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J T Trowlvridres "little Master" <M*e -% Boexinrn)

.relates thc trials of .. youthful pedaroRiie ill a country

~b«_L Mr TrowrtaAAsxft portrayal of New Knrleiid

Zhareeter ls al-rars feed, nnd ho ba. not fallen below his

_.ual Jevel in this volume. His hero is a manly young

leliow who meets his difllciiMea in a brave and dendy

tntet-estln-r ________

" Utile Miss Wessj " (I-*** A Phepard) lt a ettptivatln-*-record by Tenn Shlriey of the sweet rotschief ol a feasglady of four ve-rs. Anhrey Stewart, a Camtirldire Fellow.

has done Into good, simple, sn.l yet pirtiral Kn-rllsh. the

."Tale of Troy." and Ms.millan bas puldlabed Uie book It

.will faecinate all small boys whe, delUrht in the clan,, of

battle aa translated by luk and p.i|» r sud may, perhapsImplant ft taste which will be usclul iu Inter eaBsfl thc animated " Tsaaaf Wrecker of tbo Florida Href ¦

ilse*, A: Shepardi souie boys a ill rccoimlze au old friend

and others wtll lind a new one. This ls the sixth edition

of this popular story. Colonel T. W. Knox's " Hoy Trav¬

ellers in tho Russian Fiupire (Harper A llmthers)

ls calculated to convey in a lively end

agreeable manner to thc youthful mind a ln-is** Bl valu¬

able Information. Oataaal Knox has -trouped with his

owu observation., nindc duri ag several visits to Russia a

p-eat many Intorestlng tact* Katlicrcd from other authors;and till this cutertaininr* matter he bas deftly combined

with a wise amount of tie tion. Thc book would be the

better for the elimination of tlie Illustrations, most of

which bclon,. iu even sense te, a past ace. The text ix HS

th ver tobe thus dlsflirurcd; ami thc most igtioraut child

fete* no good from " art" like this.

Miss Oreenwood's "Moon Maiden nnd Other .Stories"

(Mae millan A Co.) ure pretty and fanciful and not with-

siit morals fur the little pasphb James Otis bas an nd-

mirable trtft for tlie writing of Juvenile's, and his " Hllent

Pete" (Harper* Hi others) is quite as stirring and at-

tractivc as his former talcs. But why should he make his

patin th j-oun-r hero die IThe most Ix-autiful aud wise and tender little book of

Uie seaaon is Alice Corkran's HDS*SI Bat SWAM Htatrs"

(8crlbucr & Wellonl). It ls a story that will delight an

Imairiuativc child. and that will teach a strong and loving.e_*on to Uie scltlsh. hard aud greeely It has

a number of clever illustrations by Oordou Browne.

Mr. VV. Ok I-toddard's "Red Beauty" (J. B. Llpplucott<*o.) ls one of thc few successful frontier a'sirica of tho

day. It ls full of adventure, but is not vulgarly senseV

Hemal. Mary Ii. Brine's "Hteirie- that Grandma Told '*

.lUisst-ll ti: Co.) are *slin*ile, sensible and amusing. " Key-hole Country " (Rol.eru Biotinaa). Sf Gertrude Jerdon, is

rather too direct an imltHtinii of " Alice In Wonderland,"and has not the quaintness and humor of the original.Mary E. B.nnford's bonk. *' My Land and Water Friends "

(L>. Iiolbrop Ac Co.), pleasantly presents a great many in-

Urijstiug dctjiili about animals and their ways. It is

neatly Illustrated.Let tbo weary searchers for Christmas gifts pause at the

Bight of a large, fat. e-oiufortable-lookiug green book. It

ls the bound volume nf Harper's 1 axing People, and never

could there lie a more welcome reminder of Christmas

Joya It is practically an Inexhaustible Beares of enter¬

tainment. For older children, as wei: as fm the very lit¬

tle ones, may Ix- prov"Mei Hie bound volumes of ML Sich-

Slas a periodical alSBBSl perfect in itel way, aud culledvilli MHBkable judgment, energy aud taste.


The Hoe. Dorman B. Ealou has published tn pamphletfonn a vigorous protest and u series of argument** againstthe secret sessions of the L'ult<*d "statis r-euata He ex¬

plains "their origin, their motive, their object, their

i-ili-ct," faasaaaaa tata ii inter's debate ujion Senator Flatt's

BsassaStaa, und concludes that they are part and parcel ofthc spoils; system and ought to bc Sbolllhed.

ifADAMS DE STAEL'S COQVE1 TISH WA TS.FTem .iiint* turu Morru'i article tn the new scribner's

WttpSltWAMini.mic de Mall was squall) complaisant la her invi¬

tations lo Mr. H.ti.ivcriiceiri Morris [?merit-SB Minister tol'i Bare lu the Pteoeh Bevoiution] te. ceime to her ou Tues-da.i evenings, wlwa she gaiin lcd lui familiar Mea.amund her, and, Hire.wing ntl ali e e-i cunnii, admitted tin in

in ui.'ii.in_ !<. iiciii and in otli riug him even opi<orili¬nn i lo. a "liitatieeii.iiilnriiicdliiiii lie sal's, "willi a lirircsh-Inguatorte, calculated toelemoliah ad oeremonioai banfersthat she rather Invitee thea repela those Bhe incline iob. iilli-nlivc." Uivlug lin- raeiarh lune ta take ellect, she

edit with the suggestion," thal perhaps I maj be-i.I. .'ii admirer." '. i tell her that lt is not Impossibleliol us, ii piev mus en,niitinn, .lu-must agree not to repelin., vt hull she promises "

Nen* publication.QEOKOE BOUTLEDGE ft SONS

.*l«li lette hlieell t. l)|i \T HCW l.. k

Uni.*..1 UM M I-si KA Ul.I s,. ;, volumes.SLIGO\ I .Ni.I.AMI, rsi Ol LAM, amt 1 llKI.AMl.... 1000

Hi s V1CAB ut WA kl. I'll-'LD. 600Also iu tiue tnmllugs .

TIIK FI*.KNiJIl\Vi'M.vN HF t ll B CKNTCRY..PASSIONS. .MAN.M.i*. l*sA'.KS. Pp OlSSTSt' ts ii u i. . 1D 00

liA.Mle.Li'H l AI.M-.l Ul I. A PanSSal Me-uiolroi

lils L.tiiy Ai t i alee,. Jit* Henry iilacklmrn. 0 00

AJs«l»iall.e je.i|e. iel tie,ll til lt ll ll Ie Hilly U If B COplCShara tass in nt. lath erna pit top, rough eeigcs. 1000

1'aiiel. IsTAill AKIN UNTilL A I.l'>. l-Vally n-ail* |Aballlt. .'.'»

Caldecolta MOUE "oliAI'HIi* *' PICT0BBB, In

ra . . s ki

Walter Crane's HA I!V's OWB MOP.'i 001'Kl vi 1 MIN l-l 1 .BM ul* qi i.l.N VII TuKIA. SOO

lill, ABB TIMBI Ol ul l.i.-N VKTiJllIA. 3l«,

PTUDlKe Of PBBA1 t'OBPOaEBB. 176..l'lMkct " Lalest ls.u.a Mi KINS

OUIMJCS .40c, 50c, 00c, $1 Ot)OM*: 111 MlUl.H FAMOUS A Ml. UlCAMS. 1 JO

Km sal,- by all, s, or in.iilcil. imstage prepaid, em

hidpi I'S puce, bf the'ielB,UEOKGK KUUTLfcDGE A.* SON'S,

ll Lt KA Vi ill. 1'I.ACK, NBW-YOrtX.

ASK. YUL li BuoKgELLKU tor "-taekeriAttn U.e l.ignf iiejiu -lieu Uar" and " Lock tv eon's

Parehaitul Oe.niles."_

Bi;i;NTAN'>'s London Excheqoer Jet BlackInk ls ul »U|ieiR,i melli .met tte ian saiely ats. ll Us tu¬

tu ...I.s.... ,i',ll .li usc. lin's ink ttl,HS .usiauiai.i un

SHU is :n , ve v it sp. I ijualiln-,1 Io lee u. Un '.riv (Mat se vuein ton-spoin:, u.e-aim uiiiiiiai; u-ia. lilli.MA.Nu 11KU3.,tl un.i. rtiuaie, M. V._



Octavo, boo l'.i*.'es. IWi Illustrations.

A Sn.l-.MilO iiULIOAV U1KT.

Jn dele renee to the groiriuji interest iu beatty, amu'iug,timiu.t-iiiUble ojii ii-a.i sjh'I I- alni .ellelel.i. ainuseiiii uis, lit 1.

PBIBOBB bas psepseei a new book nu open-Ail spartaWinch is muru lhasea_e Uiau auy ever b, lure prim...! iu leuta Int-u ai.tten by TH I 1'Illili.' M.' S nirti meru willi

tin hui ol ai kuow lodge 1 BSBSTta ami is lUleiil'-d to bea st.tuel-siei lunik ot isfsasasa

l Imptt-rs ai, Muviele-il on Aiehery, llaseliall, w llb the rec-

CUil Ol wouikT.ui plaviiii; i.inl or lin- L-ea_ut- autl Aeseot lation

Bialclien, au<l tvilli .usli u. nous Uow tu eui ve a balli Court

lt i,n.s, i..i_u I.11111.. Foul I,ali. ( ticket, 1_tcrosse, nacki t.

Uoi aeiuansii ip. Cross ional ly iliinii g willi a list ul Hie

bieiuiieislnp ol Hie lot limiting clubs; Vachli _.

wilh a dlscu»siou ol sll the small } achls ami a coinpai ison ot

tdnopamt i ii tte-,, witli luntriii linus How io l'i" ¦_¦ , Hull,I,sou rs_ii a lieeat ItowiiiK, (aooclUK, PMhtaB w.tli a sUte;-

Bicul ol tlie various ABMBMaa game iisli ami thc Hus used to

capture Uitiii 1 lapping, s>« luiimiift. UuutinK with bimi _nn

Bu.! little, with a ilcsci jpliou uf thc _t_hNM vaiii.'lii.-s ol Auie-r-

kau tv.lii Kain,-. Campiiij? Out, Winter -sports, BycyclliiK,Amati ur l'liolo^rapliy, »ud a lew miuoi spoils. Aiuouk llio

Killers who li ve t uutnuuU-s; are V\'».l.»iii lllaikie, antin,I ot

"How tu (ii i Stroux"; Maurlee Tiiompsou, the Anlieiyerl-pt-rt, Captain J at ol. A. Augur, Cavalry lnsliuclor al SVesl

Mall Oavid Kliliy aud Ihoaias Clapliam, 1 acht lluiitielSiCcu. Uesurge .-.. \l lunate, the tilk-iuaii, I'ruteaaor t,tui*(e

(lolelic*. On (Alor ol Athkiics ol the New- York Athletic Club;anil a l-irnc ..I private _eu lleuarra iu Ihe euuth and

tlnuuiiiioiil tiie.u'iiitiy, who liavs cuutilUuled tacts toucsru-

Iuk thc wild gaiut ami hunii.ig spui u ot their severn: locali¬ties.

lletall price. H .",0. Tel ins. jHisU(<(r 1'kid with Weekly, one

Jf aero*. Ti bo. with r-teiulWuekly, oue year. TS JO, willi Dally,to addrease- out ol Iowa, oue year, Sio £>0. 'I Ins book will beasea eataaalsafp a» a prcmiuiu wiu. hie tbiboma iicauuol bc ui..tint;! iu aisy oilier way.The Book eau ba delivers. lo ouu addi ess, the paper seul tu

aooi.ter, it ileslratL Addiess i li l. lui tn. n k,Kew-York.

CJTATlONEUY.-l.niitaiio Uros., 5 UuionTJ M,i.ate, sic Uuw eiiilbiliux Hi their stationery depar-lnciit Hie berni plmluiHuns Hi high class alaliouc ry. Alum,

tlaui, cipher aud aueirosa duse iu uuiyuc desigua A lull oe

ii tn.tut ut uiii.u aud c-icueiais lui inn!._

AN ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY G1FT.-Ayearly suose npuou io aouie ihmi.i.u uiagaxiue or y ii-

-Slit ai adapleed Ut lUe lasts ul tn« persgu lor whoiii il ls lliUiUd-ad maka* a most suiUuis and Valuauie hulielay pi e.-cut

lilli..\ IA.-vi i lilllie., & I li ie,ii .-."jil*!,..Vin execute all uttieia ul thia kmn lil Uie Imsi manner al

.BuOnrale pi ie <-¦>.

f.(M M M) *,0L1OATllOuKo-Cboioest Lit-*jr*s*nr\r\)T erslure al lioui, uiiou. Osrgalna, M ir ul imkana. .....¦>«. ii. i. ai,j ik, >.oop.-r. Irviux, u outge r.uut, l back¬era) vt avail), Uuiwer, UueUie, ^tmilsr, Macau,al all thepopular lusvelt lu kUi ali Uie pu«u aud sucvcop-HUaa, tuoulanda ut Juvaulle, Iiuofca. You win mbVW sea OmUmt encheap again. 1 wm pay Uu, in.Ut-i atau yrtcw lur uow us iu .mall or large, quaulliiesa. upeu evwy eveuiiiaLOVBBIBO'S fa« I'.i.lK llUUK k_.UANe.K, 7SIBruaeiaay, ouposile bte wart's._

iJUHi-CTai'lTONS.-lirentano Bro*., 6 Union*

aquuii, M. T.. inviu.- suhseripilous tor inaaaaiaaa asws-liapers-le.reiga ur duiuea(ie>-nu leiatlri wtiers puhlialied. TBuveatieite-iliU.>.> any iM/itae lu (ne cuuulry ior suppl ting au

peiiodn.»i»al Ia,ulauie Urims. t ol it-npouduue-c in t n»l.

