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International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management United Kingdom Vol. IV, Issue 5, May 2016

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John A. Olayiwola

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria


This study investigated the relevance of human capital accounting information on the market

value of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study used secondary data from 2007

to 2014 collected from selected Annual Report and Accounts of 50 Quoted Manufacturing

companies, and Fact Books published by the Nigerian Stock Exchanged. Pooled OLS and

Fixed Effect Model (FEM) were used in the analysis. The results indicate that human capital

cost has a positive and a substantial relevance (β=0.02, t=2.42, p<0.05) to share price. Findings

suggest that capitalization of corporate investment on its human resource has the propensity of

increasing the shareholders’ fund and also capable of creating a favorable image for quoted

manufacturing companies in Nigeria.

Keywords: Human capital accounting information, Share price, Human capital cost,

Capitalization, Corporate success, Nigeria


Conventional accounting system, over the years, recognizes and treats corporate investment on

human resources as recurrent expenditure eventually charged against the revenue in the

income statement at the end of an accounting period of a business organization. This treatment

not only failed to recognize the strategic and competitive importance of the company’s

management and employees as invaluable assets that provide future benefits, but has also

encouraged many companies to use lay-offs as a way to cut costs and boost short-term profits

at the expense of long-run productivity and profitability, which then suggest that the intrinsic

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value of an organisation may have been hampered over the years through this orthodox

accounting approach. This traditional concept which has lingered for so long in corporate

finance has been considered in recent times by some financial experts and thinkers to be a

charade. It is believed that if the historical cost of physical assets and other intermediate or

intangible assets appear on the face of the companies’ financial position, it is then logical that

the cost incurred in acquiring and developing the resources (that is human capital) which

transformed and harnessed these physical assets and other intangible assets (such as goodwill,

patent right, etc.) into something worthwhile for the companies, should be considered an asset

and be treated as such in the financial statement.

The principle of asset recognition in accounting stipulates that corporate investments

may be recognized as assets if the relationship between the cost of such investments and the

economic benefit expected can be established, the right or access to future economic benefits

are certain (at least on a probabilistic basis), the cost of establishing the right or access are

sufficiently material and that the cost of the investments and economic benefits derivable are

capable of being measured in monetary terms. The investment in people is expected to possess

future service potentials, they are measurable in monetary terms and they are subject to the

control and ownership of the organization (at least on a probabilistic basis). Thus it is held that

human capital investments should be treated as assets (Flamholtz, 92).

Human capital management in any organisation is very imperative, key and germane to

the survival of the organisation. Therefore, human capital valuation, capitalization of human

resource values in the books of account and the fair disclosure and presentation of such

information in the companies’ annual reports have been the hassle of stakeholders in the milieu

of enhancing quality corporate reporting, employees’ productivity, managerial performance,

value creation, maximization of shareholders’ value and the going concern of an entity.

Therefore, investment in the acquisition, training and development of human capital in an

organisation is not a recurrent expenditure. Capitalizing human capital cost, should be

considered theoretically more suitable and operationally practicable than the expensing

approach, because the information regarding human capital is more relevant a great deal to

decisions made by both internal and external users. Therefore, accounting for human capital

constitutes an overt acknowledgment of the fact that management and employees are precious

resources in an organizations and a fundamental part of a jumble of capital (Islam,

Kamruzzaman & Redwanuzzaman, 2013).

The success or otherwise of an organisation, depends on the quality of the work force

because of the strategic positions they occupy in any corporate organisation, therefore the non

valuation and nonexistent of human capital on the face of a companies’ statement of financial

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position is not only baffling, but also a pointer to the fact that companies’ financial reports do not

after all give a true and fair position of the state of affairs in the organisation, and that it also

lacks the financial data needed to appraise the efficacy and efficiency with which organizations’

work force are employed and utilized with other physical and intangible assets of the

organisation in the reporting year. This may also have held back the need for proper

accountability and transparency in corporate reporting. In this regard, investors and other

principal stakeholders may have a wrong and distorted perception about the business

performance and the competitive strength of the organisation, which may consequently result

into a plunging effect on the shareholders’ fund.

