Human-Origin Influenza A(H3N2) Reassortant Viruses in ...Swine, Southeast Mexico Appendix Appendix...

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Human-Origin Influenza A(H3N2) Reassortant Viruses in Swine, Southeast Mexico


Appendix Table 1. Characteristics of 59 influenza viruses sequenced for this analysis, southeast Mexico*

Virus name Date of isolation Location in Mexico PB2 PB1 PA HA H1 NP NA MP NS Genotype

A/Swine/Mexico/9684432/2013/Mixed 2013 Feb 25 SE P P P H3 (human)

P mixed P P 15 A/Swine/Mexico/9783514/2013/Mixed 2013 Apr 15 SE P P P H3 (human)

P mixed P P 15

A/Swine/Mexico/9557133/2013/H1N1 2013 Jan 2 SE T T T H1c (gamma) 1A.3.1 T N1e MP-e T 8 A/Swine/Mexico/9762101/2013/H1N1 2013 Apr 6 SE T T T H1c (gamma) 1A.3.1 T N1e MP-e T 8 A/Swine/Mexico/9783445/2013/H1N1 2013 Apr 15 SE T T T H1c (gamma) 1A.3.1 T N1e MP-e T 8 A/Swine/Mexico/9800323/2013/H1N1 2013 Apr 22 SE T T T H1c (gamma) 1A.3.1 T N1e MP-e T 8 A/Swine/Mexico/9453312/2012/H3N2 2012 Oct 29 SE P P P H3 (human)

P N2 (human) P P 14

A/Swine/Mexico/9634750/2013/H3N2 2103 Jan 31 SE P P P H3 (human)

P N2 (human) P P 14 A/Swine/Mexico/9714185/2013/H3N2 2013 Mar 14 SE P P P H3 (human)

P N2 (human) P P 14

A/Swine/Mexico/9741876/2013/H3N2 2013 Mar 28 SE P P P H3 (human)

P N2 (human) P P 14 A/Swine/Mexico/9857788/2013/H3N2 2013 May 20 SE P P P H3 (human)

P N2 (human) P P 14

A/Swine/Mexico/84706352130/2015/H3N2 2015 Jun 9 SE P P P H3 (human)

P N2 (human) P P 14 A/Swine/Mexico/10032432/2013/H1N2 2013 Aug 16 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P N2 (human) P P 13 A/Swine/Mexico/10290795/2014/H1N2 2013 Dec 22 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P N2 (human) P P 13 A/Swine/Mexico/10912920/2014/H1N1 2014 Nov 5 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P N2 (human) P P 13 A/Swine/Mexico/10926242/2014/H1N2 2014 Nov 12 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P N2 (human) P P 13 A/Swine/Mexico/84703289210/2015/H1N2 2015 Mar 25 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P N2 (human) P P 13 A/Swine/Mexico/9711817/2013/H1N2 2103 Mar 11 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P N2 (human) P P 13 A/Swine/Mexico/9800379/2013/H1N2 2013 Apr 22 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P N2 (human) P P 13 A/Swine/Mexico/9562931/2013/H3N2 2102 Dec 23 SE T T T H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) MP-e T 6

A/Swine/Mexico/9783350/2013/H3N2 2013 Apr 15 SE T T T H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) MP-e T 6 A/Swine/Mexico/9199572/2012/H1N1 2102 Jun 28 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P Mixed P 11 A/Swine/Mexico/9922474/2013/H1N1 2013 Jun 22 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/10126158/2013/H1N1 2013 Sep 30 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/10248405/2013/H1N1 2013 Dec 1 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/10433030/2014/H1N1 2014 Mar 1 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/10466772/2014/H1N1 2014 Mar 16 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/84704755140/2014/H1N1 2014 Aug 28 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/10969586/2014/H1N1 2014 Dec 4 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/9213802/2012/H1N1 2012 Jul 5 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/9425974/2012/H1N1 2012 Oct 14 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12

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Virus name Date of isolation Location in Mexico PB2 PB1 PA HA H1 NP NA MP NS Genotype

A/Swine/Mexico/9713846/2013/H1N1 2013 Mar 14 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/9722783/2013/H1N1 2013 Mar 17 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/9741916/2013/H1N1 2013 Mar 28 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/9800385/2013/H1N1 2013 Apr 22 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/9800380/2013/H1N1 2013 Apr 22 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/9800390/2013/H1N1 2013 Apr 22 SE P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 A/Swine/Mexico/8935602/2012/H1N1 2012 Feb 23 NW T T T H1c (β) 1A.2 P N1c Mixed T 7 A/Swine/Mexico/10499819/2014/H3N2 2014 Apr 3 NW P P P H3 (swine)

P N2 (swine) P P 1

A/Swine/Mexico/847061253020/2014/H3N2 2014 Apr 28 NW P P P H3 (swine)

P N2 (swine) P P 1 A/Swine/Mexico/847071253020/2014/H3N2 2014 Apr 28 NW P P P H3 (swine)