"a SK YOLK __O0J__-__U____- for " Seekerssta Alter tin* I. .tent li "in 'iieii Uur" aud " Look wood's I_ra_aaiu-_t Oaiuin-s.' j

New pnbltratisCms._ASK YOUR BOOKSELLER for ¦ Seekers

After the, Unlit" Irom "Ben IIur" and "Lackwood'sPst-chtnrnt PalnUea"



NEW PATTKRNS WITH ILLVBTRATIONS.Arnon-; them will lie fem ml with many others:

Afghan, Antique I_ee, Babys Afghan, B. thing Press Rag.Rf-elroom Rug, Rlas Kyrlot Edging, nias Lace, Hordern.Ruresn Cover, Cable Eelgtug, Chockerejd Holder.

Child's Collar. Child's Waist, Clover Leaf Tidy. CrochetedLeggings.Counterpane. Greek cross, Coral Tilly, Croclietc-el I*lower

Basket.Mittens. Clouel. Hamond Shell Edging. Fsn lenee.

Fintevi raaataaaar. OeattaBna^Blaapaalasa infant's soc*

snd Slipper.Knitted Edging. Knitted *__¦*¦*. Kumina,' rattcrns.

I-kiy's Hii ak! i-1 Cap.Liiiy's Sleeveless Waist

Lamp _____ -alfa Moccasin Slipper.lass Edging. I-dy's Silk Purse.

fcaHas Lace. Shoulder Scarl, Summer Hood.Lace Collar, Macrame Tidy.

Narrow Lara, Novelty Braid.

Nursery Ball, Of) n work Squares.Palm Leaf Lace, I'me fone lAces.

Reins for Children, Bhrll Mittens,

Sleigh Killing Hood, shell Work WrtiUcta.Table Pearl Trimming, Tufted Border.

Vandyke Trimming Victoria Knitted Edging.Watch Guard, Yacht Lace, 4c, &<*.


THE TRim'NE. New-York.

i:EXQUISITE BINDINGS..Brentano Bros.,.A .'.Villon Square, dlrecl attention to their large collec¬tion ol bexiks. In rich and ailisuo bindings, which are

(-..ji.-ctaiiv adaiiicil for holiday (lette. An early Inspection ofthis stock is ii, vi le't.

Jnstnution.Art So-o-mb. JU*"*.

ART STUDENTS an-l olliers who had someinstruction ta Elementary Prnwlnr may tatra an oppor

tum!v nf studying Modellins and Applied I>es,gii at His YoungWooten's I Inlallau (Haorlitina. 7 Last IStb-st Tatttaa scf.

Class linnie-,I iu number. AlsorlMses in niechanical aud tree-hand drawing. Apply iroui ;i a m. in 1 p. in. and iroin 7 lo ll

p. m.________\IHS. LOUlHA H. CULVERISA wlllresiini-a lier e-l.tsses fro n TtaraMbar *_, ll

drawing, edi ami water-color (uniting,nil! lite. Bowen and landscape,China painting anel decoration.

bTUi-IO, No. 1*1 Kast SMI U-sr.Hetprinres:

Mr. n. ITnntlneton. Prcsiileut National Academy nf Desls-n.Mr. William Harl.N. A.; Mr. James M. Uart, S. A.; Mr. .DavidJohnson, N. A.


Boys and Youn-- Men Cit*/.TTNIVERSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1,473nj Hr'way, near 4'2d-it.. *Kth year. Primary, commercialanil classical departments i instruction thorough, il. M. BOB.UV, W. L. AIK1N. Prlu. N. C. li ENDBICKBOB, Associate,

For Young Ladies.Citr.4 RLE INSTRUCTION, aodente rate**. Ref-s\ erences- Rev. Hrs crosby, tiallauelct and liurehard.Mrs. ua*-_U'S Sebeal. 1S9 Baal asth-»t-

A -Viss MARY T-ARRIOTT NORRIS will. resume her classes in LITERATURE and ll INTO KY

Ol Alt I January i, 18S7. Aiiplicatlous answered iinmedi.atelvon Miss Neihis's r.-tiirn Iro.a Kuroris. In-eeiuber ri. Addrc.s'.sMIss, NO lillis by lctt,,r al SJ j lima l.v ay.

For Both Sexes.City.

A.C1RCDLAK8 OK SCUOJLS, with rc-. liable information, free; tnslled for postage*,

¦lt. E. AVERY, Ain'n behool Bureau, li w en l'th-st.. N. Y._THJi BERLITZ SCHOOL OP LANGUAGES.

X 'ii V. esl SMArte, awl (I'llMadianabtb. near fi-uh-st.,leisle Jlj.eeil. ll n SUll 1 I. e C .' Vl-l t M. Sll ll, I."ll. +!l' i'i lei I*

Musical Itn'.-i*', n.

VE YV-Y01.K. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC,il Located only at

6 EAST 1'TH ST.. ai Doeir Kast ol 5TiI AVE.Chartered m ISM,



The leading school of Musk, IJto. iitinn. Dramatic Art.Foreign LAIucaasaa, 1'iawlim and rainlmg. FreeadTBBtaftesequal to ella leeaonsper wee.. loi particulars address

_fe. EBEKH A RU. Fl esldent.


VOCAL Mfsic.offering special advantages in Hie study of Voice, Piano-

IBrte, eiiRan, liam.erny, Ac l'miiniie ni anning tlie facultyan- Db.ley Buck, a r. Warree, h. W. Greene, i. ii. Bawley,Waller J. Hall, August iJupin, U A. Rus.ell, C. H. lliiteulii-r,( has. Roberta, Jr. le I., donni. I.. A. Halal!. Josephine Land.eScmi lol-bo-page cm ular. No, 31 l-.asl i4llial._New.Yoik.WILLIAM H. ISHERWOOD, teacher ofPr music ano plano playing. Clinkering Hall. New-York* Ker tone eil ..lid lee Uni el,_:iu*'Illl:Uta address \V il. ll.KllERWOUll, Ciiickciinp Hall. N. V.




at Ul Hlelu-el., oor. Plneappleat,Miss H. M. WHEELER, principal, tor tbe past eightpaarl

has lire n iu charge ol one ni thc primaly ile pul inn lils ill lim

Packer Collegiate lastltate,

For Younj La-iies.Country.ADVERTISEMENT.. FOR THK NEW,Jt\ ViKK TRIBUNE WILL BB RECEIVED AT THRDPTOWN OFFICES. Na Vi's* Broadway, eornar Thirty-flrst-St- until il p. BL, PnS Hrondwai'. ba) ai.ri '1 wentv-sctmuiand TwentT-thirel sta., until >, p. m., SM West Twenty corner EighUi-ave.. lbs Fnurth-aTe., corner t-ourtccnth-st,«e " I'lunt-ave., conier FoTtT-seTenth-St, 1,(MI7 Third-ave-,ne."TSi,t:rtlist.. anel lbs II Alli.KM nt-TICI*. ibl East Ouo-hundn'd-aud-twentv tlftlisl., 1,900 Third-ave., cnrneir One-hnndred-aud-twc-uiy-tillli-st- up to 0 p. tu. al regular oUicoaUis._/ M.AVERACK N. Y.I COLLEGEV> AID HUDSON li I VF ll I MST IT UTE.( tor (inlst Preparatory ami Commercial for

Boya Th.iieiiigh msti iielioli b/ expt-rie-need leacliels in .illii-piilnients.

I iinservaltiry ed Music and Art nf Ttier, hii-litsl graele. Termopens aller holiday vacation Jain,.try ,t. M-mi lor catalogue.


A. H. PLACE, A. 1!.. Pres t.

IJ OME INSTITUTE. laBrr-r^wiL N. Y.Isa lioaldiUi,' and Hay Behool tor young ladles and liltle,

gins.BIM M. W. BKTCALf, l'i In.

^ YACK SEMINARY.. Home scliool for.aeliesuud liltle gills Engliah liluiickes pri'in h ami

unisie. Mis. j .Min.K.M. I in ii. I', principal.

npjUNlTY HALL.AJUA* Kit LY, .New Jersey.

-1 A HUSH Kl, IN 1PP7.A tborongh Uninc-heiinoI fm- toting ladies. \*atioel advan-

tages of thc highest order. Solid culture in English, Music,Art aud Languages.1 tsprmg tana begins Eehruary 1. Eurcircular ael.iiess thc principal,


*riIE ILMs," i-prinpfleld, MaM..Punily,1 liay sud JliisH* I el ulli i (.iris, I'llmaiy. Acaelemio,

tlassuai ulnl Poat-lirailnalecoiirses.BIB-HOI PUK 1 BB A CllAMP.NEy. Principals.

For Boya and Youn*. Mon.Country,

A.CIHCULARSof sc itv*!-*, bari ams, eilye ai.'ii'-e.ilniiv, -iili'-ari.'ill advil.: i parents,

E. M. CUVH1KP.K, SI Eaitntb-lt. .Niit.srptir-r*-.


AUellegi. Kev. T. H. LAX HON, A. M

U0Y8 and YOUNO MEN pntately titti'dtorll Coliegei. comliliiiiia: or ieiie'te<l cainllelaica coatilioelsuinineror winter. 1. HtiKl MAN, IstovkliriitKe-, Mass.

PL-lWOOD Kl (( LK I. 1 OYK-At Mil-A_e( lor.1. Conn. 1'arents wlioaro unfoituuatelD th* manage,ment ot meir sons will il,i well to i-miii hr the adlai,tagusotieied ir uuasehooi Adlraei I'BABB M. howe, supt,

PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY.I Chester. CeiKtly l'iii!'lina/s. 'ihi.iough Instruction. AMILI'IAUV COLLEGE, civil Ens Deerina, < l.emistrvClaasie s, l.ngiisli. (( U.e IN KI. Ill Kl i. HYATT, l'n-.lii,l.

U10HLAN1) .MILITARY ACADEMY,Worcester, M i ss. Ulstvear m-glns se,it i'i, ibid.

t. «. mk it alp, a. .m., Bea*em_M__a__VEWTUN iN. J., 1NSIT IU I E.-Hrantiful,1^ home-like, hcaltliy. high (7.*>i» fe,ti Vening I,nv _ nye*.rialty: pilmary. 1-t'Clish, cemiinereial, academic, college prciiaratoi-y, music, sri. grinti i-niin. physical neTsiopaientili.tili resell,s. not ami cufil veter intensive grouinls. mlm,elepal Ilnrut. hursts, penile- alni pct donkeys.

_J. vVH.siiN', A. M., Pillie ip.iL

ROCKLAND COLLEGE.NY ACK-ON -1 ul.BCOBON.- Preparatory aud huslui-ss Ior -.-entleni<-ii.

graduating nurse- Ior ,.cti.-, twelve teachers. Enter st anylime, heuil tor catalogue.

_W. H. BAMHTKR, A. M.principal;_CIIORTLIDGE'*. Media A_ade_OT.-1125f i (iiiarterly for boys sluleints ¦ Imitle.l ami elaaHlfleel atany time. Best IiisfniPtlon, heat rare, lirst tahlo. Bingle orel,,utile r.sjms heal.-.! nv slevam tine e-olleetie preparatory, Eng-Hali. Inisineos and coursea bWi'iill.N C.bHORTLIIiuE. A. II. et A. M., TlUrvsnl) Media. Penn.

YONKERS - ON - THE - HITDm» s.iini' a hchiHil ur Private lin-tiuctnm for a mm lingi.'.

correapoud with Mr. T. P, Ll.K, ll ION (Tale*. Hnumioi andwinier. Ilealilitiil. Acteasilila 'thorough.

ttcadicrs.A.BEST TEACIIE1W. Tutors ;m 1 l_fOf*tra.

. easeeiuiiiilisd-'iiu.ut rttirga l'*-AOUi_*{i«tore> lfreA MaurraaaeeMB i"orni,ir .nun. ic r_ AVRdY

_A'uiiiie-aii J.j_iou_l-ire ta. I w**t Ut ha. i. f.

AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACUl_Rl_'AUKNCY supplies Profeaaora, lesacliers, nie,in. Uor-

cruesaea, etc., to Cnllogtai, beheM.laaod FannUoa. Anuiyluhhs. M. J. rOUBo-FOLTOB, 2S Ueiaa afaara

A YALK ORADL'ATE wi,lien priTBtepoplll.preparation foroolleges spnclallr, I,lg I,esl tiatliuouials

and city rsferuuoos. Addrssi VA I.K, lim In, inhiin,- omce,

KlNt)EROAHiM*;i..-Day BorenMii for.mail childruu, or companion lo aa elderly person

young woman ol ediiialiou uni I ell ii <-nie nt with best iii.r.aces. Address I'. I. W. i ninnie iiillco.

T0TOR8, OoveriHrsso*'. f*toff_tfOI_L Te_<t)h_l_,all tirane lien, and circulars of choice, solmvl- suuulicl lo

.".renu MiillAM DOTBlBBB_____^^^^^^^^

ill Kast ITUisL Heit rsyplier'a.WOMAN'S EXCHANOE TEACH KI'S' lilL9 * KKA U (foi holli sties), supplies I'rofiwsors, Teachers.

(.nTernesses, Musicians. H.nisekeepers, ( onipa ulons, etc tocolleges, schools and famine* also hookkeenein, bteuogi*.pliers and ccnyisut. lo business linus.

BlUi A, U CULVEK. -_U6lh-are.. Ncw-Vork City.

THE MARKETS.TOTAL RK-'EIPTS OF PROn.TCR.Per Sorth Um; Vettel* anil Railroad*.

