Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses of d/d ... · Abstract – A better understanding of...

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Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses of d/dhistocompatible pigs against classical swine fever (CSF)

virusLaurence Piriou, Sylvie Chevallier, Evelyne Hutet, Bernard Charley,

Marie-Frédérique Le Potiera, Emmanuel Albina

To cite this version:Laurence Piriou, Sylvie Chevallier, Evelyne Hutet, Bernard Charley, Marie-Frédérique Le Potiera,et al.. Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses of d/d histocompatible pigs against classicalswine fever (CSF) virus. Veterinary Research, BioMed Central, 2003, 34 (4), pp.389-404. �10.1051/ve-tres:2003013�. �hal-00902754�

389Vet. Res. 34 (2003) 389–404© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2003DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2003013

Original article

Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses of d/d histocompatible pigs against classical swine

fever (CSF) virus

Laurence PIRIOUa, Sylvie CHEVALLIERa, Evelyne HUTETa, Bernard CHARLEYc, Marie-Frédérique LE POTIERa*, Emmanuel ALBINAb

a Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments, Unité de Virologie et Immunologie Porcines, BP 53, 22440 Ploufragan, France

b Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement, Programme Santé animale, TA 30/G, Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier, France

c Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Virologie et Immunologie Moléculaires, 78352 Jouy-en-Josas, France

(Received 12 November 2002; accepted 10 February 2003)

Abstract – A better understanding of cell-mediated immune responses to classical swine fever virus(CSFV) is essential for the future development of improved vaccines. We analyzed the generationof cell-mediated and humoral immune responses in d/d histocompatible pigs following CSFVinfection or vaccination. Viral infection induced high T cell responses with high primary andsecondary CTL activity correlated with high IFN-� production, whereas vaccination with a livevaccine followed by infection mainly induced neutralizing antibody but low cell-mediatedresponses. Moreover, high IgG1 response was associated with high IFN-� response followinginfection whereas a weak IFN-� response was related to a good IgG2 response but a low IgG1production. These data could reflect Th1/Th2-like balance of immune responses depending uponimmunization protocols, which has not yet been described in the pig. T-cell responses to CSFV wereevidenced by CSFV-specific CD25 upregulation on CD4–CD8+, but not on CD4+CD8– cells, whichfurther illustrated the importance of CTL responses after infection. Our results indicated thatgeneration of cell-mediated immune responses was much higher following intranasal/oral CSFVinfection than after intramuscular vaccination, which implies that the capacity of new CSFVvaccines to induce higher T-cell responses should be considered.

immunity / cytotoxicity / CSFV / d/d histocompatible pig


Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is asmall enveloped RNA virus which belongsto the genus Pestivirus of the family Flavi-viridae [33]. This virus causes acute, suba-

cute or chronic disease in swine, whichalways leads to severe economic losses inthe pig industry. In the past, vaccinationagainst CSF using inactivated or attenu-ated live virus vaccines was used to controlCSF outbreaks or chronic infection in

* Correspondence and reprints Tel.: (33) 02 96 01 62 90; fax: (33) 02 96 01 62 94; e-mail:

390 L. Piriou et al.

domestic pig populations. Because thesevaccines did not permit discriminationbetween vaccinated pigs and infected ani-mals, the European Union moved its erad-ication program to a non vaccination andstamping out policy in 1990. However, dueto changes in the biology of this virus andpig trading schemes, it has become moredifficult to limit the impact of CSF out-breaks in some areas with high pig density,without using vaccination. It is thereforeessential to develop subunit or “marker”vector vaccines to allow the vaccination ofpigs in such outbreaks, limiting at the sametime the restrictions on the trade of livingpigs and pig meat products.

