I created omplete Truth Protein Powder for you because you … · Why a truly healthy protein...

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Transcript of I created omplete Truth Protein Powder for you because you … · Why a truly healthy protein...


I created Complete Truth Protein Powder for you because you deserve better! We all deserve better. We deserve to have healthier choices, and we deserve to know what’s in the products we consume. When it comes to selecting a protein supplement, we should have the option of choosing a product that doesn’t have a long list of ingredients with chemical names that we don’t understand. We should know exactly what’s in the products we consume. When I searched for such a product, I simply could not find one. So I designed this product to counter the industry norm. It is designed for the average person like you and me because we expect more of ourselves and demand more of the industry. If you want to purchase a product made with real, healthy food, and if you want to actually know exactly what you are putting in your body, then this product is for you!

I bring you Complete Truth, a product for the new healthy.

Complete Truth is formulated Without soy, gluten, nuts or whey With no added preservatives, flavouring or colouring With nothing stripped or heated during the processing stage My search for the perfect product ended when I created it myself. I truly believe that this product will raise our status quo.

*The COMPLETE TRUTH protein product is like no other! It’s a versatile vegan product that is packed with whole food

nutrition and protein. I recommend this product to my clients for improved energy and blood sugar balance.

-Rick Kohut Holistic Nutrition

Nutritional Facts

Ingredients: proprietary blend of quinoa & hemp hearts

3 Tbsp. per serving

Calories 160, Sodium 1mg, Fat 7g, Saturated Fats 0 g,

Carbohydrates 21g, Fibre 4g, Sugar 1g, Protein 7 g


This book is for everyone who has entered my life, altered my path and directed me toward exactly where I am now. You are all a part of me. Together we move forward to positively influence one life at a time.


How it all began As a fitness specialist and athlete, shakes and smoothies have been a part of my life for many years. I’ve experimented with the most popular products on the market. I’ve tried the kinds of products that body builders use, products formulated for vegan diets and everything in between. I wanted to know for myself what works and what doesn’t. Over the years, my diet has evolved to eating whole, real foods. I wanted the shakes and smoothies I consume to be nothing less, but it wasn’t long before I learned how hard it is to find a truly healthy whole food protein powder that I could use to make shakes and smoothies. Why a truly healthy protein powder is hard to find The problem is you don’t always know what you’re getting when you buy a supplement. There’s just not a lot of regulation when it comes to formulating these kinds of products. Do you want to know exactly what you’re putting in your body? I know I do! And it’s not always easy, even when you read labels. For example, suppose you want to stay away from MSG. (If you don’t, you should. MSG is a toxin that prevents you from knowing when you’re full, so you’ll keep eating it and craving more. Food companies use MSG intentionally so that you’ll crave and buy more of the products that contain it.) [1] You can look for MSG on product labels, but did you know that there are other ingredients that contain the same toxin as MSG? Unless you know exactly what all of the ingredients in a product are, you probably should not consume that product. Why I created Complete Truth Protein Powder (CTP) Now let’s move on to choosing protein powder. If you look at the back of most supplement containers, you will see a long list of ingredients, most with very complex names. Sometimes these are long names for real, natural food and sometimes they are toxins and chemicals. The point is that we don’t always know what is in the food we consume. But we should know. Even the healthier choices that I’ve found have some problems. For example, while an ingredient may be natural, it is often in a form that has been stripped of some of the nutritional properties of the whole food. In the processing stage, good nutrients like fibre, minerals, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates have been lost. These are things our bodies need.


Food companies remove nutrients to increase the protein content of the overall product, but I don’t think this is necessary. In fact, I think it’s counterproductive. I understand that certain companies are only interested in producing a protein product, even if this means taking healthy properties out of the food and adding toxic preservatives and other ingredients. My purpose isn’t to discredit other companies, products or powders. I’ve used a number of them for years with good results. But I’m always trying to get better. I believe we should always strive to make better choices with everything we do. That’s how we grow and evolve, how we become the people we want to be and live the lives we want to live! My mindset was no different when I designed Complete Truth for myself and for others, like you, who want and deserve the best. After I do my best, I don’t stop trying to improve. I honestly believe that as a result of the work I’ve put into creating this product, I now have one of the healthiest protein powders on the market. The two simple, real ingredients in this product are super foods (which I’ll tell you about shortly) that I have not found combined this way in any other product! The Creation Process After years of combining ingredients in different shakes and smoothies, I had come up with a baseline recipe that I always used. My recipe for every shake or smoothie combination was a mixture of oats (a slow digesting carb), flax seeds (for the healthy omega fats and fibre), hemp hearts (for the numerous properties like healthy fats and protein), and a natural protein like pea protein. I would reach for four separate containers every time I made a shake or smoothie. Since I have at least one shake each day (sometimes two) I was getting tired of this process. I thought: What if I could come up with something that could be kept in a single container? So there it began after years of my own experience and research with shakes to find something I could feel right about recommending and something I could feel right about using myself. I wanted to create something that anyone could use, not just the lifter or elite athlete, but the everyday person as well.


