I can use context clues to infer what one can do at a place or event.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of I can use context clues to infer what one can do at a place or event.

  • Slide 1

I can use context clues to infer what one can do at a place or event. Slide 2 No matter what you are reading a sign, an advertisement, an article, a book your process should be the same: 1.Skim the text for familiar words and cognates (words that look like English). 2.Form an idea of the general theme of the text is it talking about vacations, school, leisure activities, food, clothing, etc? 3.Reread the text with this theme in mind and try to guess the words you dont know. Slide 3 For our purposes of researching activities one can do in town, look at the following excerpts keeping those 3 steps in mind, to figure out where these events are taking place or where you might find this product. Next, based on the information youve gathered, what must people attending this event or using this product be able to do? (Keep it simple - use words that youve already learned in class!) Slide 4 These 3 adds were pulled from the website of the La Rochelle Office de Tourisme. Skim each add and write down one keyword from each that might tell you what the event is all about. Slide 5 Did you note these words? Write down 3 activities in French that you can associate with these words. Use complete sentences that start with Je and stick to words you already know. Slide 6 Are your answers similar to these? 1. Je vais au thtre. 2. Jcoute la musique. Je vais au concert. 3. Je regarde un film. Je vais au cinma. Slide 7 Lets try it again: What are these 3 places advertised by the city of Cannes? Slide 8 Excellent! 1.Un restaurant 2.Un htel 3.Une plage Quest-ce quon fait ici? What does one do here? Je mange [la pizza]. / Je dine. Je vais/reste l htel. Je nage! Slide 9 Think you got it?