B I Peas Feas. ru*«b .. fi.'iO Oleo stocg,bael. 780stmeaV Illili 14ft pkgs. bibB w Klour, Haisfys.1 Las 27f.| l'.-»nai hm*e* ld''pkgs. BOO (Irease. pkgs Hi: Pork, pkgs... Bm

Beans,hills.. .V.U.Urass seed ,11-ef. pkK. ciBeans, hags. 4,!*H7' bags....- 404, Cutmests. pk 4.477Beoswn.pks amides. Ha i'.u: l_r.i. t.-«. ft limHreMim corn, jil liles, lisles. 1.747' laird, kegs. LfMhales 91'Hops, bales., ".'.'lil tinier, pkgs ft.fl 17

Cotton, salas fi. (1114 j I st fr. hales.. 1_7 h-se pk-.s 4.4(17QattBB srnel \tmW*,pUtt 9,'li nili-_s,N_.. LU1*ell.bbls... flin I,e'stlie-r.sid's li;,r*l>7lltic.a. pkgs ".WI

Copper eks. KlHMoss, hsles.. -O -nuai. 1,i.'. 17(1I»r,e*-e| fruit, 'Molasses, his 3,'ilb skins, hales, 17<»pkgs._ l.*40 Mustard seoel etesi-ine.pKS BO

Egss, pkgs.. LOUT hags . 22*1 Tallow pgg* 4s.*.Flmir.blils... Sri a-.M-Cruds lurp. Tn..i.en. mts ml0Meei beta, 4oo .a Tohae, n Pk, naC Mea! Iia*s 1.2oO Smelts turn, |Wlnskrybhl* **.''-'Wheal'uis*i. K9.H60 bbl! 1.*.:, W. balsa. 1.151Coru. rn,sh.. 66.890 HoatB.hMa.. 7!lllW1in> (Cal).Oata.busli... 4'2.7*.0 Tar. bids .... li.' pkg-,. 6111Malt.hush... 13.860 Oil cake, oks 3,309Barter, hush 20.0O0 lill luhrhlds 75l

GENERAL M \I.KKTS.COFFEE- Keir Hrsrllian greiw His Ihe inaiket was a strong

one sud holders have advsiiceel il,-ii Mews lel4*sV16e. tntfair Km .toot caraaea -sale-. hag- Ne,, 6.14V-.: -.-iskihags No. 7. ia-_e -. a.ftOO hags No 4. ll',.. B__t-p-OWl swersvery Hun. sales. 4.400 baas Maracaiboi 600 bags Karanillaaaa Bogota! 1.000parcels September sale-, '.'iv., sillsIniermr, IP-ac sud WO met- Iiitsrinr. IP v. '| |.. optionmarket, iipeneil Strong at SOB86 limits srivsm-i-. ruled activeaad cl<.mo barely steady ss follows: Jaaaarr, li'i 91X.nO;Fehruarv. ia O',. March. 1 a.o.'. a li. lie April IMOul ,i*e. May. l.l.l.'.u l.i.'jn. .linn, l-l .'li.,- -. ¦_.*-," ju:,*,1B.90B13.S0: Noveiuher, 18.40B18.60j December 1195.Miles. 10 OOO hales.tnTl ON speil puces were not changed to.-tay. tun Hie

mot eiin ul waa light, ssles. 7a.", bales 816 Hstnrdaff e\eminc "f ti I,!' li ll'ft wste for cnnsiimnili.u. ami 640 haifa Tbe port receipts were 01 088 balm,comnaring bale* this elav la»t a eek sml 4 LOM hales xh\n clay lastyear. Kines .September i Ihe total port receipt* luce seenB.030.1 ll balee Bfataat 2,949.481 hales tor tim cotrcsiKiniliiigIieri'"i in 1W-,quotations iiasoeloa thc Amerlcau si.ind,iritot BBM8I8 Bl BB

areas followsNew.nrlc.iiu

Cplsndu sud Unit. Teiss.Jrdlnni-T. 0 laid7fstriet Or-UnarT."1s 77-lij 77.liOevtd Ordinary. K:t-10 8*sfit.Hurl (ieai-l (ir.linsrr. 8-"_ hla M 613-18I.e,w Mid liing. Olid I''-.HUStn, 1 I.,,w Middling.9*s 99109 0 I iMlddlmr. 99-M O'. ,C.(lood Middling.Ula.16 1010(Strict Oeiod Middling.10 111 '111*4 jni4Middling Fair.10 7-16 >1<1% ]n'.M

lair.111-10 H's ll **STAINgrX,

OoortOrdlnarr. I""* I-nw ViMim.. fl'tKt.Oni>1'lr ll'i.rr 7 .'. ld iMitllin-r. |

I ls option market optoeA at sn ailvancenf 1 iHilnt. rnleelmnderstclv netive ami chised ste'Selv st a ale, line nf 1 ,i.( pun,tsfrom Sat iii day'ii ligures. Sales. 102,600 hale s.

lei.'lav's Ttrsm-«.Months.closing. Highest, laiwest.

lie. emiier. P.4 I * 6.46 UH P.43Janitarr. |i.4»# 1' IO P.!i0 9.1ftKehmary. 9ABB UM p..;_> p.-,-,March. 9.09B 0.70 9.7a 9.86April. ii.7!e» n.-n M6 8.78

Mav. 9.89B 9.90 9.94 9.H7June. ld.on* . 6.97

July. 10.O-set1O.O9 10.11 KimiAugust.10.14*10.15 10.18 10.13Transferable, Notices nt H.4&l-l.'icu AM, M Kai,.--fl.ul* ll.Tho rsne-ral mark-et has

nii.i,ranee BO Important hangct Holders- views rs Le p, it-, s

SraTerr s,-ai van the mnvernen I ls mudera lu tv for hi Huena... Hale*.17,)ioti bbia.. inelndli.a 1,60U lillis. City Mill Rt-tra al *-4 nb a *4 (it) lot tim -.Ve-i lieeln-s, 1.4'10 1.his. lin-. J'Jin_-$2«0. Hbo hhls. Superfine. Vi :t*,_>_a Kl. latter for choice;1,100 hhls. F.xlra No. 't. Vi 90-B98 SS. 4,000 hhls. WinterWheat Kitra, Tl 90B98 16; 0.900 Mils. Biaaeaota Ki-tra. 9390B93 Ht for Hommoa loO.I. SA 90- 98 16 tor Mood10 Choice, Hie latter leer on-or twn nriviite nrimls ,1,' PatentInclml-sl In tbs sales eera 4,'JO » lillis, tor rumrt.Oiiotations.I'me, fi! OOBfJ 65; snpertine. Ti 6ABf6 10Nu, 'J, e.n ;ioai.l H."., (.I lei F.iiicv Kitti Slate, ef;| so rtSA (Hi conn.1 ui de>e,i Ktira wTeetera, Bl 90MBA sb, (JoolloCBolee Kura "Vestera. *-a iiin *-.'. in. Co-aarea tei Kair1-itr.-i (Him, 99 Sawst 00 iiiMi.1. 94 06994 80 Uoorl t"

Choice, fl 60B96 16 common Kura Mwiieaot-, 93 POATAin clear, n70B94.**o Rra Mlgtara 93 tfoBtu 10straight. *.i 00er s>i 03 Patent, 94 7099613; itakei-s- (M,*$4 66 -t. 1-ntils i-ommeiii to l-'iur Kxtra, Ti 9039-1 *llair tei liooel, 6886*94 7... fl.I t.i VeTf Choice 94 **0 1 ts 15;Jattaraaectru n- Patoul *A'iuU»r Kura, fl 10*96 ."

City Mill Kxtra tor West Indies. *4 60*94 60 HonthAmerican. "H 709941 s,, unik.-i claaadUria .BOOTU-BBB Kl.Ol.'It-g el amt um liain-'isl. Sh1-s. S.*,i, bills.(\.lumun tn Fair Kxtra at TA ."..ri« t un. an-lfair In dione at $1 00996 lo.KYK fLOUR.Kteaelyki.el quiet, 060 la'-s. siin-riiii.. ai (-4 IHI99H 16COBN*_BAL.QBie-4. Yellow Weslera gaoled *-.' 60*«¦-. 6 ami iiiinilfwine 41 Ti 7699V 06.liLCKWil l.A 1

KLOUlt.(Jiinteil *1 -na Ti 00.tlHA IN spot lots Ihe dealing bas beea fairly

ae-t,t e ami tht market licit r ib«I pneai u a hr. aer, closingstraeiv nnil a fair Iradi ror astron ami a lljrbt business lurcilv milling. In options thu lirfdiug has ln-cn ini"ier,ilely ac¬tive ami itu* market nus. it;-.: aud « it. willi prices v.-ry it-

reaalarand Sr. tower at tba eli.m Opened flrmet at an ia-rance ut >..-.. eie-eim-l 'ie-., advanced , i W fellofl -j*"*hc.,mit am p,l i.e., eleel,ne ! Iga ami clos-.l sl-aelt- -el r me bigbeat ul lin- elar. Bales.6.004.000 imsh ¦!» rulu re,t'1'1,000 bnsliels spn!, iii'-iu'iiiin rncia'-i Us.i ,t **J»irJs^.jNo. a Heel, w-i,!-., .So. J Kei, ode. in elevator 111*9l'sallnat |io_ .0 \,r. 1. o. h., ii.raaii-l Wblle :"'c. No. -' Bell,Ilcccmlier. mui, li ,1 do, J.inislv. '""< '."'.'. (Ming .il

bei-vc- ito. Pebrnary, m >-/ -.'_* -.,.. oMutaa mt Witu '!". m.,i. u.'.';-ju'.'.'.'.c.. t l,,s,u_ al '..;:'?... du. April. ."-,n_* .it :. h.

du. Mar. ii :¦-. ie- '.'7 ',.-., lee-:i,.- .et :".'.... ilu. 1111.e. Il7'4 e.- n7 *-.....cleestnur .11 '.17'.e-.: ito. Julv, e-losing iieinuii.ilIv al HH"W. lei.

Septeii.b.r :i'A\a*l. chMine al '.'.'-<¦. ...HVi:. BABLBYam! BABLBY MALT.Dall sm.,. nal.COHN. pulleila, bara iii'ii i.ii ie -iiiiiii- 11 tn-, it e- ik. ami pl ne ie aimil-

tower, atoaiaa «,..,k wiu, a f.t.i ba-dnaai roi Imth .. si..,>rl andnmiie lise, in options the trading has been ratbel *¦.,* arni lbsmai kit genarall) -te^eit. md nrlci -, shoat 'ie- tower ai tbacloie. Opened west at a decline ol *»9 "ec adraaeeil '»e-.. talllei) hr.el e ee eel Meaelv at '-I', lllielel th- lli;-|,.s! |.llee« e.IHie dav. sale.104.OOO bushels f 111 ur.-. IM4.0O4J bushels sp.,t.iiicluiiiur I iiL',sii-'t Mlx"i ai 4i,u 1*,.e..Nu. 8, lo.. elevator;47c deuvi n-ii, nteamer. 17.. Inalsvaloi 4- ..... Nu. ¦_'.il\c. In elevator. 4H\ n lo'.¦. at1..iit, the. hill. ,.,, specialdelivery thia moulh ; 4s\< r.e. b.; No. ._¦ December, e-u.,i.Kiie.minaili- si 47'.e.. ila, jmnmrv. 4S'..ili\i.. ' 1.,-u.g al

4nVe-., do, Kebliisrv. Il'.'/ll' Ul'"., ile.slew al lp ¦-...: .,..

Mav. bli.,. Cte., i-losirii-ai .I'.'e-. OAT* In .ash Inls thc

has been mu mo-erale aael Ibe mai kel steady ind pru es

wllliont Imponant change, clnalng steady, options have neen

dull ann iibuiii si,..,,iv ai the e-ii.-e, nj.lweak st a declineol 'hc.. iiHaiiieel Vu Uc dee med htc iib unit +..'.rinsed steadv at about Hie lilgheetol tho dar. Kale*- 240,.bushels fntnre anel spot, including Na H st .,:,..¦ rta Wbite,a7'.. Nu ¦_..; 4e-. eh,, uhiie. a7*»*a7V- No. I Who-, .I.'..:Mixed Western, a*. ,1 m: ¦-.. White lo. S7*4!"c.j '.Mun- Htate,ail</40e-.. Ne., i. lie. emt.¦ 1. I'.4. cb. slim al nie.: 'I.e. ,1 au uar t.a-i .-. e-.,4r,.e.. dOSlng, St '.'A'-., ale. I- \ 33 '«e. .'

closing st aA*vc. do. May 80*vc, dosing al i ii.liI.I .V ai Him 111,,I Utlilillllged.

Walker's Private li illy Circuur, December 13, InBS, Netv-Yoik.

,-BathUe-. ,-Huff:lo-Kecelptl bv i ak-. si I, is. mal ami Hall.

V, kenned V. tended Wkended W'kerdeilDec, 11. Dec, i. ii, e ll. ii.-,, i.

Wheat, bu-li S*KM,*iOO 1,070740 17ti.9.'0 2014.740(e.iii, bu-li 619,440 401.820 IVi.ObO 311,-70Hal.-, lush.Merauenti "f main alaU*bt ue-st.-in pnraaay pc-BtA tat lo_

lng Minne apulie:-Receipts- Shipis, I aki-ann Hail.W'k anded vt *k ended Wk ended w I, endedH.,-. ll. Deer, 4. Dee ll. Dee .

