I Can See Clearly Now The Strain is Gone: Product Visualizations and Interaction

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Transcript of I Can See Clearly Now The Strain is Gone: Product Visualizations and Interaction

I Can See Clearly Now the Strain is Gone:


A Visual’s Impact on Decision Making

Prospects will require a different

type of visualization at the early

stages of the sales cycle than

they will later. Luckily, there

are a broad range of product

visualizations available.

We’ll cover the top four:

Tools for Visual Learners and Decision Makers

Most people are visual learners and buyers. In fact, behavioral science has proven that visuals have the power to counter innate biases a customer has in a decision-making process.1 Simply said: visuals can change peoples’ minds.

So, as a business owner, marketer, or sales leader, if you want to convert prospects to customers,

you need to give them a way to visualize your product—even if they are thousands of miles away.

In years past, this was a tricky proposition. Today, however, there are a number of advanced product visualization tools at your disposal. You just need to know when and how to use them.









The interactive schematic is “flat” (2D) and can cover a wide range of information by breaking down each component. It is effective at presenting how a product performs by

• showcasing each of its components and

• demonstrating how they interact together.

Schematics also show where your product fits within a process.


Users can interact with “hot

spots.” Hot spots are icons that

will highlight benefits or explain

complex processes of the product.


Compared to other visualizations,

schematics are not very interactive.

Visual Learners Say:

The schematic is best suited for

educational purposes later in the

sales cycle as it excels at explaining

how a product works.


Schematics can be a web

experienced or self-contained



Much like the schematic, 3D interaction can cut through a product or process to show its insides.

This form of product visualization, however, is more interactive

than the schematic. It allows the user to manipulate the

product. They can choose whether to select a 360-degree view

of the entire product, or to click on a certain process to see

how it works from all angles of motion.


3D interactions have the potential

for high engagement and are

typically visually appealing.


This visualization only shows what

currently exists and is not ideal

for demonstrating the product in a

prospect’s individualized context.

Visual Learners Say:

3D interactions are great tools for



Simulations can be implemented on

the web, on a PC, or in an app on a

mobile device.


Simulations allow customers to determine how your product reacts if a condition changes.

A user is able to control the variables, allowing for a totally

customized experience. In this way, simulations enable the

user to see how effective the product will be within his or her

specific context.

For example, you could demonstrate how your HVAC system works

and reacts if it gets colder or hotter outside.


Simulations are a great way to show

“if X then Y” scenarios in action.


Like augmented reality, simulations

often require a device to facilitate

the experience.

Visual Learners Say:

Simulations are very interactive

and excellent engagement and

informative tools.


Simulations can be implemented on

the web, on a PC, or in an app on a

mobile device.


Unlike 3D interactions and schematics, augmented reality reacts to and engages with a prospect’s environment, demonstrating the product in a user’s individualized context.

Augmented reality experiences can be re-used, which makes

them a good long-term investment and tool.

For instance, if you create an app to demonstrate a product at a

trade show, the app can be refreshed for the next trade show with

a different product.


Augmented reality brings your product into the prospect’s situation, enabling complete

visualization of the product.


The possibilities are endless with augmented reality, making it challenging to prioritize what experience will provide the most

value for you.

Visual Learners Say:

This visualization has some of the highest visualization and engagement possible, making it

ideal for all stages of the sales cycle.


Augmented reality often involves a hardware component, like a kiosk, webcam, mobile device, or smart


As you can see, there is a product visualization experience

for every stage of the sales cycle and for every type of

prospect. To get started, determine the purpose of the


• Do you need to engage prospects or inform them?

• Who will use it: you, a partner, or the customer?

Then, once you’ve developed your specialized

visualization, prepare to be memorable and have

higher customer engagement.


40-65%of the U.S. populationidentify themselves as visual learners.

AWH creates web, mobile, and enterprise applications that drive business. We build solutions

like you build products. It’ll cost less than you think and drive business more than you’d dream.

Contact us if you’d like us to help your business.


Sidebar Sources:

Getty Images. “Seeing is believing: Why using visual content in your marketing makes sense.” 2015. http://curve.gettyimages.com/article/seeing-is-believing-why-using-visual-content-in-your-marketing-makes-sense

Journal of Decision Systems. “Determinants of task performance in a visual decision-making process.” Vol. 23, Issue 4, 2014. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/12460125.2014.962245