The understanding of cellular immuneresponses against viral infection is ofmajor importance for the design of newand potent vaccines. So far, most studieshave only concerned the humoral immuneresponse of CSFV-infected animals. Ininfected pigs, a clear relationship betweenthe presence of serum antibodies that neu-tralize the virus in vitro and protectionagainst CSFV has been established inmany studies suggesting that these neutral-izing antibodies alone can control the rep-lication of the virus in vivo [29]. However,in some instances where neutralizing anti-bodies were not detectable, a relative pro-tection was observed suggesting a possibleprotective role for T cells [21]. Cellularimmune responses, especially virus-spe-cific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), havebeen shown to represent an importantdefense mechanism against African SwineFever Virus (ASFV) infection in pigs [13].These mechanisms have also been demon-strated for the Pestiviruses bovine viraldiarrhea virus [3] and border disease virus[34]. Pauly et al. [15] demonstrated theexistence of CSF-CTLs in peripheral bloodmononuclear cells (PBMC) from immu-nized pigs. However, nothing has beenreported so far about the kinetics and themagnitude of CTL activity after naturalinfection or vaccination. On the contrary,although CSFV-specific lymphoprolifera-tive responses were demonstrated in CSFV-

immune animals [9], other authors reporteda decrease of PBMC proliferative responsesin CSFV infected pigs [5, 24, 32]. In fact,this inhibitory effect observed in vitro maylargely be due to the tropism of the virusfor the immune system, in particular forPBMC [28], and the virus capacity to induceboth severe lymphopenia and immuno-suppression.

The objective of this study was to ana-lyze in detail the kinetics of T-cellresponses, including CTL and cytokine pro-duction, against CSFV in histocompatibled/d pigs. CSFV infection induced strongerT-cell responses than vaccination with alive virus followed by challenge infection,which suggests that further efforts shouldbe made to improve the capacity of CSFVvaccines to induce higher T-cell responses.


2.1. Viruses and titration

CSFV Thiverval attenuated strain(Coglapest® vaccine, titer: 103.8 TCID50)was kindly supplied by CEVA-Phylaxia,Budapest, Hungary. CSFV virulent Alfortstrain (titer: 105 TCID50) was obtainedfrom Hannover (Germany) and was propa-gated in the pig kidney cell line PK-15.

2.2. Animals and experimental protocols

2.2.1. Animals

Pigs of the d/d haplotype were kindlysupplied by H. Salmon and P. Lechopier(INRA, Nouzilly, France).

2.2.2. CSFV immunization protocols

Two pigs of the d/d haplotype, hereafterreferred to as the challenged (“chall”) pigs,were infected by the intranasal route with asubacute dose of the CSFV Alfort strain(104.5 TCID50), to “mimic” a natural route of

Immune responses of pigs after CSF infection 391

infection. Two other d/d pigs were intramus-cularly immunized (vaccination) with theThiverval attenuated strain (coglapest® vac-cine, 103.8 PFU) followed by one intramus-cular inoculation (challenge) of 104.5

TCID50 of the CSFV Alfort strain atweek 3. These two pigs served to inducestrong and possibly both cell and antibody-mediated immune responses to CSFV.They will be referred to as vaccinatedand challenged (“vacc/chall”) pigs. Twocontrol pigs were not immunized and notinoculated. Clinical observations, bodyweight and temperature were monitoreddaily from days 0 to 74 post-vaccinationand infection (PI). Blood was collectedweekly for preparation of PBMC andserum. The investigation of humoral andcellular immunity was achieved in allpigs with the methods described below.Presence of viral RNA was assayed byRT-PCR as described below. Clinicalsigns after challenge were monitored.

2.3. Laboratory investigations

2.3.1. CSFV antibody titration

Serum samples were tested for the pres-ence of neutralizing antibodies againstCSFV using a neutralizing immunofluores-cence test already described [11, 20].

Titration of anti-CSFV IgA, IgG, IgG1and IgG2: Anti-CSFV serum antibodies(Ab) were detected by indirect ELISA,using microplates coated with whole CSFVantigens (Platelia hog cholera, Biorad,France). The plates were first washed inPBS-0.05% Tween 80 –1% dried skimmedmilk. Then test-sera diluted to 1/100 inPBS-0.05% Tween 80 were added andincubated for 1 h at 37 °C. After washing,the wells were filled for 1 h at 37 °C witheither 100 �L of 1/1000 anti-IgG1 mAb or100 �L of 1/45000 anti-IgG2 mAb or100 �L of 1/2000 anti-IgG mAb or 100 �Lof 1/2000 anti-IgA mAb (all mAb fromIddlo, Lelystad, The Netherlands). Then,

100 �L of 1/1000 rabbit peroxidase-labeledanti-mouse IgG (Jackson immunoresearch,Pennsylvania, USA) were added for 1 hat 37 °C. Optical densities (OD) wereread at 450 nm after tetramethylbenzidinestaining.