I experimented for months with every idea I could come up with or that was suggested to me, and my kitchen was a mess for months! I tried different mixes out for myself, and I have to admit that some of these concoctions were hard to get down! (For a while, I couldn’t smell peas without feeling sick.) I consulted with research scientists in Australia and a local nutritionist, and I’ve done more hours of research than I can count during my quest to find what I was after. The hardest part of this whole process was the emotional aspect of failure, though I understand that each failure brought me closer to my finished product. At times I felt I was so close... and then I had to start all over again!

With most things in life it’s the journey that makes the end result worthwhile.

And now I’d like to introduce the end result, True Form’s first product, Complete Truth Protein Powder (CTP). I truly believe that this product will improve the health of each individual that uses it. I believe will give all of us a better, whole-food option when we walk down the aisle and look for a ‘healthy’ food or supplement. On the next few pages, I’ll describe the two super foods in CTP – quinoa and hemp hearts – that make it such a high quality supplement. But first, I’d like to wish each and every one of you all the best for a happy, healthy life. I also can’t thank friends and family enough for their ideas and feedback, for trying out my experiments, and as always, for providing support.

"Those who fail to take the time to be

healthy, will ultimately have to take the

time to be sick."

- Dr. James Chappell


Quinoa The Incas considered quinoa to be a sacred crop. In fact, the Emperor himself was responsible for sowing the first quinoa seeds each season using ceremonial implements. [2] Among plant foods, quinoa is most noted for its unusually high protein content. It’s also a complete protein, another feature that is unusual in plant foods. This makes quinoa a great choice for vegetarians, vegans or anyone that may not get enough protein in their diet from other foods. But don’t just focus on the fact that this food has a protein content; there are a number of other nutrients that make quinoa a super food. These include dietary fibre, healthy fats, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, B vitamins (especially B6), potassium, folic acid, and phosphorous. [11] Quinoa is prepared like rice (2:1 ratio of water to dry quinoa), although it cooks much quicker. It’s lighter on the stomach than any kind of oats or rice (meaning it’s easier to digest), and it’s a great compliment to any meal. Quinoa can be used as a side dish, as a substitute for oatmeal in the morning or as a base for a stir fry. You can even throw some quinoa into a salad to make a complete meal. While it may be a bit bland on its own, this super food has a nutty taste, and it absorbs the natural flavours of herbs or spices extremely well.



Hemp plants have a lot to offer. Not only is hemp used for food, but it can also be used to produce things like clothing, paper, rope, oil and even a substitute for plastic. Oil made from hemp seeds also has valuable properties. It can be used in recipes to increase the nutritional value of a meal, although it should be noted that heating this oil at high temperatures will reduce many of its healthy properties. The best way to use hemp seed oil is when cooking at a low temperature or as a salad dressing. Hemp seed oil has also been proven to positively affect both hair and skin on the cellular level. It is ideal for topical use on skin because it is so easily absorbed [4]. Hemp Hearts Hemp’s shining star is its seeds, which are also known as hemp hearts. These tiny, colourful seeds can increase the nutritional value of any meal. They are full of so many healthy fats that they are moist and soft, not crunchy like most seeds, when you chew them. Hemp hearts have been around for centuries, although this super food is relatively new to many of us in the West. As a food, hemp hearts have a great balance of Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, which help make them easy to digest. [9] They contain all of the essential amino acids, making them a complete source of protein, and they have a high trace mineral content as well. Hemp hearts are also high in dietary fibre. Like quinoa, hemp hearts are ideal for everyday people as well as vegetarians and vegans, and they’re a staple for raw food enthusiasts. It’s hard to match the nutritional value of hemp seeds. An interesting fact, according to Nutritionist Cynthia Love, is that roasted hemp seeds can actually be bought at the cinema in China [3]. Chinese moviegoers eat them the way we eat popcorn. Wouldn’t it be great to go to the movie theatre and have a healthy snack option?