Wheat, bosh.2,746,757 8,781.1*00 1,103.441 1,16( nm, bush... I.87l»,277 1,000,1102 n-.;¦>'.' H 1.4»li a^, bush... 1,183,400 790,343 bus.;;.,;, 4-1.-.7Tbe receipts ol wheal fear the wee-k ended Deeember ll,

¦I New-York, Baltimore. Philadelphia and li,stun wernbush., sgsinsl 1,440,406 bush. Ihe nrerloui week,

1,84*4,404 bu-.1..-is two weeks ago. ami 1,369,470 buib. threeweeba aga

< ' ne >ie,ci, i iii Mere aad Bleat ii New-York:i.-Mi.ii,-. 1909, De 18s-J.No- ifHM, Ko

(¦emin ll. liliibi-r4. Veli,bel -7. ten,bel'.V.ii.i..vj ];;,i>s.;ol 13,114,306 12.1433.716(om,bush... 4,672,114 4.076,050 4,721,721 4.'.o7.1>-:l(nus, bush.... ],*i(,7,oi'j 1,690,276 1.102,61*. 1,702,710Derereaae, Wheat. 787,049 imsh.; eera, 363.943 trash,

oats, 148,264 bush.Tbe exports ot wheal aad wheal fleur iieim elghl Atlantic

1,1,11- Ie,, I. il (ipi- le, the Week emlen I le,-, ll, 1080, -" lal as

lins tai I, le polled: VA .t am' Kb,ur, Malr-e-,i',11..1 bush. hush.

Wick li", ll 1886..... 1.7 1 If, .ii 881.H40Week Dec 4.1800. 1,(487,044 7/4.HU0Week ¦ nv. .'7, lr-sf!. 1.448.060 807,*.04lWeek Bot. 20, 1880. -.946.218 .'.'.4,-miNew-York Produce Exchange statement ol \..-.bie sutiniy

Dec. ll, 1880Wheel Corn. Cats Hie. Hailey.

Total in Storeami Al'.nai 6t*,i'8!>.530 11.010.827 5.122.963 403.328 2.786.727lm reran 431.009 .

i.i___. I31.9W IM.619 le,'.'.7 h.'.io*.'Vlalbll Mipplv in I'ni led Mali sand Canalla:

Wheet ("in. nats. Rye, BarleyDee, ll... 69,080,630 11,010.827 6,122.063403,328 2,786.7 7

1 *-*»-.Dec. 4. 69,668,631 11,788,796 6,381,676430,316 3.704 c,"eiIhm;.

Doc. lg... -_9.140.717 6.986.738 3.878,144 788.041 3.401.66SDec. 18..."41,800,779 4.i,17.i.'.'.l 8.043,866 676.849 3 103.4121884.'MlnneapottsaBd st. Paal aol lan laded,in slur, in Nen ^lllk. Brook Irn ind Jeraey Pity grail

¦wini in.nt-1- ami lu-id in railwaj ii. litene ea cert.iratea:'--.' IMW. 1886 liHI

I'Ce. ll. Kee. 4 III,. 19 J,,.,. Jt,Wheat, b-Sb...11.304.062 11,808,801 9,7bH,700 0028.411('tn.bush. 4.',' 1.ell 4,661,169 037,661 mi SOM('.¦its. bush. 1,607,026 1,677,176 1.446,268 lObVloOHarley, bush.... 1741.668 127.108 112.680 min'Rye, Gash. 41.279 80,63* 130.H77 nun',.!liss, boah. 7.8« 8,889 4.171 8 609Malu bush. aia..M.". ISO.063 10-4,6-11Total bnsh.17,999,689 lH.4ft0.ft«3 13.260,098 11 noi.023Afloat in Bear-Tan

1K-G I-,: ,8Halice. 11. Dee 4. Nm 28

Whest.hnsh.1,260.000 I.Imo.imk) 1 ia4 looCoru. bush. 207,£.00 303,bOO ';,iis';,i.,Oats, bush. la.liio la'iooHarlev. hush. 240,0041 300.000 130,-MiOBy*,Lush. ii.oisj

Tetal hush.L.798.600 2,002,000 1,6(40.700II AV AND BTBAW.Thc market na,>ti, .lull al un-

changed ijuotatlons Hay Nu. l.pnuestock, n69W0e No 270'aisOe*., .Nu. a.coai-Oi. ; BblpplBg, f,iiu;,.*,e L'toreV 60Bftfic, (lovci Mine.', e,n. c.:,,. -straw Lens. bOB64< fchort46B60i*.i dal. t.'.a.".."".. Wheat. IV.HOHa-Bosiaess tocoalat- wiihto-KiniiBiuandthet-M

Ol theiuaikel is an easy mi.-. Ame rican.Ne-* Veirk State 1MM(jlr.lin- tel lum e.'ifsW. He.: elo. I Sll III i.ikkI. VJ a ibr.. ,i,." --..

l'rinn tu (lu ne. 1.'.« ld., ilo. Cum ie iii, tu Mn 11 iim l*.'e»14i.; pa'din (eiast,i inp Uisei, Pnnir lol be_ee.2( B27h.:da Kan ia (load,'iAB'Hr., elo. lfttb. tu l.ulee. li' u l.'n. le.lel.iu |l,u'risns uiui liiinen mus, i-mp uf Hani,.(,«.Ki,.; Bixaouanaaaadu 22B24C.I Aiiieaiks'... ;-i.-.ii.., kagHeb da SiraVAotMOI.AHeSKs. A.-live. sa'es, ie cargoes PlUUilclplna basis

Ol 2l \, I' f'O' lest, beilllllg si.el V.MK'lAi.-. I nra fertitlratea- atainat aa*{lrcta-L Transter

able nolle, s isslieel attlb1-.-. I tie I hull as linn Cnliipji,, ns

ant ullin ul its ollie- si >' iel les«7 ill-lit ere. ut $-^ij i.r Nu.1 ami |l!i lot .No 2. lin-Pull ami m., i,_ie<_ee| _t ^j eo.»22 V. "ped. 22 ibe 22.i'i.c. fuliircs. I isnsleralle nonces 11 e

ec, lu ...l.t.i) seoed at 22.46c, f opper- Lm less. *ta__il.isble, nulli rs .l_ke issinvl si ll.'.i.'.. .. ..u. t bill bars A.I.' .*..*.Lsad B-rak si 4.iOB446e. Traaaierabto notices taeaatal4 4 Sie iii i (.niel at 4.3.'.*d4.«(-_ liaiisetiahle colliesIssued at i.e.

MAVALtTOBMB Mrtla TVMflM dull and um I engedifie,n. ..i.e. lur lecrilisnlahle. lc,sm dull. atraliiedW Uinjd, vi hu .I. Mi K. Bl r-naai SB,1. Il ... ii. -I142-SI ll, tl 47a.j: I, tl t'r. K.|200*l206i M.l'.'bti. B. tito \M_eJo-* Gla-w. IJloWater White, 63 40a 13Mk i,iiui,i.i, i, >iutk is meeting duh hut allele Homtins the . ntlre maikcl li dull. lam, biiabl,:,Prime -nu. Yellow Coliol,seen, _7H.*3Hi',; Its*City Cms..-, i, at»e.; hpeim, nalural wiulei, Tr,.du. hli-ae ln-1 winier, 841c.. do. uatural spring, 70s,71 c., do. hlf-a. hi ii apriufi, lins.-. Whale, emile Nm in¬ti n. .ia er .inc., eio. e i mle r,mihi in, -116,1.1.-., do. naluial win tar,3','« *. ilo bleaclieil wiuter, 4'igiie.. do. eilra bleached.4.1»44(., ( I) lim I ,h e,, |, ll I 0 -Vi -.. I ie lin., pe.OCIAN 1 lu.mill.-,-a n.e..!-.'..I- business waa reported

lu | nun mn ¦ leis, iii uilici aisn a dull market. LOB.MO, steam, lu ore.. 4b.(sjo bosh, gram, 6d. gnntotlonsUrala, 6d.i noni. l,s 99, oil take, 13s, l».l measureiueul¦..innis. >6B90a_ OuAOt, iO... bacun. .ids., laid. ||ai clitsae.lille., beef. ,.. mm nura l'i iib Am,,.,, a lilian snip, lu is 0blue rennell oil, 2>. 4d I.IVKIUiHiI. steam, bence,OuoUtle.jia (.rsm, 4 i.d.; Hour, lhai ininti'*. 13s. Uti., sugar,'.2a. Od., Use ou. 'it*, M.wibe.; clsoete.'ib* SiOt,, Isr-A. Uni »22k. Get., tallow, nie., niaasuruuieut gtKids. Isa, ell. 4*_ ant-

ton 13-64d ....tll.AeooW. steam, hence, quotaHons: malu, 4Vl.i floor, 16a. Bids. 3d.; measure¬

ment csrgo, ISKSOa: Isnl, 20s.: bacon, 2«s.i sngsr,

IIV 8rl oilcake, 13i.9d.B16i.BRISTOL, stesm, hence.

neietsiions Cain. .'.Ssl: tonT, 17s. (M.; oilcake, 16s.: sugar,1h«. '.i.i for granulated snd 20s. for cut loaf: bacon. 25s.fBOVlMOXS PtillK. Exporter* sre still hohliog off snd

tin- .i.iiwiuc.t tm wants of iie-lere louilnuss high. Prices,he.tvcvci have :e snmil stipiMirl. Hales I'd bids Mess on pn-rate lanai Mess quoted at $11 60-.912 for tine VeerOld and 911 tar Two Year tHut. ¦* 12 64ia»l8 for

family Mess. 914 60 _ 815'.'6 for (leer Hld, sud 910 60B

lil tor 1-rniie.HKkK. liss imi vat iou e-luce our

htsl iiiliin.. s'is.iv anel nnlrt Mtv Kvlrs lndls Mess. $ii^ -VI 7. Killi Mess, titus.. 97 60 3 BM; I'SCket. Sn bOdtV:l'isle, gnufn Wi. III*.. KP ll A Ugbl deuiauiLUiioitd, 918 CUu -Hil* lill.Cl/1 JlfcATs-Are well sus

lu.neel .ii | I ii e- tt dh, iii.Hieiate ilemaii'ls. Ml'", ltboxes hellll-S UV.! 1.40*1 Pickled Hams. l-S'i'^c: 61 io PickledShoulder-.. 5*.: fl tr> 1'le.klert Bellies uueiteel 9%B,I lusieelKlisMlll.n Pu kie<t Hams.'.Iu ,ii.i-,; Mmoked Hains, 10'«*10S.-C; smoked shoulden, be ... MIDULLlS Inill andlieu,ins a unchanged, laius? Clear In .New-*, ork quoteoH'-ei.

Dltl.S-l I) lllidf-.Sleertv awl In fslr ileuiaiiil ClirHeavy to Light st 5'., <t 5-_c: Pigs. 5\e/5V. I.Alt l_.I lu meet elm nt iii cash lois e nnleiiiica alow, with expoite-rssi ,i bidding back. The*nee-u!atlvedealings, however, reee Bed, i,u.l. ute |.infill I,ons. l'l le es an a sliaele lower. Bal IB, 960ti-. ¦Vc-te,ii steam snot am! lo arrive.ld 4i;wjaii.4*>c. CltvMrnm in e< e>1 demand. *s|.-s. 370 les 6*26_ Refined onote»*i.-'.. ( oiiiiiient 7c. South Ann rh an. December, closing

ii- c. nie. jaiiuarr. u.44./1, i.... ctoaiaa o. ii.*.; 1.260tis. Frlimn rr. -61 _*¦( .52C-rtoelnr A6ZC.I 4,.'.(Si les, March.

h. closing, ti-tb, bat, .'.ooo les. Mav, ot B0.70,,r. 9,76c BwTTBK CHI'"*'- an.l lams-With-

om thangi nt BkiBMai, luittet Htate Creamerv. 24c.-, l'i iiii-vhanls cresnie-iv, '.'He-.: Biala fliaaillBIJ HOIale Western '.' </'."c: l-tele' Iiauv. half-hrkin mos. i!3»I '. e... Welsli lillis. '.''.'er2.*ic.; Western Imitation Creamery,]a-,/-"-'r., hairy. li'»lf>c: Western Kat-tory. XX Ile,,herat- Htate Fae tory, lo* 1; c.. common lo faney, Wesiern

Fist. Hs 1'-"-.<¦.. e.,,..| I., hiii.-e. light Skim-. InSIlc.1--. cs-stai.-. ia.'-. I '.'-e.; Western. *_9_B97(ki I.linen. 17el I-'-sit A 1:1 Nf* Cm hanged anet epilct. City quoted at iff,

Ti.,, ami e.lrouiargariuo. 8_*-*_lkMi. Al:. I'm raw sugai the market wm a quiet

imi st.a.H ai,.. _t s\at\r. for Moinee-, 4 ll I Se.(01 Fall Helming. Vt*. Un UU" teat Centrifugal. --aleta,*.'is.o bag! Mat.nliam at 4 .'Mile-.; 7.imo baj-l "lahls.

4 a l'i. KeBned ani*-*. cut Loaf c, ./i'.-sc. crushedc.i,_6 '¦....( ul e> 6 let-lOBiV., Powdered9*sB6V..Oraauia"ed

i-i'i., Meeiii-i * t6-164B8e.. COBieaitoBera" a t**g;, Ls ICc.. Coffee a Mau.lum tbranded confections) 69-19*1.-,*,, Cones <.¦) a :.v-.. white Kura c oef.Vge., Kitra c

4 Mt 4 V.. I 4 "a*. 4 V.. Yellow 4. .3:4 "-c.TALLOW yulei ant very ste-aely. Prime city quoted 4 '»c.

.¦sales, 80.000 ft, 4 'ec.


LIVE B'1-OCK MARKET.BBW-TOBX, Momlay. Dec. 13, 1888.

Cows. Cslves. Sheep and Lambs.112


1,709 "40.17(, 69.829beeves. Cows. Calves. Plies,!.

44 18,703 311,3*221,1711 i'i,470

. 83,6071 KO

1,606 88.181 47.802.2 1.694 82.963 f..*',799 4.OH'.' 99.899 37.30-J



'. 99 00996 409 I' .'.nil ur,a SA 6*.it fi ib.93 78¦UTA no'el +.1 60

Jcrscvrity Ptock Yards 7.00_Slitlelh-st. 'J.'.e.Hli .nu th st.. n. sttertng.Receipts last week.10.0(19len. ti eek last vear.11.396Av. Wy rec'ts last year..10.147j

gioiAiiiiNs 09 iikkvks lo-narchristmas Beerea.99 NMira..***> 20('linne._.'i 00I lora I to I'rime.efl 691mr lo (ais-l. 94 ailt'ommon lo Medium.vs seoPeer.99 60liiuiiili eiien amt-lars. H (ioI irv Cows ami Ilettcrs.*2 7.".li .nus ami LTberokees.nene n.

