Hr Related Slides Fedex

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Transcript of Hr Related Slides Fedex

© 2009 Federal Express Corporation. All rights reserved.

Reducing your administration by implementing PeopleSoft HRMS

•Janny Ekelson , Manager IT Applications & Architecture

• Lydia Berben, Senior HRIS Analyst


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Introduction: About FedEx

About FedEx Corp

– Over 38 Billion USD – Daily Over 7 Million shipments

– Over 290.000 team members worldwide– Includes Express, Freight, Ground, Office, Custom Critical and Services

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Introduction: About FedEx

About FedEx Express

– World's largest express transportation company– Revenue: over 24 Billion USD

– Serving over 220 countries (375 airports)– Serving 3.4 million packages per day – Over 670 airplanes and 44000 vans

– More than143.000 employees at FedEx Express, approximately 13.500 employees in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Indian Sub-continent (EMEA)

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Project - Phases

Pre-Project (complete)

1. PUMA: PeopleSoft Upgrade to Move Ahead2. Project Scoping - Charter3. Request for Proposal 4. Selection Systems Integrator - Oracle5. Funding of project6. Approval from Business teams

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Project - Phases

Phase 1 (complete)

1. Technical upgrade HCM 8.3 to 8.9 (off-site) with re-application of selected customisations (On-site)

2. Technical upgrade PeopleTools 8.21 -> 8.48 (Off-site)3. Vanilla implementation new modules e-Profile and e-Development4. Rollout Manager and Employee Self Service (phase 1)5. User Productivity Kit (UPK) implementation for training and manuals

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Project - Phases

Phase 2 (complete)

1. Rollout Manager and Employee Self Service (phase 2)2. Implementation Administer Training – Self Service3. Implement customised module for Tuition Assistance – Self Service

Phase 3 (to start)

1. Vanilla implementation (pilot) new module e-Performance2. Implementation of Absence management

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Project – Methodology & Approach

Based on Compass Methodology of Oracle

• Workshops to explain ‘vanilla ’ modules• Functional specifications for identified customisations• Programming and technical specifications

• IT testing on development & test database• User Acceptance testing by HR Services and Management• Training & job-aids

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Project – Methodology & Approach

Compass Methodology linked to FedEx GDP Process

• GDP: Global development process• Standard process used for IT development• Use of standard toolset

• Including workflow approvals & SOx compliance for move to production process

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Project Organization

Project Team

Component Project TeamsOracle technical ConsultantsFedex Technical resources

Component Project TeamsOracle Functional Consultants

Fedex Business Users

Program ManagementFedex & Oracle Project Managers

FedexSteering Committee

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Project Follow-up

� Monthly Steering committee including– HR director– IT director

– Project managers

� Weekly project manager meeting� Quarterly update to IT and HR Vice-President

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Technical Architecture - Production

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


KNO (Melsbroek)

BRU (Brussels Downtown)

Application ServerHP DL380 (2 * 3.4GHz,4GB

RAM, 4*72 GB Disk)Linux RedHat 4.0(32b)

Failover ProductionGollum

Oracle 10G DB Server + Process Scheduler(SQR,Compiled C)4CPU/ 8GB RAM

HP-UX 11.23

Webserver + Report Server

HP DL380 (2 * 3.4GHz,4GB RAM, 4*72

GB Disk)Linux RedHat 4.0(32b)

Application ServerHP DL380 (2 *

3.4GHz,4GB RAM, 4*72 GB Disk)

Linux RedHat 4.0(32b)

DR = Disaster Recovery


PROPOSED HRIS PeopleSoft Architecture - Production

EMC Disks


EMC Disks


ProductionOracle 10G DB Server

Process Scheduler(SQR,Compiled C) + Rp3440 4 CPU/8 GB

RAMNew Server

HP-UX 11.23

Webserver + Report Server (DR)

HP DL380 (2 * 3.4GHz,4GB RAM, 4*72

GB Disk)Linux RedHat 4.0(32b)

Veritas Global Cluster

Content Switch Module

Process Scheduler(Crystals + App Engines)

HP DL380 (2 * 3.4GHz,4GB RAM, 4*72 GB Disk)

Windows 2003

FAILOVER Process Scheduler(Crystals + App

Engines)HP DL380 (2 *

3.4GHz,4GB RAM, 4*72 GB Disk)

Windows 2003

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Technical Architecture – Dev & UAT

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA



E M C Disks

D evelop /Tes t/AcceptancePeopleS oft W ebS erver +

App lica tion S erver + R eport Server

N ew ServerH P DL380 (2 * 3 .4G H z,4G B

R AM , 4*72 G B D isk)L inux R edHat 4 .0(32b)

