I I T lnternational O Teams...

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Transcript of I I T lnternational O Teams...

IOIT 2018 Issue 1, Page 1/4

Friday, May 25Issue 2


(;T lnternational

Olympiad inlnformatics inTeams NEWSLETTER


Hello everyone and welcome to IOIT 2018! At first, we would like to present you the opening ceremony. It was hosted by Alexandru Popescu and

thAnastasia Buftea, students in the 11 grade at the National College of Computer Science in the ceremony hall of the Neamț County Council and started with wishes from local and regional figures.

The following extracts from the opening ceremony were translated by Silvia Morțe, English

teacher at The National College of Computer Science:“It is a new type of olympiad for Romania, in which we

put our trust from the very beginning. We promoted it and we supported it, and we hope that in the future, it will gain as many other participants as possible. I wish success and good luck to all the participants in the Olympiad, success as well to our hosts and organisers in solving all the problems that might appear and I declare the competition open.”- Nușa Dumitriu Lupan, General Inspector at the Ministry of National Education and Research.

“I hope that your being here, at this international competition will be an experience that will also help you in your future activity, I wish you a nice stay here in Piatra-Neamț, and good luck to everyone” – Dragoș Chitic, Mayor of Piatra-Neamț

“ The teams with good results, if they work together will be the winner of the competition. This is very important for what you're doing

here. I hope to have good teams, with strong relations and in the end, my the best team win“ – Adrian Iftene, the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science of Al. I. Cuza University in Iași

This year, the IOIT is organized by Ministry of National Education, Neamț County School Inspectorate, Neamț County Council, Piatra-Neamț City Hall and The National College of Computer Science. And it takes place at the National College of Informatics in Piatra-Neamț, with the partnership of the Neamț County Council. The contestants of this edition are coming from Bulgaria, Romania, Republic of Moldova, Italy and Russia.

The ceremony continued with some artistic moments, offered by the students from The National College of Computer Science and The Victor Brauner Arts High Shool, featuring musical pieces performed with the voice and the piano. One of the artistic moments was supported by one of the Italian teams (a chorus of girls sang Italian Opera, and the members of one of the Italian teams made hearts with their hands and also showed thumbs up)

At the end of the ceremony, everybody was invited to a glass of champagne or juice, depending on their age.

And this is how the first day of IOIT 2018 ends. The newsletter team also wants to encourage all the participants, and as all the officials have said today.



Photos: Octav Preisler, National College of Informatics, Piatra-Neamț

Italian TeamsQ: What do you think about the competition, the topics, the collaboration with other teams?A: The competition was tough, I think we did well but we could've been better. There is no collaboration with other teams because, obviously, you need to compete with them. Overall it's great.Q: What do you expect from it? (medals, prizes)A: I don't think we'll get any.

Q: Why not?thA: Because on the live ranking we were on the 6 place.

Q: How well did your team work?A: We worked pretty well together, so yeah.Q: Which do you consider to be the best contestant?A: That's us.Q: Thank you for your time. Good luck!Massimo Cairo- Italian staffQ: What do you think about the city?

A: I haven't visited it yet, we arrived yesterday evening. But I like what I've seen through the hotel window, I've also taken some pictures.Q: What do you think about the organization of this Olympiad in Piatra Neamt?A: By far, everything has been okay. The food was also good. I really like fried cheese, and when we arrived last evening, we had it in the menu.Q: What do you think about the subjects?A: There was the practice session today, but I didn't read the subjects. I helped to prepare the subjects for the actual competition, which takes place tomorrow. I know about the problems, but of course I can't talk about them.Q: Okay, thanks a lot.

Minoccari Giorgio – Italian contestant (Arachidi Veloci)Q: Where are you from?A: Italy.Q: How was your trip here?A: It was beautiful. We saw something that we don't usually see in Italy, a different culture, you know. And I enjoyed it. Q: How was the practice session?A: Difficult. In Romania there are different kinds of problems, it's a lot more about maths, so it was difficult for us.Q: What do you think about the city so far?A: It's beautiful, it's different from Italy. I don't know what to say.Q: Thank you.

Claudiu Babin- Contestant from MoldovaQ: What do you think about the practice session?A: I think it was interesting, neither too difficult, nor too easy.Q: What do you expect from this competition?A: I hope there will be interesting problems, and all the participants will gain experience.Q: What do you think about Piatra Neamt?A: Quite pretty, I like that it's surrounded by mountains.Q: Have you been to Romania

before?A: Yes, to different cities, like Sibiu, Brasov, Bucuresti, but Piatra Neamt is one of my favourite cities!Q: Yes? Nice to hear, thank you for your time!