Quinoa Facts: Quinoa is a relative of green leafy vegetables like spinach and Swiss

chard. [6]

Quinoa, which is technically a seed and not a grain, is grown high in the Andes Mountains of South America.

Quinoa plants have been cultivated at altitudes of well over 10,000 feet and have been considered a super food for at least a few millen-nia. In fact, the Incas cherished quinoa as a super food of their own. [7]

Hemp Heart Facts: Hemp in its whole food state is more alkaline than most proteins. [8]

Hemp has a high pH, which is very important when keeping the body in an alkaline state.

Hemp is a complete protein, making it superior to many other plant sources of protein.

Natural amino acids in hemp help boost the immune system and quicken recovery from illness.

Hemp has anti-inflammatory properties, which are significant in re-pairing soft tissue damage caused by physical activity. [8]

It is easily digestible. [9]

Because of the high quality and digestibility of hemp protein, you don’t need to eat a lot of it.

The high quality protein in hemp aids in not only muscle and tissue repair but also in fat metabolism.

Raw hemp contains high-quality balanced fats, as well as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre, and chlorophyll. [10] In its raw form, its nutritional value is not diminished.

Resources: 1 http://www.msgmyth.com/ 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quinoa 3 http://naturalexpectations.com/articles/hemp-hemp-hooray.pdf 4 http://www.yaoh.co.uk/health-issues1.html 5 http://naturalexpectations.com/articles/hemp-hemp-hooray.pdf 6 http://www.whole-body-detox-diet.com/quinoa.html 7 http://www.mnn.com/food/healthy-eating/stories/quinoa-nutrition-facts 8 Brazier, Brendan. The Thrive Diet 9 http://thamesfordchiropractic.com/index_htm_files/RM%20Hemp%20Hearts%20info.pdf 10 http://manitobaharvest.com/about_hemp/3774/Hemp+101.html 11 http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/cereal-grains-and-pasta/10352/2


CTP RECIPES Directions In the following recipes, “CTP” stands for Complete Truth Protein Powder. Healthy alternatives have been substituted for butter and oil. There are also several options for some of the individual directions. In general,

When adding protein to a shake or smoothie, the exact amount you add should depend on the amount of protein and other nutrients you want to consume. As a general guideline, add one or two scoops (3-6 Tbsp).

In the shakes and smoothies, the number of ice cubes can be changed based on your preference. Add more for added liquid or a cooler temperature.

Use clean filtered water at all times, even to make ice cubes. You can change the type of milk you use according to your preference.

Almond milk is an option if you’re looking for an alternative to dairy milk.

When adding liquid to the shakes, you can always substitute milk for water or water for milk, depending on what you prefer.

The amount of liquid used in the shakes or smoothies can also be changed based on preference. For thicker drinks, use less liquid; for more servings, use more liquid.

Healthy alternatives for sweeteners include agave syrup, honey and molasses. Because these are natural sweeteners, a smaller amount is required.

Cacao nibs can be used instead of chocolate chips for a healthier option.


__Simple Shakes and Smoothies__________

Apple Cinnamon Sensation

1-2 scoops CTP

3 Tbsp. apple sauce

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

2 cups milk

Complete Almond Butter Blast

3 cups milk

2 Tbsp. almond butter

1 tsp. cacao

1/4 tsp. vanilla

1-2 scoops CTP

Complete Pumpkin

1 banana

1 medium orange

2 Tbsp. pumpkin seeds

1-2 scoops CTP

4 ice cubes

2-3 cups water


Complete Truth Smoothies_________________

1 apple

1-2 cups milk

1-2 scoops CTP

1 cup grapes

4 ice cubes

1 apple

1-2 cups milk

1-2 scoops CTP

1 cup grapes

1 banana

4 ice cubes

1-2 scoops CTP

1 carrot

1 banana

1 apple

½ pear

4 ice cubes

1-2 cups milk


1-2 scoops CTP 5 radishes

2-3 cups of water fresh parsley

1 cup grapes 1 carrot

1 celery stalk

5 ice cubes

1-2 scoops CTP

1 quarter cantaloupe

1 banana

5 ice cubes

2-3 cups water

1 cup milk

1/2 pear


1-2 scoops CTP ½ cup broccoli

1 celery stalk 4 ice cubes

1 carrot

1 medium tomato

2-3 cups water

1-2 scoops CTP 1 carrot 1 apple 4 ice cubes ½ Tbsp. fresh ginger 2-3 cups water


1 apple

1 banana

1-2 scoops CTP

4 ice cubes

2-3 cups water


____Gluten Free Flour Options_________________________

There are a few recipes in this book that contain gluten. You can create gluten free versions of these recipes using some of the following options: The easiest option is to replace whole wheat flour or wheat bran (which

contains gluten) with CTP.