D evelop/T est/Acceptance

Process S cheduler(PS UN X) +

O racle 10 G D atabase Server

Faram irH P11.11

D evelop/Tes t/AcceptanceProcess Scheduler (PSN T )

N ew ServerH P DL380 (2 * 3 .4G H z,4G B

R AM , 4*72 G B D isk)W indow s 2003

P R O P O S E D H R IS P eop leS oft A rch itecture – D eve lopm ent, T est, A cceptance

K N O (M e lsbroek)

D em o/S ysPeopleSoft W ebServer +

App lica tion Server + R eport Server

rem brandtVM W AR E

Linux RedH at 4 .0(32 b)

D em o/SysProcess S cheduler (PS NT )

fidoHP D L380 (2 * 3 .4G H z,4G B

R AM , 4*72 G B Disk )W indows 2003

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Phase 1 Technical upgrade

Mar May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct



Database Oracle Off-Site (SSI)Migration


Oracle On-Site

TMTP = Test Move to ProductionUAT = User Acceptance Testing

Technical upgrade SSI


Re-apply phase

Train Project Team

Fit -Gap

Set-up Build





Oracle Db and OS migration

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Phase 2 – Functional rollout

Timelines: � Analysis: March to May 2008� Development: May to June 2008� IT Testing: July 2008

– Defects logged in Mercury QC: 129

� UAT across HR teams in EMEA: August 2008– Defects logged in Mercury QC: 17

� Training (by HR Services) and prepare MTP: September / October 2008

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Employee Self Service (ESS) – Goals

� Rollout full use of eProfile (with update capabilit ies for employees)

� Review, add, update, or delete personal information

� Available in multiple languages (English, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, German, and French)

� Additional functionality and changes required when the vanilla workflow did not reflect the actual process at FedE x

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Employee Self Service (ESS) – Customisations

� HR approval needed to be replaced by Manager approv al: e.g. “Name Change” and “Address Change”

� Additional notifications were required to HR, Payro ll and Compensation & Benefits: e.g. “Marital Status Chang e” and “Dependent Data”

� Extra fields needed to be added: e.g. Home/Work dis tance & transportation mode

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Employee Self Service (ESS)– Overview functionalities

� Data that the employee can view and change and change :– Phone Numbers– Emergency Contacts– Email Addresses– Marital Status– Dependent Data– Professional Training

� Data that the employee can view and change if approved by mgr :– Name– Home and Mailing Address– Training Enrollment– Tuition Assistance Request

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Employee Self Service (ESS)– Process

� The Employee updates their own data

� If an approval is required, the Manager receives an email with a link to the approval page or they can go via the MSS men u to the approval page

� If the Manager approves, the database is updated

� Notification emails are sent

� If the Employee has no access to a PC, updates can be done by the Manager

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Employee Self Service (ESS)– Overview approvals & notifications

Update Approval Notification

Personal Information

1) Change name Empl Mgr Payroll, HRS

2) Change home/mailing addressEmpl Mgr Payroll, HRS, C&B

3) Change phone numbers Empl Mgr

4) Change emergency contactsEmpl Mgr

5) Change email address Empl Mgr

6) Change marital status Empl Payroll, HRS, Mgr

Dependent data Empl Payroll, HRS

Learning and development

Professional training Empl Mgr

Training enrollment Empl Mgr

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS) – Goals

� Possibility to update the personal data, dependent data, emergency contacts for the direct reports

� Maintain additional job related data: e.g. Identifi cation Data, Driver’s License, Company Property, Awards

� Previous FedEx customisations needed to be kept: M anage Vendors, Manpower Requisitions (eMPR), Performance Reviews, Variable pay (MBO/PBO & Purple Promise)

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Customizations

� Possibility to update the Professional Training for their employee

� Existing transactions were customised: additional f ields for salary changes, data checks, attachments, automatic updat e of positionAND job data

� Some completely new transactions were added: “Caree r Progression” and “Job Reclassification/Job Title Cha nge”

� All notifications and approval emails needed to go to the Manager level above if Manager position was not filled

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS) – New functionalities

� Transactions that the Manager can do directly in th e system :– Career Progression– Promotion/ Demotion /Lateral job change– Job Title change / Job Reclassification– Reporting change– Change of Working Hours or FT/PT status– Termination

� Improved MSS menu– Easier to navigate for the Manager in the new menu– Link added to the hard copy forms remaining

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS) – Process new transactions

� The Manager of the Employee (Originator) starts the transaction

– The Manager needs to enter the date the transaction will take effect. They will be able to process only those employees that report to them as of this date.