2.3.2. Detection of CSFV mRNA

CSFV in blood and serum was detectedby nested RT-PCR as previously describedby Mc Goldrick et al. [14].

2.3.3. Preparation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells

PBMC were isolated from heparinizedblood by centrifugation on ficoll-hypaque(Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden). These cellswere resuspended in complete mediumuntil use or frozen in fetal bovine serum(FBS, Dutscher, F) –10% DMSO for lateruse. Complete medium was constitutedof RPMI 1640 (Gibco-BRL,UK) supple-mented with 10% FBS, 1 mM sodium pyru-vate (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA), 100 UI/mL penicillin (Sigma), 0.1 mg/mL strepto-mycin (Sigma) and 1% glucose (Sigma).

2.3.4. CSFV-specific cell proliferative response

The proliferative response of PBMCafter CSFV in vitro re-stimulation wasmeasured by bromodeoxyuridine incorpo-ration [1, 16]. We adapted this method foruse in flow cytometry and double or triplelabeling in order to evaluate the specificproliferation of B and T cell sub-popula-tions. PBMC (3 � 105 cells) were incu-bated with 100 �L of infectious virus(3 � 107 TCID50/mL of cells) for 4 days at37 °C with 200 �M BRDU. The negativecontrols (medium) and positive controls(phytohaemagglutinine, 5 �g/mL, Abbott,Illinois, USA) were prepared at the sametime.

Phenotyping of PBMC was done usingthe following mAbs: anti-CD4 (74-12-4,

392 L. Piriou et al.

IgG2b [17], anti-IL2R (231-3B2, IgG1,[2]), R-PE conjugated anti-CD8 (76-2-11,[17], Pharmingen, CA), anti-IgM (PIG45A,IgG2b, VMRD, Pullmann, WA, USA).Appropriate isotype control labeling wasalso included in the analysis (Mouse IgG2a,IgG2b and IgG1, Dako, Denmark). Thedetection of specific proliferating cells wasperformed in a five-step procedure : 1. Celllabeling with anti-IgM mAb in order to dif-ferentiate B and T cells, or anti-CD4 andanti-CD8 to differentiate CD4 and CD8T-lymphocytes, for 30 min on ice. 2. Incu-bation with isotype-specific conjugates (goatanti-mouse IgG2a-RPE and goat anti-mouse IgG2b-TC, CALTAG, Burlingame,CA, USA), again for 30 min on ice. 3. Cellswere then fixed with 200 �L of PBS-para-formaldehyde (PFA) 1%–0.5% Tween 20during 4 or 5 days at 4 °C. 4. Degradationof DNA by the Dnase 1 (Amersham Phar-macia, UK) at 50 units/wells in Tris-HCLbuffer for 30 min at 37 °C. 5. Revelation ofBRDU incorporation by mouse mAb anti-BRDU (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA,USA) for 30 min on ice and by incubationwith isotype specific conjugates (goat anti-mouse IgG1-FITC, CALTAG, Burlin-game, CA, USA) for 30 min on ice. Theacquisition of triple labeling was done on aFACsort (Analysis of the data using theCellquest software, Becton Dickincton,San Jose, CA, USA).

2.3.5. CSFV-specific cell activation response

Activation of cells was revealed by theexpression of the IL2 receptor (CD25) atthe cell surface [2, 23].

A specific mAb anti-CD25 (anti IL2-R,231-3B2, IgG1, [2]) and an appropriate iso-type-specific goat anti-mouse IgG1-FITCconjugate (CALTAG, CA, USA) wereused. PBMC expressing CD25 were moni-tored by flow cytometry. Cell phenotypingwas also done by triple labeling asdescribed above.

