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“contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” jude 3 — vol. 4 no. 1

In God We Trust, But In Securities We Invest The U.S. government allows religious groups to use their tax-exempt status to invest in stocks and bonds. The churches are taking millions of dollars and using them to buy shares of stock of worldly businesses for profit. Millions more are given to investment compa-nies in the form of loans or bonds in exchange for the original investment plus interest on the money. The churches have taken advantage of this tax-free in-vestment “privilege” and are taking huge risks in hopes of enjoying great profits. God’s “sacred” offerings are being invested in utility stocks, industrial stock, insur-ance stock, preferred stock, US treasury notes, federal agency bonds, federal government bonds, and in indus-trial and utility bonds. All of it virtually tax free with a 1031 Exchange transaction—an arrangement used to avoid paying taxes. One of the common arguments put forth by those who support investing church money in stocks is: “There is nothing dishonest or immoral about aspiring a substan-tial return on investing. The farmer hopes to be paid well for his crops, the factory worker seeks a good wage for his labor, and the merchant tries to sell his goods for more than he paid for them. Therefore, it is not wrong to try to better the church economically by investing in securities.” Some may even argue that in Jesus’ day there was no modern stock market, and so we don’t really know what position He would have taken. However, the con-cepts of greed, selfishness, the love of money, and the desire to get rich fast are familiar concepts that exist in every generation. Christians, on the other hand, are already rich. Jesus says, “Buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich” (Rev. 3:18). He also warned against the dan-ger of trusting in riches: “So is he that layeth up treas-ure for himself, and is not rich toward God” (Luke 12:21). No one can deny that the investment and security mar-kets are dominated by one goal—to make lots of money and become rich. Most of today’s day traders and investors take wild risks in hopes of making a great of deal money. People get into the stock business with the hopes of gaining something personally—for profit. And even non-profit organizations want to make prof-its from their investments, tax free. Every year the U.S. Security and Exchange Commis-sion [(202) 942-8088], whose job is to protect investors and maintain integrity in the securities market, initiates between 400-500 lawsuits against investment advisors, stock-exchangers, broker-dealers, and corporate leaders for breaking security laws such as insider trading, ac-counting fraud, or for providing false or misleading information. Today, the so-called “prudent investing” has become no different from the Las Vegas-style gambling casi-nos. Many CEOs and CFOs have carried out their pur-suits for profit too far, consequently causing harm to others—Enron and WorldCom being two notable ex-amples. “How long will the Lord suffer oppression of the poor that rich men may hoard wealth? These men are heap-ing together treasures for the last days. Their money is placed where it does no one any good. To add to their millions, they rob the poor, and the cries of the starving are no more to them than the barking of a dog. But the Lord marks every act of

Evangelical Leader Threatens to Use His Political Muscle Against Democrats New York Times January 1, 2005 By David D. Kirkpatrick Colorado Springs, Colorado—James C. Dobson, the na-tion's most influential evangelical leader, is threatening to put six potentially vulnerable Democratic senators "in the 'bull's-eye' " if they block conservative appointments to the Supreme Court. In a letter his aides say is being sent to more than one mil-lion of his supporters, Dr. Dobson, the child psychologist and founder of the evangelical organization Focus on the Family, promises "a battle of enormous proportions from sea to shining sea" if President Bush fails to appoint "strict constructionist" jurists or if Democrats filibuster to block conservative nominees. Dr. Dobson recalled the conservative efforts that helped in the November defeat of Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the Senate minority leader who led Democrats in using the filibuster to block 10 of Mr. Bush's judicial nominees. "Let his colleagues beware," Dr. Dobson warned, "especially those representing 'red' states. Many of them will be in the 'bull's-eye' the next time they seek re-election." He singled out Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Dayton of Minnesota, Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico and Bill Nelson of Flor-ida. All six are up for re-election in 2006. In an interview in his office in Colorado Springs, Dr. Dobson acknowledged that his plunge into partisan politics had —continued on page 5

—continued on page 6

Dr. James Dobson, “the nation’s most influential evangelical leader,” has declared war on six top Democrats in the U.S. Sen-ate. Dobson’s warning to the six is simple: Try to block confirma-tion of President Bush's judicial nominees, and millions of Chris-tians will defeat you in 2006.

U.S. Secretary of State Discusses Middle East and Religious Freedom with Vatican Officials

VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 2005 (Vatican Information Service) - Today Tuesday, February

8, 2005, Condoleezza Rice, U.S. secretary of State, accom-panied by an official delegation, visited Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano who was accompanied by Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, secretary for Relations with States, Msgr. Pietro Parolin, under-secretary, and other officials from the Se-cretariat of State.

At the beginning of their cordial meeting which lasted for almost an hour, Cardinal Sodano pre-sented the Holy Father's greet-

ings to his guest, asking her to pass them on to U.S. President Bush. In turn, Condoleezza Rice, in the name of President Bush, of the American people, and in her own name, ex-pressed best wishes for a speedy recovery of His Holiness.