In the literature, two issues are pertinent. One is the controversy surrounding the validity

or otherwise of human capital accounting treatment in corporate financial statements. More

empirical studies then need to be focused on human capital accounting information and its

value significance to companies’ operations, survival and shareholders’ value. Secondly, there

is dearth of evidence on the relevance of human capital accounting on market value of

companies in less developed countries like Nigeria. Most of the existing studies focused on the

developed and Asian countries. Therefore it is against this back drop that this research is

carried out; to empirically investigate the relevance of human capital accounting information on

market value of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria, given the paucity of evidences

accessible on the subject matter in developing countries, like Nigeria. The rest of this paper is

set out as follows: in section 2, there is a brief review of literature, section 3 describes the

methodology adopted, section 4 presents the empirical results, section 5 contains the

conclusions and policy implications and suggestions for further research on this area of focus is

captured by the last sub-section.


In the extant of literature, human capital is described as one of the intangible assets of an

organisation. Other organization’s intangible assets include: brand, goodwill, patent rights,

software, among others. Human Capital captures all people slanted towards capabilities needed

for a business to be successful. The organizations’ workforce are considered to be the most

important and invaluable (intangible) asset in such organization, as it success or otherwise

depends on the performance, qualification, experience and (motivation) of members of staff and

(Managers) in such organization (Ionel, Alina and Dumitru, 2007). It is basically the

agglomeration of all the skills, experiences, potentials and capabilities found in business

establishments. Other physical capitals and assets will not be effective and probably will remain

in their raw state without human resources. Therefore, it is human knowledge, skills,

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experiences and their efforts that result in success in organizations (Kesavan & Dyana, 2013).

The importance and value of human capital was conveyed to lime light in the early 1990’s, when

employments in service firms, technology and knowledge-based sectors were on the high side.

Among these sectors, intermediate assets (specifically human resource) contributed massively

to building Shareholders’ value.

Human capital theory suggests that all costs eliciting productive behaviors from

employees including those related to motivating, monitoring, and retaining them, should not be

seen as a recurrent expenditure rather they should constitute human capital investments made

in anticipation of future returns(Flamholtz & Lacey, 1981; Becker, 1994). Corporate

organizations over the years have therefore shown substantial interest in the creation of values

to the shareholders, which according to the theory of shareholders’ value is made feasible

through the higher share price of the company (i.e. capital gain) and the distribution of

dividends. The value added required of management is generally represented by the fissure in

between invested capital and the market capitalization. If share prices facts and the distributed

dividends are available, it is easy to calculate the value created for shareholders. Therefore, the

creation of value is the primary financial objective of the firm, which also follow that

shareholders assign value to what they obtain from their investment through a flow of dividends

and they give value to the extent that dividends compensate for the investment risk they are

willing to accept. “To maximize shareholders’ wealth, management must generate, evaluate and

select business strategies that will increase the corporate value” (Morin & Jarrel, 2001).

Barlett and Ghoshal (2002) also identified important changes managers should lead in

the war of talent era. The hardest mind-set to alter is the long standing, deeply embedded belief

that financial capital is the critical strategic resource to be managed and that senior managers’

key responsibilities should center on its acquisition, allocation and effective use. Without

denying the need for prudent use of financial resources, for most companies today, capital is not

the resource that constrains growth, human (not financial) capital must be the starting point and

on-going footing of a successful strategy. Therefore, since the significance of human capital in

creating corporate value is evident and cannot be overridden, then proper disclosure and

capitalization of human capital in corporate financials is also sacrosanct. However, there have

been controversial issues in the extant of literature on whether human capital is value relevant

to be considered an asset and its impact on firms’ value appears inconsistent. Schwan (1976)

considered the effects of human resource cost measures on decision making in banks. He

found that the inclusion of human resource accounting data in published financial statements

resulted in significantly different ratings of managements’ vigilance to meet future challenges

and opportunities and also statistically different predictions of a firms’ net income.

