HuntEnterpr1ses, Inc€¦ · 5. Generator's Name and Mailing Address Hunt Enterprises 4416 W 154St...

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Transcript of HuntEnterpr1ses, Inc€¦ · 5. Generator's Name and Mailing Address Hunt Enterprises 4416 W 154St...

... HuntEnterpr1ses, Inc .


Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board . 320 W. Fourth Street, Suite 200 · Los Angeles; CA 90013 . . . .

Attn : Joshua Cw!kla

Re: lnvestig.-tive Order No. R4-2015-0367'

· Dear Mr. Cwikla,

This . is . in response to your ·1etter concerning Investigative Order No. R4.-2015-0367 requiring for a t~ch.nical or m6r;iitoring report on the disposal of we.II .d~rni~g fluids, well completion fluids, and

. production.fluids to land for Hunt Enterprises oil and gas ,operations in tos Angeles and Ventura County, ' California.

Hunt· Enter p'rises, in its oper~tion of its oil well has not discharged waste or any well drilling fluids, well .·· completion fluids, and oil production fluids to land; typically into sumps or. ponds . . : ·

' '

Water d.isposition as a result of oil well operation is through c.bmmerc\al djsposaf We presently use NRC . Environmental Service to c;:ollect ar,d transport wqste water to a disposal fadlity. Water disposed has

· been classified to be non-hazardous waste liquid with trace hydrocarbons. ,Typical volume per shipment would be approximately an average of 3;000.gallons. I have att~ched copies of _Non-H~i.ardous Waste

. Manifests generated this year for your reference. . . .

Should .you have·any question regarding this, not hesitate to, contact me. . . . . .


' '

I, Priscilla D. Ht,mt certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the . information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on .my inquiry of the those

individuals immedia.tely responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for suomitting false information, . incltidi'f1g the possib!lity of fine and. imprisonment ..


~ _ Hunt


4416West 154th Street ·• La~dale, California 90260 · Phone: 310 675 3555 • Fax: 310 675 4483

I ~ ~


5. Generator's Name and Mailing Address

Hunt Enterprises 4416 W 154St La'Mldale CA 90260

Generator's Phone: 6. Transporter 1 Company ame

NRC Environrnental Se ·ces Inc 7. Transporter 2 Company Name

8. Designated Facility Name and Site Address

Dcn,er.1'° Ki:~OQl'I 2000 N. Alanieda St Compton CA 90222

Facilit 's Phone:

9. Waste Shipping Name and Description

2. Page 1 of

Nt Jon Daw! Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address)

Hunt Enterprises 24715 Fran,pton Ave Harbor City CA 90710

10. Containers

No. Type

U.S. EPA ID Number

U.S. EPA ID Number

U.S. EPA ID Number

11. Total Quantity

12. Unit WINol.


1~1---1-~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1-~o_o=-1'----ll--Tr:....:.....--+-'~~"""'""l~ G=---+--~~~~~----1 I w 2.





13. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information ~ ! -(;a NfilC,ES C..~ q Beach PO• 'f'dtJ;t.t) Pr j f il~•! 3752(2