2.3.6. Studies on cytokine profiles

The Th1/Th2-like profile was studiedthrough the quantitative detection of IFN�

and IL4 mRNA using the quantitativereverse transcription-polymerase chainreaction (RT-PCR) [8]. Briefly, PBMCwere isolated from blood and added to24-well plates (3 � 106 cells/well). Incuba-tion at 37 °C was done for 2 days, in thepresence of either phytohemagglutinin(PHA) at 5 �g/mL as a positive control or100 �L of medium as a negative control or100 �L of infectious CSF virus (3���107

TCID50/mL of cells). Cell mRNA wasextracted and IFN� and IL4 mRNA wasquantified according to Dufour et al. [8].The production of IFN� protein by PBMCre-stimulated in vitro was also detectedwith a commercial interferon kit (Bio-source, CA, USA).

2.3.7. Studies of CSF-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes

PBMC were used directly or after invitro re-stimulation with infectious CSFV(MOI = 1) for 4 days. The cytotoxic activitywas determined against CSFV-infected tar-get cells prepared from pig kidney cells ofthe d/d haplotype (cell line ddK31 kindlysupplied by A. Takamatsu, Pirbright, Sur-rey, UK). Permanently infected ddK31cells were obtained after three passageswith the Alfort virulent strain. The perma-nent expression of CSFV antigens was con-firmed by labeling with an anti-CSFVmonoclonal antibody (PPL 282C10A,kindly provided by Merial, France) andsubsequent analysis by flow cytometry.CTL activity was measured by flow cytom-etry as described by Piriou et al. [18].Briefly, this assay is based on a dual fluo-rescent staining of target cells. The dye,DIOC18(3) (Sigma) was used to stain themembrane of target cells and propidiumiodide (PI) to label dead target and effectorcells. The cytotoxic activity was analyzedby flow cytometry. Spontaneous deathcell (low control, LC) was determined by

Immune responses of pigs after CSF infection 393

incubation at 4 °C of target and effectorcells in order to inhibit effector cell cyto-toxic activity. For maximun lysis (highcontrol, HC), target and effector cells wereincubated at 37° C with 20 �L of saponin at0.3 mg/mL. Results are expressed as per-centage of cytotoxicity using the followingformula: (% of target cell lysis in the test –LC) / (HC –LC).


Preliminary experiments showed thatd/d histocompatible pigs were susceptibleto CSFV infection by the Alfort strain, asevidenced by hyperthermia, presence ofviral RNA, loss of body weight and reduc-tion in leukocyte counts (data not shown).However, under our experimental condi-tions, this strain was shown to be of mod-erate virulence since mortality was onlyseen on exceptional circumstances.

3.1. Presence of viral RNA in blood samples after CSFV

RT-PCR was performed for detection ofviral RNA in blood samples. Positive sam-

ples for virus RNA were observed fromdays 3 and 7 PI, up to day 28, in the chal-lenged pigs (Tab. I), which indicates a pro-longed viraemia. The challenged animalsshowed only mild clinical signs, a reduc-tion in food intake but no pyrexia. Incontrast, no viral RNA was detected in theblood of the “vacc/chall” and control pigs.This absence of virus replication in vacci-nated pigs was in accordance with theabsence of clinical signs after challenge.Nevertheless, viral RNA in the “chall” pigsand “vacc/chall” pigs was detected atnecropsy.

3.2. Evolution of blood leukocyte populations after CSFV

Total leukocyte counts decreased onday 7 PI in the challenged pigs, thenreturned to initial values at 10 days PI andincreased on days 13–17 (Fig. 1). Leuko-cyte depletions were not as strong asexpected, due to the moderate virulence ofthe challenge virus strain. In contrast,there was no decrease of the leukocytecounts in the “vacc/chall” and control pigs.No modification of leukocyte countswas observed after immunization. The

Table I. CSFV neutralizing antibodies and detection of virus RNA in blood by RT-PCR in infectedor vaccinated pigs.