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President: Adrian Iftene – Prof. univ. dr. ”Al. I. Cuza” University, IașiHonorary President: Nușa Dumitriu-Lupan – Inspector General Ministerul Educației NaționaleVicepresident: Radu Eugen Boriga – Conf. univ. dr. Bucharest UniveristyExecutive president: Florentina Ungureanu – County School Inspectorate NeamțPresident of the Organizing Committee: Elena Laiu – General Inspector of the County School Inspectorate NeamţPresident of the Scientific Committee: Adrian Panaete – A.T. Laurian National College, BotoșaniPresident of Technical Committe: Ovidiu Nechita – National College of Informatics, Piatra-NeamțCoordinator Guides Teachers: Ioan Milea – Inspector General of the County School Inspectorate NeamțCoordinator Guides Students: Vasile Diaconu – National College of Informatics, Piatra-NeamțCoordinator media: Daniel Dorobanțu –National College of Informatics, Piatra-NeamțRecreational activities coordinator: Silvia Bortariu – County School Inspectorate Neamț Translation Coordinator Committee: Silvia Morțe –National College of Informatics, Piatra-NeamțSecretary: Daniela Neamțu –National College of Informatics, Piatra-NeamțMembers of the Central Committte:Zoltan Szabo – ”Petru Maior” Technological High School, Reghin, ISJ MureșCristina Constanța Sichim – ”Ferdinand I” National College, BacăuGheorghe Manolache – National College of Informatics, Piatra-NeamțRăzvan Turturică – student, Cluj-Napoca Technical UniversityValentin Roșca – student, ”Al. I. Cuza” University, IașiDan Pracsiu – “Emil Racoviță” High School, Vaslui Liliana Chira – ”Mihai Eminescu” National College, Botoșani/ISJ BotoșaniGeorgeta Balacea – ”Vasile Alecsandri” National College, GalațiDaniela Ioana Tătaru – ”Al. D. Ghica” National College, Alexandria/ISJ TeleormanLidia Gabriela Rășcanu – ”Anghel Rugină” National College, Vaslui/ISJ VasluiIuliana Mărieș – Maramureș County School Inspectorate

Coordinators of publications: Brîndușa Anghel, National College of Informatics, Piatra-Neamț; Carmen Zaharescu, National College of Informatics, Piatra-Neamț; Silvia Morțe, National College of Informatics, Piatra-Neamț; Brîndușa Stan, National College of Informatics, Piatra-Neamț; Claudia Dragan, National College of Informatics, Piatra-Neamț; Octav Preiselr, National College of Informatics, Piatra-NeamțReporters: Chiriac Ecaterina, Ciută Andrei, Mihăilescu Andreea, Adumitroaie Radu, Grigorcea Iustin, Teodosiu Tiberiu, Simina Ifrim


Piatra-Neamț, May 23-28 2018

Facts about Piatra-Neamț

Piatra-Neamț is the capital city of Neamț County, in the historical region of Moldavia, eastern Romania and it is considered one of the most picturesque cities in Romania.

Piatra-Neamț lies in the Bistrița River Valley, surrounded by mountains - Pietricica (530 m), Cozla (679 m), Cernegura (852 m), Bâtca Doamnei (462 m) and Cârloman (617 m).

The area around Piatra-Neamț is one of the oldest inhabited areas in Romania. The oldest traces of human civilisation in the present territory date back to the higher Paleolithic, about 100,000 years BCE. The Cucuteni Culture, whose development lasted approximately one thousand years was attested in the territory of Neamţ county by a remarkable number of settlements (approx. 150), archaeological diggings unearthing important museum collections of Aeneolithic artifacts.

Piatra-Neamț is home to Youth's Theatre, G. T. Kirileanu library and many cultural events, including the International Theatre Festival in the springtime, the classical music event Musical Holidays in the summertime and more folkloric festivals all year round.

The National College of Informatics, "Calistrat Hogaș" National College, ”Petru Rareș” National College as well as "Victor Brauner" Fine Arts College are some of the most prestigious education centres in the Neamt county.


(;T lnternational

Olympiad inlnformatics inTeams


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Piatra-Neamț, Neamț, România, Str. Mihai Viteazu, Nr. 12, 610226

http://cni.nt.edu.ro e-mail: cni_pn@yahoo.com




Ministry of National EducationNeamț County School InspectorateNeamț County CouncilPiatra-Neamț City HallNational College of Informatics, Piatra-Neamț

Școala Gimnazială Vaduri, Comuna Alexandru cel BunŞcoala Gimnazială Nr. 2, Municipiul Piatra-NeamţLiceul cu Program Sportiv, Piatra-NeamțȘcoala Gimnazială “Prof. Gheorghe Dumitreasa”, Comuna GirovȘcoala Gimnazială Nr. 1 DochiaŞcoa la Gimnaz ia lă “Epi scop Melchisedec Ştefănescu” GîrcinaŞcoala Gimnazială “Gheorghe Săvinescu” Comuna Crăcăoani

PIATRA-NEAMT, ROMANIAMay 23 - 28th, 2018

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