HR: Student Loan Repayment as Compensation

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of HR: Student Loan Repayment as Compensation

Student Loan Repayment

as an Employment Benefit

Kelvin Chu

Sean Feeney


● Traditionally, large employers trained their

own workforces (Examples: Nucor Steel,


● With the expansion of compulsory (and

public) schooling in the early 1900s,

industry collaborated with local schools on

skills and curriculum required of their

incoming workforceo Modern example: Kentucky Occupational Skill

Standards (KOSSA) high school assessment

o This also continues today in the form of candidate

pipelines at preferred colleges

The Perfect Storm

● As we became a post-industrial society

competing in a global knowledge economy,

college diplomas became a prerequisite to

the most basic of jobs

● This coincided witho The American business community expanding the

socialization of workforce training costs through

collaborations with schools

o College tuition rates rising much more rapidly than

the cost of inflation

o Public funding of college attendance not keeping

up with the rising costs

The Perfect Storm (in charts)

Private lenders begin

lobbying Congress

to remove student loan

bankruptcy protections

The Perfect Storm (in charts)



The Perfect Storm (in charts)

Yellow is inflation-adjusted state financial aid paid per student.

Red is inflation-adjusted out-of-pocket tuition costs paid after all

non-loan financial aid is exhausted.

The Problem

So what is “the other 98%” to do at the risk of

being unemployable? Take on student loans to

cover the difference.




The Problem

70% of undergrad students, of

your employee pipeline, now

have student loan debt


Student loan debt

disproportionately affects

minorities and those from less

advantaged households.● 81% of African-American grads

have student loan debt.2




4. Student Debt and the Class of 2013 - Institute For College Access and Success

The class of 2014 owed an

average of $33,000 per student.1

10% of students owe more than

$54,000.2 3% of students owe

more than $100,000.3

Why Should HR Care?

● Financially unstable employees are more likely to job

hop, seeking higher pay to try and cover student loans

which have no legal recourse for discharge.

● Student loan lenders are known to actively research

work phone numbers and disrupt your employees at

work, hounding them for repayment.

● Student loans disproportionately affect minorities,

making it that much more difficult to recruit and

retain a diverse workforce.

● Studies have found that “cumulative student loans

[are] significantly and inversely associated with better

psychological functioning.”

Sick of our loans: Student borrowing and the mental health of young

adults in the United States - Walsemann, Gee, Gentile

Why Should HR Care?

Studies have shown that higher levels of debt

can lead to stress, which can ultimately lead

to health issues

● ex. high blood pressure, heart disease,

anxiety, weaker immune system

● This would in turn increase healthcare costs

for businesses

The high price of debt - Sweet, Nandi, Adam, McDade

The Opportunity

● With the competition for talent

being fierce, companies are

turning to exotic / fringe benefits

to recruit and retain employees.

(Examples: Facebook, Google)

● To stand out to prospective

employees, and retain the ones

you have, you should offer

student loan reimbursement as a

form of compensation.

(NPR) - Kelsey

Griffith of Ottawa,

OH, graduated

with a 4-year

degree from Ohio


University with

$120,000 in debt.

The payments

start at $900/mo.


The Small Leap to SL Reimbursement

● Many companies, acknowledging the edge

that higher education offer its workforce,

have long offered tuition assistance as a

form of benefit.

● This benefit is often structured as a

reimbursement after a course has been


● We propose expanding this into post-

tuition reimbursement (student loan


Best Practices - Retain

“While a repayment program will likely bring significant

costs, it will pay dividends in the long run.” -Ann Hollingsworth, HR, Memorial Hermann Health System

● MHHS in Houston, Texas is one of the latest employers

to set up a student loan repayment benefit program.

● Full-time and part-time employees who have earned a

degree within the last three years are eligible.

● Employees must commit to stay with MHHS for at least

two years after the final loan repayment.

● The program is paid for through the lower, overall

cost of hiring people due to a higher retention rate

and increased productivity from more engaged



Best Practices - Recruit

● Montana found it difficult to recruit public

school teachers in rural areas.

● The Office of Public Instruction set up a

student loan repayment assistance program

for targeted areas.

● Teachers were eligible for student loan

repayment assistance of up to $3,000 a year

for four years, for a total of up to $12,000.

● 141 teachers were awarded $417,000 in

student loan repayment assistance.

● Mississippi has a similar program.

If Montana HB341

passes, all Montana

employers would

get a tax credit of up

to $450/ employee

annually for up to

three years against

either their

corporate or

individual tax

income, if they

directly kick in

$1,800 to lower their

employee’s student

loan debt.

Best Practices - Public Sector

● If your employees qualify as public

servants, the Consumer Financial

Protection Bureau recommends structuring

your student loan repayment program

around existing government student loan

forgiveness programs.

● Help your employees fill out the Public

Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)


● Directly make the monthly loan payments

for your employees, instead of providing

the benefit in a lump-sum.

Cincinnati City Councilman

P.G. Sittenfeld in 2014

announced the city’s

College Affordability

Assistance Program, which

educates employees about

PSLF and helps them with

the paperwork.