Vaccination Infection

D0 D11D14D18D21 D0 D3 D7 D10D14D17D21D23D28D31D35D38D42D68 D74

Control No. 1 1(–)




















Control No. 2 1(–)




















Immunized + challenged No. 1





















Immunized + challenged No. 2





















Challenged No. 1 1(–)




















Challenged No. 2 1(–)




















Presence of virus RNA expressed as: negative samples (–); positive samples (+ in grey). Ab titres areexpressed as inverse of the last dilution of serum able to neutralize the CSF virus.

394 L. Piriou et al.

reduction of leukocyte counts after chal-lenge was time related to the reduction oflymphocyte counts (Fig. 1). At 7 days PI inchallenged pigs, the decrease of total lym-phocyte numbers was mainly character-ized by a drop of CD4+CD8+, CD4+CD8–

and CD4–CD8+ cells (Fig. 2).

3.3. Virus-specific lymphocyte activation and proliferation after CSFV

Although CSFV infection induced adecreased number of circulating lym-phocytes, these cells were still responsive

to in vitro antigen stimulation. Lym-phocyte activation, as measured in FCMby the expression of membrane IL2-R(CD25), was only detected in challengedpigs, from 10 to 60 days PI (Fig. 3). Nolymphocyte activation was detectable inthe “vacc/chall” pigs, 3 weeks after vacci-nation (i.e. day 0 PI), or after challenge,nor in the control animals. CSFV-drivenactivation of cells in challenged animalswas detected in the CD4–CD8+ cell subset,with the highest response between 15 and25 days PI (Fig. 3). A much lower activa-tion was also observed in the CD4+CD8+

cell subset between 35 and 68 days PI. As



Post immunization days (PID)Post challenge days (PCD)

Figure 1. Kinetics of blood leuko-cytes and lymphocytes counts inuninfected control pigs (�), chal-lenged pigs (�) and vaccinated/chal-lenged pigs (�) after CSFV immu-nization and challenge (PID 21).Each color (black and grey) repre-sents one animal.

Immune responses of pigs after CSF infection 395

expected, we could not detect antigen-driven activation of CD4+CD8– cellsbecause it is known that this subsetacquires CD8 upon activation [22].

CSFV-specific lymphocyte prolifera-tion was also assessed by BRDU incorpo-ration. A positive proliferative responsewas only observed in one of the two chal-lenged pigs. In this pig, a high proliferativeresponse was detected in T and B cell sub-populations, between 25 and 60 days PI.This in vitro proliferation was observed inCD4+CD8– and CD4-CD8+ cells (Fig. 4).No CSFV-specific lymphocyte prolifera-tion was detected in the “vacc/chall” pigs3 weeks after vaccination (day 0 PI), orafter challenge, nor in control animals. Thecomparison of BRDU incorporation withCD25 expression showed differences withrespect to the kinetic and responding pop-ulations. This could be because activation

as evidenced by CD25 expression does notnecessarily lead to a detectable prolifera-tion, and because not all proliferating cellsdo express CD25.

3.4. Specific CTL activity after CSFV

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) wereevaluated by flow cytometry using eithernon-restimulated PBMC or PBMC re-stimulated in vitro by the virulent Alfortstrain for 4 days. Target cells were CSFVinfected d/d kidney cells. Controls werealso done to assess the non-specific cyto-lytic activity against non infected targetcells. Results in Figure 5a-1 show that non-specific activity was not observed whenPBMC were not re-stimulated in vitro.However, a positive specific primary CTLactivity was observed with PBMC col-lected from one of challenged pigs, at





Figure 2. Kinetics of lymphocyte cell sub-populations counts after CSFV in uninfected control pigs(�), challenged pigs (�) and vaccinated/challenged pigs (�). Each color (black and grey)represents one animal.

396 L. Piriou et al.

days 20 to 60 PI (Fig. 5a-2). No primaryspecific CTL activity was observed in con-trol or vaccinated and challenged animals, atany time after vaccination or challenge. Afterin vitro re-stimulation with CSFV, a weaknon-specific cytotoxicity was observedagainst uninfected target cells at 40 days PIin the “vacc/chall” and “chall” pigs(Fig. 5b-3). However, a high specific sec-ondary cytotoxic activity was detected inPBMC of challenged pigs by 20 days PI(up to 65% of cytotoxicity) (Fig. 5b-4).This activity persisted at high levels up to68 days PI. In contrast, specific secondarycytotoxic activity in the “vacc/chall” pigs

was absent 3 weeks after vaccination(day 0 PI), low after challenge. No CTLactivity was detected in control animals. Atthe end of the experiment (74 days PI), thelevel of the specific CTL activity of chal-lenged animals returned to baseline values(Fig. 5).

