Human Geography (10th Ed)(Gnv64)

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People, Place, and Culture Tenth Edition
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H. J. de Blij Michigan State University
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright © 2012, 2009, 2007, 2003 by Erin H. Fouberg, Alexander B. Murphy, H. J. de Blij. All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Fouberg, Erin Hogan.
Human geography : people, place, and culture / Erin H. Fouberg, Alexander B. Murphy, H. J. de Blij. — 10th ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-118-01869-9 (cloth)
1. Human geography—Textbooks. I. Murphy, Alexander B., 1954- II. De Blij, Harm J. III. Title.
GF41.D4 2012
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The noted geographer Yi-Fu Tuan once said, “People make places.” Places do not exist in a vacuum. Places cannot be catalogued in terms of characteristics or “facts.” People create cultures, values, aesthetics, politics, economics, and more, and each of these affects and shapes places. In the study of human geography, we are constantly reminded of how people shape their world and of how people and places vary across space.
Globalization is a set of processes that fl ow and pul- sate across and through country boundaries—processes that have different outcomes in different places and across scales. Globalization factors heavily into the many ways people infl uence places. Improvements in transporta- tion and communication allow ideas and people to move quickly around much of the world.
The pictures on the front and back covers of this textbook illustrate how people make places and, in the process, create a diverse and dynamic world. At fi rst glance the beautiful image of Mopti, Mali, a city of over 100,000 people at the confl uence of Niger and Bani Rivers in west Africa, reveals a traditional place where little has changed. Author Alexander B. Murphy took the photo recently and described the market in Mopti as a crowded place with vendors selling traditional foods and daily necessities. Studying the photo, your eye may focus on the baby in the sling, the traditional clothing, or the baskets of dried fi sh. At second glace, you may notice potential for change. The large trucks in the background look brand new, and they bring in goods and people from distances farther and faster than previ- ously possible.
Places are constantly changing, and by and large, people are responsible for change. Globalization en- ables greater potential for rapid change to Mopti and places throughout the world. In Chapter 14, we discuss El Général, a Tunisian rap artist who helped spur mas- sive political change in the Arab world in spring 2011 by posting his song “Mr. President” on Facebook. In response to his protest song, the Tunisian government
imprisoned El Général for a short time before protes- tors rallied for his release. Another young Tunisian, Mohammed Bouazizi, operated a vegetable cart and grew tired of corrupt police offi cers seeking payment from him. In protest, he covered himself with fuel, lit himself on fi re, and sparked a revolution. The photo on the back cover shows protestors in Tunis, Tunisia ten days after Bouazizi’s death, demonstrating against President Ben Alli. The slogan “game over” both urged and celebrated the end of Alli’s more than 20 years of dictatorial rule, which ended the day of this photograph when Alli fl ed the country. The story of Bouazizi and the anthem “Mr. President” quickly diffused through- out the region and helped spark revolutions in Egypt, Yemen, and Bahrain.
Through this course in human geography and with the help of this textbook, students will learn to appreci- ate the pace of change made possible through globaliza- tion and to think critically about what they see, read, and hear about their world. Our goals in writing the Tenth Edition of Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture were fi rst, to help students appreciate the role people play in shaping places; second, to provide context for the issues we address so that students can better understand their world; third, to give students the tools to grapple with the complexities of globalization; and fourth, to help students think geographically and critically about their world.
NEW IN THE TENTH EDITION In writing the Tenth Edition, we integrated the text,
photos, and illustrations to help students understand the role people play in shaping the world, to provide geographic context to the issues we discuss, to teach students to think geographically and critically, and to explain the complexi- ties of globalization. We used our own fi eld experiences and
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drew from the research and fi eldwork of hundreds of others in order to achieve these goals throughout the text.
The Tenth Edition of Human Geography includes sig- nifi cant revision to and reorganization of the material on agriculture (Chapter 11), industry and services (Chapter 12), and the humanized environment (Chapter 13). The authors updated examples throughout the textbook to re- late to the existing body of knowledge many college stu- dents have before taking human geography. For example, in Chapter 12, the authors use an iPod touch to explain fl exible sourcing and spatial fi x. Drawing from current research in human geography, the authors expanded the number of concepts covered to include anthropocene, zero population growth, community supported agricul- ture, food deserts, and rare earth elements.