When rolled oats are suggested, be sure to buy a good quality, organic, gluten free product. If it doesn’t say ‘gluten free’ on the package or if it’s a lower quality product, there’s a good chance your oats contain gluten.

The third option is to try some of the gluten free ingredients listed below, which are all nutrient dense, healthy replacements for flour.

Quinoa As we’ve already discussed, quinoa is a high-quality source of protein. It is available whole, in flakes and as flour. In its whole form, quinoa can be used to replace couscous, in soup recipes, and as a replacement for rice and barley in pilaf. Quinoa flakes can be used as a substitute for rolled oats. Quinoa flour has a somewhat strong, bitter flavour. It can be used in small amounts in gluten free mixes and baking recipes to improve nutritional quality. Amaranth Amaranth flour is made from the seed of the Amaranth plant, which is a leafy vegetable. Amaranth seeds are very high in protein, which makes nutritious flour for baking. Amaranth tastes slightly sweet and nutty. The flour has high moisture content, browns quickly and forms thick crusts. Amaranth flour works well in recipes that do not contain large amounts of liquid. Use amaranth flour as a portion (up to 25%) of total flour in all purpose gluten free flour mixes and in recipes for bread, pancakes, muffins, cookies and pizza dough. Amaranth flour is also an excellent thickener for sauces and gravies.


Buckwheat Buckwheat flour has a strong, earthy-flavour. It is available in light and dark varieties. Use light-coloured flour for best results in gluten free recipes. Despite its name, buckwheat does not contain wheat. In fact, it’s a relative of rhubarb. Buckwheat flour adds protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals to gluten free recipes. It can also be used to make delicious pancakes. Kasha Not to be confused with kamut (a variety of wheat), kasha is a whole grain cereal made from roasted whole buckwheat groats. Japanese soba noodles traditionally contain buckwheat flour. Read labels carefully when shopping for packaged buckwheat pancake mixes and boxed soba noodles, as commercial products frequently contain gluten. Millet This tiny grain is thought to be the oldest grain consumed by humans. Millet is an important source of easily digestible protein, vitamins and minerals for millions of people in Africa, Asia and India. Fresh ground millet looks like yellow cornmeal and adds a light, sweet flavour and somewhat crumbly texture to baked goods. Brown Rice Flour Brown rice flour is heavier than white rice flour. It is milled from unpolished brown rice, so it has a higher nutritional value than white rice (which is refined), and since it contains the bran of the brown rice, it has higher fibre content. This also means that brown rice flour has a noticeable grainy texture. Brown rice has a slight nutty taste, which will sometimes come out in recipes depending on the other ingredients, and the texture will also contribute to a heavier product than recipes made with white rice flour. Because of its heavier nature, it is not often used completely on its own in baking. Resources http://www.wheat-free.org/wheat-free-flour.html http://glutenfreecooking.about.com/od/glutenfreeingredients/tp/20-Gluten-Free-Flours.htm


__Banana Chocolate Chip True Muffins_____________

In a large bowl, blend dry ingredients. Make a well in the center and combine honey, applesauce, milk and vanilla. Fold in bananas and chocolate chips. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.

1 cup CTP ¼ cup honey

¼ cup ground flax seed 1/4 cup apple sauce

½ cup wheat bran ½ cup milk

2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. vanilla

½ tsp. salt 3 mashed bananas

½ cup chocolate chips

“It’s time we start thinking of

better solutions instead of

better excuses.”


Complete Berry Bran Muffins_____________

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Blend honey and applesauce in a large bowl. Add molasses and mix thoroughly. Stir in milk, flax and bran. Set mixture aside.

Combine CTP, rolled oats, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl. Gently toss the berries into dry mixture. Carefully fold the flour mixture into the molasses mixture. Place large spoonfuls of the batter into the muffin cups.

Bake on the centre oven rack for 16-20 minutes or until a inserted toothpick comes out clean.

Makes 12 muffins.

