Human psychology presentation

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Human psychology presentation

Presented by : Amna Ashraf



ESP is most commonly called the "sixth sense."

It is sensory information that an individual receives which comes beyond the ordinary five senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

It can provide the individual with information of the present, past, and future.

If you know when something is about to happen, but you can not explain how you know, you may have extrasensory perception (ESP). Almost everyone has it to some degree. Some people simply display a greater level of ability than others.


A theory suggests that ESP starts in the unconscious, a storehouse of memories, hopes and fears. At this point a contact is made between the objective world and the center of the mind. The person remains unaware of this contact until or unless the information is brought to the conscious level.

Also, the psychiatrist Carl G. Jung proposed a similar theory that the conscious mind has subliminal psychic access to the unconscious.

Another theory involves macrophages, cells present in connective tissues. It is thought that these might be the body's ESP organs, sending and receiving impressions below the normal perceptive level

TYPES OF ESP Clairvoyance: The supposed faculty of perceiving things

or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

Clairaudience: It means clear hearing, is the ability to perceive sounds or words. People who are clairaudient hear voices, sounds or music that are not audible to the normal ear. They receive these messages mentally or within their ears.

Precognition : Also called future sight, and second sight, is an alleged psychic ability to see events in the future.

Psycokinesis : Movement of objects, seemingly caused by some force unknown to human mind .

Telepathy : Transference of thoughts from one mind to another.

SIGNS OF ESP Picking up on the feelings and needs of others without

them ever saying a word to you .

Having vivid dreams of events, people, dates, numbers, or places that present themselves later on - dream of visiting with loved ones who have passed on, maybe even receiving messages from them to pass on to other people

Tending to know things are about to happen before they do - Do you wake up right before your alarm clock is about to go off? Do you know when the phone is about to ring before it does, maybe even knowing who is on the other line before you answer ?

Seeing color surrounding people sometimes - Do you sense or associate color with certain people for no apparent reason?

Tending to get your way a lot of times - Do you find that people tend to bend to your will? Do you find that the world seems to be working in your favor? Do you ever wish for something to find that it comes true? It is associated with being able to move things with the mind, and although you probably haven’t done this, you do manipulate people, situations, and obtain objects through the power of intent.

Hearing your loved ones laughing or crying when they are miles away


If extrasensory perception happens for someone on a daily basis it can be quite difficult to deal with.

Essentially that person will always know when others are lying, they may know events that will happen in the future and they will be getting all kinds of signals that they might want to just ignore.

Part of the problem with ESP is that you may feel a responsibility to act on the information that you perceive and others may not be happy to hear your thoughts.

There is sometimes a lot of guilt felt by those who experience ESP. They may feel they should have done more to stop an event from occurring or they should have spoken up sooner.

For example, you may perceive that your friends husband is having an affair, that your friend or family member will lose their job or that your niece is going to get hurt.

When you try to explain what you perceive to the individuals involved they may think you are nuts and not want to believe you.

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