The fi eld notes in the Tenth Edition provide context and help the reader learn to think geographically. Each chapter in this edition starts with an opening fi eld note, writ- ten by the author team, which provides context for the particular author’s experience in the fi eld and pulls the reader into the chapter. Four of the opening fi eld notes in the Tenth Edition are new.
Each chapter also includes one or more author fi eld notes, in addition to the opening fi eld note. The author fi eld notes serve as models of how to think geographically. The author team took more than 50 percent of the nearly 200 photo- graphs in this edition. In addition to the author fi eld notes, we include a number of guest fi eld notes written by geographers who have spent time in the fi eld, researching the place that is profi led. All guest fi eld notes include a photograph taken by the author as well as a paragraph focusing on how what the author saw in the fi eld infl uenced his or her research. The Tenth Edition includes one new guest fi eld note.
In the Tenth Edition, we continue to use Key Questions and Thinking Geographically prompts as the outline for each of the 14 chapters in the text. The Key Questions are listed after the opening fi eld note of each chapter and serve as the outline for the chapter. After each Key Question is answered in the chapter, the reader will fi nd a Thinking Geographically question. These questions ask the reader to apply a geographic concept to a real-life exam- ple. Readers who complete the Thinking Geographically questions throughout the text will learn to think geographi- cally and to think critically. Instructors can also use the Thinking Geographically questions as lecture launchers by giving students a few minutes to answer the question and by then generating a class discussion from the answers.
THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PACKAGE The Tenth Edition of Human Geography: People,
Place, and Culture is supported by a comprehensive sup- plements package that includes an extensive selection of print, visual, and electronic materials.
Resources That Help Teachers Teach People and Place Lecture Launchers. Working closely with Wiley’s Media Team, Erin Fouberg created a collection of video lecture launchers that allow instruc- tors to provide a visual context for key concepts, ideas, and terms that they plan to introduce during their lec- tures. These videos are available in a DVD format that is optimized for in-class presentation as well as in a stream- ing format that is available online. Streaming videos will also be made available to students in the context of WileyPLUS assignments that can be graded online and added to the WileyPLUS instructor gradebook.
Online Geography On-Location Videos. Because of their enduring popularity, we have digitized many of the videos from the original VHS series. This rich collection of original and relevant footage was taken during H. J. de Blij’s travels. These videos cover a wide range of themes; they are available on the instructor website and are also integrated throughout each student’s WileyPLUS eBook.
The Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture Instructors’ Site. This comprehensive website includes numerous resources to help you enhance your current presentations, create new presentations, and employ our premade PowerPoint presentations. These resources in- clude the following:
• Image Gallery. We provide online electronic fi les for the line illustrations and maps in the text, which the instruc- tor can customize for presenting in class (for example, in handouts, overhead transparencies, or PowerPoints).
• A complete collection of PowerPoint presentations. These presentations are available in beautifully ren- dered, four-color format, and images are sized and edited for maximum effectiveness in large lecture halls. The high-quality photos, maps, and fi gures provide a set of strong, clear images that are ready to be pro- jected into the classroom.
• A comprehensive Test Bank with multiple-choice, fi ll-in, matching, and essay questions. The Test Bank is distributed via the secure Instructor’s website as elec- tronic fi les and can be saved into all major word pro- cessing programs.
• A comprehensive collection of animations and videos.
Wiley Faculty Network (WFN). This peer-to-peer network of faculty is ready to support your use of online course management tools and discipline-specifi c soft- ware/learning systems in the classroom. The WFN will help you apply innovative classroom techniques, imple- ment software packages, tailor the technology experience to the needs of each individual class, and provide you with virtual training sessions led by faculty for faculty.
viii Preface
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Course Management. Online course management assets are available to accompany the Tenth Edition of Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture.
Resources That Help Students Learn Student Companion Website deblij. This easy-to-use and student-focused website helps reinforce and illustrate key concepts from the text. It also provides interactive media content that helps stu- dents prepare for tests and improve their grades. This website provides additional resources that complement the textbook and enhance your students’ understanding of geography:
• Videos provide a fi rst-hand look at life in other parts of the world.
• Action-oriented Activities are research-based activi- ties that help students contextualize chapter content.
