How Working Mothers Positively Affect Their Children

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of How Working Mothers Positively Affect Their Children

How Working Mothers Positively

Affect Their ChildrenCreated by Erica Yitzhak

Around three-quarters of American mothers are

working away from their homes. According to Pew

Research Center, 41 percent of adults believe that the

increase in working mothers is bad for society, while

only 22 percent feel that it’s good. Nevertheless, there

is more and more evidence showing that having a

working mother has economic, educational and social

benefits for all children.

Kids of working moms learn from an early age that all women

don’t just spend their time as homemakers and that they have

the opportunity to have a professional career. Young girls will

watch their mothers having a career and a family and realize

that they can aspire to be whatever they want. Young boys, on

the other hand, will learn that household chores come with

being apart of a family.

Role Model

Economic Benefit

When a family is receiving two incomes they become

better off financially. Having two incomes as opposed to

one will benefit everyone. Additionally, not having to rely

on your husband for money is extremely important. You

are able to spend your money how you’d like while

contributing to bills, which gives you a sense of

accomplishment and freedom.

Kid's Behavioral Issues

Many mothers believe that if they don’t spend enough time

with their kids that their kids might develop behavioral

problems. Research conducted since 1960 has shown that

that opposite is actually true. Kids of working mom’s

actually behave better than kids of stay-at-home mothers.


It is never beneficial for children to be around frustrated and

depressed parents. Statistics show that stay-at-home mom’s

are more likely to suffer from depression. Getting out of the

house and working and having something to focus on and call

your own is extremely important to keep mothers minds


Independent Kids

Children of working mothers understand what it means to be

independent. They see their mothers working and taking

control of their own lives and balancing everything that they

have to do without relying on others to help them. These

children have to do more things for themselves when their

mothers are at work while their mother sets the example of

working and being independent.

While there are some cons to being a

working mother, the benefits truly

outweigh the negatives. Children learn so

much from looking up to a working mother

and you, as a working mom, can reap the

benefits as well!