� Select the Employee, enter the transaction details and submit– Checks are done on data entered by the Manager to prevent errors (new salary

between minimum & maximum of salary scale, valid job codes, etc.)– The Manager can attach documents for certain transactions

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS) – Process new transactions

� In case of Promotion/Demotion/Lateral job change or Reporting change the new Manager of the Employee (New Supervisor) needs to give their approval

– If the new supervisor is the same as the current Manager, the Manager needs to enter their own name and a link will appear enabling them to complete the required information

� Local HR approves/denies the transaction and update s the database if required

– Upon approval by HR all data entered by the Manager will be automatically updated in the system (provided effective date is > last row in the employee’s job data)

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS) – Process new transactions

� A notification email is sent to the Originator with the approval/denial of their request and comments from HR

– The new supervisor is in copy of the HR approval/denial email

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Overview approvals & notifications

Job and Personal Information Update Request




& Update Notification

Personal Information

1) Change name Mgr Payroll, HRS

2) Change home/mailing address Mgr Payroll, HRS, C&B

3) Change phone numbers Mgr

4) Change emergency contacts Mgr

5) Change email address Mgr

6) Change marital status Mgr Payroll, HRS

Dependant data Mgr Payroll, HRS

Identification data Mgr

Employee Drivers License Mgr

Company property Mgr

Career progression Mgr HR Mgr

Job Title Change/Job Reclassification Mgr HR Mgr

FT/PT Status - Working Hours Mgr HR Mgr

Promotion/Demotion/Lat job change Mgr


Supervisor HR

Originator, New


Reporting change Mgr


Supervisor HR

Originator, New


Terminate employee Mgr HR Mgr

Learning and development

Employee Awards Mgr

Professional training Mgr

Training enrollment Mgr Mgr

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example paper copy CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Manager Self Service (MSS)– Example transaction CareerProgression

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Online Job Aids

� Accessible via the ‘Job Aids’ menu in PeopleSoft HR � Can be viewed in 4 playback modes of User Productiv ity Kit

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Online Job Aids

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Online Job Aids

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Results – General

� FedEx works with a supported version of PeopleSoft HR

� Employees have the possibility to update their own information via Employee Self Service

� For the majority of employee data changes, Managers no longer have to use paper forms but only need to enter limi ted data online via Manager Self Service

� The status of a request can be traced via the PS me nu or notifications

� The majority of data changes no longer needs to be updated manually by HR in the system

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Results – Figures (from 20/10/08 until 01/03/09)

� ESS– 241 Address Changes– 47 Marital Status Changes

– 21 Name Changes– 19 Training Enrollments

� MSS– 101 Career Progressions– 72 Job Reclassifications/Job Title Changes– 279 Working Hours Changes

– 238 Promotions/Demotions/Lateral Job Changes– 621 Reporting Changes– 289 Terminations

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Results – Figures (from 20/10/08 until 01/03/09)

� Training Administration– 251 Tuition Requests– 117 Training Enrollments

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Results – Feedback from HR & Management

� User friendly� No duplication of work� Less room for error� Very fast turn around of data changes� Easy overview in the menu� Notifications with links & comments� High reduction of time spent on administration � Big decrease in number of emails & paper work� Information is readily available to all parties con cerned (no more

lost or illegible forms)

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Lessons Learned

� Spend enough time and effort explaining the new fun ctionality to all stakeholders (via demo’s, workshops) to ensure buy- in from the business

� Check requirements with all end users and obtain si gn off onfunctional specifications

� Customisations that have a similar workflow and lay out, should be developed by the same developer to avoid rework

� Extend the IT test period and have more end users involved (prior to UAT testing), who can then see the result of the programming

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Lessons Learned

� Request regular feedback from the business on devel opments that are ready, to avoid programming changes after the g o-live

� Ensure enough focus is given to testing existing pr ocesses and not only to the customisations

� Build in extra time between end of IT test phase an d UAT test phase so that IT issues can be fixed before start of UAT, likewise between the UAT and go-live

� Plan sufficient time for the development of end-use r training material and job aids (can only be produced once al l IT and UAT test issues have been fixed)

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


� Introduction � PUMA project ‘an overview’� Employee Self Service� Manager Self Service� Job aids� Results� Lessons learned� Next steps

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Next steps

� Set up additional transactions– Retire

� Competency Management– Compency Models are being reviewed

� ePerformance– To replace customised Performance Review & Variable Pay systems

� Absence Management– To replace customised modules – More focus on Employee Self Service functionality and reporting

� PeopleSoft 9.1 ?

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Questions ?

Questions ? Remarks ? Feedback ?

Janny Ekelson & Lydia Berben FedEx EMEA


Tuesday, April 07, 2009