An exchange of opinions followed on various international problems, with particular reference to the Holy Land, to the Middle East, and to the situation in other Asian countries. Attention was also given to the theme of religious freedom in various parts of the world. Fi-nally, certain questions concerning bilateral relations were considered, reaffirming the will to collaborate in safeguarding and promoting spiritual values.

page 2 the eternal gospel herald — volume 4, no. 1

The Very Lucrative “Not-for-profit” Adventist Healthcare Business Richard Scruggs was the Mississippi litigation attorney who battled and defeated the big tobacco corporations over decades of allegedly deceitful advertising and illegal marketing of tobacco products aimed at children. This was part of an historic settlement in which seven tobacco companies agreed to certain restrictions on their marketing practices and to pay $286 billion over 25 years to 46 states, the District of Columbia, and five US territories. Richard Scruggs and his legal team have now declared war against the non-profit hospital industry by initiating lawsuits against 13 of the nation’s largest, non-profit hos-pital chains, including Adventist Health Systems. In a 33 page class action lawsuit filed in the state of Colorado, Richard Scruggs and his legal experts have built a moun-tain of evidence against Centura Health Corporation—a health care system that is jointly owned and operated by Catholic Health Initiatives and Adventist Health Systems, challenging their business and accounting practices. Scruggs, whose $286 billion settlement against cigarette makers made history and netted him a fortune, believes that this new fight will likely be even bigger. A team of consultants working under Scruggs’ direction have been amassing evidence against 13 of the nation’s largest non-profit hospital chains accusing them of sys-tematically defrauding the American public. The suits provides a glimpse into the secret dealings of the “non-profit” hospital industry. In 1994 Scruggs was able to convince Mississippi’s Attor-ney General Michael Moore to join him in his lawsuit against the cigarette makers. He is also hoping to con-vince several states to join him against the non-profit health systems. Because the class action alleges abuse of public funds and resources, Scruggs is hopeful that a num-ber of state attorneys generals “will take notice of this and take action.” Scruggs says the legal argument behind the suits is a fairly simple one—A non-profit hospital, in order to obtain free-dom from taxation, has to prove that they provide charity care. The recipients of that care, he says, should be the poor and uninsured. But the suits’ plaintiffs contend that non-profit hospitals have systematically turned back from their obligation, ignoring charity care in order to make big profits and make more money—thus defrauding the state and government from paying taxes and neglecting the poor and uninsured. The suit seeks undisclosed damages, including “revenues in an amount sufficient to provide the Plaintiffs and the class mutually affordable medical care.” Given the num-ber of plaintiffs, the extent of health care industry’s hold-ings, and the nature of the damages being sought, the damages could easily surpass the tobacco industry’s set-tlement. These are hospitals that have “amassed and horded bil-lions” Scruggs says. He contends in this class-action law-suit that the cash assets of the nation’s non-profit hospital chains could actually exceed the assets of all 50 states. What’s more, Scruggs argues, the organizations named in his suit have not only failed to act like the charities they claim to be, they’ve actually been overcharging uninsured patients by as much as 200 percent or more. The alleged price-gouging of the uninsured, the lawsuit asserts, has turned non-profit hospitals into some of the nation’s rich-est corporations, with cash reserves and assets totaling billions. The plaintiffs’ lawsuit states that it’s an abuse of public trust and public funds.

Rendering Not Unto Caesar Nor Unto God


—continued on page 3

the eternal gospel herald — volume 4, no. 1 page 3

Adventists to Pay $20 Mil-lion to Settle Fraud Charges The Washington Times October 28, 2004 Florida Health Care Firms to Pay $20 Million Miami, FL, Oct. 28— A group of Florida health facilities has agreed to pay $20 million to settle allegations it overcharged Medicare, the Justice Department said Thursday. Winter Park, Adventist Health System, Sunbelt Healthcare Corp., three affiliated hospitals and a management company that administered ambulance operations at the three hospitals agreed to the settlement. The government alleged they charged for am-bulance transports for patients that were not medically necessary. The government further alleged that Regional Emergency Ser-vices and the hospitals created false physician certifications for the medical necessity of ambulance transports operated by the hospitals, and submitted or caused to be submitted claims to Medicare. The suit alleges that the false claims were submitted during 1993 through 2000 in the case of Florida Hospital Water-man and Metroplex Adventist Hospital, and 1993 through 1997 in the case of Huguley Memorial Medical Center. Two employee whistleblowers will receive a total of $2.4 mil-lion.

Just How Non-Profit?

Health care wasn’t always the cutthroat business it is today. A century ago, hos-pitals were mostly run by religious groups, and nearly all care was provided on a charity basis. But after the Great Depression, many smaller hospitals were in great need of conventional facilities and technology, so in 1946 the government passed the Hill-Burton Act to provide federal funds to hospitals that agreed to provide free charity care to surrounding communities. In 1972, a 20-year limit was placed on the free care requirement, and by the early 1990s, huge for-profit hospital chains, no longer bound by charity care obligations, began to buy up community non-profit hospitals and convert them into for-profit facilities. As the for-profit health systems merged into larger corporations, the remaining non-profits began to follow their counterparts, acting in many ways just like their for-profit competitors. They acquired modern medical equipment, began to accept insurance companies, and even began using collection agencies. In the process, charity care became almost forgotten. And today, communities that are hurting for cash are beginning to question the substantial tax breaks given to these so-called “non-profits.” Some have even started to question the hospitals’ claims of providing “community benefits.”