3.5. Kinetics of CSFV-induced cytokine expression after infection

After in vitro re-stimulation of PBMCwith infectious virus for 2 days, cell culturesupernatants were evaluated for the secre-tion of IFN� by ELISA and the cells were









Figure 3. Kinetics of CSFV-specific PBMC activation after infection. Cell activation wasmeasured by IL2R (CD25) expression in cell subsets from uninfected control pigs (�), challengedpigs (�) and vaccinated/challenged pigs (�) after CSFV immunization and challenge (PID 21).Each color (black and grey) represents one animal. Activation was evaluated after 4 days of in vitrore-stimulation with CSFV, by a double labelling (IgM/CD25) or triple labelling (CD8/CD4/CD25)and subsequent analysis by flow cytometry. Results are expressed as: % positive cells with CSFV– % positive cells with control medium.

Post immunization days (PID)Post challenge days (PCD)

Immune responses of pigs after CSF infection 397

treated for the detection of IFN�� and IL4mRNA by quantitative RT-PCR. IFN�

mRNA copies were detected in “vacc/chall” and “chall” pigs (Fig. 6a). Thenumber of IFN� mRNA copies was higherin “chall” pigs compared to “vacc/chall”pigs from day 21 PI onwards. In “vacc/chall” pigs, IFN� mRNA was detectedearly after infection, at 7 days PI, suggest-ing an anamnestic response due to vaccina-tion of those pigs, but no IFN� mRNA wasdetected 3 weeks after vaccination (day 0PI). The detection of mRNA IFN� was cor-related with the production of IFN� in cell

supernatants (Fig. 6a). In contrast to IFN� ,IL4 mRNA copies were detected only atlow levels in all pigs.

3.6. Antibody responses to CSFV

CSFV neutralizing serum antibodieswere detected 21 days PI in the challengedanimals, and 10 days after vaccination inthe “vacc/chall” pigs (Tab. I). Although asecondary Ab production was observedafter challenge in the “vacc/chall” pigs,a much higher level of Ab was reached

Post inoculation days (PID)

Post challenge days (PCD)





Figure 4. CSFV specific proliferation responses after infection. Lymphoproliferative responses ofcell subsets from uninfected control pigs (�), challenged pigs (�) and vaccinated/challenged pigs(�) after CSFV immunization and challenge (PID 21). Each color (black and grey) represents oneanimal. This response were evaluated after 4 days of in vitro restimulation with CSFV by BRDUincorporation and subsequent phenotyping by flow cytometry. Results are expressed as: % BRDUpositive cells with CSFV –% BRDU positive cells with control medium.

398 L. Piriou et al.

Figure 5. Kinetics of CSFV-specific CTL activity after infection. PBMC were obtained fromuninfected control pigs (�), challenged pigs (�) and vaccinated/challenged pigs (�) after CSFVimmunization and challenge (PID 21). Each color (black and grey) represents one animal. PBMCwere assayed in contact for 4 h with ddK31 kidney cells permanently infected or not with CSFV.The CTL activity was determined against CSFV-infected ddK31 target cells or non-infected targetcells (ddNI) (control) by flow cytometry. Results were expressed for an effector/target ratio of 50(E/T = 50) . a. Primary CTL activity (without CSFV in vitro restimulation); b. Secondary CTLactivity (after CSFV in vitro restimulation). 1 and 3: cytotoxic activity against non infected d/dtarget cells; 2 and 4: CSFV specific CTL.