( nlnrielos. mine W.Hulls.99 60 'e* .30(1

Averate ta.-diev. estimateel. 94 40 *.

I it I en i rance- oj lillee. ... .VS lb a 99 00i,.iiai lo i'i:-in- >ii i-i s sold one vear ago lt *¦'. 40 « +."> 68, ami

[be ITerage Well ratiiuatfit al in IO.RSVIKW iii "III I-: WIKK-Tha arrivals e,f Reeves tho

past week were III Iieael less than las, week ami 1,413 headh -a thnn the COTieaBOUdlna Meek last year.Tbe amt als on Weelneselay were' not heavv. hut will, the

. tuck helli nt ci pron al lu I... ni en e-n ol ihe eh maud, ami tt lilleopening prtcee wereabont the same ss Issi Monday tbs finishiras .mn »t a decline rn inc pert loo tn. Tba 120 arba is

offered on Friday met with a ve ry elull demand at I «¦!iii furtherice:in timi ni Ku- snd tbey>id' weie not fully cleared.

British Marketa hare continued dnll at4*an ar scant sectorRefrigerate- Br-e*.and lo >. n 11 v¦ uri i-i for, 11,ai eel dressed weighV closing weak on saturday.

l.lve alves have le eu in Heh, supply nn'l have ruled firm al

2j,',ai4e to, uraaaera, uud ihiaW-ic tut Veals, wiib a fewFamy sold si 10cTba lUpply ed Sheep ami Lambs has heel, about UM

same as last week amt while eieol tn Choice, shee],.have Mid I. inlilv ai ste.n,lt- prlci .. c. in in,, n ami Me,I,um stockhas leen b.iielv SUStalnBd. BOd Iambs de lilied un Wfdiies-day 'oe pei lb, vt Ult no n inked impnitemeiil up tu the bnislimi *-al ui day.

lite lleeir-e were a little firm early In the week, but tveak-ened a trirt'- un Thursday, closln** about '?c off from lastBonder.BKKVE8 -Becelpts were -jon ran of 5,214 head 127 ears at

Jei -e^t* ny mel 73 (ar« ai BOth-it Tba Bl rival! Uptown werealu,ut ei|iially betti sen Mr. Kaslmaii and Stem etUetxgei and there waa bo trade la Lire Cattleai Jersey .'.ty Ifteartoads weatdlreri io8ebwartscblldB

Bulzberger. and wttb ih>* mw cai loads held over (ruin last«e k lhere were about 190 cara na sale.Tim offerings r.eiiacd trom Common to Choice, srlth a hw

Kxtra ind lamv uteara, which night fairly be called Chrtet-m il (attie.Trade was glow from beginning to BBd. anel while sellers

tried hird to advance prices lhere was m. i,,Hrk-s.| Improve¬ment eater i'i le!.iv Sunn- sales tt ere al a shadehigher ;.

but the supple was fullr equal to the demand, and ths yerdatren nt i,keiv to be dear. d.Common lo Prime .'.'arne steers sold at 939099490

an H Via »'.' -.' 26.\ ,' in..! nt Christmas Beere! from Ohio Sold at 98 50. Slid

one Fancy Bullock, fed _*¦ Mr. Bull, tha weH-kuowa Pbeep-feeder, bi. iil-IiI He per IU. live .Slight. Hus tine -I. >-i weighed2.380 18, An offer of Oe was reported to bari been refused byMr. Van M,t- Int 16 Fancy K' nun kt st., ts. tn ru will heaeveral drove* nf Christmas Cattle n on Wedaeedar ead Fri-dar, bul In-elers l:S.-el ned expfi t high lil'ces.Hulls soil al *-. Inn +a .-t ',:- ji.| uh, i,,e. at 98998 60.The e;,,i len M.'nar. h brought i" this port on Saturdays

henl o' So-folk Bed Polled fattie consisting of 4.'i head 14Hulls am131 Heifer*. They -se.lecbsl Irom Ihe herds ollaird Hasting*. H. Htimpsou. darrell Tsrlor snd otluUr. i. .nu '-I'-i ind are lntemled fer tha breeding farm*e,i i.ei,.-tai i. i Bosaanel Winiam Banka, rea i City, Thejw||i be removed fmraqnsrantiue ai,mu tba nrst afllarabtethe 'ibm e menllnneel f

ile wi ek s hhipments ol I.Ive- attic ami Sheep ami IlrcsseielBeat :ib'l M ut lon were as tollows:

Bhlpi^rs.2. '**


J. Kastman. \l ls<!oniJ. a im in itv nt Ktchm'dJ. -.astin Ul lal manic.I. asl aaa . . pl .

M. i.ui.iitiuiili. Hui'.IJ. A. Mm tue. 'lovter Hill. i.,,,I,,, k.IAlert .

I., s iii:ie-iii.,ti k. Barracouta.


la 80



Totals .| 4',i;i | jim 204Totali isl week .' 628i6.l9_ 66'lutaissa.weak 1886 .' 07715.074 60 318

s.i'.-« sherman .*. Cutrer 19 Kentucky s,,.,.,^, i-,-ji rt.i.i,,-.-. at 96 oo per loo lb; 4 do,197u IB. at 94 70; 24 do.I4(.a Bs. at 94 fl* 17 du, 1448 m. st 94 66 i 8do, 1396 m. stsi 66 17,tu. 1846 6] st 94 60; 88 .ba l.;"'i r. at 94 86; 32et,e. 1333 B. at-tl 36; 18do, 1265 », et»4 80j 17do, 1200 1b.nt N 16; .Olin. li..'j lb, al -r-4 181 l6do, 107.'i lb, al *3 00; 30do, HM! :' it9440: 4 Chicago du, ia-7 ir,, ai 96 10 3daIHOO tb, it 9500; IO do, 1305 "., nt 94 96; I do, 1509 B .t

94 -". ld do, Mat m. at -i-t .;o. 17 do,al -i ¦'.". 18 da 1186 tt>. ai |4 16 84 do,l'j.*.'.' B. al 94 80i 4 .1... nar* p.. gt si 16;I* Bulls. 1600 ft. st 93: -.' " 1360 B lt 98 I do, 1176

Hilo la...*. lb, at 92 .... do, loo », el 93 r, m do,KU .2 id Ht»'.'7o. 4 Yearlings. 637 IB. st 92 14(1 2 K,nu i

Oxen. 1876 B. at j/, an, 3 ito, 1940 ft. nt .a 7.*.; a -stageal rt.:

Nett mu _ Gillett: 12 Ohio Rteers (Extr.i 1820 B, ll tb 50|1 ito, 23i - lita 1666 lb. at 9525: Bun ltw6 it, at96 lt; -lat.- men. stairs end steers. 1 103 lt,, al I

ll -. Boeentbai: 14 Kentucky Hieeis. 1014 lb. ai 95 25i12 do, 146s ft. at 94 70: Ono, 14181b. 1181 35; ll do, lai7B. at 94 301 20 do, 1190 ft. n 94 12.; 17 do, 1282 ft. atfi IO li

.1. 1". -Seller et- Cn.: ]!', KllltUlkV Slurs. 1 .-.V, ft, at it ,,|l

lotto 1580 ft. at 94 00 : 17 Indiana tlo, 1636 ft. at .ft -'i; :i'Ji!o. 1360 N 40 16do, 14.w ft. rn 94 .'.*.. 2do. 1815 ft..:! -I nu ls si. I ...ii lee .I... 1367 ft. at *4 75; 17 do. 130] Os. al

.-<.h.. 1156 ft. at 94 26, l8do, lo'.'l ir,, at 9425; lleb., ll'J'.i ft. al H 16; 88 do, 1102 ft. ut -M 1(1; lbOhloelo1336 lt.. at si WI; 36 do, 1389 ft. ai 44 ;'>0: 1 dei. HMO ft, at

94 26: 2 .lo. 1150 NIK): 15 Olen, .-teers end siam,lal., a., ai --a au i uta-*, 1660 ft. ai -

li. Wan.1 IO (Imago meera, 1362 ft, at 96 074; 26 do.1374 ft, ai 96: IBdo, lal I ft. st il 75.J. Hehamber-t: 35 Ohio steers, 1863 ft. at 94 75; 19 do.

138(1 tb. at 94 46; 7do((*_eu), 1671 B. al *4 20; 35 .he. 1209ft, al il 16 1m!", 1808 16; 5'lei, 1203 ft. at

.1 ',, i_ll.ll tb. al 93 -ll; 1 Ox. Lino ft, at itt, 1 Ililli, 1404J lb,at J," 75.

J. A. Mulline 17 Chicago Steers. 1888 ft, at *1 761 IO elo,1 3(1 ft. at 91 46; 20 do, 1126 ft. et 84 35: 27 'lo. 1301 ft. at

94 26. 26 elo, 1260 ft, at f4 17*-.; la do. Ii>i4 ll,, ai rf I 27«__,1106 lr,, at rf!'.'(I.M la ll cn.vB-Arrlvals foi th ttee-k 111 held. There

has bi el, a In ir ilemaml for (luesl ( nw*, bu, t'ommon stuck hassold at rather low nrieea Pair to Choice Cow* are <|imiu.i at»i -a 900; ami we near ofa few retailed at 966397" pet bead.(AlA'ls Receipt! w.-ie 4u'_' head. Demand fair, iuit

Uraaaer* anel Coarse Heavy Vesls were weak Uraaaera andlui Clives Mid ai 92 76B93 30 per 100 ft, 1'our Ui bolesVi .t'.r- at '.'¦'. ,: a'.ji per iiaiciibea k .tr bevis 103 Oraeaera, 974 ft. at 'J'.I*

IS V.-ala. 41J Bl. al a i.e; 95 de, 300 ft. at lei 22 ilo, 14.; lt,, al',-. a ila 168 il,, at is,.., .-,!.., les I-, ai BO.Dllleaback .t th wey 15 \'cals. ll.-, ft. .ti 6c -7 do, 13s n,

at s 'ss".Hume A Mull, n 91 drasser* an.l Bed *T*BIr-JB. 997 ft. al

93.-40 12 Veal-, 412 IB, at4-_c 4 ile,, 107 IB, at 7'ye.*: Oil", 162lt. it9*__.K-c. Otis A Neise.n ll Veals, 151 ft. at Oe 21 do, 115 lb,at

ll htjudd A Buckingham. 29 .xaieen, 288 ft. ut2V i 1 Veal. 150

lr il Be; 1 il... l'JO ft. at 7e\SUKI-.!. ABB I.AMU8-It«-i-eipt* wereid cars of 12,119

head- -J7ca:s ll Jersey tty ami .,| ears al buln sl li.ulewaa a little stow, but unosa were generslly ratoil aieady aaidleieei.1 SUM k sold ut full laat tt ok's nipalns pi lies.e,Hilliary to Obeen soiel st a*,u.*. v a bunch of

ratl..-t hob e lleaiy Canalla sloe k at ji.,, nad a calhiad nfKill a Penal] iraaia U ethers at 5 S.e.A few Call I.ainbssol 'biwniietV*. and a number of lots

e. - . p tui.t Lambs nilled al SA iii) a gb in with Kan to

chutes bringing 96B908O, indacarlaad of Kxtiafana'la I lints, ave taging 99 lb neild at th'- tun llgnn: ul

te; s7 'v [s-i (Ml ft.-..iles \\a'-h. Kirby A Co. 34 State Sheep, loo IB, at lo;

co slate lam,bs. (14 ft, at tlc.i.t rr.ll Ji i'l'liei. k -.02 VS'esiern Sheep. 81 IB. lt 4'ac , 232

do. 79 ft, et l*ec l-tOOtuo Bbeepand Uuihs. 82 ft. at *.', 201e;; \t itel ii I ami's, u ;:,, al 6 .< ^iu do, 7U ft. ai 90 30.Mallen LOCI .t luvis: 69 suie shenp, 7H ft, al 4'aC; 76

Canaela do. 13U ft, at 5'«c ; 66 I'euiiaylvams do, 118 lb, atr,i.c 114 I-f BBB] lt ama I .mtiA Hil ft. at UV l* do.99 ft al i. '«¦ 1-6 du, 04 IB. aTTti ao lts'.ldo 02 ft. al ll»,c.HillenbMCk .V liettev .',3 tVc.lrri, Sheen. 115 ft. st 4c 185

du, 11 s lb. at 4 V; lM, ilu. 111 lb. at ftc 22(1 ( ana-la Lambs,.tile; .".'-.1". 77 -..lin.-, 041 do. Ul ft, al -30 (Jo 1-.:

du. a*- ft, al b .c. ai Penuiylraala da 7b ft, ai H'-.r.Ilu..-. Mu b ll 32 stale Sheen, 146 ft, at 4 .c 1' 4 i'ciin.

sylvania do, ile. ft. at 5'se : V31 Htato i«lim.p ami Lambs. 70ft. St 9418: 920atate Lambs, 07 lb, al 6 V. -.3 reuusylvautaco, 7.. w. al I v. A lim k.iighaui: HIS stale I aluin, so m. al ii'4e ,<5tlliiu du. 77 ft, a; i.'-at i lill Ohio sjn-.-p, ;.¦ IB. at *M 45 2-.'rt¦lo. MJ ft. al Tl bi.; 211 slate, do, 7d ft. at *4 35 37 do 70n». at ii 96, 9 Kwea, ian m. st $4 50.J. K tssnlrr A Co.; 189 (lulu Lambs. 711 lb, si filjci 170

Keiilu. ky --heep, lon IB, ai »4 HO 64*4 do. 93-s ft at $4 'Hi177 Iniagi, do. 104 IB. at 94 Mo, 204 do. lol IL, al $4 55 207do ni ft. st 64 .'eil

J. .V I' 164 Mle lugan Sheep, 8!) ft, at 4V TOdO,03 ft. al $4 65 UM du, 87 ft. ll 94 Ml; 120 Michigan she.iasud laenibs, 71 I", al 4V IW-Bk 7.1 ft. at *,4 60 80 Mn hi-gan laml's iptKir,. 5S ft, al4V 151 do. U7 IB, at 0*»c; rtndo,bli ft. al 1>V-Nealon ,V (illletl 199 lilim flhllip. 110 ft, at i*V HU

Wm!, in do ill, IB, st t4 (15 ltil Indiana do, 114 ft, at t-_B|17h I-t nnsjlvanudo, 85 ft. »t 94 40, 37 Indiana l.aluhl, 77ft. si Oe.itheriiisn * Culver t .00 Kenliickr Sheep. Vi ft, al $3 70 ;

199du, 87 B,M 99 76; 10 Hucks and K wes, ll7 ft alHlien, H- lUasttBta were lJbcar. ot 1*4,HM6 he_e1-7J cars at

Jersey City and 5.1 cars al 40th ._ NoiuluaJly sleaely at94 15194 eloper loo ft.