Disreputable Collection Practices

The suits filed by Scruggs and his colleagues focus on the non-profit hospitals’ aggressive and misleading collection practices with regard to uninsured pa-tients. The plaintiffs allege that they were harassed by a collections agency for months until their wages were eventually garnished to pay the bill, even though their income was well below poverty level. The lawsuit claims that this is a typical scenario for these “non-profit” hospitals. When a patient walks into their facilities, they are made to sign a guarantee of payment, without distinguishing if they can pay or not—or whether they qualify for the free charity that they are suppose to supply in exchange for the tax-free status. So after signing a guaran-tee of payment, without even knowing how much they will be charged, when the bill is finally sent and they can’t pay, the collection efforts begin with letters and harassing phone calls. Then an outside collection agency is brought in and more threatening letters and calls are made. If that fails, they file suit and get a judgment and garnish the patients wages or place a lien on their property. Many others are forced into bankruptcy. The problem with this, the lawsuit explains, is that these non-profit hospitals don’t attempt to determine early in the process who can and can’t pay, so that patients can be offered charity care and spared the trauma of aggressive collections practices.

Uninsured and Overcharged

The bottom line, states the litigation, is that non-profit hospitals are making big money while failing to live up to their community obligations. Among the counts listed in the class actions are breach of contract, breach of duty of good faith and fair dealing, consumer fraud and deception, breach of charitable trust and unjust enrichment. They also call for protective orders requiring defendants to stop overcharging the uninsured, and to cease aggressive collection efforts without first informing patients of possible payment options.

Becoming Rich Through Deceit

“For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich.” Jeremiah 5:26-27. “The physician [health-care workers] is as much under obligation to represent pure and undefiled religion in his business transactions as is any other man in any profession. He is required to love and obey God, to relieve the sick and af-flicted, for Christ's sake. The love and pity of Christ must pervade the soul, and the physician that has the fear of God before his eyes will deal tenderly with Christ’s poor, and justly with all men; for he will realize that he must meet the record of the deeds done in the body at the judgment bar of God. All work done for Christ’s sake, unselfishly, will obtain a quality, achieve a success, beyond all earthly compensation; for Christ’s righteousness will be imputed to such a worker. Every physician should be inspired by the love of Christ, that his work may have upon it the fashioning hand of the great Physician. In Christ we be-hold the characteristics of the true physician.” Manuscript Releases Vol. 1, p. 208. According to the United States Department of Justice records, on Friday De-cember 2, 2000, Adventist Health Systems reimbursed the United States Gov-ernment $8.7 million to settle allegations that Adventist hospitals overcharged Medicare patients. And on Thursday October 28, 2004, Adventist Health Sys-tems paid the U.S. Government $20.3 million dollars to settle “fraud” claims. [This information can be verified by calling the Department of Justice Press Of-fice at (202) 514-2007 or by visiting].

—The Editors

—continued from page 3

Thomas L. Werner has served as president of Adventist Health System since 2000.

Donald L. Jernigan, Ph.D. is executive vice president of Adventist Health System and CEO of Florida Hospital and the Florida Division.

Adventist Health System Corporate Office 111 North Orlando Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407-647-4400 Fax: 407-975-1469 For more information regarding the organization, please call, write, or send an e-mail to Garrett Nudd, Communications De-partment, at

Terry Shaw is senior vice president and chief financial officer of Adventist Health System.

Robert Henderschedt is senior vice presi-dent of administration for Adventist Health System.

Brent Snyder is senior vice president and Information Services officer for Adventist Health System.

Centura Accused of Gouging—Suit Alleges Hospital Chain Overcharges Uninsured Patients

Hospitals in Mississippi and Four Other States Named in Federal Lawsuit

page 4 the eternal gospel herald — volume 4, no. 1

By Karen Abbott, Rocky Mountain News, June 23, 2004 A Wheat Ridge man with no health insurance has sued Colorado's larg-est hospital chain, alleging that it overcharges uninsured patients. Scott Ferguson, 51, a retired keyboard musician and artist, wants U.S. Dis-trict Judge Richard Matsch to declare his lawsuit a class action on be-half of people who don't have health insurance. Ferguson's lawsuit, like similar suits filed recently in several other states, contends that some large hospital chains charge uninsured pa-tients far more than they charge patients whose health care costs are covered by government programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, or by private insurance. Hospitals negotiate discounts with the government and insurance com-panies. Nonprofit hospitals are tax-exempt based on their promises to provide charity care to needy people, according to the lawsuits. Centura Health Corp., the defendant in Ferguson's lawsuit, operates more than a dozen hospitals in Colorado. Centura spokeswoman Laura Wegscheid said company officials still were reviewing the lawsuit Tuesday and could not comment on it. Ferguson said Centura charged him $66,900 for a six-day stay at its St. Anthony Central Hospital in Denver last December. He said he went to the hospital with severe breathing difficulties, was told he had pneumo-nia and then was told he had heart trouble. He said the hospital would have charged a patient with private insur-ance about $9,000, and a patient covered by Medicare about $8,000, for the same care.

