Human Resources Recruitment and Placement Module 7 National Guard Technician Personnel Management...

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Transcript of Human Resources Recruitment and Placement Module 7 National Guard Technician Personnel Management...

Human Resources Recruitment and Placement

Module 7

National Guard Technician Personnel Management Course July 2014

Human Resources – Resources Branch

• Merit Principles/Prohibited Practices• Compatibility• 1 Mar 2014 Ohio Merit Plan• USA Staffing/ Selection Manager• RIF

National Guard Technician Personnel Management Course July 2014

Human Resources – Resources Branch

• Mission of Recruitment and Placement– To fill positions with qualified applicants– Uphold the Merit Principles– Avoid Prohibited Practices

National Guard Technician Personnel Management CourseJuly 2014

Human Resources – Resources Branch

References:• TPR 300 Ohio Merit Placement Plan• TPR 303 Military Technician Compatibility• TPR 715 Voluntary and Non-Disciplinary Actions

National Guard Technician Personnel Management Course July 2014


Merit System Principles5 U.S.C. 2301(b)

• Recruit , select and advance on merit after fair and open competition.

• Treat employees and applicants fairly and equally.

• Provide Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value

• Maintain High Standards of Integrity, Conduct, and Concern for the Public Interest

• Manage Employees Efficiently and Effectively

• Retain or Separate Employees on the Basis of Performance

• Educate/Train Employees When It will Result in Better Organizational or Individual Performance

• Protect employees from improper political influence, arbitrary action, and personal favoritism

• Protect Employees Against Reprisal for Lawful Disclosure of Information in Whistleblower



Prohibited Personnel Practices5 U.S.C. 2302 (b)

Employees who have authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or approve any personnel action Shall Not . . .

• Illegally discriminate for or against any employee

• Solicit or consider improper employment recommendations

• Coerce an employee’s political activity

• Obstruct a person’s right to compete for employment

• Influence any person to withdraw from competition for a position• Give unauthorized preference or improper advantage

• Appoint, employ, promote, or advice a relative

• Retaliate against a whistleblower, weather an employee or an applicant

• Retaliate against employees or applicants for filing an appeal

•Violate Any Law, Rule, or Regulation Implementing or Directly Concerning the Merit System Principles


Occupational Match-up (MOS or AFSC) military & civilian positions

Grade/Rank - Military

structure is preeminent over

technician structure

Military Assignment - Unit

CompatibilityTPR 303

Military Membership - Appointment

TPR 303 Military Technician Compatibility

Technician Employees must meet Compatibility or will risk losing their technician job.

Typically have 12 months to become compatible.


• Individual appointment exception; CLASP;

• Must include an solid justification as to why current

criteria is insufficient to meet the units needs.

• Record Kept in HRO

• Must include proposed resolution

• See Compatibility Guide for clarification

Compatibility Waivers


Ohio Merit Promotion & Placement Plan

Updated: 1 March 2014

What information is found in the Ohio Merit Placement Plan?

Chapters:1) General Information2) Exception to Competition3) Vacancy Announcements4) Application Procedures5) Referral and Selection Procedures6) Records7) Key Staff Positions8) Grievances and Complaints

Appendices: Instructions for completing an SF-52 Merit Announcement Request Selection Instructions and Checklist

Chapter 1: General Information

Plan upholds Merit System Principles and the Prohibited Personnel Practices

outlined in 5 U.S.C. 2302(b)

Developed IWA regulatory guidance issued by OPM, DoD, and the National

Guard Bureau for placement and promotion of non-dual and dual status

technicians authorized by Title 32 U.S.C. 709, in support the Ohio Army and Air

National Guard.

Purpose: To fill Technician Vacancies with qualified, high-performance individuals,

on the basis of merit based factors, without discrimination.

The Ohio National Guard is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Chapter 2: Exceptions to Competition

Classification reviews that correct an existing standard or upgrade a position due to

additional duties.

Placement of over-graded Technicians as a result of a RIF

Reassignments to one position to another without Promotion or Change to Lower Grade

Developmental Promotions

Re-promotion to a grade from which a technician was demoted without personal cause and

not at their request.