1/3 cup honey 1 ¼ cup wheat bran

1/2 cup apple sauce 1 ¼ cup rolled oats

¼ cup fancy molasses 1 cup CTP

1 cup milk

¾ tsp. salt ½ tsp. baking soda

1 cup frozen berries ¼ cup ground flax


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Mix first seven ingredients in a large bowl. Make a well in the center. In a

small bowl mix molasses, applesauce, milk and vanilla. Pour into the well.

Stir until moistened. Batter will be lumpy. Grease muffin tins with coconut

oil. Fill greased muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Let stand 5

minutes. Remove from pan.

Makes 16 muffins

__True Rhubarb Muffins_____________________

1 1/4 cup CTP 2 Tbsp. molasses

1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup applesauce

1/4 cup honey 1/2 cup milk

1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1 Tbsp. baking powder

1 cup chopped rhubarb


__True Lemon Poppy Seed Loaf_________________

True True Form


1 1/2 cups applesauce 1/4 tsp. salt

3/4 cup honey 2 Tbsp. poppy seeds

1/2 cup whole wheat flour 2 Tbsp. grated lemon

1 tsp. vanilla zest (about 2 lemons)

1 1/2 cups CTP

2 tsp. baking powder

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 8X4 loaf pan with parchment paper.

Combine the applesauce, honey and vanilla in a large bowl and mix well.

Combine CTP, whole wheat flour, baking powder, salt, poppy seeds, and lemon zest in a medium bowl. Mix well. Add the flour mixture to the applesauce mixture and whisk until smooth. Pour the batter into the loaf pan and bake on the center rack of the oven for 40 to 45 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove and completely cool in the pan.


1/3 cup fresh lemon juice (about 1-2 lemons) 1/4 cup honey

Combine the lemon juice and honey until completely dissolved.

When the loaf is cool, remove the loaf from the pan. Poke the loaf with small holes and brush with the glaze. Slice and serve. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

True Form

True Form


Complete Truth Chocolate Chip Cookies_______________

1 banana, mashed 1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 cup honey 1 tsp. baking powder

2 cups CTP 1/4 cup milk

2 cups rolled oats 1 /2 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Combine the banana, honey, and milk. Whisk until well combined. In a separate bowl, combine CTP, rolled oats, salt, baking powder, and baking soda. Add to banana mixture and stir well to combine. Fold in chocolate chips. Drop by tablespoons onto a baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until light golden brown.

Makes 36 cookies

“Mind and body connection

begins with food.”


Complete Pumpkin Cookies_______________

2 cups CTP

½ cup whole wheat flour

1 1/2 cups rolled oats

1 tsp. baking soda

3/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

1 cup applesauce

2 Tbsp. molasses

¼ cup of peanut butter

¼ cup honey or agave

1 can (14 oz.) pumpkin, or 1 ½ cups cooked sweet potato/squash

1 tsp. vanilla

2 Tbsp. whole flaxseeds, ground

Chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

Combine the dry ingredients: CTP, flour, oats, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg. In a separate bowl, combine the honey, applesauce, molasses, peanut butter, pumpkin, vanilla, and ground flaxseeds. Mix well. Add the dry ingredients and chocolate chips to the wet and fold in until well combined. Drop by the tablespoon on a cookie sheet greased with coconut oil. Flatten cookies slightly with a fork. Bake for 16 minutes. Remove and let cool. Makes 4 dozen cookies

“Nutrients from food are the key to mind

and body serenity.”


Complete Protein Ball Cookies________________

Mix everything in a large bowl and let chill in fridge for around 30


Roll into balls (if mixture seems too dry, wet your hands before rolling

or add a tiny bit of water to mixture)

1 cup oatmeal

½ cup peanut butter or other nut butter

1/3 cup honey

½ cup CTP

½ cup raisins or cacao nibs

1 tsp. vanilla extract


Complete Truth Peanut Butter Cookies_______

1 cup peanut butter

¼ cup maple syrup

1/4 cup applesauce

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup CTP

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Drop by tablespoons

on cookie sheet and flatten with a fork. Bake for 10-12

minutes at 350 degrees.


Complete Energy Bars____________________

2/3 cup almond butter ½ cup honey

½ cup apple sauce ½ cup pumpkin seeds

3 cups rolled oats ½ cup CTP

½ cup dried cranberries 1 cup almonds

Optional: 2 tsp. vanilla, ½ tsp. cinnamon, ½ cup chocolate chips

Nuts and seeds may be changed to your


In a saucepan, melt almond butter on low. Add honey and

applesauce. Stir well. Add remaining ingredients and mix well.