Those figures come from a Los Angeles-based advocacy group called Consejo de Latinos Unidos and its executive director, K.B. Forbes, Fer-guson said. Forbes and the group have accused other large hospital chains in the United States of gouging uninsured patients. Ferguson said he made one payment on his $66,900 hospital bill before he learned on the Internet about Forbes, Consejo de Latinos Unidos and the allegations of overcharging. He said Centura has rejected his offer to pay what a Medicare or pri-vate insurance patient would be charged, plus 30 percent. "They keep saying, 'Come talk to our counselor about charity,' " Fergu-son said, "and I keep writing back, 'I don't want your charity.' "This is the whole thing," he said. "I don't need their charity, nor would anybody else if they weren't overcharging so much. "It really frosts me that this is a religious organization." Centura's sponsors are Catholic Health Initiatives and Adventist Health System. Ferguson's lawsuit was filed late Monday by several Alabama-based lawyers, including Archie C. Lamb Jr., a class-action specialist who is part of a consortium of lawyers filing suits against large health care corporations. Another lawyer involved in the cases, Richard Scruggs of Pennsyl-vania, said in a news release Tuesday that lawsuits similar to Fergu-son's were filed this week in Arizona, Illinois, Missouri and Texas. Suits previously were filed in another 13 states, Scruggs said.

Thursday, July 8, 2004 Associated Press Six more nonprofit hospitals were named Wednesday in federal class-action lawsuits that allege the hospitals inflated the extent of their char-ity care while using strong-arm tactics to obtain payments from unin-sured patients. The latest round of suits filed in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, New Jersey and Oklahoma brings the total number of hospitals named to 27 in 15 states. “The lawsuits charge the defendants with requiring their uninsured pa-tients to pay unfair and unreasonable health care prices that are far in excess of the discounted amounts accepted by these same defendants from their insured patients,” attorney Richard Scruggs of Oxford said in an e-mail sent to The Associated Press Wednesday. Primarily, the suits claim the hospitals failed to provide charitable medical care to poor patients in exchange for enjoying tax exemptions. The lawsuits represent only one side of a legal argument. Scruggs has said the hospitals are amassing vast fortunes at the expense of those who can't afford high health care prices while operating more like for-profit businesses than not-for-profits. Scruggs claims that in some cases, such as in Mississippi, large invest-ment losses at health care systems have obscured the reality that the hospitals themselves are operating at a profit. St. Dominic Health Services of Jackson reported investment losses of almost $31.3 million in 2002, while the hospital itself reported a profit of over $7.2 million in the same period, Scruggs said, citing IRS fil-ings. St. Dominic reported over $187 million in total cash and invest-ments at the end of 2002, according to Scruggs. Both St. Dominic

Health Inc. and St. Dominic-Jackson Memorial Hospital were named in the suit. Barry Plunkett, St. Dominic's senior vice president, said hospital offi-cials have not had time to thoroughly review the lawsuit. He said hos-pital officials need time to review the suit and see which numbers could have been taken out of context. "In our books, practice, and our hearts, we know we practice good medicine and fairly," Plunkett said. The class-action lawsuits filed Wednesday also name Lee Memorial Health Systems, Florida Hospital Healthcare System Inc. and Florida Hospital and Adventist Health Systems, all in Florida. In Georgia, the Medical College of Georgia was named. A suit was filed against Integris Health Systems in Oklahoma. The American Hospital Association is named as a conspirator in all of the cases. The suits claim the AHA, the industry's trade association, provides substantial advice to the nonprofit hospitals on billing and collection practices and other aspects of hospital operations. AHA spokeswoman Alicia Mitchell has called the lawsuits "baseless and misdirected." The lawsuits claim the hospitals used "creative" ac-counting practices to "grossly distort the small amount of charity care they provide to uninsured patients." Scruggs has said the complaint has been brought by a group of lawyers from law firms across the country, many of whom have worked to-gether in the tobacco litigation cases. Scruggs made his fortune suing asbestos companies before he made millions suing the tobacco indus-try. In the past, Scruggs said he expected to earn about $844 million from tobacco lawsuits, including $366 million in fees from a Missis-sippi suit.