OOfTOM -C4BK .l*st-Bf CKl.K itlAPii.Livuroou Dec. 13-13 30 a m. Iluainass giMs! at unbangui laira. Mtelitlui-- UBland-, 6l«iL, do. "i ,-ans, ,i wi

Bslas-lO.ISXI balss, IU..U Ima 1,000 balts for »|it, ulaliuusml i I'M u il-s.-ipu, 33.UI-41 halos, lumudiug 2tl,U0tJ balesAnierb au.Pulures steeaiy. Uplindl Iaiw Middling elans*. I,ec«iu-

ber delivery. 6 Vi »>4d.. also 5 1.1 (J4d du. December iud Jannary delivery, 5 ll «4ei. also 6 12 H4il; ito. January am Kehru«ry delivery. 5 11-04-1.. also 6 12 (.4.1., du, Kebrusry audMarch uealivery. 6 12 84eL;alsu5 13 i.l.l.. da March au.l April¦Iti.ivny. 6 13 04.1 «lw 6 16 TUA., do. April and May ele'iverv. li ii¦ (itu., -is-- 5 17 Uiii du May ami Juue delivery. 6 18))*&., slso 6 10 84il., do. Juna aud luly dellv.ty. 6 il) bid., also6 21 4d ,1a, July ana August delivery. 6 23 04.1There wera no leaders tor deliveries at io day . olearingi.

2 p. Bk-The sales ot tbe day included 9,400 balee Amen-caa.M_M steady. TTplands, t_-w Middling elsu-o, neceinber

delivery, 6 13 04A value, elo. December ami January dell**-e iv. 6 12 -Old. sellers do. Jsnuiirv and Kebrusry deliver**. 6l'J lilel. sellers do Kshruary and March delivery. 6 1 3 64d..elle ra do. March snd April delivery, B 11 n4d. buyers doApril snd May elallverr. bin md. bnvors do. Mar sndJuno delivery. 6 1-4-04(1. sellers do. June aud July delivery.6 21 B4d. sellers:, da July ind August delivery. 6 23_4d.value.

ft p. m..Colttn.-Futures clos-sl dull. Uplands ImWMiddling clause. De-ceuiber elellverv, 6 13(14.1. buyers; do. De-cember and January deliver--, ft 12-04.1. sellers: do. Jsnuaryand February delivery. 5 12 414*1. sellers; de.. February sndMarch delivery. 5 13 (Md. sellers; elo. March and April elelt**

ery. 6 l4-«4el. buyers: do. April and Msyelolivery. « l<J-«4d.biiveis do. May ami June delivery. 5 10-04.1. sellers, du.June snd July delivery. 6 21 (54(1. sellers; du. July and Au¬

gust delivery, 6 23-U4el -


¦SW! rri'.M tiik riKf.o and liAN'.i: of pr__KJ___Tlie (iovrrniuent report of UM .-T]>..rtt eef mineral oils and

their pruelm ls for Novciiiln-r puts tho i|iiantity at 50.7'4.-Hlgallons, sn Increase of 12,7(81,371 gallons from November,I-¦*-.-.. ami the value al 99,9-7.190, a gain of $504,010 from I

year age.. For the eleven imiutlis aaWM .November 3(1. UM TV

pula wore 535,2147.437 gallons, of the value of TIS 121,-11.

BB Increase of 11184,601 gallOBI tton) tin-ciirii-siiomling pe-flod a year nen. bul a decline of 91.672.290 In tbe in.

The-eifBcial reporlaorsll Hu- pip-, lines far showa lofal Mount of in l sloe ks eef 9%739,798 bal ids. an .ncr'-ase

fi,un Jmiuatv nf 120.482 buie-ls, un lm reuse

Irom Anrll ol 7-47.17H barrell, but a deere tse from Oe t.eb.-r of

2V7.6M barrels, ami fron, ieptaraber Itbe maximum thisrear) of 347,968barrels, The dallr averajreraaa ot ail lineslast nioiilli was 72.145 barrel*, ag.nn-t au average of77,639 barre,lt in (ict.ebcr. 79.820 barrels InSej.Lintier. 90.909 barrels In Nnveiin.. r. 19*4*, 91.769bai reis In Non Ulln-r. 1H>4.|. and 03.308 barrels in November.lHls-.l. The ileliterns aveTage-.l 90,413 barrels. Igllasl 63.1 Mbai reis in Norember, 1811-709.491 barrels la November, i-HiBad98.832 barrels lu Norember, 18B«, tba Bacaeye ripeLin.- [which handlea the Lima o,i) reports rani in NoTerabetof 121,153 harre-ls and deliveries nf 4.347 barrels; the netstock ls now 306,801 harte's, au Increase nf 119,909 barrelsfrom October, nm tins nil li being used where at all) forfuel, and Un- refineries! lu,liding In lin- Ohio Betdl -ire s.n ,.,

be ile-siiriied n V lo see-iire lubricating fluid from the stuff.Thefoiiowin. tahleeahaw lae recelpia rtelleetl_i amt n-tst'. ks ol ail the pipe Inns winch bold tho prBBBBt coinuu-rcial

pi.ulm I: ;

Figs in hhls. 42 gals. finns. Ilelivrrb-s. Bet stocks.Nattona! Transit.... 1.407.383 2.100.788 S0.09i.274Tidewater. 100.380 227.524 1.3KM. I!!8southwestern. 377.828 20H.I.--14 90M.357Micks',i,rg . 41.369 51.008 427.9 0mini lines. 57,043 68.700 31,017

-Tata]. 2.104,871 9,713,364 33 133.199In tin fedlowliig table is exhibited the tall rn mt Moe ks rre.m

Ja,iuart* tee April. Hie ilse to "September, ami thu be-ginning ofthe present elee Un_l| te mle ney. comp ired with Novoinber ofprevious years:

Rbis. Bids.Jsn. 1R-48.. 83.84)8.304 Not., 18B8.83.704.358April, imsij. 82,040,01M No*/.. 1--4. 37.K67.193bept., hm; .34 0*41.1104 Nov., 1883 .36.486.280Nov.. 1889. 83,783,7061TIM Cl-de Oil market was meeierately active yesterday, and

the inne was ti,ni. r. m spite nf cloie money ind depreesion in

sioeks. The newe from (be Waahlnetun weill was not up totin- expectation .. the beare, bat on deeper drilling these wells(nay be of umir avail in rhecklng any improvement. I be short

li eie sti hem et er. he-uaii lo urta it ill llOOt » lib the ie- - n t ot

advancing values from 07*«907-y cents to 691s cents. I'rub.aniv it will take ume to re-establish conAdence In ihe era.asltuatlnn. but there ls no isatare ol the statistical positionthat warriuits a further eleellne. unless all the- oh 1 Ideas of oilvalues are tee hemmc obsolete. The mark, 11 teaed tit m with a

uei gain ol lt* "ii'"-I In-range ni prices and tho total de-alliiits at thc Consolidate*!

Kxch_ngl wore a, totlOWlOiie'tiinir. 1,7*4 Ia)west.67'illigbest. ii'A't F.ual. 99*1Ni.e.. tiari.-ls . 8.093.000KeUncd oil was unchanged at li", cents In New-York and

llalttllinl'ia.un, i.iiY, Penn.. Baa, 13.-Crain Oil.Vati-ii* Tnnslt

Certitlcatos opetiel il (id. HtghSSl ,rm 69*4 lowest

price.67*et eleeed oa'.. Balee, 1.30AO00barrele, clearancesa,*. ss.ii,ii, barrels; charter^ si,521 barrell shipments,336.937 barrell runs,.

Pu t.s tu raak I'-tiu., Dec. 13..Crule oil. Petrole-m firm:

National Transit 0ertlHcat*M e-oeued ar 8T**B BB- closed at

99 hf I highest prico. Oil'*, lowell price,, 97*aFtTUaVlUA Ptrnii.. ile,-. IS. -.N* mo ut Tra mt Ow ltIrtltBI

lyiaiiil ai tm and rlrnt I ai na's nun.ic prto* co's; lowest

price, l>7 *aBBAoroBO, Paaau, Dan. 19 -Crateoii-v-tinvi Traaatt

Certillcates opened H HI'S} tu I 0l*M Bl 'ia's lil-ritst prico,liy'4; lowest price, 07\ alOAtnaaat, 1,699,000BBRBUL



Less activity was -bown ny the wheat speculation yesterday,mid the ti tnlency was sIlL'htly reai tmnary. BDOI lots were a

simile- easier, hut over 9901,900 bushels wire taken lor export,mainly la ubi h inge tor optima Tba ipeaalatioB carly showed

a all**b* improvement, but soon reit of .B"bcaa_,altboagbthe adi.ce- from abroad arera eac-mraglag aad only a smalllm roase was shown bv ibo via..,ie supply statement. Tue

I .n st.-aelv at s small lc niel V iron DOttOni values, bul

p ,-.,,i,i usse-s of S cent as lollows: lanuary, 90*a; Pab-l'liarv, vi. Match, 83*11 Bay, ','b-s '...uis. sib eora was a

shade lower, but ibippers tunk 120.000 bulbed, pru., dually em

t, ms ul -, ., ..ii iieiu ty iii .i [*heoption! wi i-i- devoid,, interest, and price! closed up hi tor iMceuiberal I7'4, un.

ctLingt-u tur January at 48*. aueldowa sjcent ior Kebruarj nt

t-.,,ui-. "at- were dull and the options were practicallywithout (hailee as follows: December, si January. H\:february, S6-sj; Bay, 86 neut*, lue lard markets were

featureless, wltb the options a ti Ns I ister at9644 lor I'.u-ber, t. i mi January, 9862 lor february, 9960 for Man h.BO 68 lor April, .elm 96 . J t"i May,ino receipts oi grain and noesr yesterday at New.York.

Philadelphia, Baltimore mei Boston were si lollows: Wheel,107,576 msnele; wira, 131.S70 mshell ".ii*. 14.884 busnsls;lula! grain. 374.320 bushels. Hu,ir. 67,633 barral*, AlCUI-

cago, Uilwsukes aad >t- Louis the arrivale were: Wheat,I'.cj.'.'H; liushela; cora,ita,Vii bushels: oats. 170,908bushels;lula! glam, 911,017 lUSebaiai flour, 37,438 oalTt-l-


Hu HMnitK. Dee. 13.-Cotton linn. MIdling 9\39,ac....nour.Fina. Howard Biran* aud Weaiem Bunortuia Ti tte.8276, nu. Extra ».*i5u,i ii. lu, family *t uo.i i bo, cityMui., Buperttne Ti Sbdi lo. do Ultra B800a>3 76. do. kioBrands 94 b3e 1 --7. Palausco I nuUT 96 16, ita .-superlativei-.ei.-m -...... \\ in-.ti Boulheru iteaily, WesternMuthera KeBI, '.illunie.: da Amber. HmVbOa Nu. 2 Mest-en. tv uiltr Ked >vn. - a -¦-.-..; l'i ci .1 --

Jain.ny s,,i0..s..,i4, Keiiinary .jo-.a'AO'-jC.- Maya;, v'-i ...i.orn.-loiillu-rii til ni; aetite.t>outberu vi into 4.e/.*-e.. na Veliow. 46-r4*scll esiel.I .NleXCel Bl'.'t. In'-.f. !'..:. I ll Ce 111 her U'.U4.,.,. January 49lsa4tf,~c; february 47i«c

Hats Higher. ^e,lllnt¦rll H6940ei i-i-nnsvivama

a.'e./llle. UCSl.I.I tVIe,le, .1 - ,( 4, e,. ,|,,. imea.), 3,',e/ai,|-_l:\e -tea.-,, -a'e . .ei .e.-u'.eic.iiav.i-'iiii,. i'ruue to

Choice Weetern -.11009916 00 .llrorieioua -i any. danI'ol a, -ll eil,. 1,'llkilii-lls. sahollhti is alli | Kin Bldeai.i. k. .1. ii-:'i7c shoulder! '.i7,-.-c.. (har ita.Bm1*M 7'-.". Hams 1J ./ -,e-. Larc. Ketiumi. 7 ¦-.c.