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Mainona (1995) also conducted a research on whether or not reporting human resources by

organization can have a significant effect on the investors’ decision. He concluded that

appropriate reporting of human resources by organizations could have a significant effect on the

investors’ decision-making. However, Theeke and Mitchell (2008) differed a little bit to what

other researchers have been saying, he viewed labour force through the lens of corporate

liability rather than corporate assets and they discussed how reporting under a human resource

liability paradigm fits into the traditional accounting framework of contingent liabilities; examine

the financial effects of such reporting on market valuation and internal planning; and explore

measurement of human resource liabilities. They found out that treating human resource as a

corporate liability is unfailing with corporate market value. Kirfi & Abdullah (2012) however, saw

the practice of human resource accounting in Nigeria as a delusion because the orthodox

accounting practice in Nigeria does not regard human capital as asset, this as therefore

significantly crestfallen the use of any measurement technique and human resource reporting in

Nigeria. Nonetheless, most existing scholarly work on human resource accounting in Nigeria

revealed a significant influence of human capital venture on investment decision of

companies(Okpala & Chidi,2010), Corporate productivity (Bassey and Tapang, 2012), Quality of

corporate reporting (Abubakar, 2011; Ijeoma, Bilesanmi & Anonu, 2013;), value creation

(Akintoye,2012), and corporate goodwill (Ifurueze, Binglar, & Etyale (2013) ) among others.

Capitalization of human resource in the annual reports of Nigerian companies thus requires

serious academic attention and it is the process of disclosing and considering human capital

investments as assets in the financials. Moreover, the investment patterns in human capital may

include; recruitment and selection cost, induction training cost, settlement allowance, training

and development cost, medical allowance, retirement benefit cost, salaries and wages and cost

associated with labour turn over (e.g. replacement cost, preventive cost, etc.). All of these costs

directly or indirectly influence the human resource activities, business performances, corporate

productivity and creation of values in an organization (Olayiwola & Akinlo, 2015). However, a

closer examination of the annual reports of manufacturing companies reveals that most listed

manufacturing companies consolidate so many costs relating to human capital (like, recruitment

and selection cost, induction training cost, settlement allowance, training and development cost,

medical allowance) as “other employees’ cost”. Becker (1964) saw human capital as being

similar to physical means of production, like factories and machines. Organisations can

therefore invest in human capital (via training and developments, medical treatments etc.) with a

view to increasing the performance of the organisation.

This position was also articulated by Flamholtz & Lucey (1981) that all costs which are

made purposively to induce, monitor and retain human capital in an organisation constitutes

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human capital investments and such hoards are committed with the anticipation of future

returns. These returns could however come in the form of an enhanced market value if human

capital costs are treated as investments in the financial statements and values capitalized in the

statement of financial position of companies. This position is further explained in the schematic

diagram below to further drive home the objective of the paper.

Figure 1. A Schematic Diagram showing the relationship between Human Capital Accounting

Information (HCAI) and Market Value

Source: Author’s design, 2016

From the above schematic diagram: the disclosure and capitalization of human capital

accounting information is expected to have a positive effect on performance in an organization,

as management and employees alike, will be motivated because the organization sees and

treats them as assets. This will in turn increase the market value of the company and

consequently create a favorable publication for the company, because these costs of human

asset will be considered as investment and amortized over a number of years rather than being

expensed against income in the period of incurrence. However, the disclosure of a high labour

turnover rate in the company’s financial statement, may have a negative impact on the

investment decisions of shareholders, also high turnover rate may have a plummeting effect on

the market value of the company and consequently reduce the wealth of shareholders.