irrevocably changed his public image. "I can't go back, nor do I want to," he said. "I will probably endorse more candi-dates. This is a new day. I just feel a real need to make use of this visibil-ity." He said that despite initial concerns, his political activities did not appear to have diverted donations from Focus on the Family. He created a sister lob-bying organization during the last election, and the two organizations' com-bined budgets grew to a projected $146 million in 2004, from about $130 million in 2003, with a target of $170 million for 2005. Dr. Dobson said he was prepared for some disappointments from Mr. Bush. For example, he said, when the president says the country is not ready to overturn the Supreme Court precedents supporting abortion rights, "it both-ers me a lot." But Dr. Dobson said he was confident that the president

the eternal gospel herald — volume 4, no. 1 page 5 —continued form page 1 would appoint socially conservative nominees for the courts. He said of

Mr. Bush, "He does not take the bully pulpit and use it effectively." He added, "But when the chips are down, he does the right thing." Dr. Dobson said he was concentrating his political activities mainly on the court. "The next battle will be over the replacement for Rehnquist," he said, referring to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who is being treated for thyroid cancer. "That is not something we can just yawn about." He said he was hoping that Mr. Daschle's defeat would scare other Democrats. Dr. Dobson said he had been working for Mr. Daschle's defeat since August 2003, when he attended a rally to support Roy S. Moore, then chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, in his unsuccessful legal battle to keep a monument to the Ten Commandments in his courthouse. The crowd's reac-tion demonstrated the depth of popular resentment of liberal court deci-sions, Dr. Dobson said.

“So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” Matthew 24:33

The bird flu outbreak in Asia has prompted a ban on chicken imports. Recently, the virus has killed five people in Vietnam.

On January 2, 2005, Canada confirmed its sec-ond case of mad cow disease, just days after the United States said it planned to reopen its bor-der to Canadian beef.

The number of people believed to have perished in December's 2004 tsunamis stood at 273,435, more than two months after the disaster. The earthquake measured 9.0, making it the largest quake worldwide in four decades.

A series of massive rain storms caused flooding, mudslides, destruction, tornadoes, downed power lines, and death in California. This is a scene of a massive mudslide that buried homes in La Conchita, California on January 11, 2005.

Fifteen tropical storms formed in the North At-lantic during the 2004 hurricane season. Three of these became hurricanes and six became ma-jor hurricanes causing death and destruction.

During the months of February and March 2005, the daily newspaper’s headlines reported major violent clashes between police and pro-testers in Beirut, Lebanon; Mexico City, Mex-ico; La Paz, Bolivia; Gijon, Spain; Istanbul, Turkey; Bratislava, Slovakia; Seoul, Korea; Hebron, Palestine; Mainz, Germany; Beijing, China; Brussels, Belgium; Togo, West Africa; and in the nations of Cambodia, Bangladesh, Kashmir, and Nepal. Violent prison riots were reported in Dominican Republic, Lima, Peru, and Cordoba, Argentina. Deaths were reported in many of these incidents.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome [SARS], the mystery illness that was first identified in Asia appears to be continuing to spread, both in the United States and elsewhere, federal health authorities have stated.

oppression. No cry of suffering is unheard by Him. Those who today are scheming to ob-

tain more and more money, putting in operation plans that mean to the poor starvation, will in the last great day stand face to face with their deeds of oppression and injustice.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, p. 57.

No doubt the hearts of men are clinging to this world’s goods as if the earth with all its glory was never going to pass away.

The Moneychangers Much greed and selfishness permeated the Jewish temple in the days of Christ. Jewish and non-Jewish pilgrims from all over the world would come to Jerusalem to seek after God during Passover time at the Temple. Once they arrived, the foreigners would have to deal with the moneychang-ers. Since there was no acceptance of foreign money, the moneychangers would either sell “temple coinage” at a very high rate of exchange plus a fee for their services, or sell sacrificial animals at highly inflated prices. With over a million pilgrims flocking the Temple during Passover, the money-changers would cash in on and overcharge the worshipers. The priests also greatly profited from the moneychangers. “Every Jew was required to pay yearly a half shekel as ‘a ransom for his soul;’ and the money thus collected was used for the support of the temple. Ex. 30:12-16. Besides this, large sums were brought as freewill offerings, to be deposited in the temple treasury. And it was required that all foreign coin should be changed for a coin called the temple shekel, which was accepted for the service of the sanctuary. The money changing gave opportunity for fraud and extortion, and it had grown into a disgraceful traffic, which was a source of revenue to the priests.” Desire of Ages p. 155.

