... nt' a haM 111 1r'ru or hwlau1u publlo oplnlll n , ttua

pot entia l ly earYllll! to k op HUilf'Jlr:r rroa :!'al11na repldl.Y

ani! -plawly i nto Clara..., blincla;. 1/ I olaoc1 peroe1Tea tbe

at.rataa1o a4Yutap o:r three "perato roll r . utoa •~n .. eraln&

1n r oland ot Loo6w, an.d rwll>lll& oouth throuab l:lo.nbor , Utr:r ,

Stonie,t-ow raepaotiY•lr, t bcoe eou\h \liroudl l!utllan1a to

oon.,.,.ce at llu4aput . B .. id aa, tba line troa t..6w throush 5tonletawow "Dranohu et tbe la t ter polnt and rune Ureot

to Jll&oohareet ,

In \!Ia ..,. .. \ ot fol oD4 ' • ba..Ua to det'ood her•lt lither


-. -againat IIJI attaolt tJoa tho oaat , or tho ... t , T olancl

poroalna l n tbaao roll r .)utoa a •m• ot oontaot with

tr1an4l7 oantrol l'uropoen • Ill! llol.kan at.atea u po tonthl

11<1111'088 0( &UpPl1 eel a •a1a\&noo, ~..OYer , J-olr ll4 who

tor about 10 yeva rel&ftad Jlu\Mnia (a) aa " apr1q'llou4

tor t:la :lo'fiot Ulcralnlan prop .. ndlata to - 1 tate IIIIOD&at

the 'Ulcralnl an lll.norlt7 1n l'oland , and (b) na a boa& tor

propacpnda an4 O)Uilter-prop.,... Dlla botwMn the Bovlot an4

the iut , 110\lld .. lo., .. Rutbania'a collins under \M hand

or a rr1an4ly nation 11'!11oll llldlt be a >Q>aoto4 to eatabllah

a atat e ot or4U'.

Aa ral&fta Tollah publlo o pinion , I aa aware tha t

prAoti.,..Uy all c tosori .. t.h .. eot , fl'Oil the ~t to tba

4tt are ho rt1l7 1n aooor4 '011 th the I oliah OoT&riiiiiM t ' a

dea1ro to eatablhh a oonaon frontier wl t h ll\lllf:BrJ t Lrougll

tt a l atter ' • annax.ation o r Ruthenia . For ax....,l a evan

llr. 111e4zia.tlcowalc1 , l eed.r ot t he SOo1alhta lJ:!parted

h i o opinion that t h1o wvuld bo t ho olll7 moan a ot ltoa; i ng

Ruthania trva talli118 i nt o 0ol'IIUinJ' • honda .

ln appraialll& r aala t anoa tr..a Y&rloua a uro• a t o , oJ., nd ' a

an4 hunaar,' a l:llltual obJaotin, the tollowin .. ia baoo:dng

oleer 1 troll t ragua reel nt o.noo 111 oxpeotad to bo oonpor otively

1nartaot1n; troa .JloTelda ll t t.l.a it an7 a tteot1n r .. 1atanoa;

t1'0il a.-nia, roalltanoa ot 1uttaot1To oher ooter bNught

about b7 praoaure tro~ Uerl1n; troa YU£oala•1• mild rea1ata nco

( due to Budaput ' a roportadl7 h&Yins 1nto l'llled llal8l'oda that

Budapaat heel no territorial •biUona 1n Tog)al nia ) . llow­aftll' , 1t 1a baoolll.llP' atea4117 .ora olur that Oemall)' lnolta

