Html5 deciphered - designing concepts part 1

Post on 16-May-2015

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HTML5 is the new standard for developing Web Applications. Lets have a deeper look into it.

Transcript of Html5 deciphered - designing concepts part 1

HTML5 DecipheredPart 1 of a series of presentations

HTML5 – Part 1

HTML5 is Huge!!!

HTML5 consists of more than 100 specifications that relate to

the next generation of Web technologies. The specifications are

taken care by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

The W3C consists of staff, organizations and individuals

invested in helping to drive and define the future of the Web.

HTML5 specifications have moved through a five-stage

process from first draft to official recommendation.

Microsoft and HTML5 Relationship

1. Involvement of Microsoft with W3C

Microsoft has invested heavily in interoperability, creating

and submitting the single largest suite of test cases related to

HTML5 to the W3C.

2. Internet Explorer

Some HTML5 technologies already exist in Internet

Explorer 9, and others are being announced for Internet

Explorer 10 via Internet Explorer Platform Previews.


3. Microsoft development tools

In early 2011, Microsoft updated two of its development tools with

service packs: Visual Studio 2010 and Expression Web 4. The

service packs for both of these tools provided an HTML5 document

type for validation, as well as Intellisense for new HTML5 tags and


If you’re using Visual Studio 2010 SP1, you can enable the HTML5

Schema by clicking

Tools → Options → Text Editor → HTML → Validation → then

selecting the HTML5 option in the Target drop-down list as shown

in the Fig1.

You can also set HTML5 as the default schema from the HTML

Source Editing Toolbar in any HTML file, as shown in Fig2.

Once your default schema is set, you’ll gain Intellisense support in

Visual Studio new HTML tags. Fig3.

HTML5 is an umbrella term describing a set of HTML, CSS

and JavaScript specifications designed to enable developers

to build the next generation of Web sites and applications.

Simply defined, we can say :

HTML5 = HTML + CSS + Javascript


1. Tag Soup Problem: “badly-formed code”

2. New Tags and attributes:

Eg. section, article, aside, hgroup, nav, figure etc

3. Ability of the browser to be an application platform

4. Changed semantic meanings for existing items like Strong.

CSS3 vs CSS2

CSS3 offers a huge variety of new ways to create an impact

with your designs, with quite a few important changes.

The biggest change that is currently planned with CSS3 is the

introduction of modules.

The advantage to modules is that it allows the specification to

be completed and approved more quickly, because segments

are completed and approved in chunks. Some of these

modules include:

The Box Model, Lists Module, Hyperlink Presentation, Speech

Module,Backgrounds and Borders, Text Effects, Multi-

Column Layout.

This also allows browser and user-agent manufacturers to

support sections of the specification that they feel


CSS3 Problems

1. Vendor Specific Extensions

2. Partial implementation of new properties by browsers

3. No guaranty of W3C recommendation to all the properties in

the end.

4. Current implementation can cause messy and invalid sheets.

Using Browser-Specific Properties

-webkit- for Safari

-moz- for Firfox

-o- for Opera

-ms- for IE

Example :

.multiplecolumns {

-moz-column-width: 130px;;

-webkit-column-width: 130px;

-moz-column-gap: 20px;

-webkit-column-gap: 20px;

-moz-column-rule: 1px solid #ddccb5;

-webkit-column-rule: 1px solid #ddccb5;


Other Prefixes:

-Icab for Icab browser on apple Macintosh

-khtml for Konqueror browser (this is a linux browser)

*** A forked version of KHTML called Webkit is used by

several web browsers, among them Safari and Google


CSS Browser Support:

Some new features of CSS3:



Ruby Classes

CSS Flex Model


They will allow the designer/developer to select on much

more specific levels of the document.

Example using substring matching selectors :

<div id="box1_simple"></div>

<div id="box2_simple"></div>

<div id="box3_bordered"></div>

<div id="box4_colored"></div>

div[id^="box1"] { background:#ff0; }

div[id$="simple"] { background:#ff0; }

div[id*="4"] { background:#ff0; }

Pseudo Classes:

The new pseudo-classes allow us to dynamically style content

based on its position in the document or its state.

Types of the new pseudo-classes:

Structural Pseudo-Class

The Target Pseudo-Class

The UI Element States Pseudo-Classes

Negation Pseudo-Class

Negation Example :

:not(footer) { … }

Structural Exmaple :

ul li:nth-child(odd) {

background-color: #666;

color: #fff; }

Link to follow:

Ruby Classes :

These classes provide several properties for ruby tag. The HTML <ruby> tag is used for specifying Ruby

annotations, which is used in East Asian typography.

Ruby Element Example :

<p lang="zh-CN">...<ruby> 汉 <rt> hàn </rt>

字 <rt> zì </rt></ruby>...</p>

Output :

hàn zì

...汉 字 …

Ruby { ruby-align: right; ruby-position: above; ruby-overhang:

whitespace }

Ruby Structure:

Some other features of CSS3 are Border Radius, Border Images,

Box Shadow, RGBA colors, Opacity etc.