When Jesus arrived, He “overthrew the tables of the moneychangers” (Mark 11:15) and called the temple a den of thieves and a house of merchandise. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is not immune from this practice and has its own stake in securities. In the 2002 Annual Report given by the General Conference’s Treasurer, we see how carefully the churches are watching the world markets in order to assess the holding they have invested there: “As of the end of August, GC investments totaled $82.6 million. Of this approximately $16.8 million is in stocks that would generally track with the Standard & Poor 500 index. To help the delegates perceive the impact of the stock point change in the S&P 500 stock index means ap-proximately a $20,000 change to the value of the GC's investments. So far there has been a $6 million decline.” —2002 Annual Council Report by GC Treasurer Robert Lemon “GC Faces Major Financial Challenges” para-graph 6 []. In other words, the church is closely watching the markets because when the S&P 500 goes up one point the church makes $20,000. If it goes down 10 points the church looses $200,000 and so on. Just remember this the time that you put money in the offering plates on Sabbath. Millions of those dol-lars are being diverted to worldly businesses that are open on the Sabbath—so that those offerings can be multiplied though secular commerce. It’s important to note that these figures do not include any securities owned or invested by the individual conferences from each division, nor the securi-ties owned by Adventist health institutions, schools, fraternal organizations, associations, subsidiaries, charities, special ministry, and so on. Every de-partment has its own investment portfolios. How large are these tax-free investments? No one knows. It is almost impossible for any one person, including church officials, to find out just how much money Seventh-day Adventist institutions have invested in securities because of the diversity of names used to conceal church portfolios. It is a common practice for or-ganizations and individuals to put their investment holdings under different names. Thousands of accounts handled by banks have code names that even expert investigators have often been frustrated in trying to establish identi-ties. Notice Sister White’s counsel on this subject with regards to the Lord’s money: “My brother, will you make an investment to secure the heavenly pearl of great price?...This is mining stock, in which you may invest without running a risk of disappointment. But, my dear friend, we have not a dollar of the Lord's money to invest in mining enterprises in this world.” Counsels on Stewardship, p. 243. “The church cannot measure herself by the world...” Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 83.

If God, through His prophet, stated that not even “a dollar” of His money should be invested in worldly enterprises, why then should we risk millions of dollars of God’s money in the secular markets of finance? To seek a profit? Has God run out of money? Is the church’s financial success de-pendent upon the financial success of the world? Are we going to give all our profit earnings to Jesus as a gift when He returns the second time?

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—continued from page 1 How many missionary workers could be sent throughout the world if these funds were invested for the Lord’s work? How many people would benefit from the true medical missionary work? How many Earth’s Final Warning messages containing the truth for this hour could be placed so that the world could be warned, Christ can come, and we can finally go home and inherit our true riches!

“If every watchman on the walls of Zion had given the trumpet a certain sound, the world might ere this have heard the message of warning. But the work is years behind. While men have slept, Satan has stolen a march upon us.” Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 29.

Because non-profit organizations are not required to disclose their invest-ment portfolios, it is almost impossible to know the extent of their losses due to the accounting improprieties in the securities market when major cor-porations file for bankruptcy. Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and a host of other companies that have recently experienced a financial fallout are just a collection of assets owned by shareholders and managed by executives [most corporations are created this way]. In between the shareholders and executives are the stockbrokers and day traders that buy and sell portions of the company. We see just a glimpse of the greed, the selfishness, and the conflicts that exist between these complex relationships when the inner workings are brought to light in federal court systems through lawsuits. For example, the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. initiated a lawsuit [Litigation Release No. 15307 / March 26, 1997] against David I. Namer, a financial advisor based in Memphis, Tennessee. He was accused of selling fraudulent notes from a corporation called North-star Leasing. These notes were not insured and were sold to hundreds of investors across this nation. He was convicted in August 20, 2002 of 93 felony counts for securities fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, and money laun-dering. One of his victims was the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. In the 37-page indictment, David I. Namer’s overt acts of fraud #134 states: “Between on or about May 31, 1996 and August 6, 1996, DAVID I. NAMER caused the General Conference of Seventh Day Ad-ventists to purchase $2,500,000 in Northstar notes.” “Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?” Job 14:4. Because the hearts of men are filled with selfishness and greed, we should not be at all surprised when the church is defrauded by the world in business. In fact, what business does the church have in owning shares of worldly corpora-tions that are open on the Lord’s day and violate God’s commandments? What business does God’s church have with the merchants of the world if not to preach the three angels’ messages? God says, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house.” Mal. 3:10 In Where? The Lord says in “My [mine] house,” and not into worldly busi-nesses. Remember this the next time you give your tithes and offerings: millions of those dollars are being diverted to worldly business in order to make profit. In Amos 8:5-6 we read about how the children of Israel could-n’t wait until the Sabbath was over so that they could once again engage in buying and selling. The Lord’s response is very fearful: “The LORD hath sworn by the excellency of Jacob, Surely I will never forget any of their works. Shall not the land tremble for this.” Amos 8:7-8. Yet today Advent-ists don’t have to wait for the Sabbath to be over because they now own shares of worldly businesses that can make them money during the Sab-bath! “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. Isa. 55:8. In Jeremiah’s day (Jeremiah 17:20-27) one of the reasons for Israel’s cap-tivity in Babylon was for breaking the Sabbath day. “If the admonitions to obey the Lord God of their fathers and to hallow His Sabbath day were not heeded, the city and its palaces would be utterly destroyed by fire.” Proph-ets and Kings, pp. 412-413.