upon Poland ' • and llunrar1'• o bJ eou ... with dhtaYOr , .-t the

110mant t here era two eohooll e>t thou$ t hera i n ott1o1al and

- I -

and 41p1~Uo olrolaat (a) t~at .,. lob 1ooka tor rr••nt

u..rnao r .. 1e~lltlo a to tw1JI4la •t.an C:..r..&ll7 t1ndo t hat LAir

r~a1atonoo o ... coa i n 41rao\ o ntllot • lth loll.tl oi~~a, tor

the r<llll>ll that Clema1:11 1a not ;ret ...,. 47 to 41111'\l,p\ har

rela\iona .-1 ell I ol.AA4. If ':'»oth• a.tlool ~oeu..,.. Clemcy

rill inora .., 1 t a raala'-ne• b all llftrtora , l'araoll&lly

I ,..roel.a tr•••• or c.-r.. .. y • a rMOrUna on \Aa ono han4

to pra .. lll'a ll"alnat lluhpaat dlraoUy, and inetreotly thrr U41tt

Bu"har•at , Whlla on the oU>or , .,.lnat t ar ...,. t hrottC!t

arltatlon .., .... , tta I ol11111-llkra1Dian llloorlt)' . ... pol nta4

out on previ ou.a ooo .. lone , c.r .. '1 ~uaat.y r~aorta to

t.!Ua -\1>04 • • • 11lat .....nt of ••"" apinat • ar...,.,

At lla -nt I • -..a tllat t.llot •Ollah Oo••-· t

la l n • QIIOUidery u t .> tlla 1111n ban .on in Yhw (a) or

h1.lJIPl'1e..a.-Cuol>Oa1oYDk a .. u ook or \lotobar 1:S . l n l'-'rno. •114

(b ) " ""'-"17' a huYlna t hereupon ratorr~4 hsr o1a11011 tu the

l<unloh I)OWC'I fur "Mttl-nt • , I n oonnaotton taoro>d.tb ,

r oUab ortloh l.S.... • • oonoora 1a 111 •4 b'f tt.a potf!nt1.Uy

u .. ppo1n \1ua .rr.ot ~t ..... • ...... 1, a1cllt ban upon

lt~U~.~rarlu pu'I>Uo o,•1o1oa. It 1 a ; ortaa th~t t:.o r u'bllo

bad DOt bMa kept olaar1y 1111b.-...a upon tna OCiurH of

nasottat iooa , 11M ~d l ooka4 to H• DII(<OU AtOra t o at't• ot •

rapi d , ... ueru~'l . Httltmftnt , rue , 1t 1• talt , ooul4

OODOOiT'Ibl)' l"d tO I W.D-a l n llo'fa,.,_nt p W!\1.0.~ Ill :)It

1n tors r .,.11, 1n a llazi aGalniaV.tl oo.

1 -•a..r 4tooorn a .. , a or laoan 4laappo1 '1t:lct 1n

ortlolal olrolu hero ,.,.,. tllla raat..lt t r , in fM11ng tl.a\

t11o tilat a1...,t h or Y1to1 lCo ·art.•uoe , \h "' btt. aen

hopl nc tor r•Pl d •otlon , l oold to l.ht. ... rll .. t pocalbH

.. ttl•~:~rnt. 1J14.,.4, aullf>•naa rJAT oor.oel'f bl)' work • tu.rda. 1p

t or

- 6 -

tor PolM4 1l1 t onu ot hu O'ld1 Ulcral.nlan llll.norlty . lloJ"eoftr,

l'olleh ot t iohJ.doa h a i'PJ"IIbnat .. or potantlal OerrJan

wbUe •oh1nat 1Dna, to atan a oJ.ala 1l1 Ruth..Ua tbr tt.a

purpoee or eatebllah1n« a ooJ".,..14or tbr h!'l'aelt. lloreoYe r ,

Pol !lll4 h snnoua to he.., t ha •tter ooet tle4 1D or der that

1t liltht no t bee >• at. hau• wllloh r.lll'llt 111'"'1'"' Ule

qu•t1on or t'roatl c>r suu anteu on tile part ot the •Jc:r poon:-e on or attar Deo•beJ" :u.

At t he preeent aoaent th~~re b en 1.,.e-.. oonoentre t1on

ot Poll uh troope at eeYerel pol t e elons the Polleh- Ruthenl .n

bor 4 r elme4 (a) •• 11 4c.one t rot 1on tor the Rutheniona'

benet1t, am (b) •• a ..,one or tranqulllllna the ataoephen

111 tte ar .. ot 11le Polleh Ukrainian llll.norlty.

'110 AJDB/e.q

(In t rlplloe ta)

l:nololNl' •:

Reapeottully ;ruura ,

A. l . Drexel D144le , l r .

.t. ...

l ORIGIN Afh t' A TRUI' COP'Y I - -

1 . llap (two oopl .. ~

-- ----- --~----.·.-.-:;::::::~:::;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;~.~-----_,.._______________ -

0 ___.-:-

, MI-II:M Oon'ICU.C.(lON~~ 1'0

• Tt41t UCI'E'TA•V Of' nAft .,..,_ .,..-,.o. o.