After the review of all these relevant literatures, this research paper stands different from

previous research in that it provides evidences and information on how investors and

companies untangle the effect of the sensitivity of any changes in human capital accounting

Market Value

Human Capital Accounting

Information (HCAI)

An enhanced

Share Price

Health and Safety Cost

Training and

Development Cost

Settlement Allowance

Labour Turnover Rate

Retirement Benefits


Induction training Cost

Recruitment and Selection Cost

Salaries and


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information on investment ratios and it also shows how capitalization of human resource

investments gives a better insight into the financial position of the company.


The study uses data of 50 manufacturing companies quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange

for the period from 2007 to 2014. The choice of time frame was informed by the fact that year

2007 which is the base year, was the year when the global capital market experienced a

financial turmoil whose impact was felt all over the world including Nigeria; therefore, this work

examined the impact of human capital cost on share price seven years post global recessional

period. Companies with missing data and companies that are newly quoted were excluded from

the study. Secondary data utilized for the study consist of selected variables from the financial

statement of the sampled firms.

The estimation model uses panel data. Panel data econometric techniques were

employed for the study. Pooled OLS and fixed effect model were used in the analysis, which

covered the data from 2007 to 2014.

The estimation equation is as follow:

β0 + β1 + β2 + β3 + β4 +

However, the model is re-specified to examine the effect of selected variants of HCC often

reported in financial statements on SP.

log = β0+ β1log + β2log + β3log + β4 + β5log + β6log + β7log

+ ………(3)

Where: SP= Share prices, HCC = Human Capital Cost (In Aggregate), SW= Salaries and


RBC= Retirement benefit cost, OEC= other employees’ cost, LTR= Labour turnover rate,

TA= Total Assets, TL= Total Liabilities, TE = Total Earnings, e = error Term,

i = Cross Sections, t = Time Series, β0 = constant or intercept, β1 to β7 = Coefficient of

explanatory variables, ∑ = Summation, TA, TL, TE served as control variables, log= Natural

logarithm of the variables.

A priori Expectations: β1to β7 = +/-

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Descriptive Statistics of the Study Variables

The descriptive statistics of data provides information about sample statistics such as mean,

median, maximum value and minimum value and the distribution of the sample measured by the

skewness, kurtosis and the Jarque-Bera statistics. The Table below reports some descriptive

statistics for the 50 purposively selected composite insurance firms for a period of seven years

covering 2007 - 2014 totaling 338 observations instead of 400 due to some of the data not

having a logarithm value, notwithstanding, the 338 observations were able to show the true

picture of the expected 400 observations without any fault. The descriptive statistics of the

variables are as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics


Mean 18.53123 17.95869 21.66568 20.11571 23.05380 20.41937 22.42357 0.007844

Median 18.51181 17.94675 21.41391 20.03908 23.04882 20.66565 22.50322 0.000000

Maximum 23.09083 22.65305 28.47603 23.75342 27.59378 25.80169 26.84298 2.532710

Minimum 12.78573 12.27333 13.13838 14.44267 18.25254 13.91816 16.11882 -1.000000

Std. Dev. 1.858626 2.040514 2.654937 1.767390 1.862951 2.311597 1.933494 0.235882

Skewness -0.103816 -0.150348 -0.019810 -0.309486 -0.053640 -0.351949 -0.195679 3.099188

Kurtosis 2.713901 2.518246 3.319396 2.652071 2.307217 2.633540 2.511817 45.01043

Jarque-Bera 1.759906 4.541943 1.458804 7.100564 6.921366 8.869180 5.513403 25396.42

Probability 0.414802 0.103212 0.482197 0.028717 0.031408 0.011860 0.063501 0.000000

Sum 6263.555 6070.037 7323.001 6799.109 7792.184 6901.746 7579.166 2.651151

Sum Sq.

Dev. 1164.163 1403.167 2375.409 1052.676 1169.587 1800.753 1259.841 18.75079

Observations 338 338 338 338 338 338 338 338

The descriptive statistics of the study variables as shown in table 1 provides information about

the sample statistics of the variables in the study, such as mean, median, maximum and

minimum values, and the distribution of the sample scaled by skewness, Jarque-Bera statistics

and kurtosis.