Post immunization days (PID)Post challenge days (PCD)





Immune responses of pigs after CSF infection 399

in the non vaccinated challenged animals(Tab. I). Three weeks after vaccination inthe “vacc/chall” pigs (day 0 PI), a low anti-CSFV IgG response was detected whichincreased after challenge, again suggesting

an anamnestic response (Fig. 7). In thechallenged pigs, higher CSF-specific IgG,IgG1 and IgA responses were observedfrom day 21 PI, as compared to the “vacc/chall” pigs.


Figure 6. Kinetics of CSFV-induced IFN� and IL4 production by PBMC. IFN� (a) and IL4(b) mRNA expression (RT-PCR) in PBMC and IFN� expression (ELISA) in supernatants of PBMC(c) following in vitro restimulation for 2 days with CSFV. PBMC from uninfected control pigs(white), challenged pigs (black) and vaccinated/challenged pigs (grey). The results of negativecontrols were 2 copies for IFN�, 1 for IL4, and 4 pg/ml IFN� as detected by ELISA.

400 L. Piriou et al.



















Post immunization days (PID)

Post challenge days (PCD)

Figure 7. Kinetics of anti-CSFV IgG (on the top-left panel), IgA (on the top-right panel), IgG1 (leftpanel) and IgG2 (right panel) in uninfected control pigs (�), challenged pigs (�) and vaccinated/challenged pigs (�) after CSFV immunization and challenge (PID 21). Each color (black and grey)represents one animal. Anti-CSFV IgG subclasses were measured by indirect ELISA onmicrotitration plates coated with CSFV antigen.

Immune responses of pigs after CSF infection 401


The objective of this study was to ana-lyze in details the kinetics of cell-mediatedimmune responses to CSFV, includingantigen-driven activation and proliferationof lymphocyte subsets, primary and sec-ondary specific CTL activity and cytokineresponses. In order to conduct CTL assays,histocompatible d/d pigs were used. Toperform a prolonged kinetic study ofimmune responses after infection, earlydeath of the animals after CSFV challengehad to be avoided. We therefore decided toinfect pigs by the oronasal route with a lowdose of virus (104.5 TCID50 of the virulentAlfort strain). In these pigs, we observedonly mild clinical signs: a reduction infood intake, no pyrexia, along with a dropin blood leukocyte counts 7 days PI.Although the challenge was moderate,viral RNA was detected in blood from3–7 days PI up to 28 days PI in the “chall”pigs. On the other hand, we also used intwo other pigs, a IM vaccination threeweeks after challenge with the Alfort strainto induce a strong immune responseagainst CSFV. In contrast with the previ-ous pigs, those pigs were protected againstthe challenge, as shown by the absence ofany clinical signs, virus replication anddrop of leukocyte counts. The blood leuko-cyte depletion after infection of non vacci-nated animals corresponded to a specificreduction of CD4+ and/or CD8+ T cells.These results were in accordance with thereports of Summerfield et al. [25] and Leeet al. [10] who described a depletion ofCD4 T cells during acute CSF, and withthe data from Markowska-Daniel et al.[12] showing a strong depletion of CD8+.However, this observation contrasted withthe results of Susa et al. [28] where theB cell subset was more affected than theT cell subsets.

The end-point for viral RNA detectioncoincided with the presence of high titers ofserum neutralizing antibodies. However,titers were always lower in the “vacc/chall”pigs compared to the “chall” pigs. This

could be due to the reduction of virus rep-lication in the vaccinated pigs, leading to areduced immune stimulation after chal-lenge. The same difference was seen on IgG(IgG1) and IgA by ELISA. The challengeby the oronasal route without prior immu-nization gave substantial amounts of circu-lating CSFV-specific IgA. IgG1 and IgG2antibody responses were differentiallymodulated in the two groups of animals,which may reflect different “Th1/Th2” likemodulations depending upon immuniza-tion protocols. While infected pigs devel-opped a strong IgG1 and IgG2 response, the“vacc/chall” animals only displayed IgG2responses. Together with the high IFN-�and cytotoxic responses, this would indi-cate that infection of pigs is more associatedwith the Th1 responses compared to the“vacc/chall” protocol. However, the con-cept of “Th1/Th2” balance is not yet welldocumented in pigs.