November 22 , 1938

My dear Kr. President:

I eubmi t tor your consideration, and your signature

it you approve, a dratt letter ot instructions to the

Honorable 14yron Taylor, tumishing h1m guidance with

respect to the tuture course ot the Intergovernmental

Committee on Political Retugees. This letter has been

dratted in such torm as to make clear the extent ot

llr, 'l'aylor1 e author! ty in the event that any question

should arise 1n London as to t h e nature ot h1s taak.

I expect to ' center with Ur. Taylor and Ambassador

Hugh Wilson on my way to New York on November 25th, I t -it 1s convenient to you I should l i ke very much to hand

Ur. Taylor your letter ot instructions on that occasion.

Fa1 th1'ully yours,


Dratt ot letter . to Kr. '1' aylor.

The President,

The White House.

/ ,. llp;ll' 9' 7

~ llJ dear J.lr. Tqlorl

!'he reoent -•e ot extr.e pere-Uon 'llhl.oh

has swept Genaan7 and whloh h oonUaulng 1n ae7

ot 1 ta upeoh has gredlJ lnoreaeed bo~ the dlttl­

oult7 ot proY141nc re1'uge and eettl•ent tor t he un­

fortunate Y1ot1De and the urgeno7 tor oonorete aotlon

to r:~eet the J:lrobl•.

!'he IntergoYeraaental eo-J.ttee on Polltloal Retu­

geee whloh 70ur de9oted and etteot1Ye ettorte created

at Ertan and l&UDohe4 at LoncSon has not 7et produced

the concrete results I had hoped. This has been due

to toroee and olrouaatanoee b_,ond ~~e oontrol of aR7

ot ua, but I feel t hat tho tlae has cone mOD a apec-

1al ottort •w.t be aade w -.ke the Colmittee 1 s wort:

roa1l7 atfoot1Ye. We 1111et produce concrete and eub­

etantlal results and we 1:1\lst produce t!l• soon.

I han aooord1nglJ asked 70u to co again to Lon­

cSon, as tho repreaontat1 Ye of thJ.e OoYeJ'Illlellt as as

The Honorable

M7ron c. Tqlor, •!:;;''11'

7l Broad'll'll.7, .

How York, l ow tort:.



a, per1onal repre1entatlTe, to reauae aot 1Te leaderlhip

o\ 1n th11 T1tal l'O~ and to uD4ertU:e auch negoUat1on1

u 11&1 be necell&l'f to 4o 10. I w11h at thi1 t111e to

g1 To rou •:r Thwl with regard to the future work ot the


ODe. It 11 not 7et clear 11hether the Oel'lllan OoT­

el"'aent wl.ll cooperate in 1!1A7 wq t oward a eoluUon ot the proble•. There are neTerthelela increasing 1nd1ca­Uona that the Gem an Oonl'!llllent will o1 thor retuee to

d1aou11 t he probl• wUh repre11ntaUYe1 ot the Committee

or el .. wl.ll oonaent onl7 to arrangeaonte 'llhloh would be

unacceptable to thh OoYerDIIIent and to the other Oonm­

aenh repreaente4 on the Collua1 ttee. In an;r eYont 1t

aeCI!Ia improbable that the Gel'lllan OoYerl'llllent 11111 make

an:r contribution whlab would be ot aubatant~al aeoh­

tanoe in meeting the probl•. HeYertheleaa, u long

u t here 1e an;r pou1b1l1 t;r whet OYer t hat t he Gem an

GoYern.ent mq relax 1t1 peraeout1on autt1o1entl7 to

peJ'IIJ. t orderl;r •igraUon or 1:11:1 pem1 t IIIIJ.fSr11111:o to withdraw tro• 0e!'!l&n7 a portion ot t hGlr aseeto, no

action lhould be taken which wuld reduce the pouib1l-

1tJ ot obtaining IUCh ~rat19n. I atill 9QDD 1der 1t h111tllJ 1aportant tor Kr • ., Rublae, aa D1reotor, t o Yilit