Butter.Farm. VVeeietn i'.ukei. i..-.->,. iTeaiuery,is a .tue. ...r.girs lin:; at .Tes'Js,-,,,! i,v .Copper.Helmed, iii '-j a He... Whiskey.(steady at ll'.oa»18_ lie-ubts tu Liverpeioi nor¦te euri--Cotton, 'eb: Flour. 2s. 4 ', a .'iel.Kee e-lpls-l- liilir i2.l'l.> tlbU. WlUMl 10,300 llllsle. Corn2....un mull, wats 2." lil UUeSU. Uve. Imih. ohipmeuls. lioui* 1,020 bbia Wheal60,400 bub. emu . bush.Hrs bush.. ...s-aic-s ..¦. neat ..71.10'J buslu Coru,a'.-a, ni ,i i.

tMMTOJt, Ile.-. !3.-Khun.Coiniii,Ul K.Mras. 93269)9340^Mlas. in 7.1 .1 tl ll sprms 'A lla-al I',Ilea,s juline,

9600*99629 ...Coru dlearner yellow, J.a si'-t -.. ->to.i u.

er diked, -'i -/ ni -.'.. ¦*". .iii- ."-./'li. .Uati.Na 1\\ Idle ll ¦-. tr-11 .. .Nu. 2 Wliito, 88S'a30Csl No. a wuito.

c. .-..mis- Mm.minis pi iii.i Bl7 0tia920.i-ioi-.sieiiis- liuiti'i ..tu.i .*/oster>j Jresuirv", Soe.; iio..Sui lb, ru l leann V 2,su ..', euj. t-.,i.-n-i n lieaim lt *.>.

Kg_s.i.astern i.xlt.i... e; _-,.KecUpt! lor :1m day.liuur Ci""' bl.I«. li,unel mm. coln. 47.Wi1 bush. UuUiii.Dalli e.US.I.. KtlOrtS ll.(UH) UUSI1.

Cnn,A..'i. lue. I.I. i-i,.a- flteady nil uiiiii. 11 __. -. I. -Alieal 8* l.'ie. . *-'>i a'-piali. Wheat 93 60-.4 if|Minnesota Bakers is bo91 10; Patents N ¦"' I B0i Lowtirades 91 .,¦«-. 7.i. Hy a l-,uui 93 2693 40 iu bbls.Th! .eatliuK luluies ran^e i BS eenl mn

MfHI IT,OueniuK. lilKiu-st. Lowest. ( losiiift.

December. 71 ¦» li'e 1,'* ,. ,

J.UU1). 78'a lm-, 7fti..ibriidiy. 7'J. IV'n 7b*i 7a

May.86 80 SJ--i *-."..

COBX,December. oti'n 86*. 3i'i\

January. ab's 37 3t;-'.February... 37 s, PIS 'si'o il \May. 42 « 43 42^ 49*4.

'VIS.Hie. inbcr. Uti 86 '2.*i*_ 'ib\Jauaary. 20'» 86"a in-t ._'o'aMay. 30'ij SO'e au's 30-i«

1'U UK.lJi-.-.-iiihor. iflilliil .luau 91090 ilOHOJanuary. 1117--J 1117^ ll In limi-.biiiaiy. lian H'M 1120

Hay. 1102-n llii2*-j 1162-. 1162.l.Alil'.

De-ember. it) ki _u lu W(»7'-i *i.07Sjjanuary. 6T3*| Ul.". 912. 012*11b..tu.ny. O't'tt t'allht U 211 U22sjM.ucn. 03l!j O aj li JU 030

snuiu inns..1 annan-. Jo (ill *ii Itu 95 bb $0 nbFebruary. 0 nu iitiu 697*i 967*iManu. bub 5 nj 699 606

( ash prices were as billows: Wheal Na I NMtBf 77 -C.:

>io. u hptiiis* I0_ai Nu. . i.e.1 ,, tea, torn-Ne,. 2 .tbSs.Hain No. 2 .."14, Hy.- Na 2, Hr.liailey..Nu. t, j..i'la* aced.No. 1. ni _...; I'nmeliu.oiii.t ai60. ..Wautor. tl is. Mses* rora ell 19*a... l-iru-eu lu_oiioii Kiu e-anii-s., ».. ,' nu.

lirr feSlleil tahoUlellle, I.ejXel. * I :¦ If .T-i s|i. Ishol i l letirhui--, -j s.,ii».i.''i, lie,eipts.l-lour 16.UUU bbia.. Wheat102,0041 tush.. Corn. *3.ui'U bush., asia Ms.iiihi Onsiu; 4,0-10 bush., nar,cy i,4,uUU b ian. r,iiiinuei.ta limn*,1, ."is, nnia.. ,\ heal, ia,uii.| buelLi Coru 44."uti biisU.:Oats, nl.uuaj uusiu: ilya 1.UU0 busu.: baner|llt';tr. Dec. 13..Wheat.-No. 1 VfbltB OBlB WB'lBl calli

Mungan Itel ni 'ac. No 2 lieu. 99*aB> cash or i'm..

n.'.t. toBsA Jau.. nl'ie. Feb., n.i'_e. Mat. I.'.,,ils la.uuubusu..Coru.Nu - a.i'vC.el luce.|ils 24,000 nusli..Oala..NU. A, SS '.c.. No. i vMillo. 32 '-j., lu-

oopjtyt o.Ouu bush-Clover Seed-casu fi bo, January,tfA 611..subtVALKKi. usc Ul. flour-nra.Wh,<ai-

Casu 77c. Jan.. 77 v-.: May B4*|!.Coru.ejiiiel. No..a. oo^c.OaU. Hull. No. 2, 2,'1-Vi.Uye- lamar.Na l. to-ajc .uarLoy.Nu. i, b- ac.froviaioua.Mess I'.'.s. in-.. »iu a,', Jan., ell'niiie hicani. bec. ton/1.,, Ian. 9919S .buller.Clieibo I lejaim-ry. lj,iir>e-.. Hairy. 1»<»220..i.a^slush -i.i..e lien icii,-I-lum 21,sall Uiuil to 11 nat

1:'..," s bum. warley 26.026 tMlab, hliipiueuls-l* mui. 1.1,173bins. -A ncu.ousn. Ualicy 2 1,2 ... mian.

61lN.MCsini.lH. Ile.. 13. iVnuat .no. 1 ilaiil, 7ii'-jo. casu

or i'i" c', 77'. jannali'. 04 a-ic. Mav.I'llll.Aum.rillA. Iles. 13. -leo,il linn. N.i 1 Western alni

1 en.iav.tania .super. gSAWWBAiA tia Kura 3-,OWOS.,l,l't nus, e. anea lantiy. Bb iwWSASlhg i'cuuay vama Holier1 lucian, il a) -l ,4 .' i

' tiela sr aro i-.tu.ey, Tiil'.iti .,

nh.ii .. ,u. ».ul)ei»l JU, ao *>UmA*jalt tl mat un, oli.uius .tu i .-.nuieici.i Clear ».i VOOJI io. ,.u. *stial.Ut»4 .uol Mb Winier Wheal falouu >4 oonoo no,.,1,1.11, -"ia '.easels' leal ».i S.e a rt -n elOalll 3,1 a,_ ul j-. .;, u}

Bint). ¦! -ula ncr, is B4 ntl el eb 26, WliHOUaili palcnls»« od* ** mi. ujt- noni ts -n .oi ii,,,,,. Huckwueet hour, »2.

"A beal- Mai lr l ..un. Na k Itetl lii-teiupei r.nitaea -#;.Janeiai.. r,vunj:u. teiiiuarj I'hsii.iii-.i-,, Manu HIS.*99a. Coru-l*. maa a.e.nainI lol .uol louMmW .Na J luiiee. iiaek Mht uot* -ateaniei .Na 1 Muedlu uejiol, 40l4C. No. 2 miiuil tor liecc-iubel 4.1 >.ulm.1 January 4ti ¦«._ 40***.; I'eUrusiv 67*-a-b47>_aMann 47'vie/lfse Ijaus lines a aiiaue lower 1 .ana uti ui-raiiwi Min-uet., nseu-ru Nu., *-> aita a7e. No, 2 vsinuil...... ..',', a .te '.e, Jan. .,,, e4 . , ,%c t>ll_ 3ia3isjC.Maieh 3. H. 1/jes. 1 loviaioiia 1 nu. luesaou lluaa6'4ii6,'j. l-it'i, cilv 1 en neel, gu ioal 00, aleuin ».. 2.1-1 o j,ibm, in ls luiiso ?^;.>*o0u. Huller..'um. |-cuu»yi>aiii_ii-merv l-.xita, 2PaJ"i.. itraeuor.i I oimiy aim .Nev».

tola Lilia. 2 ...41.. W.^ioru iMKytUtia ursta, 1«#-I,C.I in ,«.. .N.-w 1 ma lull nt.1111. 13'ai mik al.uraiiulalail6 'gu. Cuulocllouora- A. ah*.. I owuorr.1 o'4c Meceipla

l-iour ....nhl obie. V, heal io.soo bu»n. Corn U.buu i.usu.Hals i,4i'ii buaii. Blupuiaut* -*.Mio*i, U4iU uusll. coin1 ..... ll' bllSU. tain ,.,,|l,e un ,11

FliiisiA. Uti: 13 imo viuioL High Mite.1 M%9)36'4U No. 2 Ulled J4'4e»,.'.>i. Ilejeel»u 3414 ii JI"41).OaU-Nu. a estula. Au 0 nO Se*.; ,>a i Mxetl. Mu.n'.^i li-,, .>,,. i Joauoti ..WUiaasy Brui, eales VCr ip IS.Coru UO.UUU UUsll. eaU. 4H.IMMI bllSU.;ije 2,him, lilian, aliipmnuu t. om, 4j,uuu 1,10,1. .ala. JJ Utl.ibush. i>>,, ..un 1 nisi.

Ht, Lotis. Dec. la. Hour XX Ti iot J bil. 1 smlly9a 76 e.* nu. 1 taint ti'AOSgi to, laney «\3 bo a ti ob, mtltt

Fancy 9*' He*!*. 00. Patents 94 1694 60 ...Wbeat--Lever.N... i lied wIntel at 7»V_ I****. 79V: Jen. 90*98U\, Ken. 91 Hie. May 87*»'»*-W,_e Coru Lower.No. 3 tl lieu. aJ-tsh. iin"ee, Owe, 86*«_. Jso kft«,t»9.»V.: feb MV.: lill toe. Oats Pull. No. 9 IfKidc-uii. 'an----*.: Jan. wv. ***!y a'<* Rvs-63 ¦*.-» t-j-j.

Barley -Minnesota «6er Buosr-Creamery. iiA'llc,Dury. 1 b ii'i'.ic,....Kggt.'inom ic. flax 911 iw_13 M*. Prairie, 9e,7..»ll 54_,

Bun.72c. M mill. v*orn Meal, el Ob Willala.-,Sales st 91 li .Pmvlslons 'inlet. Pork 911 'lt. InrdWiffO

Hulk Msats-Loerr Clear. 96 4.'. 9)9 Wi Snort Hib9A bb'aib Hu abort Clear9*> 7l!* (tee-slots.Flour. |,0'bbl*.: Wh-Bel. 41.0O> ouah.. Csirn. II4.ii.i0 bei-h. "ats 2-J.-tman. Bye, 2,000 bu»n.: BMlir. 17.00U ..usn.; Mt.inni.BU.Flour 6.1104. bbia.: Wheat, l.'nw UUO, (on 1 n.t 100 bulb.Oats 3.000 hush.: Rye, .... bush. Baney ¦_,(Ks) boah.

Toliim*. Dee. 13.-Wheat tUitar c»«f> Hiv.: J sn. 82141*,May. 88*.u. Corn-stesely ( ash. .Ill-je.; .Oats -

Cash. iVc,...f lover derd-1 Ash tA bb I>e<remlit-*r. 94 55.Jsn. 91 HO Ueeelpu-Wheat, 1-.0O0 nnsh.. Corn. -?.OOt)bush.: (isis, busn. shipment* -Wheat, 4.000 bush,torn. 114000 bush. Oats. 4.04XI busli. Clover Heed 55'f


©..tin Qttamna.

'PUK U. S. AND BRAZIL MAIL SS. CO.1 American passeneer line for -et. Thomas. Barbados. Para,

Muiaiihani. I'ernauiliui o, Bahia. Kio 'le Janeiro and Kauto*,ciiiineciinir for MaaleTieMaaad way :-irn.

-ti amsliln -ALLIA N'CA." Wes!ne«.:ny, [lerember 15.irom Newne.rt Sen*. Va.. Burt 'layafter at 7 p. m.

For st. Thoma*, Bartu'l'is. Petra Macuihain and Ceara*steamship COHAN, l-'rlelav. December94,

PAUL 9.1.Kl:ll.\ltl).t* CO., Oe^ A:*. DU, 94 Ilroa-I sf.. X Y.


(Ainerl.-aii Branch.)The stesmsr* of thia company alli leave- New York for Ha¬

vana et.ree ton the 4th. Uth and 241b of <-verv timntluThettrsl class iti-ani <h;*i MKXIOO

a ill sall on the lill, liisiant. 8 p. m.. nata Pier 4.1. W. R.. aaa*.BeetlBR ll Havana with Ih! oonipant '1 steamer! for SantiagoUe Cuba, l'mereao. Vera Crae. Cadia ani ;.e 1 ce li,ni*.

FIRsI ( 1, .sr-, TaHi.K. Willi WINK.For Iretcbt, psssece and ethel h (..; n, itlon, lpp:y to

MUNOZ .V I .-i'll11.l-l. A.i.ii, ial 4aaata *

6!i ami eil Libel '.vs:., basem-fif.


Pallin* fmiu New-York ami Antw-i n evt rv,1\'li.satur.t..v. 11... ls, 11:11(1 a. m.RHVN LAND. Ri nt e. Cl ¦-. ._'*.. '. mit, m.