The table shows reports on some descriptive statistics for fifty purposively selected

manufacturing firms in Nigeria, for a period of eight years covering 2007-2014, totaling 338

observations. From table 1 above, a high level of consistency was displayed by the data series,

as their mean and median fall within the minimum and maximum values. For instance, the

labour turn over rate was low over the study period as the mean value stood at 0.7%.

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The standard deviation which is a measure of level of variation or degree of dispersion of the

variables from their mean is relatively low for all the data series; indicating that the deviation of

actual data from the value of mean is very small. The standard deviation of share price is 2.654

signifying that the rate of share price is unstable when compared with other variables. The

standard deviation of labour turn over rate (LTR) is the least stable after salaries and wages,

showing that the fluctuation in LTR is relatively stable.

The skewness and kurtosis statistics provide useful information about the symmetry of

the probability distribution of various data series as well as the thickness of the tails of these

distributions respectively. These two statistics are particularly of great importance since they are

used in the computation of Jarque-Bera statistic, which is used in testing for the normality or

asymptotic property of a particular series. Most of the variables in the study are negatively

skewed showing that they have a long left tail and LTR which is positively skewed indicates a

long right tail. Kurtosis statistics for most of the variables are less than 3 implying the extent of

flatness of the distribution of the data series relative to normal, while the kurtosis statistics of

LTR exceeds 3 indicating that the distribution series for the variables was peaked relative to


Correlation Analysis

Table 2: Correlation Matrix


LNOEC 1.000000

LNRBC 0.071745 1.000000

LNSP 0.153116 0.510191 1.000000

LNSW 0.274624 0.083934 0.163625 1.000000

LNTA 0.180634 0.382743 0.068298 0.080526 1.000000

LNTE 0.359718 0.066303 0.393503 0.371483 0.070806 1.000000

LNTL 0.077192 0.210337 0.453669 0.089222 0.056771 0.371520 1.000000

LTR -0.022648 0.107922 0.062092 0.056586 0.068077 0.061659 0.050227 1.000000

Table 2 reveals the correlation between share price (SP) and the cost components of human

capital accounting information, in listed manufacturing companies. From the table, it was

observed that there a weak correlation between OEC, RBC, SW, TA, TL and SP; and most of

these variables showed a positive correlation with the exemption of LTR and OEC. However,

none of these variables exhibited a high correlation. The conventional correlation matrix in table

2 above only portray the extent of the linear relationship between pair of relationship used in this

study, and caution must be exercised in interpreting results from correlation analysis, because

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correlation between variables does not mean causation. Thus, negative or positive correlation

coefficients reported in Table 2 only depict the extent of the linear relationship between pairs of

variables used in this paper.

Relationship between Human capital accounting information and Share price

Table 3: Pooled OLS

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

LNSW? 0.207830 0.140354 1.480756 0.1396

LNRBC? -0.012873 0.105529 -0.121983 0.9030

LNTA? 0.537931 0.210865 2.551076 0.0112*

LNOEC? -0.069288 0.098049 -0.706671 0.4803

LNTL? 0.071403 0.190935 0.373963 0.7087

LTR? 0.143344 0.455044 0.315011 0.7530

LNTE? 0.244865 0.068706 3.563940 0.0004**

Adjusted R-square = 0.479997, Durbin Watson = 0.457170

(*) connotes rejection at 10% level of significance;

(**) connotes rejection at 1% level of significance

The estimation in table 3 above places restrictions on the heterogeneity of the cross sectional

units, given the assumption that the regression coefficient and the constant estimates are sine-

qua- non for all cross sectional data over time. That is, the estimator stalked all the observations

without recourse to their cross sectional or time series features. Therefore, this study neglected

the cross sectional and period related effects in the estimation.