Core HTML5 Part:

Old Design

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<html xmlns="" lang="en">



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css" />

<script src="" type="text/javascript"


<style type="text/css"></style>


<body id="index"></body>


New Design:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en-US">


<meta charset="utf-8" />

<meta name="keywords" content="key, words" />

<meta name="description" content="description" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css" type="text/css" />

<title>Page Title</title>


<body> ...nav... article... sections...aside... footers... </body>


New Page Structure :


It’s used to tell validators and editors what tags and attributes

you can use and how the document should be formed. It’s

also used by a lot of web browsers to determine how the

browser will render the page.

Character encoding

It tells browsers and validators what set of characters to use

when rendering web pages.


Browsers, screen readers and other user agents use the lang

attribute to know what language the content should be

interpreted in.

Optimizing scripts and links

Include script and link declarations, but without the type attrb:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />

<script src="scripts.js"></script>

Since there is really only one standard scripting language and only

one styling language for the web right now. HTML5 makes type

officially optional, but still validates older documents that do

include the attribute.

Follow the link:

Core New Elements:


Is used to contain the headline(s) for a page and/or section. It

can also contain

supplemental information such as logos and navigational aids.


Contains information about a page and/or section, such as who

wrote it, links to

related information and copyright statements.


Contains the major navigation links for a page and, while not a

requirement, is often contained by header.


Contains information that is related to the surrounding content

but also exists independently, such as a sidebar or pull-



Is the most generic of the new structural elements, containing

content that can be grouped thematically or is related.


Is used for self-contained content that could be consumed

independent of the page as a whole, such as a blog entry.

*** Where these new tags will work in Opera, Safari, Chrome or

Firefox they will not function in Internet Explorer (version 8 and

earlier). The problem is that due to the way parsing works in IE,

these elements are not recognized properly.

This tutorial explains how to get HTML5 tags to work in IE8 and its

earlier releases.

It is possible to get HTML5 tags working in IE8 and earlier version

by including the document.createElement() JavaScript code in the

head of the HTML document. The basic idea is that by using

document.createElement(tagName) to create each of the

unrecognized elements, the parser in IE then recognizes those

elements and parses them correctly. The following code shows

the syntax for using the document.createElement.

document.createElement(“header” );

Question : When to Use Structural Elements?

Answer: Think about semantics of page.

HTML5 and Semantics


Contain the important text with the strong element:

<p><strong>Registration is required</strong> for this event.</p>

In previous versions of HTML, strong was used to indicate

strong emphasis. Now, in HTML5 strong indicates

importance, such as alerts and warnings.

<b> could be used for keywords, product names, or other

content whose text would typically be unique compared to

surrounding text such as a paragraph lead.

Other examples are marking(copyright statement), figures and

its caption, abbreviations, controlling list orders etc.


Other useful features for input fields:

Auto focus


Value restriction

Auto completion of text


Native Audio

Native? Yes.

That means no more ungainly object and embed. No more need

to deliver audio with a third-party plugin.

Add the audio element, with the src attribute referencing the

file location of your audio file and fallback content for older


<audio src="audio.mp3" controls>

Download <a href="audio.mp3">dummy audio</a>


Current Browser Support For HTML5 Native Audio Formats:

Preloading: <audio controls preload>


Is the same as a Boolean preload, and suggests that the browser

should begin downloading the file, but leaves the ultimate

action up to the browser. So, if it is a mobile situation or a

slow connection, the browser can decide not to preload in

order to save bandwidth.


Hints that the browser shouldn’t buffer the audio itself until the

user activates the controls, but metadata like duration and

tracks should be preloaded.


Suggests that the audio shouldn’t be downloaded until the user

activates the controls.

Fallback and Multiple Sources

<audio controls>

<source src="audio.ogg">

<source src="audio.mp3">

<object data="player.swf?audio=audio.mp3">

<param name="movie" value="player.swf?


Video and Flash are not supported by your browser.