P N2 (swine) P P 1

A/Swine/Mexico/10598944/2014/H3N2 2014 Jun 13 NW P P P H3 (swine)

P N2 (swine) P P 1 A/Swine/Mexico/7932475/2010/H3N2 2010 Nov 4 NW P P P H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) Mixed T 2

A/Swine/Mexico/8630588/2011/H3N2 2011 Sep 26 NW P P P H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) Mixed T 2 A/Swine/Mexico/8630565/2011/H3N2 2011 Sep 26 NW P P P H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) P T 3

A/Swine/Mexico/8630638/2011/H3N2 2011 Sep 26 NW P P P H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) P T 3 A/Swine/Mexico/9890611/2013/H3N2 2013 Jun 6 NW P P P H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) P T 3

A/Swine/Mexico/8630459/2011/H3N2 2011 Sep 26 NW T T P H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) Mixed P 4 A/Swine/Mexico/7773583/2010/H3N2 2010 Aug 22 NW T T T H3 (swine)

T N2 (swine) MPc T 5

A/Swine/Mexico/11004418/2014/H1N2 2014 Dec 22 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P N2 (swine) P P 10 A/Swine/Mexico/8630529/2011/H1N1 2011 Sep 26 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P T 9 A/Swine/Mexico/84703178820/2014/H1N1 2014 Jun 13 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P T 9 A/Swine/Mexico/84703857030/2014/H1N1 2014 Jun 25 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P T 9 A/Swine/Mexico/847011987050/2014/H1N1 2014 Oct 23 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P T 9 A/Swine/Mexico/847021987050/2014/H1N1 2014 Oct 23 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P T 9 A/Swine/Mexico/7774063/2010/H1N1 2010 Aug 22 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P Mixed P 11 A/Swine/Mexico/7942103/2010/H1N1 2010 Nov 7 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P Mixed P 11 A/Swine/Mexico/8630550/2011/H1N1 2011 Sep 26 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P Mixed P 11 A/Swine/Mexico/9583196/2013/H1N1 2013 Jan 4 NW P P P P 1A.3.3.2 P P P P 12 *Genotypes refer to those listed in Figure 2. HA, hemagglutinin; MP, matrix protein; NA, neuraminidase; NP, nucleoprotein; NS, nonstructural; NW, northwest; PA, polymerase acidic; PB, polymerase basic; SE, southeast; SW, southwest.

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Appendix Table 2. Times to the most recent common ancestor for introduction of influenza viruses into southeast Mexico*



6 8 6 14 + 15

Viruses A/sw/Mexico/9562931/2013/H3N2 A/sw/Mexico/9783445/2013/H1N1 A/sw/Mexico/AVX-57/2013/H3N2 A/Swine/Mexico/84706352130/2015/H3N2 A/sw/Mexico/9783350/2013/H3N2 A/sw/Mexico/9762101/2013/H1N1 A/Swine/Mexico/9453312/2012/H3N2

A/sw/Mexico/9800323/2013/H1N1 A/Swine/Mexico/9714185/2013/H3N2 A/sw/Mexico/9557133/2013/H1N1 A/Swine/Mexico/9741876/2013/H3N2

A/Swine/Mexico/9857788/2013/H3N2 A/Swine/Mexico/9634750/2013/H3N2 A/Swine/Mexico/9684432/2013/Mixed A/Swine/Mexico/9783514/2013/Mixed

Origin Central Mexico Central Mexico Central Mexico Humans Destination East Mexico East Mexico East Mexico East Mexico PB2-t 2011.1–2012.79 2012.5–2012.8

PB1-t 2012.22–2012.9 2011.06–2012.69

PA-t 2010.73–2012.64 2011.28–2012.26



H3 2011.25–2012.85 2012.12–2013.47 1994.32–2010.55 NP-t 2011.48–2012.64 2012.06–2012.85 2012.0–2013.47 N1-e


N2 2009.95–2012.98 2011.55–2013.47 1994.55–2009.7 MP-e 2011.85–2012.69 2012.35–2012.7 2011.98–2013.47 NS-t 2011.29– 2012.42 2011.73–2012.46 2011.76– 2013.47 Average 2011.23–2012.74 2011.66–2012.65 2011.92–2013.47 1994.43–2010.12 *H, hemagglutinin; MP, matrix protein; NA, neuraminidase; NP, nucleoprotein; NS, nonstructural; NW, northwest; PA, polymerase acidic; PB, polymerase basic.