Temporary promotions NTE 120 days

Selection of a Technician from the RPL

Reemployment IWA USERRA

PPP Placement

Placement as a corrective action by a court decision

Temporary Appointments with a NTE date

Chapter 3: Vacancy Announcements

Vacancy Requests/ What do you need? When do you send it?

SF-52, AGOH Form 690-52

Area of Consideration/ Min & Max Rank Requirements/ Length of

Announcement/ Compatibility

Vacancy Announcements/ USA Jobs

Staffer will build JOA in USA Staffing based on the PD of the position

You will be able to review the announcement before it is posted

Developmental Positions

Statement of differences

Cannot be Supervisory, Managerial, or Small Shop Chief Positions

Chapter 4: Application Procedures

Eligibility for Advertised Positions

Only information submitted in the application will be considered to determine

the eligibility of the applicant.

Military Grade Requirements

Min/Max Rank Requirements; will not cause grade inversion

Selective Placement Factors

KSA or Specialized Experience from NGB Qualification Standards

Conditions of Employment

Continued military membership for all dual-status positions; Security

Requirements, Training Requirements; Medical/ Physical Requirements.

Chapter 4: Application Procedures Continued

Application Procedures

Apply online through USA Jobs or through Fax

Must submit all required documentation in JOA and online questionnaire

Applicant Evaluation Procedures

HR Staffing Specialist evaluates all applicants based on NGB Qualification

Standards, AOC, and Rank requirements.

Forwards Selection Certificate to Selecting Official(s) Specified on the

AGOH Form 690-52

Chapter 5: Referral And Selection Procedures

Referral and Selection Procedures

Procedures for the Selecting Official

EEO Review Process

Notification – HR will notify Selecting Official when the Selection has been approved

Start Date- HR determines with coordination of Selecting Official

Chapter 8: Grievances and Complaints

Grievances (Labor Relations)

If a Technician believes that proper procedures were not followed in filling a

position, they may submit a grievance under the Agency Administrative


Discrimination (EO Office)

Complaints of allegations of discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex,

age, handicapping condition, or national origin made during any phase of a

selection process will be considered under Ohio National Guard discrimination

complaint procedures. Individuals should contact the State Equal Employment

Office for information and procedures on filing a complaint.

Other Complaints (Human Resources Officer)

Directed to the Director for Human Resources. All inquires will be considered and

every effort made to resolve the complaints.

How to Completean SF-52

How to Complete aMerit Announcement Request

Selection Instructions and Checklist


Hiring Flexibilities

• Recruitment, Relocation, and Retention Incentive

• Advance In-Hire Rate: Superior Quals or Special Agency Need


Workforce Restructuring, Realignment, Reorganization

& Reduction in Force

Ref: TPR 351


What Causes a RIF

• Budget Deficits• Force Structure Changes• Unit Deactivations• Unit Relocation• Unit Consolidations or Reorganizations• Aircraft Conversions or Reductions

Force Management: Mgmt-directed reassignments, CLG, VERA/VSIP, Cert of expected separation, hiring freezes/controls, attrition

Goal: close out RIF, avoid specific notices

60 Days:All affected

technicians have specific notices

(Blackout periods during FY closeout

& Dec-Jan), DoD PPP Registration

Reduction in Force Timeline

1 Year:General RIF Notice,

Competitive areas & levels,

Establish Retention register elements (Tenure, Performance, SCD)

Post-RIF:Final actions, DoD PPP 1 yr, ONG RPL 2 yrs

Goal: Ensure timeliness and preservation of entitlements

RIF Effective Date:Final Separations, Reassignments & Changes to Lower Grade implemented

Ongoing:Reporting on affected technicians and personnel actions, Town hall meetings, FAQ response, Individual counseling, military selective retention, labor-management communication

Human Resources – Resources Branch

Points of Contact

Ms. Dana Pharis– Branch Manager614-336-7049

CMSgt Caroline French – Classification Specialist


Ms. Beverly Sherwin – Staffing Specialist 614-336-7313

National Guard Technician Personnel Management Course July 2014

Human Resources – Resources Branch

National Guard Technician Personnel Management Course July 2014

Where to find information:

Human Resources Development

What can I clarify?

National Guard Technician Personnel Management Course July 2014