• Flashcards offer an excellent way to drill and practice key concepts, ideas, and terms from the text.
• Map Quizzes help students master the place-names that are crucial to their success in this course. Three game-formatted place-name activities are provided for each chapter.
• Chapter Review Quizzes provide immediate feed- back to true/false, multiple choice, and short-answer questions.
• Annotated Web Links put useful electronic resources into context.
• Area and Demographic Data are provided for every country and world realm.
• Concept is an online collection of pho- tographs that explores places, regions, people, and their activities. Photographs, GPS coordinates, and explana- tions of core geographic concepts are “cached” for view- ing by professors and students alike. Professors can access the images or submit their own by visiting the website.
• Google Earth™Links, highlights text from the eBook and links examples in the text to actual location on the Earth using Google Earth™. Tours and activities cre- ated by professors engage students with geographic concepts addressed in the text.
Kuby, Harner, and Gober’s Human Geography in Action, Fifth Edition. This workbook integrates the most fundamental concepts of human geography with in- teractive, hands-on applications. Students can manipulate data, create maps, and explore the implications of basic concepts though these activities.
National Geographic College Atlas of the World. We are delighted to be able to offer the National Geographic College Atlas of the World.
Resources for Advanced Placement Courses Advanced Placement Student Companion. Co-author Alexander B. Murphy led the campaign in the late 1990s to add human geography to the College Board’s Advanced Placement Program. Human Geography: People, Place and Culture and John Wiley & Sons have supported students and instructors since the very beginning by offering high- quality content and pedagogy that help teachers teach and students learn the concepts, ideas, and terms that they need to perform at the college level. With the Tenth Edition of Human Geography, we continue this legacy of support by offering a revised AP Student Companion and new student resources on the student companion website.
Advanced Placement Instructor Resources. The Tenth Edition of Human Geography includes a fully revised Advanced Placement Instructor's Guide, co-authored by Paul Gray and Gregory Sherwin, two outstanding Advanced Placement Human Geography teachers. Building on their wisdom from years in the classroom and many sum- mers teaching Advanced Placement Human Geography institutes, the authors offer tried and true ways to teach Advanced Placement Human Geography effectively. In ad- dition to this guide and the instructor resources listed above, instructors of Advanced Placement Human Geography classes will have access to Wiley’s integrated training course for teaching Advanced Placement Human Geography. The Advanced Placement Instructor's Guide and integrated training course suggest ways teachers can use our supple- ments to enhance their lectures and save time.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In preparing the Tenth Edition of Human Geography,
we benefi ted immensely from the advice and assistance of many of our colleagues in geography. We thank AP Human Geography teachers, professors, instructors, and students from around the country who emailed us questions and gave us suggestions. Some told us of their experiences using other editions, and others provided insightful comments on individual chapters. The list that follows acknowledges their support, but it cannot begin to measure our gratitude for all of the ways they helped shape this book:
Ian Ackroyd-Kelly East Stroudsburg University Frank Ainsley University of North Carolina
Wilmington Jennifer Altenhofel California State University,
Bakersfi eld Charles Amissah Hampton University Alan Arbogast Michigan State University James Ashley University of Toledo Scharmaistha Bagchi-Sen SUNY Buffalo
Acknowledgments ix
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Ann Legreid Central Missouri State University
Jose Lopez Minnesota State University David Lyons University of Minnesota,
Duluth Patricia Matthews-Salazar Borough of Manhattan
Community College Darrell McDonald Stephen F. Austin State
University Wayne McKim Towson University Ian MacLachlan University of Lethbridge Glenn Miller Bridgewater State College Katharyne Mitchell University of Washington,
Seattle John M. Morris University of Texas, San
Antonio Garth A. Myers University of Kansas Darrell Norris SUNY Geneseo Ann Oberhauser West Virginia University Kenji Oshiro Wright State University Bimal K. Paul Kansas State University Gene Paull University of Texas at
Brownsville Walter Peace McMaster University Virginia Ragan Maple Woods Community
College Jeffrey Richetto University of Alabama Rob Ritchie Liberty University Mika Roinila State University of New York,
New Paltz Karl Ryavec University of Wisconsin James Saku Frostburg State University Richard Alan Sambrook Eastern Kentucky University Joseph E. Schwartzberg University…