"I hear voices". Augmenting audiovisual archives by including immigrants into remix practices

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of "I hear voices". Augmenting audiovisual archives by including immigrants into remix practices

Augmenting  audiovisual  archives  by  including  

immigrants  in  remix  practices

”I  hear voices”

Dr.  Mariana  SalgadoPostdoctoral  Researcher

Arki Research  groupDepartment  of  Media

School   of  Arts,  Design  and  ArchitectureAalto  University

Twitter:  @salgadoBlog:


Arki  blog:  http://arki.mlog.taik.fi/

Slideshare:  http://www.slideshare.net/marianasalgado


• Immigrants &social  inclusion

• Audiovisual Archives(Case:  EUscreenXL)• Remix• Research questions• Research plan• Discussion


There are  and  there will be  always immigrants.  But the ones thatmigrate are  only a  small proportion of  the population.  

(Saskia Sassen,  1999)

Underused creative capacity of   immigrants-­‐>  design research posibilityto stage participation,  create disensus and  intervene in  the politicalorder (Kashavarz &  Mazé,  2013)

Design as  an agent of  social  change

Inclusion through media  (in  this case  video)


CC  by  Verbruggen &  Pekel


• EUscreen Best Practice NetworkeContentplus programme

• 36 months (2009-12)• Consortium

29 partners17 EU countries TV broadcasters, archives, researchers, educators, IT companies

Relation to EuropeanaAccess to 40,000 items of audiovisual archive

About EUscreen


EUscreenXL  is  an  EU  funded  project  that  aims  to  create  public  access  to    AV  content  from  broadcasters  and  archives  around  Europe.EUscreenXL  is  AV  domain  aggregator  for  the  Europeana  project:

• 36 meses (2013-16)• Consortium• Additional  20,000  items  of  AV  content  on  portal  by  2016Content  in  14  European  languages  Access to 1.000.000 elements of audiovisual material

About EUscreenXL


About Europeana

Europeana.eu is an internet portal that acts as an interface to millions of books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitisedthroughout Europe.

Screenshot  from

:  http://www.europeana.eu/portal/


Remix  definition:  separating  and  recombining  many  types  of  media  

including  images,  video,  literary  text,  and  video  game  assets.  

It  is  a  form  of  creativity.  Is  is  a  culture  of  “rip  and  create”  Fagerjord (2010)

RIP! A Remix Manifesto

“Our  culture  no  longer  bothers  to  use  words  like  appropriation or  borrowing to  describe  those  very  activities.  Today's  audience  isn't  listening  at  all  -­‐ it's  

participating.  Indeed,  audience is  as  antique  a  term  as  record,  the  one  archaically  passive,  the  other  archaically  physical.  The  record,  not  the  remix,  is  the  anomaly  today.  

The  remix  is  the  very  nature  of  the  digital”(Gibson,  2005).

Political  remixImagine This!

MachinimaWhere are you from?

Movie TrailersHarry  Potter  mixed  with  Pride  and  Prejudice

Machinima music  videoMachinima  music  video

Remix practices serve as a way to contextualize records (making them

part of new entities) and decentralize curation

(remixersreconsider which videos

will be reuse).CC by Stallio in Flickr

Remixers are not perceived as possessive. They want to

share their content and have it remixed or appropriated by

others (Dikopoulus et al, 2007). This is a different

approach in respect on how archives relate to their

content. CC by Stallio in Flickr

The  ability  to  share  movies  and  feel  part  of  the  online  community  is  perceived  as  central  motivation  for  


CC by Stallio in Flickr

In practical terms

CC by Mariana Salgado-Our City project

Everything is a remix

How  cultural diasporascould enrich and  

interpret audiovisualcultural heritage?  

How  could  new  media  strategies  support  social  inclusion?  

The best that could happen

Director:  Lazar MitevArt Director:  Borislav Borisov

Roma cuisine

Director:  Kollyo Petrov 15  añosDirector de  arte:  Borislav Borisov

Director:  Kollyo Petrov 15  años.  Director de  arte:  Borislav Borisov

Interface Prototypeworkshop

Tools  for  remix


Design Explorations

till March 2014 till March 2015 till March 2016

Workshop with Video PractitionersDesign concepts for the reuse of

EUscreenXL contentHelsinki, 11.2013

Workshop with CPs Engaging Content Providers in

Development efforts Mykonos, Greece 09.2013

Workshop with CPsInspired by your content

Lisbon, Portugal. 01.2013

Workshop with Young Video Makers Remix practices & EUscreenXL

Helsinki, 06.2014

Video explorations with Bulgarian immigrantsOn going, 2014

Workshop with MediaLab studentsInterface Prototyping

Video remix toolsHelsinki, May 2014

So what? Limitations of Participatory Design on Decision-making in Urban Planning. Co-authored with M. Galanakis PDC Conference 2014 Na-mibia

Designing with immigrants. When emotions run high. Co-authored with H. Sustar & M. Galanakis EAD Paris, 04.2015

Who needs us? A metho-todological exploration in Design Research. Co-authored with J. Saad-Sulonen EAD Paris, 04.2015

Collaborate or die. Contributions from the Museum Community through interactive piecesKnow how books. Warsaw, Poland 2014

Diseñando un Museo Abierto. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2013

Prácticas participativas. Sobre el diseño de interacción en el museoPioneros y hacedoresBuenos Aires, Argentina 2013

Community Informatics and the co-creation of innovationCo-authored with S. Fin-quelievichJOCI issue editedBuenos Aires, Argentina 2013

Discussions on Inclu-sion, Participative and Open Museums. NODEM. Stockholm, Sweden, 2013

Voices of Diasporas. Com-moning Audiovisual Archives by Including People with Dif-ferent Background in Remix Practices. (Position paper) DRSConference 2014 Umeå, Sweden


On the evolution of  media  environment to supportmulticulturality

Societal impact-­‐ how to use  video  remix  to empower people?  

Ethics issues in  relation to thework with vulnerable  populations


Diakopulus, N; Luther, K, Medynskiy, Y: Essa, I. (2007) RethinkingAuthorship: Reconfiguring the author in OnlineVideo Remix Culture.

Fagerjord, A. (2010). After Convergence: YouTube and Remix Culture. International Handbook of Internet Research. Edited by Husinger et al.

Keshavarz, M. and Mazé, R. (2013) 'Design and Dissensus: Framing and Staging Participation in Design Research', Design Philosophy Papers, 1: unpaginated.

Lammers, E. (2005). Refugees, asylum seekers and anthropologists: the taboo on giving. Global Migration Perspectives. Global Commission on International Migration. Switzerland.

Sassen, S. (1999) Guests and Aliens. The New Press. USA