• Berlin 1t th1a oan be arransed: il'.ould th11 not be poa-


llble an4 should the Gel'llan autbor1 t1n suggut a meet-1ft8 ot e:q>erte on neutral tel!'l!'1to%7, the opportunlt:r lhould not be loet. Be:rond th11 , the 11 tuat1on hae not olar1ne4 to a polnt wheN 1t 11 poulble ~o g1n :rou 1netruot1one: 3 ou aN, howner, authol!'1~e4, 1n )'Oill' 41e­oret1on, t o 41eauea the general problem, 41l!'eotl1 or 1n-41NOUJ, w1 th an:r ott1o1al German oontaote :rou • ., aalte e1 ther 1n Great Br1 t~n or on nwtral tern to1'7. lor the preeent, at leaet, 1t 11 not oone1dere4 adv1eable tor :rou to go to Gel'llan:r.

'l'wo. It the German Goverm~ent '111ll not cooperate, the wort ot the Comm1 ttee 111111t not only be oont1nue4 but .uet be 1ntene1t1e4 to eolve tho probl111 w1thout auoh cooperation. 'l'o th11 en4 tho taote ahould be aade a matter ot record when all roaeonable hope ot etteot1YI ooopero.t1on w1 t h Goman:r he. a be on abandoned. 'l'h11 ehoul4 be done 1n a manner which w1ll emphae111 to Goverru:aenta and 1n41v1duala oute1de ot Genun:r the tact that the N­tueal ot Ger.an:r to oooperate make• 1 t the more 111per .. t1ve that the:r aoo~t t heir ahare ot re-.pone1b1l1t:r tor meeting th e probl• without Genae &14. It lhould alec be done with reatra1nt 1n order that there • ., be no r11k o:r un:rortunate reperauael ona on pereona w1 th1n Gen:aan:r.


I ...

'fhree. 'l'he .,., urgent aapect ot t he probl• 1a

olrr1oual7 the t1nd1ng ot .ubatent1al opportun1 tie a tor

aettl•ent. It la in thh field that ooncrete reaulta

are aoat urgent17 neceua'1'7. '!'here are •AD7 parte of

the world which could aocept nbatent1al DUIIbera ot

theae people w1 thout inJuJ7 to their economic or d.ao­

gr1Ph1c organ1 .. a. It 1a rather. to be anticipated that

abeo~t1on ot t):le apeclal akilla, intellect and ene:rgr

ot theae p,ople, eapec;.a111 it they bring w1 t~ th• a

redOnable, it lilllited, count ot new ca;>ital, 110uld be

ot det1nite benefit to the rece1T1ng countriea through

the deTelopaent ot new t1elda ot actin t7. It 1a euen-.

t1a1 to create the proper ap1'1'1 t in t h e oountrlea ot

potential aettlement and to lead th• to aee th1a pro~

l• u one which 1a bt.ulanitar1an in ita urgeno7 but

tro. which they can draw ultimate practical benefit.

ETe1'7 ettort mould be made to dnelcp thia concept

ot the probl•. Once it 1a created the deTelcpa~ent

at concrete cpportunitlea tor aettlnent ahould be a

oomparat1TelJ minor probln.

(a) !h1a OoTel'IUient ia alrea~ accepting 1nTOlun­

ta'l'7 •lgranh to the tulleet extent penal tted b)' law.

I do not bel1eTe 1t either deairable or practicable to

reoo•~n4 any change in the quota proYitiona ct our

1am1grat1on lawe. We are prepared, nnerthel.eee, to


aaJte •7 other oontrUnatloa 11hlab aq be 1a OW' power ~

a&Jte. '10'11 are aut~l'laed to ll(l):e a JJ'ibl1o •'-'-•' "'at thle OoT~J~Ment ••• \Ul4w ita exletlflllr law, aoo111t ... aual~ !'?,3'JO peJ'•n• tPOII 0.NIII7• fbla &tea aot ~ olu~ oeJ'\aia ..,bere ot U\e learned proteeetone 'lfloae dllllllOD 11 not IUbjeet to DUIIIl"laal l1alt&Uoa. 11h111

t h la OoTenwellt 1a \hue lt;)piJ'Iatl7 4o1ag ae 11110h, lt not I!IO:re, towar<l a aobUoa ot \2\o pPObl• than &1\7 other OoTe:rtaet~t, ,._ 1U7 a44 that U le nnerll\elo11 ooa­tl.ai.Da t o et'llc!l eot1Tel7 1117 other poallble -aa• b7 whlob U algh\ be able to oontJ'l'buto t'llrtl\er toward a aalllUOD.