Is it possible that we are getting ready to become captive by Spiritual Baby-lon today for violating the Lord’s Sabbath day? Despite the economic profit, do we really secure the Lord’s blessing by profiting from those who violate the Sabbath day, or by partnering with them? The desire to get rich quickly through high-risk investing drowns out the biblical voice that coun-sels us to work hard like the humble ant, which despite its insect intelli-gence, it has the intellect to sustain itself for future needs. “Go to the ant...consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the har-vest.” Prov. 6:6-8. Matthew recorded Jesus’ parable [Matt. 25:14-30] of the talents primarily to illustrate that the leaders of Israel would be held ac-countable to God for their stewardship of the nation. Many used this par-able to justify investing, but notice, he uses this as an illustration for Spiri-tual Investments. The punishment that the wicked steward received implies that doing nothing is as bad as thievery or reckless waste. Yet the master in the parable applauded the other two stewards for their faithfulness. We must remember that God remains the owner, and that His church’s talents must be put to work in His kingdom. —The Editors

the eternal gospel herald — volume 4, no. 1 page 7

Pope Tells Media They “Have Enormous Potential for Promoting Peace” VATICAN CITY, Vatican, January 24—Catholic News Agency (CNA) The Pope made public today his message for the 39th Day of Social Communications which is due to be held on May 8, 2005, on the theme: "The Communications Media: at the service of under-standing among peoples." The event will be held on the Feast of St. Francis of Sales, patron saint of journalists. Extracts from the message - which was published in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese - are given below: "The theme chosen for the 2005 World Communications Day - "The Communications Media: at the service of understanding among peoples" - addresses an urgent need: to pro-mote the unity of the human family." "One important way of achieving this end is through education. The media can teach bil-lions of people about other parts of the world and other cultures. ... Accurate knowledge promotes understanding, dispels prejudice, and awakens the desire to learn more. ..." When others are portrayed in hostile terms, seeds of conflict are sown. ... Instead of building unity and understanding, the media can be used to demonize other social, eth-nic and religious groups, fomenting fear and hatred." Those responsible for the style and content of what is communicated have a grave duty to ensure that this does not happen. Indeed, the media have enormous potential for pro-moting peace and building bridges between peoples." "If such a contribution to peace-making is one of the significant ways the media can bring people together, its influence in favor of the swift mobilization of aid in response to natu-ral disasters is another." It was heartening to see how quickly the international community responded to the recent tsunami that claimed countless victims." "The Second Vatican Council reminded us: 'If the media are to be correctly employed, it is essential that all who use them know the principles of the moral order and apply them faithfully."

Rediscover and Fully Experience Sunday as the Lord’s Day VATICAN CITY, JAN 21, 2005—Vatican Information Service (VIS) This morning, the Pope received members and counselors of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, who are participating in their plenary session on the theme: "Sunday Mass, center of Christian life in Latin America." "Participation in Sunday Mass," said the Pope, "is not only an important obligation, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church (no. 1389) makes quite clear, but above all a profound need of each faithful individual. It is not possible to experience faith without participating regularly in Sunday Mass: the sacrifice of redemption, the shared banquet of the Word of God and of the Bread of the Eucharist, heart of Christian life." John Paul II underlined the "renewed efforts" by pastors of the Church to "raise awareness of the centrality of Sunday in the ecclesial and social life of the men and women of today...To this end it is necessary to concentrate efforts on a better and more careful education and catechesis of the faithful about the Eucharist, and to ensure that the celebration is dignified and decorous, so that it inspires true respect and authentic piety in the face of the greatness of the Eucharistic mystery." "Sunday Mass," he went on, "must be correctly prepared by the celebrant, with a spiritual disposition which is then revealed in his words and gestures, just as the homily must be prepared in an appropriate way." On this subject, the Pope referred to the importance of choosing and preparing "the hymns, symbols and other elements that enrich the liturgy, always showing due respect for established norms, taking advantage of all the spiritual and pastoral richness of the Roman Missal and the directives proposed by the Congrega-tion for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments." The Holy Father concluded by asking the bishops, in collaboration with priests, religious and faithful, to give "the maximum commitment to reflecting on and deepening this essen-tial dimension of the sacramental life of the Church," and to work "to awaken an ever greater love for the Mystery of the Eucharist in their dioceses."