A major focus was made on kinetics ofcell-mediated immune responses: CSFV-specific activation of CD4–CD8+ T cellswas observed early post-infection in the“chall” pigs. In addition, CD4+CD8+ T-cells,considered as memory T cells [26, 35] werealso activated later on. Interestingly, wecould not detect activation of CD4+CD8–

cells. Surprisingly, only one of the “chall”pigs showed a high CSFV-specific prolif-eration response. With this pig, an earlyactivation of CD4–CD8+ cells and a highspecific CTL response was induced. Sur-prisingly, in this pig, the CSFV-specificproliferative response was also observedin IgM+ B cells. Among T cell subsets,both CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells wereinduced to proliferate after re-stimulationwith the virulent CSFV strain. Our resultsare divergent from those of Kimman et al.[9] who showed that mainly CD8+ cellsproliferate while CD4+ do not. The differ-ence may be due to the methods or the pro-tocols used. We used a direct labeling ofproliferating cells while Kimman et al. [9]depleted different cell subsets before detec-tion of proliferation by tritiated thymi-dine incorporation. Compared to challenged

402 L. Piriou et al.

animals, vaccination did not induce detect-able activation of lymphocytes within3 weeks after vaccination, nor after chal-lenge.

Primary CSFV-specific CTLs, i.e. with-out any in vitro re-stimulation by the virus,were found in PBMC of one “chall” pig.These circulating CTLs, were highlyactive at 3 weeks PI and then persisted upto 74 days PI. They may play a role in vivofor clearing virus-infected cells and thusenabling the infected pigs to control CSFVreplication by days 21 to 28 post-infectionas shown by the results of RNA detection,and finally to escape the development of achronic infection. Such a high and pro-longed level of primary CTL activity wasconstrasting with the report of Pauly et al.[15] in which repeated infections of pigsand in vitro re-stimulation were necessaryfor generating virus-specific CTLs. In ourstudy, the in vitro re-stimulation increasedthe CTL activity in the two “chall” pigs butnot in the others. This might relate to theroute of vaccination or challenge whichwas different. Interestingly, this CTLactivity was concomitant with the produc-tion of IFN� in re-stimulated T cells.A recent publication of Suradhat et al.[27] showed the high IFN� production fol-lowing CSFV infection. This IFN� produc-tion may contribute to the generation ofCTL as observed in our study. We providehere a clear connection between the tworesponses thus showing that the detectionof IFN� may be a good indicator of CTLresponse in pigs.

In conclusion, we show that a singleinfection with the Alfort virulent strain bythe oronasal route was able to induce impor-tant CSFV-specific cell-mediated immuneresponses in d/d histocompatible pigs: acti-vation and proliferation of CD4+CD8+,CD4+CD8– and CD4–CD8+ cells, produc-tion of IFN� and generation of CTL. Theseresponses were absent after intramuscularvaccination with an attenuated virus andconsiderably lower after challenge of vac-cinated pigs. Thus, although this vaccina-

tion could protect animals to challenge andinduce antibodies, it did not induce detect-able T-cell responses. It also became clearfrom this study that the influence of intramus-cular compared to intranasal vaccination orchallenge requires further consideration. Ina preliminary study of passive transfer ofprotection to CSFV in d/d pigs, donor CD2+

cells from vaccinated pigs were indeed una-ble to protect recipient pigs from virus chal-lenge, whereas the immune serum, asexpected, did it [19]. Therefore, our find-ings of high cell-mediated and humoralresponses after infection by the oronasalroute reinforce the need to develop newstrategies for vaccine improvement, specif-ically in view of the development of highcell mediated responses in the context ofdeleted or marker vaccines. Such vaccinesare awaited for use under emergencyconditions, to allow rapid discriminationbetween infected and vaccinated pigs [6,31]. Subunit vaccines were recently devel-oped for that purpose [4] but proved to beof moderate efficacy under emergency [7,30]. The methods that we developed in ourstudy will help future identifications of newCSFV antigens as powerful targets for CTLand T-cell responses, likely prerequisitesfor the rationale development of improvedmarker vaccines.


We are grateful to Mr. Roland Cariolet andGerard Bennevent for their assistance duringthe experiment.


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