Fall and Winter Hates Fit it eil,m. 9*9) lad $71. Ki.ur-sion. -M 111 ati'l 9129. ****.._ cabin. 944, Excursion. fJO.stea-i.-iire at leetv.-st 1 1. It WBlOUT .t suns, lieii'l A-j'ts. bb Broadway.^INMAN' I,INF.. r.S.:iii,IH',v.l Mni'Ste.aniera.I 1*41B OIK KN* SI OWN* AMD LIVERPOOL,CITY (if (il sikh.Haturday nee. ls, lia m.CITY OK He.BLIM.snunav. lbs; **',. .*, s. nuCITY OF CU IC VI'i .vat.erl.iv lia I. »: 99 a. ¦_

Tram Inman Pier, foot of Urtu 1 st Jersey ('lty.CABIN PASSAOK, 960 ami upward I N I'KllM Kill ATK,TAO. STEERAGE, 'rn fie '1.1 (.iiiitn-. 916 treen New.Yuik. 92a ll-1KB Wltlf'IU A -I'Ns, ocneral Ante,

No. 1 Bros.lw.iy, N*. Y.


I Nil Kl. si A I KS MA ll. MTKAMKRB.\\

I NITKIi si A IKS MAILHTKAMlbritannic cant. Parry.Tbur_d ty l)-*_. 33. 3:909, m.(iKpiiANic. Capt oleadeil ... TburieUy, Ita*, 9 a, m.Tti J" CHI-IC Capt. cant- I rv hil-. Thu 1.'av. Jiu l-l 7 .10 B. UUBRITANNIC, Ci pt. P.-rrv. Thuraelae Isa, ''(». li h) p. m.

1- ruin th.- While siar Dork, re,..t <>r We«t 1 nth-at.RATK-4-Saln.iu. **>¦'. $00. 990aad 9100. Return tickets 00

favorable, terms. Steerage io ar (rom the (dd Ceuintrv. 115.Intermediate Adrtatie ead Celtlt univ). 930 cicur-non. *«0:For ln«;ieetnn of plans or other intormstlon apply at tbacompauy'iofflere. No. 87Broadnr, Hew Vue*.

lt. J. CORT1BL A_ent.^


ll'.AL ANIlSOl* I H AM I- le ll'A AM' M1-.X1CO,From New-York, pet fe eil «i l'anal-sl.. N. ILlei San Irani ison via 'Ue 1st! 11 us ol Panam*,NI. ttl' I'- Ile '' ll'ie- ll-,-. 1 1,0'IU.


Cabin. *"(*. Sleeta;re, tl%From San Frineisoo. lgi.imt Uraunan itt.,

for China ami I ni'i.CITTor ffKW.YORK selle ru* ii-.', ni. J p. nv

Forrrer.-'it. pellafl nnd mupteol iiifor n ittuu i.ip'.y *t co_etitiny's u.tlceuumo 'not ,'nil.f_. !f. lt.

H. J. ill I.I AV, sujiei-iiitendent.

.1 AI'AN-CIIISA,OCCIDENTAL AND 0B1BMTALbtaaBBMB toave San Fraiicest .) .is lollows

BELOIC.Iu_s.lav. Jan. 1Uban I'Aui.ii. ins .¦.. rea. 1.

OC KA NIC.I hursilay. l'-.-b.iiOCEANIC 1.ali.le*. u..i..,lc

Stipe ibly Appolutesl.Sii|iei;ei; A,, ni.i.iUttSMBsSAN PAULO.C.ibin>-

Tlrscrv ittoiis can bo tnaeto bv ie*t -;¦ at MtaffBfh "A antcabin plaas aaaa it..'->7 Broad way, Nea-York,ec8aa«T4jRailroad buiielin^, *3an l-'r.ei

lil AN ii a-TAM'OKl). rresiden*.T. H. (iOOH.MAN, Ocm-I-Al I'.issen,.'!- ___-->


MAHA' A B(».From Pic, oii. l-.eiat Uiver.

e"AI! AC AS.I ueaday, N'.ev. 31VAl.KM'IA. Tl :i«i.iv. inc. 9,PHILADELPHIA. Wesdnt-seUy. Doc. i'i.

Tbe** AMERICAN HTEAMRRM, ipeebUly bum ior tbatrade, !.a\e rory superior Kaxxumo I lUoai mr paaaBBEI-b tra ii;let aei- passenMr* a;.;alv tnBot 1.1.,N. BLi»t>,v HAl.l.Ki 1. General MaaajMa71 \


FOB _!I'KKNS|ijWN AN'li I.I VKBI'IJO*.la_ve Pier .:.*_ N lt., i.s.t ul Ki nj.-st.

ALASKA.Ill's.,.h. [sse. 91, 1 .top m.WYOMING.1 -ealey, liee. js. ii so a. -slay. Jan. 4, uexnv,

NEVADA.Tutsealay. lan. il. VWa m.W1HCON-4IN .lu..-l.e, Iaa. IR, I'.'.in p. m.Cabin passeM! 960 ea.1 u|,waii. amonliBa loiocaf.ou. In>

ll I H.c.l.-l.: s.-e.-lle'.-e I.ISS 930. SJ.i.l.l-*. 11 ll.m. ( NIH Lilli L .<. 'ill Brood! iv, W.T.

1|ambar_r--Ampris*_tn 8S Linc for H.-inibur*;.I Itueia, Ilea l'.b,P.i.m. M et i.i ... ln-c. ta. a p. ttl.

First Cabin. 960, 60aad976. siceiau.: at low ratt-a Beniltor ** Tourisl Os.etta,KLNIlARbiee-r 1 'i,.. I C. II. Kl ('ll AK II * CO.,

Pen, Auls.,ni broed-et.. v. *i. Den. Vat,A-*ts-.til li wayN.Y

V0BDDEUT8CHEB LLOYD 88. sunur kui: ii-, ru lon BON,

NEW-YOKE, -ni ""HAMPTON ANO I'.KKMKN.v^r i-.\ I' -i-,. x m Kita.

I lm R, Wed. Dee. l.\ 9aut, t »A \ Lti.s-..I.. Lin..".. 1 M p. m.\\ l-l: ka. w eel. De.. .."_',_ p.m. Kl OE.I. Wed. I en. U, 7'.. wed, 0ae.it9.rta. ul \ i.,.u.\ .\', J .1311 .'.ll, 976 IO 9160. .te eel I. el, 1. -Ul e,.|el O»0lU,

rtteeraae at ¦.'treat ratee,_OELKIcHB .t cu.. No. j BuwlinitOreeg




I Ml lill.satur, ,iv. nc. is. !0:;i()_n_AURANIA.i-aturdar. ".a-. et<6,9a ra.u.u. ia.netunlar, lea l. usu*. u_

te, s .,,,,, | ,| i.U ,|

Cabin poaeaee, two, Ibo, aad *iuo. lutf-rt-adiAt-, iib.sin iu^aa t;.-ke tn to ind irom al, p.ti is ,,. Kurop! al Very 'ia

tales Freii-tneaduesaageodtee. No. i Rowliu/rOrr-sa._VLilNON ll. BROWN .-a IO., Ag-Mlt*

pOMPAONIE GENERALE TUAXSATLAN-\J IH.LK. FRENCH LINE TO HAVRE.(iiuii'i-iv s pur laewl Nu, 4'.' Nortb Kiwi, imitot Morton-sfrLAii'u UQOUNK, i-i.iii_i-ui.Kat. Dec. 18,11 . bb.Lai ii am/ von i-i. I'laun.s iu Dec 9.. *,_.iaLA BBETA N K, d . JuBaeetla ..s^t Isa. 1 li baa.

h.. Ws ;,.iy iMe at sbebt lu amount! to suit on tue n.iuiiuaTrausUnttque oi p.u ia.

LOU IB DE lii.ltiAN A_. nt, N.i. Lott lm.-Uieen.L.A Ni ll Ol I I' E, 1.1 UK liK IADWAY.

Dlouida VIA SAVANNAH.A Tn-weeltly imo irom NEW pi kk lb, s. a.

I Flint ot siuitii st.i99 tl i.aiias-kk .Tuesday. Daa. 14,3p.m.BB. ClT*i ol** A ii il -.rv.Thursebsy, I,ec. in, ;4 p. nuhs. li A 1 IA .lin ii'UKK --.lilli.u. ii.-.. IS, 3 p. nu

ii-ni,, rm ; with sav.iun.iii. Fli'i....i mi w e»ieru Raiittayfer Peruaadlna, larksouvills .m,i .iii pointe laFlorbta l'nun ,,.iss,,l at'Ctimmoelaii'iiis titst-cUss Tablad'Uote,

Portrei-rbt or paaaaae ipp r toJ. li. HASH A, N, HENRY YONOF.

Beaters v.eut >. k .t Mr. Ry., Anent Ot-eaa -sm. e;<., iiioatiway. timm Pur 96, N. H.

Stcumuoats uni. Uaihoii__.



l>i-|iutniu Now-York, loot ol Ban luv .niel cluiKUiplicr »ta.le.i. m. Daily except au___ya, Buiialoaiui uiwego Kxpress.

I'uilm.iii to.linus to Wale,, etrouillburx, hcnuitoa. Klug,iiamioii. i-.iuiira, Latii. liun.ilo. Byrecnee, Oawego, Uraaaa,o-nor.1. Norwieb, ru.-**, connect at bcrantoB for Putaiuu.wuikeebarro, Daarlile and Northuiuberiaad; si oweaotorllhaciianil tiKrimeiliatc sUUotis.

1 p. m. Il.ii_li.tinleju .en Kimira K»pr,aa I'ulluiau UmWmtBIor Water Uep, Btjraat._, Riucl_.utou, tit.-t-uo an,i f.iiuir%couiurcla el sclaUtoli iOI Plttsloii, K.leKstoii. tXllkesliarrel, Ad.

7 p. m. Dally Buita'.u I.iiiiiti-el Eiprvi! Pulluiau to.uJieator Btrnudibura. Hcrsutoa, BiUK-aiuton,, I* .luim,CornlB-r, Kath, Waylamt, Ruflalo, Ae*. atiitiuij ,u BuB»ii»7 iv a. iii. sleei'lna coach lol t le-un ti., W..t uu.L9 pt u.. Kmiy Kunai!. ,u d osvie,,!! bxiMaaa Puiiniia

COU lies t,,i strtiiiiUlniiK. BctaUteUU, KiiiKliaiiilaeu. (,. Hst...,,,, Oreone, OilorU, Noun,ch, ilie* aullliclilteld sprniKS, ti'iiiiei't ai t,w,-K" lm I Ulina ami inter-ii.eel.ute stat.m.s eli eui saturdays. lomicUs 41 BulUlo Wltbtunis lui* all poiota West.

Tle-ke-Ii tor n.tlt, ,iu<I li.i^nak'e i In¦< kel at J*^i rnaelway autlat \\ eliott blBTBai olbies .11 Haw-Yarfc ami Uiuoklyiu

A LL fora niliifi'd.-Stoiiin^tiHi Lino. Thoal .atorite luahle Roulo for Itostoti, Proviiteure, sud ailNatl luulaiial poiuta.

lirat class (are. n_i tc _KMT0M, Vii'' 10 PltOYIDF.NCK.Pa.ieruKi-rs via liu» Hue au have, .1 tull ninut's rest by t<Utng7 bb J. m. ispteaa iram 11.1111 ste_iuc-ia' iiimlui, tot l'rovi.lcnoaor Boatou.

llccilniii^ tlmli pariot taia between slc.unei's lau.llu. aulBvelsM v\ I I not 1 1 iiAi.oiiKleKSill sl.auinra lllluuk lBl.ANl, ami MAs>Ai'Hl'.

si s tvili teavo pier uow No. .lit. Nulli liner, oue blookabove Canal st., ail..ul p. ui. nany rmept suutlajt1. w. Poi'i'Lc, i.oui _s,. u..i Ag 1, nit. .i.iui. New-York:

WLbT SHOKt KAI LUOAI).v l.t. aim 11. ,.. ll- in, lessee,

'I laius leave \*i tal -t-ii si. .tallou aa ihIUi-ah, sud IA min,lites earner Hom tool Ot Jar-al., >ollli Iti4er-

lieliolt auel I'liioaso "U.ooa. ui., 'HUI, -8.Iff p. m.ttl. Louis BUM. "fl j p. ui.

IU***, syiucuae, Bunslo. BiKh.'sler su-ipenslon I*ana. .dS. -phba-Oi- 'ooo. s lbj m.

Hislintud. KiiiKBlon. issuaeiuea. 4 alsk.UI, AlLMiny, AIL.7 lf> 'I' 5... 11.441 a. m.. 4.U4I, MiA-u, '-lo p. m.

I lau.lou*. Weat I'uiul. li'l*u*Aaii, .\swbuia, *_:1*>, *7:1|.U.66. lu: M. H AO a. 11... ?.OW,.*, un, *9:U p. m., -uid *9.0_,u. m. craane-'a I'oruwsii. Mt.ul.e.ii .11 tana,-*, T-aiil, u Oft p. BLliamiit.'U, Ltiiniiiu. -U 66 e. m.. *ii.wS, 8:16 p. m. Torontoa

tl».5*> ia. m.. tli.06, 'b.lft p. m.

1 1.-i;.iui sii-epuiK ai-s lor Buttai.1. Nt__a__ alls. Detroit.1. ..-¦ ..mi **'. 1 ani.-ou all lin ona h Ulina.. luily. I l-aily cm. pl r aluuUy Other lunn dally ttioepl

Kim lay. _.lin li, lets, UuittUblus, parlor or sleeuiUK tar actaiuiuHxta-

Ilona 01 iiiloiiusli_j. apply ai offlcea. B**4-a_lra.9M *Mllin, si.. 7.10 -*___l.iu it. Auiml tull.", loot Ot Fulton ltNev-YanUtty, sui, 786, B-J Biroselwsy 16.t S. Bowory^eadWt.l snoie .Ulious, tool ol We.l --el su, luoloi JW It^N. E.

HKNBV MOMETT,b \ au lei hilt st e. TTlr l*__»suite- AgaAtt