Spread mixture evenly in a 9X12 pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 20


“And the truth

will set you free.”


__True Protein Bars______________________

Combine first seven dry ingredients in a food processor and

process until crumb-like. Add dates, vanilla and lemon juice

and process again. Take a small amount of the mixture and

squeeze to combine. Roll into logs and then flatten into bar


Garnish with a half walnut.

Store in refrigerator.

Makes 12 bars

Variations: Add more pumpkin seeds and chopped nuts for

texture just before forming bars. Bars can also be rolled in

coconut, hemp or cacao nibs.

2/3 cup pumpkin seeds 16 whole dates

2/3 cup hemp 1/4 cup lemon juice

1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 cup flaked coconut

1 tsp. vanilla 12 walnut halves

1/2 cup walnuts or pecans

1/2 tsp. sea salt

1/4 cup CTP


______Complete Granola____________________

2 ½ cups rolled oats ½ cup CTP

1 cup crushed almonds ½ cup pumpkin seeds

1 tsp. cinnamon 1/3 cup honey

1/3 cup applesauce 1/3 cup apple juice

½ cup dried cranberries

Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl (except for the dried

cranberries). Combine all the wet ingredients in a separate bowl.

Pour the wet mixture over the dry mixture. Mix well. Bake at 325

degrees for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the dried

cranberries when mixture is completely cooled.

“There is no substitute

for ACTION.”


True Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes________

With a blender

In a blender, combine flour, CTP, baking powder, cinnamon, milk, and

bananas and blend until smooth. Add the chocolate chips and press the

pulse button approximately 5 times until the chocolate chips are

combined with the batter. Place about ¼ cup of the batter on a warm

skillet. Once cooked, top the pancakes with agave syrup.

Without a blender

In a large bowl combine flour, CTP, baking powder, and cinnamon.

Make a well in the center and pour in the milk and mashed bananas. Stir

until smooth. Fold in the chocolate chips. Place about ¼ cup of the

batter on a warm skillet. Once cooked, top the pancakes with agave


1 cup whole wheat flour 1/3 cup CTP

1 Tbsp. baking powder 1 cup milk

½ tsp. cinnamon ½ cup chocolate chips

2 bananas agave syrup


Complete Truth Cacao Crêpes____________

1 cup CTP

2 Tbsp. cacao powder

½ cup milk

2/3 cup water

5 Tbsp. melted coconut oil

2 Tbsp. vanilla

1 Tbsp. agave

Fruit of your choice

In a medium size bowl, combine CTP and cacao. In a small bowl, mix

milk, water, coconut oil, vanilla, and agave. Combine the wet mixture

with the dry mixture and whisk until smooth. Chill the batter for about

an hour. On medium heat, melt 1 tsp. coconut oil. Pour ¼ cup of batter

into the centre of the pan. Swirl the batter to coat the entire bottom of

the pan (thin layer). Cook for about 2 minutes until the bottom is firm.

Use a spatula to flip the crêpe, and cook the other side for about 1

minute. Set aside.

Lay a row of fresh fruit down the middle of one crêpe, fold both sides

over and serve.




Drew Taddia is the vice president and co-founder of True Form Life and carries the title Fitness Specialist. When he is not running his Body Fit Workout Classes, you will find Drew at the gym with a personal training client, working on his Radio Show, ‘Exploring Mind and Body,’ or filming his ‘True Health Matters’ show. Drew has motivated and positively affected people of all ages and in all walks of life. He truly is an expert in the field of health and fitness. Drew has also been fortunate enough to spend the last several years following his passion for baseball. He has travelled the world playing professionally across the United States, as well as in Australia and Germany. ‘I have been a part of Drew’s workouts for about three years now and would recommend his class for anyone looking for a full body exercise program. I have seen great results among people in his class. For Drew, it is not just about the workout; it is about mind, body and soul.’ -Krystal Worth “My intention is to inspire you to find a higher self within and to become better and expect more from yourself. I want to encourage people to live a happier and healthier lifestyle by tuning in to their higher self. My goal is to help my clients find their true self within by finding the confidence to be the person they want to be and do the things they want to do.” ~Drew Taddia, True Form Life


Real Pure Truth Whole Natural Honest Healthy Real Pure

In Health and Fitness for a

Better World.

Drew Taddia, BA, CPT




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