Appendix Table 3. Influenza virus strains used in antigenic analysis of influenza virus, southeast Mexico*

GenBank accession no. Strain Country Antigenic map strains reference

KM821302 A/Wuhan/359/1995† China Wu/95 CY095675 A/swine/TX/4199–2/1998 USA TX/98 EU735818 A/turkey/OH/313053/2004 USA OH/04 CY099103.1 A/swine/MN/02782/2009 USA MN/09 JN940422.1 A/swine/NY/A01104005/2011 USA NY/11 KJ635928.1 A/swine/IA/A01480656/2014 USA IA/14 KU976701.1 A/swine/Mex/AVX26/2012 Mexico 1 KU976600.1 A/swine/Mex/AVX36/2012 Mexico 2 KU976665.1 A/swine/Mex/AVX53/2013 Mexico 3 KU976721.1 A/swine/Mex/AVX57/2013 Mexico 4 KR870290.1 A/swine/Mex/9857788/2013 Mexico 5 MG836811.1 A/swine/Mex/84706352130/2015 Mexico 6 KR870257.1 A/swine/Mex/8630565/2011 Mexico 7 KR870254.1 A/swine/Mex/8630459/2011 Mexico 8 KU976510.1 A/swine/Mex/AVX15/2012 Mexico 9 KR870291.1 A/swine/Mex/9890611/2013 Mexico 10 *Includes 5 strains isolated from swine in Mexico, as reported by Mena et al. (1) and indicated by the abbreviation AVX. †Influenza A(H3N2) human seasonal vaccine virus strain.

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Appendix Table 4. Hemagglutination titers between viruses from Mexico and reference strains from swine and humans in the United States*

Antigen Virus type

A(H3N2) /Wuhan/ 359/1995


359/ 1995

A(H3N2) /swine/ Texas/

4199–1/ 1998

A(H3N2/swine/ Texas/

4199–1/ 1998

A(H3N2) /turkey/ Ohio/

313053/ 2004

A(H3N2) /turkey/ Ohio/

313053/ 2004

A(H3N2)/ swine/

Minnesota/02782/ 2009

A(H3N2)/ swine/

Minnesota/02782/ 2009

A(H3N2)/swine/ New York/


A(H3N2)/ swine/ New York/

A01104005/ 2011

A(H3N2)/swine /Iowa/


A(H3N2)/swine/ Iowa/


A(H3N2)/Wuhan/359/1995 Human vaccine

640 640 640 640 80 40 – – 80 80 80 160


Cluster I 160 320 2,560 1,280 40 20 320 320 20 40 40 80

A(H3N2)/turkey/Ohio/313053/ 2004

Cluster IV

10 20 40 20 640 640 – – 320 160 20 20


Cluster IV

<10 20 80 40 – – 5,120 2,560 320 640 40 20

A(H3N2)/swine/New York/A01104005/2011

Cluster IV-A

20 20 320 160 160 80 1,280 1,280 640 1,280 160 160


Cluster IV-A

40 40 160 80 160 40 160 320 320 320 640 1,280

A(H3N2)/swine/Mexico/AVX26/ 2012

<10 10 80 20 320 320 – – 640 640 40 20

A(H3N2)/swine/Mexico/AVX36/ 2012

10 40 160 80 1,280 640 – – 320 320 40 20

A(H3N2)/swine/Mexico/AVX53/ 2012

<10 10 40 20 40 20 – – 40 80 20 20

A(H3N2)/swine/Mexico/AVX57/ 2012

10 20 160 40 320 80 – – 160 160 20 <10

A(H3N2)/swine/Mexico/985778/ 2013

40 80 80 80 – – 40 40 20 20 <10 <10

A(H3N2)/swine/Mexico/ 84706352130/2015

20 80 80 80 – – 40 20 10 20 <10 <10


20 20 80 40 – – 1,280 1,280 160 80 20 <10


40 80 160 80 – – 2,560 2,560 160 160 40 10

A(H3N2)/swine/Mexico/AVX15/ 2012

20 20 <10 10 40 20 – – 320 160 <10 <10


40 80 160 640 – – 1,280 640 160 80 10 <10

*–, not tested.

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1. Mena I, Nelson MI, Quezada-Monroy F, Dutta J, Cortes-Fernández R, Lara-Puente JH, et al. Origins of the

2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in swine in Mexico. eLife. 2016;5:e16777. PubMed

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Appendix Figure. Maximum clade credibility (MCC) trees inferred separately for each segment of

invasive influenza virus genomes and lineages, Mexico. Time-scaled Bayesian MCC trees inferred for 13-

nt alignments; PB2 (TRIG), PB1 (pdm), PB1 (TRIG), PA (TRIG), H1 (C), H3 (TR) + H3 (Hu), NP (TRIG),

N1 (C), N1 (EA), N2 (TR) + N2 (Hu), MPe, MP (TRIG), and NS (TRIG). Color of each branch indicates the

most probable location state. Tip labels and posterior probabilities for key nodes are provided. Numbers

along branches are bootstrap values. Bold indicates strains isolated in this study. intro, introduction; H,

hemagglutinin; Hu, human; MP, matrix protein; N, neuraminidase; NP, nucleoprotein; NS, nonstructural;

PA, polymerase acidic; PB, polymerase basic.