(b) n. looatlon ot tbe eot.ll ttee 11 a4Taftt&fJIOIII top ~tailed DIS'OtlaUone wU:h t he 0onJ1111en,. ot Great Jll'l tala 11114 tl\1 Daft1a1o1le and wl th t ho ottlor !luPO])Iaft Oonmaenta Plpl'lletlted oa the Coalllttee. EYeJ'f effort lhould be a e4o to 11\4uoo all ot theao OoTem~~~nta to -.Jto the aazl- po11lble oollll1benh 'dth reepoot to tho a&tluloa ot 1n'f0111Dt&PJ lalgrante 11114 to OOirllftOI llmecUate~ t he IDG'Utloa ot t h .. o coaaUIItmte. With :regard to nesot1aUona w1 th OoTem~~~enta la t h la b..U­

ephere, .tllle t he role ot tho Corm1 ttee 11 equ~ ~ partant, t hla Gon..-ent wlll £'la417 euppl•ent Ua a.rpoal• b7 41,...t 4lploaat1o appPOaohee to tlw Oon~ .....



•ent1 oonoeme4.

(o) n ie nll1&e4 that II.IDJ oountl'lee are pre­

pared to a411i t larger n1111blr1 ot inTolunt&rJ •1grant•

than 1he7 are willing :publ1ol7 to a&.1t. 1'be oo!Dlt­

••nte to be 10ugbt at the tortboo.ing meeting ahould

aooor41ng1J be ot two kin41t :pubUo and oontid,nt11l.

fbe publlo ltat .. nh, wh.loh lhould be IPe01tio, will

be ot Talue not onl7 1.n proT141ng actual opportunU1ee

tor eettl•ent but 1110 in inducing other oountl'1e1 to

•Ilk• e1111lar ooJaJ.t.enh. The oontident11l ooiRltaente

tlhould oonc1m eaoh OoT1rnaent 11 contribution oYer and

abon what it 1a J'"P&nd publ1ol7 to announce. It goee

without I&Jing that both tJPu of coiiLCiitmenh lhould be

the maximua poesible ot attainment.

J'our. It i' cont•plated that the European M•bers

of the 0~111111 tte1, except for t ho11 haTing oTer11a1 poe­

seuions, can •Ilk• t heir pr1noipll contribution through

granting t.-por&rJ refuge to i n't'Olunt&l"J &!.grant• and

throy.gh the e1h.bl111haent of facllit1es tor retraining.

th•, partioularl:r in agr1oulture. The Frenoh, Daniah,

lwl11 and letherlands OoYer~aenh haYe alreadJ aho'tm a

11berll 1))1r1t 1.n thie t1eld an4 eftorte ehould be 111ad1

to 1n4uo• th• to expand t heir efforte ahd to 1nduoe the

other J:l.uoopean l•ber• to proY141 1111111ar tao111Uee.




lJl t1.n or the~· ~ttl pa•aot1oll.17 ell Oftl"eeae

OCMWtl"l .. ,1 ... \1l"'D "'•lJ' (!..,.. ~ ~ .... acrloul'tariata,

c. fl""'l•t• or holllUoa n»r N&1 Valnln« 1ft tbla t14114

lbou1.4 'be eta .. us. u h bellllftd ~ ... .r...s.-. Ca~11o .nc1 ,..,,.-., at.s 'ab1• w ,..,1ut1.0M 1ft tNt eoantlt. ..