antitv~ 120 0 Residue~ ~ 0 Partial Rejection

14aAiQf RBl91'.eA~i ~el: C -~· or 0 Full Rejection

?--3 --( ~ U.S. EPA ID Number ..J

<u.u Facility's Phone: cl--'----------------------------------------'----------------~ w 17c. Signature of Alternate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year ~



~~~~~~~-----1 18. Designated Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a

Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Year

I.~ - '"V C>t-169-BLC·O 6 10498 (Rev. 9/09)

a: 0 ~ a:


1. Generator ID Number

C A C O O 2 6 7 4 5 6 5 5. Ge.nerato.!!s Name and Mailing Address

H\.llt Enterpnses 4416W 164St Lawndalt, CA 90260

Generato~s Phone: 323 n20000 6. Transporter 1 Company Name

NRC En~rot1n1e11tal Ser"!Aces, lt\G 7. Transporter 2 Company Name

8. Uasiqnated Facilil'I. N~IJle and Site Address ven,enno ~eraoon 2000 N. ,ll&altledEI St. Com ptan CA 90222

Facili 's Phone: 31 O 537 • 71 OO

9. Waste Shipping Name and Description

3. Emergency Response Phone

3237720000 4. Waste Tracking Number

HUNT - 104013- 00 1 C:l~neratcts Site Ad.dress (if different than mailing address) HUnt t:nterpnses 24715 Fran,pton Ave Harbor City CA 90710

10. Containers

No. Type

0 0 1 TT

U.S. EPA ID Number

C A R O O O O 3 0 1 1 4 U.S. EPA ID Number

U.S. EPA ID Number

C A T O 8 0 0 1 3 3 5 2 11. Total Quantity

12. Unit WtNol.

G ~f----lf------------------------------+---- -+----+-----+---+-----------1 w 2. C,




14. GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and nation m I regulations.

Month Day

~ J... l Year Generato(s/Offero(s Prinle?'f yped Name , ,/

l o·t-/- /f o // <ff· .J 15. Intern tional Shipments

~- Trans orter Si nature for ex orts on :

D Import to U.S .

Date leavin

ffi 16. Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials

Year Ii: Transporter 1 Printed/Typed Name Signature ---· Month Day

2 ,.., v V\ r:/L S 2. L, i L en 1--..J-~<.L.4...:..,1-"""----"'-=......_~A.-,:~r...---------------L-------4---=~..i....:'-""---"'-"'-"'-=---"--'-'=-==-----'--=--'-=-=~l....!..-"''-I ~ Transporter 2 Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year a: ....

I 17 Discrepancy

17a Discrepancy Indication Space

,· ~conciled ~ 17b. Alternate Facility (or Generator)

.J 0 ~ Facility's Phone:



(.JJv iV\ D Residue D Partial Rejection D Full Rejection

M · Reference J~er~ (

lJ S EPA ID Number On- · .

Month Day Year l @ 17c. Signature of Alternate Facil ity (or Generator)

!~1---------------------------- --'---------------------'---'---.L..--~

J*if-------------~~~,---------~~ 1 18. Designated Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as note

169-BLC·O 6 10498 (Rev. 9/09)

-14. Was~ T~ci"~~mtJ i NON-HAZARDOUS 11. Generator ID Number , 2. Page 1 of ~ 3. Emergency Response Phone

J E X E fvl P T 1 106753555 - 0 ·1 WASTE MANIFEST

5. Generator's Name and Mailing Address Att j on David Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address) Hunt Enterprises Hunt Enterprises 4414 W154 St 24715 Frampton Ave I Ll!l/l!f1dBle C.A. 90260 I Harbor City C.A. 9071 O

Generator's Phone: 32 3 7720000 6. Transporter 1 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number

I NRC Environmental Se1vices, Inc Jc AR 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 4 7. Transporter 2 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number

I 8. Designated Facility Name and Site Address

Demenno Kerdoon U.S. EPA ID Number

2000 J\J . Alameda St. Compton CA 90222

le AT 11 R I Facilit 's Phone: ? ~ n ls?i_ "H /'\fl n 1 ~ ~ !'i ? I 10. Containers 11. Total 12. Unit ,.

l~ 9. Waste Shipping Name and Description

No. Type Quantity Wt.Nol.

Non-hazardous waste liquid

JtjoD ~ (water with trace hydrocarbons) a: 0 0 1 TT G w z 2. LU (!I



13. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information

Bill to NRC Long Beach J OB# I PO# Lf~7a1 I Profile# 375262 (Profile expire9 on 8-14-2015)


14. GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classilied, packaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations.

Generator's/Offerer's Printed/Typed Name . LA~ 7 ) Month Day Year ,I, w'J ~ +I !+.v I,\ Jc, 1 c:EDC:;;;,,.. , ). I 3 l•~r I tfo ...I 15. International Shipments

D Import to U.S. ) D Export from U.S. (/ --... Port of entry/exit:

~ Transcorter Sionature (for excorts onlv): Date leavina U.S.: a: LL!

16. Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials t-

~:d/Ty:rr::.~ I Signa:;p V f J .S Month Day Year a: W-aVY1:/ ( 0

I i l~f 1/J. c.. (/) z Transpc(ter 2 Printed/Ty~ea Name Signature I Month Day Year <( a: I I I I t-

l 17. Discrepancy

17a. Discrepancy Indication Space D Quantity DType D Residue D Partial Rejection D Full Rejection

Manifest Reference Number:

~ 17b. Alternate Facility (or Generator) U.S. EPA ID Number :i u :t Facility's Phone: I C 17c. Signature of Alternate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year w ~ I I I I z (!I

en w C

1 18. Designated Facility O~ner or Operator: i;:ertilication of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a

Printed/Typed Nam~ II./ r I-a V () CI,_ lfV e/2--Signature

~ Month Day Year

... I I t,3 I Vt I J iP 169-8 LC-0 6 10498 (Rev. 9109) ' DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR

I ' NON-HAZARDOUS 11. Generator ID Number 12. Page 1 of 13. Emergency Response Phone 14. Waste Tracking Number

WASTE MANIFEST CAC002 8 7 <l 5 6 5 1 3237720000 HUNT-102 6 7 6 - 0 D 1 5. Generato(s Name and Mailing Address Att: Jon David Generato(s Site Address (If different than mailing address)

Hunt Enterprises Hunt Enterprises 4416W154 St 24715 Frampton Ave

"' I Lawndale CA 90280 I Harbor City' CA 90710

Generato(s Phone: 323 7720QGQ


6. Transporter 1 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number

NRC Environmental Services, Inc I C AR 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 4 7. Transporter 2 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number

I 8. Designated Facility Name and Site Address U.S. EPA ID Number

Demenno Kerdoon 2000 N. Alameda St. Compton CA 90222

l cATnAn n Facili 's Phone: 310 537 - 7100 ~ ') :, F, '"' 10. Containers 11 . Total 12. Unit 9. Waste Shipping Name and Description No. Type Quantity WtNol.


3 000 0 HYDROCARBONS) ~ a: 0 0 1 n G w z 2. w C,

~ 3.

! 4.

13. Special Handling Instructions and Additional lnfonmation Bill to NRCE3 Long Be.1ch JOB# 102676 PO# 44704 Profile#: 3 75262

14. GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations.

Genew~:ririhped Ni+o I/' d 't r,tu~ I Mih J Ja1t'7Z I, '- __ cerr-- ~7-1--r _> -, ...J 15. International Shipments 0 Import to U.S.

I D Export from U.S. u ~

f- Port of entry/exit: ~ Transoorter Sianature /for exoorts onlvl: Date leavino U.S.: a: 16. Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials

.. , w

TR';;ei;~nt~d/Typed ~ )' r-, I Signatu~ _/i J /Y' ,~~ IM3th 1J~ ,! I-a: ..... 0 \ C. Cl) z Transporter 2 Printed/Typed Name Signature I Month Day Year <( a: I I I I I-

'i 17. Discrepancy

17a. Discrepancy Indication Space D Quantity DType D Residue D Partial Rejection D Full Rejection

I> Manifest Reference Number: 17b. Alternate Facility (or Generator) U.S. EPA ID Number

i~ 1~ Facility's Phone: I ~ 17c. Signature of Alternate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year


ll J!

18. Designated Facili~ Owner or Oper;itor.Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a

Printed/Type~ ~vl ~.~ CE:_t.,.__C,...) Signature Month Day Year

I -·-·--:,

1'3 rUo I \0 ..

169-BLC-O 6 10498 (Rev. 9/09)