Dear Brother Perez, On behalf of Be-rean Company Church, we are so de-

lighted to have received your Earth’s Final Warning publication today! We are co-laborers together in this work, which will hopefully take a bit of pressure off you. It was a pleasure having you stay with us when you spoke here in Indianapolis. Teresa and I consider you our brother and friend. Jesus made it clear that our “true friends” are those who are about the work and will of the Father. God bless, Sincerely, Elder J. R. Ryder, Indiana. Faithful Eternal Gospel Workers: Hello from cold, win-try Indiana. I’m so glad Spring is right around the cor-ner. Thank you so much for the newsletter and for keeping us aware of world events. This is not a good time to be found unaware. We are praying for your continued faithfulness. Please pray for us. Jack & Barb Loudermilk, Indiana. Dear Pastor Perez: The Eternal Gospel Herald really is a voice that needs to be heard. I remember just a few years ago the denomination had you in court suing you over the name “Seventh-day Adventist.” Now I am hearing that the denomination has made a complete about face! They are considering to drop the name “Seventh-day” and we only retain “Adventist.” Some seem to believe that they may vote on it at the General Conference Session in St. Louis. Continue the good work with your billboards. Keep working and praying. Bill Allen, Alabama. Dear Sirs, I read a recent issue of The Eternal Gospel Herald. I like it very much. I believe that the truths that you bring out need to come to light everywhere, regard-less of any consequences. I had heard of the word “proselytism” but I didn’t understand it until I read about it in your newsletter. Now I understand that if the church doesn’t want to engage in “proselytism” then it should also give up the name Seventh-day Adventist, because it would have become like the other apostate worldly churches. When I give a Bible study, my pur-pose is to show them the truth and help to come out of Babylon. If we are going to leave people in darkness, then why are we called to be the light of the world? Please continue with your publication. Someone has to give a warning message to this world in confusion [Babylon]. Please send me five extra copies of your is-sue to my address. May God bless you in your work, Marina Romero, Puerto Rico. Eternal Gospel Church, Please send me additional infor-mation on the changing of the Sabbath day to Sunday. Thank you for the knowledge. Archie Porter, Ken-tucky. Dear Rafael Perez, Just wanted to say thanks for your publication. I love the one you sent me several months ago entitled, “New Adventist Billboards” Dropping the Distinctiveness of our message. The message in your publication is so timely and true and the way you con-vey it is sharper than a two edged sword. The SDA Church is truly yielding our peculiar and fearful warn-ing message in order to be in the good graces of a world lost in sin. I was really surprised that you were actually bold enough to name the names of those that have such a high profession of faith and yet are embracing a peace and safety message, and are turning their backs on the present truth. I believe that the listed names and organi-zations have slipped “unconsciously into the work in Satan’s lines.” “I would caution all believers to learn to maintain a godly jealousy over yourselves, lest Satan shall steal your heart away from God and you slip unconsciously into work in Satan’s lines, without perceiving that you have changed leaders, and be found in the treacherous power of a tyrant.” Selected Messages, vol. 3, p. 19. Thank you for your boldness in this time of universal cowardice. John Vega, California.


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U.S. President George W. Bush and first lady Laura leaving St. John's Episcopal Church with Rev. Luis Leon, in Washington January 20, 2005.

Bush Goes to Church at the Start of Inauguration Day Associated Press January 20, 2005 President Bush and his family have made the short trek from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church for a prayer service just ahead of his inauguration. The service is the first official inaugural event on a day that will include his swearing-in, a parade from the Capitol to the White House and a slew of inaugural balls. He was joined at the church by family members, aides and friends. Beforehand, the president started the last day of his first term with a family breakfast. Already, supporters and protesters are lining the parade route, trying to make sure they get a glimpse of the president as he returns to the White House after the swearing-in ceremony.

Faithful Bush Calls on God's Blessings

Bush Begins Second Term With Prayer Service Associated Press January 21, 2005 President Bush is starting the first full day of his second term by attending a prayer service at Washington's National Cathedral. The hour-long ceremony is the last official event of his inaugu-ration, which was steeped in reli-gious overtones. President Bush attended a similar service before his swearing-in yesterday and made references to God in his inaugural address. This morn-ing's event will include pastors from different faiths and from different regions of the country. Evangelist Billy Graham will be among those in the pulpit. This

will be Graham's eighth inaugural prayer service, though he did miss the last one due to illness.

Billy Graham (L) is joined by Roman Catholic Cardinal Keeler, Archbishop of Baltimore (C) and Orthodox Church of America Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan Herman, during the Presi-dential Inaugural Prayer Service in Washington, January 21, 2005.

U.S. President George W. Bush was joined by first lady Laura Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, and his wife, Lynne.

Before Inauguration

During Inauguration

After Inauguration

THE WASHINGTON TIMES January 21, 2005 By Julia Duin President Bush mixed images of the Almighty as a just ruler, as a judge, and as a freedom-loving deity in a speech that sur-passed his 2001 inaugural address in references to God. Barely one minute into the 21-minute discourse, he said, "every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the Maker of heaven and earth." A few minutes later, he addressed dictators with a quote from Abraham Lincoln: "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and, under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it." Mr. Bush's spiritual adviser, the Rev. Kirbyjon H. Caldwell of Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston, gave the benediction. "Respecting persons of all faiths," the clergyman said, "I humbly submit this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ." Mr. Caldwell prayed in the name of Jesus Christ four years ago during the benediction. The U.S. Marine Band followed up with "God of Our Fathers,"

a 19th-century hymn composed by Daniel Rob-erts. Mr. Bush swore his oath of of-fice on the fam-ily Bible, which his father used during his 1989 i n a u g u r a t i o n ceremony, end-ing with "So help me God," a phrase added by former Presi-dent George W a s h i n g t o n . Holding the Bi-ble was Su-preme Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who on Wednesday denied without comment California atheist Michael Newdow's lawsuit to prevent clergy-led inaugural prayers.

President George W. Bush, with one hand on the Bible, takes the Oath of Office from Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist during Inauguration ceremonies on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 20. 2005.