Human body systems (booklet review)

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Human body systems (booklet review)

Human Body Systems

Muscular System


Helps you move

Provides stability (balance)

Protects body & organs

Regulates body temperature

Major parts/organs:

Skeletal muscles

Smooth muscles

Cardiac muscles

Muscular System

Interactions: Works with bones to help you move

Works with digestive system organs to help move food along

Works with circulatory system to help heart pump blood

Maintaining Homeostasis: Helps regulate body temp. (shivering)

Pumping heart faster when more oxygen is needed

Skeletal System


Provides support

Helps you move

Protects internal organs

Produces blood cells & stores fat & calcium

Major parts/organs:

Compact & spongy bone tissue

Bone marrow


Skeletal System


Works with muscles to help you move

Supplies blood cells for circulatory system

Maintaining Homeostasis:

Supplies calcium to your nerves, muscles, and heart

Digestive System


Ingesting food (eating)

Digesting food – breaking it down into nutrients

Absorbing nutrients

Getting rid of wastes

Major parts/organs:

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines

Digestive System


Works with muscular system to move food through the body

Works with the excretory system to get rid of wastes

Maintaining Homeostasis:

Provides nutrients that are carried by the circulatory system (blood) throughout the body, which provides energy

Excretory System


Collecting & eliminating wastes

Regulating the level of fluid in the body

Major parts/organs:





Excretory System


Works with nervous system to regulate fluid levels in body

Works with digestive system to get rid of wastes

Works with circulatory system to regulate blood pressure

Maintaining Homeostasis:

Filters waste from the blood

Removes wastes from digestive system

Respiratory System


Taking in oxygen

Eliminating carbon dioxide

Major parts/organs:


Larynx & trachea

Bronchi & lungs


Respiratory System


Works with muscular system to help you breathe

Maintaining Homeostasis:

Works with circulatory system to bring oxygen to cells & get rid of carbon dioxide

Circulatory System


Carries food, water, oxygen, & other materials to your body’s cells

Carries away waste materials

Major parts/organs:


Blood vessels: arteries, veins, capillaries

Circulatory System


Works with respiratory system to transport oxygen to cells

Works with digestive system to transport nutrients

Transports hormones from the endocrine system

Maintaining Homeostasis:

Works with nervous system to regulate heartbeat

Lymphatic System


Absorbs tissue fluid from around cells

Absorbs fats & transports them to blood (circulatory system)

Filters dead cells, viruses, bacteria, & other unneeded particles

Helps fight off illness & infections

Major parts/organs:

Lymph, lymph vessels, lymph nodes

Bone marrow, thymus, spleen, tonsils

Lymphatic System


Works with circulatory system to clean fluids & replace them in the bloodstream

Works with digestive system to absorb & transport fats

Maintaining Homeostasis:

Helps regulate fluid buildup around cells

Nervous System


Gathers information from senses

Responds to stimuli (change in internal or external environment)

Maintains homeostasis

Major parts/organs:

Neurons (nerve cells)

Central nervous system: brain & spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system

Nervous System


Works with muscles to move

Works with circulatory system to regulate heartbeat

Works with respiratory system to breathe

Maintaining Homeostasis:

Senses changes in environment & responds by sending signals to other systems

Reproductive System


Male: produce sperm cells

Female: produce egg cells & to nourish & protect the developing human (fetus)

Major parts/organs:

Male: testis, penis, sperm

Female: ovary, egg, vagina, uterus

Reproductive System


Works with endocrine system to control menstrual cycle, sperm production, and childbirth

Maintaining Homeostasis:

Does not help the body to maintain homeostasis