00111 S: .cl eaa 'be GD181te4 WJ*' tD Nte -~~U-.1 n_,_..

cJal OtJntl"'.ba\lOfta to•set'd ""- ~tntt Old of '""h won. 11..... ~1ft OOM14eratlftll thOI.lla ~ r 1YIU' at t!wa

~ .. ,~ to ~-- for ,.,....lfta '"' Mtablla.,., o! 11rfo11M\ar7 ~~· ta &IIOh ,...,,tort .. u ,.., 'be ~lable !or tho1r aotUeacDt. n le bell<l\'.cl

that. onoe opPIJP\:tat.U .. tW NtUOIIIanl ere~~~ tS­

r\llnDl-.1 Pe~ :~ tho •-'al>l1eh~Rlnt o"f llll'e9 INI:lbe"!l

or 1n'POlal'ltJIJ7 e.l!I'W'to o.a b4t round. n 11 !"t&Uaad

~'lat aoh o! 1ho l:at~ o~ No tl~ !'1U tall u,on

~-lTe.to l...U•lc!IIAh 51td Gl"C&nl:u.tlonD 1ft ,-,. 11D1tocl Ctatoo

ltWl ~ ~. OOJ\•ldeJO&t1<m o.'ulW4 be .. \ v n to all.

p:-aotlcablo oou:u~• :or ttnanoJ.na ~o!'l oettl..,llnt, ~

o1ud1n« e..-oa a NO<II'II!llt'ldilUon tM' r,ovcm'4Mn11tll IJ.Pil rvpr1 ..

uona o~l.e4 ,,~ tl\o oxeouuon ot a eonorate r lan, n

1a cr~•'" t '""' t~ poeelb'. U\7 ~ n.oat1n• 11ft llrt~

t1ono.l loaa tor t:'lle pae:-oH 'be not aormodted. Cond&.

erat\on al~t alao btl t:1•• "' ":1\ct o:-eatls o: a NfacH

HttlOOC!nt OOl'JI02"1iUOD 1ft oon.,tunot1oo ..t~ t~w Inter·~

fl::"'lnnt:tt l'l COC'I1 u.. to ~lnlot~ lllloh hnt.• a• Da'1 'be



I know that lt 11 unneoeiB&rf to emp~1ae to JOU

the t.portanoe Whioh I attaoh to the IntergoYernaental

eo.aittee oont1nu1ng 1n 1Z11tenoe unt11 the problem of

pol1Uoal refugee• ho• Oen11n7 11 1Ubatant1al17 •oln4.

It hal ha4 to taoe man7 411oouragemenh and 1t will pre­

l\lllabl7 haYe . to tao• more. Whatner t he11 41•oouraa-­

aent• aq be, whether rroa the Oel'llan 0oYel"'8ent or troa

the oountr1el of 11tt1•ent, I know that the7 w111 but

lnoreUI JOur detel'll1n&t10ft to OIJ"l'1 Oil t hil WOJ'k to a

IUOoe••tul oonolua1oa.

Yel")' a1noerel7 7our1,

;-, .( ) l I ;._


Memo. tor D 10111, W8

Lt. McCay bas just banded •• the letter and I baYe sent it across to Secreta~ Bull who is in hie ottics .


~ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -,.. TELEGRAM

~Ire ~Jrite ~ Memo , tor R, Fo

I( I. I Secretary llorganthau'•


messenger Lt. McKay hag Just lett ror .. Atlanta to fly back to Washington. He has en•elope ad~ressed to

rou containing letter and papers tor 8eoretarr Hull wb1ch the

Pres1dent want• placed

IOYo 23, 1938 1138 P•• •


~, .. If - "f -"'

Do ,_ ... UIJ' _, t.a

wlaloh tllMe alftl'att, GCIIIII

aD4 pane 8114 aooe .. ol'l• beilll .

eaportecl to Japan 08ll be CMt


r. D. R.

Table showing U.S . exports to Japan, table showing u.s. exports to China, and copy of "Aeronautical. World News" , published by Dept. of Commerce, 9/:JJ/38, in which there is an article on Asiatic­Oceania Aeronautical Markets .

x.Z'/9~·~ ;/ ~.3-~ .

l( IC"' )(tJ7J-A

~~ 01'1-A




I - 7 .July 15, l 9Z7.

0 tD SJ:OU'URT OF S'I'Aft ?-till tJG1:R SDIRITJRT t;;l S'I'Aft


r. D. R.

;..s-f L I )~*t..t. Confidential memo. to Secy . of Treas. from Jlr. ~a re Japan and us cottonTl£ J'apan were not able" to obtain cotton frOm us, it would not seriously in­terfere rl th her econOJIO' 1 would not substantial.J.y lower her standard of living, and would not signi­ficantly hamper her power to conduct a war.

Original to Secy. of State.