Audio Properties and Functions


Whether the browser can play a particular type of media


The current playback position denoted in seconds


The length of the audio file in seconds


Start playback at the current position


Pause playback if the audio is actively playing

function playAt(seconds) {

var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];

audio.currentTime = seconds;;


function stopAudio() {

var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];

audio.currentTime = 0;



Use of Canvas For Displaying Waves

<audio src="audio.ogg"></audio>

<canvas width="512" height="100"></canvas>

<button title="Generate Waveform" onclick="genWave();">Generate



function genWave(){

var audio = document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0];

var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];

var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

audio.addEventListener("MozAudioAvailable", buildWave, false);

function buildWave (event){

var channels = audio.mozChannels;

var frameBufferLength = audio.mozFrameBufferLength;

var fbData = event.frameBuffer;

var stepInc = (frameBufferLength / channels) / canvas.width;

var waveAmp = canvas.height / 2;

canvas.width = canvas.width;


context.moveTo(0, waveAmp - fbData[0] * waveAmp);

for(var i=1; i < canvas.width; i++){

context.lineTo(i, waveAmp - fbData[i*stepInc] * waveAmp);


context.strokeStyle = "#fff";




</script> (Using Mozilla Audio Data API)

Native Video

Similar in nature to audio, the video element shares

many of the same attributes, have a similar syntax and

can be styled and manipulated with CSS and


<video src="video.mp4" controls></video>

Current Browser Support For Native Video Formats

Accessibility and HTML5

<img src="next_button.jpg" alt="Go to the next page.">


<img src="ceremony_photo.jpg">

<figcaption> Opening ceremony



Fallback content for audio and video


The HTML5 specification includes a new Geolocation

API, which allows for scripted access to geographical

location information associated with the a device's


Core part of implementation:

if (navigator && navigator.geolocation){

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geo_success, geo_error);


else {

error('GeoLocation is not supported.');


The navigator object gives us access to the new geolocation

object. The geolocation object has the following methods:

• getCurrentPosition returns the user's current position.

• watchPosition returns the user's current position, but also

continues to monitor the position and invoke the appropriate

callback every time the position changes.

• clearWatch this method ends the watchPosition method's

monitoring of the current position.

Position Error Codes

• 0 - Unknown

• 1 - Permission Denied

• 2 - Position Unavailable

• 3 - Timeout

Google vs MaxMind

Google offers the google.loader.ClientLocation object in its

Google Maps API v3 library, but it does not work for many

U.S. IP addresses

// If Navigator is not present use following as a fallback

else { printLatLong(geoip_latitude(), geoip_longitude(), true); }

function printLatLong(latitude, longitude, isMaxMind) {

$('body').append('<p>Lat: ' + latitude + '</p>');

$('body').append('<p>Long: ' + longitude + '</p>');

//if we used MaxMind for location add attribution link.

if (isMaxMind) { $('body').append('<p><a

href="" target="_blank">IP to

Location Service Provided }}

Reverse GeoCoding:

HTML5 supports reverse geocoding also.

Latitude and longitude coordinates --> human-friendly address.

Using Google Map API:

var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();

//turn coordicates into an object.

var yourLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude,


//find out info about our location.

geocoder.geocode({ 'latLng': yourLocation }, function (results,


* If we want to get directions from current location to a

specific location we need to use Google Maps JavaScript

API V3 libraries along with Jquery.

* we can set our travel modes like Driving

* we can set map types like roadmap


One of the most exciting additions to web pages to be

standardized by HTML5 is the

canvas element:

<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>


allows users to draw graphics such as lines, circles, fills, etc.

directly into a rectangle-shaped block element

in addition to drawing images manually, browsers can take

raw image data from an external image file and “draw” it

onto the canvas element

Editing canvas images then lends itself to the creation of


canvas elements can have transparency, which means they

can be layered or stacked on top of each other to create more

sophisticated graphical images/effects.

In essence, canvas is a dynamic image and not simply a

static PNG or JPEG file

*** The paths that you draw with API commands like

lineTo(...) are like vectors.

Some commonly used drawing commands in the Canvas API:

BeginPath(), ClosePath()

moveTo(x, y), lineTo(x, y)

rect(x, y, width, height)

arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadians, endAngleRadians,


Fill(), stroke()


Transparency :

mycontext.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,255,0.75)";

Dimensions :

<canvas id="mycanvas" width=" 200" height="200">


Gradients :

var lingrad = mycontext.createLinearGradient(20,20,40,60);

lingrad.addColorStop(0.3, "#0f0");

lingrad.addColorStop(1, "#fff");

mycontext.fillStyle = lingrad;

External Images Into Canvas :

var img = new Image();

img.onload = function() {

// note: we're calling against the "2d" context here

mycontext.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // draw the image at (0,0)


img.src = "http://somewhere/to/my/image.jpg";

Placing Text on canvas

mycontext.fillText("Hello World", 0, 25);

mycontext.strokeText("Hello World", 0, 75);

Animating canvas Drawings

Animation with the canvas element boils down to drawing a frame

of your animation,then a few milliseconds later, erasing that

drawing and re-drawing the next frame,probably with some

elements slightly moved or otherwise changed. If you

animate by showing the frames fast enough—around 20-30

frames per second—it generally looks like a smooth

animation of your shapes.

function erase_frame() {

mycanvas.width = mycanvas.width;


In the next presentations we will be covering programming part of

HTML5. It will include :

Local Sotrage



Offline Apps

Web Wrokers

Web Sockets

Some of the javascript tools

More on Css3