Hyderabad | Sep-16 | Extension Through Innovative ICT - The example of Digital Green

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Transcript of Hyderabad | Sep-16 | Extension Through Innovative ICT - The example of Digital Green

Extension Through Innovative ICT- The example of Digital Green


Agricultural Extension

Training & Visit: Face-to-face interactions of extension officers and farmers

500,000 extension officers in developing countries

Extension agent-to-farmer ratio: 1:2,600 in South Asia1:1,800 in Sub-Saharan Africa

High recurring costs, weak accountability, under-resourced, limited training

Extension officer “commuting” between farms

Dissemination of expert agricultural information to farmers

Human Mediated Extension system: uses social organization and technology to

improve the efficiency of extension systems

Vision:A world where all individuals can live a life of dignity

Mission:Integrate innovative technology with global development

efforts to improve human well-being

2006 2008 2009 2012 2015

Project at Microsoft Research

Non-profit in USA and


Implementation in 4 Indian states

Scaled to 7 Indian states

11,000 villages 1 million farmers

1,800 villages125,000 farmersExtend to health & nutritionEthiopia and Ghana

WHERE WE WORKHow we evolved in India

Research Organizations

Service providers

Implementers and


• Uses ICT based community oriented approaches to improve effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge transfer

• Acts as an effective knowledge management platform

• Builds on innate capacities for community to community transfer of knowledge

Since June 2012…Countries : 6Farmers reached : 10,56,965Villages : 13,250Community Videos : 3,105Video Disseminations : 481,368Viewer Adoptions : 16,38,293


Video provides…– Resource-savings: human, cost, time– Accessibility for non-literate farmers

Digital Video for Extension

Community approach

Demonstration of technology and

Capacity Building


Efficient technology stack

Knowledge management



Mobilization Situational Awareness Training


Topic Identification Storyboarding Shooting Editing


Dissemination Adoption Reporting



Thank you

digitalGREEN www.digitalgreen.org | @digitalgreenorg