Table 3 present the result of the Pooled OLS regression conducted to examine the

influence of major determinants of human capital investments on share price of listed

manufacturing companies. This table then revealed that variables which include SW, LTR, TA,

TL, and TE exert a positive impact on the share price, while RBC & OEC have negative

influence on share price. However, it was only TA and TE that have significant influence on SP

at 10% and 1% level of significance, while other variables are not significant at conventional


The result as shown in table 3 also revealed an R-Square of about 48%, which connote

that the independent variables in the estimation model explains only about 48% of the

systematic variation in the dependent variable which is considered a bit low and this leads to

FEM estimation.

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Table 4: Fixed Effect Model

Adjusted R-square = 0.770298, Durbin Watson = 1.177576, F-Statistics = 21.18066

(*) connotes rejection at 10% level of significance; Prob (F-Statistics) = 0.000000

(**) connotes rejection at 5% level of significance

The result of fixed effect (at common coefficient) estimation presented in Table 4 reveals the

coefficient of each determinant variable alongside the intercept term (heterogeneity effect)

corresponding to each cross section. The results in this table show that SW, TA, OEC, TL, LTR

& TE have a positive influence on the share price, while the determinant such as RBC exerts a

negative impact on share price of quoted manufacturing companies. However, it is only total

asset (TA) & total equity (TE) that are major determinants of share price of quoted

manufacturing companies with significant levels of 5% & 10% respectively. Howbeit, it is worthy

of note that the cost structures of human capital investments influences share prices of quoted

manufacturing companies. F statistics probability value (0.0000) of less than 5% shows the

overall model is of good fit. The observed improvement informs the use of FEM model results

for the further discussion, conclusions and policy recommendation.


This work verified whether market value of quoted manufacturing firms in Nigeria can be

affected by firms’ investment on its human capital. The novelty of the research analysis comes

from the regression of cost components of human capital investments disclosure based on the

analysis of audited corporate financial statements and the work analyzed the descriptive

statistics and used panel data econometrical approaches to verify whether human capital cost

disclosures could affect share prices. Findings revealed that the measure of human capital cost

exerts a positive and a considerable relevance to market value, which therefore implies that the

nature and form of investments on human capital require them to be considered as capital

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 2.956570 3.367172 0.878057 0.3807

LNSW? 0.057771 0.137196 0.421085 0.6740

LNRBC? -0.132199 0.090125 -1.466851 0.1435

LNTA? 0.492368 0.217501 2.263752 0.0244**

LNOEC? 0.090853 0.086611 1.048986 0.2951

LNTL? 0.191801 0.164571 1.165460 0.2448

LTR? 0.280617 0.335193 0.837182 0.4032

LNTE? 0.126521 0.067414 1.876778 0.0616*

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expenditure rather than recurrent expenditure as conventional accounting system treat it and

that the capitalization of human resource investment in the annual reports has the propensity to

increase corporate image of the company.

Therefore, the policy implication in this regard involves the need for listed manufacturing

companies in Nigeria to recognize and treat human capital as an intangible asset in their

financial statement and a certain amount should be amortized over a certain number of years.

Hence the conventional way of treating human resource costs should be dropped. In addition, in

this era of globalization, where emphasis is placed on knowledge based assets and intellectual

capital (and human capital being an important component of intellectual capital). Human capital

reporting and capitalization should therefore be considered for an inclusion in the international

Financial Reporting Standard issued by the International Accounting Standard Committee

(IASC), since IFRS is fast growing globally and being adopted by most countries of the world.

Finally, the statutory regulators of Nigerian capital market such as Security and Exchange

Commission (SEC), and Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) should enforce and encourage

capitalization of human resource costs in the annual reports of companies since such

capitalization has impetus to increase market performance and value of companies.


This study can open the horizons for the forthcoming studies to investigates human capital

theories and not just critically examine the determinants and components of human capital

accounting information alone. Also, further studies may look at the comparative analysis of

human capital accounting information disclosure between sectors, as this will help financial

managers, policy makers, analysts and researchers to understand specific behaviors of human

capital reporting indicators in relations with corporate market values.


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